Charlotte Hilton Andersen is a health, lifestyle and fitness expert, teacher, and author of The Great Fitness Experiment.

I’ve been a journalist for 17+ years, covering everything from racism in healthcare and how to be happy to celebrity interviews (Queen Latifah was my favorite) to 16 reasons your butthole itches. I even wrote an entire article with experts and everything to answer the age-old question of “Is it safe to pee in the shower?” (Yes, yes it is. Pee with impunity my wet friends!)
I currently write for a wide variety of publications and sites, including these, with links to my author bios:
- Reader’s Digest
- The Healthy
- O Magazine
- Cosmopolitan
- Shape
- Redbook
- Women’s Health
- Seventeen
- Men’s Health
- What to Expect When You’re Expecting
- Creaky Joints
- She Knows
- Reader’s Digest Canada
- Yahoo
- The Huffington Post
I’ve won multiple journalism awards including an Eddie award for my early coverage of Covid-19. (No one knows what that is. I don’t care, I’m still proud of it!)

I’ve written five books, published two books, and ghost authored two books for (minor) celebrities. I’ve done a book tour (not as fun as it sounds) and have been interviewed on TV a bunch of times (also not as fun as it sounds).
About me
Dancing is my favorite hobby and I do it as much as my old-person knees allow. I work at a gym teaching slightly slutty dance classes, hip hop, barre, Pilates, kickboxing (with twerking) and other group fitness classes. Check out my YouTube channel for all my dance choreography tutorial videos and my dance instagram What I Wore To The Gym! I’ve worked as a personal trainer and fitness instructor for 10+ years.
I love to collect vintage dresses and cosplay.
Before I was a writer, I had a whole-ass career in education and was a tenure-track college professor for 7 years. I have a dual master’s degree in education and information systems and a bachelor’s degree in psychology… and I work in none of those fields. But hey learning for the sake of learning is fun, right?
I am married and the mother of six children, currently living in Denver.