I had a lovely informative post set for tonight about how about how our sleep patterns affect our hunger cycles (scintillating!) but I had to drop everything when this happened:
Yes, these are MANTIES. (Panties for men in case you didn’t catch that. It’s late, I’m tired. And also hungry… if only I knew if there was a connection!)
Gym Buddies Jeni, Megan and I came across them in the gym parking lot this evening after finishing up a sweat-soaked TurboKick class and my presentation/book signing afterwards. Since only a handful of people showed up to my book event – which didn’t bother me in the least since it was 8 times as many as showed up to my last two book signings combined (Holla TurboJennie, Katie, Michelle, Becky, Melissa, Jeni, Megan, Kim, Other Megan and Mike Who Bought Two Copies Of My Book!!) – and they’re all people who not only know my bra size and shoe brand but pretty much every Gym Adventure I’ve had, I decided to forgo the presentation and just do what we do best: discuss gym- inappropriate subjects! What was the topic of the night? Undies, of course!
How did these get here? How did the owner not notice they were missing? Should we take these in to the lost and found? With tongs?? So many questions.
It all started when Jeni asked me to tell the story about how I split my pants in boot camp. Short version: I was being a show-off and snapped myself reaaalllly hard across the butt with my rope. My tight Lycra pants ripped like nylons. It was bad enough that my favorite capris now had a quarter-sized hole and I had a red, stingy welt that would remind me not to show off every time I sat down but, as I explained to my little group, “I wasn’t wearing underwear.”
“Wait, WHAT?!” Jeni gasped. “Who doesn’t wear underwear when they’re working out??”
“Well of course I wear them when I have on looser pants or shorts but some bottoms are made to be worn without underwear,” I backpedaled. “You know they have that sewn-in crotch thingy? A gusset?”
“Yeah and so do nylons and I wouldn’t wear those without underwear either!”
It was at this point I started looking to all the other girls for support.
“I always wear underwear,” Gym Buddy Megan shrugged.
“Unless you’re wearing the running shorts with the mesh undies!” What? I’ve run with that girl plenty of times.
“I’d wear underwear under those too!” Jeni exclaimed.
“That’s like wearing two pairs of underwear at the same time…” I started.
“I’m wearing two pairs right now!” she finished. “I need my support!” Her face lit up, “Although, that would explain why when I look around the room in Turbo I don’t ever see panty lines!”
“They could be wearing thongs,” Megan pointed out. At which point I’ll stop writing verbatim what we said as we then launched into a very detailed discussion of whether or not thongs are comfortable and/or hygienic. At the end of the conversation it was suggested that I, naturally, ask my readers to weigh in on The Great Underwear Debate. I took it as a sign that it was meant to be when we walked outside and came across the manties. Obviously someone was wearing underwear at the gym… until they weren’t.
Please please take my poll and let me know how you feel about workout underwear! I’m hoping you prove me right (or perhaps you’ll teach me that I’ve been wrong all along about the purpose of those sewn-in crotch thingies.) And don’t worry, we’ll return to less frivolous subjects tomorrow! (Unless I come across something else disgusting in the parking lot and force my friends to sit by it so I can take their picture.)
Commando can be a wonderful thing
Somehow I thought you’d be on my side, lol!
Commando is always a wonderful thing!
One can see the strangest things on the side of the road. One friend saw her sock, that she lost in the laundry. We theorized that the sock was left in the dryer, caught in someone else’s pant leg, and made it outside without the person realizing. This was obviously a drawn out discussion.
So, this post is near and dear to me, because I originally found this blog trying to figure out whether to wear undies with lululemons. I figured out a few months later that the solution was to wear lululemon undies- the technithong or technikini (which are crazy comfortable, and made of meshy material, so they don’t collect any sweat! TMI?). It’s not that I don’t trust luon (lululemon fabric), because I do….I just also really think undies are a required item for my life.
LOVE the Lululemon undies!!!! (And the discussion about the sock, lol!)
Okay this is hilarious!! I love that a) you FOUND the sock and b) you analyzed it. Awesome. And I remember now that you told me that’s how you found me! I will forever be linked with gym moonings in your mind;) I keep wanting to try those lulu undies but they’re just so darn pricey…
I don’t work out, at least not in the gym, but bike shorts and skorts are meant to be worn commando! Many women are surprised to learn this (check out women’s cycling forums sometime). The whole idea is that there is *less* pinching and binding!
This gets me thinking about the discussions I’ve had with more conservative women (I’m kind of a hippie–I like to be free!) about the appropriate level of nudity in a women’s locker room! And what constitutes “parading around”. I bet you’ve already covered that topic. Our culture is funny.
That was kind of my thought. The underwear just seems to add an extra wedgie layer. And while I’m not much of a prude in the locker room – go nude, won’t bother me! – it does bug me when people don’t put a towel down on the bench before sitting on it.
I’m an underwear girl through and through. Sorry.
But hey – I think you’ll appreciate this: https://makingfoodandotherstuff.wordpress.com/2010/05/15/im-still-crafty/
On the bike I go commando, but ALWAYS wear underwear- including 2 bras if I am running (though my girls aren’t that big- I just prefer them to NOT MOVE AT ALL!).
When I was at a training academy I managed to leave a Hansel and Gretel like trail of underwear from my room to the gym which I only discovered on the way back from the gym- hint:Never hide your underwear in your gym towel when there is a snap room inspection.
Hey I’m not that big either and I generally wear two bras. Keeps the girls facing, ahem, forward.
Sorry, I’m an underwear girl myself. But much of it is sport specific (for others…I still go with underwear).
Here’s something to add to the stats: http://www.fitsugar.com/Best-Underwear-Workouts-14323351
Yes, underwear is a HUGE fitness topic, apparently.
I think the major issue is whether or not it’s enough to prevent the dreaded camel-toe. (It’s just weird, who LOOKS at that? Apparently, my friends…they made a comment about what our instructor wears…I was all…ewwww, WHY would you look, WHY, WHY, WHY????). Also, how many layers of fabric do you feel comfortable between the equipment and the last person who used it?
More reasonably, I think the manties fell out of someone’s gym bag.Or someone who desperately needs a gym bag instead of a rolled up towel.
Good point about the camel toe! It seems to happen pretty regularly with or without undies – I honestly don’t notice it either. I think I’m just used to how women look in yoga pants so it goes right past me.
I’m with you, Charlotte! No undies if at all possible. In fact, I had NO idea so many women out there had such firm beliefs that undies should always be worn. What about when swimming? That’s clearly a no undie event. My thing is that I don’t want one more layer of clothing soaking up sweat and getting funky. Plus, I can’t get thru a trip to the post office without a wedgie or some other sort of undergarment malfunction, I certainly don’t need that in my workouts. Never mind two pairs!! And thongs are Satan’s dental floss.
I too, believe in letting the gusset serve its purpose. Also have found through unpleasant experimentation that the gussets in higher priced fitness clothing are generally of better quality. The gussets on the cheapo spandex from Walmart do not suffice. Oh, and I only wear black colored bottoms with no undies. Not only to avoid revealing some very personal sweat patterns, but black fabric is more concealing in general.
“And thongs are Satan’s dental floss.” Hahahahahaha! Too funny.
Ok, THANK YOU! I was beginning to think I am insane. “Thongs are Satan’s dental floss” !!! Love!
I must be a prude, because I am just slightly horrified at the thought of the women at my gym sitting on the exercise bikes sans underwear (or doing anything sans underwear really :s). The ONLY time I am without undies is in the shower or when swimming (I really hate the feeling of nakedness when they’re not on…..it’s kind of reassuring to have them there :P). *Blush*.
….but they are wearing pants!?
Yes, but generally those cheap and thin spandex/cotton type leggings that I don’t suspect have any kind of a centre pocket at all :s
I can see getting grossed out by someone with loose shorts and no undies (NO skin on the bike seat please!) but the longer pants or bike shorts I think make an effective barrier. Most of them are pretty thick Spandex…
Maybe my gyms different, but the one’s there are thin, thin, thin (like if you bend over in them you can see skin colour through them thin). Like I said, it’s just me, I’m an undie kind of girl, without them I feel far too naked!
I bet you’re not married!!!!!!
I really don’t care what people do or don’t do with their underwear (or not) as long as I don’t have to be part of it. Meaning–NO ONE should make a gaping (meaning crotch) display in the locker room so that I have the word “Hustler” on my mind every time I see that person. Also–NO ONE has the right to sit on a public bench in the women’s locker room when they are naked. How gross is that? (Yes, I spray down and sanitize a certain bench as often as possible!)
Clarification: meaning naked on the bench with no towel on the surface.
Buwhahah thanks for clarifying! And yes, I totally agree – no bare butts on the bench!
I’ve definitely walked home from the gym a good few times sans-underwear (those tiny shower stalls + me flailing around trying to get undressed? Underwear often ends up on the floor in skanky water!) but I’ve never knowingly been underwear-free whilst using gym equipment. I’d feel far too self conscious! VPL for me
Ew! I’ve totally dropped my underwear in a puddle. My kids do it all the time too (darn swim lessons).
I buy all my pants at the men’s department and wear comfy undies under them. Comfy, panty line free and camel toe free solution. Thongs give me the creeps.
Underwear, always. We had a similar discussion on Saturday at a bout when someone was backing into a corner to change because she wasn’t wearing anything under her fishnets. (Roller derby :)) There’s private panties and then there’s public panties… you should always have private panties on, just in case something goes wrong. You don’t want to be the one who has an awkward fall, and has several hundred people see her lady parts.
Oh wow, fishnets with no undies is def. too bare for me! The more I hear about roller derby the more I love it!
Bike shorts with the pad and running shorts: no underwear. Yoga pants or Zumba/dancewear pants: thong.
I just purchased some new running shorts. Wore them with underoos the first time, it was slightly more uncomfortable than I had expected. Then I tried them sans underthings and realized that is how they were meant to be worn.
I wish I hadn’t worn underwear during my first marathon, the panty lines in my photos are quite unflattering.
“Then I tried them sans underthings and realized that is how they were meant to be worn.” Yep – my feelings too.
I hate visible panty line under my spandex gym/running capris or tighter shorts so I never wear underwear with those. And the shorts with the built in liner? I’m with you, Charlotte, why would you wear underwear with those??
I always wear boxer briefs & compression shorts under my gym shorts.
The compression shorts are key to keep my inner thighs from getting chafed and for modesty concerns when I’m on the ground doing certain moves (reverse crunches anyone?) that cause my shorts to ride waaaaaaay up.
Good point! I hadn’t thought about the dudes’ point of view on this one!
Nope. No way. No undies here in any workout clothes. its freaking hot enough as it is here and to add another layer is ridic! we have had this same discussion at some of the ladies running clinics etc and its always the majority that go sans undies with workout stuff. heck it irks me to have any undergarments on most of the other times too.
I think maybe you mentioned something about this before, so I tried one of my marathon training runs in my running tights without underwear and…luckily it was a short one, because that added an extra level of chafing that was. not. cool. Maybe it was just those ones that created that problem for me. At this point I’d be up for giving it another go, especially for gym-going, but I only have one pair of my favorite workout pants and they can last through about 3 workouts if I wear underwear with them. If I didn’t…not so much.
Yes, this seems to be something I post on about once a year, lol! Sorry it didn’t work for you! Good point about the washing – you def. have to wash more sans undies!
I’m with you, I’m anti-undies
(I also hate the word undies.)
That is kind of an ookie word…
Hmm. I always wear underwear and have never thought not to. I avoid spandex panty lines with thongs but can’t really imagine wearing nothing at all! This topic is great.
Yoga shorts (the tight ones that are like bicycling shorts) and running shorts (if running) = no undies for this girl.
Then again if my sports top has a good built in bra, I don’t wear a bra underneath either (I imagine at least some of the girls in your group do that)
Most of us have had kids so even the smallest of us (ME) still have to wear some kind of sports bra with the shelf liner. Sigh…
As someone who is accident prone, I always wear underwear. I love the retro boy short type. They don’t leave underwear lines and don’t ride up. Plus I found some that are made with a fine mesh lace material that are sexy and never show lines at target, love that store.
Didn’t you do a post awhile back on all the nasties you can catch at the gym? I sanitize everything at the gym before I use it, but it still freaks me out a bit.
By accident prone I meant that I am clumsy, just realized that might come off as a I need depends kind of accident. Lol
ROFL. I didn’t read it that way but now that you clarified….
I like the boy short undies too! Gotta look for those mesh ones at Target.
I just thought the little cotton sewn-in crotch in spandex was just to continue the air-flow while still wearing underwear — helps decrease a yeast-friendly environment. Honestly, I hadn’t thought much more about it. If nothing shows, then do what’s comfortable.
Caution: While we were driving, my family and I saw this cyclist that obviously wasn’t wearing underwear under his bike shorts because it had worn so thin! We could see almost everything. BUY NEW CLOTHING WHEN OLD ONES ARE WEARING THIN! Or at least bend over in them and do a mirror check. LOL!
Good point about the thinness – I once got an eyeful during the abs portion of an aerobics class for that same reason. I’m talking full anatomical detail, not just an outline. It was a powerful lesson!
@@ HELLO!! (Awkward…)
I always wear undies. No matter what. I don’t feel comfortable otherwise!
this is so funny! manties… totally had a lol moment (at work! so sneaky…. not!). I agree with you – some pants are made to be work without panties…. but I can’t work out in a thong
UNDERWEAR!!! Underwear, underwear, underwear!!! I always wear underwear…can’t actually imagine trying to get through Turbo without it. Panty lines be damned–I’m wearing underwear! (Although I DO hate when it sticks out over the back of my pants. I am forever adjusting. What’s THAT solution?)
I SO wish I could have stayed last night, but Little Brother was chomping at the bit to get home. (Literally. He tried to take my shirt off and nurse in the hallway of our apartment building.)
Hahah – no worries! I pretty much just caught you up on what you missed!
For looser garments I wear underwear. Nothing is worse than a runners stretch crotch shot. But for the spandex type bottoms with the built in crotches I go panty free and up until this post, I’d expected that everyone else did it too. First, I’d rather not have to worry about panty lines. It’s one of those weird obsessions I have but I can’t stand them. Second, it seems to me, that on the few occasions in which I have worn undies under supposedly undie-free pants, they have ridden sky high within minutes. So uncomfortable! and awkward to say the least.
” But for the spandex type bottoms with the built in crotches I go panty free and up until this post, I’d expected that everyone else did it too. First, I’d rather not have to worry about panty lines. It’s one of those weird obsessions I have but I can’t stand them. Second, it seems to me, that on the few occasions in which I have worn undies under supposedly undie-free pants, they have ridden sky high within minutes. So uncomfortable! and awkward to say the least.’ ME TOO. Exactly.
I wear undies under everything. I care more about potential camel toe than panty lines. Also, I feel like there is less jiggle if I have on undies.
When I was in middle school I went on a camping trip with a friend. When we went to shower she couldn’t find her undies anywhere. On our walk back to the camper we found them lying on the side of the road. I thought it was hysterical. She less so. But this was the same friend who found out in third period that she had a pair of (clean) undies static clinging to the back of her jeans. Not sure if she works out in undies or not.
I would think after all that trauma she’d go commando for the rest of her life! Eek.
I always wear underwear — even with running shorts that have built in mesh underwear. Usually I just cut that part out and then it isn’t like wearing two pairs.
With the exception of bike shorts or in the swimming pool, I always wear some sort of underwear. Two reasons: first, support. We guys do need to keep things still down there.
Second, modesty. Remember, if a woman exposes some naughty bits, the guys in the gym get a thrill and the worst she gets is a little embarrassment. If a guy exposes his junk, the women get upset and the guy faces an indecent exposure charge!
“if a woman exposes some naughty bits, the guys in the gym get a thrill and the worst she gets is a little embarrassment. If a guy exposes his junk, the women get upset and the guy faces an indecent exposure charge!” Excellent point! I hadn’t considered that! Although I will point out again that if there is ANY chance of flashing some naughty bits, I always err on the safe side with undies!
I don’t put a whole lot of thought into it…I usually go work out straight from work, so if I happened to wear underwear that day, then I’ve got underwear on. If not, then no.
I never, ever wear underwear when I work out. Sweaty underwear might be the most uncomfortable thing in the world, and I don’t know, wearing sweaty cotton just seems unhygienic to me. I prefer for my lady parts to be able to breathe!
If i’m wearing shorts with built-in undies, then i go commando. I think of it as a way to extend the life of my delicate Hanky Panky knock-offs. But if those shorts are loose and there’s nothing built-in, I keep ’em on. I’m not trying to give anyone a free show!
Yep, definitely no free show here either!
I just can’t bring myself to ride the bike without undies…it would just be wrong.That being said I am thong thong thong all the way. Seriously the best for comfort and no lines. I just can’t do commando…it feels so odd I can’t concentrate on what I’m supposed to be doing
I’m an underwear wearer. For me, it’s all about comfort so I sport my microfiber granny panties under my workout pants. I don’t even care about panty lines because I prefer to just focus on getting through my workout. Yeah, I’m hot…
I wear underwear.
I’m getting more relaxed about everything and I don’t really care what other people do.
I always wear underwear and prefer cotton while working out. I need to breathe, but do not think that those mesh undies do the trick. Only time I wore those was after giving birth in the hospital. Uncomfortable!
Hey I LOVED those mesh panties in the hospital! I even asked for extra pairs to take home. Wore them nonstop for the first 6 weeks post partum!
I’m with you Charlotte! If the pants are form fitting and have a gusset, or the shorts have a built in liner, there’s no need for underwear. There’s nothing I hate more during a run than having a monster wedgie!
LOVE the picture!!!!!!!!
I also wear the undies, sort of. Usually a thong, so I have no VPL when I’m standing in front of my class.
I also see undergarments on the road with alarming frequency. But then I live in California…
I also have to wonder about those who are offended by nudity in the locker room. Really?! It’s curious.
I feel like I should ask for more explanation of this: “I also see undergarments on the road with alarming frequency. But then I live in California…” but perhaps I don’t want to know?
Hee! Well, I figure, given the particular area of California we live in, there’s quite a bit of, um, recreational herbal usage. Which, I understand, can lead to an urge to be free of the constraints of clothing.
Well, according to this Alyssa: you’re not allowed to “parade around”:
Also according to that site, you’re not allowed to have nude conversations.
I was on another forum once where it was pretty clear that some people think “parading around” is just about anything that doesn’t involve hurriedly undressing, dressing, or showering.
My coworker confessed to me that she dresses and undresses in a toilet stall.
I don’t want to hijack the panties thread with this topic, but let’s just say that there must be a happy medium somewhere. And I guess you have to be able to judge the crowd you’re showering with. I bet in California it’s OK to have starkers conversations.
In the hot tub with a little Chardonnay. 
Yeah, having full conversations with naked strangers would be a bit awkward, even with the wine, lol!
Like you say, happy medium!
Hilarious post!
I sweat a crazy amount when I workout so the less clothes the better really. If I was wearing baggy shorts and doing something on the ground like pilates I guess I’d wear underwear but almost always no. But then I kind of hate underwear in general, lol!
First, you are unfailingly hilarious, and yet educational. Who knew people debated underwear? Ever since I was introduced to thongs, they are my friend. However, I have decided that in bringing clothes to change into after a workout, underwear must be included, due to the sweat factor. BTW, you and the fitjerk talked me into joining a gym. I do hold that against you, as I go nuts there, since I am paying money for it, leading to much pain and sorrow later. Keep up the good work.
OK, I’ll cop to it…when running I don’t wear underwear, especially long distance (>15k). Why you may ask? Because it’s easier for the pot-o-potty stops. Face it, when running long distance, particularly here south of the Mason-Dixon Line, it’s usually hot and I SWEAT, and having undies makes it just too hard to get everything back up and in place. On top of that, it loses too much time on the clock and it’s too easy to end up with a wedgie that can cause pain.
Practicality! I love it! And yes, wrangling sweat-sticky undies back on is a chore.
I am underwear free for working out most of the time. It is just one more thing to deal with! And I think working out in a thong might just be the worst thing ever!
My calculus is as follows: Is there the built-in cotton thing? If no, then I’m done–underwear are mandatory. If yes, I consider whether I intend to wash the bottoms after one workout or if I intend to re-wear. Re-wear? Underwear. Will wash them after? Commando. Given my aversion to laundry, I usually end up with undies on, but if I know for a fact that I will be getting schweaty enough to preclude a re-wear, I’ll opt out of the extra restriction.
It made my day that you call it “calculus”! Good point about the laundry factor.
I always wear underwear when I work out. I tried doing Turbo without once, but I found the seams in my workout pants were irritating.
I usually wear bikinis, and while I have a workout thong from underarmour, but I find that if I wear it in a dancey workout class it just gives me a big wedgie.
I voted that I always wear underwear, but I should add the caveat that I have stopped wearing it under my cycling shorts. I feel more comfortable with the undies (my booty needs it), but undies plus cycling shorts is just waaaay too uncomfortable. I deal with the weirdness for ONLY that. (and by default, tris. stupid multisport).
Underwear! When I bike I sometimes go without underwear, but then add a panty liner to the bike shorts.
Sorry, I’m an undies gal at the gym. Boyshorts are my friend. Always, always, always. At home, I’m a little freer. Big long floor length skirts are meant for commando, and so are PJs and sweatpants. I just fear the camel toe.
Oh yes, and thongs are indeed satan’s dental floss. No thank you…
“Big long floor length skirts are meant for commando, and so are PJs and sweatpants.” See, we are opposites there my friend! I would never wear a skirt of any length without undies! I fear upskirts. Or a breeze.
I just have to say that with age, well, I am not going into the TMI part of it, commando ain’t pretty in certain areas…..
When I was younger, with some outfits I did do no undies especially during the leotard phase when I wore tights & then the leo over it. Now, I wear UH stretch shorter but not super short workout tights & I do wear workout specific undies under them.
I still say we need to see pics of your leo/tights days! I bet you rocked it!!
I’m with you Charlotte. Some workout clothes were made for going underwearless. Besides why add to all the dirty laundry I already have?!?
Forget about whether or not to wear undies, some of you can actually rewear your workout bottoms? For real? I am always way too sweaty for that.
I always wear full undies under my workout pants (I like the tight-ish capri length ones), but they’re low cut in the back, so while I do have VPLs, they don’t go DIRECTLY across each butt cheek, they’re kind of along the bottom of my butt cheeks. People can deal with my VPL tho, I don’t care- I’m sure whatever my hair is doing is enough of a distraction from them anyway.
I don’t think I could go commando, I would worry about camel toe! Also, I sweat pretty easily (thanks Bikram), and my crossfit gym isn’t air conditioned. This is southern CA, and I don’t know how to put it delicately, but crotch/butt sweat happens. I don’t need a big sweaty V highlighting my v, if you catch my drift. Undies can be absorbent!
Commando is the only way to go! ;o)
He he!!! I’m with ya!
Have you ever seen the SpongeBob “Ooops I ripped my pants” episode?? It’s so funny. Did I just admit to liking SpongBob? Yes I did.
I let my kids go commando to bed. One babysitter didn’t like it and she picked and hour long battle trying to force my kids to wear underwear with their PJs. Then it constituted a phone call. Apparently underwear is very contraversial.
I’ve had the great underwear debate with my friends many times. Why is it that women have to wear underwear but can’t have pantie lines. Who makes up these rules?!?!? Oh, and my husband looks at me like I have 3 heads when I try to have a conversation about these very important matters with him!
P.S.- I always wear undies when exercising!
I wear thongs under spandex and just try not to think about the, erm, downsides of them. I can’t stand a bunch of layers! When I see the outlines of granny panties under the spandex of fellow gym goers I ask myself “why, just why?”
Just had to weigh in on this one w/ a funny/embarrassing story. My SIL walked for several miles on the treadmill at the gym before she realized she had a thong stuck to the back of her shirt (stupid static cling)!! Ultra embarrassing!! She was mortified, as you can imagine. So I took that as a sign to never wear thongs
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I don’t wear anything but thongs under my spandex. If the have the gusset ilk wear no undies. On a whim I Told my bf to try them. He said it felt like he was wearing nothing and his package was flattering to look at. Not the reg type package view u see on a Guy with spandex. My opinion for guys and girls is thongs.
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Let me preface my comments with the fact that I’m a dude. I always wondered about the logic of this. Most women’s spandex pants and shorts have that built in gusset, and yet most women still wear underwear underneath, presumably out of habit.
Cycling shorts (for both men and women) are means to be worn with nothing underneath. If you do wear underwear, you’re only adding unnecessary friction. As far as yoga, or general gym use goes, however, for women, wear (or don’t wear) whatever you’re comfortable with. Aesthetically, to me, it makes no difference whatsoever. Women don’t have bulbous dangly genitalia hanging out like dudes do, so it really doesn’t matter what you’ve got on underneath as long as you cover your butt.
As far as the modesty argument goes: if you’re wearing something skin tight and form fitting, there’s no modestly angle to begin with. You’re already showing off your body. Skin tight underwear under your skin tight pants won’t make the outfit less skin tight or less revealing. Either you can embrace the beauty of the human form and run with it, or you can hide it in some curtains or robes or something. But don’t pretend that a thong makes your spandex less spandexy. It is what it is. Let’s be honest. Does that make sense?
For dudes it’s different. I wear spandex at the gym on a regular basis. It’s an Mixed Martial Arts gym though, not the weights and treadmills type. So I’m usually rocking the spandex vale tudo shorts (aka: booty shorts for men) or grappling spats (aka: leggings for men) Since it’s a combat sport, I have to wear an athletic cup or a Thai steel cup to protect the family jewels. So I usually wear a base layer of compression shorts to prevent friction, then the cup, then the vale tudo shorts over the top. Also, other dudes tend to appreciate more than just one thin layer of lycra separating another man’s jimmies from their face when caught in a triangle choke.
I could go on about the technical virtues of wearing spandex over board shorts or whatever, but at the end of the day, the honest answer is, I wear it because I like it. It looks fantastic on me. And it’s comfortable.
If I could wear spandex without anything underneath, I would totally do that. However, if a dude goes commando under tights (excluding cyclists) he’s a genital exhibitionist because the amorphous junk in the front pokes and oozes out everywhere into some potentially disturbing shapes.
So when I wear spandex for athletic activities that don’t require a cup, I always wear either tight compression shorts, or a dance belt (aka: a super manly thong for men) underneath to keep the boys in a check. Seriously, I wish I didn’t have to, but without the extra support to keep everything in a neat bundle, it would look super pervy.
Training at the gym would be freaking awesome without external genitalia. Girls, take advantage of your situation! If you are wearing spandex, I guarantee very few people (men anyway) is even thinking about your underwear or lack thereof. When I see a woman in spandex at the gym, all I can think is halelujah! What a gorgeous confident woman! I don’t care what shape or gender you are, spandex is a fantastic fabric that can help take your training to the next level. Why not use it as intended?
If you’re underwear makes you feel more comfortable or confident, why not wear it with your yoga pants. But if you don’t need it, why would you wear it?
Pingback:13 Real Things You Are Really Doing Really Wrong at the Gym. For reals. [Forget heart rate zones and protein powder, these tips will make your workout more magical than She-Ra riding a unicorn over the Bermuda Triangle.]
I think it’s inappropriate to leave your vagina sweat all over the gym…put some damn underwear on!!!!!!
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This story & string is hilarious & true.. I haven’t finished all 4 years.. but will go back & finish. How could I not? I wear no underwear… BUT.. I wear shorts (tight, spandex, cotton, that new whatever it is, licks sweat.. stuff – not sure why they advertise “licks” just seems odd) under whatever, maybe that’s another pair of loose shorts or work out pants, sweats… & sports bra under whatever.
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