The eating disorder girls! Me, Laura, & Elizabeth
And no I don’t know what I’m doing in this picture – probably the pee pee dance.
Seeing as I started with a base knowledge of, oh, zero when it comes to all things TV related, it’s probably not any surprise to you that I learned a lot from the 20/20 and FOX shows. The former was taped (and will air sometime in May and no I don’t know exactly when yet but hey it’s kind of nice having the notoriety without having you all see just how crazy I really am) and the latter was live but other than that, there were a lot of similarities.
Everything I Know About Television I Learned In Kindergarten
1. Nobody on television looks like that in real life.
I know, I know, you already know this but as Sagan pointed out (at least I think it was her!) on The Weighting Game, you may consciously know that those magazine abs are airbrushed but subconsciously you still believe the illusion. For one thing, they spackled us with so much makeup that I’m sure the laundry staff at the hotel has my name on a Most Wanted poster for dirtying so many towels getting the stuff off. My pores are still revolting in both senses of the word. PS> I’m Casper the Ghost in real life – that tan that only went to my neck? Makeup.
2. Everyone is thinner in real life. Again, duh, “the camera adds 10 pounds.” But holy C-R-A-P people! Even the wee ponies with their twee little shoes were tinier in real life. The other former anorexic on the show with me this morning (man, that still feels weird to say) and I were giggling about how we were the ones with eating disorders and yet you could see every rib in the host Juliette’s chest – they put body glitter and makeup from sternum to clavicle to camouflage it. When us real folk get ultra thin, we’re eating disordered, when Hollywood types get thin, they’re celebrities.
3. 2 hours of interview = 2 minutes of show time. I had to condense a five-year experience into a one-hour interview and then distill it again to like 3 sound bites. I honestly don’t know how anyone manages to say anything coherent on TV! After we got off the stage I looked at my sister and gasped, “Did I really just say I went to Anorexic Bootcamp on national television??” Yes, yes, I did. And the Windex? I’m going to put that one on a t-shirt. (For those of you who didn’t catch it – what you’re not sitting at home randomly waiting to see me pop up on TV? Where are your priorities?? – I’ve emailed the show to see if I can get a copy of the segment to post here. If not, you’ll just have to use your imagination, which will probably be less embarrassing in the end.)
We’ll have to wait and see what they use from my 20/20 interview. They took like 6 hours of tape so I was bound to say something stupid in that time. I remember talking about my period at one point. And asking them if my bra strap was showing. That’s good stuff, there.
4. TV audiences are pretty small. I can’t speak to every show – I believe Oprah’s studio seats 50,000 with tickets getting scalped for more than Hannah Montana’s – but at least on the Mike & Juliette show, the audience was teeny weeny. 20 people, maybe? But it looks and sounds like so much more! They are champion clappers, those people.
5. The best job in TV is the sound person. First of all they get to tag everyone like they’re grad-student zoologist and you’re the last Polar Bear in Al Gore’s back yard. Secondly, they get to hear everything everyone says even when they think no one else is listening – and you know they’ve gotten to hear some pretty awesome stuff. Third, they get to run mike wires up everyone’s shirts – maybe not a plus when it comes to Jack Nicholson but Justin Timberlake would totally make up for it. PLUS they get to say stuff like, “You’re allowed to pee. But hold on to the mike pack so it doesn’t fall in the toilet. And cover the mike with your hand so we don’t hear you go.” Never mind that that occupies both of your available hands thereby making it impossible to pee. And the fact that they just told you to pee means you have to rightthisveryminute. And now you can’t. They say it all with a totally straight face! Best job ever.
It’s true – NYC really is the city that never sleeps. Which means I had SOOOO much fun there with my sister (love you Laura!!). It also means I only got 3 hours of sleep last night so I’m going to bed. Sorry for all the trivial posts lately. I promise to get back to our regularly scheduled programming (see what they’ve done to me??) tomorrow. I’ve got updates for you on the Ballerina Experiment that will definitely surprise you plus some new research that will a) make you look at Aunt Flo in a whole new way and b) help you get less sleep (’cause that’s what you need, right?).
you are so CUTE!!!!
now that THATS done (we dont get to see the experimenters face enough up in herre) I laughed at the remark about the host being quite tiny.
my thoughts precisely when I did my shortstintwasnearlyfired at our cbs affiliate.
although my ‘boss’ was tinythin and never ate.
I quickly did the math.
so glad it was fun!
feel free to give us more details
I love to hear every little thing.
I watched the whole thing and I must say all three of you up there looked very composed and spoke realistically about what had led you to your eating disorders.
I did however notice the irony of the three of you talking to someone who most probably suffers from anorexia every day of her life.
Congrats on the fabulous TV spot!
PS As I was watching the show, everyone in my office (about 15 people) were commenting on how beautiful you and Laura are!
good recount! I need to know what this Windex comment was?
PS I am not obsessed with mini seeing eye ponies. Obsessed.
I’m glad you’re having so much FUN in NYC. Both of you look adorable!
>>last Polar Bear in Al Gore’s back yard… too funny.
Thanks for blogging in the midst of your whirlwind trip. I read your blog with my coffee in the morning before embarking on my adventure of home schooling 6!
That sounds like so much fun! What a glamorous life you lead:) And those photos are too cute.
What about us guys? Do we get to glitter up too? I’ve always loved Halloween!
Dr. J
Glad it went well! I am also curious about the Windex….
you looked great! (and so, so young!!)
PS: didn’t you want to throw some of those questions back at the host?
hi i think you are good at turbo kick. I’m going to see you on saturday
your friend Rachel Fisher.
Ooh I hope you get access to the vid, would be great to watch.
I wonder how this Juliette person feels about these sorts of topics, considering that she’s so petite herself. Even if doesn’t have disorder she must be aware that people might think she has based on her size.
I so hope you can get a video of the show for us who missed it. If it was on at 3am, me and the insomnia would have been up to see it.
I’m so proud of you!
I can officially say I know a celebrity. “Oh, yes my friend…haven’t you heard of her? She’s the latest rage…”
Good job Char, you and your sis. are adorable. Glad you survived it. The windex comment was most interesting. A waste of time, really. I am sure you had more intelligent things to discuss…maybe the windex a pointer for her to keep up her image?
Sorry…I omitted the ‘was’ a pointer …