“Who Wore it Better?” is a common fixture in today’s gossip rags and sites but it’s usually limited to people old enough to (theoretically) be responsible for their own fashion choices. However, to feed our bottomless celebrity fashion appetite, some are taking the fashion fights from the merely twee set down to the simply wee set.
In this week’s edition, Suri Cruise takes on Violet Affleck to see who pulls off a black and pink summer dress with better elan.
After asking the requisite (and tired) “Who wore it better?!” the site thankfully backs off and calls it a tie, summarizing, “I can’t pick who wore it best — both girls are equally cute — Suri with her dark hair and that adorable face and Violet with those to die-for dimples. Both celebrity tots are pretty special!”
Despite the cop-out, however, it can’t be escaped that the readers are being asked to judge the “style” of a toddler. And not only are we asked to judge but are asked to apply the superlative “better” to a person who probably doesn’t even know what a “style” is unless it’s applied to her Barbie doll’s hair.
So many problems with this but I’ll address two:
1. It’s not their style. Most likely their mothers dressed them. Even if they dressed themselves (you go, big girls!) somebody had to purchase the dress for them (although I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that Suri has her own Barney’s line of credit already). And haven’t we established that Katie Holmes and Jennifer Garner both have lovely, unique styles?
2. Let’s say it is their style. When I was six all I wanted to wear was my Wonder Woman leotard and tap shoes. hanks heavens I’m not famous or I might’ve been on the “What Were They Thinking?” page. I’m no psychologist but I think it could actually damage an emerging sense of style by critiquing it so young. For reals — look what happened to Lindsay Lohan. She started out cute as a button and now she’s designing “presidential leggings” with kneepads.
3. Fine, I know this means I can’t count but I have to point out: Suri and Violet aren’t rivals! Why pit babies against each other? Isn’t there enough cat scratching among the older generation?
It’s bad enough we blind them with flashbulbs and then plaster their deer-caught-in-the-headlights expressions on every conceivable medium but must we judge them too?
photo credit: FameCrawler
What is this world coming too when people compare little girls wearing the same outfit when their moms dressed them? I call it “Whoever does this needs to get a life. Unless they were joking.”
ok Im gonna veer a tad off the celeb track (SHOCKING I KNOW giving my celebddiction) and laugh at number one.
I think that all the time when people comment on my Toddler's style (I wont say whether they like it or are appalled :)).
even if she were a dress herself'er (which shes not. doesnt care yet) WE bought the clothes as you so aptly point out.
loving the days when she does express an interest and trots around in rain boots, a tutu & her pajama top,
I completely agree. Why do they have to start the pressure so young? That’s why my kiddos aren’t allowed to watch T.V. Well, that’s not entirely true. They get to watch Little Einsteins and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, which I have Tivo’ed. No commercials. I just wish I could get everyone else to do the same so when my kids go to school, they won’t be made fun of because they don’t know who Spongebob or McDonalds is. And don’t get me started on Bratz.
Poor babies! It’s bad enough to deal with the meanies at school, now they’ll be dealing with someone making fun of their clothes in preschool. Okay, probably not going to happen, but still. I think adults are acting like babies if they really want to “judge” these kids on their outfits. Glad to see they took the diplomatic route in the cited article. I personally love that my niece always chooses her shoes, and they don’t match at all. Like the white patent mary janes to go with her overalls. Soooooo cute!
I think it’s rather odd, too, that they’re pitting these kids against each other. They’re toddlers, and honestly, I think it’s going to be hard enough for them to grow up normally without putting them under the microscope.
I found it very strange that when Suri and Shiloh were born, the rags kept asking “where’s Shiloh” or “where’s Suri” as if it were a strange thing their parents didn’t want them to be on display every second.
I think toddlers should be able to wear funky clothes without being judged by the nation – part of being a kid is being carefree and fun (even if their parents are picking out the fun clothes then…)
It’s weird. Part of me thinks that the site is being snarky and kind of funny, almost pointing fun at themselves. BUT then they’re really serious about picking a winner, so I guess not.
Is it possible for those two little girls to grow up and be even halfway normal individuals with all the media attention? There’s way too much emphasis on what you wear and how you look, and now toddlers aren’t even safe!
Thats no good- how can they be attacking children now?! Jeez. Just when you think it can’t get any worse…
I say, let kids be kids. I had the most terrible sense of style as a child and I’d actually wear these huge costume dresses to school because I thought they were beautiful and I wanted to be a princess (not even joking, one of my school pictures is me in this enormous princess dress. My parents think its “cute” and they just let me wear whatever I wanted.)
Those poor kids. I hope that they get to grow up semi-sane and that they get to enjoy childhood and a bit of privacy throughout their lives.
For a while, my little Jonster (Jonny monster shortened) insisted on wearing EVERYTHING inside out and backwards. Plus he is left handed, I mean… I call him my moon child…
I let him do it, because I figured, if this is all the “rebel against society” he is going to do, I am a lucky mom…
But, I got all sorts of looks from people for letting my child out like this… My 3 year old child…
I mean, what kind of world is this? Are you going to judge my kid? Or my worthiness as a mom because of what my child wears?? This just amazes me…
It would be so much cuter and appropriate if they had pictures of these kids with food all over their faces after a good meal asking “Who Wore it Best?” Both girls are adorable. My 2 year old wears his winter gloves (which are much too big for him) all summer because they are his ‘karate choppers’ – hay-YA! I think he wears them the best!
FIRST I would like to say, that despite her insane parents, Suri Cruise is the most adorable little girl i have ever seen in my entire life. She’s like a real life American Girl doll.
Did I just show my age with that reference?
BUT who freakin cares? I read an article about Suri’s clothes, and most of them are from Burberry. SERIOUSLY? Cause other parents can go to Burberry to buy those clothes?
Doresnt she just poop on them anyway? Isnt that what babies do? and puke a lot?
This is really gross, pitting toddlers against each other.
But I must say, I love Suri’s little dirty feet!
(Both kids are adorable!)
And I agree wholeheartedly: Bratz dolls are awful, toddlers should be able to wear whatever they want ’cause it’s really cute, and I buy my kids’ clothes at Target, because , yes, they WILL get various bodily fluids on them, and they outgrow them like there’s no tomorrow.
I’m guessing it was probably laziness that motivated this ridiculous article–hey we got two pics of celebrity kids in the same outfit, can we turn this into something? Oh yeah, we can put it in “who wore it better!”
I can’t imagine that two little boys dressed in the same outfit would occasion any comment at all.
And I think the adult version of the “game” is almost as offensive, but to play it with kids is over the top.
I’m wearing a Wonder Woman leotard and tap shoes right now!