My Top 10 Favorite Gym Personalities

Here you go Fitarella! Gym sexiness at its best.

You’ve seen the lists. Every few months or so it seems to be a blogger ritual to come out with a list of the most annoying people in the gym. And they’re pretty funny because, hey, who hasn’t been confronted with Grunting He-Man or Cell Phone Barbie? But really the annoying people are a drop in the proverbial sweat bucket. Most of the people in the gym are at a minimum polite, and many more are just generally all around awesome. It’s no coincidence that upon moving to a new city I often make my best friends at the gym.

Charlotte’s Top Ten Favorite Gym People
10. Neatniks. What with CMRSA, yeast infections and bodily fluids, I can really appreciate a conscientious washer. Today, for instance, when I climbed on the elliptical it was soaking wet. My initial reaction was to recoil with horror and scream “Who was just on this thing?” My friend reassured me, “It’s just J. He bathed it in antiseptic when he was done.” No measly squirt-squirt and cursory wipe for J. Nope, he cleaned that thing good for me.

9. People Who Re-Rack Their Weights. (And put away their yoga mats, Pilates rings, jump ropes and dumbbells.) I spend a considerable amount of time cleaning up after the Three Messiest People Alive (a.k.a my children) at home. It is refreshing to go to the gym with people who all pick up after themselves. It’s especially nice when a heavy duty lifter has six 45-lb plates stacked on each side of the bar and yet is still humble enough to take them off and re-rack them himself rather than taking his entertainment from watching Gym Buddy Allison and I struggle with them.

8. Personal Trainers. I should add “Who Aren’t In It For the Money” but because I workout at the Y that is pretty much the only kind we have there. MizFit and Kelly T spoil us with their free no-six-week-package-strings-attached advice but they are rare in the real fitness world. Most trainers guard their secrets like celebrities guard their plastic surgeons. And yet there are always a few at every gym who will give you tips here and there, correct your form or give you a new workout idea. Because they want to see people get healthy more than they care about getting paid for it.

7. The Handicapped People. There are a lot of handicapped folks at my gym. Yes sometimes they make funny noises or inadvertently get in the way but these end up being some of the best examples of fitness I’ve ever met. They work so hard. They keep trying. And quite often are always smiling. There is one boy at my gym whose enthusiasm and tenacity make the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders look quiet and reserved. Every time I see him he grins – both to show me how happy he is just to be here and also to show me the new colors he got on his braces.

6. The Smiling Folk. I get it. Workouts are serious stuff. I don’t want mindless prattle any more than the next person. But a quick smile and nod can go a long way as far as encouragement is concerned. It’s nice to know that other people are happy to be there. Or that even if they just finished an excruciating set of reverse pec-dec flys they can still smile through the pain. It’s the human connection. If I wanted to workout completely alone I’d have a weight bench in my basement.

5. The Quirky Folk. The Asperger’s girl who brings 50 beanie babies to Yoga class and then lines them up around her mat like a twee beady-eyed audience. The gentleman who walks around the track swinging his arms as if caught in a perpetual gnat storm. The stock broker who yells “Oh YEAH, baby” whilst doing bicep curls. The old lady who sings along – loudly – to her vintage Walkman. The teen who cries and runs away if you hit or throw any kind of ball to her, but still insists on participating in every pick-up game there is. The girl who swings by her knees from the chin up bar and is always doing something crazy with the weights. Oh wait, that’s me. Sure we can be annoying but honestly, the elliptical would be borrrring without us. Admit it.

4. The Cleaning Crew. One of our janitors recently left the Y for a best job. I almost cried. Really. Besides always high-fiving my boys and helping me practice my Spanish, S has even made a special visit to Zumba just to help me with my latin moves. The janitorial crew are the ones who have to mop 27 times a day in the winter to get all the slush and salt off the floor so the rest of us don’t slip and turn an ankle (we save that kind of fun for Step class). They are the ones who clean the toilets after it looks like an intestinal WWIII has taken place. In fact, there are so many little ways that they make my life easier and my workouts safer that I can’t even list them all. Plus, they save my kids bagels when the Y hands them out free to the Senior Citizens.

3. Group Fitness Instructors. There are the ones who just punch their time card or are there to promote whatever crazy fitness scheme they are selling (or occasionally the attention-seeking megalomaniacs but we’ll save them for another post) but more often you find the ones who pour blood, sweat and tears into their classes – hopefully more of the sweat and less of the other two but I’ve seen it all. Like Turbo Jennie, they care more about their students than the fact that after they pay for their own training, their hourly rate is probably in the negative digits.

2. The Childcare Staff. My kids have barfed, pooped, colored, and peed on the childcare workers at my gym and yet they still great my children with open arms and huge smiles. They put up with me when I’m a tad late. They listen attentively to my 6-year-old explaining his almost-loose tooth for 10 minutes. They give me tips and tricks that they have learned from working with all kinds of kids over the years. And they truly love my kids. People often ask how I find the time to work out every day with 3 tiny kids. The answer is these guys.

1. All the Helpful People. Whether they are employees, fellow gym rats or first timers, I am always so grateful for the people who take the time to help. Sometimes it’s a quiet but firm offer of a spot from a stranger. Sometimes it’s the loan of a t-shirt when I’ve got spit-up on mine. Other times it’s just a listening ear on the treadmill when I’m having a bad day. Or a fitness instructor who shows up injured rather than cancel the class and disappoint. It’s people who pick up other people’s garbage or mop up leftover sweat. It’s the folks who save a magazine article for two weeks for you because it’s “perfect for that internet thingy you do” or turn both your weight gloves into the lost and found. It’s the people who hold the door open for me or give me a thumbs up when I’m sprinting or scooch over when I come into class late. It’s the Gym Buddies. It’s all the people who go out of their way for a near-stranger and expect nothing in return.

Thank you, all. I couldn’t do this without you.

So who is your fave person at the gym? Has someone ever done something seemingly small that made a huge difference to you? What kind of stealth-helpful things do you guys do?

PS> Yeah, I know that title makes it sound like I have multiple personality disorder but rest assured, my crazy is of a different sort.


  1. I don’t go to a gym now – I got some basic equipment to do it at home, because I just couldn’t swing one with childcare, and I’m cheap. 😛

    I used to go to a Curves. When I first started, there was always this older woman there – probably about 70 – we always seemed to be there at the same time. A lot of times it was just the 2 of us. We really wouldn’t talk much, but she would always do her 10 minutes on the bike, then 2-3 circuits. She always had a smile, too. She was my favorite gym personality.

    Oh, and you, because you write posts like this!

  2. The annoying people that don’t clean up after themselves, don’t wipe, and can’t keep their eyes to themselves are the reason why I stay away from the gym. I can’t stand adults most of the time, which is very stupid because I’m going to be a nurse. I think that’s why I’m so drawn to pediatrics…

  3. I’m with Judy, my fave gym personality is YOU and the Gym Buddies. I can always count on you guys to make me smile. I guess it’s what you do that makes me chuckle. You guys always make the day interesting. I ask, “what is Char going to do today and will Allison be in tow?” Sure enough, just like clock work! =)

    Gym Buddy Mike

  4. Andrew is getting fit

    That photo takes the cup!

  5. Love the fact that you took a Blog Template that’s usually so negative and turned it on its head. I am even more excited to get to the gym now!

    For me it’s the instructors. My absolute favourite is this little hair-metal-lovin’ Greek dude who loves to get us doing bicep curls to Warrant and squats to AC/DC (LOVE!). He’s so loud and enthusiastic that I don’t even notice how hard I’m working most of the time. And he keeps smiling when 99% of the class are so sour-faced and unfriendly, I don’t know how he does it! A constant fitness inspiration.

    Incidentally, I really hope the nudies in the top picture wiped their machines down before they hit the showers…

    TA x

  6. Im with you on number 4…

    and, in my gym, it seems like people go there less to workout and more to just make a MESS.

    thank goodness for number 4 (and the fact that personalitywise the 2 women I see cleaning every morning? my faves for sure. although that might be because we snark about everyone else…)

  7. I really wish I could make a constructive comment, but the image of those two naked dudes on the stationary bikes is still burning my retinas.
    Must. Wash. Eyes.

  8. What a great idea for a post!

    It’s true, MOST of the people at the gym are very polite and considerate.

    I’m with you on the smilers. I tend to be a smiler, but you need other smilers around in order not to feel like a doof. My favorite gyms are those with lots of smilers.

    But, um, the, um, teen who insists on playing in pick-up games and then cries and runs away when you try to throw her the ball? (I’m assuming some sort of mental issues?) I’m afraid it would take me a LOT of reframing to be grateful for her. You’re a more generous spirit than I.

    Love your list!

  9. i LOVE you for that picture!

    for me it's the front desk crew at my gym. they have watched my daughter many times so I could teach class, they always make me laugh & keep a stash of trashy mags for me 😉 they rock!

  10. Judy – I love the workout grannys!! It's one of my fondest goals to be one:) And thanks for the compliment – made my day!

    Apy – I think it takes a very special person to do Peds. I couldn't do IVs in those wee arms:(

    Gym Buddy Mike!! – You saw you made the list right?? Because you are DEF. one of my fave people at the gym! You and your never-ceasing smile and willingness to help.

    Tokaiangel – your teacher sounds like a gem. I love those kind!

    MizFit – The cleaning crew are amazing people. And such hard workers. Glad I'm not the only person who appreciates them!

    Crabby – I won't lie – that chick really did get on my nerves for a long time but then I remembered how much I suck at volleyball (even though I don't run away from the ball, i hardly ever manage to hit it) and was able to be more forgiving. The shrieking tho – still working on that one;)

    Andrew & Alice – what are you tlaking about? That PIC IS AWESOME!

  11. Great post! I was so ready to read the typical “gym personality post” complaining about the weirdos and was pleasantly surprised by your take on the topic!
    I belonged to a gym a few years ago where I experienced the kindness of a stranger, in this case, a random gym employee. I had a crazy work schedule that day and decided to work out in the early AM instead of after work. I had it all planned to a T and felt so proud of myself when I got there and began to change (I had to do an early, early morning presentation before the workout and my REAL workday began, hence having to change from work to gym clothes.)
    Well, I forgot my SHOES. How can a girl do cardio without shoes? I was dead-set on working out and lived too far away to run home quick. The kind gym employee actually found a pair of random sneakers for me to borrow. Sure they were a bit big and someone else’s (a little ewww… but nothing socks can’t protect…), but they allowed me to get my 30 min. on the elliptical. I was so very grateful for her kind-of weird, but completely appreciated help.

  12. I love the cleaners – thanks to them everything is always stocked from the disinfectant wipes to the mountains of clean towels to the toilets.

    I love the trainers and gym-goers who have no trouble letting you work in on a machine (although minus points from the people who bitch and moan while you do it).

    and I LOVE the people who let me know that I’ve managed to drop something on my way around the gym – from the lone weight glove that makes a bid for freedom to my gym pass. They take a moment to get my attention everytime. Thanks!

  13. I haven’t been in a real gym in years, I work out half at home, half at the office makeshift gym which usually has me, my friend P, occasionally a few other coworkers, and random ex-military guy who I believe is doing Crossfit. The new gym I joined is opening next week (can’t beat 10 bucks month to month) so I’m excited to work out in a nicer space with more crazies (good and bad).

  14. ah yes, the quirky folk make it all worthwhile, don’t they? 🙂 I love the encouragers, so many of the hardcore gym rats sneer at the attempts of others.

  15. My favorite part about the Y was the class instructors for the specific reason that they were all volunteers. They were some of the nicest people I’ve ever met and every day I looked forward to their classes. I never would have gotten tired of attending their classes because they were so genuinely happy and enthusiastic to be there!

  16. Lethological Gourmet

    I LOVE the smilers. When I’m teaching class, I always notice the people with the really engaging faces – if I look over at them, they smile at me, and I just feel like I’m getting feedback from them all the time. It makes class so much more interesting than just a score of blank faces and I’m left wondering whether they hated class.

    I definitely second the helpful people motion too. I got to the gym one day to teach a weight lifting class and realized I’d forgotten my workout pants. One of the members in my class was very nice and let me borrow a clean skort she had (was it bad of me to give it back to her after class? Maybe I should’ve washed it first?). I COULD have done class in jeans or whatever I was wearing, but it would’ve been damn hard.

    (I’m doing a brainstorm for exercises inspired by the Olympics, if any of you want to visit my blog and give your suggestions. Sorry for the hijack, Charlotte!)

  17. You forgot the guy with Tourettes Syndrome! He has a colorful way of inspiring us all 🙂

    Very nice article! It’s almost like we are at the same fitness center. There’s really too much that’s the same for me to list all the similarities. Just one thing..who’s this J guy with all the bad habits? MR. J I assume 🙂

  18. Charlotte, I look forward to your posts every morning on my way to the office and this one does not disappoint. On the heels of MizFits “Random Acts of Kindness” this really has made for an uplifting and postive week of blogging. Thanks.

    At my gym there is an instructor from the local University who always tries to get me to run track for them. I adore him for his encouragement, most days.

  19. What a wonderful post!!!!
    I have to say the cleaning crew is up there on my list, as well. Especially the lovely fellow at Equinox who sets up and takes down the Reformers (so I don’t have to; how cool is that?!?!?!) and is teaching me Spanish!
    Also, my clients. I have the best clients in the world. They are so sweet and encouraging and inspiring. I was a little worried when I took on an 8 pm mat class at the community center; would anyone show up? Well, they do, week after week, and are even petitioning for ANOTHER 8 pm class on Thursdays! ‘Cause they want to work out, and they ROCK!!!!!
    And my clients at the studio, coming back from injuries. They’re amazing.
    And you, Charlotte!

  20. What the heck is wrong with a bit of grunting. I mean, we are supposed to be working hard, pushing ourselves, lifting heavy etc. I have had enough of all the prissy people who have destroyed the fun of working out in a gym environment, with all their rules.

  21. aw thanks!!

    I LOVE the smilers, too. I always smile at people, just kind of out of habit, and am suprised when people smile back. i get the warm-and-fuzzies.

    and I love the handicapped people as well. My fave is the old man with the cane that is there EVERYDAY with his dockers and undershirt.

  22. we work out at our rec center, with all 4 kids watching the cable TV, and with the nasty older couple giving us dirty looks or even nastier mean comments about them, or the young couple with no kids who refuse to speak to us in between their nasty looks, I LOVE the nice people who say, “Wow, you guys aren’t making any excuses!” or, “It’s so good to see you here, what a great example to your kids,” or from the director, “Yeah, they complained, but I told them to get over themselves.” Or best of all, my husband who replies with, “When you figure out who to complain to, let me know so I can complain about grumpy old people!” ACK! But he’s right 🙂

  23. Hi, certainly recognize a few of these! We compiled our own list over at our bodybuilding blog: Let us know what you think!

  24. Great list and certainly refreshing to read some of these.

    My gym is typically packed with the opposite types of people: rude, obnoxious and puberty-stricken texters who stare aimlessly at their mobile phones for 10 minutes without regard for others wanting to use the equipment!

    Annoying as hell.