1. Wow, so exciting! I will try to tune in. No hints what you’re going to be discussing? 🙂

  2. FINALLY!!!! I can’t wait, I’m so excited!

  3. OMG–just saw this, what luck! I must stay awake!

  4. I’m watching. Where are you?!

  5. there you are! You and your children are beautiful!

    I have to say I’m a little surprised that you got grouped with that other person. He (or she?) was very odd!

    I love your quote all the end. (No one gets to choice how they die, and in reality I wasn’t living)

    great interview!

  6. I saw this post earlier this evening and made a note to myself to watch the show — I’m glad I did! I thought it was kind of funny how they sensationalized the piece a bit, though (they were all like, “What will happen to her?” Dun-dun-duuunnnnn…). 🙂

    Great job!

  7. um…sensationalize much? I mean, I know TV does that but they found the most bizarre, affected person (Johnny) they could, which makes it seem like eevry person with orthorexia is like that. Char, like I said (when we were texting! Who’s jealous of me?!?), I thought they did a good job of using the past tense at first, but then they lapsed into the present, grouping you and the guy together, which was not cool. I did love your squirrel line. Classic. You looked vibrant and gorgeous and were eloquent and smart. Nice job!

  8. I never heard of that term before and I can see how easy it would be for someone to fall into orthorexia.

    Thanks for sharing your story! Even if it was a repeat!

  9. Crud – I thought it was a repeat because that one host guy looks way younger than he should hehe

  10. You looked so great! I agree, why did they group you with that other guy? Now you have to tell us, did you feel like they portrayed you correctly? I’ve read lots of times where people felt like they were misrepresented, but I thought they depicted you in a very positive light. And for that I was so thankful!

  11. Dang, I was out last night and missed it!

    But I just went to the 20-20 site and read the print version–you sound very thoughtful and impressive and really shine a light on how this can happen to “normal” people.

    Hope they post a video link at some point.

  12. You did a great job! I’m glad you are the survivor out of the crazy bunch they threw you in with! And thank goodness you don’t look like the 26 year old crazy pants – he looks awful! You my dear, are a beauty! Proud of you!

  13. Miss Char!

    I was so proud to say- Hey! I know her!

    Your last line was the best!

    (and you type really fast!)


  14. I just subcribed to your blog today via BISJ, so glad I did. Great job on 20/20!

  15. Oh NO!! I missed it, do you know if it’ll be posted on ABC’s website…oh heck I guess I can just go look for myself.
    I’m sure you were great.

  16. You were great. The only “survivor” of the bunch so you’ve got to feel good about that. Congratulations. I’m sure you helped and inspired many people suffering who want out.

  17. Have to agree with Workout Mommy and Weighting Game (and yes! I’m having text envy, lol!). Putting you together with the other fella was a bit odd. Especially since you are glowing and gorgeous and he’s, um, scary.
    My husband was confused by that. He said “But she looks so good!”
    (And your kids are ADORABLE!!!!!!)

  18. oh shoot. Are they replaying it?

  19. (“orem” was me)

    Just saw it! AWESOME!!! You looked and sounded great. Loved the bit with the kids!

  20. Well, hell! Just looked at your blog today, and you were on YESTERDAY!

  21. For everyone who missed it, there is a video online here.

  22. Our own Charlotte Anderson was on 20/20 last night!! Get the Kleenex ready for the last clip!!

    Healthy Food, Unhealthy Obsession: Pt. 1

    Healthy Food, Unhealthy Obsession: Pt. 2


  23. Damn 🙁
    Sorry I missed it. Off to read the link stuff.

  24. Hey thanks guys! I went to the ABC website and watched it! OK:

    First Charlotte, you looked and sounded great! I can’t say that about the others! You seemed to be the only normal person on there. Look, you lost your way, but the important thing is you found your way and have prospered, and for what it’s worth, I am proud of you!

    I really wonder if Stossel is doing anybody a real service here with his media exaggerated presentation. Eating some raw and eating a healthy diet is important, though not the whole picture. I wish the media could just present an honest view of what healthy is, instead of extreme shows like this, which probably make more people feel their diets are OK, while they are far from it.

    Way to represent, Charlotte!

  25. Im with WG (although not in on the texting~ sadness abounded until I realized I was prolly asleep since Im mama to ToddlerUpAt5) as far as the past tense shifting to present (Im gonna git you John Stossel :)) and that poor Johnny.
    Good G-D he had a *few* other struggles happening there–huh?

    you came across amazingly (and yes I have to add you are so beautiful. not important but true) articulate and confident.

    my fave part? when JS told the guru that he looked old.



  26. Char – you looked FABULOUS!!!! I was so glad you ended the story in a beautiful light. Just as you try in your fitness experiments, sometimes things don’t always work for the best and it’s best to stick with what makes you happy – friends, family and health! Congrats!

    See you in the new beautifully big studio!

  27. Wow. I’ve been reading your blog for just a week or two and have heard of orthorexia before, but hearing your account in the 20/20 piece is the first time I’ve been almost sure that a certain person in my life has orthorexia. She justifies her behavior in mainstream medical/nutritional terms, no wacky “life force” or “purity” talk, which is what I always associated with the disease. But hearing about your macronutrient tracking and such…I think it fits. No idea what to do about it (this person would NOT be responsive to any suggestion of professional help), but at least I have some clarity.

  28. the accompanying article is here (turbo Jennie linked the videos): http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Stossel/story?id=5735592&page=1

    Yikes! Looking at the clips of Johnny, Kate and Kulvinskas, I understand now how the feeling of being in control really permeates orthorexic thought. They all seem to have the same underlying toxic phobia.

    Yow, I think I'm getting a little too much carb-phobic too from reading too many online articles 🙁

    I'm glad you were able to find your way through some of your issues and wish you strength to get through your ongoing struggles.

    I agree, the grouping of people in the article and video seem kind of odd–I think you're the only one able to smile in the entire video! and what a lovely smile you have 🙂

  29. um yes.
    Ima moron here.
    it wasnt John Stossel 🙂

    what IS that guys name?!


  30. Thank you so much for being a part of the document. I followed your link and came to leave you a comment and check out some feedback. I’m very disappointed to see that people are commenting on my appearance rather than focusing their attention on the heart of the show: orthorexia nervosa, an eating disorder that can and will kill. It’s a shame to see people so close minded to judge me this way without even knowing me, my full story or what I do for the eating disorder community. We were grouped together because I am the individual still suffering this disease but trying to fight it and you are the one who has recovered it. Your recovery is inspiration to me. Bless your sweet soul dear.

  31. Thank you so much for being a part of the document. I followed your link and came to leave you a comment and check out some feedback. I’m very disappointed to see that people are commenting on my appearance rather than focusing their attention on the heart of the show: orthorexia nervosa, an eating disorder that can and will kill. It’s a shame to see people so close minded to judge me this way without even knowing me, my full story or what I do for the eating disorder community. We were grouped together because I am the individual still suffering this disease but trying to fight it and you are the one who has recovered it. Your recovery is inspiration to me. Bless your sweet soul dear.\

  32. Hey Johnny!
    Thank you so much for finding me! I agree with what you said about the piece (and the commenters) focusing too much on the salacious aspects and not enough on the legitimate issue being presented. I am so glad that you have reached out this way to me and to others. I know that sharing your story will help other people and hopefully find some healing for you as well. I’m off to check out your site!