Girl 1: Ugh, do these stripes make my thighs look big? Quick, do the 3/4 Paris Hilton pose!
Girl 2: Whatevs, you can totally see my ribs. That’s why I get to wear this teeeeeeny little bra. I just hope my girls don’t get showy.
Girl 1: What I love is how it says “sportswear” and “workout” in really big letters despite the fact that we are doing nothing sporty nor working out.
Girl 2: Wait – this isn’t a casting call for The Real World: Sweaty Gym?
Girl 1: Just be glad we’re not working for Equinox. Now those girls have it bad.
Girl 3: What I love is how I’m totally standing here in a two-tone unitard that the website calls a “bodysuit”. Like that makes it sound any better.
I have a pet peeve. We have already discussed the importance of wearing clothing suited to whatever athletic activity you are participating in. Today, however, I would like to talk to you about the very real danger of using models to sell workout clothing. You see them everywhere – those long-limbed, heavily tanned and only minorly muscled beauties – in ads, websites and movies but especially in magazines. Remember how Shape made us giggle and then shake our heads so hard our false eyelashes fell off into our $4/bottle specialty water? Good times.

And not only are the “moddles” generally used to sell athletic clothing really bad at pretending to exercise, they don’t even look like they workout!
I hate seeing athletic clothing modeled by women who don’t look, well, athletic. Thankfully though there are some great companies out there now that know how to dress a woman who has some actual quad muscles covering her femur. I have long admired Athleta (check out the biceps on this lady!) and Nike Women (seriously, that is real sweat on those very real looking women!) but I have recently discovered Danskin.
Actually, they discovered me. I would like to say they read my embarrassing whine about my camel toe vs. muffin top conundrum the other day and took to heart all the suggestions from you guys that said, in essence, “Buy new workout pants already, Charlotte!!!” But actually they read my whine about how I never get to try out cool stuff like Danskin clothing. What is it they say about the squeaky wheel? At any rate, Christmas came early as I got a few pieces of clothing from the new Prima line from Danskin to try out. You will all be relieved: the pants give me neither camel toe nor muffin top and are so ridiculously comfortable that I haven’t taken them off for three days straight.
In addition to a top that actually makes me look like I have boobs – an impressive feat on its own – I am proud to show you the legs of the anonymous topless model used to show off their clothes (And when I mean topless, I don’t mean in the stripper sense. I mean literally topless. You know, a half person. I’m sure there’s a support group somewhere.):
Now this model actually looks like people I see in the gym. Girl has thighs. It’s a beautiful thing. And not just in an everything-is-airbrushed-sucks kind of way but in the very real sense that if I’m going to buy something, especially online, I need to know how it’s going to look on me and not Supermodel Barbie.
Want to try some awesome Danskin duds yourself? Tell me about your favorite piece of workout clothing and you could win this supercute pink scoopneck tee (size small). Contest runs for 48 hours! And don’t forget to head over to Kelly at Grounded Fitness for a second chance!
Size small hugh…? i guess I won’t comment on that
I was just about to comment on that same thing. hmmm, maybe I need to look like those models to actually FIT into a small.
My favorite workout piece is actually a pair of Danskin capris I bought in the spring this year from REI. I hemmed them to be long shorts instead (i’m only 5’3″, capris look ridiculous on me). I have worn them on every single hike and bike ride I went on all summer! They go on over my padded bike shorts, and over a tight pair of spandex shorts so my athletic thighs don’t chafe
Maybe if Danskin offered that shirt in a large I’d be all over it….
damn. even Im a medium (not the tatas, the ribcage :)).
BUT my fave workout clothing is an oldratty camo boy beaters.
threadbare and awesome.
Ditto on the size small! Since there’s no way I could fit in that I’ll tell you about my least favorite piece of workout clothing – my pants! I have a few pairs, and they’re all men’s pants because 1)women’s regular pants are too short, 2)I’m cheap, so I buy them at Walmart and 3)they’re actually still long enough after I wash them! I’ve gotten 2 pairs of women’s tall pants and after one washing (and low heat in the dryer) they were ready for a flood. *SIGH*
Love love love my Patagonia Serenity pants. I’ve gone through 3 pairs over the last 7 or so years. They last forever, but I wear them almost every day from September – May. I work as a massage therapist, and they are perfect for the gym, yoga class and work.
I love ads for athletic clothes where the models actually have muscles! They make me want to work out. The stick figure models prancing around just make me want to eat cupcakes.
And those 1 lb weights crack me up. What are they even for? You’d have to do like 2,358,250 reps with one pound weights to notice any difference in your triceps.
That’s great! I have this image of everyone at the gym working to look “model-like” rather than working out. It’s like a Monte Python silly walk done with weights
Bleh. That is why I can’t stand some of those fitness magazines…although lately I have noticed some of them using more “normal” looking women. We need to see girls with muscles!
I have the *perfect* pair of Gap Body workout pants. They are so soft and stretchy and camel toe resistant.
I have a pair of Danskin workout pants that I bought in the Petite section at Winners, and they are actually “Petite” (meaning they don’t drag on the floor and trip me up); it’s awesome. Also, I have had them for going on 10 years and they are still in good shape. Kudos to Danskin.
The thigh girl has thighs like mine! Are they really in an ad campaign? *melts into a happy puddle*
I honestly thought I was the ONLY person who thought this about athletic models – compounded by the fact that EVERYBODY at my gym looks like that too. I always wondered why I was the only person who sweated….now it all makes perfect sense.
The girl with the white hoodie could ALMOST be doing a chest fly though Charlotte. She is. I’m sure she is. :0)
TA x
P.S. – no way size small would fit me, plus I’m a redhead and I really don’t wear pink, so don’t enter me in the contest.
Ah, a model with real legs, not pins! I have several Danskin pieces and I like them all.
My favorite athletic gear is probably my running pants. They’re so comfy and great for running, but also great for just wearing around the house because I’m too lazy to put on real clothes!
I’m a huge fan of yoga pants. I wear them everywhere. When I’m hanging out around the house, I’ll take off my beater and rock out in a sportsbra and yoga pants.
It’s a bit cheesy, but I feel so tough doing it.
My favorite workout gear is my Nike Women’s New Adventure Running Skirt. I love them in the summertime when it is way too hot to wear pants. It hides the “ride up” that always happens to me with shorts and the cut is a sort of A-line thing that looks good on me.
I LOVE my Nike Pro fleece lined tights and mock turtle neck. It saves my life in the winter running outside! They are so comfortable and warm, but not bulky!
Such a cute tee! I’m a small I’m a small:)
I love my sports bra. Not that I really have anything that needs to be supported. But my sports bra is fantastic. And its just from La Senza, too. I can work out barefoot, with a ratty shirt and any old pants (as long as there’s some give- supertight jeans are kinda difficult to workout in), but a sports bra is a must! The difference between it and a regular one is amazing.
those pics totally bring me back to when I was a little girl in dance class and every year, our teacher would pick some hideous costume from a dance catalog to match the song we were performing to (Living in America by james Brown? A red white and blue leotard with matching tutu and sequined gloves!) My fave was the year we did “Nasty” by Janet Jackson and had these outfits that looked liked black liquid latex – very sexy for a fifth grader! I wish I’d kept it. You know, for my future daughter…
Note to ad execs: when trying to sell athletic apparel, do not, I repeat, DO NOT include a skinny model attempting to flex non-existent muscles. It’s just awkward and embarrassing, for all of us.
I love Danskin. But I don’t fit into a small. So I’ll just publicly declare my love for them with no expectation of reward, lol!
Oh, and my parents DID keep all my hideous dance recital costumes! As well as my hideous kids’ theater club costumes. (And my horrifying, late-80’s, “Gone With the Wind” meets “Dynasty” prom dress.)
They say everything comes back into fashion…
My fave fave fave pants are the Margarita style BrasilSul pants I get at conferences. I have the daisy style and the criss cross style. They’re so comfy, but they’ve got pizzazz!
I don’t know about the small either…it depends whether their smalls are really small or if they’re medium/large masquerading as small to make people feel better.
pick me, pick me!
My favorite workout item….(sad)- my Kool-Aid days t-shirt circa 1999. My grad school loans have helped keep me sweating and pumping iron in the oldest of sweat-stained tees (but cool ones, like our family reunion tees and U.S. Women’s bobsled team…!) I’m starting my first real job in two weeks (yeah!)and as a gift to myself–joining a nice(r) gym. It may be time to ditch the college and HS sweats….
My favorite piece of workout wear. Are you ready for this? My wicking socks. I swear by them for running and have been saved many a blister since I started sporting them on the regular.
But Shirts aren’t too bad either and rather neccessary in most gyms.
I actually have a pair of black nylon danskin long shorts (I have no idea what they are actually called). I bought them (on clearance!)a few months back when I started teaching a Group Kick class. They’re super light weight so I easily kick my (fake)opponent in the knees but also come with a little black and white striped ribbon belt so I can look cute and tough at the same time. I’m a big believer in feeling comfortable in your workout clothes, and for me that means being able to wear something that helps me stay active while not feeling like a complete schlep in public.
I actually have a pair of Danskin grey pants I got from Costco (with a coupon!) and they are soooo soft it’s ridiculous. They’re a bit tighter in the belly and DO give me a muffin top on bad days, but on good days just remind me to engage my abs. A top to go with would be awesome!
My Nike capri running tights. I also struggle with length. Pants might be long enough when I purchase them, but after washing they are too short. ARGH! So, capris it is! No chafing on the inner thighs, nice wide waist band, no flapping material around the legs when moving and the tightness makes me hold everything tight and in place! No camel toe either!
Enter me in!!
Honestly, my favorite workout clothing is the very basic nike tempo women's running shorts.,women#l=shop,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-1/pid-187323/pgid-104064
It comes in a bajillion colors (i have 3), they're very aesthetically designed with the curved lines and all, they're great quality, and can be <20$ when they're in the clearance rack! I wear them to the gym every. single. day. Whether I'm lifting or running or biking or yoga-ing. I don't like wearing long pants when I'm working out, so I'll change into them even in the winter.
I have a pink shirt that I made myself that says “I only date boys who recycle.” It is the coolest shirt in the whole world. I wore it during my first 5k, which you can see here:
I almost don’t want to say what my fave workout gear is, cause I am not one of “those” girls who buy for logo, I buy for function. That said my fave things are gonna have to be my Lululemon spin shorts (cause they have the silicone leg grips, and higher rise in back for leaning over a bike) and my “training pant” or whatever they call it from same. The pant is perfect for running when cool (not cold) as there is enough fabric to go over your shoe, but are still slim to the leg (no flapping fabric)! I have lots of workout gear it seems; being an instructor will do that to you – yet I am always on the lookout for new cute stuff!
My favorite piece of workout clothing is my plain black microfiber long sleeved shirt from Mountain Equipment Co-op. It wicks perfectly when I’m running in the fall, but looks good with jeans if I wear it coaching – also, it’s got a high cut neckline so not a hint of cleavage (I coach 12 year old boys, so this is a must).
ooh..that is a cute top (and in my size)
my favorite piece of workout clothing right now is my nike drifit running tank that is longer cut so it prevents any side flab from squeaking out when I run.
Loey – I am an MEC fan (and fellow Canadian) as well and am curious to know which style shirt you are talking about so that I can add it to the Christmas list. That is the piece of gear that I need most right now – a new long sleeve wicking shirt. Thanks!
I just found your blog. I love it.
My favorite piece of workout clothing is the $5 Patagonia sports bra I just got at Marshalls last weekend on clearance. It’s teal and has cool designs on it.
If you’re looking for more great workout pants, I love the ones from Victoria’s Secret – they’re yoga pants and you can order extra long (I’m 5’10” and I can NEVER find yoga pants that are long enough). I think they’re about $30. I have 2 pairs.
Wow, those pictures are hilarious (and I totally remember that shape workout bit, and thinking, why is that trainer smiling so strangely, LOL).
My favorite piece of workout gear is/are my cheapo capris that I bought at Shopko. They are the fitted kind (not the loosey-goosey), and they have stripes down the side. I have a black and a navy pair. They are super comfy, and I feel like I don’t jiggle so much in them compared to other workout bottoms.
Unfortunately, I’ve worn them so much, they are threadbare in the butt-crack area and I’m afraid that they are starting to show through. But if I’m just working out at home- who cares?
My current favs…. Kyodan pants I scored from Marshalls for $25. So comfy. And the Champion Racerback tank with no bra from Target (they run $10 on sale).
Love the look of those Danskin pants and cute tank… $50, yikes. You really scored!!!
I just have to say, from a woman that no matter how lean I have been has thighs… Kyodan Yoga pants (full length) have been my biggest fav! They have three seams running down each leg. The inner seam, and then two seams about 4-5 inches apart on the outer leg which helps to create a support area that pulls the puffy part of a woman's thigh/hips inward. I love these things. They can usually be bought for a good price on E-bay. They are made of a microfiber material so they dont lose thier color or shape after being washed many many times over. Best buy and gym item!
Ok. i knows very well about yoga clothes and benefits of yoga. both are importants.
According to me, Some Yoga benefits are..
-Stress Relief-Yoga can help reduce the effects of stress on your body. One of the benefits of yoga Is that it encourages relaxation and can lower the amount of cortisol in your body.-Pain Relief-Daily exercises of yoga can help ease the aches and pains of the body-Better Breathing-You will learn to take deeper, slower breaths with daily exercises of yoga. It will help to increase your lung function and set off the body’s relaxation response-Flexibility-You will notice your level of flexibility will increase, which will help with your range of Motion–Increased Strength-Yoga poses use all the muscles in your body and help you increase your strength level from head to toe. -Weight Management-You will see the benefits of yoga begin to affect your scale. Daily exercises are always recommended, but yoga helps reduce the level of cortisol in your body. This aids in weight loss and fat burning.-Improved Circulation-Yoga will help improve your body’s circulation. In turn, with daily exercises, you will see the benefits of yoga with lowered blood pressure and pulse rates.-Cardiovascular Conditioning-This is one of the important benefits of yoga to help improve the amount of oxygen taken in during the daily exercises.-Focus on the Present-You can have greater coordination, memory skills, reaction times, and improved concentration skills by utilizing yoga for daily exercises. These benefits of yoga will extend far out of the yoga center.-Inner PeaceWhat more could you want. This is one of the primary reasons that people do daily exercises of yoga.