People sometimes ask me, “How on earth do you find motivation to workout every day? Don’t you get bored?” The next time someone says this to me I’m going to whip these pics out of my wallet and answer, “How often do you get to wear a gold lame (accent on the e, thankyouverymuch) leotard, pink chuck T’s and rat your hair Whitesnake style all while getting the workout of your life?” True, not every night is ’80s TurboKick night at my gym – and thank heavens for that, it took me 20 minutes to use the bathroom and I had wedgies from three different angles – but this is just a great example of the kind of party people I sweat with. So how do you get your own bore-proof workout, you ask? I’ll tell you in three easy steps:
Step One: Find a Great Teacher
Sorry kids, Turbo Jennie’s already taken but there are a ton of great fit instructors out there. It’s amazing the difference a good teacher can make. Gyms attract big personalities so find somebody whose personality matches what you need. Love a cheerful, Energizer bunny type with pumping music? Check out step aerobics! Dream about a warm and soothing voice reminding you to breathe (’cause you know you forget)? The yoga teacher’s got your back. Miss the verbal abuse and tough love of your childhood? Bootcamp Sargent’s knocking on your door!

Step Two: Find a Great Class
Some people prefer to workout on their own. Which is all good but if that is you then you are the only person responsible if your workout is boring. The rest of us apparently want someone else to blame. My little dancer heart loves choreography and so I naturally gravitate towards TurboKick, Hip Hop and Zumba. But others love the structured burn of a group weight-lifting class. And still others like some instruction but at their own pace, like bootcamp. My advice? Try it all. Even if you don’t like it, at least now you know.

Step Three: Find Some Great Friends
Now this step is really important. A lot of people want to skip this step. They come in the gym, do their workout and then leave. But having Gym Buddies has benefits that go far beyond just having someone to giggle with when you trip over the weight bench you were just sitting on or squeak one out during yoga. They help you stay accountable. They make you feel welcome. They can lift you up on a down day. They can encourage you to get out one more mile or one last set. They can lend you a hairband if you forget yours or a shoulder to cry on if PMS hits hard. Say hi. Smile. Strike up a conversation. I promise it will be worth your time.

And there you have it! Happy workouting!! And HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
So tell me – you guys have a special Halloween workout lined up? Anyone going to a costume party? Tell me all about your costume! Don’t forget – Monday starts a brand spanking new Great Fitness Experiment and you’re going to love it. Two words: suspension training. Wheeee!
Char –
I LOVED 80's night tonite!! UniTard, Hot on you!! Members only jacket & fanny pack, with socks tucked in – nothing on you! Wish we could have done the "shopping cart" or Roger Rabbit and shown our true age!
Wah! I SO want gym buddies and have yet to find any to work out with! Plenty of the guys in the weight section know me (by face).. but still no buddy/fun factor.
I’ve tried a couple classes and they just didn’t do it for me.
And I LOVE your ’80s night!
That looks like so much fun! I think lame really works for you Charlotte, maybe you should really start incorporating it into your “night-time wear” :0)Once my best friend and I dressed up in leotards and got drunk and did a workout video. It’s not recommended safe exercise, but it was pretty funny.
NOT as funny as the phrase “fanny pack” is to a Brit though.
I hate to be a sadsack but can somebody maybeplease give me a gentle push with the workout buddies? Hints and tips? I’m so painfully, pitifully shy, and I scare my non-gym friends away from signing up to my place because I’m so fanatical about working out. I would LOVE to have somebody to work out with but this will mean I NEED to buddy up to strangers. That is TERRIFYING.
How did you do it?
TA x
OhMyGoodness, Gym Buddy Allison is beautiful…and missus you are rocking that gold leotard like I wouldn’t have thought possible, excuse me, gold lamΓ©, but I must ask…why did you have it in your closet?! Why not, says you…
jealousy is such an ugly emotion (BUT IM GREEN SO MAYBE ILL SHED MY TUTU AND BE THE INCREDIBLE HULK!!) but Im jealous of your gym friends…but we knew that π
happy ‘ween!!
Ugh Charlotte, do we have to wait until Monday to hear about October’s experiment? I’m so curious to know how it went! Oh well, it will give me something to look forward to on Monday morning.
80’s night – hilarious! I’m one of those “in and out” of the gym people. I envy your close group of workout friends. My mornings at the gym are usually pretty tight, and I don’t have time for more than a smile and a wave.
Gold lame (the accent is there in my mind, even though I can’t type it) leotard? Has someone been shopping at American Apparel? Word.
I miss my purple spandex leggings right about now… Love the pictures!
Hahahaha! Those outfits are so awesome. Where on earth did you find a gold lame (accent on the e) leotard?
One of the group fitness instructors was wearing an outfit yesterday that I hope to God was an 80’s costume. It wasn’t quite over the top enough for me to be sure. If it wasn’t, she might need a fashion intervention.
LOL!! Thank goodness that was 80’s night π
You guys look GREAT!!
Happy Halloween!
That’s awesome! They always suggest people dress up for Halloween at my gym, but nobody ever does.
Last year, I showed up to a sign on the door that said “Special Halloween class” in the time slot I teach. Ummmm…. So after a powwow with the manager, who mentioned costumes (no) and special music (it was in her box and it was godawful, I managed to get through 1/2 of Thriller before I shut it off), all I really did was turn the lights down for one song. Enter spooky Halloween vibes.
Totally agree with your steps though. If I’m not in class, I definitely need friends there to motivate me!
Tokaiangel, try not to focus so much on having to get to the gym and make friends, because I think that’ll put a lot of pressure on. If you’re going to a class, just get there a little early and chat with the other people waiting (about the class, or the weather, or whatever). I met two of my best friends at the gym – we kinda knew each other from class, then when some special events came up (a specialty small group training in one case and a fitness conference in another), we attended together and got to know each other better.
Great post. I was giggling the entire time. Happy Halloween!
Costume party! Am looking forward to it.
I love your outfits! And the teacher absolutely makes the class. My boot camp instructor is someone different this month (eek!), but as it turns out she’s actually just as fantastic as my last instructor. Thank goodness for that!
You guys looked, like, so boss. I mean, totally dope! I’m so disappointed in my local thrift store that I couldn’t at least find a pair of zubbas.
There’s nothing like a workout that works your abs the whole time cause you can’t stop laughing! It was great!
Awesome! My costume totally would have went with yours! If you stop by my blog I’ve posted a picture of what I wore to the office.
My hair is a lot bigger than it was when the pic was taken. I look like I should be in a White Snake video.
Happy Halloween!
Hey everybody it was really fun last night and had a great time. We all looked great. Happy Halloween!!!!!!!
OMG your costume is exactly what I want to be for halloween next year. Too awesome. This year, basically forgetting about the holiday. I know, and it’s on a friday! boo. (haha, boo…)
All my friends that I am going out with tonight are in University. This means that we’re going clubbing and its going to be dramatic at some point. We don’t have tickets, but they figure I can sweet talk my way into almost anywhere, which is true. It’s only true because most the bouncers in this city workout at one of my many gyms.
I am dressing up as Lara Croft from Tomb Raider, the movie, not the video game.
If I didn’t worship you guys before (which I did), I TOTALLY DO NOW!!!!!
I’m so jealous, lol!
(I’m teaching a class this morning at the JCC, but since Halloween isn’t exactly a Jewish holiday, I can’t wear a costume. Wah!)
You all look amazing! (And great tips, too!)
DARN IT, I missed it!
Awesome … i love the fanny pack .. CUTE!
Wish i was there π
OMG! You’re 80’s outfits gave me flashbacks.
I would be the guy in the short nylon runner shorts. Thank god, I burned those pictures of me around 1993!
Tim Rosanelli
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Awesome, you all look fantastic in your 80s getups! That leotard is something! Looks like a blast.
I’m dressed up like a wraith queen today. Serious kudos to anyone who knows what that is, but the costume is pretty cool! Pics here if anyone is interested: http://www.adjustedreality.com/blog. They’re from last weekend, not today (I don’t have all the makeup on, it took 2 hours and I was NOT getting up that early).
On the gym buddy thing, I am generally an extrovert and a friendly person, but for some reason the gym is my ME time and introspective time, and I like it that way. I’m always short on time so it’s “get it done as quick as humanly possible”. Maybe I just need a good class or teacher to change my mind though…
Oh, the 80s were a scary time for fashion, weren’t they? The pics are great. It looks like so much fun!
My Halloween workout is simply trying to keep 2 impulsive boys (a little skeleton and UPS man tonight) from getting run over by the idiots who fly through our neighborhood at warp speed. And it’s gotta burn a calorie or 2 to unwrap Kit Kat bars, right?
zOMG! You remind me of the Solid Gold Dancers in that gold number…LOL. Love it! Great pictures!
Funny I posted an 80’s Jazzercise clip today. Workouts in the 80’s were so fun!
Awwww – fun!! Happy Halloween!
very cool pics and advice, have a good weekend
that leotard is totally bitchin’
O…M…G… Those pictures are hilarious! I need to know how you got your bangs to do that! It’s like nothing I’ve seen in the last 20 years! No great costumes here, but I did see a man dressed up quite similar to you girls while running along the parkway yesterday. Only, after he talked with me for a bit, I’m not so sure it was a costume! Guess I’ll never know…
Love the participation from your class! I teach classes and never get that kind of turnout. Guess that’s what 5:45 a.m. does to people!
Fun post!
Hope you an the kids had a great Halloween!!
aw what a nice post. i want gym buddies. i dont even have stond more often than sit buddies.
Kelly Turner
Love the photos!! But you’re making me miss Pam and she hasn’t even left yet!!
wow – i took a break from blogs for four days and look at how much wonderful stuff i missed! this dress-up class looks so freaking fun and your leotard seriously rocks, charlotte. Go 80s!
Oh God!! That lacy number is TOO MUCH!!!
Loved the pictures!! So fun!! I think you are special- you make friends so easily in the gym where others of us find it’s hard to make that leap from people who occasionally say hi to actual gym buddies. How do you do it? You should write a post on how to win friends and influence people in the gym. π
The eighties was a great and wonderful era to have grown up in or lived in!
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