If you think my food quirks are weird, you should try buying me a drink. Truly, it’s a wonder I still have friends that will be seen with me in public places any more.
Gym Buddy Paul found this out the hard way the other day at a TurboKick social gathering (that’s right – we’re all such TurboFans that we get together outside of Turbo to talk about Turbo. Sometimes we even bust out our moves together. Think line dancing. But louder. And with violence. It’s hawt.) Paul noticed that I was the only one in our raucus group sans beverage and in an effort to be chivalrous, offered to buy me a drink.

For most people – make that normal people – this would be a no-brainer. But we all know by now that I am not normal. And so I declined. “Are you sure?” He looked worried, perhaps wondering if I might pass out from dehydration like I did once before in TurboKick when he happened to save the day with a VitaWater. I am not known for my common sense.
But this time I was not just being boneheaded about my (in)ability to do fasted-state cardio. Let’s start with my religious beliefs. I’m LDS and so that rules out anything alcoholic. (Side note: I may be the only person you’ve ever met that has never, not even once, tasted alcohol. Don’t worry, I’m still fun at parties – I’ve prepped an impressive list of stupid human tricks that I can whip out at a moment’s notice. ) We also choose not to drink coffee or tea. (Additional side note: but hot chocolate is okay. You know that decadent Stephen’s gourmet cocoa? Invented by an LDS person, natch. I think we account for 75% of the world’s hot chocolate consumption.) All of which might be well and good – many LDS folks manage to have perfectly lovely social lives, even in a liquid setting – until you add my personal neuroses on top of it.
I don’t like drinking my calories. This eliminates 90% of beverages. I also don’t like artificial sweeteners. And that eliminates the last 10%. I haven’t had soda in years. So what do I drink? Ice water with lemon. Unsweetened herbal teas. Maybe milk if I’m feeling really kicky. In case anyone is wondering, smoothies, with their numberless calorie-laden ingredients and dubious supplements and faux-health foods and fruit stripped of all fiber, are my own personal hell. Welcome to the wide wonderful world of Charlotte’s mind.
And yet there are a select few beverages that I will drink if the stars are aligned just right and my meds have kicked in, my favorite being pomegranate juice. I love pomegranates. Persephone is my favorite of all the Greek mistresses. And the juice? Is a tart-n-tangy antioxidant cocktail that has the added bonus of turning your lips a really awesome shade of red. (Seriously, I would kill for a lip gloss in that color!) I will break my no-calorie beverage rule for good pomegranate juice.
And the good folks at POM Wonderful decided to help me spread the stained love. One thing that has always got me about pomegranate juice is the wide disparity in taste and price among “100% pomegranate juice.” POM Wonderful cleared that up for me. Apparently most of the other brands are manufactured in countries that do not check the contents of what they sell, allowing things marked as 100% juice to actually be cut with a variety of other, cheaper juices. The POM juice is the only brand guaranteed to be 100% pomegranate juice and nothing else. And come on, nobody likes their drugs – nutraceutical or otherwise – cut with cheap fillers! I tried out a bottle of POM next to a glass of a cheap frozen brand. I could a difference in the juice even before drinking it and the tastes were completely different.
You up for the health-nut version of the Pepsi challenge? The POM Wonderful people are giving five of you a free bottle to try it out and see if you can’t tell the difference. Just leave me a comment below telling me what your favorite beverage of choice is to be entered into the contest! Winners to be announced Monday, contest NOT limited to the U.S. Wahoo!
So, anyone else out there nutty about drinking their calories? Also, big question of the day: do you call it “soda” or “pop”? (If you answer “coke”, you just outed yourself as a Southerner and will be forced to show off your adorable accent every time I talk to you!)
PS> Gym Buddy Paul: Your kind gesture was very much appreciated! Thanks for being my friend even though I’m certifiable;)
I hate drinking my calories and generally stick to water. I do admit to a certain love of soda, though, and frequently order fountain drinks whenever I eat out. Dr Pepper all the way!
I've always been hesitant to drink juices because I'm shocked at how many of them have <50% actual juice (and how much sugar and calories they have). Still, the ones that have actual fruit juice are well worth it because I can be lazy about EATING my servings of fruit.
We take what we can get.
First of all, everyone knows it’s pop :). (saying that will probably out me as a Canadian)
I generally don’t enjoy drinking my calories, and don’t drink juice or pop by choice. I don’t particularly enjoy either, so it’s not something I miss.
I do however enjoy a good alcoholic beverage, wine being at the top of the list. Everything in moderation…
We call it neither “soda” nor “pop”, we call them “fizzy drinks” or “soft drinks” or, in some rural parts – “minerals”
I’m not a fan of drinking my calories either, but I would rarely express a direct preference as such. I just take what I’m given! Your Pom juice sounds lovely though, I do like my pomegranates!
Well now I don’t call it soda or pop but then I’m in Europe so that probably explains that.
Where I am they are just called fizzy drinks (accurate eh!) and generally most likely identified by the brand name..
I do drink alcohol (though I probably shouldn’t). I also drink diet coke when longing for something sweet even though I’m sure it’s rotting my insides. I stay away from juices mainly because I think it’s better to actually eat the fruit though proper freshly made orange is always hard to resist!!
Snap Shivers !!!
also outing myself as a Canadian – we call it pop.
I have not had alcohol in 5 years, which seems to amaze people…’what, you SERIOUSLY don’t drink? Well what do you do for fun?’
not a big fan of drinking my calories either – but I do go for the artificial sweetner thing, so I have coffee and diet POP.
On a side note – they are “pants”, not “trousers”, and a “couch”, not a “sofa”….:)
love the pom.
Im a POP drinker.
please not to enter me for reasons Im sure you can intuit.
I gots me some in the fridge
I almost never drink anything with calories in it. I go for black coffee, water, tea, and the occasional diet coke (also known as soda). I used to drink a lot of cranberry juice but I haven’t in years. I’ve never tried POM – no matter what it’s always going to be too expensive for me. Hot chocolate is amazing but I’d rather eat something like a chocolate cookie instead.
First comment here.
Obviously from this response, I am not a member of LDS.
I drink the following: iced water, coffee with skim milk and white wine, but occasionally, a cup of brewed loose tea or substitute San Pellegrino for the water, if I am craving something bubbly.
I’m with you on the smoothies. Yuck!
After living in Mexico in the 70’s where soda had triple the sugar and caffeine, I swore off the stuff
I drink lots of water, tea & coffee, all without add-ons. Stopped drinking pop* a few years ago, and don't regret it a bit. I do sometimes drink fruit smoothies, iced coffee shakes, and protein drinks, especially in the summer. After a big workout on a 90+ degree day, pulling an icy drink from the fridge is far more appealing than the thought of solid food. (And sometimes, nothing but a big pint of guinness will do.)
I'd love to try POM. Have tried a couple drinks with pomegranate / berry combos, but somehow never picked up the POM.
*I’ve been in Georgia for 25 years now, but am steadfastly refusing to say “coke” unless that’s the actual name brand I’m ordering.
It’s all Coke! It’s Coke even when it’s Pepsi (make sense, right?). Yes, I’m outed.
As for what I drink, buckets of water and ice tea black enough to put hair on your chest ( very un-southern). Never been a juice fan (always too sweet) but I love Diet Coke (actually Pepsi, LOL) a little too much.
SODA for sure
i don’t like drinking my calories, either! i usually do water or tea…
Southerner here and I really do call everything coke! LOL And I’m kind of an anomaly in my family because I have a really southern accent, everyone else sounds…normal. Of course my Mom is from Maine and my Dad’s from Miami…maybe I just picked up my accent from those around me?
My favorite drink is lemonade, but I only have it like twice a year because I’m like you and don’t like to drink my calories, but I would LOVE to try this juice! I keep hearing about it everywhere (on the internet!)!
Happy Friday Everybody!
Having lived in 3 different countries, I alternate between calling it “cold drink”, “soft drink” or simply the the name of the drink itself. Or, if all that gets a blank look, I throw in pop and soda for good measure.
I too abstain from the calorie laden drinks most of the time. No soft drinks for me unless we’re adding vodka and then, well, gloves are off.
I do like my alcoholic drinks which are mucho calorie laden I know. So I close my eyes to all that and work out extra hard to make up for it.
I’m dying to try the pomegranate juice. I had some freshly made in Israel a few years ago and it was yummy!
MAPPCHIK – What part of GA? I’m in GA too!!
My favorite drink right now is actually somethin I tried just a week ago… at a tea shop in the airport! It was green tea with a shot of ground ginger. Warm, spicy, and heatin me up from the inside. Mmmm..
I’ve actually never tried POM juice, just because I’m college (Cheers!) and thus cheap. But it sounds delish!
And we say pop in our neck of the woods;)
I generally don’t drink my calories – except milk for the calcium – and wine for the … uh… fruit.
Growing up it was soda. When I was 3, I got really confused why we went to visit my grandparents in Minisoda and they didn’t even *HAVE* soda… but they did have pop!
Now I live in Indiana and have completely switched to pop.
I wouldn’t dare say Coke because if I’m drinking a SODA (and I thin I used to say pop until I met my husband – I’m from the Midwest and he’s from California, for whatever that’s worth), it’s Pepsi or nothing.
I try to avoid drinking calories. I put one teaspoon of sugar in my morning coffee, and most days that’s all the liquid calories I have until my glass of wine at night.
But I love my Pepsi, and usually have one a week. I’ll drink one when we go out for a meal or if we go for a day trip – to the beach or something. The extra 200 calories a week won’t kill me.
I’ve never tried the POM. It sounds yummy though.
And I do love those “green juice” drinks from Bolthouse Farms. My sons adore them. They are expensive, but worth it to get something green in my boys. (Although I do wonder just how much “green” is really in one.)
See, I’m a Canuck and I would call what you are describing a “soft drink” (although in the French-speaking province of Québec, you would call it “liqueur” – no joke!).
I generally don’t drink my calories. Not because I don’t like many calorie-full beverages but because I like so very many calorie-full solid foods and if I have to pick, I go with food. I’ve love to try Pomegranate juice.
It’s a pop. Yes, I am Canadian. And since I am French Canadian, it’s also “boisson gazeuse” (fizzy drink) or “liqueur” (yes it also means liquor but its also slang for pop) or just calling everything by its brand name (it’s not tissue paper, it’s a Kleenex. It’s not a cotton swab, it’s a Q-Tip, it’s not a paper towel, it’s a Scott Towel (even if said company has even rebranded itself as Sponge Towels) and it’s not a snowmobile… it’s a Skidoo!)
I must say that I am of the few here that does enjoy consuming my calories in drink form. (I just finished a 10 day cleanse and cravings for a good glass of wine were right up there with Indian Food and KFC…) I love love food and I truly believe that you can enhance or ruin your food experience depending on how you pair it drink-wise. A good red wine can cleanse the palette, and let flavours pop. If I am going to consume any calories, they’ve got to taste amazing!
I drink coffee, wine, beer, scotch, water, OJ and the occasional (read: only good tasting and not overly sweet) real juice.
It’s soda whenever I’m not with BK. B refuses to call it anything other than pop, so I’ve started calling it pop when around him.
I am kind of crazy about drinking my calories… which makes black coffee my favorite drink. I normally only drink water and black coffee with the occasional Diet Pepsi. Even when I have an alcoholic beverage, it is a rum and Diet Pepsi in order to avoid any more calories than necessary… Black coffee is the big one though. I go through a pot or two daily…
I’m like you, Charlotte! While I used to be drinker (in a very bad way… not only was I a binge eater, I was a binge drinker), I now pretty much completely abstain. However, I’m from a Scottish Catholic family and most of my friends still imbibe, so I get pressured a lot. I drink club soda with a lemon or a lime and most people assume it’s something like a gin and tonic. Another favorite is a virgin Caesar or Bloody Mary (although the sodium is so high I’ll usually just have one).
I don’t drink my calories often, except for vegetable juice from my own juicer (the pulp is good for thickening soups), pure cranberry juice on occasion (the kind that needs to be diluted) and pomegranate juice.
And I call it pop.
Like you, I don’t drink my calories, unless melted ice-cream counts
I call it soda!
Mmm, I am generally NOT a fan of drinking my calories, but I would love to try this juice. I’ve seen it around, but never purchased it.
That being said, I lurve me a good nonfat latte. It is a great post workout snack! Or mid-afternoon pick me up. Or way to start the morning (run out to Starbucks around the corner, snuggle back into bed, enjoy the caffeinated goodness.)
And no question – it is pop (woot, Canadians in the house!).
All dark carbonated beverages are Coke.
As in “hey get me a coke at the store.”
“okay, what do you want?”
“Dr. Pepper”
In high school the big thing was to “go get a coke at Sonic”, but that was really code for “check out the hot guys at Sonic”
All light colored carbonated beverages are Sprite, even if they are a 7Up.
Why yes, I am from the South, why do you ask?
And please don’t enter me for the POM either – got a case of my own on the way!!
I would say my favorite drinks are different varities of coffe and chai or green tea. I also really like to mix a good juice with club soda for a treat maybe once or twice a year. Woo hoo party animal! I grew up calling it “having a coke”. Yes, Texas, how could you tell? Funny about that-I had a patient going through chemo tell me they had a coke addicition flat out, after our eyes boggled out of our heads she explained she was referring to coca cola.
I, too, hate drinking calories. My restaurant drink of choice? Water with lemon. Not only because I hate unnecessary calories, but also because I’m cheap.
I’d have to say, my favorite drink is unsweetened herbal tea, primarily anything with ginger in it. I love me some ginger!
As for the ‘soda’ vs. ‘pop’ thing, I grew up saying ‘soda’, but have lived in various places where I was the outcast because everybody said either ‘pop’ or ‘coke’.
I’m definitely finicky about drinking my calories, too. Water with lemon (lime if I’m eating Mexican food!) is my drink of choice, though I’ll go for club soda if I’m feeling fancy. Part of that MAY have to do with my aversion to spending money, though.
Growing up, I called all of it coke, but nowadays, it’s soda. Living in Ohio (part of the land of pop) was a bit of an adjustment for me, so it’s good to be back in the South.
I never like to drink my calories. It just doesn’t make sense. I’ve gotten a lot better at drinking water lately – and like it at room temperature. I turn the hot and cold faucet on to try to get it at the right temp!
If I do drink juice, I make sure it is 100% juice, and then I water it down with regular water or seltzer.
I’m a sucker for diet soda, but am getting much better at not drinking them. I’d say I’m down from two a day, to two a week!!
I also just started drinking herbal tea, and I really like it!
I say “soda” because I’m from Massachusetts!
Also, I had to look up LDS, because I didn’t know what it stood for.
I am exactly the same way when it comes to beverages – although I DO drink alcohol. But I drink red wine and justify it. Hey, it’s loaded with anti-oxidants! Just like that POM
Definitely SODA (even though I am Canadian). Pop is a type of music. It is the sound gum bubbles make. It is what you let the cats to those shrink wrap things when you get a package in the mail. It is not a drink.
And I would love to try POM in spite of my aversion to drinking my calories in anything besides coffee. Which I need. But I can’t drink it without milk and sugar, and I figure sugar is still better for you than aspartame!
I’m from Canada. It’s pop. Though if I’m going to drink pop, it’s usually Coke.
I mainly drink water, like you I don’t like to drink my calories. But every now and again I do enjoy a calorie-laden Coca-Cola because I love the stuff. I also enjoy a glass of wine or a beer now and then. But all of those fall under the category of treating myself – the usual daily drink (after my morning coffee) is water.
I love eating pomegranates, but I’ve found pomegranate juice doesn’t taste like pomegranates, so I gave up on that. If I drink juice – also rare – my juice of choice is cranberry.
I call it soda pop; no idea what part of the country that came from since I was a “service brat”.
Favorite drink: Good Earth tea with soy milk.
As 10 year Georgia Peach (and Virginian before that), everyone knows that Coke = soda! I think you can get hurt in Atlanta if you ask for a Pepsi LOL. Coke loyalty runs deep here. My friend works for them and refuses to drink/eat Pepsi products or patronize their related businesses.
I generally dislike drinking my calories except for the occasional adult beverage. I will drink skim milk sometimes for calcium or the occasional fake sugar juice with 30 calories or per serving.
Did you hear the juice they sent to Kelly at Grounded Fitness had already expired? Weird.
Anyhow, I only drink a few things: water, diet coke, and crystal light
Good Morning Char! LOVED our chamo day, that was so fun! LOVE our Turbo outings also. Maybe next time there will be dancing involved, without the UFC championship fight too, clogging our tables at said bar!! There is always next time……
No doubt, pop all the way!
I LOVE me some Diet Pepsi and Captain, drink of choice. I wasn’t partaking that night either, my throat was hurting so I passed on my Wilson invite too!
See you Saturday morning for some Jennie butt-kicking!
I drink mostly water and skim milk, but when I do get a craving for a “pop”, it’s regular Cherry Coke, hands-down. I’m a Michigander, not Canadian, but is there really a difference when you’re this far north? I also enjoy the Ocean Spray Cran – Tangerine juice every once in a while.
Coke! Since moving here I’m trying to refer to bubbly drinks as “soda.” Like you though, I rarely partake in bubbly drinks. Fav bev of the moment is pregnancy tea:-) Loving the herbal teas with a squirt of honey. Mostly though I’m all about water water water. Come summer time I am all about lemonade.
I’ve never commented here before but I am a loyal reader and felt I should write something about this topic because I, too, put my foot down when it comes to drinking my calories. If I’m going to consume a calorie, I’m going to make it worth my while and eat something healthy AND tasty.
Oh, and it’s called a “soda” where I live in San Francisco. By the way, if you’re ever out here, make a stop by the Ferry Building Farmer’s Market. It’s selection of organic produce and foods is amazing (even during the middle of winter)!
New Orleanians can be a bit different from other southerners. We tend to say “cold drink” for soda and “red drink” for anything that’s red like fruit punch. Lots of people in surrounding areas say “Coke” for everything though. I’m originally from Massachusetts so I used to say soda (and I used to be “all set”) but now I’m good with a cold drink. As long as it’s water. Ain’t drinkin no calories, dawlin’!
soda. but since marrying someone from Western PA it is now pop. but we don’t drink it. I have to say my favorite drink (besides ice cold water) when I feel kicky and like to treat myself is a good Arnold Palmer (ice tea and lemonade together). Or a good mineral water with a twist of lime.
I also do not like to drink my calories. Even while trying to gain some additional healthy weight, I have been resistant through the whole process to waste all the precious calories I get to eat on any nutritional supplement drinks. I’d rather eat all 3,000 of those calories than drink any of them!
My favorite beverage… that is really tough. It depends on my mood. I love good wine, ice cold water, milk, coffee, etc.
Heck, I even enjoy a good light beer with a few ounces of orange juice added to it! Which I guess is weird, judging by the weird looks and comments I’ve gotten. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it! (Those who drink alcohol, that is.
You perfectly described my take on drinks. My kids have asked me, “Have you ever drank anything but water?” The funny thing is, I wouldn’t touch water until about 15 years ago. I only drank Kool-Aid or “pop” (as I called it then) growing up, even at breakfast. I eventually moved to water and started calling what I didn’t drink “coke” because I lived in Texas. Moving to Arkansas, I started referring to what I didn’t drink as “soda” and I still do. When my husband and I met, he drank at least 20-40 oz of soda a day. He is down to about 40-60 oz a week and actually drinks water, which he never drank when we met.
I am from the South and I call everything coke and my favorite drink is sweet tea!
Other than the no alcohol clause, you sound pretty much just like me. I don’t drink coffee, I only drink naturally caffeine free tea, I avoid smoothies, I don’t typically drink juice, and I HATE artificial sweeteners and can tell immediately if something I’m drinking has one in it. For the most part, I drink water and that’s it. Okay, and the occasional cup of hot chocolate in the winter. Or some chocolate milk after a long run. Apparently it makes a great recovery beverage. Sometimes when out at a restaurant I’ll order a lemonade but never a soda (or a pop or a coke…I use them interchangeably. No, I’m not from the south).
I used to drink a lot of Kool-Aid (made with real sugar) but in the past 8 months I’ve cut that out, too. Why? Because I discovered that our grocery store sells naturally flavored sparkling water. No calories, no artificial sweeteners or flavors. Just a hint of fruit flavor and a little kick from the bubbles. It’s a great thing to drink when you want to break up the monotony of plain water. The lemon flavor is my favorite followed closely by the raspberry.
I’ve also tried HINT water, but wasn’t super impressed. Tasted too diluted.
Other than the no alcohol clause, you sound pretty much just like me. I don’t drink coffee, I only drink naturally caffeine free tea, I avoid smoothies, I don’t typically drink juice, and I HATE artificial sweeteners and can tell immediately if something I’m drinking has one in it. For the most part, I drink water and that’s it. Okay, and the occasional cup of hot chocolate in the winter. Or some chocolate milk after a long run. Apparently it makes a great recovery beverage. Sometimes when out at a restaurant I’ll order a lemonade but never a soda (or a pop or a coke…I use them interchangeably. No, I’m not from the south).
I used to drink a lot of Kool-Aid (made with real sugar) but in the past 8 months I’ve cut that out, too. Why? Because I discovered that our grocery store sells naturally flavored sparkling water. No calories, no artificial sweeteners or flavors. Just a hint of fruit flavor and a little kick from the bubbles. It’s a great thing to drink when you want to break up the monotony of plain water. The lemon flavor is my favorite followed closely by the raspberry.
I’ve also tried HINT water, but wasn’t super impressed. Tasted too diluted.
Other than the no alcohol clause, you sound pretty much just like me. I don’t drink coffee, I only drink naturally caffeine free tea, I avoid smoothies, I don’t typically drink juice, and I HATE artificial sweeteners and can tell immediately if something I’m drinking has one in it. For the most part, I drink water and that’s it. Okay, and the occasional cup of hot chocolate in the winter. Or some chocolate milk after a long run. Apparently it makes a great recovery beverage. Sometimes when out at a restaurant I’ll order a lemonade but never a soda (or a pop or a coke…I use them interchangeably. No, I’m not from the south).
I used to drink a lot of Kool-Aid (made with real sugar) but in the past 8 months I’ve cut that out, too. Why? Because I discovered that our grocery store sells naturally flavored sparkling water. No calories, no artificial sweeteners or flavors. Just a hint of fruit flavor and a little kick from the bubbles. It’s a great thing to drink when you want to break up the monotony of plain water. The lemon flavor is my favorite followed closely by the raspberry.
I’ve also tried HINT water, but wasn’t super impressed. Tasted too diluted.
i prefer food calories to drink calories and thus typically drink water and hot green tea every morning. however, i think i like the warmth more than the taste!
I drink water with lemon and a slice of cucumber, coffee and we call it soda here in Cali! I do enjoy a glass of wine at least once a week too!
My favorite drinks (these are my “treats” that I buy and feel guilty for spending money on, but then I get over it) are the flavored Polar Seltzer Waters. My favs are blueberry and vanilla. No artificial sweeteners or any sugar, just natural flavors. No caffeine or calories. I LOVE them. Love love love!
I do drink alcohol, caffeine, sugar, splenda, and all manner of chemicals in beverages. But I’m equally nutty if someone wants to buy me a drink, because so many things sound appealing that I can’t make a decision! I want the PERFECT beverage that’s refreshing, potent, sweet, big, and pretty–but that doesn’t have so many calories that I end up calculating the number of meals I’d have to skip to make up for it. (Hello, Big-Ass margarita!)
Number one: Coffee.
Number two: 1 part pomegranate juice to 2 parts green tea. This is what I drink with lunch and dinner on a regular basis. Gives all the flavor of pomegranate, but with 1/3 the calories and the cost.
I drink a cup of (calcium fortified) orange juice every morning, and that’s usually it for my juice intake. I try to stick to water (or, if I’m feeling dangerous, CARBONATED water with a twist of lime! Whoo-hoo!!!), but the raw cafe at one of the gyms I work at makes amazing smoothies. All the ingredients are natural and pronounce-able, so I treat myself once in a while. (They also have these no-fish tacos that are just BEYOND…but I digress.)
I’ve also been known to have a diet soda now and again.
My biggest weakness are the froofy-girly coffee drinks. Y’know, the ones with so much other stuff in them you can barely taste the coffee? Yeah. I try to go easy on those.
(Oh, and having lived mainly on the coasts, I say “soda.”)
(And I don’t drink alcohol, ’cause I’m the cheapest drunk ever.)
We have almost identical attitudes toward drinking beverages… I drink water, tea (with nothing added), or skim milk. The occasional glass of red wine. Champagne a couple times a year. I don’t like coffee, never drink soft drinks, and I avoid smoothies etc. Drinking calories is no fun, I like MUNCHING on my calories.
I don’t drink juice, either, because I’m generally not a fan of it (it’s too sweet and I’d rather eat real fruit instead). But I’m still interested in this giveaway! The sister-roommate loves juice so she would especially appreciate it, hehe.
And going out is a similar circumstance for me because I don’t often drink- people get kinda freaked out by others not drinking (alcohol and other things besides water, I mean) and such. It’s weird.
My people call it “soda.” (I’m from California.) But I go with water or iced tea these days.
I do drink some of my calories: cream in my coffee, milk, and the occasional low-carb canned smoothie when I’m in a hurry. Oh, and an alcoholic beverage every once in awhile.
My favorite drink? Good earth original tea. Caffeinated or decaf, depending on the time of day.
I am crazy against drinking my calories as well…unless it’s alcohol. I always order water as well when I’m out to lunch or dinner. Not having caffeine or sugar eliminates every single drink but herbal tea that restaurants serve, and meh, tea is such a pain (more water please, yes, again…) I skip it.
I do break the caffeine rule for boozing it up, simply because it’s the lesser of two evils (calories vs caffeine). Jim beam or rum and diet coke is pretty much the only thing I can drink at the bar. I would be so happy if it was standard to stock diet sprite!!!
And it’s soda, but it may have been pop growing up in Chicago…I don’t remember!
SO NUTTY. Im even weird about putting milk in my coffee.
no fair- i dont know the name of anyone at my gym. no wonder you spend so much time there!
Kelly Turner
hey there… long time reader, first time commenter (i think??)
just have to be the bunny-hugger and mention that i do not drink pom juices because of their grotesque history with animal testing
still a fan and an avid reader, of course <3
dragonmama – that green tea/ pom juice mixture sounds like a really good idea. ive been trying to trick myself into liking green tea for about 4 years now…
im from north carolina, so yes, i say coke.
Cokes (and pepsi’s) have a way of making me thirstier than i was to begin with, so i usually stick with water… but occasionally i just gotta have a sweet tea!
Smoothies make me very nervous, as does orange juice! Sometimes I wish I could enjoy a calorie laden beverage but the guilt would most likely outweigh the pleasure. I used to be a Diet Coke addict but I kicked the habit for 2009. So, it’s water for me. I’d much rather chew my calories!
I’m from Seattle and I call it “pop”. Although I am frequently mocked by my friends, I refuse to switch to “soda”. Either way, I rarely drink it.
My current non-water drink of choice is coconut water. Especially when ordered at Thai restaurants and served in a young coconut!
Water with True Lime. And it’s soda.
I like soda water. Just water and carbonation – nothing else. Add a wedge of lime and I’m a really happy camper. I bet pomegranate juice would be tasty added too…
Haha, before I read the last sentence, I was thinking, “I call it Coke!!” My favorite kind of coke is Dr. Pepper.
(you might need to be a Texan to understand that.)
Fav beverage? Margaritas. They are all kinds of calories, but totally worth it. I’m Catholic, and we are encouraged to consume alcohol.
I was just looking at my flavored mineral water…what, I wonder is Essence of Natural Lime? Anyway, it’s good. No artificial sweeteners, just the essence.
Soft drinks or soda. If you say “pop” I will make fun of your cute midwestern accent, don’t cha knoow.
I like POM, too! Especially the cherry/pom kind. Mmmm. And I used the POM tea glasses as vases at my wedding. Recycling rules!
I really do love coffee! Everything about it, the aroma, the taste, the ambiance of walking into a coffee shop…and who knew if was packed with antioxidants!!!
Hate drinking my calories.
And it’s soda up in these parts.
I’m with you Charlotte, I try to avoid drinking my calories. I very rarely drink alcohol (and I’m a college student!). I do drink milk (always nonfat) for the calcium, and sometimes chocolate soy milk as it is a delicious and somewhat healthy way to get my chocolate fix. I put a little skim milk in my morning coffee to. Sometimes I’ll slpurge on a nonfat latte with sugar free flavoring. I know all the artificial flavoring is not good for you but I do have quite a sweet tooth and it’s a way to have something sweet without all the calories. I do drink a lot of propel and use the propel powder packets and other low calorie drink mixes frequently.
– I call it soda
I prefer water when I’m eating out. I don’t like most carbonated drinks because they’re too sweet and make me sick.
I do like my homemade grape juice (non-fermented, but we’ve had a bottle here or there not seal and tasted it anyway a year or so later….) mixed with soda water.
I went off soda for like 5 years but was forced to start drinking it when I lived in Chile and everyone gave me carbinated water! Talk about disgusting!! But it’s amazing how the body adjusts to things like that and now it’s not hard to drink a soda. I pretend to not drink calories by drinking Diet but my body doesn’t get tricked. I should stop drinking again.
I’ve always wanted to drink POM but its too expensive for my budget- I would love to try some though.
I’m a native Texan. I lived there for 9 years before getting dragged around the country, finally settling down in Minnesota 11 years ago.
I use a happy mix between pop and soda, however on a trip “back home,” last spring, I easily slipped into my old “Coke” ways. Imagine my dismay when my husband actually brought me a Coke. “I didn’t want that. I wanted Diet Dr. Pepper.” “Well, you said ‘Coke.'” Yeah. (And much to the amusement of everyone I know, my old accent latched on and hung around for weeks after we got home.)
I’ve never been a fan of drinking calories, either. We only had diet soda in my house growing up, and in my house now. I never liked all the sugar found in juices…and I’ve alway drank more water than anything else.
I am a wanna be Southerner – does that count? My drink of choice is water – just plan, no ice, room temp, and lots of it. I do not like to drink my calories at all so if it not a protein shake, hot green tea or a celebratory drink (POM and champagne tonight actually – funny coincidence), it pretty much does not pass my lips.
Oh man…Dr. Pepper is the only way to go – but only a couple times a week!
I usually call it pop (yay, Canada!).
I don’t drink anything other than a once-in-a-blue moon glass of milk, kefir, or soy/almond/whatever milk as part of a smoothie. I chug obscene amounts of water instead, as well as black coffee and tea. I drank juice a lot when I was a kid – which led to me gaining a lot of weight – and since then I’ve kind of cut it out.
I don’t drink alcohol a whole lot either. I usually tell myself I’ll keep it to one beer, but the problem with that is that I’m Russian and can drink anyone under the table, and I go to parties like that maybe… three times a year? And rum is quite delicious.
I prefer to chew my calories as well and mostly drink water. Unless I’m eating really good pizza or burgers and then I might enjoy a rootbeer.
I called it pop when I was little (and lived in Idaho), but call it soda now (after being teased for years while living in NY).
P.S. I love pomegranite juice in my lemonaid. Mmmmmm.
I drink BOTH “soda” and “pop”…its name depends on my mood. And frequently, it is called “sodapop”. Recently, I have become enamored with a beverage that is not so wonderful for me: Diet Orange Sunkist. There’s something so amazing about artificial orange carbonation. Yum!
great post…it’s “pop” usually around here…love hot chocolate too…quik trip makes the best, if they have those where you are…
Coffee and water. Those are my favorite and most oft embibed liquids. I try not to drink too many calories either, because they add up really fast.
Re the pop v soda thing. I’m from Texas, where we call it all coke. It goes like this. A: “you want a coke?” B:”Sure.” A: “what kind?” B: “Dr Pepper.”
I'm a diet pepsi drinker through and through. Although while I lived in the States I developed a love of Dr. Pepper. Unfortunately the Canadian version never quite lived up to the US version.
I also said POP for my entire life until I lived in the states. I've been back in Canada for 6 years now and it still sounds funny to my ears so I say soda which results in many strange looks LOL>
I hate hate hate drinking calories. I have the same “thing” about it that you do. I typically drink water or iced tea (unsweetened and made with actual tea). I occasionally drink seltzer. My favorite is tonic water, but it is loaded with calories so I consume it rarely.
Oh yeah, soda. I’m central Atlantic.
I’m tempted to enroll in your contest, but I share the same neuroses about drinking my calories, avoiding carbonated water (ick), artificial sweeteners, high-calories juices, even milk, and the LDS abstinence from alcohol and caffeine in non-chocolate form.
I eat my fruit and my calcium. And smoothies, girl, I know of no tastier way to get 18 servings of spinach in one shot! Enough frozen strawberries makes just about anything go down easily.
So while I don’t drink yummy juice, commenting here must have entered me by default. I am not certifiable, however, just picky about where I spend my daily calorie budget!
I LOVE water. I drink about a gallon a day.Its all my duaghters fault that I can’t drink pop anymore. When I was pregnant with her and tried to drink some it would uncerimoniously reappear so now I can’t stomach it ever. But I do consume two calorie drinks a day, My coffee with cream but no sugar with breakfast. Also a blended carrot apple ginger orange juice that I make my self using the whole fruit and a blender. So I guess that it is less of a drink and more of ground up food. Anyhoo, if I want a real treat I’ll have some chocolate soymilk.
Drinks from starbucks or any other like establishment- never. Some of those drinks have upwards of 600 calories not to mention the grams of sugar and fat.
I love pomegranets but find them too much of an ordeal to eat on a regular basis so the juice sounds perrfect.
mmm my favorite drink is hot tea with a tiny tiny bit of honey on a cold winter’s day.
I’m up to my eyeballs in POM myself…so please don’t include me in the giveaway.
I hate drinking my calories…if you read my POM post, notice not once did I ever just sip the stuff from the bottle. I’d much rather eat fruit than drink it…especially after I gained 5 lbs when I went on a raw foods/juicing diet. No thanks.
I drink water and coffee…only. Dropped the pop addiction years ago. Had a sip about two years back…think it was diet…and it tasted like COUGH SYRUP….
I will admit I *have* been eyeballing the POM…money is a little tight since I lost my job but when the money better I will most *definitely* put this on my list to try.
i do not drink calories…i prefer to chew my calories!
i drink mostly water but start my day with strong coffee. i also love the occasional COKE (read as Diet Dr. Pepper).
i giggle when i hear people call cokes, soda and pop. so yes, i will talk in my best Texan voice anytime we are together! I want to come to your class at the gym!!!
Actually, I am a Coke man and I am from Texas. Sorry, though, no accent.
I think my favorite beverage is chocolate milk. Root beer is a close second. Cream soda is a close third. A now-defunct soda called Josta (made with guarana) is probably between 1 and 2, actually.
I’m with you in that I rarely drink my calories; however, I do enjoy alcohol sometimes, so I mostly go by the rule “no drinking calories unless there is alcohol in it.” I rarely drink juices (except as a mixer), and almost never touch soda. My most frequent non-water beverage is wine.
And it’s soda, not pop.
I definitely say “soda” notttt pop!! haha. I’ve always wanted to try POM, but I’m too cheap to buy it
Especially given the research about how you don’t register calories you drink, it generally seems like a good idea to stick to your route (and I try).
The giveaway sounds really good, though!
And it’s DEFINITELY “soda” not “pop”.
Pom Wonderful is the one thing you will ALWAYS find in my fridge!
And despite living in southern Texas, I will always say "soda." Or if I'm actually reffering to Coca-cola i say Coca-Soda. After a dear friend told me she tried to snort coke once (sadly, she just got an ice cube stuck in her nose…) I just can't think of it the same way
My favorite drink will always be a frozen carmello from a local bakery. Coffee, caramel, ice, and whipped cream.