Drinking Your Calories

Don’t eat sugar. Spread peanut butter on an apple for a protein-carb snack. Always start dinner with a broth soup or undressed salad. Pack a protein bar in your purse. (Just don’t mistakenly pull out a wrapped tampon on accident instead. Not that I’ve done that. You know, in public, or anything.) Chew gum after a meal. Brush your teeth after eating. There are some “diet tips” that are so ubiquitous that these days I just skim over them when I happen across them in articles or on websites. Which is pretty much daily. But my favorite of these oft-repeated tips is the “Don’t drink your calories” one. I guarantee you that you will find it in some permutation in any health & fitness publication you pick up this month.

“I lost 78 pounds by eliminating soda from my diet!” (How much soda were you drinking, lady?!) “Have just one adult beverage when you go out with friends and stay away from sugar-bomb cocktails.” (Plus it cuts your risk of getting roofied by, what, at least a third?) “Swap out sugary drinks for water. If you miss the taste of juice, just add a splash to your water!” (Anyone ever drank warm tap water with “just a splash” of fruit juice? That would be my daily toddler cocktail and I’m here to tell you it’s nasty. Although it might help if I’d remember to rinse out their cups before using them myself. Yes, I am that gross.) In fact, I’d challenge you to make a drinking game out of it but then, well, that would ruin the point wouldn’t it?

And my point is that, being the good little follower I am, I internalized these tips and it’s been years – seriously – since I drank anything but water or unsweetened herbal teas. I’ll add a lemon to my water if I’m dining out and am feeling extravagent with my enamel. It’s gotten to the point where I’m so locked into my water-only habit that I have let homemade smoothies melt on the table in front of me rather than… wait for it… drink my calories.

I have, however, gone through phases of drinking various artificially flavored non-caloric beverages. I chalk this up to the fact that the tap water in Minnesota tastes like – and I am not making this up – raw garlic. It’s awful stuff. Here’s my dilemma: I’m too cheap to buy a filter and thanks to Jillian Michael’s Master Your Metabolism, I’m now terrified of artificial sweeteners. (Plus, you’ve read all the research of late that shows you actually eat more calories when you use Splenda and the like, right?) Good thing I have a random research fairy godmother who serendipitously brought the following two things to my attention:

1. New research (FROM MINNESOTA!) shows that

“compared with non-consumers of juice, 100 percent juice consumers had lower mean body mass index, smaller waist circumference and lower insulin resistance.

Based on the analysis, risk for obesity was 22 percent lower among 100 percent juice drinkers, while risk for metabolic syndrome was 15 percent lower compared with non-consumers.”

Now, I don’t know if these so-called “non-consumers of juice” that were being analyzed were also people who don’t consume fruit or vegetables in any form, as every mag tip will tell you to “swap fruit juice for the actual fruit – you get more fiber and less calories!” But I still like this research because – shhh, don’t tell any nearby nutritionists or magazine editors – but I really really like juice. I’m a born sucker for all those organic green blends in the recycled bottles that boast such health claims that even Lindsay Lohan would sit up and string a coherent sentence together. (I won’t add that they always sell for like $6 a pop.)

2. I discovered Zola juice. It’s a juice-lover’s dream come true. Not only is it all organic (a-HA Jillian!) but they are also packed with “Brazilian superfruits.” They’ve got the ones you’ve already heard of and drooled over like acai but also a whole bunch of antioxidant-loaded nature goodies like acerola, caja, cupuacu (no, I don’t know how to say that. took me 3 tries just to spell it.) and graviola. There is no added anythings. It’s all 100% juice. So they meet even my stringent “health food” requirements. Plus they taste awesome. I even got my kids to drink the “superfood supergreens smoothie” (okay, after I told them it was Incredible Hulk juice to get them past the pea-soup coloring) and they drank it all up and begged for more.

So it’s almost as if the universe bopped me on the head and said, “Charlotte, it’s okay, drink juice! Just remember to recycle the bottles when you’re done because heaven knows you’ve done enough damage to me with all the disposable diapers you use!” But then… I had to do it. You know I turned over the bottle and checked out the nutritional info. The Zola juices range from 100 to 130 calories a serving. And there’s 2.5 servings in a bottle. Drink a whole bottle – and who wouldn’t? – there’s 325 calories right there. That’s a whole meal. A yummy meal, yes. But seeing as there is no fat or protein in there to slow down the mad rush of simple carbs to your stomach, probably not a very satisfying meal. So here we are full circle. Calories – to drink or not drink, that is the question.

How do you feel about liquid calories? Are you so enamored of your H2O that your pee runs so clear that Bear Grylls would drink it without even being trapped in a desert? Do you imbibe but feel guilty about it? Or do you embrace juice with an open heart?

Give me all your juicy details in a comment and you’ll be entered to win a Zola gift basket complete with 4 smoothies, 3 juices, project Zola bracelet made from acai seeds and a mini cooler!


  1. I think the no liquid calories rule is a good tip, but it should not be too strict since some drinks are nutritious and are worth the calories. I think, like everything else, it’s a question of balance and moderation.

    I usually avoid to drink calories, unless it’s fat free or 1% milk, or an occasional OJ with breakfast. Freshly squeezed if possible! Or a good homemade carrot-apple-whatever juice after a long or grey day. I got a juicer as a present a few years ago and now I rarely buy any juice, but it’s a mess to clean up so I don’t use it every day. When I do use it those calories are really worth it though!

    Also I’m not a soda drinker to start with, so I’m basically keeping only the alcohol and other splurges like chocolate milk or lattes and mochas in check.

  2. I usually avoid drinking calories. Sometimes in the summer it’s nice to have a homemade smoothie, though. I think real, fresh, nutritious juices can be worth the calories. I wouldn’t drink them all the time, but they’d be a good healthy treat.

  3. My Ice Cream Diary

    For the most part I’m a water only kind of girl. I save other drinks for special occasions. So I might drink a rootbeer if I’m eating out at a very good burger or pizza joint (which I rarely do). And I shy away from the smoothies unless we are eating pancakes for breakfast and then I make spinach and blueberry smoothies so that we get some veg in there.

  4. Watching and Weighting

    I must admit that since I began this freakish journey toward good and sustained health and fitness, I appear to have developed an uncanny fascination with pee colour. I have actually experienced feelings of triumph over differing degrees of clarity within said pee and have, on occasion, been known to bring it up in polite conversation.

    As for drinking my calories, at the moment I prefer not to…why drink a glass of juice that’s the same calorie content as a 250ml glass of wine AND be left decidedly dissatisfied…..me? I don’t see the point! 🙂

  5. I love my liquid calories. Not juice but my protein shakes. one a day needed or not. Im not a big juice drinker BUT would happily change that should I win 🙂
    and this:
    Are you so enamored of your H2O that your pee runs so clear that Bear Grylls would drink it without even being trapped in a desert?


  6. I use to be so scared to drink calories and didn’t drink them for years. I drink black coffee, water, tea, and the occasional diet coke. Lately though I’ve loosened up a bit and drank some chocolate hot coco and some alcoholic beverages (not together, ick).

    I haven’t drank juice in years – I love fruit and would rather eat it. I don’t do smoothies/shakes either. Maybe someday!

  7. I drink lots of nonfat milk, and fruit smoothies seem more like a “food” than a beverage to me.

    But I don’t drink a lot of juice for the same reason you haven’t. Seemed like a lot of calories for not-very-filling.

    Interesting study result about the slim juice drinkers!

  8. dragonmamma/naomi

    In the hot days of summer, nothing hits the spot like a tuna salad with a homemade fruit smoothie: 1-1/2 c. Arizona Diet Green Tea + 1 c. frozen fruit, usually a combo of banana, mango and strawberries. How could I possibly feel guilty about that?

    Also love my three cups of coffee a day. No clear pee for me-more like light coffee.

  9. I recently fell in love with coconut water after I picked up a little juice box while at whole foods. It’s delicious and a great electrolyte replenisher after a tough workout.

    My fav non-caloric, non-sweetened of any kind drink are the flavahed Polar seltzers (try Vanilla and Blueberry! Tell them Elizabeth sent you!).

    But generally, I only drink my calories if there’s a health benefit. Like electrolyte replacement, mentioned above, or in a smoothie in the morning… OOOH or red wine. I mean, look at all the health benefits there!

    I just figure the calories into my overall intake and try not to sweat it too much. I find that when I am overly strict about things (like eliminating overly sugary fruits from my diet like bananas or dates) I end up depriving myself of natural sweets and dive headfirst into the nearest box of truffles that crosses my path.

  10. I never drink calories, either….I’d rather have some chocolate and ice cream, please. That said, I probably should drink a little juice now and then. Oh, but I LOVE my green monster smoothies a few times a week! I guess that’s drinking calories, but I treat it more as a snack – fruit and veggies, ya know. 🙂

  11. I have to admit, my pee is pretty clear more often than not. But lately I’ve been trying those green smoothies that have been all over the place and I love them! I use almond breeze, a banana, a bunch of baby spinach and some ice (and sometimes strawberries or blackberries)…they are really tasty and a great addition to my lunch! I would love to try this Zola juice…but where can you buy it (cause I don’t have good luck with these contests:))?

  12. I am a water girl all the way. The only other thing I drink is milk, and that’s only one glass (maybe two if cookies are involved) a day. Oh and my beloved coffee of course.

  13. I do get some liquid calories, but they are so few & so far between they are almost non-existent. An occasional glass of chocolate soy milk as a treat, milk on my cereal on the weekends, an occasional glass of read wine – nothing daily. I've been working very hard to rid my life & body of artificial sweetners too, but that no calorie lemonade (I use twice the water) is a hard habit to break.

  14. Death to artificial sweeteners! I don’t drink pop or juice and am pretty much a water kinda girl. Although, I am a fan of drinking my calories in the form of a homemade protein smoothie with milk, yogurt and some strawberries. Its a quick on the go kinda thing, but its delicious.

  15. Can’t give up my protein smoothies… only thing I can deal with in the morning. Other than that, I consider the healthy juices a “condiment”, so to speak! A nice addition to meal or a treat by itself. LOVE that cappucino Bolthouse protein drink and the Naked supergreen.

    P.S. We love to watch Bear… I read an interview in which he said Americans are fascinated by what he eats and UKs are intrigued by what he CLIMBS. We Americans love our food, don’t we???

  16. I drink “smoothies” for breakfast, but my smoothies are just fruit pureed with rice milk.

    I figure it’s akin to cereal in rice milk (because really, it’s all the same ingredients and nutritional value as me dumping a bunch of whole fruit into rice milk and eating it with a spoon, but more convenient and less stupid looking)

  17. They may banish me from Florida for this, but I do not drink very many calories. No juices what so ever, especially orange! I’m more in the camp of, if I want fruit, I eat a fruit, or several.

    Juicers are different. If you juice the whole fruit, you don’t lose any of the important stuff.

  18. Weight and Meditate

    I mostly drink water, but yesterday, when exhausted and mildly deranged, I did drink some sweet tea. I try to stay away from caloric beverages, too!

  19. I tend to stick to water and the occasional cup of hot tea (no milk or sugar, thank you), but I do like smoothies on occasion. I just try to blend in some ground flaxseed or use yogurt with 1-2% fat to boost its staying power. Fresh, homemade lemonade (or ginger ale) in the summer is a wonderful treat, too.

  20. I like the no liquid calories rule, but only if someone’s drinking tons of soda and nothing else.

    I drink juice that meets my requirements for being healthy, and have found that when I add honey to the tea I drink between meals, I stay fuller longer.

  21. I do have an addiction to the Naked, etc. green things. I actually stick to the serving size, and have one serving with my breakfast in the morning, to get some fruit in. I feel a million times better when I add it in to my day. Oh, but it is an expensive habit!

    Other than that though, I really don’t drink anything other than water unless there’s a great excuse (I will drink champagne at my wedding!).

  22. I drink milk (both cow and soy depending on my mood) pretty much every day, and will have a “splurge drink” (something alcoholic or a regular root beer) about once a week. I don’t drink juice much because I just don’t like it that much and never drink smoothies because I don’t like having to wash the blender.

    There was a point in my life when I was concerned about the calories in the sip of grape juice I was taking at communion. That was a sad, sad, sad time. Now I think that as long as you aren’t guzzeling soda (like my husband- oh to be a 26-year old guy!) and sweetened drinks all the time, you’re probably cool.

  23. I drink milk daily, both by itself and with my coffee, but that’s pretty much the only calories I drink unless I’m downing alcohol. This isn’t so much a nutritional decision as it is that I just prefer water (my mother always tells the story of how I threw a tantrum in McDonald’s when I was 3 because I wanted water, not soda). When I’m eating I don’t like any other flavor mixing with my food (unless we’re talking wine), and water is really the only thing that truly quenches my thirst. When I drink anything flavored I have to immediately drink water because I don’t like having a taste linger in my mouth. Ugh.

  24. I’ve been a water drinker since before it was cool to be a water drinker. Which is not to say I never drink juice, soda or alcohol; water is the regular every day beverage, the others are treats now and then.

    The down side is that I drink from plastic bottles which I do recycle, but still feel a little guilty about. Plus, drinking from plastic is supposed to be bad for you now. But our tap water is awful and I don’t like the taste of filtered water, so we buy a lot of bottled spring water.

  25. I have a small glass of orange juice every morning. I know I’m “supposed” to eat an orange instead, but I love my juice. I used to feel guilty about it, then I thought “Ya know, it’s juice. Made from oranges. It has calcium. It’s not like I’m freebasing cocaine or stealing money or committing identity theft. Is this REALLY worth feeling guilty over? NO!”
    So I drink my juice in the morning.

  26. I always feel like I’m not trying hard enough to look good when I read some of these posts. I am active cause it makes me happier, makes me look and feel better about my body. As for food and drinks, I indulge more than I refrain. It’s a great source of daily happy for me. I love food and drink. I drink wine, beer, water, coffee, guava juice (fav!)… all of it. I’ve eliminated soft drinks because once you quit them for awhile, they taste awful. They aren’t worth the calories cause they don’t even taste good. Calories are worth the calories if they taste good. I guess I’m a hedonist. I definitely have my regrets about my choices sometimes (usually after I try on something that I feel makes me look fatter) but that’s when I pare back for a bit, reduce portions and make healthier choices. I wish I had some of your discipline at times but I fear that with noticing all of the labels and counting all of the calories I would miss out on a on the spontaneous, carefree, no-guilt burst of food and drink joy!

    It’s infinately easier for me to enjoy my indulgences when it’s Friday, sunny! and warm!

  27. I do feel a little guilty about drinking my calories: sweet tea.. red bull… pom.. mixed drinks… but i do drink mostly water. once i got in the habit of drinking tons of water, everything else tasted very sweet in comparison. one little bottle of pom will usually last me three days.

  28. I would say 95% of the time I drink water. I used to drink A LOT of Kool-Aid but I’ve since discovered some naturally flavored sparkling water that has no calories and no artificial sweeteners. I have no idea how they get it to taste so good.

    I will occasionally drink wine or beer, hot chocolate, chocolate milk (great post-run recovery drink!) or a tea latte, but I rarely drink soda (only when it’s the only option) and haven’t bought juice in years. I also don’t drink caffeine (other than the occasional hot chocolate or if I can’t get a tea latte made with caffeine free tea) so that cuts out a lot of calorie-laden beverages.

  29. I would say 95% of the time I drink water. I used to drink A LOT of Kool-Aid but I’ve since discovered some naturally flavored sparkling water that has no calories and no artificial sweeteners. I have no idea how they get it to taste so good.

    I will occasionally drink wine or beer, hot chocolate, chocolate milk (great post-run recovery drink!) or a tea latte, but I rarely drink soda (only when it’s the only option) and haven’t bought juice in years. I also don’t drink caffeine (other than the occasional hot chocolate or if I can’t get a tea latte made with caffeine free tea) so that cuts out a lot of calorie-laden beverages.

  30. I would say 95% of the time I drink water. I used to drink A LOT of Kool-Aid but I’ve since discovered some naturally flavored sparkling water that has no calories and no artificial sweeteners. I have no idea how they get it to taste so good.

    I will occasionally drink wine or beer, hot chocolate, chocolate milk (great post-run recovery drink!) or a tea latte, but I rarely drink soda (only when it’s the only option) and haven’t bought juice in years. I also don’t drink caffeine (other than the occasional hot chocolate or if I can’t get a tea latte made with caffeine free tea) so that cuts out a lot of calorie-laden beverages.

  31. i don’t like to drink my calories because i would much rather eat them. i can down a 20 oz of pop or juice in 5 min flat and still want more. when left to my own devices, i can down a 2 liter of pop before lunch when i’m busy at work. for me, i’d much rather do water, and save those calories for yummy food. i do like smoothies and have them in the summers occasionally.

  32. These are the studies I love. Could there possibly be another explanation than what you (and perhaps the author) suggest? Could it be that people who drink juice are not concerned with losing weight because they don’t need to? Maybe they are genetically blessed with high metabolisms or maybe they are “in maintance” or something. The people I know who drink the most diet sodas are obese. Thin people drink full sugar pop or fancy margaritas, or JUICE, because they are thin, and not trying to lose weight and cut calories.
    Most studies have gaping holes like this.

  33. I abide by the “don’t drink your calories” rule, too. (Until they make a calorie-free alcohol, however, that’s unavoidable!) However, I’ve recently been trying to relax this self-imposed rule and see juice as a way to get some nutrients in a delicious form… why exclude nonfat milk and some 100% juice?!

  34. I have to say, I’ve never thought so much about the color of my pee or what I drink on a day to day basis ever before reading all of the above comments! And its really great, I love all the dialogue.

    That being said, I try not to obsess over anything. I was watching GMA this morning and the Real Housewife of NYC, Bethany Frankel recently wrote a book called Naturally Thin – in the interview she said, “if you’re PMSing and want a cookie, eat a cookie. A cookie has never been responsible for anyone getting fat.” I tend to agree with her. Its not the food that makes you fat, its how much you consume and how often. A cookie every once in awhile isn’t going to make you fat. Neither is juice, smoothies, milk, or anything else. 🙂

  35. “The Zola juices range from 100 to 130 calories a serving. And there’s 2.5 servings in a bottle. Drink a whole bottle – and who wouldn’t? – there’s 325 calories right there.”

    That’s where juice and I part ways. I just can’t do it. 325 calories could be a great snack of veggies and hummus and cheese that will get me the same # of veggie servings, plus protein, plus leave me feeling satisfied and full for much longer.

    325 calories is a slice of my homemade pizza, topped with tomato sauce, chopped spinach, artichoke hearts, and sun dried tomatoes.

    325 calories is a peanut butter sandwich and an apple.

    Why, when I can have a full and satisfying meal, would I drink 8-12 oz of liquid … for 325 calories.

  36. i often go half-sies on the juice with my water.
    i actually like it that way–straight up juice can seem too sweet most of the time. unless, it’s a really good natural oj and i’d drink a small glass straight up.

    i think i too have internalized all those rules. i stopped drinking soda pop halfway through college–first going down to one a week during KC Chiefs games–and have since flavored my water with juice a few times a week.

    i do like water. i think it weirds people out when i’m a guest in their home when i insist that all i REALLY want to drink is water. surely, i can’t mean that!

    however, if i had an endless supply of the green superfoods smoothies or some of the more delicious protein smoothies, i’d probably drink juice more often. the bottom line is—the juice must be worthy of my calories.

  37. My feeling was always that the advice to “not drink your calories” was mainly aimed at empty calories, like soda and a lot of the other flavored calorie filled no-nutrient drinks. To me a protein shake doesn’t fall into the drinking your calories category because usually there are health benefits in them (like protein, fiber, etc.) that make them worthwhile.

    Me, I drink water all day. I splurge in the evenings with mineral water flavored with liquid stevia (Vanilla Creme is my fave it tastes like creme soda). And I do have the wine on occasion as well. I don’t do fruit juice, but then I’m REALLY avoiding sugars of all kinds due to intestinal candida (fun stuff!), and fruit juice is the same as eating a spoonful of sugar for me.

    I’m with you on the artificial sweeteners. My nutritionist gave me the low down on what they do to your digestive system and it so grossed me out I stopped drinking the diet sodas that very day. And I was addicted, like nobody’s business!

    Funny, I had a friend in high school (WAYYYYYY back in the 80s) that used to call anything with artificial sweeteners death… as in a soda was “death in a can”, and kool aid was “death in an envelope”. I used to laugh at him (good naturedly he WAS my friend!) while sipping my diet sodas… now I wish I’d listened way back then!!

  38. My feeling was always that the advice to “not drink your calories” was mainly aimed at empty calories, like soda and a lot of the other flavored calorie filled no-nutrient drinks. To me a protein shake doesn’t fall into the drinking your calories category because usually there are health benefits in them (like protein, fiber, etc.) that make them worthwhile.

    Me, I drink water all day. I splurge in the evenings with mineral water flavored with liquid stevia (Vanilla Creme is my fave it tastes like creme soda). And I do have the wine on occasion as well. I don’t do fruit juice, but then I’m REALLY avoiding sugars of all kinds due to intestinal candida (fun stuff!), and fruit juice is the same as eating a spoonful of sugar for me.

    I’m with you on the artificial sweeteners. My nutritionist gave me the low down on what they do to your digestive system and it so grossed me out I stopped drinking the diet sodas that very day. And I was addicted, like nobody’s business!

    Funny, I had a friend in high school (WAYYYYYY back in the 80s) that used to call anything with artificial sweeteners death… as in a soda was “death in a can”, and kool aid was “death in an envelope”. I used to laugh at him (good naturedly he WAS my friend!) while sipping my diet sodas… now I wish I’d listened way back then!!

  39. I try and get the 8 recommended glasses of water a day – and do most of the time. When I am not swigging water, I have a diet soda at hand.

    Occasionally, I will sip a coffee, latte, or frap – but only when it is very cold!

  40. I don’t like drinking my calories either because I get none of that “fullness” feeling. Pretty much, I drink water all day, with a decaf coffee or tea in the morning and one diet soda/crystal light/something with flavor at night as a treat.

    However, I did recently have an orange juice, half pre-run and half post-run, and it was a GREAT energy booster. I just don’t see it becoming a habit.

    The exception is – booze. And I try to minimize the calories by mixing with diet soda/tonic/etc, but it’s one thing I just won’t compromise on…

    I have been craving a milkshake for like the last year, but I just haven’t been able to justify the calories to myself. Hmmm…maybe post race tommorrow…

  41. I’m addicted to sparkling mineral water. Which means that any day now a study will come out proving that mineral water is evil and rots your tonsils or something. Any day now.

  42. Merry,

    Me too! And sparkling water can really dilute those “liquid calories”.

    I don’t usually drink liquid calories. I have a cup of coffee in the AM with a smidge of cream. I occasionally indulge in an alcoholic beverage. That’s about it.

    I don’t drink juice anymore. Used to love it, but I’m very sugar sensitive.

  43. You asked for details, so… I drink so much tea/water that my pee is always clear. If it’s not, I get concerned and start guzzling the h20 until its “normal” and clear again. Hehe.

    I like giveaways! Fun stuff. I’m not usually big on drinking my calories; I like my tea and my water. 1/2-1 glass of skim milk per day (ish). Sometimes a glass of wine. Hot chocolate on special occasions in the winter. That’s about it!

  44. I am like MizFit. I may have a protein drink once a day but other than that, it is water or no calorie flavored water & my needed flavored & watered down coffee. I used to be a diet soda drinker way back when but it started to bother my stomach during a stressful time in my life & I have never gone back. I just rather eat food than drink them for the most part beyond a protein/carb shake after a workout.

    As for soda drinkers, I do think there are a large percentage of people that drink so many calories in soda that they could lose significant weight by reducing or stopping that.. I mean the non diet soda in this case.

  45. I’m water only except for one cup of tea (with no sweetener and a little lemon juice) in the morning, and a green smoothie in the afternoon. I get a whole bag of spinach in my smoothie, along with lots of water and a little fruit and soy milk. Juice and sodas are a no-no to me just because they are empty calories. Artificial sweeteners are bad for you and gross, and I’ve even seen that they can provoke an insulin response even though there is no actual sugar there. No thanks.

  46. Enter Me! I think an occasional indulgence is fine and I secretly LOVe jamba juice, although we have taught Jack that the proper name is (as it might as well be called) Ice cream Juice.

    On3e question Ive always wondered about is WIC gives out SO MUCH juice. Like 6-8 frozen 2L a month, which for our house is a ton! They are suposed to be helping poor people eat better, but they just load themn full of juice rather than pay for actual apples or produce- I think we need to change that- besides health experts say kids are not even supposed to have that much juice anymore.

  47. Emma Giles Powell

    Smoothies don’t really count, you know. The food is not juiced, it’s whole when it goes in. You don’t consider baby food as drinking calories, do you? Add a bit more water, and it’s a Gerber smoothie! The reason you don’t drink juice is the super-charged carb injection because it lacks the fiber that came naturally packaged with the fruit. Plus smoothies have loads of protein. And I’ll say it again, add enough frozen strawberries, and you can put just about anything in them: spinach, last night’s asparagus that your kids wouldn’t eat, tofu, whatever. All sweet goodness with no added sugar! Plus, if you drink one as a snack a bit before a meal you eat a whole lot less at said meal. Really, ever read the smoothies chapter in the Abs Diet book? At less than 300 calories, sure does a whole lot more than Hulk juice that costs more than those disposable diapers. And who said South American fruit is better than our fruit anyway? Most of my fruit (non-organic) is imported from South America anyway!!!

  48. I never drink my calories, it seems like such a waste, like you said before you know it bam! 300 calories.
    I will very rarely make an exception on alcohol, but that’s less than once a month.
    I do like my diet pop, but I save it for special treats because I know artificial sweeteners aren’t the best.

  49. I drink a lot of water. I don’t drink juice very often and if I do I water it down since it tastes so strong to me now. I do like smoothies on occasion, however, I am too cheap to go out and buy one.

  50. I too am somewhat terrified of drinking calories. Regular soda, juice, milk, and alcohol are all on the “avoid” list. It’s water, diet soda, or Crystal light for me. I figure by not drinking my calories, I can eat them. And I’d rather eat Jelly Belly beans than drink those calories 🙂

  51. for the most part, i am in the camp of no-calorie beverages. however, i really enjoy a tall soy latte occasionally. i also sometimes make superfood smoothies with “amazing grass” powder, fruit and veggies. both of these things have moderate calorie counts, are pretty healthy and do a good job of keeping me full. the one way i refuse to get calories is from drinks that are pure sugar and have no nutrition whatsoever.

    wine is a whole other story. it’s kind of like dessert, so it doesn’t factor into any rationale! ha

  52. I rarely ever drink my calories, unless I have a really intense craving for juice. Whenever I do drink calories, though, I make sure its 100% juice with no sugar added.

    I have no problem consuming a protein shake, or fresh veggie/fruit juice as part of my meal. There are those days where I can’t get in my full servings of fruits and veggies and I find it easiest to fulfill the servings through a smoothie or shake.

  53. I love water, especially sparkling water, but do occasionally enjoy Coke on a hot day. When I drink though, I know it is not satiating my thirst – in fact, the sugariness makes my mouth feel thirstier! So I have to have water after.

  54. I usually drink water or the occasional diet soft drink (I know it’s bad, but what can I say). I love REAL juices (i.e. not the suggary stuff that claims to be juice) but don’t drink them very much.
    I do have the occasional glass of wine, but can also go weeks without.
    I’d say overall, I start my day off with a coffee and stick with water for most of the day after that.

  55. The Decayed Gentlewoman

    I generally drink water, green tea, and coffee with skim milk and no sweetener. I love to indulge in a glass of wine or two in the evening, but I try to only do that a few nights a week.
    I will say that I have been feeling under the weather this week, so I indulged in an Odwalla green superfood juice (and split it between yesterday and today) and I feel like it made me feel a little better.
    So I guess I view caloric drinks as a treat rather than an every day thing.

  56. I love smoothies. I’m not a big soda drinker, although I do like homemade grape juice with soda water for special occasions.

    I usually order water at restaurants.

    But, I have a weakness for smoothies. Fruit smoothies, chocolate smoothies (kind of like a milk shake, but with ice blended into it). I like them all.

    And I don’t feel bad about it either. 🙂

    One of the reasons I exercise is to avoid guilt for eating things that aren’t necessarily “good” for me.


  57. I save up all my liquid calorie expenditures for martinis. Don’t waste my time with juice and energy drinks.

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