To know me in real life is to know one thing about me. No, not my spunky gym craziness (which has sadly diminished since becoming preggo) or my bad dance moves that I will willingly showcase in any public setting or even the fact that I always travel in a pack of wild boys. No, what most people remember about me is my singular ability to ruin any food I come into close contact with. I’m a bad cook. The best part about it though is that I married a man who loves to socialize – as do I – and so we often have people over for dinner. So this “talent” is not one that stays hidden. Generally when I show up to a potluck, the first question people ask is, “Did you make that or buy it?” Domino’s pizza is by far the most popular dish of “mine” so far. To read more about my culinary adventures, check out my guest post over at the inimitable MizFit’s today!!
However, we do not eat out much. One meal a week at most. Which means that despite being really bad at it, I end up doing a lot of cooking. And I prefer to cook from scratch thereby saving on money and preservatives. So I’ve decided to let you in my new favorite cooking pastime: making my own yogurt.
I’ve long had an expensive greek-yogurt-a-day habit. I LOVE the stuff. And I like the whole fat, organic kind – which is not cheap – but I considered it an indulgence and bought it anyhow. All that changed when I read this article about making your own basic foods. The recipe for yogurt was so simple and cost effective that I will summarize it for you here: Pour a quart of milk into a pan. Heat to 180-190 F. Cool to 115-120 F. Stir in 1/4 c of yogurt (either the kind you buy at the store or leftovers from your last batch, doesn’t matter if it is flavored!). Remove the pan from the stove, swaddle it in a kitchen towel and let it sit for 4 hours. Scoop it into a container and refrigerate. Viola – YOGURT! That’s it! You don’t need a yogurt maker! It’s the easiest thing ever! Not even I can screw it up!
And yes, since I know some of you are thinking “But plain yogurt tastes like crap” and I know you won’t believe me when I tell you homemade plain yogurt tastes better than that grocery store junk, you can add stuff to it like jam, fruit or honey. I also use my yogurt to marinate chicken, make masala sauce for Indian dishes, and make savory dips by adding garlic, salt, and seasonings.
I did try all the other recipes listed in the article; it was a baking kind of weekend here. The granola was yummy but kinda time consuming to make and not really healthy. The bagels were delish but a total pain to make. And freezer jam is always a winner – can’t go wrong with freezer jam!
You guys have any easy healthy recipes to give me so I can ruin, I mean, try them? What other things do you make your own of? Dryer sheets? Baby wipes?
PS> For all of you who suggested that I start my own organic veggie garden, I am happy to report that last night we planted the first of our cold-weather veggies! We’ve got brussels sprouts, spinach and peas going on. We’ll add tomatoes, squash, onions and some other things when it’s not butt-freezing cold anymore. Here’s hoping they grow!
Did I ever give you mine for diaper wipes? I’ll share if you want.
I had no idea yogurt was simple to make! I think the idea that it’s “cultured” made me think you would need a fancy laboratory or perhaps a deep dark cave in the Alps or something to do the magic bacteria thing.
Milk and a pan? I’ve got those!!!
Now Charlotte, you just confessed to making bread, soup and other culinary items on Mizfit’s site today. Where are you also squeezing in time for yogurt? I’m starting to think that there’s actually two of you.
I’m definitely going to try the yogurt.
But how were the bagels after they’d cooled off? good or eh?
Eating a lot of whole raw foods has improved my “cooking” skills immensely
I’m looking forward to seeing what your readers suggest!
Loved your post at MizFit this morning!
I know you are a vegetarian, but the hubs and kids might like this one – it’s the easiest way to cook pork chops EVAH!
Get some pork chops and put them in a slow cooker, add 2 cups of apple juice, 1 tsp of cinnamon, and cook on low for 10 hours. So tender and so yummy!
I will def try the yogurt idea – I love greek yogurt but paying my mortgage usually wins out over buying the greek stuff at the store.
Ok, you got me. Now I want to try making yogurt. I honestly have a hard time finding one I really like in the grocery store – except for the really expensive 10% fat kind.
Lisa – Yep, I still have it! Thanks for the reminder!!
Crabby – I KNOW! I think it’s a secret trick of the yogurt manufacturers. It’s soooo easy tho!
Tom – You caught me. I’ll let you in on my secret: my house is a wreck. Seriously. Something has to give and apparently it’s cleanliness!
Tricia – The bagels were best hot but were still really good once they cooled. They had a great texture. But SUCH a pain to make.
Dr. J – Great point, sir!
Jill – Can you hear my hubby and kids screaming with joy? Because they are. I love anything in a crock pot! Thanks for the recipe!!
JavaChick – I know! Seriously, you have to try this. It’s so easy! To make the yogurt “Greek” style, just strain it through a clean pillowcase after cooling.
My husband and eldest love greek yogurt – I might just have to try to make it myself.
As a healthy and simple lunch, try simmering a bag of frozen cauliflower (16 oz) in 3 cups of chicken broth. When the cauliflower is mushy, add 1/2 cup of half and half. Then blend up using a food processor or immersion blender. Last, add salt to taste. You can eat right away or I stick in a pitcher in the fridge and nuke a coffee cup full for lunch. It smells terrible while cooking but tastes great and couldn’t be easier. I often mix up a batch while cooking dinner and then just chill for the rest of the week.
I’m wondering I can do that same yogurt recipe with soymilk… Must give a go some day.
I’ve never been a fan of yogurt. And I don’t do much cooking. Every so often I go into cooking mode and start firing up the oven. It’s usually so much work though and I quickly lose my enthusiasm. If it’s not quick and easy I usually can’t be bothered.
(Um, can I get the recipe for diaper wipes?)
Do you have a grill pan? I bought a good one a few months back, and it’s GREAT. It cooks the food evenly, tastes like it’s been BBQ’d, and cleans up very quickly. (It’s great for grilled fruit and veggies!)
So, what time should we show up for dinner at your place?
My new cooking love affair is with the pressure cooker. Black beans, split pea soup, lentils…in enough time to start at 11:00 and have lunch by 12:00. Any cut of meat is tenderized in the pressure cooker. the absolute best for a large family!
Been making my own yogurt for years, but go through phases… wasn’t necesssarily cheaper when you consider the price of organic milk and the loss of volume to straining… but milk prices are coming down some. have you tried making ricotta? that’s the next step
I am not a good cook either! My hubby does not even want me to cook for him. How lucky am I!!!! I do cook my food & it is simple but with lots of spices & it works for me. I buy the Trader Joes Greek non-fat yogurt which is great! Not sure, even as simple as yours is, if I can do it!!! I will find a way to mess it up!
Over to MizFit now!
I feel better that I’m not the only bad cook around. The eternal quest for food that is Healthy and Tasty can be quite discouraging sometimes. I appreciate the suggestions!
Wow, I might have to try that. I gave up yogurt a while ago because I got sick of it but I haven’t had it in a while. I’ll have to swing by MizFit’s site to see what else you cooked up…
I haven’t been posting many recipes lately on my blog but I’ve made some delicious things. Might have to get back to that!
I had no idea yogurt was so damn simple…
I actually love to cook, but have no idea what to even suggest – oh, I love vegetarian Shepherd’s (am I spelling that right?) pie – “meat” part is lentils, carrots, onions, and whatever other veggies I feel like throwing in with some veggie broth and possibly nutritional yeast, cooked til thick and gooey, spread into a pan with mashed p’s smothered on top, cooked about half an hour in a 350 oven. Even the meat eaters in my life enjoy it.
Creamless Cream of Broccoli Soup
In a soup pot, saute a chopped onion in olive oil, once it’s translucent add a couple of quarts of water and some vegetable bouillon, while it’s heating to a boil add a couple of peeled chopped potatoes and a peeled and chopped carrot or two. When those are almost finished cooking, add a chopped head of broccoli, cook about 4 minutes more.
THEN…Use an immersion blender or regular blender to “cream” it.
It is so delicious and friends rave about it. Healthy, too!
Yogurt – gosh I miss you.
I tried yogurt without a yogurt maker, but it didn’t turn out (at all!), so I have a yogourmet yogurt maker. (anyone considering a yogurt maker, buy one that makes yogurt all in one container (the bigger the better) none of those dinky single serving containers!!!)
We add jam (homemade) to flavor it.
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