Disclaimer: If you are at all squeamish, you might want to just skip this post. I might as well have titled it “All my freaky medical conditions.” Consider yourself warned.
Q: How much longer ’till Baby Day?
A: Officially: one month. Unofficially, in a little over 1 week I’ll be 37 weeks which is considered full term and the baby can come any time after that. With my sons, the first two were early by 12 days and 9 days and the last one was 9 days overdue. Obviously I’m hoping she doesn’t take after her last brother.
Q: You’ve been exercising.
A: That was not a question. But yes, after the bleeding debacle two weeks ago, I’ve been walking and lifting some weights for my upper body. The anxiety from not exercising at all was my ticket to crazy town so my doctor and I compromised. No more kick boxing or anything else with the potential for high impact and no lower-body weights. That left me with walking and cycling and seeing as my knees hit my belly now when I ride a bike, I pretty much just walk. Thank heavens for those new TVs on the treadmills! There has been no more bleeding and my cervix (what – you don’t want to be apprised of the state of my cervix?!) is not dilated one bit so all is well.
Q: How are you managing without your normal exercise?
A: Um, ok. While I miss my endorphin highs, really the hardest part has been feeling isolated. While I do see some of the Gym Buddies on occasion, I feel like I’ve lost about half of my social circle. I need people darnnit. (Cue Barbara Streisand and then smack her because I do not feel lucky.) But my need for socializing definitely takes a back seat to my baby’s health so I’m being a good girl. I promise.
Q: Are you going to breast feed?
A: Absolutely! But not because I love it. Nursing was ridiculously hard for me to get the hang of with my first kid but now that he’s broken me in like an old mare (cow?), I want to get my money’s worth. Mostly I nurse because I’m practical. Formula is crazy expensive, y’all. The afterpains make it painful for the first few weeks but after that it’s not a big deal. Although it does introduce an element of difficulty into workouts. (PS> For those of you who wanted to hear the rest of the story after I accidentally squirted a man in the back of the head with breastmilk on an airplane: the answer is not much. He reached up and kinda wiped it off with his hand but didn’t even turn around. I think he could hear my squalling baby and decided he did not want to know. The worst part though was he had a sizable bald spot and my aim was too good. Sorry, sir!)
And no, I’m not going to take Adderall. Especially not while I’m breast feeding. Heck, I won’t even take cold medicine when I’m nursing so you don’t have to worry about that. (Although yesterday’s discussion was fascinating and I thank EVERYONE who contributed.)
Q: What is your birth plan?
A: Panic. I’m not kidding. In case you missed the memo, labor is horribly horribly painful and contrary to the popular maxim, you do not forget. I am a girl who does not like pain. However, I am lucky in that my labors are very short – my last child weighed 10 pounds and yet was born in under an hour – so I try to avoid medication. The anesthesiologist would have to be one quick dude to get an epidural in me. In the past I have (no joke) completely lost it and was convinced I was dying. So to avoid the hysterics this time around I’m using a doula. She might have to smack me.
But barring any unforeseen circumstances I should be able to do a normal vaginal delivery as I have in the past. My smallest baby was just under 9 lbs and the biggest was nearly 11 lbs and they haven’t broken me yet so I figure I can handle whatever this one dishes out. Although she is a girl so maybe she’ll be smaller! Please??
Q: I meant, what is your birth plan in relation to blogging?
A: Right. Didn’t mean to gloss over the important part. To answer your question, I really don’t know. I can tell you one thing for sure: I will not be liveblogging the birth. Nor will I be posting video. Yeah, yeah, I’m a killjoy. I will certainly let you know how everything turns out though! And there will be a hiatus on here – how long I’m not sure. I’m going to see how I feel and play it by ear. Since I discovered with my last baby that I can nurse and work on the computer at the same time (hello, boppy!) I may feel the need to knock out some incoherent ramblings during the 2 a.m. feeding. Then again, I may not.
Q: So what about that ovarian tumor with a tooth you mentioned earlier?
A: Thanks to unfortunate genetics or too much soy formula or an overt fondness for Tupperware, I’ve had 3 surgeries to remove cysts off my right ovary. The last one we found during a routine ultrasound because – true story – they saw a tooth. It’s called a dermoid cyst or tumor and is not cancerous. In fact they are pretty common for those of us prone to cyst-iness. Dermoid tumors are a random collection of undifferentiated tissue. So in addition to teeth, they can contain hair, bone, fat and skin tissue among other things. Delightful, I know. No, I didn’t keep it. I did not want to see it. Yes, there is a 50% chance it will recur and the bummer about pregnancy is that the pregnancy hormones make the little buggers grow faster. Now you have your dinner conversation for the night: run with it, friends.
Q: Anything else?
A: Yes. I’m going to get all sappy on you for a moment. I want to tell all of you thank you so much for sticking with me through this whole adventure! I was nervous to tell you about my pregnancy at first because I knew it would mean the end to my Experiments for the duration and I didn’t know how you’d take the estrogen overload in the blogging. Now I realize I should never have worried. You guys have been a huge support to me and I am intensely grateful for all the kind comments, e-mails and even a baby blanket (Bag Lady, you are SO talented!) that you have sent me. I love you guys. And if I ever meet you, I am going to give you a big sweaty hug.
You look fantastic and I MISS you! I cannot wait to claim my big, sweaty hug. Wishing you an early (but not TOO early!) and easy labor with a just-right (okay, PERFECT!) baby girl! (Um, but no birth video? Bummer! LOL) You take all the time you need…we’ll be here waiting for you. (Well, all the cool people, anyway.)
Aww – you look so cute!! And you're welcome (did it get there yet??)
And if you ever get up here, I'll expect a huge sweaty hug!
ps – my sister was the largest and youngest of my mom's kids.
Just sayin'…..
I totally stand by my earlier comment of 'I want to look that cute when I'm pregnant'! I hope your birth goes smoothly,safely and quickly, and that your post-partum anxiety passes quickly also! I also second Regular Cinderella's comment- I'll totally still be around whenever you decide to start blogging again. I'm not cool (law students might be the dorkiest kids around), but I'll still be here.
My prayers are with you for a healthy baby girl (who will obviously be adorable, having seen pictures of your other kids) and an easy next few months!
Oh, and my sister and I were both around 7lbs, but my brother was like 10. But he was the last. So perhaps he weighed more because he was a boy…or perhaps because he was last?
You look wonderful! Glowing and just plain adorable!
I will also be here whenever you decide to start blogging again. ESPECIALLY the 2 AM ones. (I second on the Boppy love. And, yeah, those after-pains are NASTY!)
Here's to a quick, safe labor, and a happy, healthy little girl!!!!!!
You look fabulous! I have been sick and missed all the good posts lately.
Hope everything goes well for you & baby. Take care!
Aw thanks Cinderella! I miss you all like crazy too. Don't have too much fun turbo-ing without me:)
Bag lady – I did get it! And I love it! So perfect:) As for your sister: TAKE THAT BACK. Do not give my baby any ideas!
M – No shame in being a geek; I'm one and proud of it! (I think Computer Science might even trump Law School in the geek race? Or maybe I'm more of a nerd. Anyhow) Thanks for your sweet comment!
Azusmom – thanks, girl! And they say the afterpains get worse with every kid. Michelle Duggar must nearly pass out with the pain!
bjbella – I was wondering where you've been! I hope you are feeling better!
Sooo glad you're able to exercise as I know that was going to drive you to the loony bin if you couldn't.
You do look marvey by the way. Slim too.
And I'm sure you're well aware that breast feeding burns a ridiculous amount of calories per day- yes!! I'd hire my boobs out for the cause if only they could squirt a bald man like a bulls-eye.
Hang in there- you're in the home-stretch!
G-d woman you look so beautiful.
we must meet in person as I DEMAND that sweaty hug!!!
You look so cute preggers! I hope the labor/birth goes smoothly and quickly for you!
You look so beautiful! Like everyone else, I'll still be around after she arrives, even if you take a break from regular blogging. Goodness knows I post at irregular intervals, so I can't fault anyone else for it!
I've really enjoyed your pregnancy posts. GP and I are trying to start a family, and I'm honestly a bit freaked out about my body being taken over by someone else for 9 months. Reading your struggles and how you've dealt with them (along with all the fantastic commenters) has helped calm me down a little bit and reassured me that such freaking out is normal.
Charlotte, you are so adorable – and when I say that I am referring to both the photos and your personality as it comes across through your blog. We'll miss you, but it's certainly understandable that you will need to take a break from blogging. We'll be here when you are ready to come back.
Charlotte,honestly, you look amazing. You are a great advocate for exercising whilst pregnant but also proof that you can back off when needed and still be glowing. It's been such a pleasure reading about your experiences. I hope the birth is as pain-free as possible. I also hope I used whilst correctly
cause I know you're super smart too.
Wow – you look great
I've not gotten up the courage to hav elittle peoples yet, and I find it fascinating to read all about the little things and fitness and pregnancy. You're a brilliant writer and I'm glad all is well…
You are toooo cute! If I'm ever pregnant, I want to look just like you.
Congrats on being almost done!
I misread Dermoid and read demonoid. I think it's more applicable with a tooth in it right? Like it was a little baby monster? Maybe that's not fun to think about, sorry.
you look so cute.
I've never had a child, and I'm plugging my ears when you write about labor so I can continue telling myself that labor isn't that bad.
That's just wonderful, Charlotte! Thank you for sharing your blessed experience with all of us!!
Two comments:
1. Darlin', you look gorgeous! Healthy and fit.
2. All the Q&A was good info, but you neglected the important question. Are you going to name the baby Merry????
Um… I'm kidding about that. You know that, right? But you're so organized, you must have picked out a name. Is it something you don't want to mention yet? (Just because I'm curious doesn't mean it's any of my business
You look so cute! I'm sure everything will be fine, and I want to thank you for giving me a peek into what it's like to be pregnant. You've prevented many freak-outs (when BK and I do decide to start having kids).
What a great doctor to compromise with you and gee, your hair looks terrific –
Squirting guy on back of head with breast milk tops any of my breast feeding faux pas stories. Hysterical! Also, PLEASE read my Adderall comment, I was a late poster but didn't realize how much I needed to tell my story until I saw your post.
You look so cute!
OK, in order:
1) Be grateful your late baby was only 9 days late. I was (seriously) TWENTY-SIX DAYS late. It's amazing that my mom didn't reach up there and drag me out herself!
2) I think you and my mom are related (26 days notwithstanding). She's always had super-fast labors. My youngest sister was also under an hour from 1st contraction to birth. (The doc actually told her no more kids, because they were afraid she'd bleed out before they'd be able to stop it.)
3) What, no YouTube birthing videos? I feel so deprived!!! (Kidding. I'm KIDDING.)
4) Dude, I better never have one of those tumors with teeth. I've seen too many horror movies, and I can tell you right now I'd be screaming in the doctor's office, "Get it out! Get it out before it GNAWS ITS WAY OUT!!!" Seriously. Just the thought freaks me RIGHT THE HECK OUT.
You look fabulous! And it looks like it is all just baby.
I third the boppy love so I can compute while nursing. Though I usually can still only use one hand so nothing is properly capitalized which bugs the heck out of me. And my boppy is a homemade version for the…um… larger momma.
I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that 37 weeks is the target. As soon as I hit that milestone, I'll be doing all I can to jumpstart labor. Including resuming walking the track at my Y, which I had to stop because I was having one contraction per 1/18 of a mile lap. Still doing the upperbody work but gee it's hard not to do the other stuff when I'm there. I still try to benchpress (with a spotter) once a week so I don't feel like a weakling= 100#, 10-12 reps. Love to see the looks I get from the muscle heads!
I actually want to video my birth as the last one was super fabulous (seriously!), but I'm very foggy on the details. Too busy trying to 'relax'. But the hospital won't allow it. Not that I want anyone else to see it but me.
And those afterpains? Just remember that they're just the old uterus contracting down to it's former size. Makes me wonder what happens if you don't nurse? Does it take longer for it to do it's thing? Mine never lasted much more than a week though.
I'm rooting for the last week in October for the both of us!
dammit you look FANTASTIC! I'm sorry…I mean…congratulations you look fantastic!
and you birthed those large guys with no medication? You deserve way more than a doula girlfriend!
I'm a screaming mess and begging for drugs before I even get to the hospital!
hang in there!
I'm so glad you posted pictures as I've been dying to see your cute belly. You look great and so happy. I'm also glad you're able to do some walking and that you're feeling good. Thank you for allowing us a glimpse into your life over these past few months. I can't believe she's almost here!
OMG, so cute. Isn't it funhaving so many people tell you look cute/gorgeous/fantastic/fabulous? Worth all that weight gain, I say! You know what, you need to invite all those gym buddies to your house for social hour. And they can't exercise, just rub your feet! So glad you have a doula. I can't wait to hear how/if that changes your experience. You go girl!
You look great… and that squirting the guy on the plane with breast milk… OMG, TOO FUNNY!
Hang in there!
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