P90X Experiment Results Are In!

I bet MacGyver did P90X. Just sayin’

It’s a good thing that our YMCA recently replaced the carpeting on the gym floor (I will leave you to ponder why there is carpet on the gym floor at all) because if it’s one thing P90X did well, it was make me eat carpet. I did dive bomber push ups to failure – proven by the fact that the last one saw my arms give out and I had a close shave with a carpet burned nose. I did abs – gloriously titled The Ab Ripper Workout, not because you will get ripped abs from doing it but because it feels like your abs are being ripped out of your body – until I collapsed into the comforting embrace of the cushion-less carpet. And then after the 3 weeks of intense workouts were finished and we were on our “recovery week” filled with light cardio, stretching and yoga, I attempted a chaturanga “run” (alternate knees to elbows while hovering 3 inches above the floor) and yet again turfed it face first into the purply bluish gray (with some red speckles – to hide the blood!) carpet. My only consolation was on that last one Gym Buddy Allison ate it too and we then proceeded to laugh ourselves silly. Oh, and that same workout I snapped myself across the butt with a resistance band gone rogue.

So you will understand why I thought the “P” in P90X stood for pain. It does not. Nor does it stand for perfect, push up, polyester (wha?) or performance – all guesses bandied about this month as we tried to separate the fact from the infomercial hype. The P apparently stands for “program” – how anticlimactic! – although ChaCha begs to disagree. (Updated: Azusmom just alerted me to the fact that the P actually stands for “power.”) The 90 is for 90 days. And the X? Xtreme of course!

What I Liked
The workouts were tough and there was plenty of variation from week to week. We always got a good sweat, even from the yoga. In fact, the workout that made me Toilet Sore – that’s Gym Buddy parlance for when you get so sore you have to use both hands to lower yourself onto the toilet and even then you just end up falling the last few inches – was the Core Synergistics program and that was supposed to be a rest workout. I was gimpy for four days afterward.

In addition to challenging workouts there were a lot of innovative moves. I’ve gotten to a point now where I feel like I have done it all (except for aerial dancing – which I’m still dying to do so please call me Circus People!) but P90X had lots of stuff I’d never tried before. They even found a way to make lunges new – it’s called the Sneaky Lunge and it’s straight out of a Bugs Bunny cartoon.

As you can tell, there was a lot of opportunity for fun. Tony Horton, the inventor of P90X and the main instructor on all the videos is a freakin’ riot. There aren’t many people who can keep me entertained during a home workout but him and his “fancy hands” cracked me up. Were we to ever meet, he and I would be workout BFFs, I just know it.

What I Didn’t Like
Similar to CrossFit and other heavy on the lifting programs, P90X is very joint intensive. By the end of week two, my wrists were killing me from all the various push ups and each of the Gym Buddies ended up with a tweaked knee, painful elbows or a stressed shoulder. In addition to the weights, the cardio, especially the Plyometrics workout, involves a lot (A LOT) of jumping up and down. So there were rolled ankles, foot pain and other impact related aches. Nothing serious for any of us but I’m just saying if you have a trick knee (you know who you are!!) or other existing joint issue, this might exacerbate it.

My only other complaint is all the hype. It’s similar in tone, intensity and workout style to several other existing workouts (CrossFit most notably) and so it seems that the primary way they set themselves apart is by a lot of Xtreme rhetoric. Oh yeah and black-and-white muscle glamor shots.

The rockstar of the group this month was Gym Buddy Megan (fitting, as it was her Christmas present we were all horning in on after all). She lost an inch off of every body part and dropped six pounds. She bought a new bikini to celebrate! My results, on the other hand, were a little ambiguous. I know I got stronger. I can still only do one pull up but now I cheat less with the jumping. Push ups, pull ups, squats and even my baby-worn abs are all noticeably stronger performance-wise. My other excitement was a pair of pre-baby jeans that I couldn’t even wedge myself into with a shoehorn at the beginning of the month now not only fit but are actually a bit loose (just in the waist – nothing is ever loose on my legs, give it up for athletic thighs!). And yet the scale only went down a pound. But perhaps I was building muscle? All my measurements are exactly the same, even the waist. So maybe my jeans just got stretched out from all the trying on. At any rate, I am pleased. Between last month and this month my LASTTENPOUNDS has now been downgraded (and decapitalized) to my lastfivepounds, not bad for almost 4 months post partum.

March’s Great Fitness Experiment
One point that was really driven home to me this month is the importance of nutrition. I can kill myself in the gym and make all the sweet, sweet love to the carpet I want and yet if my food is off, I won’t lose an ounce. Between having to go nearly vegan again and dealing with the feelings of deprivation that come with that and the frightening hunger that comes with lactating, I have been eating more than I should. I haven’t really gone crazy with the junk food but OD’ing on nut butter (my new food crush: I Love Peanut Butter’s dark chocolate dreams – it’s vegan and pretty much the only chocolate left to me) will still pack on the pounds. For me the magic ratio seems to be about 80% nutrition and 20% exercise.

As P90X is a 90 day program and we have only completed the first month, we are going to continue on with their workouts for March. Therefore March’s Great Fitness Experiment will be a dietary one. Tune in tomorrow to hear all about it!

Gym Buddy Opinions
I’m a neurotic mess so thank goodness for the Gym Buddies and their opinions! (See Sensei Don’s comprehensive review for a much-need male perspective! Finally, a Gym Buddy who doesn’t pee when they jump!)

Gym Buddy Megan: In general, I have been happy with the program. I definitely feel stronger (even if I still can’t quite do a pull-up) and have been happy to focus on weights since I’m usually since a cardio-happy girl. And, I actually noticed a difference when I ran yesterday – haven’t run in a number of weeks and I did 3 miles quite a bit faster than “usual” and still had plenty of gas in the tank. I like the fact that we did a different work out everyday of the week and we get to change it up just as I was starting to get bored. Although, the Yoga workout gets a big YAWN from me…BO-RING!! (Charlotte’s note: true story about the yoga. Sorry, Tony.) The workouts certainly made me sore, but they weren’t as bad as I was expecting (especially the Plyo workout that I heard horror stories about), but maybe that’s because we’re all just so fit to begin with!! And, I’m happy I got to workout with my gym buddies and my hubby, because as much as Tony Horton makes me giggle, I think I would have tired of him quickly if I had to listen to him every day. I just finished the Core Synergistics workout and it was a doozy!

Gym Buddy Allison: I liked the workouts. I didn’t get bored from them and they gave me enough of a push. It wasn’t as hard as expected but was hard enough considering the pull ups, hindu push ups(??) and a couple others!!

Gym Buddy Jeni: I only did two sessions with you and one I only completed half way but here are my thoughts…of the two sessions that I did with you I have incorporated those moves into my normal lifting and strength training routine. I love to pull up sections and never would’ve thought of doing those myself and I loved (and hated), the wall sits. I think it did a great job of engaging the large and small muscles at the same time which lead to bigger calorie burns and more muscle fatigue, which I think is good, right?!?! I would love to regularly do the P90X with you guys or I;d at least like to learn a few new moves to incoporate. It’s HARD though. I don’t have to tell you that!

Gym Buddy Daria: I have liked the workouts. […] It was REALLY nice for me to start doing weights since I haven’t used weights in a year. Yikes! So I have definitely felt stronger. I also like the change from day to day. I can now run for 25minutes with no break! 2.5 miles! Yippee!

Sensei Don:

I have been really enjoying the P90X. In general, it is a really well rounded exercise program that is a good compliment to my other athletic endeavors (Karate-do, triathlons). I am finding that my balance, mobility, flexibility and energy level have all improved although this is a largely subjective evaluation. In real terms I have increased the repetitions, weight or both for almost every exercise. I have upped the ante on the plyometrics by wearing a 30 lb weight vest in week 3 (Charlotte’s note: For the love of little green apples, Don!). This is a significant improvement since the first time I did plyo I was only able to keep up at the “minimum level” – meaning I didn’t do any moves at double-time and did not do the same number of reps as the video showed. Below are some pros and cons to the program as I see it:
  • It is a flexible program – can be customized for your personal schedule and desired level of intensity
  • There is a wide variety of exercises that target areas that may be neglected by otehr routines. A good example is the set of muscles (arms and legs) used in side-to-side movemement. Lateral jumps, raises and lunges build strength in areas often under-exercised in running and cycling which are almost completely linear in nature. In individuals who only do running it is common for the adductors, abductors and side glutes to be diproportionately weak compared to the quads and rear glutes. P90X even goes so far as to focus on the calf muscles at three different angles to cover the complete muscle group
  • The P90X program has had a social effect for me and others I’ve observed. It is a program that you can do together with someone. Even if you work out alone, there is a common language and experience that facilitates comradere among P90Xers. This element, I think, brings more motivation and discipline than a self-designed, self-directed exercise program knowing that your friends and others are doing the same workout. It can bring out the supportive and/or competitive elements that can help individuals push through the physical and psychological challenges of intense training.
  • The prorgam cannot be done properly without key pieces of equipment. Specifically, access to a pull-up bar is an obstacle to some – especially while traveling for business. The use of a band does not sufficiently cover for this since you still need a sturdy and safe way to attach the band to a ceiling/ door/ etc. Hotel rooms and hotel workout facilities rarely accommodate this.
  • The X Stretch is very elementary. There is not a thorough explanation on the types of stretching beyond static and ballistic. There are more advanced stretching methods available that are known to produce faster results especially if your goal is dynamic flexibility (i.e. greater range of motion while moving/ engaging the muscle groups) which is the case for most athletes.
  • Tony spends a lot of time at the beginning of each warm-up doing static stretching. My understanding is that current research advises against this; that it does not prevent injury and actually can decrease performance.
  • Tony can be very annoying during the videos – but you can play the video with just the music and time indicators

How did it go for you this month? Anyone else do P90X? Have you ever been Toilet Sore? What’s your magic nutrition/exercise ratio?


  1. Wow! Congratulations!!!! My hat is off to you guys. I started and stopped P90X 4 different times, and kept injuring myself.
    (BTW, the "P" stands for "Power." I only know this because one of Tony Horton's first programs was called "Power 90," and then he decided to make it EXTREME. Hence, P90X.)

    You guys ROCK!!!!

  2. Thank you Azusmom! I updated it in my post!

  3. P90X is a little extreme for me. I've tried out BodyRock.TV and find that more to my liking. I agree with her eating routine too. 6+ micro meals. 🙂

  4. Hope I'm not being Little Miss Know-it-All, lol!

  5. You are correct about the 80/20 thing. My trainer told me the same thing. She also said that you exercise to lose inches, you change your diet to lose lbs. 😀

  6. Charlotte, thx to all of you for the great write up on this as I like to hear real world info!! After this one, you guys can try that Insanity one that I now see in the infommercials! 🙂

    YUP, food is 80% on the equation! Ya can't do it without eating the right way a good % of the time.

    Thx again! Congrats on doing it!

  7. That's all great information, Charlotte! Thanks!!

    I've really ramped up my martial arts workouts this past month, and I have the bruises and soreness to prove it! One of the things I learned with karate training is that traditionally it is practiced hitting the "air." Because of the strain that puts on joints, etc, similar to your program, I now always strike some object to prevent that hyper-extension, and haven't ever had those injuries since. Perhaps some of that thinking can be applied to this. When watching the Moguls with the recent Olympics, I could see how a 20 something could do them, but a 40 something would be having a knee replacements!

  8. Thanks for a wonderful write-up Charlotte! It's so funny that you blogged about this today because just last night, we ordered it! My husband has been trying to lose some weight and we both need to tone up. We heard great things about this program from a friend on Saturday (he lost 25 lbs within the 90 days). This of course was enough to motivate us. I just turned 40 this year and my knees have been acting up so I'm a little concerned about the stress on the joints. Hopefully with this exercise program and our healthier food choices (we switched over to organic and natural foods) we will meet some of our physical goals this year. Thanks again for such a thorough review.

  9. I'm glad to hear the review – I am now wondering if I should have at the workout if it is so joint intensive. Finally being healed from gibbley knee, I don't want to do more damage…perhaps I'll look at finding some other workout options that won't muck up my joints too much…

  10. i have not tried p90x (or any similar program) i think i love running too much 🙂

    but this was a very thorough review so thanks! i think p90x has a nutrition component too. did you and your gym buddies tackle that as well during this time? or was that what you were referring to with march's challenge?

  11. Marathon Maiden – Yes, it does have a nutritiopn plan. It's similar to South Beach with graduated phases of low-carb. I did not choose to do the diet plan as I'm a vegetarian and know from past experience I need whole grains to not want to slit my wrists:) Sensei Don, I believe, was the only person who followed the P90X nutrition plan. He is seeing good results with it.

  12. Lethological Gourmet

    Charlotte, how did you know I was just watching MacGyver yesterday! 😉

  13. I love love this post as Ive been so curious about P90x and yet far too lazy to try it.
    thank you.
    and your gymbuddies of whom Im eternally envious.

  14. So did you do P90X at your YMCA? Do they have a special room with a TV/DVD player that you could use? Just curious 'cause I just got my copy of P90X today. I'm super excited to started, but I have to admit that I can't figure out when that's gonna happen. I have 3 kids (7 months – 3 1/2 years). My gym offers child care (Awesome!), but I don't really see how I can do it there. Doing it before work means getting up at 4:30 (I try to leave home by 6:30) – and as I'm still up a couple times a night nursing my beautiful/challenging babe, I need all the minutes of sleep I can scrounge up.

  15. Erin – oh how I feel your sleepless pain! Yes, we did the workouts at the Y. No we didn't have a private room (I WISH!). Megan and I took turns watching the vids (skimming them really) at home and then we used the book and worksheets that come with the workout to guide us in the gym. It really worked out very well – once you know what the moves are, doing it in the gym is easier than doing it at home I think! Good luck!

  16. Sounds crazy intense. Fun in the short term but maybe not something I'd want to keep doing regularly for very long 😉

    80% nutrition is so true. I have been TOTALLY OD-ing on the nut butter lately.

  17. Circus People here 🙂 – Xelias has spring registrations open now http://www.watchhumansfly.com Try it, you'll like it!

  18. Circus People!! You found me! And Xelia's is even in Minneapolis! Be still my beating heart:) Do you offer a free class? I'm coming!

  19. I'm just a former student there (may try to get back this spring)- call and see whether they'll give you trial class. It's a challenging workout!

  20. Heather McD (Heather Eats Almond Butter)

    I've been looking forward to this post Charlotte, and yes, I think you've definitely gained muscle. Glad you enjoyed your many face plants, and you know I can't wait to hear about March's nutrition experiment. It's so much more about diet for me too…for most of us I think.

  21. First time on your site. Great post!! I'll be back to visit your blog!

  22. I am on the 60 day recovery wee. Core Synergistic is nothing about recovery unless they mean that the other 3 weeks is recovering from that workout. I was very diligent with the nutrition the first 30-40 days and then it went downhill. My results have followed the path that my nutrition diligence has, but could really go for some Lobster Bisque right now.

  23. I've done a round of P90X and P90X+, not following the program so intensely now as I am teaching (fitness) again 3 days a week, on the opposing days I do P90X(+) dvds though.

    I find it strange how different people like/dislike different things. For me the resistance dvds were the best, the worst was the core syn workout. Just never felt it, like your friend said though for people who are already fit maybe that is why? The yoga needs to be 2 45min dvds IMO. I like it but at 90 mins it's too long. I just tended to use X stretch instead.

    Those worrying about knees, I have a dodgy knee and I prefer to use Interval X (from P90X+) instead of plyo. It's more of a gradual move into plyometrics rather than BOOM lets all jump really high. Plyo aggrevates my knee EVERY TIME.

    I love P90X but mostly I do it with the sound off 😉 I can't stand Tonys ramblings now. I guess you lot only listened to him briefy, when you're seeing him day after day he can get annoying as hell!

  24. Argh! So many things I want to comment on so little time! Anyhoo – thanks for the honest evaluation. I think I'll skip p90x for now as it's expensive for something I can kinda piece together online for free. I'm starting to try to piece together some crossfit-eque workouts + getting back into lifting heavy things at the gym, and feeling a little less like a wussy weakling from all the running and light weight circuit training…

  25. Charlotte,

    I love the MacGyver figure!

    Hi, my name is Nathan McCabe and I am an Independent Beachbody Coach. I was cruising through some blogs and came across yours. I am really glad to read that you have been experiencing a level of success with the P90X. Before completing a round myself, I was a non-believer in any home workout system. The P90X has me hooked and I have since moved onto the Insanity workout system. The Insanity workout is all cardio based and the workouts are really intense.

    Being a Beachbody Coach has opened up new doors for me. It has allowed me to access support groups for my workout, get a 25% discount on all Beachbody products, and also make money at home. If you have a couple of minutes I would like to encourage you to watch a video from Beachbody’s founder and CEO, Carl Daikeler. If you don’t have time right now, you should at least sign-up for a free Beachbody account. Take some time, play around in the Beachbody site, and get back with me about what you think about the coaching option. Either way I would like to hear from you.

    I look forward to hearing from you and good luck with your P90X experience. There is nothing else like it.

    My Beachbody Website:

    Carl Daikeler Video:

    Sign-Up For a FREE Beachbody account:

    Nathan McCabe
    Independent Beachbody Coach

  26. So, I finally started p90x. I wanted to do it in Feb, but I am in the Northeast and we were snowed in for most of the month! I am doing the strength workouts, and instead of their cardio (plyo, etc), I am continuing with HIIT & Moderate Intensity cardio 3x a week. This would be because I have a gym membership and I do not want to let it go to waste! Plus, I have iffy knees and plyo sounds like a bad bad idea.

    I have been very sore for about 2 days during my first week. I like the workouts though and am eager to continue.

    Anyone else feel like the workouts are kind of guy-centric though? I feel like the leg day was ALL about quads and that's it!

  27. I just finished day 2: Plyo. And I agree with you all. Tough, but not INSANE like everyone says. I might sing a different tune tomorrow morning. I was super sore from the pull up push up fest yesterday!

    Did you do more exercise daily, or just these dvds?

  28. Katie – those pull-ups killed me too! My upper back/lats are so sore! As for workouts, it depends on the day. There are several days a week we do double up the P90X workout with another one (usually TurboKick) because we're too stubborn to give anything up;)

  29. Deb (Smoothie Girl Eats Too)

    Sounds like you made huge improvements. thoselasttenpounds is history and that's fab!!

    I have wanted to do P90X for ever but now I'm wondering: you've mentioned people with troubled: ankles, elbows, knees, shoulders, feet. Why, you've just named all of my niggling injuries that take turns tormenting me. Hmm pause for thought.

    Thanks though and excited to hear how the dietary change goes- I'm guessing it's the One-Two punch that is needed to get the results you want (even though you are already fabulous to the rest of us).

  30. Pingback:Comparing My Weakness to Your Strength [Plus: How I Inadvertently Insulted Tony Horton] | The Great Fitness Experiment

  31. I so love P90X and TurboFire! As I just commented on your newest post I love his personality (no I wont go into it again you can take your big sigh of relief lol). I haven’t done P90X as it is scheduled out. Because of my arm and the intense heavy lifting I am unable to do all the workouts or do them all with out some modification for my gimpy arm. That being said it is my favorite weight routine I own!

  32. Pingback:A Massive Review of Weightlifting Programs | Science, Saucery and Skepticism