You’ve got to hand it to Michelle Obama – by proclaiming her goal to “end childhood obesity in one generation” as her platform as First Lady she certainly isn’t taking the safe route. I’m not mocking previous First Ladies but saying kids need to read books is pretty tame compared to telling people their kids are fat and are going to die young. And this last weekend she showed that she meant what she said when she revamped the traditional White House Easter celebration. Seeing as I didn’t even know the White House celebrated Easter much less has an annual “egg roll”, I’m not sure what the traditional festivities entailed although I’m assuming there was candy aplenty.
Not this year! All Peeps, Cadbury Eggs and other confections were chucked in favor of goody bags filled with… “pre-screened fruit.” (And no I have no idea what exactly “pre-screened” means in this context either.) In addition, Olympic athletes were staked out at “exercise stations” arranged in a circuit. The (non)icing on the (nonexistent) cake was the hand sanitizing stations. This story gave me a good belly laugh. Michelle Obama healthified Easter!
That is SO something I would do. Man, I love her.
And it sounds like she had equally disastrous results as I usually do, judging from all the media commentary. The same media, I might add, that moan piteously about the epidemic of childhood obesity in this country.
What do you think about Ms. Obama’s healthy Easter initiative? Did she go too far to make her point or does Shaun White trump Jelly Bellies? Do you make any healthy concessions at your house when it comes to holidays or is it a beloved day of debauchery?
I can't say anything about the non-Easter because I'm still fixating on that devil bunny. It looks like a shot from the new holiday-themed Twilight movie.
I LOVE that Michelle Obama is attempting to tackle this issue! And I love that Jamie Oliver is helping her.
Wow. She did heathify Easter. But maybe there should have been room for some in between stuff like, 100% fruit leathers (my kids think they are candy, very yummy), small packets of Annie's organic cheese bunnies (like goldfish) or organic graham cracker bunnies (they come in chocolate too!). Something kids like and is a little more transitional on the junk food to fruit snacking spectrum.
I give her major credit for doing this though! I try to healthify holidays, but certain family members still give my kids the HFCS crud.
Excuse me… including dried fruit in with chocolate is un-American? Huh?
If anything, dried fruit is even sweeter. Sheesh.
I read some of the blog posts out there on this subject, about how including fruit along with chocolate meant that she was enforcing a 'Nanny' state. I'm neither a D nor an R, but that seems totally A.
I consider holidays meals healthy b/c they are almost always cooked with real food. I mean butter IS a real food right?
The question for me do I watch my portion sizes during holidays? Nooooooo.
Was Jessica really without makeup in that picture? While she didn't look completely photoshopped it looks like she is wearing eye make up and lip gloss….I think? If she looks THAT beautiful without makeup then I prefer photoshopped pictures. At least I can remind myself "they're photoshopped" and feel better about my genetic lottery card.
i agree with you on that. I mean, the hand washing stations? That's kind of extreme (and weird, and lame.) At least give the kids some kind of treat just like you were talking about.
I think it's ridiculous that she's being bashed for this. She's the devil for wanting a holiday to be more about having fun with your family rather than stuffing your face with marshmallow bunnies. Why does everything have to center around food for people? You know, there was a time when Christmas wasn't just about the presents.
This is highly contradictory act of Mrs. Obama. I think she could party as per her mission and should treat kids in that way only. However, i would still say apart from this she is doing a great job in her mission.
I think a few pieces of candy mixed in with the "good" stuff is ok. It teaches kids that candy is just like other food and should be treated that way.
I'm a sheep!
There was chocolate too?? I missed that part! Well that does make it seem all a bit more moderate:)
I like that she's trying to get people away from having every celebratory event revolve around food.
I went to the White House website to checkout if they listed what food was given and was shocked to see that the Easter Egg roll was an incredible experience for kids. They had Justin Bieber perform, JK Rowling reading, Elmo, Yo Gaba Gaba, Washington Redskins players having drills with kids, and a basketball court with players too. There were also food stands with Chefs.
Interesting how the media chose to focus only on what was given in the goodie bag. If my kids would have been lucky enough to attend, the last thing they would have noticed was if they got chocolate candy or not!
I love what she did. It may be extreme, but the problem of childhood obesity is extreme. Maybe holiday traditions need to change drastically. I love the idea of "all things in moderation", but HFCS is harmful even in moderation.
The Easter Egg Roll is a HUGE event. People used to line up for HOURS before tickets were given out. The Obamas have changed that, so that there is a lottery, giving people from outside the DC area a chance to get a coveted ticket. It's a big deal – parents AND kids both revel at getting a chance to attend.
With that said – it's ridiculous that she should be bashed for the event. She has a platform and she's walking the walk, which is the way it should be. Knowing that she lives healthy and raises her kids in a healthy way makes me feel much more confident in her ability to understand what it's like to be a mom who has a kid who wants candy and cake. Additionally – considering probably EVERY KID got an Easter basket from their parents loaded with sugary goodness – this was probably a good balance to that.
I think it's insane that something like an Easter Egg Roll is now her being attacked. If not giving kids candy causes this much of an uproar – then I believe in my heart that she REALLY did the right thing because our country is going nutso.
While I applaud her efforts to get kids healthy, there I think this would have been a perfect event to show that treats can be part of a healthy lifestyle. (There is a reason they're called TREATS, after all!). Maybe a mix of fruit and a bit of chocolate or candy. And, of course, a fluffy toy bunny! (NOT that scary werebunny in the picture. Yikes, lol!)
damn. I was coming to say what AZUSMOM said above. I dont do easter but it made me think about hanukkah treats (choc.coins) and days of that ilk.
I say celebrate it and indulge and show the kids the ole 80/20 idea at a young age…
ok more
I just always think that when its a big deal and "taken away" and food is given power—its never a good thing.
now had she ALWAYS rolled that was for easter Id not have thought anything of it.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that she took a stand and went candy free! We are trying in our home to limit sugar/HFCS and I constantly feel like I am swimming up stream. Especially in the schools. I would love to see a new no-sugar culture take shape in our country. In addition, I would love to see artificial color go away too!
I don't like that bunny. *shiver*
I'm glad she's doing something. Sure it mught be a bit harsh and at times odd…but something has to be done. I think, though, that perhaps moderation would have made the point better. To have a bit of things…not just nothing. Moderation. Too much focus on the food gives it too much power. Maybe have plastic eggs and a few special coloured ones that could be traded in for one candy egg? that would be a bit more even…still. She made a point. I'm glad. Easter shouldn't be about food or candy.
To me, I've always ranted that if you're going to celebrate Easter…well look into what it's actually for and do so…it is a religious thing. Not a stuff candy in your face thing. Or spend the day with family. Leave the candy out
Then again I've never really gotten non-traditional easter…
I LOVE that she did this. Examples should be set at the top and then filtered down that way everyone is on the same page and it becomes a culture. I would FULLY do this as this year I didn't even eat any Mini Eggs and they're my Easter fave
Maybe I don't "get" the event and how it's supposed to be, not being of D.C. culture, but it sounds like a fantastic event! (They had J.K. Rowling AND Yo Gabba Gabba??? Dang, who NEEDS bleepin' chocolate eggs!!!)
I've read some of the reactions to the Washington Post article, and I'm kind of dismayed by both the media coverage and the commentary. (And I fully appreciate the irony of the media harping on us about obesity, yet making the main point of the article that there were NO TREATS at the event! Oh, the horror! Grrr.)
However, like many have said here, I think that a more moderate approach would have been more realistic. I worry that there will be a backlash strong enough to overcome what strides are being made. Of course, I'm sure that there'd be a backlash of whatever Ms. Obama chose for her cause, no matter how obviously good of one. *sigh*.
I applaud her efforts. Not every event has to be about food or crappy candy. The kids can get that at home, right?
We all tend to overeat around holidays because we focus on the treats. "Oh, we can only get these once a year, so I'll enjoy them while they're here" – right? But then you start out with V-day stuff mid January, which is replaced with St. Patties Day and Easter Stuff mid-February, and then sometime around mid-April we get a reprieve – just in time for COOKOUT season. Then, in August, it's halloween candy and then winter holidays…you don't get a break!
I swear, I'm going to make up my own holiday and have you celebrate by running and then eating healthy salad and fruit. I will call it… Friday!
…forgive my grumpy. First week of being back on the super straight and narrow eating-wise. It's been really enlightening how horrible normal people eat. It's really noticeable when you count every calorie. Argh!
Jessica Simpson is wearing makeup though!!! I can't understand that stupid claim that she isn't wearing it! She is wearing less noticable makeup but is still certainly wearing it!! You can quite clearly see some makeup on the eyes and I also think she is wearing light makeup on the rest of her face… stupid publicity stunt is all it is and people are just as stupid if they believe it!
Charlotte…I usually love your blog. Usually.
There are a lot of words I would use to describe Michelle Obama. Darling is not one of them.
Angry, hostile, frumpy… definitely not "darling."
I love the balance that the Obama's tried to bring to Easter. People rant about our kids & being unhealthy & then complain about this. There are a group out there that will complain about anything our President & his wife do… the goal is to always be against them.
I made this comment on Diet Blog & an idiot on there went right ballistic. This is the problem, the hate rhetoric from the far right.
What is wrong with wanting our children to be healthy. She did NOT ruin Easter.. my good people, get a life!
Dear Jody…it is not the Obamas job to bring balance to Easter. They are turning this country into a nanny state.
If I understand your comment, it sounds like you were the one who started the argument. "There are a group out there that will complain about anything our President & his wife do… the goal is to always be against them. I made this comment on a Diet Blog…" what was the point of making this comment "on a diet blog" if it was not to stir up others?
I just happen to disagree with most of what the Obamas are doing to the country. Not because I hate them, I just fundamentally disagree. But it appears that no one is allowed to disagree with Obamas without being called racist or right wing.
So I'm sure this comment will give you an excuse to call me a far right hater.
Pish… now that's a little extreme. Even I can't believe I'm saying it but comon… what the hell.
How about portion control? One small Cadbury egg instead of letting kids stuff their faces with 10. I like what she's doing, but she needs to chill out, specially on EASTER.
A nanny state because at a free event, Mrs. Obama gave out fruit instead of HFCS-laden "treats"? Please.
The irony is that HFCS is *highly* subsidized in the US, thanks to the political strength of big agribusiness, inc. corn growers. US fruit growers, by contrast, are not. Funny how the people who cry "nanny state" or "socialism" at any effort to get Americans to eat less HFCS and more fruit tend to forget this.
I don't think that childhood obesity is being caused by treats on special holidays. As a kid, I only got candy on Halloween, Easter, and Christmas. My mom wasn't taking me to 7-Eleven for a candy bar every day or grabbing drive-thru every night on the way home. Of course, when I was kid, we went outside and played baseball instead of pretending to play it with a Wii.
Maybe she should take on McDonalds. I'm sure that clown does more harm to our kids than a couple of Peeps.
Actually, this person on Diet Blog has been called out by many on that blog, including those that run it. And actually, it was a response to part of the post.
And of course you know I disagree with you on your opinions in your comment. I did not hate Bush but I certainly did not like what he did to this country in the 8 years he was there. Only time will tell if the changes now will be for the better. To me, after the last 8 years under Bush, I am ready for a new try. I am an Independent & I vote based on what I think is best for this country.
And no, I am not calling you a far righter because I don't even know you.
OK, enough of this crap on poor Charlotte's blog! Sorry Charlotte!
I agree with Sam – why does everything have to center around food? I bet the kids had so much fun running around and meeting athletes they forgot about chocolate eggs.
And from now on, I'm insisting that all my fruit be pre-screened.
She's a hypocrite. More deaths are caused from smoking than obesity. Maybe she should take the cigarettes away from BO (and I don't mean the dog) before she attempts to clean out America's pantries.
Shaun White trumps Jelly Bellys.
But a total slam dunk would be to eat a Cadbury Creme Egg WITH Shaun. *blissful sigh*
Um, sorry, she's a hypocrite because her husband is trying to quit smoking? Sorry, don't see the connection.
And, yes, I agree that taking away ALL the treats is a bit extreme.
Wow there is so much discussion on this; thanks for bringing up the politics behind it all. It's good to see both sides!
I understand the history of food/bingeing being the mainstay of all of our holiday celebrations. Food was hard to come by, and a chance to enjoy rare treats made the day seem even more special. Here in America, there is no such thing as a rare treat. Junk food nearly rams itself down my kids' throats at school. I had to write a special note so that the school lunch personnel didn't sell my kid ice cream or chips after he's eaten his lunch. Who needs a snack after they've just finished eating!?!
In our world, maybe holidays need to be observed with a break in the collective bingefest that the American diet has become.
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