How to Do a Pull Up (Video!)

In my first episode of Fitness Moves You Think You Can’t Do But Totally Can, I got all crazy and tried to convince you that handstand push-ups are a great workout, fun and an awesome party trick to boot. A few of you tried them. Many of you laughed. This time I’m hoping to up the ante, both with the trying and the laughing. Today we’re tackling pull ups!

Since the Y frowns upon me bringing my camera onto the weight floor, Gym Buddy Megan and her husband Sensei Don kindly offered up their basement. Hilarity – as it always does with us – ensues. Even if you don’t care about pull-ups or my ugly shirt, you MUST see the last 30 seconds. I laughed so hard I peed a little. And yeah, my incontinence made the video too.

PS> This may possibly be the least flattering workout shirt ever. Forgive me; I have no idea how to dress myself. (Seriously, it looks like it’s tucked into the back of my leggings – it’s NOT. I swear that’s how the shirt was sewn!)

Click through to see the video

Can you do an unassisted pull-up? Which variation – chair, resistance band, negative, 90 degree – is your favorite? Anyone else consistently dress themselves in things that seem like a good idea… until you leave the house? Anyone else think Bob is kinda hot??


  1. You guys are such GOOFBALLS! I love it and am sorry I missed the shenanigans this time!!!

  2. We missed you!!!!  Don't worry – there will be a sequel!!

  3. Hilarious! Also, I took your advice on the negative pull-ups a long time ago and it totally works. Thanks so much for educating me!

  4. I'm so glad it worked for you!  I totally remember that convo about pull ups now… good times.

  5. Hey, what do you mean "if you're a man you're probably not reading my blog"


    And glad to see you're rocking the videos. Btw that pullup was closeee. You'll have it, just throw in quantity… do like 10 jumping pullups everyday for like 2 weeks, 1 week off and you SHOULD have it.

    And for having no arms, BOB is such a pimp!

  6. You rock. Simple as that. LOVE THIS!!!!!!

  7. yeah! i can do a pull up! Although i really like to do the "neutral grip" pull-ups with your hands facing inward–mostly because it makes me feel stronger since i can do more! haha

    love the video and i also love that you're encouraging women to do pull-ups! so many women are afraid to try and they really work your whole arm!

  8. hahaha that was a cute video.

    I can do one pull up. But I can get up to three chin-ups! Don't know how many I could do with a chair, but we have one of those doorway bars and I know I'd forget to put the chair back and end up seriously wounding myself

  9. You guys are too much!!!!!

    Doing bodyweight exercises are an important part of my workouts! I do pull ups all the time, and this actually came in quite handy one day when I was locked out of the house (don't ask) and had to pull myself up to the second floor balcony to "break" in!

  10. I watched this without volume and for a second, I thought Bob was the man in the video, and I was, like, "wow, Charlotte is totally hitting on that girl's husband by asking if we think Bob is hot!" Now, after re-reading the blog, I see that the human man is named Don, so Bob must be the mannequin. And yes, he is quite hot.

  11. lovelovelovelovelove CHARLOTTE!!!


    wannadomorepullups mcgee

  12. If I had a pull up bar, I would try it. Alas, I have no such equipment. 🙂

  13. i LOVE your videos 🙂 and i totally canNOT do any type of pullup. maybe that's something i should work on so i can be extra bamf 😉

  14. Great video. You guys really cover all the angles learning how to do a pull up. Good job and keep it up.

    Interval Training Man

  15. Cool…now I want to get a pull up bar…

  16. Does your gym have an assisted pull-up/chin-up machine? Our gym has one and I love it. You stand on a platform that moves up and down with you and supports a portion of your weight. So you can start off with it supporting most of your weight (like I do) and then as you get stronger you set it so its supports less and less of your body weight (my goal).

    Love the video!

  17. I'm psyched that I recently hit 11 unassisted pull ups and 12 unassisted chin ups!!! I just set a goal last fall that I was going to start working on them and it all came together for me!!!!

  18. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hits home since I have been working on those damn things for months & months! My prob, my back gets too wide as I try to get strong enough to do them! I have managed a couple close reverese grip ones… I don't expect to get the wide grip pullups but I am fine with that!

  19. Charlotte! This is awesome, I love it!! I love the huge ghettoblaster in the background!

  20. That was fabulous–you're a natural vlogger. I am happy to report I can do pull ups now. Four in a row, and not a single one more. I have Cross Fit to thank for that!

  21. That was great, informative and funny as hell. Just before you said, "you make that look so easy", I was saying it out loud.

  22. i'm totally hearing the "oh bob!" in a fargo accent.

    …just thought you should know. 🙂

  23. Bob's such a stiff.

    You are darling on vids. And I like your funky yellow burnout top!

  24. Well it does look a lot better in person, I'll give you that:)

  25. Heather Eats Almond Butter

    Yes, bob is quite handsome. It is my dream to do an unassisted pull-up, and I will someday. Thanks for the motivation Charlotte! 🙂

  26. I have a Bob of my own!!

    I actually have a pullup bar thing that I got from that allows me to sit in various positions on the floor and do an assisted pullup that way. Even with the help, I HATE THEM and yet want to do them all at the same time. I've never done an unassisted pullup or chinup ever. I'm working on it, though. I couldn't use the pullup bar over the door or in the wall or ceiling because my workout room is in an unfinished basement with walls made of insulation. The Cathe pullup bar works, though.

  27. Um….adorable!!! I like that back of that shirt! It's cute!

    I've been using bands and doing negatives to try and get my pull ups back. I'm not quite there yet but close!

  28. lovelovelove Can I come hang out with you guys and pretend that I can do unassisted pullups? I have a pull up bar in the door way of my house (thanks, p90x) and I think just having it there makes me look and feel badass.

  29. I just bought a pull-up bar and I have resolved that I'm going to work up to doing at least one. Resolved! 🙂

  30. I'm back to comment with my tail between my legs. I can't do a single damn pull up–did I tell you I could do 4? Big fat liar. I don't know what crack I was on when I originally left my comment, but to be clear, I can only do pull ups with assistance or a nice jump. Not from standing. I can do a chin up that way. One. If I can get momentum going with the chinup, then I can do 4. Nobody cares, but after trying this at crossfit today I couldn't live another moment without clarifying myself.