(So that fountain of snot? Has erupted into a volcano of vileness. I am so so so sick. Fever of 102. Throat like I swallowed glass. Just trying to explain if I’m late replying to your comments/messages or if I get delirious and send you something really wacky. In the latter case, please keep it so you can show me when I have recovered and we can both laugh about it. Thank you.)
Everyone knows one of these guys in college. You know, the guy who never has a job nor gets any cash from home and yet somehow manages to afford tuition and books? For me, it was my friend nicknamed – via the misguided use of voice recognition software – Barrel of Carrots. When I first met BoC, I spent a lot of time wondering how he managed to feed himself much less go skiing on an income of $0 (and no scholarship) while I was busting my butt working in a computer lab by day and waitressing at night just to be able to eat something besides Ramen. And then I helped him move. His belongings: one can of beer, a small cardboard box of clothing (with hangers still attached) and a backpack of personal items. So obviously the dude was frugal. “But how do you pay rent?” I puzzled as we made exactly one trip to his car. “You sell drugs or something?”
Giving me his characteristic grin, he answered, “I sell my plasma. Make $600 a month. Easiest money ever.”
That was the first time I’d heard of selling your plasma – the yellow liquidy part of your blood packed with antibodies, protiens and other goodies – for money. It came up again tonight in an entirely different setting. While one might expect a self-professed single college slacker guy to resort to selling his bodily fluids for money, tonight’s advice was brought to me courtesy of the Church Ladies.
Once a month the ladies at my church get together to learn something new, swap tips, chat and do some community service. A recent theme was on living frugally (with everyone bringing clothing donations for a local charity) and one of the suggestions, sandwiched between “use coupons” and “budget with cash” was “sell plasma.” I almost fell off my chair. At first glance, it seemed like a bad idea to me. I mean, why am I paying good money for a gym membership and organic produce if I’m going to let someone suck my life juices out of me for $20 a pint?
I leaned over to my friend, “Crazy, right?”
“Like a fox! Where do I sign up?” she replied in all seriousness.
“Do you like needles?” I asked incredulously, thinking perhaps she just has a vampiric interest in getting poked.
“Hate needles,” she answered vehemently. “LOVE money.”
My friend, being generally not crazy (unless you count her inexplicable fondness for country music), made me think that maybe I’m just being closed minded.
How to Donate* Plasma
After searching around the ‘net a bit, I discovered that quite a lot of not-homeless and not-druggie people make good money donating plasma. Some people consider it a part time job. But how does one do it? First you find a center near you and there are plenty of helpful internet listings to help you do so. Once there you need to show two forms of ID, scan your fingerprints and get your picture taken. Then you get a physical where you answer a bunch of questions (do you do drugs?), pee in a cup (are there drugs in your system?) and get your finger pricked (nothing to do with drugs.) You also have to do routine stuff like get weighed to determine how much plasma you can donate and get your blood pressure and pulse taken. Pass all of these and you’re good to go!
Go to a little room that is and get hooked up to a machine not unlike the one from The Dark Crystal (okay I made that part up) where they extract your blood, run it through a machine to separate the blood from the plasma and then pump the blood back into you. Once finished, you get paid and free to lather, rinse, repeat twice a week for as long as you keep passing the tests.
*I love how everyone calls it “donating” plasma as if you are just doing it out of the kindness of your little blood-pumping heart. I suppose “selling” plasma sounds too gauche.
The Pros to Donating Plasma
Let’s be honest, there is one pro: you get paid. Most places seem to pay 30-40$ a visit, not bad if you figure it by the hour. Added bonus – you are “donating” a vital fluid to be used for someone who has a life-threatening medical need for it.
The Cons to Donating Plasma
What I really want to know is if it negatively impacts your long-term health. Young college kids are notorious for thinking they are immortal but I can’t afford that kind of mentality. From my research (read: Google), most sites will tell you there is little to no risk to your health. One company writes, “The process is designed to maintain the health of the donors because it would not make much sense for the company to decrease the health of the donors, which would reduce the amount of plasma donated and negatively impact the company.” How very… practical of them.
Common reactions to donating plasma seem to be short-term and include dizziness, fainting and vomiting stemming mostly from not drinking enough water. Plasma is mostly water and in a typical donation session you lose about a half a gallon. Fatigue is also a commonly reported side effect. However, the venerable health Q&A site Go Ask Alice run by Columbia University explains that regular donations are not only not detrimental to long-term health but also provide a life-saving resource. Alice explains the risks thusly,
“About twelve percent of the subjects in the study mentioned above had to stop donating because of lowered levels of antibodies in their blood. (Antibodies are special proteins that help the body’s immune system fight infection and disease.) Also, pre-menopausal women who donate often are more likely to have lower levels of hemoglobin because of the loss of blood during menstruation. A lack of this protein may make people feel weak and tired. Taking an iron supplement may help counteract this, but be sure to consult a health care provider before doing so.”
Alice then also adds,
“Extensive, long-term studies have shown that frequent donation of plasma is safe. […] One study showed that those who regularly donated blood had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, but the explanation behind this is still unclear.”
So it appears that not only is plasma donation safe but it might actually benefit you in the long run? For some reason I am still a bit leery of it. Is plasma donation a great Recessionista tactic? Or do you think it is too risky? Any of you done it? You know anyone in college who did crazy stuff to get money?
For 2 weeks in college I worked at a plasma clinic. Oh, the things I saw. Thus, after 2 weeks, I quit. If people want to do it, great. I personally wouldn’t just b/c I dunno, I like to keep my bodily fluids in my body. Sure, we make more. I’d rather not tax my body that way.
The better question to ask would be egg donation. Oh I have TONS of friends!!! who sell their eggs. Usually for 6k the 1st donation, 8k, 10k,12k for subsequent donations. I have one friend who’d done it 4 times. Probably 100-125 eggs.
Science, medicine, technology…all so…interesting.
I’ve considered egg donations, but the legality of things bothers me. . . I don’t want anyone tracking me down like they do sperm donors or something like that.
I thought about donating eggs in college, because I naively assumed they just caught them as they fell out. Then I found out they stick a giant needle through the wall of your vagina and I decided that working in the mail room was a better job.
there are plenty of anonymous donor agencies – the parents never know their donor’s name or what the donor looks like all grown up – all they know is that the donor is healthy, what the donor looked like as a baby, and the general physical attributes (height, hair and eye color, skin tone and weight-ish) so they can make a somewhat informed choice that their baby look like them a little. the anonymous programs are usually through reputable hospitals and medical centers. this is all not to say that egg donation is to be taken lightly, since it IS a commitment, but legality and anonymity are the very small hurdles here.
Wait wha…egg donations?
I just donated plasma today! I’m middle aged and needed the $50. I won’t do it again! I felt faint afterwards and awful for the rest if the day!
Give me a break.
I’m telling you all they took my good blood and now I can’t fight my sickness I never got sick in my life my second time the machine stop OK I was 50 years old never smoke or do drugs healthy I was now I’m 60 and can’t fight any sickness they lie it doesn’t go for our people it goes for other countries to keep those people healthy not us so I’m telling you all to stop I walk 8 miles a day and can’t get my ammune back to normal please listen to the girl that been through black blood they called me but my lord was by my side
Jesus Pprobers. You sound like a whack-job! It’s fine for you. I’ve never felt bad. Drink lots of water and protein before you go!
Your the wack job I’m 60 years young yes I drink plenty of water even a gatoraid a day how old are you keep up giving your blood let see how long you fight sickness
This is plasma not blood. Ok know of anyone who has had third degree burns, a child that is born with o blood, or people with HIV and other immune problems that is what plasma is used for. Not to mention if you lose to much blood you will have to have plasma to. You are only suppose to donate if you are healthy. If you do not want to donate that is fine. I have an I have felt faint only when I did not eat like I was suppose to. I skateboard, swim, mountain bike, and jog and it has not affected me from doing any of those activities.
I donated for the first time 2 days ago. I felt fine right afterward and for the rest of the day I was really tired. The next day I had lightheadedness, felt really woozy, stomach cramps and diarrhea, My face got puffy off and on all day, extremely weak and weepy. Low grade fever all day. 2nd day feel much better but still have light stomach cramps and diarrhea.
I would never do it again, not worth the money.
Everyone has a different reaction to the donation. Personally Ive donated 27 times in the last 3 1/2 months. Ive never had any issues with it.
For some people donating is a very bad choice, however for others it has little to no negative impact and its a good way to get a few extra bucks.
pprobers – They do not take your (good?) blood during plasma donations. They pull the blood and plasma out through the IV catheter, and into a centrifuge, then they separate the plasma from the erythrocytes (red blood cells). They then pump the separated plasma into the collection bottle, and the erythrocytes back into your circulatory system. As far as your health from age 50 to 60 goes, this is when your immune system begins to exponentially deteriorate. You’re not getting sick because they took your blood, it’s because you’re getting older and your immune system will never be “normal” again. The plasma taken goes to sick individuals all over the world, and if you’re so hell bent on not helping the human race’s sick and needy in affection of your american brethren, then I suggest you keep to your nutty ideologies.
Your the nutty ass hole ideologies you must work for them I was rush to hospital after they said I had black blood my doctor said they are stupid stay away I got my immune back I never get sick no more they are taking our good blood cells I’m 62 now as long as you stay away your keep your good blood they don’t help our american people it goes for those in other countries they will kill you stay away when you hear the good thing about plasma it because that ass hole worked there or he wants to keep sucking your blood out they know what there doing
donating plasma does rob your body of nutrition and the recommended times to donate is once ever 28 days. You may have lots of luck donating and don’t feel any side effects but I have been doing research and it looks like most (about 80%) of people talking about their memory of donating on blog sites has health side effect afterwards. Bio Life actually has information of long term effects that they will willingly tell you about. They will also confirm the first statement in this paragraph. Its up to you to replenish on a daily basis with lots of greens, proteins and half your weight in oz of water consumed per day along with eating an extra meal before donation and no caffeine products.
The blood thinners that they put in the blood to keep it from clotting when reentering the vein could cause side effects as well depending on the brand they use. One type causes bowl and stomach problems for days others robbed you of your Vitamin K and are warned to replenish immediately, others are dizziness, increased bleeding in the eye or intestines. if you see dark terry stools call your doctor right away.
This insane search started with my donating plasma with an inexperienced attendant who stuck me right through my vein causing major pain, immediate bruising, numbness in my fingertips, cold sweat and then hours later blacked out for a period of 3 min. After some testing and consulting I came to the conclusion that the attendants are careless and are dishonest. I repeatedly asked for assistance, there were many signs that the needle was not in correctly. It was so they refused to follow protocol. This was my 8th time donating. BTW I’m only on here to let you know what they wouldn’t. It is always your choice and feel that you will have a more successful experience or not do it if you are more aware of what is going on with your body when you are having side effects.
Melody-wait. I called Bio Life because my son wants to donate his plasma. They don’t put blood thinners in you. They put in a saline solution because separating the plasma from your blood takes away the sodium in your system. Your immune system is compromised and it puts stressors on your body. Of what I understand s that you do have to eat healthy and drink plenty of fluids. Stay away from fatty foods. Eat plenty of protein and stay away from alcohol and caffeine.
I’ve been giving plasma at biolife for a little less than two years, and they do put an anti-coagulant in your blood, otherwise it will clot and cause major health issues. Yes, they do put a saline solution in you, and yes you should be well hydrated, stay away from fatty foods, and avoid caffeine and alcohol the day of and day before.
I “donated” for close to 10 years, most of the time twice a week. All was good and fine as long as I drank a BUNCH of water. Once I ate a roast beef from Arby’s before I gave, and was deferred for 6 weeks cuz my plasma came out looking like alfredo sauce. Gross! Toward the end of my donating, also why I quit going, is because my iron was low all the time and they would send me home anyway. I could feel it starting to have an effect on my body. I have NOT “donated” for a few years now and I’m all good again. I have been for while. I did, however, seem to wind up with some stomach problems. Probably completely unrelated, but it’s anyone’s guess now. My vote…go ahead and do it. You will know after your first couple of donations if it’s going to be okay or not for you. Everyone’s different. If it works, great! Enjoy the cash!
Wth is black blood no such thing, I’ve been a phlebotomist and ER tech for over 20 yrs
I started donating like it was my job never been sick caught pneumonia in the heat weather soon after donating constantly I know it’s be cause of the weakening of my immune due to donations fever of 102 kept me in the hospital for 7 days I don’t want to go back but need the money smh
Probbers, you are so not right, speaking such foul words when you claim to be with your Lord beside you. Who cares which human, in which part of the world gets the plasma? Not very Christian of you. Hippocrite.
I would think twice before donating. I donated several days agoand my body does not feel the same. I fainted the next day at work. And my body still feels weak and tired.
My daughter also donated plasma and soon had bruises all over her body and has never been as strong as she once was. Thank God she doesn’t do that to body any more!
I tried donating one time during college and ended up having a seizure! I wouldn’t really recommend doing it if you are prone to passing out. But I know a lot of people who did it twice a week and were totally fine. It just all depends on your body I guess
Had one today too! Man, I was scared. Fainted, seizure and peed on myself:( hated it. Just came on here to see if anyone had any similar experiences.
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I also can say I “donated” plasma during my college years, just 6 months ago in fact. Took forever until I was allowed to (I was always either too hydrated or not hydrated enugh) and when they finally did take my plasma, my vein collapsed in the process! So instead of them putting the blood back into my vein, they pumped it straight into my muscle tissue. I couldn’t lift weights for almost three weeks, and my arm was bruised all the way up. All in all, not worth the 40 bucks. But a very memorable experience!
thats called a hematoma. My fiance occasionally donates and that happened to him. Its painful and lasts for a good 2-5 weeks.
weird. I have been donating plasma for 5 months they weren’t able to return my blood to me for one cycle. they just gave me water and told me to lay down the rest of the day. this was at 6pm strange that they gave it to you in the muscle. at my center if they can they will use your other arm.
I donate blood on a regular basis (once every 60 days)- my mom got really sick a few times and needed blood transfusions, so I feel like it’s my way of saying “thanks for saving my mom, generous public”. Plus, I’m O-, so they love my delicious universal donor status. It’s not the most comfortable experience to donate, and I always feel sick for the day after, but it’s worth it in my opinion.
Canada doesn’t pay for blood. They do give you cookies and juice afterward, but….no money. It’s against the law here. It’s also against the law to pay for sperm donations or egg donations for fertility treatments- they can pay you for your time and hassle, but not for the actual human tissue. No purchasing/selling of human tissue at all is allowed here, for anything.
I’m also on the bone marrow donation list (also no payment, but I hear leukemia is crappy…), but I haven’t been called for that (yet). Plasma donating is actually sort of time consuming- you have to sit there and let them cycle your blood through a machine. I generally don’t have time to sit around for a few hours, whereas whole blood donation takes all of 30m, tops.
Crazy stuff for money? They can pay you for medical experiments in Canada, and a friend did one with a pill to make alcoholics feel sick when they drink, to prevent them from drinking. You had to take it for like a month, then you went into the lab for the testing. She didn’t know whether she was given a placebo or the pill, until her birthday rolled around (like two days before the test)….then it became VERY obvious that she was not given a placebo. She also wasn’t paid, because she broke the rules- you weren’t supposed to drink for the entire month.
Actually there is a plasma donations center in Canada that pays your for donating . You are correct that you are not paid for blood, but plasma is a product separated from blood and you can get paid for that. With your O- status you could earn up to $70.00 per donation providing you meet other criteria.
I donated blood once (really should get back down there) at UCLA Blood Center and got a movie ticket. I don’t think I would be able to have the needle in my arm long enough to do the plasma thing. The little bit of time it takes for blood is almost too long having the needle there.
I hope you get to feeling better soon!
The only reputable place around here does not pay for plasma. There are places around town that do, but the buildings look too nasty to even step foot inside. (Plus, the closest one to me in between a liquor store and an “adult” store. Not somewhere I want to hang out.)
The only thing that has stopped me from doing plasma is the time commitment. I can fill a pint bag of whole blood in under 10 minutes. Plasma is more like a 90 minute deal. I might do it some day, but the blood center has never asked, so I just assume they’re happy with my whole blood.
The first four times I donated plasma they put the machines on half speed, and it still only took me one hour! Now I’m down to about 30 minutes, and since I’m a college student, I can bring in my book to study and it goes by pretty quick!
Ive donated 3 times and it has never taken longer than 40 minutes!
When you donate blood at a blood center (different than plasma center) they spiny our blood and get red cells, plasma and cryo out of your whole blood donation. I work at a blood bank and also sell my plasma, I feel like a traitor but hey I need the money. But keep it up! Your donations save lives
I’m not sure how I feel about giving my plasma. My husband works for a university with a medical school and hospital, and they often get notices that they are need of blood. They don’t pay in cash, but do offer $50 gift cards for local restaurants. He did it for the first time a few years ago, and now he’s on their “preferred” list. They call him every few months, he goes in, and walks out with a gift card to a restaurant we frequent. I think of it as a free date night! He likes to remind me he’s given his blood for my meal, but I don’t feel even a tinge of guilt. With two kids, I’ll take any excuse to go on a date night!
I’ve never (to my knowledge) lived near any place that pays for donation of any blood products (but I have obviously looked into it before, to know that it wasn’t available). I still donate platelets semi-regularly (similar to plasma donation, but they return a different portion of the blood to you). Paid or not, I figure why not donate blood products if you’re able? I can make more, and other people really need the stuff.
Hope you feel better soon!
DANG! I’m thinking it’s probably just that most people would have passed out and left a trail of ……………………………………………’s after typing that 102 temp.
Plasma shmasma. I think you’re the real show. I hope you can get some rest and those kids are mysteriously quiet tomorrow. Thinking of you!
You had me until you said “then they pump your blood back into you.” I might trust that their needles are clean enough to take a little blood out, but I don’t want my blood exposed to .. I dunno what it’s exposed to … and then put back in me. I’m too OCD for that.
All the hoses, needles, tubes and bags are opened fresh, on the spot. They sit you down, open the bags of toys, put em’ in the machine, stick you, hook up the hoses and turn the machine on. It’s always been 100% clean and safe for me when I do it. The Plasma Center I go to is actually cleaner and more sanitized than ANY hospital I’ve been to.
I work at a plasma center now as a phlebotomist. Rest assure, you are NOT exposed during anytime of the process. When the blood is returned to you, NOT pumped, it is.returned through the same needle used to draw the blood from you. The needle stays in place COVERED throughout the whole process.
I also work at a plasma donation center. Everything is 100% sterile. After every donation, we destroy all needles, tubing, and biohazardous materials.
We only compensate our donors because it is such a large commitment. We ask that they come in twice a week, for at least 90 minutes a session. We go through a *rigorous* screening process before anyone is allowed to make a donation. If the medical staff (MD’s, EMT’s, RN’S) feel that someone isn’t healthy enough to donate, they are not allowed though, Also, if anyone is caught lying, they are automatically permanently rejected from ever donating again. The safety of the donor and the integrity of the plasma product is our TOP priority.
I have seen people pass out from donating, but it is uncommon. The majority of the time, those donors didn’t eat/drink enough before/after their donation, or they started smoking/exercising/etc too soon after leaving the center. A small percentage of people have bodies that just aren’t suited for donating. Infiltration and hematomas do happen, but again, it is rare. Some veins are harder to hit than others, and every phleb has a different “sticking” technique. Some techniques work better on some veins than they do others.
As far as the cleaniness of the center, and the professionalism of the staff, every company has different standards, but EVERY plasma donation center is regulated by OSHA, the FDA, the EMA, local health departments, and various other government agencies. There are at least a dozen annual audits that all centers must pass in order to stay in business.
We have a bad rap, because of how shady the industry was 15-20 years ago, but we have come a LOOOOOONG way in improving the donation process.
If they stick u and they mess it up and they end up wrapping both arms up and I can’t donate because of it do I still get paid?
No, because you didn’t give any plasma..
At csl plasma, if the needle penetrates skin you get paid
Oh Charlotte, you poor thing! I hope you’re feeling better very soon! Sending hugs and virtual chicken soup.
Which doesn’t really help, I know…
I’m leery of donating plasma. Not sure why. I’ve donated blood many times, and love to think I’m helping. But maybe it’s what Marti said; the fact that they take blood out and put it back in.
I am 47 years young. I have been donating plasma since I turned 18, off and on. My immune system is fine. I have not died from it. I don’t get sick from it. They return your blood because it’s the plasma they get out of it, that they need. They do not need the platelets just the water around the platelet. it takes me about 30 to 45 minutes to complete the process. The first donation I feel fine. The second donation is usually when I feel tired and sick to my stomach. I have been doing this for most of my adult life. it has not hurt my immune system at all. if you’re experiencing bad results you might want to check your own food intake. if you’re not eating the proper foods or drinking enough liquid you will have a worse reaction than someone who is eating and drinking healthy. Any kind of soda, Coke, Dr. Pepper,Pepsi … etc. will rob you of important vitamins and make it harder for you to bounce back after a donation. Sodas will also make the donation process take longer. Your plasma will be thicker.
There is nothing bad, that I have found, about donating Plasma. My personal opinion is that it is completely up to you and your diet.
Good luck to you all.
I am way to dang scared of the pain from the prick of the needle . But I am ever greatful to the 4 guys who gave my little guy 11 blood transfusions while he was trying to get big.
The one time I donated blood not plasma was not such a good experiance since my little brother ,without having his license 14 had to drive me home in downtown trafifc as I just could not recover even with lots of OJ. Found out about 3 weeks later that I was pregnante for the first time at the time of donation . Not a great combination.
I was that guy in college. I used to call it “going to work”. I loved it too. I just sat there with my book for an hour or two sqeezing the little ball every now and then. I had a friend who worked (and still does 10 years later) there, so I knew how sterile everything was. I admit I did it for the money, but the “donor” part of the equation is what I talked about out loud.
The only time something bad happened was when I decided to go for a run an hour after donating. Bad idea. I made sure to get exercise done first, then donate. Then drink a lot of water after. I haven’t’ done it in years, but I probably would if I needed money. I don’t think there is anything wrong with it.
I wasn’t aware that so many women were allowed to donate. When I inquired at the ARC when I went to donate blood, they always said that there was a weight limit (min 160 lbs), but I guess it’s different depending on where you donate plasma (e.g. I think hospitals are OK with receiving gay male blood, but the ARC still bans them, THIS is why we have a shortage). There also needs to be more bone marrow donor drives, the only ones I ever saw in real life were at my temple, and they were 7 years apart. I also wasn’t aware that plasma donors get paid. I figured that since they no longer paid for blood, plasma was included, and just really kind individuals who wanted to see a free movie donated plasma.
This post also reminded me that I have to cram for my blood test (I always forget to take iron pills 2 weeks before donating, and therefore get rejected. It’s kinda embarrassing, the staff looks at me and figures I’m a waste of time…but I do end up passing once a year!)
they dont pay where i live as far as i’m aware. i haven’t done it recently because i travel in malarial countries for work . i used to and apart from the time commitment considered it no different than donating blood.
@Lindsey yea had the same thing with passing out, i can go as far as saying i tried to “donate” but my brain thought it was not such a good idea.
First: That answer about low hemoglobin levels is bogus, because hemoglobin is in the red blood cells, which get pumped back into you.
Second: I also used to “donate” plasma twice a week back in college (a mere $10 30 years ago.)
Third: I stopped when I got “infiltrated”, which means the needle slipped and the blood was pumped back into my muscle tissue which made it look and feel like my arm was run over by a truck. Took a few weeks to get over that.
I don’t know much about donating plasma, but I used to donate blood (not for money) all the time, and I heard that it’s actually good for you, as it allows your body to replace the “old blood” in your system. It’s just heresay really, but this is quite an interesting question to investigate!
I said the same thing. I donated blood once and the next day I kinda felt refreshed. Now I’m donating plasma. Yes its very important to eat a good healthy meal and vitawater before and after donation then take a nap before you get active.
I donated blood once and the next day I kinda felt refreshed. Now I’m donating plasma. Yes its very important to eat a good healthy meal and vitawater before and after donation then take a nap before you get active.
The Dark Crystal reference made me laugh. Then I read:
“The process is designed to maintain the health of the drones…”
I had to go back and read again to see that it actually said donors which gave me another giggle.
I experience enough fatigue already, not interested in doing something that is going to cause even more.
Being on the inside of the medical establishment makes me have an alternative view of donations.
And what is that view? I’m curious. My mother, who is an MD, has always cautioned me against donating blood; she said that for a young, athletic woman it is a bad idea to lose that much blood. But she never really expanded on that.
I’m O+, and the last time I gave blood they asked if they could double-dip and do a plasma extraction after the regular blood extraction. I couldn’t because I had to go teach an hour after that, but I was intrigued. I donate whenever the Bloodmobile comes to campus (think: Bus-RV equipped for six to eight blood donation stations). They offer juice and a hat, usually. I refuse the hat.
I briefly considered the egg thing, after looking at all the adverts in my previous grad school’s paper. Given my GREs, and white-girl genes (blond hair, green eyes, etc), I gather I would have been paid pretty well (even though I’m dang blind). But two things stopped me: 1, you have to not only be fertile, but artificially super-fertile before the extraction and they hop you up on hormones, and 2, they can damage your ovaries and make it so you never have your own kids. Not that I’m even dating right now, but I’d like to have my own kids one day…
In these times, I can see how this would appeal to people. You even got me thinking! I remember when you posted about this before… I think it was you. Anyway, I really don’t know. Times are tough right now…. I hate to say, it makes me think.
I don’t know about donating plasma, but I used to donate platelets back when I was unemployed and had the time to do it. You can donate platelets every three days, in a process that generally takes 1–2 hours. I think I did it about 30 times in that 4 month period. Other than making you extremely cold — because they pull the blood out, spin it to separate the red blood cells and platelets, and put the red blood cells back in — and perhaps a bit lightheaded for a short time, I never had a problem. Except that one time… ;^)
I donated a few times in college and still have the scars on my arm from the needle. They are bigger than normal needles used for blood donations since they have to pump blood in as well. My husband is tramatized by his experience and still refuses to give blood 15 years later! I knew several people that went all the time in college. The more you go, the higher the pay per visit is.
Not for me, but I hate needles so much!
I am always curious about people who donate sperm/eggs and wonder if they will regret it in the future or wish they thought it through more. This seems relatively harmless in that regard. To each their own!
The Hubster has a little hole in his arm from getting paid to donate back in the day. I saw the commercials and even lived closed to a place 10+ years ago, but never had the guts to do it.
We used to go to the mall and get paid to take surveys, but that’s about as wacky as we got.
In donated plasma a few times when I was in college. It never made me feel sick or anything, but I only did it maybe a total of 4 or 5 times because it was always a terrible experience! The people who were working in the clinic I went to by my school were very inexperienced, and would always give me huge hematomas all up and down my arm. I looked like I had been in a car wreck! And it’s a painfully large needle they poke you with, too – sometimes it would take a technician like FIVE pokes to get it right, too. Blech. I don’t think it’s really harmful for you, but I also don’t think it’s worth it. Definitely wouldn’t go back and do that again, despite the $20 or whatever it was I got. This place also gave you more the second time if you went twice in a week.
Between the grossness of the photo and the definition of plasma, Ican’t keep reading!
I am terrified of the plasma center we have here in Great Falls. First of all, you only get paid about $15 a visit, and their staff is phlebotomists. I have NOTHING against phlebotomists, but look, if it takes an RN on average 30 minutes to get a good line in me, let’s not go risking things. And honestly, if I’m only making $15 a visit….I’d rather just donate blood to the American Red Cross, *MAYBE* not get maimed (although once, I donated when I was pregnant and didn’t KNOW I was pregnant yet, my blood won’t clot and I had to go to the ER after turning their cafeteria into a bloody mess…I am still embarrassed about that scene to this day. Children were screaming.), and get cookies. Their cookies are always SO GOOD!
Wow, I can’t believe my feelings about this. I just got completely creeped out and it just doesn’t seem right to me. I know that people may need money, especially now-a-days, but I find it hard to believe there are no long-term effects from this, especially if you’re doing it all the time. Not for me!
I have good friends who donate a couple of times a week. They use their “plasma money” as their fun money. But they both have permanent holes in their arms from it – which I think is kinda freaky!
I donate (donate, not sell) plasma and platelets about once a month. I used to donate whole blood, but the reduction in red blood cells would really screw up my running for a good week or so. Donating platelets and plasma takes longer and is a little less comfortable, but there’s no impact on my running!
Plus, they let you watch a movie!
I used to donate plasma in college. I’d totally forgotten until you brought it up.
I’m still not allowed to donate blood because I lived in the UK in the mid-90s (mad cow disease, you know) but plasma restrictions aren’t as strict. Though I admit I did do it primarily for the 20 bucks and the cookies.
And then one day I fainted. In an auto parts store. So that was the end of that.
My husband looked into selling plasma once. He got as far as filling out the questionnaire but then the people working there told him he might not eligible because he takes antibiotics for his acne. The Ritalin in his system was okay, but they weren’t sure about the antibiotics. They told him they’d find out and get back to him and they never did. He took that as a sign.
Now, me? I’ve never even given blood because I hate needles so much.
I hope you feel better soon.
I live in Canada and we give away our bodily fluids for free. When I was in university, my friends and I used to donate blood so that we could pig out on the free pop and cookies afterward. You could also get drunk more easily, so a trip to the campus pub was usually the order of the day after the cookie binge (not something recommended by the Red Cross!).
I used to donate blood regularly (and I didn’t even get paid! I didn’t know places paid for it!) I got up to about 2.5 gallons total before I started having issues with anemia, and then traveled to the amazon rainforest. Now they don’t want my blood.
There really was no long-term side effects, other than the scarring of my vein. Short term I’d be fatigued and have to cut back on training a bit until I repopulated those oxygen carrying blood cells, but it really is a renewable resource. The fatigue is supposed to be less with plasma, since they give you back the cells that carry oxygen, which is why I tried switching to plasma, but I don’t have enough something in my blood to do it. Also, there’s still the whole Amazon jungle tainted blood issue.
I wouldn’t do it solely for money making though, but more for a helping those less fortunate factor. I don’t know…there’s just something squicky about selling off body parts to me that i don’t get with donating body parts.
i donated plasma regularly for about 1 month. the last time i went i had a bad experience AND had a parking ticket waiting for me when i came out. i took that as my sign to stop! lol…but it is EASY money – i read and studied for school while i was donating. i’d do it again in the future if i needed money!
Get well, Charlotte.
I used to give plasma back in college as well. My dad calls it my ‘prostitution stage’ (selling your body and all that). I hated it, b/c to rehydrate you afterthey took the blood out, they pumped a bag full of saline in to your arm. Room temperature saline going into 98 degree body equals me with the horrible shakes. Such a gross feeling. I also had the blood returned to my muscle once, but it still wasn’t enough to stop me, because hey, it paid the rent. Nowhere near $600/month though…I think we got paid $200/month in good old Dubuque, Iowa.
I may just be weird but the saline is my favorite part.
I would be too scared of the needles! (says the girl with two tattoos)….plus, I get queasy when it’s my own blood…I’m one of those people who can watch someone else get all pricked and prodded, but when it comes to me, I get a little nauseous! what can I say, I’m a walking contradiction!
the money would be nice though! But I’d rather sell my clothes to a consignment shop or something!
I think it’s a great idea, helping people like that. I also don’t think that I could do it. I would sit there just thinking back to my HIV class and how entire villages in China ended up HIV+ from donating platelets. (They used to mix everyone’s blood together before they spun it and just gave each person a portion of the red blood cells back.) Obviously not the same thing but still, shudder.
first off, that piercing pic is making me way more nauseous than the idea of plasma donation. and second, i used to make my hubby donate because i couldn’t as i was knocked up. it was sweet to get a few extra bucks so easily. he stopped after like 4 times though, quitter.
I’ve never done it, though the money is tempting. Still, I’m skeptical.
Oh, and feel better Charlotte!! Sorry you’re so sick.
What a neat idea! I want to do that
Good point about being concerned about the effects of it, though…
Feel better, Charlotte!
My mom used to donate plasma for $25. She hated it and quit as soon as she could. I probably would do it, because I’ve been on the receiving end lately and its expensive! I have guillain barre syndrome and had five treatments of immunoglobulin therapy which is made from plasma. So as soon as Im healed I better get donating, so i can pay off my hospital bills:)
now that’s inspiring! I myself have had blood transfused. It makes a difference! How ever the term donate gets mewhen they use it. You are not donating to someone in need. You are donating your plasma to a multi billion dollar industry, to be comercially sold to those in need. And let me remind you plasma is offered to those who can afford it which is the minority of people.
I have donated blood until recently when they changed the system and you have to book an appointment and even if you are the first appointment of the day, they are still half an hour late! You don’t get paid in Australia either- but you do get a milk shake and a little meat pie- too bad if you don’t like either!
I donated plasma for a few months in college in addition to a waitressing job. Made about $250/month going twice a week. The amount of plasma they take is based on your weight. For me, I only had to sit there about thirty minutes. The bad part was waiting for an available chair to donate. That could take an hour or more. The facility was in a shady part of town, but clean inside. I only had one bad reaction (my first time) when I almost passed out.
I, as well as my husband, have been donating plasma twice a week for 3 years now (he’s actually going on 4 years), and we have neither experienced nor witnessed significant injuries or negative consequences from donating plasma. Yes, it is nice to be so nicely compensated for our time (~1 hour door to door for me, and ~1.5 hours for my husband), but the amount of medicine that can be made by plasma donations to help very sick people is what is (or at least, in my opinion, should be) most important.
In regards to affecting one’s health and ability to fight off illnesses: You are not, under any circumstances, supposed to donate plasma if you are sick in any way. If you are generally a healthy person, you will most likely continue to be that way after donating plasma (you regenerate everything you donated within 24 hours); however, if you are often sick, you shouldn’t be donating anyway.
For anyone who lives near a plasma donation center and is considering donating plasma, I recommend asking to talk to their health care professionals about the process in more detail (all centers *should* have at least one nurse on staff at all times). Side note: I’m terrified of needles, and oddly enough, I have (personally) found that the larger needles used in plasmapheresis are much less painful than those usually used to draw blood (e.g., in doctor’s offices).
Forgive me if this has been addressed before (I didn’t read the whole comments thread) but there is always some confusion about this. You get paid to “donate” (i.e. sell) plasma, but you donate (i.e. give) blood and all you get are juice, cookies, Red Cross rewards points, and that lovely “I may have helped saved 3 lives” feeling. In a nutshell: blood and plasma are different. I’ve done both. No, you cannot be a homeless druggie to sell plasma. In my experience, the screening is even more rigorous than when you donate blood.
Yes, I’ve done both. If you have issues with social class, then you might have trouble with the whole plasma center scene. Because, let’s face it, you don’t sell plasma if you’re doing at all well financially. But we’re talking students and salt-of-the-earth working class people here, not a bunch of lowlife scum. However, the process can be tedious and time-consuming. The wait times can be very long and the atmosphere is depressing. The low paid staff do their best, but it’s, um, you know, clinical.
Now that I’m doing OK (not great) financially, I give blood instead of selling plasma. It’s like my pact with myself that I will never have to sell my bodily fluids again. And since I don’t mind needles, I do it for all my friends who would like to donate but who can’t for various reasons (including being gay).
And P.S. the only problem I ever had with selling plama is that my iron naturally tends to be on the low side so I had to watch that. I probably ate better to keep my iron and protein up than I would normally. Also back in the 1980s they used to use really big needles so I have scars inside both my elbows. I figure if anyone thinks they are “tracks” and judges me, then I don’t need to be friends with them anyway.
Man, I should have just had you write the post! THank you for all the excellent and first-hand info!! And this: ” I figure if anyone thinks they are “tracks” and judges me, then I don’t need to be friends with them anyway.” made me giggle. Thank you SO much for this comment! It’s perfect.
I donate plasma twice a week, I can tell you the place I go is very clean. It doesn’t hurt and I barely had a bruise on the place where the needle pricked. I go to a Telcris Plasma Center, and they pay 50 dollars a week after your first two sessions. The first two you get 50 dollars each time. They also have little bonus’, like if you donated ten times they give you ten extra dollars. I give for the money and the helping people that need it. Your plasma regenerates in 48 hours, so you don’t have to worry about long term effects. I would suggest if you start to feel sleepy talking to the center about what everyday vitamins its okay for you to take. Other than the normal cold stuff, I donate and feel fine. When im sick, I don’t donate.
Hope this helps.
woops…I shouldn’t have opened my big “mouth”, you had it covered!
My husband and I are in our 30’s and have recently had to take on this plasma donation to help supplement our income. It’s sad, but true. I was terrified of needles and embarrassed my husband substantially when I ended up crying through the first 3 sessions with the needle.
Also, I would get sick, especially toward the end of the donation period. However, I finally got a nurse who explained things clearly to me, so that I could avoid the nausea and dizziness:
It’s not so much the water you drink before your session, as it is, the 24hours prior to that session.
*Drink only water the day before with your meals and throughout the day
*Get a good nights sleep
*Take supplements with juice EVERYDAY (being conscious of your iron, B vitamins, Calcium and iron)
*Finally, eat a good breakfast before you go (a meal with carbs seams to work best for me)
Make sure you don’t overdo it that day, take some time to rest. Your body will replace what it has lost in a couple days.
You will be deferred for a period of 24 hours if your iron or protein is low, or your blood pressure is too high or too low.
They won’t turn you away if you are overweight, however, you may get turned away if you do not weigh enough.
We made $50 for the first 5 donations. After that, we could donate twice a week; the first donation within that weekly pay period (Monday-Sunday) would be a mere $20, but the second donation of that week would be, $40. If you time things right, it is possible to donate 3 times within that pay period so that you could earn an extra $40.
I hope we do not have to do this too much longer. I can’t say I would miss the needle AT ALL, however, I have overcome my fear of needles and can even glance at the tube exiting my arm, now! And, most importantly, I no longer get sick. The worst part of all of it is the wait before hand if they are short staffed.
The whole process takes 2-3 hours for your first visit and about 90 minutes for each visit thereafter. Children are not allowed.
Hope this helps with some of the questions…love writing!
Have a great day everyone! And happy donating! You really are saving lives!
Until recently I donated plasma twice a week for several months. Slowly but surely my protein levels started plummeting, and given the fact that I walk five miles a day and start training in Dec. for my second 5k, I need my protein levels in check.
I also felt very exhausted despite being adequately hydrated.
Donating plasma is okay for some people but not for athletes.
I just “donated” for the first and last time. I collapsed in the parking lot afterwards. They had to carry me back into the clinic and give me an IV drip, which missed my vein and spilled painfully into my arm. There was also something Orwellian about being in a room with dozens of people lined up with machines pumping out their precious plasma.
I donate plasma twice a week. First visit of the week pays $35 and the second visit pays $45. I have only had one complication in my 2 yrs of donating. I was stuck wrong, and instead of the machine returning my blood back into my vain, it instead returned my blood into my arm instead of the vein, because the needle slipped out or penetrated through the vain.. So the blood was not going into my vain at all, it was returning into my arm causing mild pain and pressure at the area of the needle stick. It caused severe bruising. I was deferred for awhile until the bruising went away. Anyway, donating plasma has at least two great benefits, the most important one is that you are contributing to saving the lives of others, and the other is the money, which certainly helps quite a bit in this hard economy. It takes me around 45 minutes to donate once the needle is stuck in my arm, but waiting in the long lines to donate can take you aprox 1 1/2 to 2 hrs to complete your entire donation visit being you have to login to their computers and answer a serious of questions each donation visit + they have to check your protein, iron, weight, blood pressure, temperature, ect and then if you pass through all those pre-requirements you are elgible to donate for that day. If you eat right and drink plenty of water, and of course not sick, like running a temperature, you usually always pass through those pre-requirements. Hope this gives a little insight.
As a matter of fact today is my donation day, so I will be heading there in a couple hrs. Bye everyone!
I currently donate plasma for cash. From what I’m told, the pharmacy takes it and uses it to make pills that they sell. As far as I know it doesn’t go to needy people. But I still sell it because I get 65 bucks a week and I study the whole time that I’m there, sort of a double-whammy. I was wondering if anyone has ever contracted aids through this process, or any disease for that matter. The place is clean, but I am worried that it is possible for the red blood cells that go back in to me to become tainted somehow. I got tested once, but never again. I’m sure that people could contract something and then get sick and still be able to donate. Anyone know?
I just started working for CSL plasma and it is really safe. I Have been donating there for a while an have learned all about it. Quite awesome actually
They test your plasma everytime you donate and if you do have something wrong with you like a serious disease they let you go permanently. As far as contracting something from the machine you cannot. It is all sterile tubing only used once. Nothing actually goes into the P2.
Why is it that I could donate with no problem at Bio Life but the first time I tried through CSL they defeated me because of a genital piercing I had several years ago that was professionally done but has also been non existent for nearly 3 years when all the government stated rules say that as long as there piercing on the body was more than 6 months old it was ok to donate ?? It makes no sense to me how CSL can deferre a person for something that is government accepted
I give plasma twice a week in Santa Fe, and I’ve had zero long-term repercussions. The only negative thing I’ve found is the night after I give plasma, I have to go to bed significantly earlier because it makes you pretty worn-out. But the next day is no problemo. I haven’t gotten dizzy, bruised or mutilated yet, so I’d say I’m pretty happy. Now, I’m a college student, so the money is nice, but it’s really about paying it forward.
People do donate Plasma for a fee and without a fee. If a donor is paid for blood, plasma, or platelets, the donated units must be used for research. If you are not paid, it can go to patients.
That is not true at all. I don’t know where you got your info from. When you donate the plasma DOES go to the patients. The only time it goes to research is if a person only donates once. Then their plasma can’t be used for patients because they need at least 2 donations to make what is needed for patients. You need to recheck your information. Or maybe it’s different where you live. But thats terrible to discourage people in this way. Making them feel as if their donation is useless.
You should check your information… I sign a statement every time I give plasma stating that it is used for biomedical technologies. Corporations are buying our bodily fluids to make more pharmaceuticals and profit. We always lose. On a lighter note its a great way to make extra cash while only feeling slightly degraded.
The center i go to has a sign posted stating “you are paid for your time in the center not your plasma” so even if you get in and you have to stop the donation early you still get paid. once i sat in the chair and the return cycle made me have to pee so bad that they had to cancel it so i wouldnt piss myself and i still got paid for the visit.
My husband and I donate Plasma twice a week. It doesn’t pay real well here in Oh. but it’s worth it. It helps save so many lives. The process is not as long as it use to be. The process of giving plasma doesn’t take long at all. It use to take about an hour and a half but they have changed their machines so now the process only 30 to 45 mins. It usually only takes mine 30 because I make sure I drink ALOT of water. Thats very important. The more hydrated you are the faster the donation. The thing that takes the longest is waiting your turn. Usually the plasma centers are full of people. The needle doesn’t hurt at all once inserted. You really don’t feel anything. It’s actually a interesting process to watch. Technology has made it so much faster. Donate if you can it’s not that bad.
Dear to whom it may concern;
I just donated plasma today and its was an ok experience.. during the plasma donation the “filter” got slightly clogged up by too much fat in the filter….(personal warning that there is to much fat in my blood. ) Maybe this contributes to helping cardiovascular disease.. maybe it helps clean the fat in the blood temporarily. However the cons to my case was that not even five minutes after leaving the place and making it home, ( i am a first Time donor and did not know the symptoms of having a seizure nor did my children, though now they are educated on it and it can be deadly) Felt a Heat rush through my entire body barely had time to crash on the couch..and i had a a seizure and blacked out. Upon waking up to my children few minutes later I had no recollection of what happended and my children expained everything. Now that I have had time to collect my thoughts..I realize that my life would have been in danger had I had the seizure still driving a vehicle) They should put a warning no driving after plasma donations for the safety of their donors. I will try one more time fully hydrated next time and if I have another seizure I am not ever donating plasma again.. Putting my life into consideration this time..
Concerned Parent
Most plasma centers don’t give your plasma to dying children or even humans for that matter. Maybe moneys being tested in a laboratory. Just be honest that you’re in it for them money.
I’ll be honest. I’m not in it for the money, because in New Zealand it is illegal to pay people to donate plasma or blood. NZ is one of the few countries is self sufficient in blood products. It makes me proud to be a kiwi and I donate because I can and have no reason not to such as a fear of needles.
Also we have a state health service so everyone can access the products made from the plasma irregardless of their income. Private hospitals have to pay the national blood service to use the plasma and that goes into funding the blood service.
P.S. I know this comment was years ago.
Well, my boyfriend and I just donated plasma today for the first time. I will be totally honest: I like the fact that it is for a good cause, but the ONLY reason I’m doing it is because of the money. I’ve had medical bills show up and our furnace quit. We want to pay off our debt, and this helps.
Since about 10 years ago when I fainted after giving a tiny vile of blood for vaccine testing at a clinic job, I have had a horrible phobia of blood. I’ve been trying to overcome it, though, and I donated blood for the first (and probably only) time in August. I got a little bit light headed toward the end of it. When giving plasma today, I came very close to almost fully blacking out, but I still would rather donate plasma then blood. Everyone scared me saying how the needle is huge etc, but I thought it hurt less for some reason. The saline at the end didn’t make me very cold, just left a nasty taste in my mouth. My boyfriend had no nasty taste, but was really cold from it (like a normal person lol). That being said, I am happy to say I will be going back for my twice a week donation.
I work at a plasma center and also donate there as well. We are strict with who we accept… There’s a whole screening process… And if your living in a shelter or anything like that we don’t take you.
Also… The needles we use are the SAME size as the ones that Red Cross and blood center use. I have a friend that works there and I asked and confirmed it with her. And for their plasma donations they use a smaller needle.
Also… The company I work for uses plasma to make medications and vaccinations. It’s not just experiment stuff.
They’re not strict lmao I know a guy who’s had cancer like 4 times and still donates, he’s sick as hell Those leeches will take anyone, with the exceptions of maybe someone with hep or AIDS because they get paid 30-fold for your plasma
I gave plasma for the first time last week. I am 51 years old. For 4 days I did not feel good. Not sure if I will go back for the second visit. They may have to disregard the first donation as I’m told it takes two visits for it to be of any account. My chest and hurt just didn’t feel right out I have had no hurt problems. During the donation I started to cough. Don’t know if that means anything or not. Don’t know how long they keep the first donation. If it keeps for a while I’ll take awhile to go back when I think I’m feeling like I was before I went. Just don’t feel good.
I am a college student who was very tempted by the idea of getting paid $50 a week for spending two hours studying for classes. I have been a regular blood donor for a couple years now, and so at first I felt kinda guilty for getting paid to do this when I know I could do it for free. But my depleting bank accounts quickly made me realize I needed to do something, and that something couldn’t take up too much of my time. So I made an appointment. The place I go to is very nice, inside and out. They have a ton of beds and the longest I’ve waited for so far was 20 minute. I’ve decided to use the money to buy christmas presents this year. The only issue I’ve had was yesterday, when I had a very flustered phlebotomist. I could see that she was flustered, but I didn’t want to ask for someone else. Looking back now, I definitely should have. I thankfully was smart enough to give her my left arm, which I know is a little easier than my right. Of course, this didn’t really matter, since she gave me my first hematoma in that arm. She then switched to my right arm, which of course freaked me out. She looked at it and then called over someone else to do it for her haha. Thankfully the lady she called over was super nice and had actually been my phlebotomist my first two times there. She stuck me with no problem and I started off fine. That did not last for long though. I suddenly felt very dizzy, sick to my stomach, and my vision started going black. I called her over and she helped me. They were all very nice and made sure I was comfortable. They had to check my vitals four times before they let me sit up, then they made me wait another 15 minutes before letting me go home. Thankfully my friend was with me, so I gladly handed him my keys, especially considering I had both arms bandaged! After talking to the nurse, she told me I had done everything to prepare perfectly, and it was probably just the shock of switching arms that made me almost pass out. I am a little nervous to go back, but at the same time I need the money, it’s a good cause, and I am healthy enough to be doing it. I will be going back next week and plan on telling them that I do not want that certain phlebotomist. Thankfully I remember her name! I really hope they do not think that is offense or rude, and I’m sure she would have been fine if she was not flustered already, but I think I would be very nervous if I happen to have her again.
I live in Australia and donate plasma every 2 weeks and blood every 3 months and we don’t get paid for it. It is purely out of kindness that ppl do it over here. I had an uncle who passed from cancer and that is why I do it. It makes me feel good to know I’m helping someone who has cancer or another disease.
I work at a hospital and there is always talk of people with bad veins and veins collapsing etc, I was wondering if they poke you twice a week on a regular basis… wouldn’t it scar your veins or something??? I have a high tolerance for pain but a low tolerance for the anticipation of it! LOL. So i’m kind of grasping at reasons not to do it. I have a friend that is trying to convince me to go do this plasma thing, and I could use the money, but I am feeling a bit chicken!
I think that the question: Donating Plasma: Get Rich (or Get Sick?) Quick! ? still needs to be answered. If you’ve visited this blog to determine whether or not donating plasma could potentially get you sick? In my opinion, the answer is YES it can if done on a regular systematic basis such as 2X weekly every week for more than a short amount of time. Now, I cannot recommend how much time that could be because I have not worked in that field. But, on one of the replies the couple admitted they’ve done this protocol of 2X weekly for 3 (her) & 4 (him) years!!!!!!!! More than likely, these folks who give 2X weekly for that long eventually will live a short life span. They will be lucky IF they live for 60-70 years of age like any average person expects to live!!!
You got STOP and THINK about it. Is your goal in life to live to an average life expectancy OR is it to live with agelessness, longevity, etc. Answer this ? in your mind. Now that have your answer read on…
I have adopted the Bragg Healthy Lifestyle which has been proven to build up your Vital Force. Do you want to build up your Vital Force or deplete it? By adopting the Bragg Healthy Lifestyle, one can partner with Mother Nature, God and their doctors in order to reach a state of agelessness. Paul C. Bragg – Fasting & Life Extension Specialist in his book Miracle of Fasting has a page that states the following:
Breaking Health Laws – You Pay the Price!
I want it definitely understood that man cannot break a Natural Law. He only breaks himself while attempting to break the Natural Law. Can man break the law of gravity? Can man jump off a 25 story building and live? Of cource he can’t! This also applies to Mother Nature’s Laws. Man has been brainwashed into eating the processed, devitalized foods which have propelled him into a pitiful physical condition. Americans are so gullible that most believe the false propaganda passed out by big “special interests,” describing what healthy, long-lived people we are. SICKNESS IS COSTLY BIG BUSINESS!
We even have children’s aspirin. Sadly, it seems they need painkillers! Aspirin is any form be it buffered, plain or mixed with other compounds – masks the problem instead of solving it. Pain is the body’s alarm.
I’ve read this book and I’ve been doing weekly 24-36 hour fasts. I’ve also just completed my 1st 4-day fast which completly de-salted my body last week! I also ADF in the winter for 1-2 months.
I just called Talecris in Akron, Ohio to ask why in 2011 during my 1st & only blood plasma donation I had a VERY BAD REACTION? They gave me a report# & haven’t called back yet! My reaction was extreme frigidity, extreme light-headedness, slightly dizzy and I could barely breath. ALL of the STAFF had left the huge room full on donaters hooked up to the machines for a mandatory meeting. So, when I began to have my reaction there was absolutely no one around to assist me. When they finally returned to us, the woman acted as if it was no big deal. She just went about her duties. (They now have 4 RN’s on duty at all times, so you may still try it out. Not everyone is suitable for this. Some people may respond better than others and for them it might be o.k. to do this for only a short time.) I had to breath into a brown paper bag but still when I left I felt nauscious for hours. You definitely need a whole day to go home and rest for 24-48 hours afterwards.
As of today, Talecris pays $50 for the 1st 4 donations and $20 / $40 for the next times you donate.
The MAJOR PRO’M is that NO FASTING PERIOD. The nurse just told me over the phone that even if I didn’t fast for 2-3 weeks that I should not donate plasma EVER if fasting!!
So, that goes to show (me & you) that this is not a path for optimal health and longevity!!
The Miracle of Fasting book has Ten Health Commandments! Here’s one of them:
You shall purify they cells, tissues and blood with healthy foods, pure water, fresh air and sunshine.
Great book! I highly recommend reading it!
Even Paul Bragg died.
I go to Octopharma in North Florida. Type O+ Both hubby and I go twice a week, earning $50 each each time. The cool thing is they give you debit cards and deposit your money on the same card everytime you go. Very clean facilities, almost 50 recliner tables. I’m not a big fan of needles either, but honestly, the finger prick they do at each pre test hurts the most.
You are so full of crap. Where do you get your misinformation about plasma donation? I donated on a weekly basis for about three years and never got sick. And I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about with the shorter lifespan nonsense. What an idiot!!
I have been selling plasma for about 6 months now. I started because we were behind on the bills I was soooo scared I would schedule and APPT then cancel I did that like 4 times. then finally I just went in and it wasn’t bad. there have been a few times were the person dosent get the needle in right and they have to adjust it (hurts really bad when they do that) or they didn’t get the needle right at all and had to poke my other arm. or my arm bruised as soon as they put the needle in and he took it out and said I couldn’t come back until the bruise is gone cause both arms has bruises on them ( that usually happened when I would go in to soon like I would go on a Monday then on wednsday I found if I go on Monday and Friday no problems give my body and veins time to heal.) my center pays 20 for the first donation of the week and 30 for the second one. they are always offering bonuses like on your 5th donation of the month get extra 10 dollars. then on you 9th extra 20. or they have drawings and stuff. my center is VERY clean and has Awesome staff they seem to know what they are doing. yes there are the occasional people who can never get the vein right but they don’t stay long. there is not a very big turn around at my center and i think that is great. it takes me about 30 Mins to donate the Faster you pump your fist the faster it will go. they give you a card at Bio life (were I go) they load the money on to the card. I am saving up all my donation money for a trip that is coming up. I also know a family that goes to a concert every year. the mom of the family donates and is able to pay for a 4 night stay in a nice hotel spending money and fees to get in the conference. also my mom now has to take transfusions and she receives plasma twice a week. and the center that I go to is the one that provides plasma to the company that gives it to my mom so i will continue to donate for my mom and extra spending money
They don’t pay you for your plasma but they charge someone who receives it over $1,200.00 PER BAG! Same for blood. They don’t care how many lives you save as long as they are getting their insane profits.
I just donated plasma for the first time yesterday and I had no problems with it. I’m 19 years old, 5’4″ and 140 pounds. I filled up the plasma container in 35 minutes (which is apparently rather fast, especially for a first timer) and felt completely fine during and after. I was very nervous about being nauseous or fainting because I’ve never even donated blood, but I never felt remotely sick, tired, or anything. My boyfriend and I both went and we plan to start doing it regularly. We are paid $30 the first two times and $20 every time after that but obviously the pay depends on which company you go to, where you’re located (we went to CSL Plasma in Central Texas) and in some cases, your weight (he will make $50 his second time because he weighs over 150 pounds). If you aren’t afraid of needles, I would definitely recommend trying it out just once, because not only is it nice to have a little extra money, but it really is helping to save lives. Just make sure you eat something a couple of hours before and drink plenty of water!
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I am currently donating plasma and I feel pretty good afterwards until I smoked a cigarette. I ate right before I went in and a pretty healthy lunch and it takes about a hour to give after I summit to a physical screening. I need the money and I have had pretty good luck so far. I’v been 4 times now and I’ll return now in 5 days so my body can rejuvenate. Good Luck!
I have been donating for going on 15 months now. I weigh over 175 lbs, so I get the max amount (25/30). I have never had a problem donating, though there have been times that I have taken longer because i was not well hydrated, or because i had a lot of fat in my blood. After donating, i go eat out, and go on with my day. I usually donate 2 times a week, unless i am feeling to lazy to go to the center.
I donate blood plasma at least once a week. It’s a consistent paycheck with minimal effort. Read about my first experience donating blood plasma here: http://cashforbloodplasma.com/my-blood-plasma-donation-story-my-first-experience/
Good afternoon,
I’ve been donating at CSL Plasma for the past year, although I recently took a couple of months off and now I’m starting to donate again. My last donation was Wednesday, and besides the wait time, it wasn’t a bad experience at all. I read my Kindle while I’m waiting and also while I’m donating. I don’t look at the needle when it’s inserted but I enjoy watching how slowly or quickly other people donate. I think about why they might be donating. I donate for the money. I recently took a pay cut so I don’t make as much money as I’d like to and I have an “anniversary” with my love coming up. If I donate twice a week over the next few months, I’ll have $900 to spend that I didn’t have to put in overtime at work for (since my job doesn’t allow for overtime.)
I have gotten sick (overheated, nauseous) once before, but I knew I hadn’t eaten enough to encompass the donation process. Other than that I’ve always been okay. It’s not comfortable exactly, but it isn’t completely uncomfortable either. Of course there’s a needle in your arm, but you’re just laying there, pumping your fist, doing nothing. It’s important enough to me to find a way to make my one-year anniversary special that I don’t mind giving my plasma to people who need it. Even if it makes me a little queasy sometimes.
I donate plasma twice a week regularly. I live in Kansas City. It pays $50 for the first 5 donations. Takes about 2 hrs to go through the whole process. You don’t have to pee in a cup everytime. Once a year you have a physical. I feel fine except after I donate sometimes I feel a little nauseated and fatigued. The days that I don’t donate I feel fine. Been doing this for several months steadily. They do put saline back in your body at the end and also the reason it might help people from having cardiovascular probs is beacause they put a anticoagulant in with the red blood cells tbat return to your body. After first 5 donations you are paid less. $20 for the first donation of the week. $40 for the second donation of the week. At least at CSL Plasma anyway.
I’ve donated at least 2 dozen times by now, and I will say that if you are the slightest bit sick. DON’T donate. It is risky because it decreases the strength of your immune system. However, if you aren’t sick and are taking care of yourself like you should (no other medical problems) there is little to no risk. Plasma centers have prescreens which should disqualify any person that could unconciously be putting himself/herself at risk. Anyone that is frequently sick and/or doesn’t feel healthy and well, should not donate.
I’ve been donating plasma for the last 6 weeks twice a week and have not had any side effects other than being a little tired afterwards. They won’t let you donate more often than twice during a 7-day period so I have no idea how that friend of yours would have been able to make $ 600/mth. The average pay is only $ 25-35 per donation.
I last donated in 1999… I believe the local plasma donation center here paid $20 each time, but there was a bonus system in place (donate x amt of times and you get a bonus). I also remember they had some extra bonus if you had a tetanus booster? I donated heavily for maybe 2 years and then stopped (i was sick of horrible needle placement by some of the staff—bruising/etc). I still remember the clown employee who got sprayed in the face by my blood because he didn’t have his visor down. Back then cellphones were very new, wifi was in its infancy…donating was a little boring (lots of magazines). I still have a visible scar on my dominate donation arm and a smaller scar on the other (some doctors over the years have noticed them). I just want to say (knock on wood!) that overall i’ve been very healthy. I eat a lot healthier now then i did back then, so maybe that helps. I may “donate” again some day, if money becomes tight.
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I donated plasma for 8 months, had 197 appointments and never missed one. I had to stop because i started to feel like i was dying. I have clenching in my cardiovascular muscle and it feels like someone
s stabbing me in the chest. I am trying to find some sort of suppliment to counteract this symptom. I have never felt this way until i started donating plasma. So any of yall wanting to do this for money. Think about this, whats worth more to you? your life or money? don
I think it’s sad they have to pay people , in australia we call it donating because that’s exactly what it is , people do do it out of the goodness of there own heart . It helps so many people with life threatening illnesses and I’m sure we all know someone in outlives who has had cancer or a blood transfusion .
In America there are people who donate too, at Bonfils, But while some people donate, more get paid.
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I personally feel really good after a donation. It makes you have so much more energy and makes you feel generally good all over. I guess it is all the electrolytes they pump into you at the end?
Also, they don’t test you for drugs at all at the center I go too… They have you pee in a cup to test for protein and glucose in your urine to make sure you are healthy enough to donate. They did not ever ask me if I use drugs (I do not). Your comments make it seem like a lot of drug addicts donate plasma!
I would like to know how your friend was making $600 per month giving plasma! Most locations I know of starts at $200 ($20 for the 1st visit and $30 on the 2nd visit of each week), per month if you go twice a week. Then with their occasional specials it can be up to $300 but that that amount is very rare. Most plasma centers keep the 1st visit at $20 and then the second anywhere from $35-$50. It would be great to find where they pay that well!
For me, it’s true…. it helps monetarily but the true pro for me is that I am helping to save lives… this world is a better place if people help others in need. If I can help plus be helped, it is a win-win situation. I also hate needles but I know that someone, somewhere is going to benefit from my giving… I call it giving because I am giving it but yet getting something in return.
In Australia you donate out of the kindness of your heart, you don’t get paid money, only cakes and biscuits once your finished if you need a pick me up. I donate every two weeks because its good to help people and would like to think someone else would do the same for me if I got hurr
Well that’s all fine and good if you’re wealthy and don’t need money but some of us are poor and survive on just a few hundred a month through no fault of our own. You Aussies can be really judgmental.
How is that judgmental? It’s a fact. There is no option to get paid because that would encourage people to lie about their health so they can still donate. Testing in Australia is very minimal because they know everyone is just there to help each other out. Also when I commented that I was in a minimum wage retail job, far from being wealthy! I know that in America minimum wage is far lower, but just because I can give my plasma away for free, does not mean I’m wealthy. Ever heard of mateship? Australian’s are pretty famous for it.
Pingback:Giving Plasma Weight Limit | Donation
I have donated plasma 2 times a week, every week literally for the last 4 years. The only “bad” side effect I’ve experienced is the scar from where the needle goes in since I always use the same arm. If you drink a lot of fluids and consume a lot of protein the day before, the day of, and the day after the donation the you don’t have the other side effects people keep mentioning.
600 a month donating plasma? lmao Last time I checked you got 250 max here in Minnesota, that’s if you go twice a week, every week. You can get 50 bucks for your first 5 donations then they drop it down to 25 first time and 40 second time, that’s if you’re fat like me. For skinny people it’s like 20 and 25
blood donation
I am almost 59, I rarely get sick, and have not felt dizzy or faint for quite a few years since I am on the right blood pressure medicine. I donated 2 times the first week and receiveed $ 155. I felt light headed and dizzy after the first time. The second time I tried to be more prepared with lots of fluids and such. It was four days since my second donation and I am still feeling the affects of lightheadedness similar to having low blood pressure. I want to donate again basically because it is easy money but if I cannot remedy this bad feeling I may have to limit donations to perhaps 1 time / week.
I am sorry but for everyone who has never had a bad experience in donating plasma all the more power to you all. However, I did not have a good experience at all. I never get sick never had low or high blood pressure and I have never fainted not one day in my life. I had a healthy and perfectly normal childhood never got ill never had to go to the doctor except the yearly physical for kids. In my adult life its the same story until December 22nd 2015 I went in to donate my plasma for the reasons of 1 I was helping people who needed that life saving plasma to save their life, 2 I was going to get paid and be able to get me some personal items that I was getting low on. I drank water for two days (I drank 8 bottles of water that were 20 ounces each) I had two full meals the day I gave plasma and I take vitamins every day every morning like clockwork. I went back where they take you and hook you up, I was feeling good and I was nearly done giving plasma. I not only passed out I had an out of body experience and I not only had a seizure I lost all control of my bodily functions I even foamed at the mouth. For starters I do not have a history of siezurs or low blood pressure or even fainting. I did not have any problems giving blood but I did giving plasma. They tried to say I was dehydrated and malnourished. What is very funny is later that evening I was admitted into the ER I was confirmed as having a severe seizure and I had a screening of my blood and urine I was not dehydrated or malnourished at all. I want to know why this happened to me and is it normal because for my medical history it is not normal I never had a single seizure until this day please email at CRCollins1215@yandex.com if you can help me with any answers to my questions thank you.
Frankly, you sound like you’re full of it. Somewhere in your explanation, you’re probably lying about something. Probably the part where you ate those wonderful meals and drank 8 glasses of water the two days, beforehand.
I’m guessing you actually were malnourished and don’t drink enough water. Also guessing that it wasn’t as bad of a reaction as you claim, but you probably went in to the hospital later.
Then again, you might not intentionally be lying, but your brain synapses likely reconstructed the memory an alternative way. Your run on sentences, poor sentence formation, and just the way you present it, makes it seem as though you’re more susceptible to brain malfunctions.
I’m in college and I have a job, but I still sell plasma on the side, just whenever I have time and feel like it. If I don’t have anything better to do, it’s nice to go let my mind relax for an hour, while simultaneously receiving $30 for doing so.
The only bad experience I’ve had is when a newbie stuck me and missed, then had to restick me. It just hurt a little bit. But I’ve never fainted or gotten sick, like some people do – then again, I’m pretty built, at 225 lbs, and I drink several glasses of water and grab some protein bars before I even hop in the car to go.
That would suck to make it a primary source of income. I guess if you don’t have a life, work skills, or the ability to get a job, then it could, potentially, serve as a means to get by. I wouldn’t want to live that way, though I can see that some people would be fine with it.
I was interested in possibly trying to sell some plasma, but I have an issue where my veins in my arm are sunken, and this makes it difficult for those fake nurses at the plasma center to find them. This is frustrating because I know I have veins in my arm as I have donated blood in the past to the Red Cross, and the nurses there did not have a problem finding my veins.
I am wondering if there is any way I could find a plasma center that will use one of the other tons of veins that I have, or does it HAVE to be the arm veins??
It’s not half a gallon, it is actually 690, 825, or 880ml (less than a quart). This article is not very accurate or fact based. Like anything, there are risks, but this article has very little in way of reliable sources supporting benefits or risks (besides the one).
You have the generic perspective of likewise semi-spoiled, semi-successful, critical, arrogant, self-adsorbed college grads. Never once did you mention the need for plasma procurement globally, you only focus on the negative aspects of the people who contribute- not even the process itself, but the individuals. All thr yoga and organic eating in the world can’t save you from the fact that as women age they are increasingly maginalized in American society- so have fun with that. Or was that comment gauche?