Welcome to the NEW Great Fitness Experiment site! [Giveaway!]

This is Ryan. Kidding. Ryan’s way classier than this. When he shaves his nipples he accessorizes with body glitter, not a white tie.

While all the cool bloggers have been sitting at their high-tech streamlined WordPress table throwing back Propel smoothie shots and fielding PR queries from Nike with their tennis rackets, I’ve been marooned over at the Blogger table picking at my tater tot casserole (excuse me, hotdish) and fiddling with the 5 widgets my once-supah-fly-but-now-kinda-dry free template will let me use without crashing. So this weekend I finally transitioned to a self-hosted WordPress blog. And by “I” I really mean “he”, as in Ryan of No More Bacon a.k.a. the king of web design who is totally saving my, yes, bacon.


What this means to you: Nothing. I hope. If all has gone well the transition will be seamless and everything including your RSS and e-mail subscriptions will move with no disruption to you whatsoever. Never again will you have to type the “.blogspot” again!! We are still working on importing all the comments from the old site but all the posts are here. If you are having problems accessing my new site https://www.thegreatfitnessexperiment.com please e-mail me and let me know!


In the meantime, check out my post today for Redbook: Ten Things You Should Never Say to the Parent of a Toddler. I cracked myself up with this one! Is that weird I laugh at my own jokes?


If you need more giggles and aren’t already familiar with Ryan’s hilarious and poignant blog – he covers everything from his weight-loss journey to his autistic son to Bieber (as in Justin) yoga. His writing is unmatched save by his wit (check out his 8 mistakes to avoid at Whole Foods post) and his mad style.


In honor of my new site I’ve got some goodies for you!


First up: Fit Couture, makers of workout apparel that’s built to help you look as good as you feel, is offering one of you your choice of their popular foldover waist pant OR their jacket.  They recently gave me one of their “spa tops” to try out and I loved it – I’m always looking for a funky neckline! (Look for it in an upcoming video!)


Next up: Champion – one of the best brands in the workout business and one of my personal favorites – is offering one of you a double-dry short-sleeve training top and a pair of relaxed-fit capris. I love their stuff, it fits well and lasts forever!
And then: I have one Pearl Izumi racing shirt to giveaway (new addition!)
Lastly: My awesome friend and fellow fit-blogger Kara Thom (a.k.a. Mama Sweat) wrote a book: Hot (Sweaty) Mamas: Five Secrets to Life as a Fit Mom (aff) and I will send one of you a copy!


To win, all you need to do is check out one of Ryan’s posts on his blog and tell me which one you liked and why! (No links are necessary). Sorry all my international friends, this one is US only.


P.S. If you are considering starting a blog – Blogger is awesome for just starting out and for ease of use but if you think you’ll want to do more than just basic posting, definitely consider starting with WordPress and save yourself the transition pains later on.


  1. I love the new look! I thought your book cover was so cute so this is perfect!

    Can I just like that Ryan’s blog is called “No More Bacon”? Hee hee.

    I liked his post from yesterday about his vegetarian experiment. As a vegan, I am always interested to hear what people think of trying vegetarianism!

    • Hey you’re my first commenter on my new site! Yayay! Glad this is working! Can you do me a favor? If you get this reply sent to your e-mail can you reply and let me know?? Still working out the commenting system… thank you!

  2. I can’t get into your site when I click on individual articles in my reader, but I might just have to re do my feed.

    I love the Whole Foods article. I nearly peed my pants reading it.

  3. Looking good, Charlotte! You have directed us to Ryan’s blog before, and I really enjoy it. I especially liked his post about the things he has learned from his son (autism awareness day). My kiddos are constantly showing me that almost all of the things I stress about are really not important at all, and that I’ve been missing out on some things, too!

  4. Love the new site!!! Very cool 🙂 🙂

  5. Heh, I am always a fan of a good photobomb, so I enjoyed his post on fitness lessons learned from photobombers.

  6. I really like your new look! Just started following ….

    Organize Your Life for Better Fitness has some cute and useful tips! Thanks for exposing us to Ryan!!

  7. Great new site! Yee-hah!

    As far as Ryan’s blog goes, I fell for the serious and moving post, 10 Life Lessons Learned From My Autistic Son.

  8. Wow! I love the new look! 😀

    I have to say “Bieber Yoga” is my fav post on the bacon-less blog. I will not mention how many times I’ve watched it — um, this week….

  9. JourneyBeyondSurvival

    Well, I’d have to say that THIS is my favorite. But. I could be biased.


  10. Love the new site, Charlotte! Thanks for all the links in this post, I’ve spent quite a lot of time here today!

    Ryan’s journey has been so impressive and successful! Looking over his progress photos was remarkable. His post about negative commenting in the blogosphere was something that I wish more people would address (hah, hard to do without being negative!), because comments out in cyberspace are just SO SO SO hateful. It’s so depressing to read the venom people spew forth because, honestly, the same disdain for a topic truly can be expressed in less biting ways, if only people would take a second to rephrase their thoughts.

    Obviously, that got to me! Haha.

  11. Love the new site!!

    I really liked the 8 Mistakes to Avoid at Whole Foods post! Quite hilarious 😀

  12. In honor of your new space, I’m actually going to comment instead of stalk! (BTW, love the new look (looks good when you invert the colors also, even though you look kinda blue.)

    I liked the 4 lessons learned from photobloggers (hilarious! and sooooo true. Loved the mustached guy). The post on the front page about ethics and vegetarianism also got me, because I’m a bit obsessed with why people fail being veg. (seriously, if I weren’t veg, I’d be disowned by my entire family, my ancestors, and my future unborn babies. I wish I were kidding.)

  13. It’s very bright and cheery. 😀

  14. Wow, I love the new look! I love Ryan’s post from yesterday about returning to an omnivorous diet. As a vegan, I’m always interested in how non-meateaters reintroduce meat into their diet and how it affects them. 🙂

  15. Aw, everything looks awesome! Congratulations on the new look!

  16. I love the new blog! Looks good.

    I enjoyed the piece, “10 Life Lessons Learned From My Autistic Son” from Nomore Bacon. I thought it was a very moving essay, both funny and inspiring!

  17. Mom Full O f Crazy

    Love the new site. Yours is the first and sometimes only blog I read daily.

    But I might have to add Ryan’s to that short list. LOVE the Whole Foods post. I come from the land of Whole Foods so that makes it especially funny to me…

  18. LOVE the new look Charlotte!!! It does seem to be slow & jerky on my end so not sure if that is just me or a transition thing…

    OK, on to Ryan – I read him & love all his posts BUT that one on his son was so amazing & the pics…. I mean – how wonderful & loving!!!

    PS: Just came from Whole Foods – just looking – can’t afford but great people watching & his post on this was great too!

  19. I have to say I loved the top 10 post about Ryan’s autistic son because the pictures were so darn cute!

  20. Ryan’s post 4 Fitness Lessons Learned From Photobombers was great!

  21. Congrats on the new look! Love wordpress!

    Thanks for pointing me in Ryan’s direction, his blog was fun to poke around on. Like reading his “About Me” post and fav current post was the photo bombing one – my husband loves a good photobomb. 🙂

  22. Oh, and may I say his blog title is great! I understand exactly what he means about a “gateway” food – eat it and all plans at being healthy get tossed. For me…I think perhaps it might be pie. I could care less about cake and have no problem turning it down each and every time it’s offered – but I find it very hard to stop at one piece of pie. Though NoMorePie as a blog title may have unexpected interpretations. 😉

  23. I enjoyed 5 Things Google Visitors Will Buy From Me. Who wouldn’t want to see the Truffle Shuffle done in the nude at your local Gym?

  24. I love your new site. I enjoyed Ryan’s post about 10 Life Lessons learned from My Autistic Son. I am a teacher and am thrilled to hear parents praising their children and telling others about how great these kids are!

  25. Charlotte, the new site looks fantastic – I love it, and you look gorgeous in the photo on your header. So pretty. 🙂

    I would love to win some new workout clothing as it always motivates me to want to get my sweat on, and I could definitely use a little motivation in my life these days. I checked out a few of Ryan’s post, and honestly, I liked he one on his front page (Is it Possible to be Vegetarian without Getting Ethics Involved?) b/c I can totally relate. Tried the vegetarian thing, but eventually quit and went back to eating pot roast. I’m a meat eater, no doubt about it. Also, his progress photos are quite impressive.

    P.S. Someone may have already told you, but your Twitter button in your sidebar doesn’t appear to be working.

  26. I already creeped on you and told you how much I love it… Ryan did a FANTASTIC job!! I have been following his blog for a while and he is so good with these kind of computery things.

    10 life lessons learned from my autistic son was a recent favorite of mine. Do I need more of a reason than it is simply a beautiful piece?

  27. I liked Ryan’s post on Strategically thinking. I’m quite the nerd too and completely agree with his ramblings. 🙂

  28. I like his current post

    GREAT NEW SITE!!!!!!!

    It looks amazing and yes, starting on WP would save sooo much headache and stress later wouldnt it. But i never do things the easy way right off the bat. 🙂

  29. You have to love his Whole Foods Post. It still cracks me up and I sent it to all my friends who shop there. And seeing his sons are so much fun. They are cuter than Mr. NoMo 🙂

  30. I love the 4 Fitness Lessons Learned From Photobombers

  31. I also liked the bieber yoga and love your site’s new look!

  32. I feel you on the Blogger thing — We set up RecoveringInspirings there as some of the ladies of it needed the ease of that interface (and you can add additional contributors a lot easier), but we probably should’ve went for WordPress – also that pic at the top in the tutu = perfect

    Anyhoo, though it was a guest post, the post about dealing with injuries I could certainly relate to as whilst I was in the military I had *two* surgeries on my shoulder (the second to repair damage that the first caused… yay military doctors :/ ) and it still gives me problems….

  33. Lookin’ gooood, chica!

    I am very fond of the “10 Simple Steps to Help You Win at Thanksgiving” post. Not exactly timely, but it’s one that I remember!

  34. “4 fitness lessons learned from photobombers” is great! The guy with the mullet and mustache is hilarious!

  35. oh i love love love the new look! ryan did an awesome job! 🙂 and congrats!

    i’ve read ryan’s list of things not to do in wf before, and it made me crack up again reading it tonight! 🙂 that’s my fave post of his (that i’ve seen – i’m sure i’ve missed some gems along the way).

  36. I love the new look! And welcome to the world of WordPress. Definitely my favorite blogging platform over Blogger for customization. 🙂

  37. Yay for self-hosted blogs and awesome new blog templates! I actually really liked the No More Bacon interview on Two Fit Chicks. 🙂

  38. I liked Ryan’s video and post asking how we can get our kids to eat their vegetables. This is always a struggle for me so I liked reading through the comments.

  39. Ryan is amazing! Thanks for always being so open and honest Charlotte. It’s not easy and it’s draining emotionally…but you have a gift. Keep speaking..keep sharing. You’re journeying lovely..thanks for letting us all be a part of it.

  40. Can I please have a button to switch off the mobile theme for the iPad? I don’t know why all of WordPress is so obsessed with having a boring mobile theme on the iPad. This device is generally perfectly capable of navigating a normal site without specific aid, so why using a boring and uniform version of it rather than the full one?

    PS. I would also comment on your new site, but before I have access to your computer I can’t see it…

  41. Note to self: never post first thing in the morning. I found the button to switch the mobile theme off, and the new theme looks very nice indeed. Welcome to WordPress…

  42. No love for the international fans 🙁 We need cool new American gear more then anyone!
    But I do love the new site! Works soooo much better on my iPhone!

  43. Yay for transitions! I want to transfer my blog from Blogger to WordPress. Now, to figure out how . . .

    I really appreciate Ryan’s post called “10 Life Lessons Learned from My Autistic Son.” I don’t have children, but I have spent time working in intense classrooms with disturbed children, including an Autistic child. These kids were the rejects, the freaks, the scary ones that no one wanted to deal with. I was terrified when I first started working there, but soon came to love those children DEARLY. They taught me SO much about life, and about myself.

  44. I like your new site! Ok, so i know this mind sound silly but I liked Ryan’s About Me page – can I say that? Does that count? He is funny, you’re right! But i loved how he is apart of different places on the web and I loved that he added a brief description and links to them…I had never heard of most of the places he writes for and was commenting on. I’m excited about that 🙂

  45. The site looks great and updated perfectly in my RSS feed. And what an awesome giveaway! Ryan’s post about supporting each other the Wayne’s World way made me giggle. A lot of his posts did, actually, but especially that one.

  46. I’m going to say…Forget Inhibition–Find Your Beat and March To It. Because…well, that’s all of us in that boat, really.

  47. Awesome new site, Charlotte!

    My favorite post of Ryan’s (so far; still perusing) is 111,597. What an impact he’s having. Very moving!

  48. Your new site looks FANTASTIC!!!

    And must I pick just one of Ryan’s posts?

    Okay okay okay my new favorite is “10 life Lessons Learned From my Autistic Son”

    Followed ever so closely by anything that mentions Bieber…

  49. goodlordIlovethatspatop.
    in black.
    yes I wonder each time I oggle it WHY ISNT SHE SMILING WHEN SHE HAS THE TOP I WANT!

    I adore everything no mo.
    Im so glad you two partnered.

  50. I liked that Ryan tackled the idea of being mean online. That’s a conversation I have with my husband quite often. It amazes me that people think that just because they’re not face to face with someone they can say such hurtful things.

    And your new site is amazing! I’ll say, though, since I’m still over at Blogger I ended up installing the same commenting system you had on your old site. Why does Blogger have to be so inferior to WordPress??

  51. I love the site, and I love Ryan’s blog too. His Whole Foods post was hilarious, but I think my favorite post (recently, at least) was the 111, 597 post about autism awareness and the power of social media.

  52. I like his current post about vegetarianism. Although I don’t really have any ethical qualms about eating animals, I’ve given up meat on Wednesdays for Lent, and it has been a challenge for me. I can identify with Ryan’s concerns about getting enough protein and also getting bored.

  53. The new blog design looks great!

    Love the 4 Fitness Lessons Learned from PhotoBombers. Funny pictures always make for a great post. And who knew they were doing us all such a service by providing us with these great lessons in staying fit?

  54. Love the new look!

    I really enjoyed his guest post from Sharla on recvering from an injury. I’m going through that now and it’s helpful to read about someone else’s experience!

  55. Very cool new site! So much easier to read and follow.

    Gotta say the Whole Foods post on Ryan’s blog nailed a bunch of things that I have noticed. I just moved to an area that has a WF every mile or so (I swear!) so I have been spending way too much time and money in them.

  56. I love your new site! I just wanted to say that your blog has helped me so incredibly much. I was a huge over exerciser and definitely had disordered eating patterns. I am working on eating like a normal human and exercising like one too! I just discovered this great blog that posts workouts every day. Kinda like body rock but I like that it’s a complete workout, something similar to what I would normally do at the gym. It’s http://midwestfit.com/ and it’s so awesome! Maybe you could give them a shout out on your blog sometime? I just wanted to commend these guys on their awesome site.

  57. I actually like the blog A Health Scare & a Wake-up Call that he wrote on attune the most! It was amazing to read what really pushed him to live a healthy life.

  58. So exciting! Congratulations on the move 🙂 It looks great!

  59. the whole foods post was hilarious!

  60. I DO love this new page design. Congratulations on moving up in the blogging world! I also found your redbook post hilarious. I’m fortunate to have a sister with 4 kids who has taught me NEVER to say those things to a parent, and let the parent do the parenting.

    Thanks for sharing Ryan’s blog with us too! I ended up reading several of his posts today because they are so good. I think my favorite so far is “4 fitness lessons learned from photobombers”. I like his sense of humor and ability to use those photos as an opportunity to learn.

  61. Think I’ve probably made a big mistake starting off with Blogspot. I’m off to check out Ryan now! I’ll be back though!

  62. Your site looks great!
    Even the “No More Bacon” is great! I had a good laugh at 8 things not to do at Whole Foods!

  63. I LOVE LOVE LVOE this new site! It is so colorful and fun, jsut like you!

    I looked at his site and love all his posts. The “strategically speaking’ one, um spoke to me (hehe) maybe mostly because he used a picture of Rosie from the Jetsons!

  64. Thanks for turning me onto what appears to be another fun an informative fitness/nutrition blog. I liked his post regarding how to get kids to eat their veggies. I had a similar aversion to cooked spinach as a child and spent hours at the table trying to choke it down. I now have one child that will eat just about anything and one that would sustain himself on PBJ if allowed.

  65. Thanks for turning me onto what appears to be another fun an informative fitness/nutrition blog. I liked his post regarding how to get kids to eat their veggies. I had a similar aversion to cooked spinach as a child and spent hours at the table trying to choke it down.

  66. I loved the “How To Deal When Injuries Have Got You Down.” I always get so frustrated when an injury prevents me from working out! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  67. I love the If You Can’t Say Anything Nice.
    Love & Hugs,

  68. i really enjoyed the “How 68 Hot Dogs Can Motivate You to Rock Your Next Workout” post

    and i love the new site. love the colors! 🙂

  69. Love the new look of the site!

    I enjoyed 4 Fitness Lessons learned from Photobombers over at No More Bacon.

  70. The hot dogs post! Congrats on the spiffy new address. 🙂

  71. Awesome new look! Do have to ask you a question though, how did you transfer your feed from old blog to the new?

    • Charlotte, I got your e-mail but for some reason when I responded back it bounced back to me. I am happy to have read this post 🙂 It pushed me to figure out how to transfer my blogspot readers with me to my new blog too, and I managed to figure it out! WOOOOOT! I use FeedBurner, which I am sure you used also. I changed original FEED source from my old .blogspot address to the new wordpress address. Is that how you managed to transfer yours too?

      Thanks, doll!

  72. I really liked the Organize Your Life for Better Fitness – even the comments were really helpful. I frequently find myself telling myself I’m “too busy” to go to the gym – I’m working to make it more like an un-skippable appointment!

  73. Just wanted to say I’m So so sooo happy I can now read AND reply to comments from my BB! 🙂

  74. Love the new look Charlotte! I know that Ryan had a lot of fun building it! My favorite post on his blog, other than my guest post of course, is his post on when he took an ice bath. Maybe because I was around when he actually did it. HILARIOUS!

  75. I loved the post about his autistic son. So sweet 🙂

    Also, loving the new blog design!

  76. I want free stuff, but I don’t want to lie. Ryan’s blog just wasn’t my cup of tea.

  77. I like Ryan’s post on being vegan/vegetarian as I am a vegetarian myself and not due to any ethical reasons. I have been vegetarian 16 years simply for the fact that I don’t like the taste or texture of meat.

  78. Love the new website! Hope the transition goes smoothly.

    I enjoyed Ryan’s post on his autistic son, I have a nephew with autism so can relate.

  79. I especially liked 10 Life Lessons Learned From My Autistic Son since this is Autism awareness month and this is such a hard condition to deal with.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  80. LOVE the new site!!!!!
    And I must say that I,too, like the post about his vegetarian experiment. Being in the middle of a (mostly, but not 100%) successful) vegan experiment myself, I found his experience to be very relate-able. Especially after reading some posts on Amazon regarding vegan cookbooks. (Honestly, how does a cookbook review turn into a religious war?!?!?!)

  81. I just read Ryan’s post on concluding his vegetarian experiment. All I can say is, from a vegetarian standpoint, I have the same feeling now that I’m trying to eat lower carb.

  82. Pingback:Do You Need to Look Healthy to Work in a Health Store? [Experimenting on Humans] | The Great Fitness Experiment

  83. I’ve been meaning to Check out Ryan’s site for a while so I’m glad you pushed me to. I loved all the posts I had time to read today and will be back for more. I have to say, I probably actually liked his “About Me/FAQ” page the best. It made me sign up for a subscription!

    Thanks for the give-away.
    Would love to score some good stuff!

  84. Pingback:Hey Doc, Are You Calling My Kid Fat? | No More Bacon

  85. I just read Ryan’s post on having an “overweight” 2-year-old. I think no kid should EVER be on a diet. Making healthier changes = okay, pushing weight-loss = not okay. It’s a tough situation, though, because the doctor is clearing making a recommendation on seeing a kid for 15 minutes, and not the other 23 hours a day when he is eating or playing.

  86. Great new site!
    I loved the post reviewing the book Un-Procrastination. I need that book. Badly.

  87. I liked his review on the Un-procrastination book. I am very interested in that book! haha. That’s always a struggle for me.

  88. I had a hard time picking a fav, but I def liked his Is it Possible to be Vegetarian without Getting Ethics Involved? (http://www.nomorebacon.com/3293/is-it-possible-to-be-vegetarian-without-getting-ethics-involved/) post!

    And love the new look!

  89. I love the new site! Thanks for linking to Ryan’s blog. I’m enjoying it! So far, I really liked the post on his vegan experiment. I’ve done a similar thing in the past, just to show myself that I don’t need a big piece of meat to quailfy what I’m eating as a meal.

  90. Hi Charlotte,

    I love your new design and format. Very nice! I went to Ryan’s blog and liked that as well. he has that same humor/information fusion that I enjoy so much on your blog. I enjoyed the post “Is it Possible to be Vegetarian without Getting Ethics Involved?” A great point indeed. It is the reason I am not a vegetarian (not that there is anything wrong with that : )

  91. I love the “Whole Foods” post on No More Bacon.

    Great new look for the site!

  92. Love the new design.

    Hard to choose a favorite, but I like the one about forgetting inhibition, mostly because I am constantly dancing in public without thinking about it (on the metro, in line at stores, etc.) and would love to be able to do the same when I AM thinking about it. 🙂

  93. I like the new site, and everyone loves new workout gear. 🙂

    I enjoyed his post about overweight kids. I think trying to determine if a kid is overweight at 2 years old is slightly ridiculous. My son is 11 and I don’t even look at the charts when we visit the doctor’s office. He eats healthy and he gets tons of activity, the rest will work out.

  94. Ryan is funny! My favorite post was “Meat Detox 101.” I gave up meat for Lent after considering trying a vegetarian “experiment” for a while, so I enjoyed reading about his experience going meat-free.

  95. Love the new look! I love the look of your book so this is a perfct match 🙂 Love the No More Bacon blog too. Gotta say my favorite post so far is the one from 4/8/11 – Is it Possible to be Vegetarian without Getting Ethics Involved? – b/c I’m in the same boat as him: I want to go full vegetarian, but to be honest, the ethics of it are not a part of it for me. I mean I guess they are to an extent – I know it’s better for the planet and environment to go green and planty, but the animal rights thing doesn’t bother me. I’m sorry, it’s true. I’m more concerned about the crap that is fed to the animals and the crap that goes in after during processing than the animals’ lives. Again, I’m sorry. So I guess I agree w/ NMB guy – I’m not game for an ethics debate, but I know other people are, therefore we can never really have veggie-ness w/o the great debate. Just like anything else in this world.

  96. Great new look, Charlotte! I was having some trouble scrolling at first, but when I went to Ryan’s site and came back, I didn’t have the issue anymore. Weird.

    I also like Ryan’s post on overweight kids, but the one that interested me the most was the guest-post about dealing with injuries.

  97. Excellent site, keep up the good work I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say I’m glad I found your blog. thanks

  98. I really like your new look!….. Useful tips! Thanks for fitness

  99. Charlotte the new site looks great! Super professional but also accessible and fun.

  100. I was very amused by Ryan’s post about photo-bombers. Always a good time.

  101. I really liked his post about his vegetarianism. I’m a vegetarian and love reading other people’s experiences. And it sounds like he has a really balanced plan now, LESS meat, not some Nazi version.

  102. LOVE the new site! Looks great. I liked Ryan’s post on 2 year old weight issues. Especially interesting since I have two of them, and am constantly balancing teaching healthy habits and still letting them enjoy being kids.

  103. I like the post about Joey Chestnut eating 68 hot dogs in a matter of minutes. I cannot stand to watch competitive eating contests…but I do agree that if I I overindulge a little, I work extra hard on the next workout!!!

  104. I love that the first thing I saw on the blog was Chunk! “Hey you guuuuuyyyys!” 🙂

    I love the post titled: How Can We Get Our Kids To Eat Their Vegetables? (Take 1,392)

    This is something I struggle with. I’m not a huge veggie fan, but I don’t want to hinder my kids liking them either. I try to have as many veggies available and all I ask is that they give them a try. They don’t step out of the box a lot, but both of my kids love salads. I toss in some extra veggies and when they eat it all together, they don’t really complain.

    Btw, that video is hilarious! I wonder when it goes away, that you are able to catch chewed up food from your kids mouth without gagging yourself! Mine are 7 and 8, and the thought of catching their mouthfuls now makes me feel icky! LMAO

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  105. So far so good for your site & feed for me (a few duplicates in google reader, but no biggie).
    I love the “power of a question” post – have you read the comments? Whoa.

  106. I loved Matt’s post on going vegetarian. I especially loved his line about indoor plumbing….hahahaha. May have snorted some coffee at that one 😉

  107. The picture on “How 68 Hot Dogs Can Motivate You to Rock Your Next Workout”, is hilariously disgusting. I like how Ryan compliments his brother for his hard work and inspiration, too.

  108. Congrats on starting this new blog and adventure!

    I, too, am a big fan of Ryan’s blog and Twitter name as stand-alone awesomesauce worthy. But I also was really moved by his recent post about 10 lessons he can learn from his autistic son. In fact, I reached out to Ryan to publish it on MeYou Health’s Facebook fan page because I wanted to spread the awareness…and the message that we can learn lessons — important ones! — from the most incredible people who are often under-valued or overlooked.

    Keep on keeping on!
    Alicia Benjamin
    Social Media Manager

  109. I liked the “fitness lessons learned from photobombers” post. I need to buy a fake mustache for Crossfit, so I can photobomb AND do pull-ups at the same time.

  110. I enjoyed the post “Is it Possible to be Vegetarian without Getting Ethics Involved” I went veg. about 1 1/2 years ago and definitely think the ethics in volved is the only thing that keeps me on the bandwagon.

  111. Liking the new digs, lady! And the random picture appearance at the top is a nice touch.

  112. Love the new site. Very pretty 🙂

    I really liked Ryan’s post about the lessons he learned from his son when I read it. My mom teaches special ed and talks the same way about her students.

  113. The new colors are so fun! I think they fit your personality well.

    What are the things you can do in WordPress that you can’t in Blogger? I’ve actually found Blogger to be very customizable, right down to easily letting you change the HTML for your template.

  114. Oh – and what time zone are these comments in? I can’t think of anywhere in the world that it is 6pm right now… I think that’s the middle of the Atlantic 🙂

  115. I love the new website, Charlotte! I have to say, I liked a lot of Ryan’s posts. I really enjoyed the post about his doctor questioning about his son’s weight. The family I nanny has gone through that with their middle child.

  116. lookin’ good Charlotte!
    I read Ryan’s blog pretty regularly, and I really liked the posts he did on the blue lights for Autism awareness. My sister has Asberger’s syndrome (less severe end of the Autism spectrum), so it gave me that warm-fuzzy feeling to know someone as kind as Ryan is out there spreading awareness in a positive way.

  117. I like the post about 10 life lessons learned from my autistic son–particularly #5 (his little boy eating birthday cake–such delight!)

  118. Love the new website! Bright! Pretty!…and and to enter the great big new give away, I liked Ryan’s post from today about a pediatrician continually hounding him about his toddlers weight. If he had asked the right questions, he would know that the kid is active and eating healthily…how annoying, and isn’t proper nutrition so important at that age that you wouldn’t want to limit calories….also liked reading about hi experiment with vegitarianism…

  119. The new layout looks great! Super easy to use, too!
    I liked the post “A Health Scare & a Wake-up Call”- being motivated by anger or fear is easy in the beginning, but it definitely takes a commitment to stick with a healthier lifestyle for the long run. I’m always looking for ways to keep that fire stoked!

  120. your new site is gorgeous! I love his recent posts about his vegetarian experiment – totally interesting! And he’s funny too!

  121. As I have a darling seven-year-old in my life is on the autism spectrum, I loved Ryan’s recent “10 Life Lessons I Learned from my Autistic Son” post, and will be going back to read all he’s written about Collin (and some of the other stuff, I’m sure).

    The new layout is snazzy!

  122. I was sucked in by the title: “How to Strengthen Each Other The Wayne’s World Way.” Congrats on the lovely new look!

  123. I go internet-free for a few days, because of exams, and look what I come back to! And no more signing in for WordPress comments, etc? I’ll have to remember what I use each time so you can keep track of my comments….

  124. Oh Charlotte dear, I’m late to the party! I’m just stopping by to say thanks for including Hot (Sweaty) Mamas in your giveaway package! Love the new look (she says while eating hot dish over at blogger).

  125. Pingback:Do You Need to Look Healthy to Work in a Health Store? [Experimenting on Humans] | Instant Health Fitness

  126. Love your new site! Thanks for the giveaway!

    I loved Ryan’s post ’10 Life Lessons I Learned From My Autistic Son.’ I am the parent of a child with a disability and it is so amazing what he has taught me about life.

  127. Wow. For me it has to be a tie. I love the Whole Foods post. I really do. I can’t tell you how much embarrassment that saved me on my second Whole Foods trip. (The first one did NOT go well.)

    But this one. This one really really edges to the top. An oldie but goodie, and a message we often need to hear. http://www.nomorebacon.com/2372/10-reasons-why-you-can/

  128. I already follow Ryan’s blog, and love it! I thought his post today about his son’s pediatrician being overly concerned about the boy’s weight was very insightful. Interesting to read opinions about childhood obesity coming from a parent with a history of weight problems.

  129. Love the new site!

    I liked Ryan’s post Is It Possible to be a Vegetarian Without Getting Ethics involved was though provoking. I had honestly, never really thought of vegetarianism from that prospective.

  130. Thanks for giving me another informative and humorous blog on nutrition! Love it! I liked the post about kids eating their veggies as I had a similar adversion to spinach growing up!

  131. Love the new look of your site, and thanks for introducing me to yet another blog to add to my reader. I enjoyed Ryan’s recent post questioning if it’s possible to be vegetarian without involving ethics, as this would likely be the last reason I would ever go veggie.

  132. I loved Ryan’s Vegetarian con Ethics post. As someone who has some near and dear friends who read and converted after reading Skinny Bitch (I got to the part where they told me to give up cheese and proceeded to throw the book at the wall crying “How DARE you!”) proceeded to judge and scrutinize everything I ate, I seriously appreciate the effort and honest admission that some people just like to eat meat and that is OK! Hooray for tolerance and experimentation in diets and exercise. It is seriously necessary and appreciated. Woot to the Hoot!

  133. I have liked a lot of Ryan’s posts. Most recently, I related to the one about the doctor being concerned about his kid’s weight, and previously the one about the things he’s learned from his autistic son.

  134. I loved “How 68 Hot Dogs Can Motivate You to Rock Your Next Workout” because I’m so fascinated (and jealous of) competitive eaters.

  135. i thought you were totally going to giveaway a blog makeover from Ryan b/c i need to switch from blogger to WP (like pronto)

    my fave post was how 68 hot dogs can motivate you for your next workout!!

    i’m your new biggest fan and i love the new site!! been reading the book you sent me…. hilarious and i can’t wait to promote it on my blog!! after 2 years of not competing, i’m getting back into competitive weightlifting. i’m loving the progress and changes my body is going thru. thanks for the encouragement and bringing new blogs to my view!!

  136. I love to have a double-dry short sleeves training top. I think it would definitely be a great workout clothes. Thanks for sharing this cool stuff. i would also want to own one fitness book so I would definitely check out Mama Sweet.:)

  137. Loving your new site – it’s so easy to use! Also loved Ryan’s post on competitive eating and workout motivation – I truly didn’t expect that he could (hilariously) reframe competitive eating as an inspirational tool for those of us who fail to understand (read: are actively repulsed by) the sport.

  138. I am new to your blog and it looks cozy and fun here 🙂 I like Ryan’s post about the lessons he learned from his son. Thanks for the opportunity and I will be back.

  139. Pingback:Barefoot Walking: Fun Fitness Trend or Scientific Practical Joke? [Giveaway!] | The Great Fitness Experiment

  140. I enjoyed his post on childhood obesity if for no other reason than that it starts with a picture of the kid from Goonies. What can I say, I’m easy to please!

  141. As a somewhat (totally) competitive person with somewhat (totally) competitive children I’m going to have to go with What Matters Most? Winning or Doing Your Best.

    Love the new site design!

  142. I like the current post on childhood obesity. My son was TINY from 1 to 2. We went for weight check ups every month and a half. By 2 he was finally back on the charts and then all of a sudden they are telling me his bmi is great. Talk of testing his human growth hormone to checking his bmi in six weeks. It’s insane.

  143. What a refreshing blog! I found “Hey Doc, Are You Calling My Kid Fat?” helpful yet comical. I too have a special needs son whose weight takes center stage with each appointment. It becomes very disheartening when our peditrician points that our 14-month-old daughter now weighs half of her 7-year-old ADHD suffering brother. Weight is becoming the central focus even during our wondorous feats! “Wow, your daughter is 6 months ahead according to the developmental charts, but I’m more corncerned with her food intake?” …”Your son was able to go a week without being sent home from school, but is he eating three hearty meals with two snacks a day?” This is how a typical appointment usually unfolds.

    Dave’s blog, along with my morning cup of coffee, was just what I needed this morning to remind me that I am not alone in this battle. There are other parents out there dealing with the same issues. This reminder gives me the strength for one another head-to-head with the doctors, and I can give my daughter that extra serving of fruits-guilt free!

    This is my first visit to your site as well as Dave’s. Thanks for the writing and helpful links. I have you guys bookmarked,

  144. I really liked his post “The post where **** gets real”

    Would love to win these goodies – thanks!

  145. I liked the 10 quick ways to figure out you’re in the hospital 🙂

  146. Absolutely loved the 10 Life Lessons Learned from my Autistic Son. I actually got a little teary-eyed at some of the pictures, but Ryan and Collin are truly inspirational and are doing a wonderful job raising awareness of Autism all over 🙂

  147. I loved the Whole Foods post and I’m LOVING the new site!

  148. Ahaha I loved 4 Fitness Lessons Learned From Photobombers 😀

  149. Love his vegetarian experiment (is it possible to be vegetarian without getting ethics involved?). Good honest post that was really interesting.

  150. I like the one about 10 life lessons from my autistic son. It’s just so sweet.

  151. I liked “The Post Where Sh*t Gets Real” because it really resonated with me. I have a high family risk of heart disease and I’ve had that wake-up call feeling where I know I need to improve my health or risk never living the life I want. I’ve never been more than about 30 pounds overweight, but I’ve always eaten so much junk and completely ignored the effects of nutrition on my health. I’m only in my early twenties, but one of my parents died at age 34 of a heart attack and I can’t let that happen to me! Over the past two years I’ve lost 25 pounds and have learned to love food for the nutritional benefits it brings me. I’m happier, healthier, more active, and I know this investment in my health will pay off. Ryan’s post just drove that home for me.

  152. Hey Doc, Are you Calling My Kid Fat? was a great post!

  153. I like: Forget Inhibition — Find Your Beat and March To It

    It’s always good to be reminded that people aren’t out to judge you. Or if they are, you shouldn’t care anyway.

  154. 4 Fitness Lessons Learned From Photobombers has got to be one of the funniest things I’ve ever read. I had no idea there was a name for is, but it’s a skill I’ve considered trying to develop. Too funny!

  155. Hi Charlotte!!

    I liked Ryan’s post about his vegetarian experiment. I gave being a vegetarian a go last year, not because of ethical reasons but because I was under the impression that it may be healthier for me. At first it was great, I felt lighter, I lost some weight, and felt really good all the time. But as months went on I just got tired. In the end I decided I was too active to eat vegetables alone. Now I’ll have a few veg days in a more sometimes, but I don’t think I could ever give up meat fully again.
    And thanks for turning me on to a great new blog! Ryan’s writing style is hilarious! I’m gonna go read some more… 🙂

  156. I love “Together We Can Do Hard Things.” I’m getting married (in June..eek!) and we’ve been talking about things like that a lot recently.

  157. Any of Ryan’s entries that have dancing or vegetables.

  158. It was very interesting to read his take on vegetarianism. I have several friends who also are vegetarian for reasons other than ethics. I think overall we need to treat animals better and eat less meat but people shouldn’t be completely meat free unless they want to be.

    He’s now in my RSS reader!

  159. I love your site’s new facelift! And I loved Ryan’s blog, especially the Whole Foods post!

  160. I like 3 reasons why everyone hates losing weight becasue it’s TRUE! (Also, I think Ryan should link to your blog when he talks about escaping exercise monotony)

  161. I love the new site!

    And I like Ryan’s most recent post – Together We Can Do Hard Things. Very sweet, very honest and very poignant.

    But, the name of the blog makes me sad… life without bacon. 🙁

  162. His guide to going gluten free- some great recipes there!

  163. Funny blog! I like the “How can we get our kids to eat their vegetables?” post. I struggle with a VERY stubborn little girl and her total aversion to any vegetable.

  164. What a joy to read! thank you for sharing his blog. I liked the wake up call post. sometimes that’s what it takes, and thank goodness a false alarm

  165. 10 life lessons from my autistic son. My 17 year old nephew is autistic, and watching him through the years I have had so many of the same thoughts and observations! Nomorebacons post really captured the essence of a day in the life of an autistic child. It really is the small things that make or break each moment with them and maybe there is something to that, something we all could take a lesson from…

  166. I love your new site! It looks great.

    I really like Ryan’s ‘Forget Inhibition — Find Your Beat and March To It’ post. Wish I read that before feeling like a fool during the entirety of my first Zumba yesterday. Ha.

  167. I liked the autism post. I have worked with some kids with autism in the past…

  168. Interesting and entertaining POV… I liked the one on childhood obesity.. it breaks my heart when I hear parents berating their kids about their weight in public or warning them about getting fat… or using names like Gordo as nicknames.. those things stick with kids… But mostly I loved that he did NOT post his kid’s pic to prove his point (and subject his kid to that type of scrutiny)

  169. I’ve been following Ryan for a while now- I love his sense of humor. I liked his veggie post since I’ve been trying to go veggie for a while and i really identify with his experience… Anyway thanks for the op to win some cool stuff:)

  170. Bieber yoga was hilarious!

  171. I liked Ryan’s post on the “fat kid”. I always think that they put too much emphasis on that stuff at the ped’s office for my son. He’s super duper skinny. His “NORMAL” pediatrician always says as long as he’s consistent he’s just fine, he’ll be small. But if he sees a diff doctor, they always comment that he’s underweight. He is growing & you can see it in his charts, height & weight stay proportionate, he’s just on the small end of the spectrum. I feel bad for those with overweight kids too – becaues I know they’re hearing about it too.

  172. I love Ryan’s blog! He really is hilarious, and as a fellow weight-loss blogger his story is super-inspiring too (especially that he can maintain his hilarity throughout!) I recently enjoyed the provocative post he wrote about going to the doctor for his son and dealing with comments about his son’s weight.

  173. I loved reading the blog posts on Ryan’s site. His post about WF shopping should be required reading for anyone thinking of going there 🙂