This woman is actually an Athleta model. Sit around and just look cute? I think not! (They even have an interview with her up on their blog!)
Their catalog permanently resides in my bedroom. The sale tab on their website is where I’ll go browse when I’m stressed out and just need a minute. (Yes, yes, compulsive shopping worries duly noted – mostly I just look.) Their clothes have made many, many, many appearances on this blog. When picking out a birthday present for me you can pretty much close your eyes and point to anything in their catalog and I will love it. So when Athleta told me that they were naming The Great Fitness Experiment as one of their Top 5 Favorite Fitness Blogs, it was better than the day I found out the 5th dentist relented and decided to recommend Trident gum after all. Heck it was better than the day I discovered So You Think You Can Dance is online!
I work out hard. Really hard. I put my workout clothes through a lot of wear and tear (sometimes literally as in the case of my most embarrassing moment ever). But I also like to workout in a tutu and glittery hair spray with fully supported boobs. In addition I run most of my errands right after the gym so whatever I wear there needs to be safe for the general public. Basically my clothes need to perform well, be super durable, and look amazing both in and out of the gym. You know, just a few little things. Athleta does all those things for me with their wide range of funky-and-functional tops (have you seen their Yellowman collection??), butt-boosting bottoms (huge fan of the kick-booty pants!), girly skirts (I own the hitch capri skirt in three colors) and dresses so gorgeous you’d never know they were made for high performance wear. (You should see me rock the sweater dress I got there!) Their swimwear is flattering, cute and isn’t meant for just lounging around the pool. And my favorite thing about them? They use real fitness models to show off their goods (hmmm… that came out sounding dirtier than I meant) – their models have muscles and hold yoga poses and have athletic thighs! To say I’m a fan is an understatement. I love Athleta.
The funny thing though is that they didn’t know any of this about me before they picked me. Unless you are one of those people who can instantly recognize the brand and style of workout gear in a picture (which is both a gift and a sickness, I know) then you probably didn’t know of my love for them either as I really haven’t written about it. It turns out they love the GFE for what I do and write, not for what publicity I can give them. I know, I almost passed out. Those of you who are bloggers know how rare this is. Full disclosure: I’m not getting paid for this. I don’t get so much as a free sock from them. (Not that I’d turn it down if they offered.) They didn’t ask me to write this or even link to them – they just wanted to let me know that I’d made their list. And even better? They’re offering one of you GFE readers a $100 gift card to Athleta just for being part of this awesomeness.
In other news, today the husband, kidlets and I are setting off on a camping trip in the Rocky Mountains. I’m taking these next 10 days off from both blogging and formal exercise (I know!!) to spend the time relaxing with my family and enjoying the mountains that I miss so much it hurts sometimes. I will be checking e-mail semi-regularly if you need to get a hold of me and will be posting a few things here but I’ll be mostly M.I.A. around the blogosphere. I’ll be back (hopefully refreshed although camping with 4 wee ones doesn’t sound much like a vacation now that I think about it) on July 5th. For my American friends, Happy 4th of July and for my International friends, I hope you are having a great summer (winter if you’re in Australia! or Chile!).
To enter to win the Athleta $100 gift card, go check out their Chi blog and leave me a comment telling me one thing you learned/liked/discovered on it!
Remember this? Athleta, baby.
WOW I just read Harriet Anderson’s post and that lady is AMAZING!
You’re gonna leave us for 10 days? You didn’t clear this with me!
I hope you do NOT come back with any exciting stories. Because when you’re camping, “exciting” usually means stuff like someone coming down with poison oak or a bear ripping your tent apart.
Oh, so I just realized I need to comment about Athleta and their blog. You know what I learned? That they exist! Really, I’ve never heard of them before. I don’t usually ooh and ahh over exercise clothes, but their stuff is seriously good-looking. The blog looks cool, too. Guess I’ll have time to read some of their articles while you’re gone.
Have fun on your trip!! And a 10 day technology detox is AWESOME! ENJOY the time with your family, the mountains, the lack of formal blogging or exercise…have a blast!
I read on their Chi blog about the Bikram tips.
I just got one of their catalogs in the mail yesterday! I always look through it and drool, but never buy anything.
And thanks for the requirement to click through to their blog. The Spread Your Love article caught my attention and turned out to be something I really needed to “hear.” Funny how that works!
I’ve never heard of Athleta before today. I checked out their website and I love the message they put out about giving back and sharing the love. I hope I win the gift card, because they look like they have some great stuff!
I loved the following quote from the article about bikram yoga. “No matter what the practice is like physically, the key in yoga is to not look at the asana (physical posture) as the goal. It’s just a tool to help you integrate more into yourself and into your life.” You have something really special with this blog- definitely deserving of this accolade. Have a wonderful vacation!
Congrats on top 5!!!
I just learned lots of great Bikram yoga tips…something I need badly cuz I’m tight!
The Ahleta Chi blog gave me some inspiration to get outside and exercise even when its freezing and snowing out, although that is a bit far into the future right now.
I always go to snowshoeing when it’s cold and snowing! Great calorie burn, easy to do and tons of fun!
and am proud to be with ya.
(*whispers* who are the other 3? :))
I love the article about Smart Girls Run. As a teacher it was super to read about a program like this one.
I hope you have an awesome time on your trip! You definitely deserve a vacation!
I read the vision board article to “Discover Your Inner Athlete.” I love the idea of focusing specifically on this aspect of myself for a vision board! I also think it’s pretty neat that Athleta lets you post your own vision board to their site.
Ooh. I hope you have fun, although I’ll be seriously missing your postings. I loved the “Smart Girls Run” article. I may not be fast, but that article reminded me it’s not all about speed, it’s also about heart and dedication and consistency.
I also learned that the blog existed!
I have been a fan of their workout gear, but I do wish they would make some cuteness for those of us beyond (um, far beyond) a C-cup but not in a 40+ band size.
I LOVE the article about Amy Stewart, and I love that Atheta designs look great on lots of different body types!
I liked the “multisite workout” bit–that seems like a cool idea, work outs situated for the place you are. now I just need the library version!
I bought a pair of their shorts not too long ago, and ever since it is really hard to talk myself into wearing anything else. they’re perfect! likely I would spend the $100 on a couple more pairs of those so I could wear them every day.
I loved the share the love article. I keep going back and forth on their workout clothes. Super nice… but a little pricey. The gift card would make it so nice to check out the clothes first hand!!
I loved the ‘Yoga for Runners’ post. I’ve often thought about taking a yoga for runners class, but this definitely drove home the benefits! I’d definitely pick up some cute, bright shirts for running!
I loved Tara Krolczyk’s article about becoming a dancer (I’m a dancer!) and what it’s like to audition for the Rockettes! Haha!
I get their catalog and while I read about the models in the catalog i never realized the stories were real. I though it was just a goofy marketing gimmick:)
love the post on the vision board! I need to make one of those—arts & crafts time baby
I didn’t even know Athleta had a blog until I read this post! I liked the vision boards…very inspiring. One of these days, I’ll find the time to put some of those old magazines to good use and make one of my own. Have a great vacation!
You will be missed while on vacation, your blog has become part of my daily routine!
I hadn’t heard of Athleta until this morning! Wow I could easily become addicted to this site!
As far as the blog goes I love the stories about the featured athletes….very inspirational.
Their half training guide made me realize I need to be more deliberate and intentional about stretching while training. I may just take up a yoga class to get myself going in the right direction!
I love that Multi-Site Workout! And dang, I really love Athleta, too.
Have a great vacation!
I loved the section on Bikram yoga, one of my faves! I also like how diverse their site is with representing different styles of fitness
I read Anne Marie Sebastiani’s post about using a vision board. I totally did this when I started loosing weight and now I want to do another one with my current vision for myself. Totally what I needed to hear.
Also, I would lurve to own some of that sweet sweet workout gear.
That you need to continue your life when you get pregnant, just be more aware (with prenatal exercise esp.)
I learned Athleta has a blog, and it seems to be pretty interesting. I’ve never thought to do a vision board for exercise, but maybe a vision board will help me break out of my rut.
I definitely enjoyed the Bikram yoga post. I love the idea of yoga but struggle with being present in class. I day dream about when I’ll be able to do a headstand
But I definitely appreciated the part about accepting the sweat. I went to a new yoga studio recently and did not realize how hot the classes were. I was unprepared (i.e. no sweat towel). I felt so bad for the instructor who kept adjusting me. I was drenched.
Wow, Athleta has a great blog! I had no idea! I also read “Smart Girls Run” and would completely hire Amy Stewart as a running coach. She’s sounds like my type of runner – not speedy, but consistent and determined to finish the race.
As for the vision boards, I also made one of these when I started my weight loss journey. It was focused on getting to a previous size and what I could wear when I reached my goals. I need to make one now that’s more focused on my fitness and travel goals!
It looks like you’ve given me another blog to be addicted to. You’re a bad influence (but in a good way)!
Have a safe and fun vacation with your adorable family.
I like that the models seem to be actual athletes!
Canadians? Regardless of whether I can win, I’m totally trying the Urban Workout- I start work soon, and I have a weird gap where my current gym membership is finished, and my firm gym membership will not be set up. I have not been gym-less in a while, so I’ve been seeking an alternative, and it looks perfect (there’s a park about 2k away from me, so if I run there and back, and meander a bit, I’ll also get in a 5k run!).
And they’re totally right, being awake early in the city is so tranquil. Easy in the summer, with the sun rising at 5:30am. Not so easy in the winter, when that moves to…oh, 8:45 am.
Enjoy the rockies! They’re my favourite thing about Calgary- so gorgeous and so close. And lots of great hikes. Love!
I loved finding out more about Drisana Carey, I’m totally envious of her whenever I pick up the Athleta Catalog… and envious of her ability, her location and of course all those lovely lovely Athleta clothes
Congratulations! I love Athleta too, although it isn’t always in my budget, so this would be a perfect opportunity to expand my appreciation! I’ve been wanting to try their Stability Run Shorts. Oh my gosh I also just saw that they have a “travel” hula hoop that comes with a bag. Hmm, that’s tempting also after your descriptions of a hoop workout. Heck, if I won, I could get both!
Despite the fact that it looks like I can’t read directions, I did check out the Chi blog and I love article about Amy Stewart, the woman who started the Smart Girls Run mentoring program. I think it’s so important for girls’ self esteem to focus on fitness and health rather than being “skinny.” Girl power!
I checked out the blog and learned that I’m completely jealous of those that get to do Stand Up Paddle Yoga. I’m wondering if I can take a paddleboard (which should be easy to find in St. Louis) down to the Y and do it in the pool. Probably not. Dang!
I LOVE the emphasis on happiness rather than toning/weight loss/calories.
Thank you so much for introducing me to this company and their blog! I learned a little about Bikram Yoga that I didn’t know before.
Congratulations! I would definitely put you in my top 5 bloggers as well. Unfortunately, I’m just a librarian, so I have no freebees to offer. But you are welcome to borrow all the books you want!
Enjoy the trip – you deserve it! I found the article “Defining your own Prenatal Success’ really interesting. I see several pregnant women at the gym, and the looks and whispers that follow behind them. If your doctor says that you are fine to workout, and your body is telling you it’s right, then why not? Incredibly inspiring! I’ve wanted to try Athleta’s clothing for some time…hope I win!
I didn’t know that they had a blog! I enjoyed the Multi-Site Workout: Urban Neighborhood or Downtown Plaza article.
I drool over the catalog every time it makes its way to our mailbox!
I’d never heard of Athleta before, but now I’m spending far to much time looking through the catalog and blog. I enjoyed the article on bikram yoga–I’d like to try yoga, but I’m not sure what kind of class I’d want.
Enjoy your vacation!
Congrats on top 5! Enjoy your vacation. What will I do for 10 days without your blog?
The blog post by Harriet Anderson is really inspiring! Also, I get the Athleta catalog and own one dress from them. I always drool over their stuff, too. I’ll have to start stalking the sale page!
I really liked the “Ask Hannah” article about Bikram yoga. I’m SO not there, yet…but maybe someday!
I HEART Athletha. I’d buy everything in their catalog if money were not a problem…haha! So excited for you to be a top 5 blogger
Very cool! Just checked out their blog and left a comment on the article about creating a Vision Board. I need to make one to keep me motivated on my weight-loss journey post baby #3. I REALLY wanna win!!! Crossin’ my fingers 
I have often coveted Atheta stuff but never taken the plunge. WOuld love to win!
On the blog, I loved the “Yosemite: My First Trainer” story. Yosemite is absolutely my athletic touchstone, with hiking being my primary form of exercise and relaxation. I go up there 2-4 times a year, hiking and backpacking in the summer, and snowshoeing and x-country skiing in winter. Its a special place for me, and the article really resonates with me.
Thank you! ENjoy the Rockies! Thats on my agenda, havent been yet…
buzibu at gmail dot com
I love the idea of a vision board! I think photos of Kara Goucher or Jillian Michaels or even photos of places I’d love to run (gorgeous beaches and the streets of Paris and Rome?) sounds inspiring!
I LOVE Athleta! That is the only place I will get dresses and skirts then when I have to dress up for work I love knowing that rather than stuffy professional blah clothes I am comfy in my stuff from a company that knows what women like to wear, move in, and look beautiful in!
I also liked Harriet Anderson. I’m a 44 year old triathlete and she’s a great reminder that triathlon is a sport for all ages. You GO Harriet Anderson!!
I liked the article about pregnancy and athletic training. It’s an issue that will hopefully be applicable to me in the near future… although I’m not as serious of an athlete as the women in the article!
Amy Stewart is awesome! I completely understand her reluctance to become a running coach when she isn’t the fastest runner out there, but this quote is priceless:
“Do you think people would be interested in hiring a running coach who is consistent in everything she does, is knowledgeable and experienced, and who genuinely wants to see her clients succeed in both running and in life?”
I LOVE Athleta, and love their models! THAT is my physical ideal, not the ultra-skinny lollipop head favored by high fashion.
What did I learn? That Yosemite has High Sierra Camps!!!!! We’ve been going to Yosemite for years, and I never knew about them. They sound amazing!
Speaking of camping, have a WONDERFUL time!
Oh, and congratulations! (Meant to include that, lol!)
I don’t know much about Athleta at all but would love to learn more! I’m in desperate need of new workout clothes. I liked the article about Bikram yoga. I’ve been dying to try that out and there were some great tips for making it through class!
I never thought to make an inner athlete vision board to help with my running motivation. Very creative idea, I might just make one!
Have a fantastic vacation!
Loved the item on Harriet Anderson – hope I can be as fit as she is when I reach her age.
Great to find your blog! I popped over from the Chi site, as one of your readers left a comment on my post ‘Discover Your Inner Athlete through Vision Boards’
Love seeing all the different readers out there and comments!;-)
Keep Inspiring!
Wow, I learned there is so much great content on the website! I love Athlea and have a lot of their stuff but not I want to keep reading their blog too!
I liked the article on Bikram yoga. I’m not sure it’s for me, but I’m inspired to at least try a class!
I liked the article about kettleball training while pregnant. Dang, those women are awesome.
Congrats on the nod from them! They look like a great company.
I really like that they have a kettle bell section. I just bought one, and while the ManBeast has told me he’ll teach me to use it (he also does kettle bells), it’s nice to see someone who has boobs using a kettle bell too, and the little bit of one clip I watched, had some little tidbits the ManBeast hasn’t mentioned to me!
I also loved their kettle bell section. I adore kettlebells. They are my fav workout.
I want to enter the Althet giveaway. I liked that they treat exercise and fitness as a way of life, not just a means for losing weight. Speaking of that…I need some new clothes for my way of fit way of life!
I want to enter the Altheta giveaway. I liked that they treat exercise and fitness as a way of life, not just a means for losing weight. Speaking of that…I need some new clothes for my fit way of life!
I enjoyed reading about the TRX Experiment. Our gym offers this but at an additional cost. I’ve only tried it out once, when they were doing free demo classes, but it wasn’t a full class. I think I may have to pop for a few sessions!
I thought the prenatal KB workout DVD looked awesome!!
I have a friend doing the allergy elimination diet right now – and have been thinking it might be a good idea for me to try & figure out why I feel the way I do sometimes. It’ll be nice to have a good place to go back & really get a good feel for how it works!
I really enjoyed the Ask Hannah on Bikram Yoga. It’s something I have always wanted to try, but my work/school/martial arts schedule hasn’t really allowed for it. There’s a studio near my office, so if Sensei takes a vacation this summer I’d like to try it then. Hooray!
If I tried to stretch like that right now, I’d probably scream.
I totally loved the Urban Workout post and the Vision Board post. I’ve always wanted to create vision boards for other areas of my life.. aka.. my whole life in general ha.
Have a great vacation, Charlotte! You’ll be greatly missed! Oh and congrats on being one of the 5 favs!
PS. Guess what came in the mail today????!!!?!?! I nearly squee’ed out loud when I saw your book tucked in my mail box. Thank you!
Loved the post on Urban neighborhood workout: looks like fun!
YAY ATHLETA! I loved the pics of Hawaii on their Maui post… I would love to be going on vacation too.
I don’t do yoga but I’m thinking about starting. Was interested in reading the bikram yoga tips.
I learned that the glycogen window is only 30-45 minutes…holy crap, I need to get some portable protein, it takes me longer than that to get home from the gym and get to the fridge!
Congrats on the awesome acknowledgement!
Love the idea of a Vision Board! Hello weekend project
Have a great vacation!
You’re finally getting the recoginition you deserve, way to go Charlotte! (BTW, I would kill for your athletic thighs)
yea! congrats!!!
i LOVE athleta and would purchase more of their stuff if my husband didn’t almost have a stroke every time i look at the catalogue!
the post about the urban workout was great. it was awesome the way they broke it down and gave examples of how you don’t always need to spend $$$ on an expensive gym in order to get a good workout!
I read the article, “Smart Girls Run.” I worry about how fast a runner I am a lot. I’m slow, turtle slow, but knowing she was a slower runner didn’t stop a woman mentioned in the article, it’s inspiring to realize, again and again, that just because I don’t run 7 min. miles doesn’t mean I’m not a runner, and it doesn’t mean I can’t reach for my goals. Thanks for the site, and congrats on your top 5 hit!
Ah, so that’s where you get all of your cute clothes…
So I learned two things from their blog:
a) You clearly have the most style of the favorite bloggers they featured (but well, I’m a sucker for a tutu).
b) Stand up paddle boarding is apparently way bigger than I realized! I had never heard of it until I saw (and purchased) a Groupon for it 3 weeks ago. Since then, I’ve seen an article about it in Self magazine, and now this article by Michelle Sommers. It looks so fun and I can’t wait to try it!
Have fun camping!
Tutorials & training plans! I really need a new running plan, and some do-at-home-yoga advice, and couldn’t have found this at a better time. Thanks!
I really enjoyed the Urban Workout Blog. It just goes to show that you can have an amazing workout without the typical gym. Also, this is definitely something that I can do when I talk my dog out with me for a run or walk.
I was really excited to see an article and some videos by the Ice Chamber Girls. They rock! Also, I really like the quote “Focus on what you want, not what you want to get rid of.” in the “Solutions, Not Resolutions” article. I was also pretty happy to see that Charlotte Hilton Andersen girl on there! She’s pretty awesome too! Congrats!
I love Athleta. They use models who are healthy looking instead of waiflike and they have great looking stuff. I read the article about using the TRX system on their website. I have wanted to try TRX and after reading their article, it sounds like an amazing workout but one where you will be swearing under your breath while doing it.
Congratulations Charlotte! I’m glad other people recognize your amazingness!
The thing I noticed first on the chi blog, was that MizFit has crazystrong arm muscles. Wow!
(Also, I really have to make myself a giant hula hoop…)
Stopped to read this as I prep the kids lunch and couldn’t help but laugh. Standing here in my Chatarunga capris and Switchback Tank. I LOVE them, and was so happy when I read the great shout out to you on their FB page. Love you too! And the chi article was great… Enjoyed the Bikram yoga tips.
I had never even heard of Athleta before reading your post, but I LOVE their clothes! I have a feeling I’m going to be loving their Sale Tab as well.
(Speaking of sounding dirty…)
I just popped over to the Chi Blog and read a couple of articles about working out while pregnant, which were really interesting. I’ll have to peruse the site a bit more to see what other prenatal resources are on there because I’m hoping to get pregnant soon (knock on wood) and want to keep on exercising.
Defining Your Own Prenatal Success was a wonderful read and very enlightening! While I am no ultra athlete, I do love exercise and good health. Soon, I may be approaching my first pregnancy and have wondered about my exercise approach. I will remember that Sara kept it light but maintained range of motion, speed, and power. Those are very powerful words for me. I’ll listen to my body, but I will keep Sara’s practice in mind for a good pace. Thank you. It’s been a great read and given me great feelings!
Have a great camping trip! Hopefully it doesn’t rain like it did on us
I thought the urban workout was really cool. I’d love to get some people together to try it!
Love the photo they chose of you for their site! Reminds me why I’m such a fan of your blog. You know how to have fun!
I’ve been a fan of yoga for years but could never really tell a person the basic differences between the styles. Athleta’s ‘Ask Hanna’ column (I didn’t know that the carpet thing was mandatory for Bikram yoga. I tried that class once and it smelled soooo bad!) lessens my ignorance. Always a fan of that.
I love Athleta! I’m a runner but I learned some great yoga stretches from their website.
I read a great post on the athleta blog about having the locavore approach to fitness – finding adventurous new ways to exercise in your own hood. very inspiring! enjoy your camping vacation, charlotte!
I just got lost reading all the swim articles.
I love the Athleta catalog – first time I’ve visited their blog. Really liked all the kettlebell info and demos – espcially since they’re free!
I enjoyed the rticle on vision boards. I’ve been meaning to do some for different aspects of my life, and Ihave a triathlon coming up that I need to focus for!
Okay so I don’t comment much but I read your blog and think it’s great. I didn’t know Athleta was more than just clothing…oops!
Definitely love the idea of a fitness collage since I’m terrible at art but LOVE to cut and paste and look through magazines when I need a mental break!
Congrats and enjoy your time off….
I love the Chi blog – the article about Harriet Anderson in Yosemite is my current favorite – it’s so inspiring!
I also LOVE athleta– I have two tops they don’t make any more that I use for everything from workouts to international travel and trips to the grocery store and they look great for all of them. On teh chi website I learned you can get 30% off the prenatal video recommended by the awesome kettlebell ladies. I may check that out!
I learned Althleta has blogs. I had no idea even though I routinely peruse their site.
I like the vision board post! As a personal trainer, I love the idea. Inspiration is how we get to the shape we want to be!
Congrats! What an honor. I love their stuff too…should check out that sale page a little more often I think!
I already follow their chi blog, but loved the post on the vision board and finding your inner athlete.
I never thought about creating a “vision board” for my athletic endeavors. I also love that they have a travel section. I definitely slack when I’m on vacation!
i’d never heard of them before this post! wow
I just spent good couple of hours ignoring house chores while reading the Tutorials and Training Plans section, which I absolutely love. I run already and can definitely use advice I found on there. And I love their yoga tutorials, which will be perfect for someone like me who can’t take classes at a yoga studio.
I liked the multi-site workout.
I checked out their “Yoga for Runners” Post. I always wondered if incorporating yoga into my routine would help my flexability and maybe even my running endurance and performance too. Great Giveaway!
I did not know that bikram yoga was copyrighted. That’s probably a really good thing to know!
OF COURSE Athleta chose you! How could they not?
Conveniently for me, there was a blog about Bikram Yoga which I’ve been considering trying as there is a studio close to my house. I knew it consisted of the 26 poses, but did not realize it didn’t “flow” – I’ll have to try it now to see if I enjoy it!
Wow, enjoyed the article about hiking in Yosemite written about the triathlete that had been there working in the 50’s (not her 50’s, THE 1950’s)! I learned that even triathletes have periods of life (for her, when her kids were in high school) that they can’t concentrate on fitness/exercise. But she (and the rest of us) can jump back in when the time is right — INSPIRING!!! BTW, love, love, love Athleta, always have.
Having just moved to a city, the Multi-Site Workout for Urban Neighborhoods was really useful and gave me some good ideas!
I didn’t realize they had this inspirational blog. Wonderful clothes – wonderful inspiration.
That is very very cool -especially because they chose you for simply being your awesome self! I like to flip through their catalogs and daydream about being off on an athletic adventure somewhere like the pics suggest – yoga at sunrise, a bike ride in the mountains, a hike as the sun starts to go down…looking cute and strong the whole time. I will check out the blog!
Enjoy the vacation, force yourself to relax! We’ll see you when you get back
Ok – now for my official contest entry – checked the Chi blog out, and am totally inspired to put together a vision board! I have a “vision drawer” – a place I keep clippings of inspiring fitness stories and pics – time to make it work for me and put it together on a board!
So cool to see your cute hula hooping self on their site – congrats!
Enjoy your time off!
I loved the Maui SUP post because we were recently in Maui, too, and I loved watching the SUPers whie we were there!
Have fun Charlotte!!!!!
WOW, I had no idea how much there was on that site & all the sports & fitness activities, tutorials & more they linked to – great stuff! THX!
You & Carla so deserve being there!!!!
Last week, I received my most recent Athleta catalogue in the mail. After falling in love with pretty much everything I looked at, I cut out a few of the most inspirational photos and put them on my night stand. I have NEVER done this with a magazine or catalogue featuring fashion models. I do it with Athleta catalogues because the women are so powerful and healthy looking. I run, swim and bike, and I have no desire whatsoever to look like a scary-skinny model. The pictures I cut out weren’t just because I want to look like the ladies of Athleta, but rather the pictures often give me the push I need sometimes when I don’t want to get up early for a run or a swim. Being healthy and fit and happy- that’s my goal.
I checked out the blog, and the vision board seems a little like what I do already, except my clippings are scattered around the house until they get chewed by a dog or tossed out by my husband. Looks like organizing them on a piece of paper would be a little more sensible… This is something I would do. Great post & link today!
Love the Multi-Site Workout article! Perfect for crazy road warriors — like me!
The chi blog has training videos! I love me some training videos…qigong here I come!
I’m with Naomi… I had never heard of Athleta. I’m not a fitness nut like y’all so Target brand activewear does me just fine. I’m glad, however, that workout clothes are starting to look feminine and cool, so we aren’t constatnly reminded of junior high gym clothes whenever we look in the mirror while working out. I read the blog on exercise during pregnancy, which I’d wondered about but never researched because I’m not and have never been pregnant, but some of my fit friends have and I’d wondered how they approached it and how it made them feel. I learned that some people have an unhealthy obsession with kettlebells! Who knew?
I found 3 new fitness/nutrition blogs that I hadn’t been reading. I look forward to adding these favorites to my reader.
AH! congrats! Super amazing
It’s funny, I just did a vlog recently about how much I love the Athleta catalog because the women have REAL bodies. It’s soooo much more inspiring than looking at stick thin girls in their underwear or dresses with 2 in. inseams.
Photo tutorial: Yoga. Awesome!
FANTASTIC!!! I’m not surprised!! You have a true true gift!!
I hopped on and applied for the 2012 Athleta Sponsorship for Female Athletes. I loved reading about the past winners and while I don’t have a shot in hell I liked filling out the app and being forced to put my fitness journey into words. I ask others to do it every month and it is about time I take my turn.
Oh…. and I already miss you!!!
I don’t think I had ever thought of Bikram Yoga in the “fight the urge to wipe away the sweat” mode before! I love it, but that had never occurred to me! Will try it at next yoga practice!
I liked the Chi site and that there was a “newsletter”. And I’m with Tonya. How am going to make it with you on vacation??? Geez. But have fun.
Ummm I’m pretty sure I wear my kick-booty pants just about every day
BUT! I didn’t know Athleta even had a blog! Promptly added to my feed reader.
I liked the article about spreading it around – something I always try to do (if not always sucessfully…) Love the Athleta clothes too!
What a great give-a .-way… Two of my favoriete bloggers (charlotte and Mizfit) made the list!
My friends and I love Athleta and you can’t keep me outof a Gap store, ever.
Charlotte talked about Rachel Cosgroves’s book “The Female Body Breakthrough” and I am starting the program on Monday! Some awesome new Athleta clothes would be a rockin’ way to start it up!
thanks for sharing the info on the Athleta Blog – did not know it existed until your post
I had no idea there was a blog! But I like t;he vision boards post. I am not sure I would ever tke the time to make one, but they seem like such a great idea.
Dayum, that Athleta model looks INCREDIBLE. Inspiring? Like woah.
I think it’s so neat that there’s a whole section on the Chi blog dedicated to female climbers! Wow! I’m about the move to Denver and get my hardcore climb on, so it’s cool to read about other ladies in the still male-dominated sport.
We’ll miss you while you’re gone!!!
I liked the “Training at Tranquilo Bay” post!
I learned the MC Yogi’s song, Give Long, is pretty good and the video isn’t bad either…
Give Love***
I liked this post:
(Also, I love Athleta and would swoon if I won the giftcard! Congrats on being a favorite blogger!)
I have fond memories of Yosemite with my family, and loved the vintage photos
I learned that the BEST time e to fuel up is after you exercise (the glycogen window) because your ability to make glycogen is two to three times higher than it will be half an hour late.
First, Have a great vacation with your family. Enjoy the outdoors before it freezes up again.
I loved the videos on kettle bells. I saw them demonstrated at Fitbloggin and took a class but wanted something I could do using the internet. The YouTube videos by Maya are fantastic.
I loved the article called Defining Your Own Prenatal Success (and the article/video it linked to, Postpartum Comeback Journey). It’s not relevant for me YET – but I like to be prepared
Oh wow! i love that this blog exists! I love the layout with all the drop down menus with detailed and specific categories. am i a nerd or what?! but seriously, how helpful!
Too cool! I haven’t bought anything because I’m waiting ’til I look better’. Ugh – clearly, just a quick overview of their blog shows that they don’t think or promote that type of thinking! “Spread Your Love” gave me goosebumps and teary eyes. Chi blog now bookmarked and online catalog will be used. So happy that they recognize you and your work! Have fun, relax, enjoy each day as it’s given to you.
The Chi website is so cool! I love that they have training plans and featured athletes who are real women!
I knew about their line of apparel, but I didn’t know that Athleta had such an extensive blog with such wonderful posts. Glad to add this to my reader!
I’m training to do a Warrior Dash right now so I read their article on “Training for a 5K” with much interest! Thanks for sharing the Chi blog, it’s super cool.
Have an amazing vacation, Charlotte!
I loved the article about prenatal exercise – those women are amazing! I didn’t know they had kettleball camps. Have a WONDERFUL time camping and good for you for taking a break from blogging and formal exercise!
I always read the chi blog and love it!!!! It’s full of motivating and inspiring women
I especially like your because it resonates with me- I work out really hard and have 4 small children and no going in vacation with them all isn’t very relaxing
I especially liked the tips from miz….. Most importantly taking days off and giving yourself breaks- that is really hard to do!!!
Athleta clothes rock! I have four of their swimsuits and wish I could buy all of them. I am loving their shorts and tankini tops. The shorts are perfect and cover up that little smidge of muffin top that I can’t seem to get rid of. Loved reading about Maui on the Chi blog. Have a great vacay!
I learned that this brand existed!! I’m also on the constant lookout for workout clothes that are both durable and cute (I’ve finally realized that if I don’t like the look of something, I’ll always put it back in the drawer/closet ). The models and blog are super inspiring as well!
Have fun on your vacay!
I love Athleta stuff. They used to have this workout underwear that they stopped selling – man I wish they would bring that back!
I’ve never looked at their website before. Glad to see the video about how to shop while in a different city. +Thank GOD we are vacationing at the same time. Your blog is a nightly treat and I probably won’t miss it as much when I’m away from home!
I love vision boards! What a fun way to motivate, create, express! I think everyone should hang one right on the middle of the house. Okay, maybe not
but they are a great way to help keep you motivated.
Hey Charlotte,
The 3 new to me health blogs (you and the Miz are the ones I know)–I’ll be checking them out!
Do to budget concerns and being an unstylish slob, of sorts, I’m not familiar with Athleta, but could sure use some w.o. clothes, so would love to win.
I’m in the CO rockies. E-mail me if you’re going to be visiting the Glenwood Springs/Aspen area at all.
Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
So very exciting. I love Athleta and have been disappointed with any of my purchases. I checked out the blog and read Hannah’s post on Bikram and read about the company’s photo shoot in Panama. Makes me want to work for them.
Hope you have a wonderful vacation. Please breathe in some of that fresh mountain air for me!
I just learned the blog exists – what a great resource! I especially loved the tutorials and training plans.
I REALLY like Athleta. I have 3 or 4 bathing suits from there and some work out clothing. The new catalog came today, and in the spirit of true confessions, instead of torturing myself over what I cannot afford right now, I threw it in the recycling bin. (gasp!) Then I read your post, went to the CHI blog, and read the article on Inner Athlete Vision Board. I have done a vision board before, but not one so focused and specific to this method. I dug out the catalog from the trash and plan to create my new vision board this weekend! Thank you for the inspiration!
I read the Chi site and now I want to try SUP!
Great website! I love that it’s a place for women to be refreshed and enouraged. and pushed! That article on prenatal workouts gave me a challenge!
I didn’t even know the CHI blog existed! Glad to know now.
I love Athleta clothes too, but usually can only shop the sale page. Thanks for chance at a giveaway.
Have fun camping!!! I love Athleta – their catalogs are all over our house
I loved the article on vision boards – I’ve been meaning to do one for awhile now and just bought my board last night! Seeing the other vision boards was really motivating!
I love the post on Bikram Yoga. I’m still looking for my favorite style and trying them all out
Have fun camping, Love the Rockies!
I’m a big fan of Athleta clothes, I just wish I could afford more of them! The section on the Chi website about training for different distances races is great, I’m definitely going to be checking it out when I train for my next half marathon.
Great Post! I was just thinking that I needed some ‘real’ workout clothes, and not old pajama shirts and too small sports bras and crappy pants with holes starting to form in the crotch. I didn’t know where to start, but I think I’ll start at Athleta! Thanks so much!
i really like the pilates/yoga tutorials on their website!
I didn’t see an expiration so I hope I’m not too late to enter the drawing. I can’t pass up an Athleta give-away! I learned from their article on vision boards that I need to take mine one step further by doing the “it appears that…” and “my next steps from this are…” exercises.That will make the inspirational pictures – many of them from Athleta – that I’ve been adding to my vision “wall” (it’s starting to take over my toilet room) even more motivating!
I’ve seen the Athleta ads in fitness magazines (in fact, I was just telling my husband that I WILL be able to do handstands like the girls in their latest ads one day) but I had no idea they had a blog. I love the site and love their overall sense that strong and fit is the new skinny. Glad they are smart enough to recognize your talents too
Wow, I didn’t realize a Women’s Football Alliance professional football league existed. That is pretty awesome!
I actually just tried my first bikram yoga class last weekend, so the post on the chi blog about bikram was a great reminder about keeping focused, as well as giving some tips for next time!
You are one of Athleta’s Top 5 bloggers?!? CONGRATULATIONS! I distinctly remember when I got my first Athleta catalog; I had no idea how I got on their mailing list (and I was pregnant at the time, so it was a little depressing, honestly), but wow. Everything looked amazing. The models were as beautiful as the clothes. I’m so impressed they chose you. (Although I totally understand why. I’m new here, but I’m already an addict.)
I love their blog — so many different stories and voices. I read a bunch of articles, but I loved the one about prenatal exercise. My fourth baby is one year, but it still resonates.
I didn’t know about their blog. It looks like I have some reading to do! Enjoy your vacation
That is so amazing that you are in the top 5! Wahoo!!
I read up on Bikram Yoga and was quite enlighted
it IS elementary, but i love the vision board idea. sometimes reading and seeing pictures is so inspiring, then a few days later i just forget.
I had no idea Athleta even had a blog let alone that it was full of so much information! I enjoyed looking over some training plans and reading about sports nutrition. Still a lot of articles I want to go back and read!
Have a great holiday!
Congratulations!!! I think you told me that tank with the bird on it is from Athleta!
I’ve heard of vision boards for creative pursuits but never for fitness. Very cool idea!
The blog is so inspiring! I too am an Athleta nut and it always keeps me going seeing so many fit and fabulous women out there.
I love the Discover Your Inner Athlete by Creating a Vision Board – would love to win! Thanks!
I just discovered that they don’t write about only yoga. Must have mixed them up with another company but I never read because I thought it was all yoga! Would love to win some of their duds because I admire the stuff but have yet to pull the trigger.
Here’s what I love–the we love fitness blogs graphic. All the other bloggers look all posed and demure, and then there’s you in your bright green top, sunglasses, and hula hoop. Clearly you’re the best of the bunch.
I, too, looooove Athleta. It’s become a total sickness for me. I, too, browse the sales tab when I need a little ooomph! I’m a curvy, and their stuff fits wonderfully! How can you not love a pair of pants that you can wear to work, but still bust out some yoga in if you need a quick stretch!
The thing I’ve discovered over here is actually other blogs, like yours! I follow Shut Up and Run pretty regularly, and I think I’m going to enjoy yours, too! I love the chi entries out there (shout out to the person above who commented on Harriet Anderson.. she IS a badass!), but I also love the regular ol’ ladies who just get it done every day, and the take the time to bring us along for the ride so that we can commiserate and have a good laugh! Thanks!
i liked the bikram yoga tips i came across on the chi blog!
I learned that there is a women’s football league! Hells to the yeah!
I love Athleta! In fact, I found this blog through their website. I really liked their idea of a fitness vision board. I do the same thing with fashion, why not fitness?!
I love that there’s women’s professional football in the US. I love the idea of hard core women!
There’s a great post on banishing shoulder stress with yoga. I’m looking forward to trying the poses!
I am making a vision board!! I read it on the Chi blog, never would have read their blog without your contest – although I have bought a few dresses from Athleta. congratulations to you and thank you so much for the opportunity for us!
I really enjoyed learning about the Women’s Football Alliance. I didn’t know there was a professional football league for women!
I liked the idea of creating an exercise vision (an idea listed within one of the blogs that they linked to on the site).
I liked reading about off-road triathlons. I’d never heard of them before! I’m the process of training for my first triathlon, so obviously I’m drawn to reading anything I can get my hands on about the subject.
The athleta blog is great! I want to go make my athletic vision board now. Or Journal. Yes, journal. I have a feeling that most of the pictures will come from the athleta calalog.
I love all of Chi’s posts, but I really like the ones where they talk about sport nutrition!
Never been to your blog before…and it looks amazing!
I’m not at all surprised they picked your blog for their top 5 favs – you (and it) are so great to read each week!
That was the first time I’ve visited the Athleta blog – and I actually really liked it! Read the Ask Hannah article about Bikram yoga, which I’ve been a little intimidated to try instead of my regular yoga practice… might have to give it a go!
What did I learn from the blog? Well, it directed me here, and I love your site so far. And that model?! Wow I want to be able to do that!
I just learned about Bikram yoga. Cool stuff! I’m just getting on the yoga wagon. Thanks for the giveaway!