Oh how I love Natalie Dee!
Expensive little non-eco-friendly cups of skim dairy, artificial sweeteners and fruit of dubious origin – I have little love for conventional yogurt. With all the great health benefits of full-fat plain yogurt that is not only super cheap but super easy to make at home in your crockpot, I don’t see any need to buy the processed stuff. But for all that it is not, is Yoplait a trigger for eating disorders?
Watch this first (possible trigger warning for eating disordered thoughts):
It’s an advertisement for Yoplait lite yogurt that features a woman looking at a raspberry cheesecake in the fridge and going through all the mental gymnastics that many women do when deciding what to eat. These voice-over thoughts have sparked a controversy in which NEDA (National Eating Disorders Association) asked Yoplait to pull the commercial and the company complied. The issue at hand is that some of the woman’s thoughts evoke certain eating disordered mannerisms. For instance:
“I was good today, I deserve it!”
“I could have a medium slice and 8 celery sticks and they would cancel each other out, right?”
“Or I could have one large slice and jog in place as I eat it.”
Her thoughts are interrupted when a thin coworker pushes the cheesecake aside to take a raspberry cheesecake yogurt ending with the conflicted woman complimenting the thin woman on her weight loss.
This ad is lame. Raspberry cheesecake isn’t “bad” and one certainly should sit down and enjoy their food – whatever it is – rather than jogging in place while eating it. But as a recovering (always with the -ing) disordered eater myself (and one who’s typically oversensitive on these issues), I didn’t take any offense to this ad nor did I find it triggering. Well no more triggering than I find daily life. Jezebel makes a good case as to why the ad promotes ED’d behavior but I think targeting a yogurt commercial for encouraging dieting is like chastising Lindsay Lohan for parking on the curb – clearly there are bigger issues to deal with. After all, isn’t the very existence of “lite” yogurt a paean to diet behavior?
The president of NEDA, Lynn Grefe, says, “opening a refrigerator is like walking off a bridge. And to see this behavior in a commercial tells people with eating disorders, see, it’s even on TV. It’s ok and normal for my head to go through all these mental exercises.” While I see her point, I daresay that while it isn’t a healthy behavior, it’s pretty normal. Every girl I know goes through some kind of mental evaluation before she eats something and yes it often involves some kind of bargaining. I’m not saying we should encourage this behavior but I am saying it’s not limited to people with eating disorders.
Why spend our time fighting a silly yogurt commercial when we have shows like The Biggest Loser that are not only actively promoting eating disordered behavior but are teaching people how to do it? Who cares about lite yogurt when half the country thinks they should be able to lose 10 pounds in a week by running on a treadmill for 8 hours a day and eating only asparagus and sugar-free Jell-O? Lest you think I’m being too harsh on the Biggest Loser franchise, first Jillian Michaels and now Bob Harper are schilling diet pills. And remember Season 2 Kai Hibbard’s heart-breaking story?
And please don’t tell me it’s “just entertainment.” One of the most poignant conversations I’ve had of late is with a mom friend of mine who told me that her chubby 12-year-old daughter will sit in front of The Biggest Loser every week with paper and pen to takes notes on how she can lose weight. If NEDA’s put out a statement against this show, I couldn’t find it. And TBL is just one of many similarly themed shows, commercials and videos that thrive on our extreme diet mentality and demeaning attitudes towards women’s bodies. I mean Kanye West is walking around killing women and then carrying one of their dismembered heads around for 5.5 minutes in his new video (that I’m intentionally not linking to but if you want to see it, google it – totally NSFW!) and we’re issuing press releases about yogurt?
I’m not sad that Yoplait pulled the commercial but I am disappointed that we can’t muster the same level of outrage over images and ideas that are far more harmful to women than aspartame-in-a-cup.
What’s your take – is the Yoplait commercial offensive or triggering? Do you like lite yogurt? Am I being too hard on The Biggest Loser? Anyone else horrified that Kanye’s new video is being excused as “art”?
We saw this ad the other night and Hubby said “Just eat the cheesecake!”. I guess it annoyed him even more than it annoys me.
I saw a bit of “Extreme Makeover Weight Loss” whatever & watched the trainer have a fit, swearing & throwing things while his client sat in shame. How, exactly, is this considered professional, or even helpful, behavior?
And what the H, Kanye?!?! It a’s sickening! Between this and the ads about Janis Hahn running in L.A, I have to wonder with is going on!!!!!!!
(What’s your take – is the Yoplait commercial offensive or triggering? Do you like lite yogurt? Am I being too hard on The Biggest Loser? Anyone else horrified that Kanye’s new video is being excused as “art”?)
1) Yes. Admittedly there are plenty of worse things out there in media-land, but every little bit of crap like the Yoplait ad which gets pulled is a small victory. May there be many more.
2) Hell no. Full-fat Greek yogurt is the only way to go. Pah to your chemical-filled, gluey, fake yogurt.
3) Hell no again. Dish out on TBL all you like, I’m with you. (Shudder.)
4) Ugh. Horrified doesn’t even begin to describe it.
I’m with you about the Biggest Loser. It’s completely unrealistic. People then think that they should be losing the same amount and when they fail it leads to eating less and over exercising or beating themselves up, eating more and putting on more weight. Been there done that. I wish they would take it off air.
I believe it does more harm than a commercial for lite yogurt. I don’t eat light anything any more. I now eat cheese that actually melts instead of the plastic stuff that passes for light cheese !
I personally don’t like Kanye – talk about big losers lol I won’t watch his video clips. I must admit I’m more concerned with the impact of videos like this on young minds than diet yogurt ads.
You said it all (well done, you!). I get where NEDA is coming from, but I’m confused as to how they decide which battles to fight.
Honestly, it’s one of those social media msgs that’s in one ear, out the next, for me. I tune 99% of that stuff out as lame, whatever, who cares, next please. I guess if I was 9 yrs old I may not be able to do that, but really, it’s SO eye-roll inducing that it becomes tuned out for me.
It would neither make me buy or make me NOT buy yoplait or yogurt. I dont eat it and or buy it. I do sometimes make coconut milk yogurt/kefir at home. Which blows yoplait away
you have to pretend the yogurt is cheesecake…because it tastes like aspartame…gross. The thing, really, is that we as women need to start enjoying food for what it is..food. We can moan/groan and be annoyed..but it starts with us. It starts with how we eat every single day in front of our kids, in front of our husbands, in front of our nieces or nephews. I think that it’s good to talk about how stupid it is, but it’s more important that we act…every single day.
eat the damn cheesecake (I’d rather have chocolate cake though)
Advertisements have a single purpose: To sell you stuff. If people haven’t figured out how to build up a bit of resistance to that by now, there’s no hope for the boob-tube addicted human race.
I can’t stand anything with artificial sweetener (and stevia is yucky too). We buy plain yogurt and add fruit. As for the commercial…I can see how it would be triggering but I agree that there is much worse out there in the media.
I agree with you, Charlotte. A very beautiful flavorful piece of cheesecake should be eaten, even by people who watch their weight. However, if we want to keep a good weight, we have to be discriminating between the super treat vs. whatever those lesser treats that happen to be laying around the house and pantry when we are bored or stressed.
I didn’t see any big problem with the Yoplait commercial. I have dumb thoughts like that sometimes. (i.e. “I’d have to walk a football field to burn off this M & M.”) In my opinion, if anything, the first woman contemplating the cheesecake had more of a fashion issue than a weight issue.
(What’s your take – is the Yoplait commercial offensive or triggering? Do you like lite yogurt? Am I being too hard on The Biggest Loser? Anyone else horrified that Kanye’s new video is being excused as “art”?)
Oh good, I’m feeling judgey today so I’ll just let that out here
I think yoplait commercial is no stupider or more offensive than any of the other sexist/misogynist bullsh!t out there that qualifies as advertising. (forgive odd spacing issues – my spacebar keeps not working!)
Lite yogurt is disgusting and doesn’t even qualify as a food. It’s more of a “food-type substance.”
I’ve never seen the biggest loser so I can’t really comment except to say that I’ve never understood the concept – or perhaps I’ve never understood why it tries to masquerade as something helpful. It’s just more sensationalistic “reality” tv tripe.
Likewise, never seen the Kanye video and don’t plan to, but am horrified just reading about it.
I actually don’t see a problem with this Yoplait commercial. I mean, sure, she’s kind of obsessing over her food decisions, but no more than most people trying to lose weight (including myself). Considering that it is a commercial for lite yogurt, I think it makes sense in context.
Then again, I might be biased because I genuinely enjoy Yoplait’s lite yogurt. It may be processed, but I actually prefer the taste of these lite yogurts to that of regular yogurt (I especially like the strawberry-banana).
Is it strange that what struck me most about the commercial was that there was a mostly uneaten cheesecake sitting uncovered in a workplace refrigerator?
Apparently everyone who works there is dieting!
I just find it angering because I HATE IT when people talk about “being good” with their eating habits. Now, animal treatment/farmer income/use of slaves/real moral issues aside, food isn’t “good” or “bad” it is just food. Ugh.
I look at the “light” yogurts as kind of lesser-ice cream. They’ve got about the same nutritional value, and if I’m going to eat a treat I’m going to make it something I like… which usually isn’t going to be Yoplait.
That said, my husband loves it and watching our dog (1/2 chihuahua and 1/2 yorkie) trying to stick his head all the way inside the container to lick out the dregs is high comedy.
I’m with you on the “make your own in the crockpot”. I just made another big ol’ batch last night. It’s so EASY and delish! AND you know exactly what is going in there… I make it unsweetened and use it in smoothies.
I’ve never seen either TBL or anything by Kanye, so can’t really comment, but most of the people I know (at work) who watch it realize it’s not realistic to expect the same results. Who on earth has a personal trainer and nothing to do but workout for 8+ hours each day. really????
And I would TOTALLY eat the cheesecake.
I think this is a bit ridiculous.
If NEDA is going to get that aggressive it is going to have a heck of a lot of work on their hands!
The screwy messages in society are ubiquitous and if anything this Yoplait commercial is pretty ubiquitous if you ask me. I agree with everything you have written. (Love the Lindsay Lohan bit BTW).
I feel pretty confident stating my opinion because I suffer from an eating disorder and have for most of my life.
On the subject of yogurt commercials, Charlotte….Have you seen this?
Please watch it.(0: I have a feeling you will love it as much as me.
If I had my way I’d pull almost every commercial I see on TV!
I think the biggest loser is the devil.
The yogurt ad is stupid and annoying, but it didn’t trigger any ED thoughts for me. I think it would be great to sit down and savor a slice of cheesecake. And there’s no way in hell I’d eat that Yoplait crap. I’ll eat yogurt, but I only plain and I only like Greek! And full fat is the best….but I’ll admit I usually by 2% and sometimes 0% fat.
I stopped watching TBL a few years ago because it disgusts me. The show only shows half – if that- of the “battle” to lose weight, and what they show is a ridiculous amount of exercise. Sometimes they’ll show a teeny bit of food stuff, but they don’t show anyone how to realistically and happily lose weight and maintain that loss. They make me so angry. And what about the mental stuff that comes with losing weight? These people aren’t 300 lbs because they “love food.” They’re seriously overweight because they eat for reasons other than hunger, and choose foods that are not even close to the way nature intended them. I’m getting worked up now! That show just makes me so damn angry.
I’m totally giving a standing ovation to everything in this post.
I agree there are bigger fish to fry. Is this ad a sad version of reality? Yes. Is it the biggest problem out there? Not even close.
The biggest loser is one of my biggest pet peeves in all of life. What’s even worse is their workout videos which have no correct form displayed. So now you at home can resort to extreme, unhealthy measures, and potentially become injured!
I love watching the Biggest Loser, but it makes me crazy. During my most excessive biggest loser binge (I watched an episode every night for like 2 months- catching up on past seasons), I was pretty obsessive about the gym (sometimes twice a day…bad). Towards the end of the seasons, I would try to beat the contestants weight loss (I mean the last 3 weeks, when they were significantly closer to my size). This perhaps illustrates how crazy it makes me. But, I honestly have not watched it recently- in probably over a year…but that’s because of limited time. I’ve also become a lot less crazy. Hmmmm…..
I love full-fat yogurt, sans gelatin (which really does not belong in yogurt, IMO). With flax seeds and fruit. It’s my go-to summer breakfast. In the winter, I have steel-cut oatmeal. On the weekends I bump it up to oat groats. Mmm, oats.
And I agree with some of the other posters- most commercials/advertising is offensive in some way or another. There’s the rare exception, but it’s rare. I listen to a CBC podcast called “The Age of Persuasion”, and it talks all about the methodology of advertising different things, and why they do what they do, the history, etc. It’s insanely interesting. But, since I started listening (a couple years ago), I’m a lot more critical of all advertising, and I usually think back to the relevant podcast.
I haven’t seen the Kanye video, nor the Rihanna video (with her shooting a man or something?), but…mention of the Kanye video made me think of the Rihanna video. Why the recent increase in violence? Disturbing.
I have to say that I don’t eat yogurt in any form (or custard or pudding, it’s a texture thing), so I don’t have a bias as far as Yoplait is concerned. I do think their commercial is fairly realistic for a lot of women. I don’t spend that much time consciously doing it but I know that if I eat out for lunch I will eat better at dinner or if I eat pasta I will skip dessert. A lot of women make those trade offs, they just don’t put them into words.
Also, I actually like the Biggest Loser. But it isn’t really for the “reality” of it, more for the drama. I do love the final transformations though.
This is part of the reason I finally got Tivo. I almost never watch commercials anymore and my life is happier for it. On the other hand I didn’t find this ad particularly triggering and I tend to find a lot of things triggering. I agree that this is one little thing when there are so many bigger issues to worry about. Personally I’ve worked my way up to 2% Greek yogurt (working on full fat) and omg, it’s a million times better than the Yoplait junk. I won’t be buying Yoplait again, no matter how many dumb ads they put out.
Hahaha. I think it’s hilarious. And you could argue that the important part is the vast distinction shown between Disordered Eating Girl and Yogurt Girl. Yogurt Girl doesn’t feel bad about craving junk food, she just has a smaller portion. (Yes, I totally consider Yoplait to be junk food…. it might be lower calorie than real cheesecake but I’m sure it has extra sugar and unpronounceable ingredients in it.)
Yoplait somehow manages to market their product as a health food and a junk food that instantly cures disordered eating.
I think the commercial is just sad…mostly because that train of thought goes on in my own head way to often…you are right though in that we have much bigger fish to fry in the world than the ‘GREAT YOGURT DEBACLE” …i used to eat those yoplaits all the time but now I just love greek yogurt more…the consistancy is so much better…and it makes me feel fuller!
Well, I haven’t seen the commercial but the context that can be perceived from it and so much in social media and public television is so skewed as it is. I guess nothing really phases me. I tend to ignore a lot of things and make my own decisions. Out of the norm, perhaps?
However, that being said there are plenty of people who are VERY susceptible and it is such a shame that things like this will most likely continue to be aired and people will have messed up ideas and self images because of it. I like The Biggest Loser because I am proud of people for stepping up and losing weight. I like the idea at it’s basic level – society as a whole is overweight and something needs done. HOWEVER, beyond that they push people to the extreme to form HABITS and not necessarily LIFESTYLES.
Some people are able to see the difference and learn from the show some good things. Others, your friend’s daughter, can not.
What I’m getting at, is I can see good or sense in a lot of things, but I’m still with you on a lot of it being crap and giving the wrong idea to people who can’t sort out the good information.
Can’t wait to try making my own yogurt now!!! How do I figure out the right temperatures if I’m just heating the milk on the stove?
Google Stop top Yogurt. There are lots of recipes out there – but it’s a bigger pain (in my opinion)… you have to mess with temperatures and ice chests and water baths.
In the crockpot you just put in your milk, in 2.5 hours turn it off (unplug). In 3 more hours take out a cup of your warm milk and mix in a starter (later you can use your own, but for the first batch you’ll need some you bought at the store), pour it back in, stir, wrap the whole deal in a bath towel and go to bed for 8 hours. In the morning, presto. Yogurt! SO EASY!
Ok, how about googling STOVE top yogurt. Should really proof read my stuff BEFORE hitting send.
Hahah – I was like I’ve never heard of that method!!!
I just bought a cheap candy thermometer at the grocery store. Like 3$. I’ve done it on the stove a lot (although not with an ice bath?) and it works fine but cbuffy’s right – it’s much easier in a crockpot!
For for standard yogurt the easiest way, without equipment :
1.I heat the milk (boil if needed, never use “raw milk”, that the yog bactery kills the bad bugs is a legend) and when it is just cool enough to put your finger but to hot to let the finger in, add some old yogurt, stir well.
2. I fill 2/3 of a thermos (or any heavy pot wrapped in a blanket) with boiling water. I place my yogurt container(s) in it, fill container with yogurt, put lid on the thermos (big pot).
3.After 4 hours minimum (or next morning), I take the yogurt, put a lid and put it in the fridge.
For Kaspi Sea yogurt, you only need the first step. Then let it sit one day on the counter.
I used to do some twice a week. That took me 3 minutes at night as I heated the milk with microwave directly in the container. But I rarely do it because last time I checked, milk costed 6 times the price of plain yogurts… and prices are going up.
I love my Yoplait Light yogurt. I saw the commercial on tv last night and laughed. In no way does the raspberry cheesecake yogurt taste like the real thing. Then again, I don’t know anyone who substitutes yogurt for a delicious dessert; most people I know eat the yogurt for breakfast.
Anyway, I tend to tune out commercials unless they’re funny or entertaining. They won’t make me buy or not buy something generally.
Yeah! I’m never thinking “should I have chocolate covered strawberries, or the chocolate covered strawberries yogurt?” They’re entirely different tastes and satisfactions. But, as a breakfast, or mid-day snack, I think they’re delicious!
I agree that the Biggest Loser is the bigger evil. I thought that the ad was nothing unusual!
Eating disordered thinking is very common with “normal” dieters too, I suppose it’s just a matter of degree. It’s hard to stay rational when you’re starving yourself…
I didn’t realize you can do your own yogurt at home!
I am with you on the commercial. It’s lame, but it’s not triggering to me. Maybe it would be to some, but in that case I do believe that life would be triggering to that person. I honestly never heard about “triggering” until I started reading blogs. Up until then, when something offended me or made me think crazy, ED thoughts, I just said to myself “suck it up, Princess.”
Biggest loser is terrible. It bothers me on so many levels, but most of all the fact that they are perpetuating this myth that morbidly obese people should kill themselves to lose weight through exercise. What the contestants really need is to eat less (and healthier), some therapy, and some light, moderate exercise. Can you imagine how hard it must be for them to control their hunger with all that exercise?? I recognise no one would watch the show that showed them eating a sensible portion of food, upping their neat, and taking walks. Not good television, but sensible weight loss!
That should be NEAT, not neat.
Yes, all CAPS for that. I don’t understand it… at all. It’s not promoting eating disorders in my opinion so much as a reflection of what a lot of women in today’s society do do. Change people’s attitudes and advertising will be forced to demonstrate the change.
I actually recently got into an argument with someone (or rather a group of people) over the Levi’s ID Jeans ads – the Curve ones — with pictures of three girls with different body types – demonstrating that now they’re making three cuts of the same basic jean style. Showing that women that are the same size can have different shapes… The anger was that they included their size in the ad – when that was part of the point.
About the Biggest Loser — I agree — only because I think they don’t deal with some of the core issues of WHY. I know there’s debate over whether or not WHY is important… but I think it is, otherwise you don’t realize why you’re doing what you’re doing and can slip back into that behavior or a similar maladaptive coping skill (whoa… IOP flashback) — I also think we should focus more energy on getting rid of kiddie beauty pageants (slightly *only slightly* off topic, but for some reason I accidentally got sent Toddlers and Tiaras by Netflix — eeps!)
I’m depressed. I absolutely love TBL for the very reasons you stated it’s evilness. It feeds into my insanity. However I admire your words today and I think you are brilliant and right on. Dang it
The only yogurt i eat is greek yogurt… cuz I don’t like regular yogurt. The commercial doesn’t trigger anything in me… not even hunger.. but maybe annoyance… as for TBL, it gives me hope.. people who felt worthless and hopeless (not that all fat people feel that way) change their lives and the lives of their family members.. the worse part for me? submitting themselves to national tv appearance in bra and shorts with exposed rolls UGH – and then they struggle.. with things I struggle with.. and then they really lose weight! really! All in all… I like it. Not sure I’d let my kids watch it though…
Television is pretty freaking stupid, which is why I am living for streaming netflix and on demand. However, I did see the commercial and I could see where it is triggering.
I have also wanted to be on the biggest loser, thinking that if I got away from the stress I could lose weight, and then keep it off, since I no longer had to stress about my weight. And if I got rid of the weight stress, of course I would NEVER find something to fill that stress vaccum.
I don’t think that the Yoplait commercial is necessarily triggering, but I did find it a bit offensive to me as a woman (body image issues aside).
Personally, I enjoy food and I have a wicked sweet tooth. I eat what I want, when I want and as much as I want. Now, this means that I listen to my body, feed it when it’s hungry, stop when it’s full and if I’m craving salad and low-fat whatever, I’ll eat that just as soon as I’ll eat ice cream because that’s what I want. This being said, the commercial made me feel like I should be ashamed of my eating habits. Shouldn’t I be counting calories like a “normal” woman? Why am I not worried about my waistline expanding as much as everyone else? Haven’t I gotten the memo that dessert is EVIL and eating yogurt is the only way to get into heaven!?!?!?!
The commercial itself is not exactly the problem, but rather a symptom of the pressures that are put on women all the time to be perfect and take up as little space as possible. I’m glad the ad was pulled, but I feel like there is more we should and can be doing to chip away the stigmas surrounding food.
The thoughts of the woman in the yogurt commercial may be fairly common amongst women, but that doesn’t make them “heathy” thoughts. I think it’s a very good thing that commercial is off the air. I personally found it pandering and insulting. Women can’t eat real food, because they might get fat (which is the worst crime a woman can commit)! Have this chemically ladden food substitute! Validate your food choices by those other women make! Compare your body to others to see if you win or lose! That’s pretty damn gross, and I suspect not a great thing to see for vulnerable (recovering ED and young) minds.
As for why go after the yogurt commercial rather than TBL, there is something to be said for picking a battle you can win. Do you think that NEDA would be able to actually get NBC to pull TBL, the multi-million dollar franchise, off it’s airwaves? Yes, the yogurt victory is a significnatly smaller one, but does that mean it’s not worthwhile? It’s like recycling – the truth is, what you do as a person is completely insignificant to the overall health of the planet (the major polluters are factories and companies, and frankly no matter what your 5th grade teacher told you, we are not in danger of running out of landfill space). Does that mean we should all toss our bottles and cans in the trash since there are bigger problems facing the environment?
I’m currently in therapy and meeting with a nutritionist to begin recovery from my Ed… Yogurt commercial not a trigger for me! The Biggest Loser and Extreme Makeover “body edition” are HUGE triggers for me. As soon as I turn them on I immediately want to purge my cabinets of all “bad” food and run for at least several hours on a treadmill… luckily my husband and 2 year old prevent me from those damaging behaviors. But I definitely find myself avoiding eating in the days after I watch those shows…
The second video ran automatically and the other CM is totally disgusting. I can’t believe they filmed and showed that male pig. I was about to eat an apple, but now I feel sea sick or something like that.
I have no TV -don’t want any- so I am easily shocked by the few ads I see. I so them so rarely that I forget how gross they are.
I remember seeing that commercial once, must have been before they pulled it. I didn’t find it necessarily triggering but I remember rolling my eyes to it. I mean , if you’re craving a piece of cheesecake is flavored yogurt REALLY going to take that craving away? Not for me . I’d still be thinking about the real thing. Might as well sit down and enjoy the real thing.
The rest of your post gave me some real food for thought. Thanks.
I’ve never heard of the Kanye West video but I’m mortified by the description. Your point that there are more important issues to stand up against is spot on.
I like the yogurt for better or worse. i don’t see the ads, since I don’t have a tv, but I think there are bigger fish to fry and bigger battles to fight. I mean, its better than eating a lot of other stuff at the store.
Also, the biggest loser is the worst show on tv. Again, I don’t have a tv, and I’ve never actually seen an episode, but Jillian bothers me like no other and I hate everything I’ve ever heard about the show. I’m opinionated on something I’ve no exposure to. So take that with a grain of salt, I suppose.
The commercial doesn’t bother me and I’ve asked friends and everyone agrees this is a MAJOR over-reaction. But then none of us are eating disordered. Like someone else said, if I even see commercials (which is rare as I dvr everything so I can FF through them) it’s usually an in one ear, out the other type thing. Oh, and that exact commercial ran during Drop Dead Diva’s episode on Lifetime tonight, 6/19/11 – I spotted it as I was fastforwarding, so it hasn’t been entirely taken off air.
And as far as yogurt goes, I cannot stand Greek yogurt no matter what is added to it – for me it’s just YUCK! Also not a fan of the homemade variety (a friend makes it so I have tried it). My preference is either Yoplait light in various flavours, or Dannon Light & Fit in various flavors. Guess it’s a matter of personal tastes & preferences =)
I have seen this commercial before and thought nothing of it–other than “ew, I hate Yoplait, and I am sure it tastes nothing like cheesecake.”
I definitely see how this could/would/is triggering to those who struggle with disordered eating. But I agree with you, there are a lot worse things on TV if you want to get technical.
I have to say, I love Biggest Loser. To each their own when it comes to TV, but I don’t understand all of the comments above that say the show doesn’t provide therapy or deal with the underlying issues that caused the people to gain weight in the first place. Clearly you’ve not watched the show, because they focus on the contestant’s issues at least half the time. In fact, it’s one of the big sources of “typical reality tv drama” on the show.
They also work with the contestants on their food, adequate calorie intake, lifestyle changes, etc. But if you don’t watch the show you wouldn’t see that since most of the media coverage is just about the dramatic transformations.
Again, I recognize that the show isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I find the contestants on it to be pretty inspiring. In my view, they show a lot of strength and determination.
I should also qualify this comment by saying that I’ve never had any sort of eating disorder, so I don’t know anything about what is triggering for people who’ve gone through that.
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And as far as yogurt goes, I cannot stand Greek yogurt no matter what is added to it – for me it’s just YUCK! I guess if I was 9 yrs old I may not be able to do that, but really, it’s SO eye-roll inducing that it becomes tuned out for me. Clearly you’ve not watched the show, because they focus on the contestant’s issues at least half the time.