Embarrassing: (Me) “Hey Al! Check out that guy in the squat rack! He totally has a butt wink too!!!” (Gym Buddy Allison) “Oh yeah, that’s a bad one! But look how deep his squat is!”
Embarrassing-er: Gym Buddy Allison and I, temporarily deafened from our TurboKick class (it’s not Turbo if the music isn’t loud enough to make your heart beat for you!) were speaking louder than we thought we were and the guy in the squat rack heard us talking about his butt.
Embarrassing-est: When he turned around to say hi, I realized that I’d been staring at his butt so much I hadn’t noticed his face – the face that belongs to my friend Amy’s husband. Oops. (In my defense Amy, I swear I was only looking at his butt wink and not his actual butt. Wow, that sounds even worse doesn’t it? Egads.)
June’s Great CrossFit Experiment (now with actual professional coaching!) went well. Since I already know what a hardcore and effective workout CrossFit is, the point was more to see how different it was doing it in a CrossFit gym as opposed to just trying to wing it at our gym. The verdict? It’s way different. And I’m torn about this.
One of the greatest draws for me for CrossFit is that it’s a) free and b)do-able on your own. You can use any old gym, your local park or even build your own CrossFit gym in your garage without too much difficulty. The downside is that you have to teach yourself the moves or throw yourself on the mercy of someone well versed in Olympic lifts introducing the potential for injury at worst and quite often bad form, as I discovered with my butt wink.
But when you go to a CrossFit-specific gym they take care of the equipment, the Workout of the Day (WOD), the music, some of the motivation, the water fountain and even your form with the in-house trainers. Of course, you have to pay for all that. And travel to another location. (“Never go to the second location ladies! They will kill you in the woods and no one will ever find your body! If you’re going to die, best do it in the parking garage where at least there are security cameras!!” Sorry, self-defense class flashback. I’m done now.)
So while I ADORED CrossFit St. Paul and our personal trainer/owner Andrea (hah – I mean she owns the gym, not us. Although she’s tough enough she could probably do that too), the latter problem was what did us in this month. The Gym Buddies and I are busy people. We have EIGHTEEN children between us (19, if you count Daria’s bun-in-the-oven squeee!) and the gym was an 80 minute drive away. We only went once. I’m sorry! I meant to go more! Heck, it was free and fun and I totally wanted to go more! But between said kid mob, the drive and my 2-week vacay to the hinterlands, it just didn’t happen.
Doing the WOD in our gym again though brought back some great memories though. We had fun remembering to hate the “small” workout and cheered each other on as we all clean-and-jerked the heaviest loads we’ve ever done and pushed each other until I had one week where I was toilet sore in my legs (so sore you have to fall the last 2 inches to the toilet because your quads give out), bra sore in my arms (so sore you can’t reach around to clasp your bra) and laughing sore in my abs (so sore that you intentionally cut off a laugh even when something’s hilarious because your abs hurt so bad that even laughing feels stabby) all at the same time! Of course we also remembered how hard this workout is on your joints as many of us re-developed pet injuries (Megan’s upper back, Allison’s lower back, Daria’s elbow, my wrist and Krista’s…mojo all went out of whack again.)
Our verdict? CrossFit is one of the most intense and effective workouts we’ve tried. And doing it in a CrossFit gym makes it even more intense and effective. There’s a reason we keep coming back to CrossFit periodically. Of course there’s also a reason why we don’t stick with it – and not just because we’re workout ADHD – it’s tough on your body to do it for long periods of time.
What’s your take – would you rather pay for a gym that will take care of the details for you so all you have to do is show up or do you prefer to do it on your own for free? Anyone try CrossFit with us this month? Anyone else say something reallllyyy loud that wasn’t meant to be heard?
PS. July’s Great Fitness Experiment is… nothing! Yeah, I just got back from vacay. Megan’s gone now. Al’s leaving in a week. Krista’s gone the last week of July. So to each her own this month! I’ll be revisiting Rachel Cosgrove as I miss having my butt (wink and all) handed to me. Tomorrow we’re trying out her Spartacus workout for Men’s Health – anyone want to try it with us? Come on, boys against girls!! Don’t worry though I’ve already got something awesome lined up for August!
I am all about convenience – if working out is going to be a hassle, I won’t do it. Like you I’ve got enough to do, I don’t need any extra stress. This would be why, after having a gym membership for several years and enjoying it, I went back to working out at home. My job changed, getting to the gym was no longer easy and convenient. My basement is always convenient.
And I do kind of want to try out that Spartacus workout, thanks for posting.
We did it this morning. KICKED our butts. Seriously, so sore now:)
80 minutes is way too far for a workout–can’t say I blame you! I’m super curious about crossfit myself.
Oh no..,.that’s so embarrassing. If only it could have at least been someone that you’re never have to see again!
My take on it now is: “It isn’t worth getting hurt over”. I definitely have reached an age where the rest periods between workouts are vital, and if I don’t do things carefully I will get hurt.( says she nursing her elbow tendonitis, again.) I love a killer workout. I’ve done spartacus as often as my ADHD allows. Right now I’m doing New Rules of Lifting for Women. If I wake up in the morning and something HURTS, I try to stretch and limber it up, but I reevaluate my workout for that day, rather than risking losing a week to an injury.
I like the gym we belong to — it is 5 minutes away. If it were any further, I probably wouldn’t go.
I wanted to tell you that I started Female Body Breakthrough this week! Your praise of that program finally pushed me to give it a try.
Woohoo! Let me know how it goes for you!!
I totally agree that you and your buddies have “workout ADHD”, but that’s you’re gig. You own it and with 18 children, the fact that you all make time to workout and eat (reasonably/intuitively) well, puts you so far ahead of the curve for folks in similar situations–I’m sure deep down you and your gym buddies realize that.
I do not agree that CrossFit is “tough on your body to do it for long periods of time”. I’m in my early forties and I’ve been doing CrossFit for over two years. When I first started, I only did it 2 days a week. Eventually I worked up to 3, 4 and now 5–I’ve learned the hard way to avoid doing it more than 3 days in a row. Sure, I have had periods where some of my joints and muscles feel a bit overworked, but learning to dial it back a bit (either on the weight, the movement, or with an extra day of rest) is also a part of CrossFit. I’ve seen people post-surgery use CrossFit to accelerate their recovery, some with major joint issues are always substituting certain movements, and I even seen on do workouts late into a pregnancy…moderation/modification is acceptable.
One other suggestion is to check out the mobility WODs http://www.mobilitywod.com/ These have really improved my approach to stretching and recovery, and it has greatly reduced some of the post workout joint and muscle aches. They’re free and will give your onlookers more fodder…try the “super frog” and you’ll understand…enjoy!
Ooh thank you for the link! I’ve never heard of MobilityWOD but they look great. Will def. be investigating this one more. Plus I love stretching:) And good point about CrossFit being what you make of it!
I completely agree! I believe CrossFit is for everyone. It is all about scaling the movement to work with the individual. Additionally, CrossFit’s programming is such that workouts are scheduled 3 days on, with one day of rest. Those three days on usually consist of days with some combination of 2 or 3 of the following: gymnastic movement (e.g., handstands or pull-ups) + cardio (e.g., running or rowing) + weightlifting (e.g., dumbells or barbells). MobilityWOD has done wonders for range of motion in my shoulders helping me through what used to be painful overhead squats and push presses. And one last note, there are PLENTY of bodyweight-only CrossFit WODs that provide more than enough of a sweatfest per session. Check them out here: http://board.crossfit.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5033&d=1251950189
I also do not agree that CF is “tough on your body to do it for long periods of time”. I started going 3-4 days a week a few months ago BECAUSE of my lower back pain and I see huge improvements. It’s all about form and I think if you have injuries, starting slowly with lighter weights and modifications. My CF gym is more expensive than my 24 hour membership was but still a good deal as far as CF goes, or compared to any specialized workout gym. It is also incredibly convenient to my house. Plus I LOVE it, so it’s worth it.
When I first started CrossFit, I’d go to a CrossFit gym about once a week for proper lift instruction. This particular gym requires its regulars to come for two weeks of intro classes before they get into the program specifically for introduction to form.
Now I do it by myself at my own gym and check in with a CrossFit coach about once every month or two just to make sure I’m still on track.
I like doing CrossFit at a non-CrossFit gym actually, because I get so many compliments on how hard I’m working. No one else there even comes close to busting their butts that hard that I’ve seen. It’s a great motivator.
Haha true! Maybe that’s one of my subconscious reasons too! At the CrossFit gym we looked like total wimps but at the Y we look like rockstars!
I have to comment on your self-defense class flash-back. Last week, I took a “personal safety” course at work, which covered how to handle hostile patients–including the physical ones. I kept answering questions wrong because Don told us to always assume the attacker is trying to kill you and, apparently, I am not allowed to try to kill patients back. I am also not allowed to pinch their cheeks to make them stop biting me, like I do with Little Brother. I am pretty sure I will get fired if I am ever attacked at work, because I will only remember to go for their eyes.
Oh this made me giggle so much! Yeah, killing patients is probably frowned upon. Bad for business and all.
CrossFit fascinates me. However, I have horrible form (just started weight lifting last October) and truly need someone standing over me to correct everything. I am also definitely not fit enough to even attempt 1-2 reps of most of the WODs. I go to my regular gym (with childcare, of course!!) and have a personal trainer there.
I’m a natural loud speaker, so I *usually* am pretty good about making sure I don’t say anything too loud. . . however, I also suffer from chronic foot-in-mouth syndrome. The combo of the two have left me pretty red in the face many times!!
I really want to try CrossFit, but I know I have to try it at a gym, with qualified personnel. I don’t think klutzy people like me should be allowed to go it on our own. So maybe when the kids are back in school…
But you guys have inspired me to try my own experiment! I actually started it last week. I’m going to be doing more barre-type workouts, more frequently. I have bunch but ten to do them sporadically. This time I’m going to do them regularly and see what happens. Will i get “the body of a dancer?” Will I get long and lean? Be able to wrap my leg around my neck? (If that last one happens I’ll DEFINITELY send a photo, lol!)
Enjoy July!
I’m very excited to hear the results of your Barre Experiment!! Keep me posted!
I wanted to do CrossFit but the price turned me off. It was twice what I paid and I didn’t want to cobble together something at my gym and/or home, because that seems to defeat the convenience factor. The workouts look totally badass, which I would love to be, but I am a sissy with money and my time.
Okay too much had me cracking up in this post – butt wink, toilet sore, bras sore….
I did Racehl Cosgrove workout that was in Fitness mag (last month’s issue, I think?) on Monday. Yowzers. Shes not messing around. Normally the workouts in those magazines are kind of wimpy, but I was sore. Toilet sore, yes.
Ooh I missed that one! Will have to go check it out!
This is a super amusing post! I especially liked the descriptions of your soreness.
Regarding tough workouts and re-injuring: There isn’t a week that goes by where I don’t have to give myself a serious talk about what is more important–doing the heaviest weight or remaining uninjured? My muscles are very willing to do things that aren’t good for my joints.
Although my pride really despises doing this, I try to err on doing (a little) less tough workouts than those more heroic ones that “do you in,” in some way. Why? Because I still want to be doing great exercise when I’m 80. So I better not screw my body up.
I like your motto! I need to err on the side of caution more often. I’m noticing that it’s taking me longer to recover than it used to… ah the 30’s;)
The Spartacus workout was in the Women’s Big Book of Exercises. When I got the book, no way could I have done this. I think maybe I should try now. Ha!
I really want to do Crossfit, but I think leaving me to my own devices with it would be a bad idea. If I don’t know how to do something, I’m highly likely to just make it up. Probably incorrectly.
You should try it! Kicked our butts today!!
Your embarassing story is hilarious!!
My dad loves going to crossfit and is always talking about his “Wod”. I want to try it sometime!
I would love to do CrossFit but it costs money & I can’t afford that & rather have someone show me how to do it right & have everything ready for a workout like that. My gym membership is CHEAP since I joined in 1982 & lots of locations so I can find one close or convenient & 24 hours – all things important to me!
ROFL…. oh, you had me snorting my saliva out through my nose with your story…. and I hope I NEVER see anything like what you have on the image, at the gym where I work out. EWWWWK!
To be honest, Cross Fit is a little off-putting to me. I’ve never tried it, but some of the people who are into it seem too intense, almost cult-like (not you, but some others.) On the other hand, right now my ‘work outs’ pretty much consist of walking my dogs (my dachshund loves to run with me…he might have stubby legs but they go fast!), so what do I know? But since I’ve reached the age where metabolism alone won’t keep me thin much longer, I’m looking for a ‘fitness experiment’ of my own. Have you ever tried Body Rock? I’ve been looking at their workouts for a couple weeks now and although they look a little intense, and perhaps more geared to the non-gym-goers than Cross Fit.
I love bodyrock.tv!!! I’ve posted about them several times on here. The workouts are intense but they are short and are easily modified. Zuzana is good about showing the modification options too. Do it!!
I printed out the Spartacus workout a few months ago to try, too! Let you knwo what I think when I get around to it!
I didn’t do the diet part of CrossFit this time – I just stick to fitness experiments these days:)
I will always pay for CrossFit. I’m hooked. But I’ve never been successful working out “on my own,” even with really great gym buddies. CrossFit just has motivation that I need and I’ll pay a lot for something that I stick with. It’s worth it. (But I live 10 minutes from one and have no kids… It makes it easier.)
I did Crossfit for about a year and a half, and while I loved it, my boby did not. I got so sick of being excessively sore and/or injured. Oh, and my husband got tired of me saying, “Don’t touch me! I’m sore!!”
I’m impressed you got to the gym one time seeing that it was 80 miles away!!! There is a reason I workout at home! Funny story about your friends hubby!
I just know I couldn’t hang with Cross fit. I do a fabulous job of injuring myself without paying anyone to help me do that. It’s one of those things that I admire from afar.
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