Some articles I research, like the one on when it’s appropriate to let kids use public restrooms alone, scar me for life. (My boys are going to have to deal with me standing with one foot in the men’s room door and hollering at them to sing the ABC song while they pee until they’re 20.) But other stories I get to write are so fun, inspiring and awwwwesome that they have me grinning for weeks. My latest slideshow for Shape magazine on Runaway Brides is definitely one of the latter.
For engaged couples looking for something more “them” than a cookie-cutter mega-wedding or a bare bones Justice of the Peace affair, there’s a new movement afoot. And feet have everything to do with this new trend. Couples everywhere are incorporating their love of fitness into not only their life but their nuptials. To read the stories of three real-life runaway brides (and grooms!) and get your daily “awww” on, keep reading on
Also, Gym Buddies Allison, Megan, Turbo Jennie, Jeni and I are the #1 story on Shape today with my simple-yet-still-a-good-burn beach workout. The shoot was definitely one of our most memorable ones (I got to pull a drowning toddler out of the lake – thankfully not mine but it really shook me up) and we ended up with a ton of outtakes. Here are my faves (I saved the very worst for last… can’t believe I’m posting that one):
Our sturdier beach ball floated away so I was stuck trying to do a pike push-up on a 99-cent inflatable.
“I’m all out of love! I’m so lost without you!” Gym Buddy Megan gets her own 70s LP cover! Groovy!!
Gym Buddy Jeni has her game face on.
It’s really hard to take group jump shots.
Really really hard. Although I think Jeni’s just been saved.
And when we finally get a shot with most of us in the air? It’s blurry.
Peekaboo! I see you too, Turbo Jennie!
This is funnier when you know that right before this was snapped Turbo Jennie yelled, “Check out that camel toe!!”
Our staging area right outside the vilest public bathrooms ever. We lead such glamorous lives…
Allison provides the entertainment.
“Yes honey that IS where you came out! Now go to Auntie Allison!”
You guys. I am Unintentional Jesus. Am still waiting to be struck by lightning.
ROFL! Love the lix and the commentary!
On a MUCH more serious note, though, you saved a child!!!!!! Thank G-d you were there! (And serious good karma coming your way, my friend!)
(Um, that should say “pix,” not “lix.” That’s another website…)
I dunno, some days it’s lix too;) Yes, I was glad I was there too. And I’m SUPER glad he’s okay.
I think with you being at thr right place at the right time for that child, you definitely get an “out of lightning free” card…*this* time!
You guys have way too much fun don’t you
It’s sick how much fun we have! Although no bear-heads in the woods… yet;)
That’s awesome! Your a hero!
I don’t know that I’d say hero but I am glad I was there and that everything ended up for the best.
I laughed out loud for a few minutes when I saw these. I feel bad, but the last one was the funniest. I think it’s the captions. They are hilarious. Thanks for a good start to my Friday.
I adore these pics! Bloopers or not, out-takes or not, it’s all just pure fun to me. Love it!
Charlotte, yes, lucky you were there with that child – holy crap!
As for the pics – LOVE THEM but I wish I were in Hawaii to do all that!
Heading over to Shape!
You guys so planned to all wear the same blue tank tops. You’re in 8th grade, you know it.
Where oh where can I get a pair of turbo Jennie’s pants?!?! I need those!! With Allison’s shirt? I think I just figured out what to wear on the first day of school. No but seriously. Those pants?
Oh, Charlotte.
You are my favorite unintentional blasphemer.
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