I’m literally jumping for joy!
Robins egg blue capris with white piping and a striped tank top that would make Rainbow Brite jealous: that was the first athletic outfit I ever purchased for myself. (As purtyinorange said to me on Twitter, “Whenever I think of you, I think ‘subtle’… lol”) It was after my 2nd son was born and I was wrecked physically from three back-to-back pregnancies and wrecked emotionally from the court case against my ex-boyfriend. My plan was to heal myself from the outside in and hopefully lose my baby weight too. Having no knowledge whatsoever of fitness or training, I decided the best way to accomplish this was to run as hard as I could up the hills by my condo in Seattle. I picked 5 a.m. because it was right after the last night feeding of my baby and my boobs would be deflated enough to not give me a black eye. At that time I did not even own a sports bra (and today I own like 10… overcompensating?)
Each day before dawn, I’d throw on my husband’s ratty tee and a pair of gardening shorts, turn up the angry, angsty music and run the heck out of those hills. After a couple of months I noticed that my stamina had increased remarkably and my shorts were falling off. I decided I wanted to try running a longer distance… in daylight. The time had come to purchase publicly acceptable workout gear. So I headed to Target and bought myself the blue Champion capris and the tank – I picked them because they looked happy which was remarkable for me at the time. And while I was, yes, bending to the conventions of society, mostly that first outfit was a celebration. I was doing something hard! And I wasn’t failing! It can’t be overstated how much those clothes meant to me. (Not enough to take pictures, sadly.)
I am one of those people who can remember what I was wearing at every major event in my life. So when Champion USA contacted me about becoming one of their brand ambassadors, I immediately thought of the blue capris and almost wet myself with excitement. Since those capris I’ve owned many Champion items – their sports bras have held me in good stead (har!) through the multitude of sizes my chest has changed during two more pregnancies and breastfeeding. Their tops are fun and figure flattering and their bottoms hold up really well. Given how much of their stuff I own, I was already practically a walking billboard for them so getting paid to do it? Icing on the flourless, sugar-free, protein cake, baby! It was like Christmas come early around here when I got a big ol’ box of fun stuff to try out including pieces from their Champion Shape line (more on that in another post!).
Like one of those magnetic dolls that you can snap on new clothing, I of course had to try everything out this week. Here’s a sampling:
No makeup, unshaved pits… see how comfortable I am with you guys?? (Or lazy…)
Love this tank because it’s full coverage. Plenty of length to keep things covered!
Plus the pink stripes are fun!
This is my new favorite running skirt because it’s the rare skirt where the compression shorts are nice and snug but the skirt is nice and loose.
Even when I stretch it still covers all my business! Also, the Gym Buddies call this “my boobs are in jail” top. I love it. I made it by taking a striped sports bra and layering it over the top of a plain black tank. Jail chic!
The “shaping” top was a nice basic black tank but I liked it the least of all the stuff I tried. It was a little baggy around the waist and the shaping panel was really stiff and tended to ride up a bit. But I think if it had fit properly I would have really liked the shaping aspect. 5 kids has left me with a lot of war wounds (I’m proud of my marks – I just prefer my “apron of skin” to stay inside my pants, thanks.)
And yet it was so tight on my chest that I got a second workout trying to wrestle it off. But hey, I definitely didn’t need a second bra underneath!
Tickle fight! Isn’t this how everyone ends their workouts??
These capris were super comfy with a nice wide waistband and I love purple. As for what I’m doing well let’s just say that this month’s MMA Experiment is sure getting us a lot of weird looks in the gym! Basically you have to lunge forward, pushing against a resistance band around your hips and punch the exercise ball in front of you. (Yes we have focus mitts, for some reason this workout specified a ball…)
Champion USA didn’t want me to have all the fun though and they are offering to give one of you a complete OUTFIT! The winner gets to pick a bra, top, bottom and jacket. (Men, you can enter too – Champion has a full line of men’s clothing although I daresay you won’t get a bra.) To enter, leave me a comment telling me what your first workout outfit was and why you got it. For a second entry, “like” Champion USA on Facebook or follow ChampionUSA on Twitter and then leave a separate comment telling me what you did. This contest ends in two weeks on August 31. This giveaway is open to everyone!
My very first workout outfit was a ballet leotard + tights + skirt… as a teen, I *loved* ballet. Of course this love came with standard weight/eating issues that haunt most ballerinas, but I loved it. Later, years after I quit dancing, I got back into the fitness routine with yoga to start with. I still have those ancient Walmart yoga pants, complete with holes in the crotch. And yes, I am poor enough to wear them to yoga class to this day. I need some more workout clothes SO BAD.
First workout outfit would have to be a bright pink Nike tank top (which I still have) and a pair of black cotton/spandex Nike workout pants, which I no longer have.
My very first on was a Magenta colored body suit with a BRIGHT yellow lightning bolt, Black tights and Yellow leg warmers with my black reeboks with the velcro. Also had to have the super high pig tails with sparkly ribbon and the rainbow barrettes to hold the bangs back. My mom and I did mommy and me aerobics at Shapes together. I was 4. I would totally rock that outfit now, too, just in a bit of a larger size. lol
I bet I could give Jillian Michaels a run for her money in that outfit. Hot DAMN, I would be the most bad @$$ chick on the block. I wonder what my neighbors would think if I decided to take my sledge hammer to another piece of furniture out front while wearing that now. Hmmmmm. May have to do some crafting here soon. LOL
I LOVE Champion, but I “liked” them on FB.
My first workout outfit was so similar: husbands ratty shirt & old pajama shorts & I would only run @ night for fear of people thinking how gross & big i looked. Well that was over a year ago & I bought my first pair of expensive running tights back in april when I ran my first ever race,a half marathon, on my sons 4th birthday
I love champion clothes also! Their bras rock!
I have officially liked champion on fb
Punching the exercise ball IS a little weird. I guess it’s for those who aren’t equipped with mitts?
First exercise outfit: do PE clothes count? Blue shorts (which I STILL wear, uhhhh, 15 years later…yea, apparently back then I had no idea how to dress for my size, opting for larger clothes….wait…I STILL do that…my two best fitting outfits are the ones that were given to me as a gift or that I won off the internet), white Tee. I need to pay attention to the brand, those clothes LAST.
First exercise clothing that I wore to exercise in my free time, without coercion from the school system: Blue draw-string pants from K-mart and whatever Tee I’m wearing at the time.
Guessing this isn’t open to UK types, but wanted to chime in anyway! This post brought back all those feelings of underconfidence that came the first time I entered a gym… actual movie-style voice echoes of my parents saying “YOU have joined a GYM?” “You’ll only go once you know…” “why don’t you just go outside and get some nice fresh air?” And then that rush when I conquered it and turned into a (slightly obsessive, but ultimately healthier and happier) gym rat. Proving your parents wrong is awesome motivation!
My first workout outfit was a giant t shirt from basketball camp and a bear of shiny synthetic shorts that would give off sparks because they collected so much electricity!
The first I’m-going-to-get-in-shape ‘outfit’ I bought was a new swimsuit for water aerobics! Having said that, most of my workout gear (including my absolutely favorite sports bras) are all Champions. And I do lurve my Tar-zhay.
My first workout outfit was an old T-shirt and sweatpants. I would work out to Richard Simmons’ audio TAPE (boy am I showing my age!)
I also “liked” the Champion Facebook page.
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
My first workout outfit was rather embarrassing…a one piece purple spandex number. It was shorts and a tank all combined into one monotone awfulness. I bought it when I didn’t have much money and that’s all I could find in my price range. I wore it to the first gym I ever joined (I was barely old enough to join one) but was too embarrassed to wear it without a baggy t-shirt on top!
I got my first workout outfit when I was around 3 – it was a bright red leotard with a little skirt on it for gymnastics
I have been involved in some kind of sport ever since and has owned countless workout clothes, but I still remember how proud I was when I tried out that leotard for the first time!
I’m following champion @ twitter
My first “workout outfit” was likely an old t-shirt and sophee shorts. I still workout in that combination on occasion.
I think my first real workout bottoms were a pair of knee length, nike spandex-y pants my mom got me for crew team in college.
first workout outfit was and why you got it = 7th grade volleyball practice, needed to look the part so got some silly 80s inspired attire
FB like them
and congrats on your new gig!
Keeping in mind that this was in the 1970s…I remember my zebra print leotard with solid black leggings underneath. I’m probably lucky I don’t have a photo.
Liked Champion on FB.
By the way, I get their catalog in the mail every month, and you look like you’re having way more fun than the models in their photos.
My first workout clothes after college sports(where the gear was provided!) was a pair of hot pink champion running shorts from Target and a matching sports bra (with a tank of course). I still own them…about 8 years later!!
Mine were blue Nike shorts & a red tanktop my mom bought me for my first half marathon way back in 9th grade. I still wear the shorts!
My first workout outfits were hand me downs from my mom in the late 80’s. I have a fantastic collection of high cut leotards and spandex. I love them all, but they get minimal wear so I can just keep them and love them.
I also liked Champion on FB!
My story is much like yours. I did videos in my house in whatever I had laying around, but when I signed up for a kickboxing class at the local gym, I had to have some publicly acceptable clothes. Went to target and grabbed some champion gear, which has served me well for many years. I love this giveaway!!!
I liked Champion on FB.
I liked Champion on facebook!
I got my first “bought with my very own money thank you very much” outfit when my family lived in Italy in the early 80s. It consisted of pink leg warmers (the most important part), cobalt blue shorts (think 70s gym shorts) and a 3/4 length sleeve pink t-shirt that said “Snoopy and Woodstcok” The spelling cracked me up. I would like to think my fashion sense has gotten better with age. I fear it has not. Such is life.
!st workout outfit was a sports bra and a pair of shorts for Track tryouts – 6th grade.
I think my dad took me too – yikes!
Following C on twitter
Oh goodness, it was probably a leotard for a dance class when I was a little kid. My first adult workout outfit was purchased my freshman year of college, specifically a pair of black bootcut workout pants from Target. It was a weird feeling when I lost too much weight to wear them any more. Spent a lot of time in those pants!
Actually I’m wearing a Champion Tee right now! Like the brand! It’s funny, I tend to remember what my date was wearing long after I’ve forgotten what I had on!
Ahhh!! I want a box of champion workout gear to try – especially that runing skirt. I have tried on so many and the shorts are always baggy and the skirt too tight. Sigh.
My first “workout” clothes were Umbros and a big baggy t-shirt for softball practice. It was AWESOME. I had Umbros in almost every color of the rainbow.
…and I’m following Champion on Twitter (@poiseinparma)
is that black and white Champion as well? I want that!!! where can i get THAT??? now!!!
oh and i cannot remember my first workout outfit!!! way too long ago!! but i am sure it was cotton.
I started running in college in an attempt to lose the freshman 15 that had stuck around, I could barely do 4 blocks when I started. Similar to what you did, I just grabbed a pair of baggy shorts and a t-shirt.
Love champion stuff.
My first workout outfit was a kelly green P.E. uniform–awful short shorts made out of kind of hard canvas-like fabric and an odd-fitting green t-shirt with white around the sleeves and collar. Gorgeous. I also wore it with my bright purple Keds, which I loved so much! (I was about 9 years old…)
My first workout outfit — probably the clothes I wore for basketball practice in 4th grade — that was when I first played sports. All I remember is wearing a big baggy t-shirt from summer camp and a pair of black shorts — they may have been denim shorts, I really don’t remember!
I am following Champion on Twitter
In high school gym I wore old shorts and old t-shirts all the time, but once I started running, I bought some capri pants with a blue stripe and a decent sports bra.
My first workout outfit was a maroon crushed velvet leotard and lime green shorts for gymnastics.
The first thing I can think of would be the cotton black gym shorts and a gray t-shirt for middle school gym. I also seem to remember a lovely pair of bright ORANGE shorts too- yay for school colors?! Luckily my workout wardrobe has greatly improved since then
Aside from sports uniforms and ratty t-shirts, but first actual outfit was a pair of black mesh shorts and gray tank with stripes. Pretty sure I found it at Target. I now love any sort of ‘gear’.
Oh geez. I never had a good ‘workout outfit’ for the longest time. I always just grabbed a t-shirt and random pants or shorts from my drawer. I have to say I might have had a few zip up hoodies and pants that matched, but I didn’t really wear them together. I finally broke down and got official running gear this year and I went with Nike because they have these amazing spandex capris with a zip up pocket on the bum that can hold my phone. I’ve never tried Champions stuff!
i’ve been trying to think about this… because I’m trying to think of the first time I “worked out” – If you count when I did ballet and tap as a child, then I distinctly remember my leotard and *cough* tights that had embroidered figures on them… such as pumpkins, snowmen, etc. My mother for whatever reason thought those patterned tights were sweet, but since they were embroidered they scratched… a lot.
I was a 90s child, so I also remember neon day-glo leotards and tights… and of course a scrunchie AND sweatband for my hair when I was kicking it at the Y… Consequently also wind breakers – swish. swish. swish.
The first workout clothing I bought personally was a pair of kelly green running shorts, because the color was amazing.
Like you, I wore oversized t-shirts and I had one pair of old running shorts when I first started workIng out. But after I lost some weight, i got a pair of lulu lemon capris as a gift and bought a black chamion racerback tank to workout in!
I wore my old maternity shorts (wasn’t pregnant) because they felt so nice and loose and flowy, “jog bra” and a big t-shirt. I even ran my first race in the shorts. That’s when I looked around and thought…huh…maybe I need to step up my game a bit. It was 1994 so there’s that.
I’d LOVE some new stuff (and yes, I still wear the maternity shorts from time to time–that baby I bought them for is now 21!)
T-shirts and basketball shorts, and still wearing them! (I’m following on twitter (@channynn)).
Oh, and I liked Champion on FB and am following them on twitter…
Just trying to cover my bases (and my booty!)
I suppose my first workout clothes were an AYSO soccer jersey–even when I was 7 I remember how icky it felt to try to wipe the sweat off my face only to have it smear on that thick polyester fabric. ICK. Variations on soccer gear were my go-to workout clothes for years and years after that, no matter what I was doing. Then I finally realized those shorts were not doing my booty ANY favors so switched to stretchy performance stuff. YAY for better booties! I chose to follow Champion on twittah, baby.
I didn’t have a sports bra when I first started exercising, either. I wore a regular bra with a tank with a built-in bra with a (probably huge!) T-shirt and pajama-type pants. I’m still far from a fashionista in the gym, but I’ve come a long way!
First of all, you’re adorable!!!!!
My first workout gear (not including my tutus and such for dance class when I was little) was in high school, in the 80’s. Ah yes, pink parachute pants with a matching leotard, and beige leg warmers to complete the look! I thought I was soooooo chic, especially when I wore my hair in a sideways ponytail.
How glad am I that the 80’s are over? So very, VERY glad…
Hmm, I think the first real workout clothes I ever bought (besides random black tights and old tshirts) was a pair of lululemon running pants, a lululemon bra, and an adidias longsleeved long sleeve tech shirt. Needless to say I have since discovered more cost effective workout gear options, but I still own and wear that bra and pair of running crops!
That Champion stuff is really nice! My first workout outfit was a tank and compression shorts outfit I bought for my Beginning Gymnastics class in College. Note: I bought it AFTER I flipped over the uneven bars in a plain T-shirt and flashed my goods to the male teacher…
I like Champion on Facebook!
I guess technically my first workout outfit was our junior high gym uniform.
Tiny blue polyester shorts (that I had to wear black bike shorts under or else expose my lily white thighs to the whole world) and a white t-shirt with the words “Heritage Physical Education” and a space for your name in Sharpie on the front. And I had to buy my first sports bra for junior high gym, too. I got one white, one black and one gray cotton sports bra. And believe it or not I STILL HAVE the gray one (it is in the rag bag and I use it to grease bicycle chains).
I follow Champion on twitter (corgipants)
My very first workout outfit was when I was 12 and going to step class with my mom. It was very colorful – non-spandex bike short things that were yellow, salmon and blue plaid, a salmon sports bra, and a yellow tank!
My first workout outfit (Not counting the dreaded high school gym uniform), was a grey men’s cotton t-shirt (I know, I know, cotton sucks for workouts, I know this now), and a pair of men’s gym shorts. I wasn’t stylish- at all- but at the time It was what fit me and what I could afford. I’ve gotten a little better in my gym choices since then, but I’d love something a bit more stylish and made for my body.
I liked Champion on Facebook!
My first “real” workout outfit was a pair of Nike dry-fit pants in navy blue and a bright blue tank to go with. It was after I gained some weight in college and decided running was going to be a good way to get rid of it.
I have to admit, I spend far too little money and attention on my workout attire. I’d love a nice new collection of clothes!I’m liking champion on twitter and facebook too!
Here’s my second comment about liking them on facebook! Thank you!
Technically I guess my first was a leotard. I took gynmastics starting when I was about 5 or 6 and my first “official” leotard had blue and white stripes and some red stars on the chest. Very patriotic!
Technically, my first exercise outfit was a leotard when I started dance at five. When I played sports in school, I wore tshirts and shorts and can’t remember what a single one looked like. The first real “outfit” I can remember buying was a pair of Nike shorts and matching tank that I bought when I first started running. The shirt is long gone, but I still wear the shorts over ten years later. They fit fairly low waisted and I even wore them during my pregnancies.
I love champion (and target) and have several tanks and shorts/capris that are in my regular rotation. I usually wear their bras to lift. If they made a high impact sports bra in a 32c I’d be their slave for life.
my first workout outfit was for cheerleading camp when I was 12. It was a black everlast sports bra and grey sweatshorts. I am only a little ashamed that 15 years later I still have and wear that bra!haha
I spent a looong time working out in an ex boyfriend’s soccer shorts and freebie tshirts. I haven’t come a long way, but I think my first self purchase was nice yoga pants from target.
I can’t remember my VERY first workout outfit (I used to do aerobics records, yes, records with my mom in elementary school and earlier) but I know the outfit I wore to run my very first official race. It was a pair of black C9 shorts from Target that my mom bought me. They had pockets and no inner liner but they claimed to be sweat wicking and I knew that was good. I wore the sports bra she bought me, too. And a pink t-shirt that 90% cotton and 10% spandex. Also from Target. Oh, and a pink tie-dyed bandanna do-rag style. I wore that outfit every time I ran for months.
My very first workout outfit was a pair of men’s blue basketball shorts and a black cotton tank top. And since it was in the fall and the weather was cooling off, I usually added a pair of purple and black striped tights so my legs wouldn’t get so cold on the way to the gym. I went to the gym AND karate like that. I am sure I was very intimidating.
When I finally got a proper gi I made the mistake of washing it with a pair of maroon skinny jeans and turned them bright pink. BRIGHT PINK. There was nothing I could do except wrap my escrima sticks in bright pink duct tape and become the pretty pink warrior.
Nothing has made me laugh harder today than this. You are awesome, pretty pink warrior!
My first workout outfit was a pair of men’s grey sweat shorts I picked up on sale and a tshirt. I slowly expanded my outfits to multiple colours of the same shorts with a few of my old tshirts :). It took a long time before I bought more fitted workout gear. Once they started falling down as I exercised I realised I should probably invest in some new stuff . I still don’t really have a lot of workout gear…I should:)
Those striped capris workouts pants look really comfy…
My first workout outfit was probably a t-shirt cut with the huge open armholes and a pair of basketball shorts…I was a hockey player working in the weightroom, and god forbid we look
‘girly’ or ‘put-together’ or ‘hygienic’.
definitely soffee shorts and a tshirt. oh my…
I can’t remember my first workout outfit but I know I didn’t wear a sports bra because they hadn’t been invented yet. My first running outfit was a large t-shirt with spandex shorts, in black. I wear Champion sleeveless tops for running now!
I don’t think I truly bought an entire “workout outfit” until about two years ago. Up until that point, I pretty much worked with clothing I already owned (jersey shorts, cotton tshirts). When I started working out regularly and learned of my foolish ways, I bought a pair of moisture wicking running capris and a moisture wicking sleeveless shirt. Both from Champion!
Almost my entire exercise wardrobe consists of Champion gear from Target and I love the stuff! It’s held up awesome and looks great.
I’ve also “liked” Champion on Facebook.
I love Champion’s bras. I don’t have to double up when I run. My first workout outfit was a white/pink tank and some gray sweatpants. I still have the sweatpants, but I’d never work out in them after I’ve discovered sweat wicking fabrics.
My first workouts probably happened in 5th grade volleyball, and my guess is I was wearing some Soffee shorts and a Green Bay Packer t-shirt. Lovely.
I don’t remember the specific outfit but i used to always wear big baggy shirts and bike shorts. (Not very flattering!) Not i wear all kinds of cute workout wear – i’m obsessed!
love bike shorts
And I liked Champion on FB.
My first workout outfit was a pair of cheap cheerleading shorts and a Target brand sports tank in lime green. Obviously sponsered by Target : )
I ‘liked’ Champion USA on Facebook too!
I can’t remember what my first workout outfit was. Good thing or bad thing???
I can tell you that currently my outfit is not complete without a champion powerback underwire bra.. Those things are amazing!
First workout outfit: I’d stolen some black track pants from my bf as pajama pants, and they were the only non-jeans I owned. Paired with an old concert t-shirt and converse hightops. Although I still tend to workout in t-shirts, I’ve learned a bit for the shoes and pants.
And for my second act, I’m following ChampionUSA on twitter.
I honestly can’t remember much about clothes I no longer have, and my first workout clothes are long gone. They used to be just whatever was falling out of favour in normal wear. It wasn’t until last summer that I was convinced by my running enthusiast brother that purpose-made running clothes make for more comfortable running, so I bought some hiking tees and running capris that I’ve been wearing _a lot_.
The first time I purchased a workout outfit for myself it was so I could go to the YMCA in a respectable, but not too revealing outfit. I was wildly out of shape and knew I had to do something. I still have those big black (with slimming white stripe) Champion pants – which I paired with an assortment of equally big white tshirts as a reminder that even though I’ve slipped recently I’m still worlds away from where I was.
Following Champion on Twitter
I’m thinking it was sweats…..
My workout outfits were usually my grossest t-shirts and random jeans. I didn’t even own any kind of exercise pants when I first started working out. Now… Champion all the way!
I first started working out when I was in high school. I was a bit tubby around the middle and was told constantly by my father how fat I was. So I started to do something I hated. I stayed late after school and used the small gym to start working out. I’ve been working out on and off ever since then. I am now in the best shape of my life after my first child and am doing in with my disabled arm (nerve damage/constant pain) to boot! I am extremely proud of myself and my love for fitness!
I have a lot of Champion workout gear that I bought at Target. My first workout outfit was a cotton t-shirt and board shorts (like the kind you wear over bathing suit bottoms)…
Hm, my first workout outfit…well, that depends on the definition of “workout outfit”. I have a few:
1.) I played soccer starting at age 6, we had shorts and a jersey
2.) I took gymnastics starting at age 8ish, I had some cute unitards and tights (I miss those…)
3.) In high school, I ran track and had cotton shorts, cotton t-shirt, and cotton sports bra. I didn’t know any better. Come to think of it, this was the same sort of workout outfit I had been using in gym class since junior high.
That being said, I think over 90% of my clothes are Champion right now. They look awesome, feel awesome, and perform awesomely. At the rate I sweat and wear them out I can definitely use some more…
Now I’m following ChampionUSA on twitter.
My first workout outfit was so stylish. NOT! It consisted of cotton/lycra bike shorts and a uni-boob sports bra under a men’s cotton tank. Oh yes and some slouchy white socks. Ack!
My first workout outfit was a purple leotard with blue spandex shorts. And white terrycloth sweatband. I even have pictures somewhere – I was nine and leading my 5 (at the time) siblings through an aerobics routine. I looked awesome, as only an Olivia Newton-John fan can.
I guess I would have to say I have technically been working out my whole life. I started sports young, started track at the age of 7 and continued working out and playing sports into my 30’s now. I now work at a gym and continue to question my work out attire! I have pretty much always worked out in a t-shirt and shorts or capri’s. One day I hope to fancy up my look, but I always chicken out because of my comfort zone. I probably should look better since I work at a gym??
I liked them on facebook, and followed them on twitter! Love Champion, so easy to get at Target too! Plus like you I own about 10 of their sports bra’s! SO GOOD!
My first outfit that I can remember: back in the mid 80’s. It was the Jane Fonda era, so bear that in mind
Leotard with tights, legwarmers and matching headband. Colors were Grey and Pink. Man we thought we looked so cool too! I remember the leotard being striped diagonally too, for added “fashion flare”! God don’t you just love those 1980’s fashions 
As a born tomboy, I think I left the womb playing sports…But the first outfit that was specifically bought for “fitness” had to be a hot pink thong leotard worn over black spandex shorts. It was the 90’s and I had just started taking funk aerobics. I was in 8th grade and it was a gift from my Mom, who joined me in my funk aerobicizing. Seems so very wrong looking back now:)
I’m assuming not for Canadians- my first workout outfit that was exclusively for working out, and not for a ‘sport’ was a pair of lululemon capris and matching shirt. I bought it because I went away to university, and wanted to look cute at the campus gym.
I’ll also say- I’ve been reading your blog for like 3 years now Charlotte, and it is so amazing how much your readership has grown! 100 people applying to win!? Amazing!
Actually, Champion has made this giveaway open to EVERYONE! So you’re totally eligible:) And thank you for the kind compliments, that really means a lot to me coming from you!
I’m guessing my 1st workout clothes were short shorts and a t-shirt. It’s funny- a few comments said leg warmers…I didn’t wear them to workout in, but I did wear them to school almost everyday during the winter time!
Now days I really like running in skirts, a good sports bra and wicking shirt.
Oh goodness, I started running when I was about 13 – I don’t remember the first outfit I bought to do that in. Probably cheap shorts from somewhere with a t shirt I already owned.
But I CAN say that I have several champion sports bras that I think were new a decade ago – who still hold the girls in better than newer bras I have – especially good in upside down yoga poses! (hey, a little sucking up never hurts, right?)
lol I had to think about this but I am pretty sure my first workout outfit was a one piece unitard short thing. omg total 80’s I loved it. I probably just threw it away a few years ago.
my first outfit was a pink sports bra (not very supportive…i learned!) and black stretch pants. I know know what I like to workout in and what I don’t….I’d LOVE to win!!
love those bikertard one piece shiny ones I the 80’s
I loved to hike in HS and I remember the first hiking outfit I got. Zip off pants, a technical shirt way too big. I felt so cool though.
After giving birth to my second son, I started running a lot more regularly and finally went to the Adidas outlet and bought a few shirts, shorts, and capris. These were my first real running clothes and I didn’t really buy all the right stuff. That was 4 years ago and I still have a few pieces of those clothes floating around in my workout gear.
My first workout outfit was in the 70’s. I bought a striped leotard that looked like Jane Fonda’s in my attempt to look just like her. I got the leg warmers too! I remember feeling amazing.
My first workout outfit was a plain black tank (with the built-in bra thing) and plain black running shorts. I put that stuff on thinking I was gonna accomplish something. I soon learned my first fitness lesson. As a 34 DD, I figured out that I GOTTA have a separate sports bra…and a good one!
First workout clothes that I actually bought for the purpose? Probably a couple of pairs of lycra blend bicycle shorts and tank tops back when I first entered a gym for anything other than swimming, in grad school… They were purchased after some weight loss when I was proud of my newly slender bottom half. But I still mostly wore ratty cotton tshirts on top…
Thanks for hosting the giveaway! The pink and purple outfits are very cute.
Bonus entry: followed on twitter @buzibu
I don’t honestly remember my first workout outfit because I’ve tended to work out in whatever free tee I received most recently. I do have lots of Champion bottoms, a bra and fleece jacket. Agree that they make good stuff.
I “liked” Champion on FB for an extra boost!
My first workout wear was sweatpants and t-shirt. Back in the ’70s. Returned to my college to run the track after work a couple nights a week. – hello? 6 hours since lunch and I run before supper? On no fuel? What was I thinking?
Liked Champion on FB…
Champion actually makes my favorite workout bras & tanks. Comfy, great wicking & keeps things where they should, although I’m also as flat as a 6 year old boy….
If you count elementary school days, then my first “workout” outfit included cobalt blue wind breaker pants with pink trimmings & a matching wind breaker jacket. My brother had a matching one in cobalt blue & black. We were soooo stylin’. LOL
Following Champion on Twitter.
my first workout outfit was a huge baggy t-shirt with baggy champion shorts! I wore it because it hid my fat..(at the time I was very chubby)
Being a young adult in the 80’s meant that my first work out outfit consisted of a whole lotta spandex going on. Think Olivia Newton John in Physical-leotard with high cut legs over shiny tights, leg warmers, and slouchy socks-all for my aerobics classes at Spa Lady. The outfit was kickin, but I really didn’t have the body for it
My first outfit as an adult were a pair of black Nike running shorts that I wore through 3 marathons and only gave up after the waistband had dry rotted and I could not replace the elastic, and a cotton tank top that chafed-a lot of good memories though!
I have liked Champion on Facebook, which is good because I have loved their clothes for years!
My very first real workout clothing item was a pair of burgundy mesh gym shorts from the boys’ section at Target! I was going through a rebellious, not-embracing-my-feminine side phase, HA! I would wear them with an old, holey t-shirt, most often with terrible 80s designs on them. I think I had a teal shirt that said “RAD!!” in bright orange, and a grey Daffy Duck shirt with “Father of the Year” on it (I am a girl). And I used to think the boys stared at me because I was cute… SO disillusioned!!
I got the shorts so that I would have something more sporty to work out in with my student membership to Gold’s Gym. I loved Gold’s, at least back in the day, the trainers were great and very knowledgeable.
And, greedy me, I liked Champion of Facebook as well to get TWO entries. I do love Champion anyway – pretty sure that’s all I own, workout-wear wise, because that’s what Target carries.
My first real workout clothes were champion mesh shorts. The men’s kind with a longer inseam. A champion sports bra, Addidas kleats soccer socks, and shin guards. A nike sweatband and tanktop. I’ve always loved champion shorts and still wear them today – except now I’ve advanced to the women’s mesh shorts as some styles have the 5″ inseam I prefer. Best shorts I’ve ever tried! And I’ve tried them all.
My first real workout shorts were men’s basketball shorts from my college bookstore…I didn’t want aaaany part of me to be visible at all, so I went loose and long. I just wore them with old t-shirts until this year, actually…bought my first fitted workout pants and a workout shirt (both C9 by champion for target!) this year.
Thanks for spreading the words on staying healthy and fit from one extraordinaire to another!
If I could take a guess because I started training when I was a teen and then pretty clueless with fashion in the gym it was probably something very unflattering and not cute at all!!! I think the trends with fitness clothing have changed dramatically over the years and Champion truthfully has to be one of my favorites. They make extremely affordable clothing that is also flattering for any figure and sexy at the same time! I praise them for that and best to you and your continued success and endeavors! : )
My first real store bought workout outfit was leggings from Mandy’s sale rack, a bunch of tank tops/wife beaters/undershirts from ABC store {a store that sells seconds/flawed items} & a few sports bra from Modell’s …..all less than $20usd apiece. i STILL buy from these places and a new new ones
Ugh, talk about repressed memories of awkward mid 90s workout fashion. All I can remember clearly is a baggy tshirt with awkward exercise-themed (supposedly) graphics and ill-fitting shorts. Oh, and I’m still waiting for a legitimate sports bra. Being small-chested means I’ve gotten away with inadequate clothing for far too long. Thanks for the giveaway
And I’m now following Champion on twitter. Just checked; my one pair of yoga pants are champion, and super comfy.
LOVE the Champion workout gear – I get a few new pieces at Target every year. The first workout clothes I remember were from the mid/late eighties – NFL team logo boxer shorts over spandex bike shorts, with whatever T-shirts I had around – pretty sure I thought I was super-trendy, too! I used them for hitting tennis balls against the garage and later for Jr High basketball team practice.
my first workout outfit was a jacket and pants…it was a gift. I was working out in cotton t shirts and shorts for a long time
My first real piece of workout clothing was an underarmor tank that I found in the basement bargains section of sports authority in Chicago. It was with that tank that I realized how much more fitnessey I felt if I didn’t work out in a baggy t-shirt.
My first workout purchase was actually also Champion. I bought some of their shorts because I literally owned no workout shorts and quickly found out pants would not do in warm weather. Now I really love their shorts, but do wish they weren’t all quite so short.
Also, followed them on Twitter.
HOLY COW, lucky you! I wear their bras all the time. Love them & a great value! They should have contacted me!
LEOTARDS, leg warmers – what can I say, I am old. If you recall, I was wearing leos way past when I should have! :-O
I LIKED the FB page too!
I just ordered 2 new sports bras from Champion yesterday!! My first workout “outfit” was a matching tank and shorts set when I started really getting into Jazzercise. It was standard wal-mart style from 10 years ago, but now I like to treat myself to nice stuff that lasts longer than one season. And I am a huge fan of cute workout gear!! I love the stuff you modeled.
I also ‘liked” Champion on facebook.
oh geez…i’m pretty sure my first workout outfit involved shiny lycra/spandex…mixed with tassels and sparkles….can you say child of the 80’s?
all of my clothes were always soccer shorts and tee shirts, since that was the sport i dedicated my life to…only after college did I really start to care about what I wore…you know, for all the cuties in the gym
I’m still trying to convince myself to buy a running skirt!
i love shiny spandex biker shorts make the buns look so amazing
My first outfit was a Nike green short and sports bra. I thought it was cute at the time. I actually still have it.
I like Champion on facebook.
My first workout outfit was my brothers old basketball jersey and a pair of hideous red cotton shorts. I thought I looked good! Clearly one should never ask me for fashion advice.
My first workout outfit was a bikini top and a pair of short length girls board shorts… all gotten at a thrift store. I was homeless, living off the land (here in the jungles of Maui), and started running daily (trail running)… first 3 miles, working up to 12 some days. This is what I wore for those two years of running. Why did I choose that? Here on Hawaii both were super easy to find in small sizes in the thrift shop, plus the board shorts were made to get wet, so the sweat didn’t weigh them down, and they did double duty as a swimsuit for dipping in the ocean after a run.
I liked Champion.
I LOVE champion gear! In high school, we had champion gym clothes and 20 years later, i still have them, wear them & love them.
I wear LOTS of Champion…
My first work out clothes were utter fail. I got them at Ross and they included a cheapo cotton sports bra that was more like a training bra and sweat pants with the fuzzies inside of them. My boobs were out of control and my legs felt like they were in a combustion chamber. It’s a miracle I kept working out at all…
My dad started taking me to the gym for crack of dawn workouts when I was 12, which at the time I hated. In order to expedite the process, I wore whatever t-shirt I wore to bed the night before and my awful gray gym shorts from school. Ah those were the days. I’ve upgraded to real work out clothes since!
My first workout outfit was some dance shorts and a sports bra, with an old tie-dye tank top that I had, with some running sneakers I got off amazon. It worked but the shorts ended up looking like underwear by the end of my workout,. I got it cause it was cheap, the whole thing including shoes probably cost me $70 (shoes were mot of that) I also thought my butt looked real good in those shorts! These days those shorts have retired to zumba classes
I like champion on facebook
(Mallory Ann)
*Cough cough* my first workout outfit was issued to me the very first day I got off the bus and into the dorms at basic training. I didn’t choose the outfit but soon I very much wanted to be in it day in and day out. Only because I arrived at basic training in the tale end of a very hot Texas summer! I think the whole outfit was made from cotton and my first pair of New Balance tennis shoes made me realize that running was what I was made to do. When I clocked that 12:34 mile and a half I was hooked on running at least….
My first workout outfit was black striped pants and a university tee for junior high track
Besides dance clothes and karate uniforms, my first REAL workout clothes were a pair of black capri workout pants and a really cute purple and blank tank top I still really love. I need new shirts though because my gym at school doesn’t allow tank tops.
Danskin pink tights, black leotard and ballet slippers…
My first workout outfit was red basketball shorts and a white shooting shirt. I needed workout clothes for 7th grade gym ad my parents picked them out without any say from me. I looked a lot like a boy…*sigh*
My first workout outfit. Oh man. I had played sports in high school, so I still had a ratty old sports bra. The elastic was dry and brittle as I put it on. An old tshirt I usually just slept in. And my gardening shorts. The best part, though, was the shoes. I had bought them on clearance, super cheap because one was half a size larger than the other. I’m amazed I didn’t cripple myself.
I have never had a real workout outfit. I’m not a morning person, so I just throw on something and out the door with my little puppy!
I like Champion on facebook!
My first workout outfit would have been pink tights and a black leotard. Ballet looks effortless but it is tough! Now my workouts revolve around running and champion sports bras are my absolute favorite! They provide comfortable support but still look flattering. Thanks for doing this giveaway!
my first outfit i bought was a pink skin tight top with black cap sleeves and a pair of black umbros. i looked like a strange mix of a boxer and soccer player. for some reason i thought that is what people look like when they work out! lol.
bonus entry
i liked champion on fb.
My the workout outfits started out in the soccer shorts and tee shirts with rolled up sleeves camp. Fortunately, I’ve moved on to more flattering and wicking attire!
My first workout outfit was a pair of light blue shorts with a light blue and white striped tank top- probably they only “official” workout outfit I have ever owned!
I usually just wear sweatpants and a t-shirt, but I would love to wear something a little snazzier!
I now follow ChampionUSA on Twitter!
My first workout outfit was a toddler’s swimsuit. Or maybe I swam naked at 9 months, I don’t remember!
I liked Champion on Facebook because half of my workout wardrobe is that brand.
Pingback:My Mullet of Gym Outfits | The Great Fitness Experiment
Unfortunately my first workout outfit was a school-issued t-shirt & shorts…..lovely! I really wanna win this to upgrade my workout gear!!
I love Champion gear, too. The two-packs of soft sports bras they sell at Costco are a weakness of mine. I think I have every color…
Anyway, my first true workout outfit was my volleyball practice uniform freshman year of high school. Shorty-short purple spandex and some gray shirt likely with purple writing. Oh, and knee pads and tall socks! Classy, eh? The seniors even did “thong checks” to make sure we had no pantylines on our Catholic school-girl bottoms. Oh high school…
My first workout gear was also Champion, lol! I love, love their stuff. It was a black pair of capris with the fold-top (my favorite thing ever still) and a lime green Champion sports bra. I still have that sports bra!
My first workout outfit was a leotard so i could do gymnastics like my big sister (I think it was a hand-me-down from her, even). It was black with white ruffles around the leg openings and a pink faux-gem heart just below the throat, surrounded by little shiney silver things.
Now following Champion on Twitter
For my first work-out outfit, I rocked a pair of “kiss me” boxers paired with a red ribbed tank top. Good thing I have an elliptical at home!
And I follow Champion on Facebook!
My first workout outfit ever were these totally nerdy blue plaid shorts (made by my grandmother) and a white YMCA soccer shirt…oh and WAY too long socks that came just below my knees. I was 10 and had no idea this would be embarrassing me 16 years later
I’m following Champion on Facebook!
My very first workout outfit was probably the outfits I wore to dance class when I was 5 or what i wore to soccer around the same age.
Mesh shorts and a t shirt. So fashionable of me! But I like to think I have upgraded since then!
My first workout clothing purchase was probably a pair of Umbros and an oversized t-shirt for soccer in high school.
My very first workout “outfit” was an Army PT uniform! Not cute at all, but I must like it if I’m still wearing it 12 years later. I still remember my very first workout (PT session) in basic training back in 1999. I hadn’t truly worked out before this. The occasional mile long walk/run in high school gym class really doesn’t count. My first workout lasted about 5 hours. Countless pushups, situps, front-back-go’s, shuttle runs, crunches, jumping jacks, squats and a 5 mile run. It took everything I had to get out of my bunk the next morning
**Following Champion on Facebook**
is it bad to say that I don’t know what my first workout outfit was?? probably my gym uniform as that’s when I really started getting into weight training in high school!! and even now, I admit i just wear boring shorts and a t-shirt.
my first workout clothes were cotton spandexy shorts and an overly huge tshirt.
I followed champion on twitter.
My first was a pair of black workout pants with a blue and white stripe down the side of each leg, and a blue tank top
Charlotte, I honestly can’t remember if I entered. I think I did & LIKED Champion on FB & Wish the would come find me cause I have been wearing their bras for pots of years AND I could put their clothes to the test with my workouts! I don’t Twitter or I would of that!. Sorry if I already commented!
My first outfit for the gym was black tights and a black leotard. The gun I belonged to, in the early 80’s, was an all women’s gym. They had a policy of no shoes but feet must be covered. The floors were carpeted.
My first workout clothes consisted of ten-year-old sweats (I mean that the sweats were ten years old, but I think I was also ten years old when I originally got them), an old oversized t-shirt, and a brand-new sports bra. I wore them to boot camp.
Of course, the first REAL workout clothes I got were some awesome running short shorts and a breathable tank. I still use them. For some reason I very rarely buy new workout clothes… hmmmm think I need to stock up!
I liked Champion. I love their clothes.
My first workout outfit was a fruit of the loom t-shirt and soffe shorts. Orange and blue, my school colors.
My first workout clothes….hmmmm….I guess it would have to be school gym shorts and t-shirt. Lame, I know
But, that’s all I could think of. I’m in need of some new cute gym clothes. I wanna win!!
I “liked” Champion on Facebook!
My first workout outfit was tights and a leotard in gymnastics class when I was 8. Probably black. I was boring then! I’m still a fan of basic black, to be honest.
I liked Champion on Facebook! I’m surprised I already hadn’t… I really do like Champion! Most of my workout apparel is theirs.
Oh dear, I think my first “workout outfit” would have been one of those dance leotards with the shorts, likely in the bright neon colors most of my hand-me-downs came in even in the mid-nineties. I wore those things for everything from playing on the jungle gym in the backyard to the two months I was in a summer gymnastics class in elementary school.
I can’t remember my very first workout outfit because I’ve been playing sports/working out since elementary school. I DO, however, remember the first matchy-matchy ‘expensive’ outfit I bought when I became a ‘real’ runner. It was a Nike aqua/gray tank and shorts outfit that I bought for my first Crim, a local 10 mile race that’s a pretty big deal where I live. I’ve worn that outfit in a couple marathons and other races. I’ve also had 4 babies since I bought the outfit, so it is semi-retired. It is my sincere hope to one day be able to fit into it again!
I just ‘liked’ Champion on Facebook
I’ve never had an exercise outfit, unless you count an exercise bra under a tee shirt and a pair of running shorts, lol, but it doesn’t matter because I’m blessed to live in the hinterlands of the Midwest and can take my exercise amid the corn and soybean fields. Still, it would be so fun to have something pretty that said “I run and I do it well!” I do SO enjoy your enthusiasm and openness, Charlotte.
My first workout outfit was my wife’s old track pants, which were baggy and thick and awful, but they fit and I already had them, plus whatever baggy tshirt I could find. How sad is that? I’ve got REAL workout clothes now and I feel MUCH better.
I followed @ChampionUSA on twitter!
Embarrassed to say I didn’t buy my first workout clothes til college! I got black pants with white racer stripes cause I’m soo unique like that… Looove the little pullover and skirt you’re sporting!
I can’t believe I’m admitting this but back in the early 80’s, right after my two kids were born I joined a women only “fitness center”. You know the ones where the first thing you did was sit on a barrel shaped thing that had roller bars on it and “break up your cellulite”….
Yeah and you wore a leotard and tights. Like little girls in ballet class; except everyone was bigger and fatter and looked RIDICULOUS! But, yeah, I bought at least two…
My first workout outfit was an old skool’ addidas track suit, yo’. I still have it.
While I would love to say my first workout outfit was my little pink tights, black leotard and pink ballet slippers, I don’t think I can honestly cop to “working out” in ballet class at the age of 5. So despite trying to purge the memory, I am forced to admit that it was most likely a thong leotard over black spandex shorts circa 1991 when the 80s just wouldn’t let go.
I liked Champion on FB. And I like it on me! (don’t read too much into that…)
My first workout outfit was my band t-shirt and a pair of shorts from K-mart. We had to run for band so I got the cheapest thing possible. The t-shirt was from middle school band and the shorts were from grandma. I ran but hated it.
In college I bought my stuff from the school store to show team spirit and because I didn’t have a car to drive to the mall. Still have some of it
My first workout outfit was Under Armour coldgear running tights and a long sleeve tshirt. I still have them!
Following Champion on Twitter!!
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My first workout was just shorts and a t-shirt. I was in high school so I liked that they were similar to what everyone else had;-)
I’m pretty sure my first workout outfit was a miniature soccer uniform when I was 5 or 6. Though I will admit to rocking too-big Umbro shorts and white v-neck Hanes tees for most of high school gym!
My first workout outfit was probably a dance outfit (leo and tights) of some sort. My first non dance workout outfit was all champion. It was a light blue top and grey capri’s. I loved those capris. I’m still sad I wore them out after miles and miles of running in them.
I liked champion on facebook!
Well, I’ve commented on my first gym wear already, but wanted to say that this would be an awesome win, seeming as how none of my spandex is very spandexy. I’ve lost more weight (NO COMPLAINTS HERE!) but apparently Marty McFly forgot to bring back the “incredible shrinking clothes” technology we witnessed in BttF2 and my clothing isn’t shrinking along with my body. (Especially this right boob, WTF is UP with that? WHY only the 1 boob?) Anyway, I could REALLY use some workout clothing, cause P90X and Ripped in 30 are NOT fun to do in jeans. Though I’m not sure that P90X is fun or not, since I haven’t been able to get to it yet, but you get the picture.
Wiggly mommy skin+lots of jumping around+spandex that isn’t spandexing as assigned+broke as a joke= me saran wrapping myself just to not do the wave involuntarily under my clothing. Just sayin’. lol
My first workout gear was mesh shorts and a t-shirt provided to me by my elementary school for gym class! So adorable was that navy blue that I seldom wear the color anymore. The first outfit I went out in after deciding I was sick of the bulge were pajama pants and a t-shirt. Let’s just say I’ve come a decent way since then.
I also liked Champion on facebook!
When I was little, my first workout wear was leotards. Four years ago when I started again, it was pretty much my extra pajamas. I finally bought new ones a year later, it felt so nice to have clothes that fit!
I’ve ben wrking out for as long as I can remember, but I don’t remember my first outfit. Curently, I NEED spandex capris, a thin strapped bra, and a tank top to make a workout work. Anything else makes me overheat or chafe or both.
My first workout outfit other for school was a taekwondo uniform when I was in high school. I really need some decent workout clothes!
I thought I already left a comment here! Good thing I checked! Anyway, my first work out clothes were flowery thrift-store shorts and an oversize cotton t-shirt. No sports bra (can’t believe I did that!)
I also liked Champion on facebook
After wearing some ratty t-shirts and gym shorts and losing some weight I rewarded myself with some sleek black champion pants. Yay for feeling good in workout wear. I’m all for support wear. My belly recovered fairly well from the first 9 lb baby but the 2nd 9.5 lb baby wrecked the belly. I have stretch marks on my stretch marks and a belly button that looks like a cavern.
I liked them on facebook!
aside from over sized t-shirts etc, I got a black and grey top (a lot like your pink one) and some plain black pants from Costco. They were cheap, flattering, and did encourage me to workout more since I could wear my cute clothes. (yes all black and grey, it’s a good strong look, but I’ve since added a lot of color!)
My first workout outfit was likely from TJ Maxx. I bought some outdated Asics shirt for $8.99 and really thought I was the bees knees. Pair that with some sale rack Old Navy pants, and I was really something.
I also liked Champion on Facebook!!
My first “real” workout clothes were Nike running shorts and tank top made from wick-away fabric … I was training for my first marathon and it made me feel like and official runner!
The first thing I remember buying specifically to work out in was a speedo one-piece. Freshman year of high school I decided to join the swim team– I’m not quite sure why, probably because my friends were doing it– I wasn’t a very fast swimmer and in fact had been afraid of the water as a child. My team suit was forest green that year (school color) and for YEARS afterwards I wore that suit for swimming– I wore it until it was basically a rag, sometimes layered over other practically rag suits from other years. To this day swimming for me is more meditation than workout– IF I can get a free lane in the pool
my first gym outfit was something cheap from kmart!
when I was like 10 I would put on my shiny one piece swimming suit and ride on my mom’s stationary bike in the living room to whitney houston tapes.
My first official workout outfit was a soccer uniform when I was 5. It was a cobalt shirt with my name across the front, and a pair of white shorts that went beyond my knees. Waay beyond my knees. I remember endless grass stains because those buggers were tripping machines. Or maybe it was just me.
I don’t have a clue what my first workout outfit was, but I did do aerobics in the 80’s. For the record, I never wore leg warmers or a headband, but I did have some neon blue bike shorts.
After I had been running for a few months after having my second child, I decided I needed something cuter/better to run in so I went to the Adidas outlet and bought myself a bunch of tees, some capris, and some shorts. I ran in these for a year or so though I didn’t have a lot of experience with technical clothing when I bought them so they weren’t the greatest running clothes. They still got me on my way to running my first half-marathon though and I will always remember them.
Pretty sure the first stuff I bought specifically was at cheerleading camp. I got spandex shorts that said “CHEER” on them. Duh…
My first workout outfit was cutoff jeans shorts and a t-shirt. Workouts consisted of playing in the creek, and walking or running the mile between my Grandma’s house and my Aunt Marynell’s house.
LEG WARMERS! That’s right… Jane Fonda style… black tights, stiped multi colored leg warmes and a pink off the shoulder shirt… I’m sorry to say I also had a sweat band around my head… HONEST! I don’t remember sweating.. but I thought I looked pretty hot! : )
My first outfit was a pair of black adidas shorts. Which I love and can’t find anymore, so they are getting sadder and sadder looking. Also a sport bra from target (grey, in case you wanted to know) and finally a white tank top because it was so freakin’ hot in the gym that I was a sweaty, disgusting mess after every workout. It took every ounce of my courage to walk into that gym the first time!
Probably grey gym shorts and a too large T-shirt in the 70’s.
My first workout outfit… well, I remember wearing some inside-out sweat shorts (don’t judge – it was the early 90’s) and a hypercolor t-shirt to PE in junior high. Not really a wise choice. As you may remember, hypercolor clothing turned colors when it got warm, so it was like an advertisement to all the kids in PE that my armpits and boobs were hot. Hey, live and learn!
Since I started dancing at age four I’d have to say your standard pink tights and black leo. But since I came of age in the 80s when aerobics was born–oh yeah!–could it have been that neon pink and green thong leotard? Quite possibly!
And for my second entry I followed Champion on twitter. And can I just add, that one of their best features is the ability to buy at Target when I’m buying diapers, bananas and milk?
Ha! Great Blog.
My first workout ensamble were baggie sweat pants from Old Navy and one of my husbands work around the yard shirts that had two boots on the front with the words, “Take A Hike” 
My first workout outfit was blk biker shorts and a lime green sports bra… Given i was 110 lbs at the time… It actually looked ok. Too bad i havent lost my baby weight and returned to that size. Lol!!!
My first real exercise gear was a Bike jersey I found in a bike shop before I ever owned a bike. I thought it looked cool. Little sis I know I would still own and wear that same jersey from time to time 12 yrs later…It is a Pearl Izumi jersey. The bike shorts that would eventually accompany said top was two years later when I picked up my first road bike EVER, were hand-me-downs from my aunt. Pretty funny. I was destined to ride.
I have now taught spinning for the past 5 1/2 years and am a runner. I have so many varieties of gym clothing but I certainly have my favorites. I also hoard the ones that don’t currently fit because who knows, maybe I”ll get back my pre-mommy body Right??? :0)
First workout outfit: A reebok grey bike short unitard. I wore that, with nothing else, and did the stairmaster every day before school.
And I “liked” Champion on FB.
Great blog entry!
my first workout outfit was a jazzercise leotard/full tights and leg warmers! Oh what a sight I was…very stylish in the 80’s:-)
My first workout was in my pajama’s at home, I was going to see if I could do the body for life workout in the privacy of my own home. I could and I have been hooked since!
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I started taking ballet lessons when i was 14 and i had bladder issues at the time.I had to wear the required leotard and tights for the lessons and because of my bladder issues,i wore a tight fitting disposable diaper with tight fitting toddler size plastic pants over it under my tights and leotard.there was just a little,hardly noticable bulge under them and i got by.