“So do you really wear your pants hiked up to your boobs?!” my friend Meghan greeted me when I walked in to TurboKick this morning. (Not to be confused with Gym Buddy Megan – our gym has a lot of Meg(h)ans..)
These are the pants.
See, this here is the tummy shaping action happening! Also, note to self: this is a super flattering way to pose, do this in all future pictures. I mean it doesn’t look any more awkward than Paris Hilton’s do-adult-diapers-go-with-this-dress signature stance, right? I can just see myself explaining this picture to my grandkids someday, “And THESE are my BABY MAKERS! Say hello to the ovaries from whence you sprung!”
I was reading on another blog a while ago (I’m sorry, I can’t remember which one now or I’d link it! If it’s yours, shout it out in the comments.) about how some people consider athletic shape wear to be “cheating.” The thought is that you’re at the gym to build those great abs so faking them before you’ve earned them is kind of dishonest. I find this funny. Is mascara cheating? Push-up bras? High heels? We women wear a lot of things meant to enhance, cover up or reshape what our mamas gave us. No, cheating is when you arch your back and swing your hips so you can use more weight for your bicep curls. (Not that I’d know anything about that, no….)
The other school of thought is that comfort should be paramount when it comes to gym clothing and glorified corsets seem like they would restrict breathing rather than encourage oxygen to get to all those new muscle fibers. I can understand this issue. When Spanx first came out with their line of athletic shape wear my first thought was, “I can barely wear those under a dress, why on earth would I want to do the 20-minute wiggle routine just to get into my gym duds??” But having tried the Champion Shape line, I can tell you that they’re nothing like a corset. I’d call it more of a “light” control. They’re not aggressively tight but they provide a little more support than your typical yoga pant. They’re especially helpful for keeping the jiggle to a minimum. It’s like wearing compression tights except way cuter.
My only complaint about the Champion pants is that the control is limited to the tummy area. Frankly I’d prefer the compression for my thighs. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about my legs – I’m actually in a really happy place with my bod these days – I’m just saying that if I had to choose where I wanted extra support it would be the upper thigh area. In the end, I’m less worried about what my stomach looks like to other people or pretending that I’m more fit than I am and more interested in comfort. Jiggle is not comfortable. And neither is tucking my pants into my bra.
In other news, this morning the kids helped daddy pick the carrots out of our garden. Son #1 presented them to me like a bouquet of flowers, he was so proud.
While Son #2, pointed them at me like a weapon and yelled, “Don’t mess with my laser blasters!!” Son #3 is going through a serious “no” phase and refused to take any part in either carrot eating or picture taking. And that pretty much sums up my boys’ personalities in a nutshell.
I however was just so overjoyed that we actually got carrots out of the garden this year – what with the rabbits, small children, deer and my black thumb, it’s a Christmas Miracle in September – that carrots will be on the menu for every meal for the next month. Carrot muffins, carrot cake, carrot bisque, carrot salad in green Jell-O with raisins… (What? Never tried it?)
What’s your opinion on athletic shape wear? What’s the strangest Jell-O you’ve ever eaten?
Don’t forget to enter my Champion USA giveaway! The winner gets to pick an entire outfit – bra, top, pants and jacket! Giveaway closes Tuesday, September 13th at midnight.
FTC disclosure: I got these pants for free and this post is sponsored by Champion. The opinions and tummy skin are all my own however!
Heck no it’s not cheating. I lost over 100 pounds and at my healthiest I had an apron and saggyness. So I wore shaping workout wear to keep it all in place and make working out more comfortable. Much easier to run when my stomach isn’t bouncing around.
Whatever is COMFORTABLE for the person…both physically and mentally…what she feels will give her the best workout, best comfort, best mental attitude..THAT is what she should wear. Period!
Whatever makes someone comfortable, who am I to judge.
Even Megan Fox fakes it with makeup / pushup bras / etc.
In an age when people get 10 cosmetic procedures done in a single day, I cannot imagine that athletic shapewear is in ANY way “cheating.” I agree with everyone else: it’s about what makes us feel comfortable.
I wear Lucy’s Perfect Core Pant, which have a bit of tummy control. I them because they have a higher waistline than other pants, and I feel more supported. And, no, I didn’t need them when I was 20. Now that I’m 42 with 2 kids, yeah, I pretty much need all the support I can get!
Congrats on the carrots! Your family is gorgeous!
I really need to try out Lucy. I never have! I know, kind of unbelievable given how many workout clothes I have. But I hear such good things about them…
I’m also a lover of Lucy — especially their pants, some of which come in multiple lengths. In the Twin Cities, there are more Lucy locations than Lululemon, and Lucy tends to be a bit less expensive. If you join Lucy’s mailing list, you will also get notices of sales and occasional coupons/discounts.
Cheating? Whatever. Is wearing one shirt because it’s more flattering than another cheating? If it’s wrong, I don’t want to be right. I might have to get my hands on some of those bad boys. Those pictures are way fun, btw. Love the shirt, is it champion too?
Thanks! The top is actually a white Hanes tank that I tie-dyed for something else with a wrap sports bra from Dancewear Solutions.
That top is the bomb!
Thanks! The top is actually a white Hanes tank that I tie-dyed for something else with a wrap sports bra from Dancewear Solutions over the top. (Yeah, I’m wearing two sports bras in that pic – one under and one over, lol.)
1) I love that you have multiple Gym Meghans! If I make it to Minnesota ever, I’m going to come for a workout, and insist that all the Meg(h)ans attend. It will be Meg-tastic!
2) Ummm, there is a lot of cheating wrt looks. All makeup. Conditioner (I can only imagine the frizzball I’d have otherwise). Contacts. Etc. Honestly, if wearing the more ‘compressing’ lululemon pants makes me feel like I can ‘fit in’ at the gym, then I’m going to wear it, and I encourage others to do the same. I sort of see it like a bra for the rest of my body. I mean, I wouldn’t run without a bra, so why can’t my tuchus have support too??
3) Once I found out what Jello was made of, I stopped eating it. Game over. Could not handle it.
Good point. It has got to be the world’s most dubious “food” source. Although I hear marshmallows have the same problem…
Yeah, but when’s the last time you put jello in hot chocolate or used it to make rice krispie treats?? And that’s why marsmallows get to stay. I understand there are some similarities…which is why I get the gelatin free marshmallows (and gelatin free yogurt also!)
Yogurt has gelatin?? Eeek. Another reason I’m glad I usually make my own.
Shape wear cheating? No way!!! I’m all for it. I just wish I could find some that looked good on me. Totally agree on the thighs thing.
That outfit looks GREAT on you!
Thanks – you’re such a sweetie!
Gardens sure are fun!!
Some athletic wear improves performance, such as some swimmer outfits that they were banned!
I find that what I wear can help me mentally with a workout. I like wearing my Martial arts outfit when practicing karate, for example. If the clothes make you do better, go for them!
Cheating? NO WAY!
And wrt the “Mommy Apron”… google “dry brushing”. Mine (I only have 2 kids) is significantly better, plus my skin is SOFT! I have two good friends, one with 9 kids, the other with 12. They are both now a size 6 (down from 22W) and both have nearly eliminated their aprons. In fact, Charlotte Siems (the one with 12) shocks everyone when she announces she has 12. I’m pretty sure her’s is flatter than mine! (I’m also size 6)
So interesting!! I just googled it and I’ve never heard of that before! It sounds like it would feel nice either way – gonna give it a try!
I think people should wear whatever makes them feel strong and healthy to work out in. I think that I work out harder if I am feeling good in what I am wearing.
Having been raised Mormon, I have had so many versions of frightening jello salads but I think the worst had saltines in it. Gross!!
That makes me gag just reading it. I love me a good salty-sweet combo but the soggy factor that must have had… ugh.
As I am fluffy – and probably always will be – I have those nifty thigh bits that rub together when I run. And I’m going to run regardless of the rub – so I prefer shapewear. Actually, I really prefer heavy duty compression gear for the LEAST amount of rubbing and chafing but it’s not terribly flattering. I see no reason why wearing shapewear clothes is anymore disingenuous than wearing ANY clothes. What about bras? Are those cheating?
And jello – they used to serve one at my school that was applesauce topped with red jello and then allowed to set. It was WEIRD.
Ah I’ve had my fair share of inner-thigh chaffing – you’ve tried body glide? The Gym Buddies and I have all used it on various body parts. (I once got a horrible friction burn in my armpit because I hadn’t shaved it before we ran and the stubble cut my skin to bits lol.)
I use Body Glide occasionally – usually for my long runs (back of my arms and inner thighs) but I don’t like to use it regularly because I hate the smell and it tends to make me breakout. And no one really enjoys arm breakouts or inner thigh breakouts. Same reason I don’t like to wear sunscreen!
I’m all for shape wear. In fact, I once considered wearing normal shape wear to run a race so I’d look cuter, but decided it wouldn’t be good for the ribs/diaphragm to work that hard at expanding to get air. Apparently, even when I want to be vain, practicality takes over.
Anyway, I find running in the supportive pants just feels better. I hate when my derriere jiggles!
Speaking of jiggles, there’s always room for J-e-l-l-o!
Is the top also from Champion?
The top is actually a white Hanes tank that I tie-dyed for something else with a wrap sports bra from Dancewear Solutions over the top. (Yeah, I’m wearing two sports bras in that pic – one under and one over, lol.)
Cheating? Seriously? What a bizarre idea.
Exactly whom is it supposed to be cheating, and of what? Perhaps it is cheating any andom observer of an accurate knowledge of what you look like naked, but I’d argue that nobody has a right to know that in the first place, so it’s not really cheating them of anything.
We’re in a bad way if the waistband of someone’s exercise pants is a moral issue.
Oh I wish I’d thought of this: “Perhaps it is cheating any andom observer of an accurate knowledge of what you look like naked, but I’d argue that nobody has a right to know that in the first place, so it’s not really cheating them of anything.”!!! You are brilliant. And not just because you have the best name ever;)
I don’t see why you can’t wear workout gear that’s flattering. Nothing makes me want to work harder than looking in the mirror to see hotness looking back at me
I got lucky, that I don’t have any lasting effects from having Sam, but I do have stretch marks from when I was 136 in high school. We’re planning on adding to the family in a few months when we leave the in laws (HELL) and get our own place, so hopefully I’ll be as lucky with #2.
I was going to comment on that top too & then read about it – you are very creative!!!
I think we should wear whatever makes us happy & comfortable – I don’t think it is cheating – it is about us feeling good! LOVE it!
Those kiddos are adorable!!!
love your outfit….not in green, i’m not a green colour person–i’m a blue person but its still a great outfit
You have the greatest kids – EVER!
Ok if we’re talking about vanity workout wear, this has got to be the place to ask – Has anyone come across sports bras that DON’T flatten everything down? My boobs are on the small side and it’s the last thing I need! My day to day bras have slight padding and I would love to find a bra similar to that, but one that has good sweat-wicking for any active days I have (thinking more – going climbing/walking, rather than a hold-it-all-in gym bra).
These are my absolute fave gym bra for that reason: http://www.handful.com/ They have a bit of padding but still function well as a sports bra. They’re not great for high-impact activities but for everything else, they’re awesome. I wear them pretty much every day.
Love the name. Thanks I will check them out! Unfortunately I’m in the UK so not sure if shipping costs will be worth it, but I’ve contacted them for more info anyway.
I am an A-cup and have found very few options. The Handful, which Charlotte recommends, is a great option for low impact. For high impact, check out Lululemon. Theirs have removable cups and are very flattering. You can also find tanks by Lululemon and Lucy that include removable cups, so there’s no need to wear a sports bra underneath.