See? Turtleneck leotards make her very happy. I want to be this happy. Except maybe with shoes on. That grass looks pokey.
Do you like calisthenics? Jazz hands? Turtleneck leotards?? Then you will definitely want to get in on this mini-Experiment! For the next two weeks the Gym Buddies and I are going to be trying out T-Tapp, a workout program designed by Teresa Tapp that focuses on specific sequences of (slightly strange) compound movements in order to achieve “better alignment, increased strength, a flexible spine, better lymphatic function, neuro-kinetic flow as well as a high metabolic rate.”
Not gonna lie: when I first got pitched to try this workout*, I fell off my chair laughing. At first glance it looks like like a combination of Sit And Be Fit and Buns of Steel (and now you are picturing grannys in thongs – you’re welcome). Seeing as I am neither geriatric nor recovering from an injury/surgery – the two groups this seemed to be marketed for – I sent my regrets. I mean I’ve done CrossFit, P90X and hung by one leg from a piece of silk 90 feet up in the air and now you want me to stand kinda like this and do biceps curls with no weights? Seriously?
But then I realized I was being, well, elitist. I have become a workout snob. What happened to the girl who wanted to try everything? Who knows? Maybe this thing does work? At the very least, all they were asking me to do was read the book, Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes (aff). So I did. Twice. And then I read up on it on the Internet. And then I tried one workout. And heaven help me, I think there’s something to this.
I tried out the basic workout last week and later that day I crashed and I swear it felt like a “metabolic reaction” just like I get when I do something crazy intense. That night I pooped three times (TMI? Sorry but she does says it will help clean you out), slept like a rock and then was sore the next day. SORE. From standing in one spot and swinging my arms around. I’m not sure what all was going on but it was enough to convince me to give Teresa’s 2-week bootcamp a try. Convincing the Gym Buddies was a little tougher but in the end we all figured, hey, we just finished two months of really heavy weight lifting (my New Rules of Lifting for Women report’s coming Wednesday!) so even if it doesn’t work we should probably take a 2-week rest anyhow.
What I Am Skeptical About
1. The book reads like every warning sign you’ve been told to look out for. It promises spot reduction, nearly instant results (“lose two sizes in four weeks” is on the cover and it even says “two sizes in two weeks” inside the book) based on not much work (the basic workout is 15 minutes), and spouts statistics and studies without citing them. It keeps saying that it will “pump your lymphatic system” to “remove toxins” which kind of sound spurious to me (but then I’m not a scientist so maybe this is legit.) It even claims to be able to cure cellulite and if that doesn’t scream snake oil I don’t know what does.
2. One of the primary sellers of this book is how many testimonials it has. The people who love this workout really l-o-v-e it. And while I am a sucker for a good personal anecdote, all the rah-rah’s make me leery. (Although I will give her this: all the testimonials definitely look like real people. No air-brushed abs and spray tans nonsense here.)
3. It’s all very disjointed and kind of hard to figure out. Teresa Tapp, an “expert of rehabilitative fitness, educator and physiologist,” came up with this particular sequence of exercises when she was trying to help her back pain from scoliosis which she has then refined into a workout for everyone. But she has a hard time translating all her experience into a readable format in the book. Even after reading it twice (and the website) I still am not sure which DVDs are for what and how long I’m supposed to do which moves etc.
What I’m Excited About
1. It’s different. Really different. You know what they say about how doing the same things over and over is going to get you the same results? Well, I’m getting out of my box baby!
2. She promises to target some things I have very specific and measurable problems with:
- My lower-tummy pooch. I’ve talked about it on here before and just chalked it up to a souvenir of pregnancy but Teresa says she’s worked with size 0 models who’ve had that same pooch and a quick scan of a recent America’s Next Top Model, All-Stars episode says she’s right (yeah, yeah, tough research!) and that this can be corrected by properly aligning the muscles.
- My posture. For a long time I’ve felt like the fronts of my shoulders are a little over-developed and the backs are a little weak so that even when I’m standing up “straight”, I’m still hunched forward through the shoulders. I’m not sure what muscles to target to fix this as my upper back is quite strong but T-Tapp says that it will help with this.
I totally had this EXACT velvet mock-turtleneck snap-crotch bodysuit in the ’90’s – in maroon AND blue! It was my go-to club wear. Which in a club is pretty much the equivalent of dressing like a nun. Living on the edge, that’s me.
*FCC disclaimer: I was given one copy of the T-Tapp book and workout DVDs to try for free. I have a second copy of the DVDs to give away to one GFE reader.
I cannot even express how skeptical I am about this experiment…and how much I am looking forward to the review.
I know – it kind of sounds insane, right?? It’s just two weeks. At the very worst it does nothing and we get a rest. That’s what I keep telling myself.
Okay – I’m a few days late with this but I am the only one bothered/weirded out by some of the comments at the bottom that seem a bit… over-the-top fanatical and very cultish? There’s some stuff in here that looks like it could be a good workout – or if not a good workout, good for posture. I’ll give her that, and I’m interested in your review. But the lady does not have a medical degree to my knowledge and the whole thing about the lymph nodes coming from her reeks to me of snake oil doctor – and if you read the comments at the bottom, many of them are just fanatical about how this woman can do no wrong (and from people who obviously don’t read your blog – see the ones talking about pounds and inches lost, for example, and encouraging you to do the same – who likely found it on a link or google search).
It may be legit in some areas and I am curious to see your results – but good lord, you were not kidding when you said people go way overboard with their support of it. Is it just me that tends to shy away from anything with the cult-like followers?
Redhead – tried to e-mail you back about this but your e-mail link doesn’t work:( I think a lot of these comments came because someone posted a link to this post in a T-tapp forum – which is totally cool. But yeah, while I admire their enthusiasm and dedication, I did write in my original post that the over-the-top testimonials and lymph system stuff made me skeptical and this isn’t helping…
That said, I am enjoying this workout more than I thought I would.
Ditto! Super excited for the review! And extra curious about the rehabilitative benefits, since I’m in PT for a hip/pelvis thing right now…
I have hip/pelvis pain that limits my mobility going on a year. I go to the chiropractor with immediate but short-lived relief. I am now on day-5 of the T-Tapp full body workout (although I haven’t been able to complete all the reps..) and have been pain-free today! I plan on keeping this going and hope to see the other benefits
Thanks for that info, Monica! Very intriguing, to say the least.
can’t wait to see the review, and all the mock-turtleneck-leotard photos
Oh yes, there will be photos!! Muwhahah!
I was really curious what you were goign to do next because I have one more week of the new rule so f lifting workout and I can tell you already that this girl, who NEVER takes time off of lifting, is seriously SERIOUSLY contemplating taking a week off. So seriously, in fact, that I’m wishing I were done and was taking this week off. (And yes, I realize that I very easily could do just that and that it is completely in my control to do it, but I won’t. And I don’t think I need to explain my reasoning to you, as I am sure you get it….for better or worse.)
I’m so checking this website out. And yes, I rocked the mock turtleneck snap-crotch bodysuits. Plural.
Girl take a rest!!! Are you on Stage 7? That one is really tough. And omgoodness – I haven’t watched the Dive Derriere yet! This week is going to be total hilarity at the gym. Or humiliation. Whatevs.
Okay I had to come back because this, from the Diva Derriere workout: “After the 15th lift, quickly “slap” the right butt cheek 3 or 4 times to make the burning sensation go away-(it really helps!) ”
AWESOME. You must post videos.
I’m going to try the free workouts with you. It does sound like all the hundreds of dollars of worthless workout DVD’s and books I have so I’m really looking forward to your results
Woohoo! Yay! Be sure to tell me what you think!
I’m game and will try the freebies as well. Just reading your descriptions, it sounds a bit like Callenetics (sp?) – do you remember that? I had to buy the book and try it because supposedly my favorite baseball player (who finished his career in Minn!) endorsed it in some obscure interview. So basically, I’ll try anything once!
BTW, I did kinda like the callenetics but it felt like cheating so I didn’t stick with it.
Yay for more company! Be sure to keep me posted on how it goes for you. And yeah, it basically is calisthenics, just with more of an emphasis on order and form. I know what you mean about it feeling like cheating. I don’t know that I could stick with this longer than 2 weeks. Unless it does get me some crazy amazing results, lol!
Im excited (CAN NOT WAIT to see what you find/experience/think).
and Ive gots the sads.
I was hoping we were getting a giveaway of the leotard
Well at least now I know what to get you for Hanukkah;)
I can’t get past her sing-song instructions. Yikes.
Seriously!!! Kinda creepy, right?
I do T-Tapp. I thought the same thing when I first watched the “try before you buy” vids.
Once you get going on one of the full-length workouts, you realize that there’s no music and she’s talking the whole time because there’s SO MUCH TO THINK ABOUT! That’s also, however, what makes the workout seem to go by so fast! Never bored!
I thought I was the only one who had read up on this workout! I have been too cheap to buy it in the past, but have tried the free workouts online and I think it looks cool! I have read the testimonials and they kinda got me.
Please keep us updated…I can’t wait to hear what you think!
I know – those testimonials are really convincing! I felt the same way. I surely will let you know how it goes! (Glad to know I’m not the only person under 60 who’s interested in this)
I am scheduled to have surgery on my wrist and am very bummed about the thought of not being able to lift weights for 5 weeks. So I may try this, although it might not be until after your review….which I will be very interested in hearing!
Ditto to those who are asking for video of this workout!
WHen is your surgery? I hope it goes well & you won’t be in much pain! And hey, this workout is totally not wrist intensive at all. No push-ups, no hand weights… nothing. I’ll let you know!
Sounds interesting. I am convinced I am not on alignment, so maybe this will hel
Okay, I’m curious. Will check out the free workouts and look forward to your review!
Yay! Let me know what you think!!
Oh, if that works on the “pooch” I will have to try it! As for turtlenecks, can’t take them. I rock a v-neck more often than not (except I think I pull it off better than Simon Cowell).
I had the SAME 2 bodysuits!!!!! the blue was my fav though!!!
Oh that workout sounds interesting enough..Though I had the same reaction to it as you. Can’t wait for the two week review!
O.M.G.!!!! So, I had a variation of the above Bodysuit, only in Forster green with a scalloped neck line because I can’t wear anything against my throat without gagging. (This includes sweaters, high collared tees, chockers and the ever cute dog collars.)
I really just wanna see the goofy out take photos and video of you guys giggling till you pee.
Also, that whole bit about ridding you of the mommy pouch is a crock, but I still wonder why we have a mommy pouch if we aren’t able to carry stuff in it when not “with child”. I feel totally hoodwinked in that deal. LOL
This: ” I still wonder why we have a mommy pouch if we aren’t able to carry stuff in it when not “with child”. I feel totally hoodwinked in that deal.” is the funniest thing I’ve read all day! Amen, sister!
I wonder if she based this workout on yoga.
It has a small bit of yoga-type stuff in it. I’d say it’s closer to standing Pilates though if I had to pick a genre.
Just watched a couple of the vids on youtube. Yikes, that voice bugs me more than Denise Austin.
As far as I can tell, what makes this workout “different” than others is that you must focus on keeping the core tight with perfect posture while doing it. Which is a good thing, but not magical.
Yes, I think you are quite right! And my posture needs all the help it can get…
Oh, I’m so excited for the current experiments. I’ve had NROL sitting on the shelf. Your FBB experiment totally changed the way I work out. I have my fingers and toes crossed that your T-Tapp workouts get results. I’m already a bit pouchy with no kids. I want to have a couple in a few years. I know having the full out pouch would really bother me but I don’t think I could ever justify the cost of plastic surgery.
I’m a lurker on I’m sad to find out that Zazuna and Freddie broke up. It was even sadder to hear people questionning their decision since they chose not to air their dirty laundry.
I heard about this workout years ago and read up on it a little bit; but never had the guts to spend the money on it. It really seemed too good to be true and I’d been burned enough and trying to get and be fit long enough to be very skeptical about something like this.
Now that I’m over 40 (gasp!) and things that used to work aren’t working I’m willing to give this a go. I’m starting with the book and will use it to accompany what I already do (3 days of cardio, 1 day of pilates, and 5 days of dieting) to see if we can get some kind of body change happening.
Very cool! Let me know how it works for you!
I tried it once. But I think I was PMS-ing at the time & got all annoyed when she spoke. Not just because of the creepy sing-song, but because she is a human and she was speaking at me.
I may have to go ahead and try some of these with you guys! (You went 3 TIMES?! That is AWESOME!)
And, oh yes, I had a whole bunch o’ leotards back in the day! Turtleneck, scoop neck, v-neck, I practically lived in those things. Maybe they’ll make a comeback! Except these days I’d need one with snaps on the hoo-hah area. The ol’ bladder can’t wait until I pull the whole leotard down.
“but because she is a human and she was speaking at me.” Hahahah! Oh i love you. I know those days.
Interesting. I’ve heard about t-tap too and pretty much had the same reaction as you. I’m really curious to see how this experiment turns out! I still don’t see myself trying it (in the midst of a really heavy lifting experiment or my own…. hello deadlifts) but looking forward to hearing how it goes for you!
I’ve been Tapping for over 2 years and I’m (obviously) hooked! Yah, her cadance feels a little odd, but once you get familiar with the workout you just sort of say it with her (and I hear her in my head now… it really helps you keep the rhytymn though…) But I’ve spent lots of time with Teresa and she is the NICEST woman I’ve ever met. Good luck with Diva Derrier and then add Awesome Legs. They are both incredible (and you WILL feel it tomorrow…)
It’s the very best of Yoga, Pilates and Physical Therapy all rolled up into the best, most effective workout I’ve ever done. I do the 15 minute Basic Workout Plus every other day and I’m an over 50, 33 year hypothyroid who wears size 6, who eats sort of healthy (but had both Burger King and McDonalds over the weekend…oops) and I’ll NEVER go back to another workout. (I used to do Callenetics years ago – liked it too… but it was too long – doesn’t fit into my day.)
Stop by the forum – they are almost as nice as YOUR commenters!
Oooh thank you so SO much for this! See, because I feel like I know you (that’s not creepy at all, right? We’ve been blog friends for so long!) this means a lot to me. I’m so happy that you found what works for you and maybe this will do the trick for me too? Teresa does seem really nice. And I poked around the forums for a bit yesterday – they were a wealth of info.
I would be a sucker for anything that promised me a “diva derriere”. Even for five minutes!
Even though it sounds like some new age gooble-de-gook, I’m intrigued. I think the pooping three times in one night thing is what piqued my interest. Looking forward to the review!
Ha! I told Gym Buddy Allison that somebody would care about my poop!!
I just watched the example videos and she must be doing them in her living room or the lobby of a hotel. They look a little strange and hokey, but who knows. I can’t wait to hear how it goes for you and the Gym Buddies.
I am skeptical but REALLY excited to hear how it goes
I’m gonna be honest hell no am I doing this. I’ve just gotten into Insanity and I am loving the fast paced high intensity of it. I don’t think I could back off. And I haven’t worn a leotard since I was 5 years old lol.
Happy Halloween by the way!
Hmmmm…I’ll be interested to see what you find and to try it out myself. Definitely a skeptic…
Sounds interesting, specially since the injuries have been piling up lately. How do we qualify the giveaway- I think I missed something. Can’t wait to hear Wednesday’s report on NRs!
Whoops! I forgot to talk about the giveaway. Sorry!! After I report my results, I was going to ask you guys who would really use this program and then pick from that.
I would love to get rid of that lower tummy pooch! If this works I’d be all about it.
I have had the workout for some years but have never been as consistent with it as I would like to be. This is mostly because when I do the workout right, it wipes me the f$*# out. So I have never completely gotten rid of my lower tummy pooch – though I have been able to shrink it. When I have been (somewhat) consistent though, I definitely notice a difference. I do feel better, stand taller, and my legs and core are better defined. I’m young too (well I’m not geriatric or middle aged) and I got the workout because I was looking for something that might help my scoliosis and which didn’t need lots of room or fancy equipment. It is still my go to work out for strength building, but I think I prefer the stretch and emotional peace I get with Yoga. I’d like to get started again with TTapp, but I’ll have to work out from the book – which as you saw, is difficult to do.
Very glad to know I’m not the only young-ish person doing this and thank you for sharing your experience with it! I’m excited to see what happens:)
Interesting concept…Very anxious to see the results! I’ll be checking out the free workouts for sure!
I never wore a bodysuit in my life. I was interested in them, but my mom talked me out of it after pointing out how much of my chubby tummy it would SHOW. (Thanks, Mom.) I never went for turtlenecks, either. I HATE stuff by my neck. Can hardly wear regular T-shirts. LOL
This is spooky. I bought her DVDs two years ago, did them for a while then got bored. But four days ago I dug them out again because my hips and knees are feeling a bit weird. I remembered the body alignment stuff and thought it would be worth another try. I’ve just been doing the basic 15 mins each morning and enjoying it. It’s a bit like having a really good stretch which I always forget to do. My usual training is for triathlons and I doing boxing training and done p90x so I like tough stuff. Maybe I’m getting old but I’m enjoying my 15 mins with Teresa each morning.
So funny!!! We’re on the same wavelength:) And I agree, doing the primary back stretch first thing in the morning does feel really good!
I did TTapp to get in shape for a special occasion. I also followed a primal diet (ala I could only figure out the 15 minute workout, so that’s what I did 3-4 times a week. Do I contribute the 25 pounds I lost in 10months and my upper arm definition to TTapp or to MDA? Don’t know. I quit because I got bored and also lazy: I found it to be a very strenuous workout. I think I’ll join you on this 2 week journey.
Yay! Let me know how it goes!!
I am so interested in the results of this like everyone else!!! I have had a lower stomach pooch my whole life! Inly time not, 2 weeks prior to my bodybuilding contest & up to that day & I am NOT going to live on a bodybuilding contest diet my whole life!
Now, I doubt I can give up my weights for sure – cardio too since I am in hormone weight gain stage but really must see what happens!!!
As for leo’s, you most likely have seen pics of me in them on my blog & yes, I had a couple that were turtlenekish – what was I thinking!
I had that crushed velvet turtleneck leotard, only in black, when I was in the 7th grade… and I wore it on television (please note that I’m not quite 24 so it really was not okay)…
I always wonder if marketers were to quit advertising fitness routines/regimes as weight loss routines (lose X amount of weight. drop X number of sizes) if society’s view towards fitness and exercise would change… and perhaps for the better.
Anyhoo, I am intrigued by this one as I had a computer game as a kid where you put together Mickey Mouse themed puzzles and it then played a video (very low-tech though) and my favorite one was the Minnie Mouse jazzercise one.
As for exercise outside my box? Cardio Ballet was.. for some reason I felt like I was slapping ballet in the face by taking part in something that would lose the integrity of it…
I love this: “I always wonder if marketers were to quit advertising fitness routines/regimes as weight loss routines (lose X amount of weight. drop X number of sizes) if society’s view towards fitness and exercise would change… and perhaps for the better.” I think you make an excellent point. Because of course fitness is NOT about being skinny.
Well, I am kind of geriatric and recovering from surgery – so now you have me considering looking up the free workouts and deciding if this is something I want to add to my recovery.
Too much? Just enough?
I think it might really help you actually. She has a great rep in the rehab community. Def. check it out!
Deb – I have RA and Lymphedema and started with the MORE program – it’s for folks who are quite a bit overweight and/or folks who have health issues.
I am soooo glad you’re doing this! Can’t wait to see what you think… I heard fabulous things about it.. (the believers rrrrrreally believe) so there was a teacher traveling through my area and I went to a one day “get acquainted introductory” class.. my thoughts? it was a bad combination of tai-chi (very slow movement while you’re learning the precise -and I mean PRECISE- movements) and repetitive chanting with movement.. don’t get me wrong it wasn’t easy.. it was just odd.. no music.. no beat other than the verbalization of the teacher (I found myself breathing to a rhythm? weird).. I can’t imagine “getting it” without an instructor.. uhmmm.. and I sure don’t mean to offend but it seemed a bit .. uhhh… cultish (along the same lines as CrossFit or even some Zumba).. can’t wait to see what you think!
Hahah – I almost used the term “cult” in my post when describing the t-tapp community but then I decided I hadn’t been around it long enough to know. But yeah, the believers really do believe. I agree too that it’s very strange learning it.
Can’t wait to hear if there is any progress on the mom pouch….also my uncorrected, “unnoticable” scoliosis is now visable to the naked eye 35 years after detection…would love to get back into alignment and have the jeans fit better (that are less than 1 yr old)
T-Tapp has been around for quite some time. Done right, those little adjustments make a real–and often quick–difference.
Joanna Aislinn
Dream. Believe. Strive. Achieve!
The Wild Rose Press
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Ooh I’m looking forward to hearing about this. It looks like really complex versions or combinations of a lot of my rehab that I do for posture and leg imbalance issues so I could believe it will have an impact on your posture. As for the metabolicwhatsit, who knows?
I can’t wait to hear your review. I just visited the T Tapp site. Love the testimonials but the skeptic in me says wait a minute sister…..this is all made up. Would love to change up my workout and am eagerly waiting to hear what you guys think! And, OMG, three times in one day? WOW…I want to learn that trick:-)
I am unnaturally excited about this fitness experiment! I think because it’s so different and so …weird. I went to the website last night to find out more about it, and it was like arriving on an alien planet. I looked around the forum (always a gateway to crazytown), and I started with a link that was supposed to explain the difference between a “full” workout and a “total” workout. Four pages later, I still had absolutely no idea what the difference is. I get that people care deeply about whether a workout is “full” or “total”- I just don’t know why. I cannot wait to hear your results. Please feel free to post along the way, too! I don’t think I can wait two weeks. (Yes, I did order the book. How could I not?)
LOL. I remember that thread. You probably don’t care, but a “full” workout is anything over 30 minutes. A total workout is the 45 minute dvd titled Total Work Out (TWO). But sometimes we get off on tangents over there…
yeah i’m a little skeptical myself, although curious enough that I totally want to try and I’m really looking forward to your reviews!
Okay, I watched one of the videos on her site. I am sure this workout helps with your balance – which is a good thing. But honestly, I couldn’t make it through a whole workout with that lady’s sing-sang voice. That’s horrible! lol
THANK YOU! For posting about this! I’ve been injured for the past 6 months and haven’t been able to do any real “workouts”- and the kinesiologist I work with gives me stuff that REALLY feels like a geriatric workout (I asked for ab exercises, and she started off by having me lay on my back with my knees bent and feet on the floor, and then lift one leg. I can plank for 2 minutes! That might not be a long time, but it is miles past lifting one freaking leg off the grouns!). I have been dying to find a workout I can do, but that people who actually exercise a lot (like I used to) like. So I’ve got my fingers crossed!
I have never heard of this before! Looking forward to your review!!
Yeah, the pump up the lymphatic system line is a bunch of crock.
That said… well, I’ve taken a lot of yoga classes and adult dance classes. The dance teacher swore by muscle memory – basically as you build certain muscles but also as you do the certain moves – and stand in the same way – repeatedly, your muscles start to go to those positions automatically. And the yoga teacher swears by doing everything evenly (same number reps on each side, etc) to keep your muscles balanced (on each side, but also don’t build up abs without building up back, etc) to improve your posture. Even standing up straighter (but not sticking your butt out when you do) can make your stomach look flatter, and any runner will tell you that there are slight differences you can make as far as posture and stride to make your stride more efficient, and your whole workout more efficient and less prone to injury. If she takes that approach, working on posture and alignment in every day situations but also exercise situations, there could be something to part of it. But yeah, no, sorry, the lymph node part is just bull.
I would say the lymph part is not bull–I had a lump under my armpit since my oldest was born 25 years ago and within 6 months of starting T-Tapp, it reduced in size by half! Then almost 2 years ago, after 3 years of T-Tapp, it is GONE!
Just sayin’…..
And I didn’t want to do any exercise videos…until 5 years ago when nothing else worked. So here I am becoming a trainer! Lost 9 sizes and look better than I’ve looked in years! Even fit into my wedding dress nearly 29 years and 10 babies later!
Best wishes on your experiment!
Yeah, sorry, but no. There are a bazillion things a lump under your armpit could be, some involving lymph nodes and others not – including tumors in your lymph nodes. There are also a bazillion reasons why a lump in your armpit could go away. Exercising and hoping a lump just goes away is not even close to what you should do in that situation. And it’s great that you found an exercise regimen that works for you – really – and woohoo, you’re going to be a trainer for a program you obviously believe in. But you don’t appear to have a medical degree or training or anything other than anecdotal evidence that something – that really could have been anything – happened to go away in a timeline that happened to semi-correlate to your new exercise regimen. Enjoy your exercise. Moving is always good, and finding the routine that works for you is great. But don’t fanatically believe everything your EXERCISE LEADER tells you that pertains to medicine (psst – not everything you believe on the internet is true either). Snake oil doctors come in many forms. This is one of those situations.
PS – you might want to tell Teresa that if she’s going to send her drones and PR flacks over here to comment, she might want to make it a little less obvious.
Awesome Trisch, the back stretch actually helps me a lot when I am sick. I had a swollen throat and one back stretch and the swelling was gone and my throat felt much better. Good stuff.
That’s great, Jennifer! I’ve had different things like that happen, too, where I was coming down with something and didn’t want to move *at all*, but making myself do a few moves seemed to move the congestion and I get over things more quickly.
Glad you found it helped!
Wow I was so glad to see someone else discover T-Tapp, it’s the best-kept secret in America! Over in the T-Tapper world, people know me as The Slacker Tapper because I’m not dedicated or consistent in ANY way about anything in my life (but that’s a whole other Oprah -right?!) I was a dancer for years and I discovered Teresa and T-Tapp about 14 years ago. I’m not consistent-girl, remember? I have been able to pick up T-Tapp when I need it, as I need it through the years and those dancer muscle memories would celebrate every time I did.
I think I secretly really appreciate that I can be guilt-free about using it when I need it and still getting great results….well, that and the fact that Teresa EATS real food and lots of it. At her fitness retreats, there’s a chocolate fondue bar, we all drink wine if we want to, and the hotel staff always remarks about how much we eat. I guess they are expecting us to eat rabbit food — boy are they surprised every year!
Lately though, I’ve developed a new appreciation for T-Tapp because the dreaded Hormone Fairy has made her duly-appointed rounds and stopped by my body to bless me with perimenopause. With no changes in my typical slacker lifestyle or major change in my diet, I became FLUFFY (I went from a 34B to a 34D seemingly overnight — I felt like Violet in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory!) After weeks of FREAKING OUT, I had a good heart-to-heart with Teresa and she reminded me of all the things I knew but had forgotten about “The Change”; I’m doing the 15 minute workout more often and I’m using her at-your-desk dvd called TappCore which she developed for kids to use in-classroom (3 3-minute moves a day is a workout) along with some other sneaky ways to fit fitness in to stop the fluff expansion. I may be a little larger for a bit, but I know that after the rollercoaster of hormone ramp-down ends, I’ll have a good foundation under all that adipose trying to make estrogen since my ovaries are now phoning it in while sipping mai-tai’s poolside.
And that’s the other thing I wanted to mention — Teresa Tapp is one of the most accessible people you will ever encounter in the fitness world! I know one poster was like “lymphatic pumping – that’s a crock” but in my experience — even as inconsistent and slackery as I am — it has helped my lymphatic system noticeably. I also REALLY recommend Teresa’s skin brushing and alfalfa! Oh and for the mommy pooch — be sure to find the info she has about body types (she has a free ebook/article online about it) If you are short-waisted, you will always fight the pooch because there’s just not that much room in your abdomen to hide your lady parts. Ever notice how bikini-clad girls on fitness mag’s are long torsos? You also don’t see shots of them full-length — it’s usually cropped at the knees because long torsos usually have short legs. Short Torsos have looooooong legs. And then there’s the combos. But all of it effects where you store weight/inches and how your body appears. Once you know though — it also makes dressing a lot easier. Had I known about this in high school, I could have also avoided all the turtleneck leotards that made me look like a total ‘tard…with BIG hair *facepalm* — the 80s were not kind!
So….you might want to interview Teresa. Cbuffy said she’s the nicest human ever and I have to second that! But she’s also one smart cookie! (I’m a writer by trade and have interviewed her quite a few times along with doing some writing work with her) I tell people that no one I’ve ever interviewed understands how the human body works better than Teresa Tapp and that seemingly lightweight 15 minute workout has so much built into it that she cannot overwhelm you with from the get-go that it will blow your mind. BTW — there’s no music so that you keep your mind to muscle focus which research published last year has shown dramatically improves your workout. And that sing-song voice stays in your head so that you hear, “Bend it, Tuck it, Lift it” while you’re in the grocery line, pulling a suitcase through the airport, or trying to look interested in a conversation at the holiday party when you’d rather be chatting up the cute boy.
I hope my post helps some of the other women here who may be “marinating” right now in the hormone transition. There’s almost as much misinformation out there in the world about The Change as there is about fitness. T-Tapp has been a god-send for my body and Teresa (who is 53 and one hot mama) has been a source of solace about what’s happening for my mind.
Anyhow — good luck with the 2 week bootcamp experience, I’ll be cheering you from the sidelines like a good slacker
PS — love your writing style and your blog!!!
I love this workout, it healed me of chronic pain. So happy to see more and more people trying it out!
Oh, can’t wait to see how this goes for you! T-Tapp is a great workout to add to your toolkit and is very powerful if you can hang in and get the sense of muscle activation she talks about. VERRY powerful. Oh, and the leotards….quite the blast from the past..oy!!
I LOVE Ttapp! It has been the only workout I have seen results with. I have lost 40 inches in 8 months just Ttapping! And at first Teresa’s rhyming does sound kind of odd, but once you start Tapping, you really don’t notice it because you are thinking about form, posture etc….And you get use to it after awhile.
Just my .02! Can’t wait for your results!
I would love to give this a try. It looks like something I could sneak in during my day.
I also had a crushed velvet body suit, but the back was sheer.
Dear Charlotte,
Hello everyone!!! This blog has been very lively and fun for me. I congratulate you on your eloquence and humor. I happen to be a DVD exercise kind of girl. So when I caught an article at Women’s Day (July 2010) and read an article about a woman who lost over 100lbs. using a video, I went to the site right away. I am not much for freebies, so I didn’t take advantage of the Try before you buy, but I did watch them. What I saw I thought I could do. So I ordered the family sized combo. That included the body brushing thing (!), and many other goodies including coupons offering 50% off my next purchase.
I followed advice and read the book, loved the testimonials, and compared my this to someone’s that and got more inspiration. When I went to the hands on part, the actual workouts, I had to put two fans in front of me because my body had become a furnace of fuel. I didn’t believe the part about “less is more with T Tapp” and as many newbies figures that if I did more it would be better, which led me to become exhausted. I believe this happens because this workout uses so much energy because one is trying to tuck butt, lift ribs, knees out all at the same time that you activate so much muscle at the same time. Reason why 15 minutes is plenty if that is all the time that you got. Now girl, confess…..don’t we all at some time during the day throw away 15 minutes.???
The first time I started T Tapp, one week I lost 7 inches. One inch here, one there, half someplace else. My stamina was amazing and I looked at least one inch taller. Since doing t tapp my posture has improved because my torso has become a girdle and it holds me better. I am currently in a bootcamp and expect to be trim and fit this Xmas. See you there, girl! Yes, you can!
How fun for us! I got my videos in the mail on Monday and started the 14 day boot camp Tuesday! I didn’t get a chance to do measurements until last night (Thursday), so they may be a little off the first week, but I will say that I already feel much better and my back feels better too
The interesting thing? I actually have gained weight since Tuesday, but the pants I wore both yesterday and today are LOOSE….. And the sleeves of my shirt
Hmmmmm….. So I’m very excited to see what happens over the course of the two weeks for the both of us 
My normal workout routine, in case you’re wondering is walking 5 miles a day 4 days a week and 10 miles 1 day a week for a total of 30 miles at least per week. I also add in a little strength training, but nothing major. So far, my legs quiver at this workout LOL
All exercise pumps the lymph system. That’s how the lymph system works. It doesn’t take a degree or doctor to find that out. Supposedly walking is the best lymph “pump” because your calves (specifically the gastrocnemius) are the “heart” of the lymph system.
I’ve lost 62 pounds this year by eating really well. I needed a lot of support and used OA-90. I don’t go for eat chocolate, wine, and lots of excess yummy calories ’cause you burn it off with your massive matabolism stuff. Dangerous food is dangerous food – it causes obeisity but also sneaky quiet cancer.
I did not work out at all for the majority of my weight loss. But as I felt better and better eating beautiful fruit veg bend whole grains nuts and seeds I just had more energy and picked up T-Tapp. I’ve done 2 t-tapp training seminars this year. You can pick up a video and just get started, but I “got it” way better from a live trainer. I skin brush t-tapp style about 3x a week. I do the 55 min total body work out 2-3 times a week. And I look good. I wear size 4. I have people tell me I have teen aged arms (no fleshy upper arm wings). I’ve had upper back issues all my adult life that I go to the chiropractor for about 2x a month. The weight loss and t-tapp really help. My posture is better than it ever had been and I don’t “try” to stand up straight. My stomach is pretty flat. I own “hit the floor” which really targets the stomach. I notice the difference right away when I do the work out-but I’ve not been consistent. She has some key moves for the stomach that are impressive (specifically – organs in place and frogs).
My verdict; I feel good, I look good.
I can’t wait to hear your results. I am a Beachbody Coach and really wonder how this compares with our workouts (P90X, Insanity, TurboFire, 10 Minute Trainer, etc) Good luck!
i’ve dabbled on and off with t-tapp. i like it a lot but i tend to get lazy – and then when i finally do the “i’m going to start working out again” speech, i forget about T-tapp!
please let us know how it’s going – i’d love your thoughts!
Fitness exercises are difficult to do.. But it is good for health… Thanks for sharing this…….
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I too was a bit of a workout snob after taking hard core Pilates reformer classes for seven years. Well let me tell you, this workout might seem wimpy, but the results are not! It really works! I do the basic 15 minute workout daily and altough I am losing inches slower that I’d like, I am losing without any diet changes whatsoever. As a homeschooling mom of four boys, the youngest of whom is five months, this workout is a godsend.
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