Fall is perfect outdoor weather and my favorite season to run in. There’s nothing like the crisp air, the colorful leaves and the sunshine to really make you move! But just like every other season it can take some wardrobe adjustments as you move from as-little-as-decency-allows to layer city. Do you like really unique and funky patterns? Do you like quality? But most importantly, do you like to have well-ventilated nethers? Then you have to try these YMX by Yellowman pants:
I’ll admit I’ve always loved Yellowman for their designs. I used to drool over them in the Athleta catalog and imagine how serene I’d look slamming someone’s (imaginary) head into my knee whilst decorated in such zen artwork. And since it’s against my religion to get tattoos (I’m LDS a.k.a. Mormon) this was about as close as I’m ever going to get to living out my dream of looking like this blogger.
Heck yeah I’m posting this pic again! Do you know how hard it is to show muscle definition on a pale girl?? This may be the only time my biceps ever come out of hiding and I’m gonna run with it. Oh wait, we’re talking about the clothes. Look at the beautiful lady on my boobs!
But it wasn’t until I ran in them* that I realized their true power: they are made out of the thinnest fabric imaginable. It’s kind of like running naked. In a good way. Sweat is so quickly wicked away that you never have to worry about sweat marks in embarrassing places. They were so light and airy that I had to keep looking down to make sure they were still situated properly. About halfway through my run it occurred to me that maybe they are supposed to be underwear. I mean a lot of workout clothing falls into that ambiguous spot between undies and overs, right? I blushed and imagined little censor bars over my naughty bits (for the record: you couldn’t see anything naughty, it just felt that way).
When I got home I emailed their rep to ask if they were meant to be a base layer or if people wore them as is and got the comforting response that either way was a-ok and that their special technical fabric was known for it’s lightness. Phew. I didn’t scandalize the neighbors then. This time. (Want to win your own naked outfit? See below!)
In other censored news, one of my posts for Redbook this week on “Kid-isms – words kids hilariously mispronounce” ended up posted quite a bit shorter than I wrote it. I understood my editor’s reasoning but they axed the funniest parts so I had to put it up here in all it’s unedited glory:
My Top 10 Favorite Kid-isms (Uncensored version!)
One Christmas season as we were getting my tired 2-year-old son’s picture taken with Santa, I decided to don a Santa hat and make funny faces to help get him to smile. It worked, but not the way I had intended. My son, whose word for “Santa” was “ho” (shortened from “ho ho ho”), exclaimed loudly and clearly, “Hey my mommy’s a ho!” Believe me, there were a lot of smiles (and questioning looks) after that! One of the best parts of having kids is getting to hear the words they adorably mispronounce — “basgetti” for spaghetti, “alligator” for elevator, and all the variations on octopus — but sometimes these mispronounciations are hilariously disastrous. Read on for my favorites:
– “For our daughter, lotion sounded like “oh sh*t.” It was so funny, I’ve got a video of it posted on facebook.” ~Ted
– “My brother couldn’t pronounce my name when he was little and called me “wah wah” – I’m not sure it was as much a mispronunciation as it was admitting defeat, though, to be honest.” ~Forest
– “My son was 4 and a few days earlier we had eaten fish with hushpuppies. He wanted them again and asked if he could have some ‘dog balls’.” ~Kristen
– “I was standing in line with my young cousin when he was saw a backhoe out the window. He screamed enthusiastically and pointed outside and what everyone heard was: ‘bud….ho…le.’” ~Silke
– “From my son dump truck sounded exactly like ‘dumb f***’” ~Kathy
– “My one of my nephews used to call my husband, Scott, ‘Sock.’ We still sometimes refer to him as Uncle Sock.” ~Marie
– “When Sam was little Batman was ‘black-man’ So he used to always say, ‘When I grow up I wanna be a black man.’ ” ~Sara
– “At the grocery store, my son used to scream for ‘chicken fuggets’.” ~Laura
– “When she was about four, I caught Abby licking the salt off peanuts and them putting them back in the package. I asked her what she was doing and she said, ‘Licking Daddy’s peanuts.’ Only, ‘peanuts’ sounded an awful lot like a part of the male anatomy.” ~Michelle
– “My daughter’s /s/ and /sh/ both sound the same so sometimes I have to stop a minute when she says ‘sit’.” ~Courtney
– “Hailey called pimples ‘pinch balls’.” ~Beth
– “My son used to go to Fox School. He had a serious pronunciation issue with that one!” ~Alyssa
Other articles I did this week:
Mean Girl Mommies: What do you do? I didn’t know how to deal with mean girls in high school and I still have a hard time now – help me out?
Sushi, Artichokes and Cod Liver Oil? Weird Foods That Kids Love. Oddly this one got censored too. They took out the one where my friend Jeni said her daughter loves asparagus which she finds awesome because it makes her pee smell funny. Come on, who doesn’t smell their own pee??
Great Mom Debate: Do you let your toddler watch TV? The AAP recently released new guidelines recommending kids under two get zero screen time. The total lack of comments on this post makes me think that a) this is ridiculous and b) no one wants to admit to thinking it’s ridiculous because then we’re that mom.
Costume Panic! To make or buy, that is the mommy-guilt question.
Dentist Buys Kids’ Halloween Candy From Them. Brilliant solution to the candy dilemma? Or not as easy as it sounds?
And if you still need costume ideas, don’t forget to check out my slideshow for Shape on the 20 Best Fitness Icon costumes!
Giveaway Details:
To win a YMX by Yellowman outfit of your very own, leave me a comment here telling me about your favorite season to be outdoors in. Or tell me if you’ve ever confused underwear for outerwear or vice versa? Contest ends Friday Nov. 3 at midnight. And for kicks – have you ever heard any hilarious kid mispronounciations?
Don’t forget – you can still enter to win a $100 visa card from Don’t Fret the Sweat and the contest to win makeup from BareMinerals is also still open.
*FCC disclosure: I was given one top and bottom to try out for free. I was not compensated in any other manner and all opinions are my own.
Boy do I want those pants ( and maybe they’ll throw in the shirt? Seriously need to add that to my yoga wardrobe!!!).
My favorite season to workout is the summer on the way to fall. The temps are mid 70s, the sun is shining, the world is a happy place. No staying inside for workouts like that- outdoors, baby, showing my sweat and live handles (thanks autocorrect, i kinda like that) to all sorts of neighbors and passerbys.
I love fall! I love being outdoors in the fog. Although it’s a little dangerous.
And I actually like wearing underwear as outerwear. In a modest way though. I’m talking about lingerie from the 60s that is floor length and covers everything but in soft, lacey materials. I love that stuff!
I would love to try this gear. I keep wanting to go running, but I don’t have suitable layers (and I’m not much of a runner .. yet!). I like summer best for being outside, because I am insanely cold-averse.
My nieces used to call me “Aunt Lamie” because they couldn’t quite say Jamie. Luckily they’ve outgrown that one!
I don’t ever plan on getting a tattoo, but I think these are a good substitute (plus I think the design is so cute): http://www.etsy.com/listing/62485943/large-extra-large-sexy-flora-tattoo?ref=sr_gallery_32&ga_includes%5B0%5D=tags&ga_search_query=tattoo+leggings&ga_search_type=all&ga_facet=
Definitely spring. I can’t bear to run when it’s colder, and spring forces me out of bed early enough before it gets too hot (and too late to be productive). Plus, it’s like whoo hoo, no longer cold! But I’m in California, so cold is mid 60s =)
And sports bras confuse me. A roomie bought me a running bra (actually, she bought me 2, plus one from victoria’s secret…she likes buying me bras). She had a college employee discount, so it has the logo plastered all over the front. But…they don’t provide any nipple flattening, so am I supposed to wear it as a top, or underneath? It’s cute, but occasionally they get quite pointy.
Oh man, this is gorgeous (sign me up!). My fave season? Spring (and summer, when it’s not 110). Fall depresses me because it’s almost winter, and I hate winter!
Def. spring.
HolyPantsINeedThem. GAH! As a trainer, I live in the standard “black pants/solid tank” uniform… hubby is anti tattoo, and the pants would be an awesome way to shake up the work attire and bust out some fresh “ink”
I love Summer-into Fall. I love the long days and warm temps of summer, and the cooler weather and crisp, bright colors of Fall. I also love that winter no longer means snow, since I now reside in California! One of the best decisions I ever made, moving out here.
As I was a child of the 80’s, I often imitated Madonna and wore a mostly-see-through top over a bra. Then I joined the cast of “Rocky Horror,” where a lab coat over one’s underwear was considered prudish.
THAT was a cold winter, lol!
I used to take two slips, one black and one white, and cut slits halfway up, all around, like fringe, and wear them one over the other, so it wasn’t see through. But, yeah, still wearing underwear as a skirt.
I adore Spring. The weather starts getting warmer and the sun comes out longer and it just feels like the whole world is coming alive. I love the flowers and the perfumed air too. =)
When I was really young, I had serious difficulty pronouncing the word “fork.” My mother had to come to my rescue once at my grandmother’s house because I was asking for one and TRYING to say, “FORK! FORK! FORK!” My granny was NOT pleased, at least until after my mom explained what I was trying to say, hehe.
For me, spring is the absolute best time to be outside. Shedding those winter layers, the first few daffodils and crocuses peeking out of the ground and everyone you pass is just a little bit happier that the days are getting longer again.
Oh and my ex’s niece was excited about moving house and kept telling us about the BIG YELLOW TRUCK that brought her things to her new home. Except she didn’t say truck.
I love being outside during winter! the snow is so gorgeous!!!
I am surprised to say this, but the cool, wet fall is turning out to be lovely for exercise. No more sweaty red-faced mess after bootcamp!
My girls have tons of cute mis-pronounciations, but to this day we still call our 7 yo “icey” because that is how she said her name when she was little (her name is Iris).
I am surprised to say this, but the cool, wet fall is turning out to be lovely for exercise. No more sweaty red-faced mess after bootcamp!
My girls have tons of cute mis-pronounciations, but to this day we still call our 7 yo “icey” because that is how she said her name when she was little (her name is Iris).
Oops sorry for the double comment. I was having trouble posting to the mobile site so I switched over to the regular version and I must have messed up!
I am also a big fan of the fall. The crisp air, the colors of the leaves, it’s just beautiful.
As for mispronunciations, my then 2 year old and I were at the dollar store looking at their coloring books. Out of nowhere she starts yelling out something that sounds like “f*ck it!” and keeps yelling it repeatedly. It wasn’t until I noticed what she was pointing at that I realized she was saying “Franklin”.
I’m a big fan of Spring! Just when the icy cold winter is slowly thawing and the temperature warms up enough to go out in a light jacket…..awesome!
My favorite season to enjoy the outdoors is probably summer if I’m living in Denver (I love the cool, still mornings & the beautiful late sunsets) or fall when I’m living in Nashville (gotta love the leaves…absolutely beautiful!).
Hands down the fall. I live to run, but struggle when it’s hot. Fall in MN is the bomb!
I love any season that is not winter. I enjoy spring, summer and fall, but in the winter I just want to hide inside under a blanket.
My baby bro was born when I was 20 years old, so I have some good memories from his babyhood. I remember the first time we gave him a chocolate chip cookie – freshly baked and still gooey. I have before and after pictures of him in his high chair. By the time he was finished with the cookie he was covered in chocolate. He said some sort of baby gibberish but what how it came out was as if he had looked down at the mess he’d made and said “Oh good God!”. It was hilarious.
I love working out in the fall. Even now that I live in Maine and didn’t have a miserably hot summer, there was so much to do that I didn’t run as much as I would have liked. Fall is a beautiful time to be outdoors and things slow down just enough that I can get back into my routine!
I love running in fall. The air is better, the temperature is better…I just love it. and now that I live in a much warmer climate (just moved from NW Pennsylvania to Tennessee), I don’t have to worry about the snow as early either.
I like fall to be outside, before it’s terribly cold, but so I don’t sweat by just standing in one place.
I love fall from inside, but I am a summer girl for all things outdoors, because I get cold SO easily. I love those pants, and completely agree about wanting to look like MizFit. In more ways than just her awesome tatoo – girls got MAD pipes.
My brothers used to say “I’m owie” for I’m hungry. My grandma couldn’t figure it out once, and I swear they were each equally frustrated and it might have escalated far too much had I not intervened.
Early fall is my favorite season. Once it gets too close to winter the cold air is too hard on my lungs.
I love running outside in the fall when it’s crisp and almost cold, but still sunny.
My then four year old, who is still in speech therapy, would say ninjers for ninjas. Not an major issue until we went home for Christmas and lots of family thought he was saying a different “n” word.
My favorite season to run outside is the beginning of fall just before the rains start. Love the smell of impending rain, the little breeze that makes the leaves swirl on the ground!
I found your blog a couple months ago and I think you’re great regardless of whether you scandalize your neighbors or not! Haha The yellow man outfit looks awesome. My favorite season to be outside exercising is fall.
I am with you Charlotte. It’s fall, hands down. Nothing like running in the cool, crisp air
Those tights are awesome! I love them! My favorite season to be outside in is Spring. Not too hot, not too cold.
Favorite season to be outside? Well, being a transplanted northerner now living in the South still have a fondness for Spring! When you could finally go out in something besides a parka or snowmobile suit
Altho after living through months of temps >100, Fall is pretty nice this year.
Favorite kid saying…one of our friend’s son had trouble saying Aunt Renee and called me Ananay…It was so freakin cute, and I really miss it!
Fall! For SURE! Just went kayaking last night and it was GLORIOUS!
When we were kids, we were in the basement playing secretaries. But we were at the age where all words must be abreviated. So when my Mom came to the top of the stairs to ask what we were doing, imagine her shock when I yelled up “We are playing secs!” (My sister had to explain it to me…)
The TX summers are pretty hot and makes running outdoors more challenging. I do so love the beauty and cooler temps of both spring and fall. I feel I can run forever in the cooler weather!
Love this giveaway; thanks!!!!
I love fall here, spring it rains too much to get outside and run.
My sisters used to have a real obsession with clocks when she was little, especially the cuckoo clock in the kitchen. Unfortunately she could’n’t pronounce her “L” sounds yet. Made for many funny sentences out of her mouth.
My favorite season to be outdoors is the fall. The crisp air and crunching leaves…love it!
I love being outside when its cold- more fall like cold than winter. I love heading out for a run in shorts/running skirt and getting the numb coldness in my legs
You had me laughing so hard at the kid-isms it almost made me want to go out and breed just for the pure entertainment of it! (Fortunately, post-menopause, that’s a pretty empty threat).
You look awesome in the tattoo togs… I thought about a similar giveaway but I so could never rock that look–unless maybe it were halloween. I’m a bit too old & unhip to carry it off, but you look great!
Gotta be fall. After a long, hot, sweaty, southern summer, doing yoga outdoors in the crisp air is so great!
Something tells me I’d look good in a pair of those pants, but I don’t know if I could handle the stares. Despite blogging evidence to the contrary, I like to stay on the side of the room…er…gym.
That is a super cute outfit!! I totally want one!! And I love running outside in the spring. The sun is finally out and the flowers are blooming and it smells wonderful outside. Love it!!
I love fall- like you- not too hot and not too cold. Or early morning in the summer- before it gets hot. I love the wet feeling of the grass on my toes.
Love running in the cooler weather. Fall is awesome. Spring can be fun too. I have run in some pretty interesting weather as I have no treadmill.
My daughter was super funny and would call flip flop sandles, flipper floppers.
I love fall. The colours, the slight chill in the air…it’s perfect. There’s even no mosquitos anymore! Wohoo
I used to call a suitcase a soupcase…and my niece loves dragon fruit, which is now called wagonfruit by our whole family since she called it that the first time she had it:)
In Northern California we don’t have much in the way of seasons. That said, I prefer running early morning in the summer. The sun is lovely and the air is clear. Of course, any day I can get outside and run is a good day!
I love to snowshoe! That pretty much eliminates three seasons.
I love cross-country skiing! Everyone else I know hates winter, but it’s my second favorite season. (The first is spring.) I can’t wait to visit my parents in northern Michigan in a couple of months for a dose of proper winter!
My favorite time of year to workout outside is the very beginning of fall. The weather is still a little warm (not too hot, not too cold) and you get the wonderful colors of the leaves. The best part, though, is that there aren’t any mosquito or a lot of bugs! Running in the summer evenings leads to a ridiculous amounts of bug bites!
I do have to say that I’m absolutely loving the current cool, fall weather for running. Is it a cop out to say I like all seasons for different reasons? I guess here in the North West I do have a hard time enduring the winter rain and dreariness, but spring’s flowers, summer’s warmth, and fall’s crispness make up for it!
Fall, for sure. Not too hot, not too wet, leaves to crunch and Halloween decorations.
My son used to say “Big baboos!” when he wanted me to blow soap bubbles for him.
Fall or spring — it is WAY TOO HOT here during summer, but I am a big wimp about the cold. Outdoor exercise is best in fall or spring for me. Keeping my fingers crossed!
I LOVE spring and fall. I’m only happy in the in-between seasons…not too hot, not too cold.
Like you, I’m also a huge fan of fall. I think us Minnesotan see it as the last hurrah before the cold, icy, snowy winter hits so we all take advantage of the last few weeks of gorgeous weather.
Running, hiking and horseback riding are all best in the fall!
I don’t have any funny kid pronunciations, but I do want the yellowman wear! Fall is definitely my favorite season
The summers in Washington are usually perfection. I love being outside as soon as the weather turns nice!
I live in Alaska, but don’t really like the cold of winter. However, our summers cannot be beat! Imagine going out for a long bike ride at 10 pm under a bright sun. It’s heavenly.
My favorite season to be outdoors in is definitely winter! Being on the West coast now, I take for granted the snow and pretty scenery of the East Coast during the winter months.
Awesome Giveaway!
That outfit is so pretty. I love fall. Looks like we’ll be getting snow in the next few days too.
It’s all about spring when the wildflowers are in bloom!
My favorite season to be outdoors is usually summer, being from the Northeast, but now after living in the South it is, like you, fall.
I love the fall. Let me rephrase that: I utterly adore the fall! I live in Texas, and find our summers to be unbearably hot (this year we almost hit the record for most consecutive days over 100 degrees). Once it turns to fall, it’s finally nice enough to go outside, and I try to live it up. I like how crisp the air is, and I like that walking around doesn’t make me sweat buckets. I also like the spring, but not as much as fall because I am always aware that summer is just around the corner. This might contribute to why Halloween is one of my absolutely favorite holidays.
I will take summer anytime!! It’s all about being able to go kayaking and enjoying the sand and surf! Like you, I sweat in all the wrong places. A good outfit makes all the difference in what stretches I do at the end of a workout.
I used to be all about the spring but as I get older I’m less excited about sun tans and tiny clothes and find myself embracing the knitwear of a cool crisp fall day.
Fall is my favorite time of year to be outside – this year has been an exceptionally gorgeous, perfect fall – loving every minute of it before the cold and snow start!
I’ve never heard of this brand of clothing. I’d make all my Y-peeps jealous!
Oh, I so want those leggings. I think late summer, early fall is the best time to run. I don’t mind the heat, but really enjoy getting out there when the weather just starts cooling off. However, I am a freeze-baby, so too cool (comfortable to most peoples standards!)- and I am inside on the treadmill.
I think spring might be my favorite season to run in. The sun starts sticking around longer but the days and evenings are still cool enough that you’re not totally sweating. Although fall is nice for racing nice because running in all the heat and humidity over the summer makes you a lot faster when the weather finally cools off.
Definitely spring! I love spring and fall – weather in the upper 70s/lower 80s, no summer humidity yet but I don’t need three shirts and ear muffs to go outdoors either. They’re both great, but somehow spring is better after dealing with cold weather and dusk at 5 all winter!
And I’ve never gotten underwear mixed up with clothing – but plenty of women here have. At least, I assume that’s why I see them at bars and restaurants wearing heels, shirts and underwear.
I live in FL so fall, winter and spring are great seasons to be out doors!
Fall is definitely my favorite season to be outside! It’s so beautiful out, here in the mountains!
Oh summer! Hands down. I love all seasons, but there is something about the heat that I just LOVE, especially when I get to run in it…that sounds insane, but if I could find the equator line and lay on it, i would.
I’m a summer person. I love the heat and humidity!
(PS: check out your muscles!!!)
I love fall…until the rain starts here in seattle.
I’m pretty sure my favorite season is the summer as I love to swim and be out in the sun (or under a huge summer hat). I enjoy breezy beaches as they add the perfect touch of misty heaven to a hot day.
I think I’ve probably heard every mispronunciation in the book. I work with toddlers in a Montessori setting. However, the best one was when we were playing outside and a large cement truck passed by. The toddler yelled “a big f*ck.” Adorable.
Early fall and late spring in San Francisco… the summer fog is not oppressing us, the days are long enough for sunset runs at Ocean Beach after work, and the temps are perfect for outdoor exercise!
WOuld love to win these running pants! Thanks!
I can’t pick a favorite season. There are things I love about all of them. I think if I were to pick, I would have to go with winter as Colorado’s Front Range experiences it (mostly sunny, not too cold, highs around 50 most of the time, some snow, can drive 20 minutes to good snowshoeing and nordic skiing, can drive 40 minutes to good downhill). Maybe I’m just leaning in that direction because it is so close I can taste it. It already snowed a good 8 inches at my house! I will miss the regular outdoor climbing in the winter. Alas! That’s what gyms are for, I suppose.
But the other seasons are all wonderful for their various and varied outdoor offerings.
As for underwear as outerwear, I have a serious-but-healthy obsession with baselayers (long underwear, as it is known in many circles). I wear it all the time when the weather turns cooler, often by itself when I am not doing anything seriously in public. Or when I’m working out. I don’t know how my neighbors feel about seeing me all up in my tighties.
Spring, after Minnesota winter, which unsurprisingly is my least favorite season to be outside!
Fall! After weeks of unrelieved heat, it’s great to not have to run at 5 am!
I live in Texas where we only have two seasons…summer and not summer. So I guess when it comes to working out outdoors, I definitely prefer NOT summer. If you have ever tried to run in 112 degree heat, you understand!
My favourite season to be working out outdoors in is summer, hands down. I live in Norway though, so summer is very elusive (somtimes it seems to be non-existent), and it never gets very hot – mid to upper seventies are unusual here, and if it stays above 68 an entire night, you can read about it in the newspapers the next day.
I did pack a pair of boxer briefs in stead of running shorts for a run after work a couple of weeks ago – they were in the same pile of non-folded laundry on my dining table (…), and I apparently janked out the wrong garment when packing my bag. I actually considered just using them – for maybe a second – before dejectedly packing my gear and driving home!
Living in the upper MidWest, my favorite season to be outside is any that I’m not freezing cold. So if I can layer well, I’ll happily be out in the dead of winter too.
I live for Fall. Seriously if anyone wants an extra summer I will trade in a heartbeat. Forget pools and cook outs.. I want to stay inside cuddled up under a warm blanket with a cup of tea.. or brave the cold in a light jacket and go for a walk. I swear the air is cleaner then.
if you’ve ever confused underwear for outerwear or vice versa?
I just kinda wear what I want to wear & not worry about it…. it is southern CA –
Although I do prefer fall hear when it is just right to be outside any time of the day although I am an early morn person for exercise!
I love that outfit on you – beautiful!
Summer is my favorite, even with the humidity here in MI, But I just love being outside and not wearing snow boots.
I live in Florida and just started running. I could really use some cute, lightweight, sweat wicking clothing for the hot humid days and the cool mornings.
My favorite season to be outside in is summer, but my favorite season to run outside is fall precisely because of the perspiration issue. If that gear is as good as you say it is, I might spend more of my outdoor summer time running.
odd note? Asparagus causes everyone’s pee to stink if they eat it… Some people think it doesn’t, but it actually does… However, the difference is that some people aren’t able to smell it due to genetics.
I would love an outfit from YMX. So colorfull. My favorite season to exercise outside is fall. I live in SoCal, and the air is so fresh in the morning now, I love it.
When my daughter was about 5, I served her and her friend fruit cocktail, her friend picked up one piece of fruit and said “this is the cock”, then pick up another piece and said ” this is the tail” she repeated this for the whole bowl.
Summer all the way! I like to be warm.
That outfit is seriously hot, btw.
Early fall is the best, when it’s still warm but the leaves are starting to change color and the sky is clear, and there’s none of the allergies that come with spring or intense heat or cold that come with winter.
I didin’t get comment the other night that I read these, but I thought the kid stuff was hilarious! I had to read a lot of them to my husband. He said, “If we didn’t have kids of our own, I’d swear people make this stuff up.” We always have to stop and think when our daughter says Froggy. It’s sounds like the F word ending with a y, like she’s trying to cute it up somehow lol.
I’m glad the company could confirm you indeed wore your active wear correctly. I’d feel pretty sheepish if I found out what I was running around in underwear.
I love fall because I have a hard time breathing in the spring and summer heat and allergies. I’d love this outfit because I want Carla’s tattoos but couldn’t hide them well enough with my job.
My favorite season to workout outside is definitely this one, fall! I love to see all the beautiful colors in the trees, and the weather is the perfect temperature for running. I find that I spend almost as much time outside in fall than I do in summer.
Oh, and my daughter is saying a word that sounds like sh*t lately, and since we don’t know what word she is attempting to say, she repeats it over and over in an attempt to explain it to us. Its really hard not to laugh.
Love that outfit!
The AAP recommendation for no tv makes me laugh. Would it be for the best? Possibly. But is it even remotely possible in our tv/internet/wi-fi/smartphone/ipad laden society? Hardly!
I live in Perth, Australia, so I can pretty much exercise outdoors all the time, that said I hate the cold, so I prefer summer – has to be at least 25C for me to be happy – I don’t even mind the super heat. Plus, I can’t fog up my glasses in summer (yes I need contact lenses).
My favorite season is summer! Nothing better than watching my children run and play on the beach. But for running nothing beats the cooler weather….
Definitely fall! I love running outside when the air is crisp and cool. Unfortunately, I’m recovering from an injury I sustained while running back in August, so I’m missing the whole fall running season
Some new workout clothing would sure be a good pick-me-up!
Fall! Unfortunately here in Northern Virginia that elusive season seems to last approximately three hours and thirty-two minutes on some random Tuesday Afternoon. Don’t blink or you will miss it.
As a fairly new runner, I’ve only got experience so far running in summer and fall, and so far, I much prefer fall. That said, I’m a bit scared for daylight savings time, because it takes away all my daylight after work, and i’m nervous about running in the dark!
I am totally loving fall this year! NC is so different from CA, I can’t stop taking pictures of all the gorgeous colors.
Fall for sure! The air is crisp so I don’t get super sweaty, it’s not as humid, and the leaves are gorgeous!
I LOVE fall! I’m not ashamed that it is most popular, there is just nothing that can beat a crisp fall day, with still a little warmth of summer hanging on, but that little nip in the wind to cool it off. The crinkle of leaves, the ground is usually dry (unlike soggy spring), maybe even a little dusting of snow later in the day if it’s nearing the end of november.
Perfect for running, cartwheels, touch football, bike riding, anything you’d possibly want to do outside!
Love the pants! Summer is my favorite time to be outside, but right now I am loving running in the perfect fall weather!
we only have 2 seasons in bullhead oven and freezer but there are a few hours every day in the summer april-nov that you can go out and walk on the beach 4-6 in the morning and id love to showoff this cute ymx outfit if anybody else is awake. our son had trouble with pepsi he was adamant that he wanted some top of the volume middle of safeway. i left my cart aand took him and ran
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