Backbends are so slimming! Unfortunately they not only flatten your tummy but your boobs too.
Poofy or neon. Hand quilted or sleek leather. Stuffed to the brim or neatly organized. Whatever yours looks like, a gym bag is a staple for most exercising folks. (And one of the few times guys get social permission to carry a purse without checking their man card.)
All the Gym Buddies carry one because not only do they free up our hands for carrying screaming kiddos but we also like to leave them strewn around the weight floor to add a little obstacle-course fun to everyone’s workout. (No we don’t – that’s horrible gym etiquette! Ok we don’t do it intentionally. Usually. I’m sorry.) And I like to think that they are a great indicator of our personalities. Megan carries a utilitarian, single-shoulder, multi-pocketed, gray and black backpack that doubles as her diaper bag – unsurprisingly she is the one who always has spare pants when anyone’s kid has an accident. Krista totes a basic black canvas bag with a large bird applique on it – not because she likes birds but because she’s frugal and it was cheap. Allison uses a brown print cotton bag … And mine? Well I like to think mine is as crazy as I am.
These are my gym bag essentials:
1. Workouts! This is our current T-Tapp workout written up in poster size that I tape to the mirror every morning so we can get our pelvic thrusting synchronized.
2. My Brita water bottle. Now that I’ve gone filtered I may never go back. People hawk loogies into our drinking fountains! (And if filters don’t filter out boogers please don’t tell me in the comments because I am happy living in ignorance.)
3. My Gymboss timer. and Tabata interval workouts are impossible without a good interval timer. (Now that I’ve finally figured out how to program it…)
4. I usually keep a spare pair of socks and this suh-weet candy corn pair are courtesy of Turbo Jennie. Because she knows how much I loathe candy corn. (Seriously it is the most vile candy ever invented. I don’t care if you do make it into Butterfingers. Ick.) Don’t worry, I got her back by sticking the $20 I owed her down her top while she had a weight bar balanced on her shoulders doing squats.
5. Sweat towel. This one has an adorable monkey on it and disconcertingly smells like vomit. And no, it’s not the towel I nose-puked in. (Side note: I almost did another Crappy Pictures post with what happened when I didn’t realize you have to peel the food wax off of turnips before cooking them. Let’s just say it came out the other end exactly how it went in. It floated like an oil slick. Ok, I swear I’m done. See? You guys dodged a serious bullet right there.)
6. MP3 player. I’m old school. This is a cheap-o model I got six years ago that only holds 30 songs and is literally held together by duct tape. (Upside: it fits perfectly in my cleavage because 50% of my workout bottoms have no pockets.)
7. Weighted jump rope. For some reason jump ropes are like gold at our YMCA. They can never keep them stocked because people steal them all the time. I know – who steals a jump rope when they could make off with a kettlebell in their pants??
8. My workout book. This is my most prized workout possession. Every time the Gym Buddies and I do a workout we really like we write it down in my little green book and on days when we don’t have anything planned we randomly pick a page. They call it the book of torture but I only torture those I love. Just ask my kids.
9. Weight gloves. It’s true that these awesome Harbinger gloves protect my girly hands from ugly callouses but I’ll be honest: I like to wear them because it makes me feel bada**. And I have so few opportunities in my life to feel that way so I’m going with it.
10. A toy car. My bag is rife with little toys, half-eaten granola bars, dirty kleenexes and other kid crap. Just the other day I pulled out my sweat towel and wiped down my sweaty chest only to have Allison dissolve into gales of laughter. Turns out there was a very large Transformers sticker stuck to one boob thanks to a child who had shoved it in my bag where it had gotten stuck to my towel. It was like the most inappropriate pastie ever.
11. Sweatshirt. I’m always freezing. Until I’m suddenly drenched in sweat and dying of heat. And then when we finish our workout I’m freezing again. Layers are a must.
Not pictured: diapers, garbage, torn-out magazine workouts, garbage, a set of wrist sweatbands for when we do kettlebells or Retro Turbo, garbage, random change, garbage and my ID card.
So now I’m curious what your gym bag essentials are? What does your bag look like (and what does it say about you??
For all my blogger friends: I thought it would be fun to do a slideshow for about what fitness bloggers have in their gym bags (Tampons that look like candy? Half-eaten granola bar? Thong?). If you are a health or fitness blogger interested in having your blog featured on Shape, please leave me a comment here saying that you’re interested. You will need to e-mail me (chariander AT gmail DOT com – replace AT with @ and DOT with . you know the drill) a picture of you with your gym bag with a brief description of the contents and a link to your site. I need all submissions by Friday Nov. 11. Soooo excited to see what stuff you guys have!
I love your bag essentials and also the non pictured stuff, like diapers and such. I think all moms have diapers, some random little lifesavers or raisins or suckers from the bank or anything ready at a moment’s notice for those moments when something like that can stave off a tantrum
I have the same bag you have. Same color. I love it. It’s the perfect size and shape. I’m thinking I might buy the green one too. Just because.
I use my bag for Latin dance classes, so contained in mine are dance shoes, 2 small towels, water bottle, knee brace, and a shoe brush to care for the suede soles of my shoes.
Isn’t it the best?? I love it too and I paid full price for it which is something I almost never do. Totally happy with it. I also love that it has the ties for my yoga mat on the bottom.
Love the purple bag. Mine is actually very utilitarian and boring. I do have my workout logbook in there that I carry and log every workout. I do the turn to a random page when I don’t have a plan also. I did that today, in fact.
Gads, I’m boring! I don’t have a gym bag, really, as I use a backpack as my everyday bag and just use it for the gym, as well. And I’ve been cleaning it out on a regular basis.
Except CDs. Somehow I never manage to take my Pilates CDs out of my bag.
I’m boring.
Makes me wish I went To the gym so I had an awesome gym bag. Can I show you my running stuff drawer or my car full of random cycling/running gear? I know, not the same.
I have like 9 different workout bags. My lululemon addiction is not limited to their clothing.
Regardless, I have a system- on Sunday, I go to work with a whole week’s worth of workout clothes, including undies, and I leave it in a drawer at work. My shoes, travel sized shower stuff (from Philosophy! best purchase ever!), shower-flip flops and brush live in that drawer also. I have a water bottle that I fill from my office’s filtered water. My iPod is usually in my coat or purse (obviously updated with my most recent audio edition of the Economist, to listen to while I run- I like to care for my mind and body at the same time). My gym provides towels. Check. And. Mate.
So, my gym bag is pretty sparse, but only because of my weekly haul to the office. My gym is located in the basement, so it’s a short 30 floor ride with my quickly stuffed gym-bag. On the way home, the bag is just full of sweaty clothes, since everything else just stays at the office.
I really hope no one ever looks in my sneaky gym drawer and sees all my gym undies.
I love your system! And I love how organized you are – will you please come arrange my life??
Hah, I’m only organized because I don’t have kids and live alone.
It’s a lot easier to keep things in line when you’re only organizing for one, and there isn’t anyone else moving your stuff or hiding toy trucks in your gym bag.
I’m in! I’ll have to take a picture
My gym bag isn’t quite so ‘cool’. Although it does contain a bag of chalk and a belt for deadlifting/squatting that is pretty B.A.
Yayay! Can’t wait to see your BA pic;)
I don’t have a gym bag. Well, I do have a gym bag, but I don’t use it. My car trunk is much bigger than any gym bag.
Since I either workout at home, or go to muay thai classes, I only have a muay thai bag, and it’s pretty simple. The bag itself is a simple tote that came with my printer (because people travel with their printers a lot?) and was thus free, if not beautiful. The straps have pulled off, so they are affixed with safety pins. What? Not like I’m going to the trouble of hand sewing straps back onto a crappy free printer tote! It only holds my protective gear, and some fabric softener sheets to keep things from getting super funky. In this one thing, at least, I’m completely utilitarian.
And my kid is old enough to carry her own stuff to keep entertained during class. It usually involves reading, maybe homework, then stealing my android to play games.
I do covet the sparring gear bag she was given for karate. It’s huge, sturdy, nicely divided into compartments, and bright red. But I’m too cheap to buy myself one.
This: “he bag itself is a simple tote that came with my printer (because people travel with their printers a lot?)” made me giggle. I totally want to see this bag now! And I hope you get the sparring bag of your dreams for Christmas:)
Since I work out at home these days I don’t have a gym bag. I do have a really cool camera bag though.
Since I do all of my workouts at home, I don’t have a cute gym bag. Sad!
The Man Bicep gym bag looks like part gym bag, part trash can. There are Starbucks receipts in there as well as old gum wrappers.
Workouts are written on scraps of paper which are scattered throughout the bag. I keep two ipods in there since someone at the gym is always borrowing one.
There are usually extra shirts and underwear in there as well.
Protein powder and empty platsic bottles are also always on hand.
I would love to submit a picture of my gym bag/trash can!
Yay! Do it!! I’m excited to see this trasthtastic awesomeness!
I have a reuseable bag from the University where I work, it holds my gym gear (packed fresh every morning) shoes, lunch, latest book I’m reading, spare pen, scraps of paper and reciepts, etc. I use it for going to work, holding my clothes, toting around my lunch, hauling random grocieries I pick up on the way home, and anything else I might need a bag for.
I find having it all contained in a simple tote keeps me from accumulating too many things since I can see everything clearly and because I have to remove my work clothes every night (I just walk home in my workout gear since I need to air out anyways) I actually remember to remove my used tupperware each day as well. No more rotting lasagne in my bag!
I imagine things will change a bit when I have kids, but hopefully not too much, I hate mess.
No more rotting lasagne in your bag… eeek. Lol. Love your idea to keep it small to avoid clutter!
I have a black bag like yours. It currently holds the clothes I’ll change into after work for pilates class, a pair of flip-flops, a sweat towel, protein bar, iTouch, extra pony tail holders, a headband, my group fitness instructor name tag (Really? Wear a name tag while teaching yoga? Notsomuch.), and some loose change. Oh, and probably notes for a couple of yoga lessons. The water bottle’s in the fridge.
Wow a nametag during yoga sounds like a recipe for getting poked in the boob! Ouch!
I would love to have my mess of a bag featured! I’ll email you! You and I actually have the same bag, only mine is green. My bag usually has a set or 2 of clothes, a deodorant, random papers that should prob just be recycled, my workout notebook, and assorted horrors.
Great minds think alike! So excited to see your pic!
I left my gym/dance bag on the bus one morning (I was answering a call on my cell phone and just didn’t manage to grab it on my way off- waited around for 20 minutes for it to come back around since I know the bus loops a few stops away but already my stuff was gone!) so I am in a messy state without it. Need to upgrade to a bigger bag with a strap that will go across my body so it’ll be harder to leave stuff behind. Anyhow, my gym/dance bag usually has a pair of ballet slippers and whatever footwear I need for whatever I’m about to do, a top, bottom, and sports bra, a water bottle that’s still half-full from last workout, a bunch of squished up half-eaten protein bars on the very bottom of the bag, and one sock (but never it’s pair). And a tube of Voltaren.
I totally do this too: “a water bottle that’s still half-full from last workout” Even better in the winter when it’s FROZEN old water;)
I have a blue Under Armour bag that I won from Eastbay.
In it I have the usual (iPod, headphones, towel, workout kicks, and workout log book with pen).
My silghtly unusual items are a lacrosse ball (for SMR), a couple different power bands, and a TRX.
I also take a PVC pipe for rolling to the gym. But, that doesn’t fit in my bag.
I’m imagining you toting the pVC pipe around like a weapon… I bet you get any seat on the bus you want;)
Oh, this is right up my alley! I’ll be sending you a picture in a few moments!! Great idea, thanks!
Yay!! Thank you!
I have black Harbinger gloves too, but I actually dislike mine for the same reason you like yours – I don’t like to look that hardcore in the gym. I wish they had cute colors other than black (or even tan so it wasn’t as obvious from afar that I’m wearing them). I know Nike does some in gray or pink, but the quality was crappy.
Probably is horribly chauvinistic of me that I don’t want to own up to my weightlifting prowess…
ROFL. I think they do have a hot pink pair?
Notebook, pen, weight-gloves, sugarless chewing gum, furniture sliders (that I use instead of Val Slides) and kitchen timer (cheaper than a gym timer).
But the gem of my collection is a folder filled with very important papers such as:
A photo of Jason Statham without his shirt on.
An old newspaper clipping of me winning a hula-hoop contest in high-school.
An old fat picture of me. (To prove to people that yes, indeed, I used to be a couch potato.)
A copy of Rachel Cosgrove’s article “The Last Nail in the Cardio Coffin” which I give to people suffering from chronic cardio.
This is the BEST gym bag contents ever – I want to see your folder!!! Everything from Jason Statham to the R.Cosgrove article and everything in between. I love you.
My gym bag essentials are pretty standard: workout clothes, towel (usually bright orange, red, blue, or green), cheap mp3 player, heartrate monitor, and some basic toiletries.
But my gym bag itself is kind of special. It’s a big olive-green backpack with kangaroos! I bought it on a whim, about 15 years ago. The coolest feature: a separate compartment for my sneakers. I love that thing!
Since I adore you and your blog, I thought it would be kind of me to let you know you can send your vile candy corn my way. I stock up at Halloween since it is seriously the only candy I really like. Call me crazy.
My gym bag is super boring….workout clothes, deodorant, headphones. Thrilling,I know.
YOu can have it ALL! Take it!!
That’s so a lot of things!
I just have a bottle of water, my music player and a sweat towel in my bag…
But you gave me some good idea, I might try Gyboss Timer the soon!
A good gossip magazine is a MUST – I cannot get through my cardio without US Weekly or People. Earphones and iPod so I can make it through weight lifting twice a week and listen to Real Housewives (while reading) while on the Stepmill. Organic soap/shampoo/conditioner/lotion, b/c I am now a freak about chemicals, in light of my bump. BioOil for that bump
Oh yes, good mags are a must! I usually have one or two in there…
I’m in the military so my gym bag doubles as my life suitcase for the week! I’d love to share the contents to the world…be warned, it’s not pretty…
Do it!!! I wanna see:)
I know you like your Brita bottle but I like my glass bottle from LifeFactory — it has a silicone sleeve so I can be my dorky self and drop it
Oooh – I would love to try a bottle like that! Getting away from plastic would be awesome and I hate the metallic taste of aluminum bottles. Good idea!
Make sure to check with your gym. My university gym does not allow any kind of glass bottles at all.
plastic it is. At least we have a filtered water bottle fill station.
They started off making baby bottles so if you have little ones using bottles still, they’re awesome for that too. Lots of pretty colors to choose from as well!
My gym bag is a black one nothing special. But in it I carry a Yoga mat, sweat towel, regular towel, all kind of toiletries, a change of clothes that aren’t gym clothes, my work out shoes and my running shoes (because you never know when you feel like a run!), my water bottle, my cell phone/mp3 player, and a little cash to get my recovery chocolate milk.
I’m sure when I am cleared to return to working out I’ll have diapers and other baby items in there.
Oppes, my workout log I write down work outs I do as well as pages of oxygen mag with the different work outs they suggest to do.
Awesome idea – I will send you a pic tonight. I can’t wait to see what everyone else has in their bags. You know, I’ve never, ever liked carrying a purse, but I’ll drag my gym bag everywhere!
I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!! My nag is so heavy with all the stuff I have in it that it should be a workout in itself! Walking up the stairs to the cardio & weight area, I practically am done with my leg workout!!!
I am so in but hope I can get everything from my bag into one pic since my bag is HUGE & it also has multiple pockets for more stuff to put in it. I am really excited to sent his to you!
I’m totally interested. I’ll take the picture tomorrow when I head to the gym
I’ll totally send you a pic of what’s in my gym bag. It’s ridiculous!
WHY have I never thought about keeping my ipod in my cleveage??
The trunk of my car is basically my gym bag. Will that do??
Hmmm… wonder if I can that picture taken by tomorrow? My workout bag is boring, boring, boring… mainly because I haven’t yet painted by baby weight plates (1-1/4# – so freaking adorable!) bright pink to make them hard to lose.
OK. Will give this shot. What else am I doing this afternoon?
I have no gym bag. (insert big sad face here!)
and its sadder that I have looked at your picture 3 times and I still can’t believe those are socks and not just random candy corns falling out of your bag! I think it might be time for bed…..
I hope it’s not too late to send you my gym bag pick and contents???
You’ll be receiving my email shortly…standby…
ME! I am interested. I LOVE my Core bag from Livewell360. Will email you later today.
So nice! But I think that in backpack had to be bottle to drink in the way)
Love backpacks for sports, they of all probably the most comfortable, I wear such to College and it very good