My favorite reader questions are the ones that you think would have a simple answer and yet instead of just saying “yes” or “no” I take the opportunity to turn it into a story all about me and only tangentially address their question. Today’s question in part 4 of my Help a Reader Out (by giving them better advice that I do) series is from Angie who writes,
“Hey, have you ever tried a Neti pot? My doctor told me to try it for my recurring sinus infections but I’m weirded out by the whole idea of pouring water up my nose.”
Dear Angie,
First, pouring water up your nose is weird so kudos to you for a totally rational reaction. Second, I feel inclined to tell you that the research on Neti pots is quite mixed. Many holistic doctors swear by them for curing everything from allergies to infections but newer research shows that using them long term may actually backfire, giving you more sinus problems that you started out with. (Maybe our noses are like our stomachs and they need some bacteria living in them?) Either way however, that’s not what you asked me. You asked if I have ever tried one. And the answer to that is yes. Exactly once.
Charlotte’s Adventure With the Neti Pot (From 2010, shortly after my baby was born)
Like most things that end up with bodily fluids all over my floors, I blame this on my kids. Jelly Bean, specifically. While everyone knows that there are many things you can’t ingest while you’re pregnant, nobody bothers to tell you that not only do those restrictions continue after your little hitchhiker has caught the last umbilical train out of your uterus but they actually increase if you decide to let them continue on to Hooterville.
I’m not trying to knock breastfeeding – I’m happy that I’m making my kids smarter, healthier, and better at bra-fitting (you’d think, right?) – but it sucks (ha!) when it comes to what you can’t eat. Not only has Jelly Bean weaned me off of all foods containing dairy but when I got all congested this last weekend I couldn’t even take any medicine (antihistamines can apparently dry up the boob juice). So in desperation I turned to a non-medicinal remedy: the Neti pot. (Why am I capitalizing Neti? I have no idea. Jelly Bean has RSV and I’m so sleep deprived that random capitalization should be the least of your worries. Someone really needs to take away my car keys, is what I’m saying.)
For those of you uninitiated in the ways of sinus flushing, a Neti pot is a little teapot that you fill with salt water and then tilting your head to the side, you pour the water up your nose until it comes out the other nostril. Yes it does feel like you are drowning in the Dead Sea – but only briefly. That is if things go according to plan which with me they never do.
My first attempt had me choking and gagging as the saline ran down my throat. I thought that this must be because my head was too high so I tilted it down further over the sink for the second go-round. IT CAME OUT MY EYE. I inhaled salt water through my nose and squirted it out of my eye socket, people. I know this sounds like the best party trick ever but I cannot tell you how disturbed by this I was. And not just because I wear contacts that were now burning from the inside.
It turns out that if your nasal passages are completely blocked, as mine apparently were, the water will do as water does and follow the path of least resistance out. MY EYE. So I did what I do naturally – which was run around shrieking. After a brief Facebook consultation with Gym Buddy Jeni who is so cool that she not only snorts salt water but adds zinc and colloidal silver to her Neti (blinged out sinuses! Take that Lil’ Wayne with your wimpy grill!) I blew my nose and tried again. This time it worked. If by worked you mean that I became the world’s grossest water fountain.
When I finished my masochistic ritual, I expected that all the snot would be cleaned out and I would be able to breathe unmolested. Wrong again. The human body produces way more boogers than you’d think. Instead of being the After woman on an Allegra commercial, I was now a walking slug leaving a trail of slime as I moped around my house. (Gym Buddy Dennis was so grossed out when I posted that lovely visual that he couldn’t eat lunch!) And to top it all off, my sinuses actually felt more inflamed than when I started.
It was at this point I decided to stop using my Internet powers to gross out random strangers and put them to their official use: Googling medical symptoms until I become hysterical. I looked up the Neti pot hoping to find other similar slug stories but instead found WebMD’s entirely non-hysterical article “Do Neti Pots Work?” The short answer is yes. Not only have they been around for centuries but research backs up people’s claims that it help alleviate with sinus pain, headaches, colds and allergies. Increased congestion can be a temporary side effect although WebMD assured me that it would go away with repeated use. So I did it again the next day (which was yesterday for those of you keeping count) and today I can breathe freely – through exactly one nostril. Partial victory!
My advice Angie? Just never get sick. Everything’s easier that way.
Any of you use a Neti pot? Any advice for Angie about sinus infections? And is this pic not the grossest picture you’ve ever seen?!
I’ve heard some really scary stories lately about fatalities via neti pots. Check out this link:
So yeah, always use distilled water is the message. I definitely ignored that one previously, but now my neti pot use is restricted.
Holy crap that is TERRIFYING.
Actually Laura, you really need to be using purified water to make absolutely sure using the Neti pot is safe. When I told my allergy doctor I’d been using distilled water, she just about had a heart attack. Lesson learned. Oh, and try adding a little alcolol, notice the spelling. Not Jack or Captain, alcolol, just this anti-bacterial solution that smells like menthol and eucalyptus. You can find it in any drug store. Mix the saline solution according to directions and then top it off with a little alcolol. Little strong, start with a small amout. Definitely lessened my inflammation. Good luck!
I used to use a neti and it helped somewhat but not enough. Two years ago i was so inflamed that even the sinus doctor said “wow” and “impressive” while looking at the CT scan of my sinuses. I ended up having sinus surgery for my chronic infections and while it sucked, it has been so worth it. The number of colds I get as been reduced dramatically and I’ve only had two sinus infections that needed antibiotics since that surgery.
I didn’t even know surgery was an option! Glad you are feeling better!
They basically fix the underlying physical problem causing the chronic sinusitis. For me they fixed a deviated septum and made the entrance to two sinus cavities slightly bigger so they dain properly.
Ah, yes, but the potential downside to sinus surgery is the chance of Meningitis. Which is exactly what happened six weeks after my own sinus surgery. Meningitis notwithstanding, I am glad I had the sinus surgery — it’s the best I’ve breathed in years. As follow-up, my doc had me use the Neti pot alternative: a sinus rinse delivered via a squeeze bottle, which I found much more convenient than the Neti pot. NeilMed manufactures both, which are found in most pharmacies. I introduced the sinus rinse to my sister-in-law for her chronic sinus pain and she found tremendous relief within days. We both now use it regularly a couple of times a week just to clear out nasal gunk. Spread the word, Charlotte!
No Neti Pot for me. It sounds too much like waterboarding. The closest I’ve ever come is dripping a few drops of salt-water from a medicine dropper into my nose and gargling with salt water. (If salt dissolves snails it should be able to work it’s way through some snot, right?)
But my tried and true method of dealing with nasal congestion is to sweat it out. Many times I’ve gone to the gym with a plugged nose, but 10 minutes of jumping rope or burpees or medicine ball slams and my sinus cavities totally clear out. (Just be careful about headstands and other inverted poses for the next couple of hours, or you’ll be setting new standards for gross-outs.)
You may recall me sneeze-puking a bunch of snot out my nose while in a headstand?
And yes, for mild colds some cardio def. helps clear things out!
Sounds a bit like my experience but can’t colloidal minerals turn you funky colors permanently cause your body can’t get rid of them? Well, colloidal silver can turn you colors atleast:
Oh wow! I had no idea.
Colloidal silver is only harmful if made incorrectly. Tap water will lead to argyria, that blue-grey skin discoloration I think you are referring to. Rosemary Jacobs actually used chloride salts up her nose, not pure colloidal silver.
Wait wait, then there is the blue man:
He made his own colloidal silver for many years using tap water and creating a mixture very dark in color. Definitely not pure.
I have never used a Neti pot. What I do use is somewhat similar (I guess). 1 cup lukewarm water and start with 1/8 teaspoon salt mixed in. I can’t snort this, so I use an eye dropper, and drip some up one side (I lay down and tilt my head backwards), wait for 5 minutes then repeat on the other side. I do this twice a day until the sinus infection is gone. It’s kind of cool, as you can feel the salt water making it’s way through the sinus cavities!
This just gave me a full-body shiver, lol! I really don’t like things going up my nose…
This is definitely helpful…Thanks a lot for the shared thoughts here then…
I use a squeeze bottle… and I think it is much easier to handle than a teapot type!. Also, I tip my head over after to drain and try not to do it right before bed because it always feels like there’s a little more rinse left inside.
That is SERIOUSLY the nastiest picture EVER!!!! LOL I use the squeeze bottle method too. Couldn’t find a neti pot when I was looking for one – it works, but with a daily regimen of D3, (knock wood) I haven’t been sick in over a year!
Woohoo! Keep up the streak, girl! (P.S. My sister is totally loving t-tapp – will do another post on her experience soon. So different from mine!)
Yep- I use the squeeze bottle.
I used it for the first time last year. I don’t use it every time I get a cold now, but everytime I get a cold where my nose is stuffed up and my entire face is aching, I use it. It is a lifesaver- so much more helpful than decongestants.
The first time I used it my nose was totally blocked too. The squeeze bottle helps there because you can squeeze and make the water go a little harder (I’m not saying shoot is up your nose as hard as you can, just push a little more). And I just kept putting water in until, instead of coming straight back out the same way, some of it started to go through.
I used the Neil Med kit, and it came with salt packages (or something) to put in the water, but I think you can google it and just add regular salt?
As for the amoeba thing…I read about a guy who died from a brain amoeba from swimming in the lake in the US, which is certainly freaky, but the amoeba could only live in warm lakes under specific conditions. So up here in the great white North I don’t have to worry about that. Do you know if the water system would filter them out? You’d like to think that tap water wasn’t full of brain-eating amoebas…
Anyway, personally I haven’t heard of any dangers of using a neti pot. It is weird, and a little uncomfortable and gross, but the more you do it the better at it you get!
“You’d like to think that tap water wasn’t full of brain-eating amoebas…” hahah TRUE.
I’m brave–I use a Neti Pot! LOL I have terrible environmental allergies and the Neti Pot helps clean out my nasal passages so that I can breathe. I have had water down my throat (which is GROSS!) AND out my eye (which is GROSSER!) It took me a long time to really get the hang of it, but I consider myself a pro, now.
I don’t use it daily, just if I’ve been exposed or if I’m bothered by something in the air or when I’m sick. I have had a couple of really bad sinus infections in the last year that have left my sinuses SO impacted, I wasn’t even able to use it.
:(( I hope you are feeling better now! (Your cold never turned into bronchitis did it?)
Ocean nasal spray (really cheap in three-packs from Costco) is good enough for me. I use it in the spring and the fall when I’d get lots of headaches from the change in weather or abundance of pollen (now, I start to feel bad – break out a fresh bottle of ocean and I’m fine). I also use it when I start to get a cold (either that or my refusal to ever get sick does the trick- [throw it away after the cold!!!]).
I do like the idea of the neti pot, but my resistance is probably somewhere in realizing I need to develop a whole system to store it/use it/clean it and I’d rather keep things more simple and frankly less distasteful for myself.
Ooh thanks for the rec! I’ll have to check out the Ocean spray stuff. It doesn’t have to come back out the other nostril does it?
I don’t want to get too gross here (who am I kidding I am a mom of three boys), but you have to blow your nose when you use this stuff (it can come out both sides as you would normally blow your nose); otherwise you’d look like the guy in the picture : ) I don’t use it much, only when I’m getting sick to nip it in the bud (maybe twice/year). The key is in knowing that feeling just before we get sick and taking pre-emptive measures, right?
I especially like it for the kids (especially little ones) because it helps loosen things up to blow their nose better, keeping them clear longer (not surprisingly the kids aren’t exactly ‘eager’ to do this, but they don’t mind it either).
I never really thought about the re-usable spray bottle for saline that others talked about here. If you like Ocean, that would probably be the way to go (I’m going to look into it), and would eliminate throwing away 1/2 used bottles of the stuff (which always makes me feel bad, but not bad enough to use a Neti pot).
I have a love/hate thing going with the neti pot. Love the concept of ‘cleaning out the sinus’. But then I somehow feel like I’m cheating on the good old-fashioned farmer’s blow.
I’m not sure I can ever forgive you for that picture. Wow. Just…wow.
I don’t know if I can forgive myself, frankly.
The first time I used a neti pot I was so freaked out and my sinues were so plugged that nothing came out until I righted my head and then it all came out the same side. But, I got used to it after a couple of attempts and I love it. It really helps with my recurring sinus issues.
My one effort with a neti pot ended in my almost waterboarding myself on the first try. I eventually got the hang of it, but I just don’t like putting things in my nose. I don’t use nasal sprays or drops, either. Even that saline mist, ugh!
You could always try steam!
When I was a lot younger I got a sinus infection so bad it gave me a black eye (and my parents never even thought to bring me to the doctor, until my sister had an appointment with a specialist and the doctor asked what the heck happened to me).
Anyway, I used steam to help. It did seem to work. Not as well as a neti pot, but pretty good. But it burns when the hot water condenses on your face and in your nose!
A black eye?? I didn’t even know that was possible! THe doctor probably thought you were being beaten or something…
I’ll have to try steam next time! I use it on my kids so I imagine it would help me too, lol!
while working at camp, i woke up one morning with sleep in my eyes. So, I did my thing, washed my face, brushed my hair, whatever. Except during breakfast, it came back, and i had to wipe my eyes clean, and then again, and again. Long story short went to the ER, waited 5 hours (Canadian….eh?), had a doctor look at me and say,
“do you have a cold?”
“ummm…..i dont know, i have a bit of a suffy nose…i guess?
“ah, right, well you see, instead of of runny nose, your cold is draining out of your eyes…sorry you had to wait so long…”
“your kidding, right? i have snot in my eyes?”
“yep, oh, and just so you know, your going to wake up tomorrow with your eyes sealed shut”
he was right. The next morning, I had to walk to the girls washroom from my cabin with my eyes almost completely sealed shut except for a small spot when i was able to rip open (at the expense of a few precious eyelashes) and wash my eyes clean. Not only were they sealed shut, but my eyes were so swollen that it looked like i got into a fist fight with a bear.
My eyes are burning just reading this. I got a corneal abrasion once (from sleeping in my contacts, oops) and it sealed my eyes shut too. OUCH.
I have never used a neti pot but I do snort warm salt water from a spoon when I have sinus problems. It works for me and is definitely worth the discomfort. I wouldn’t start doing this all the time though, because your body needs a certain amount of mucus.
Confession time. Many moons ago -before the internet and the talk of the neti pot- I had sinus problems. Probably allergies, but who knows?
Being an informed consumer of the time, I saw a TV talkshow segment where they were saying to treat infants with stuffy noses by gently squeezing a little warm salt water up their nose with a bulb thingy and then suck it out.
I grabbed the closest thing I had – a turkey baster – mixed up some warm salt water, squeezed, dripped, and began to breathe better.
I used the baster for years before switching to a squeeze bottle -exactly (ahem) like you get in hair dye kit. Just “upgraded” to the real thing a couple years ago. And have considerably fewer colds and sinus problems since.
Ok, the image of you with a turkey baster up your nose has me giggling so hard I’m shaking! I love it! And I love that it works for you!!
I just about hacked up a lung from laughing at this!
Being as I am sick (AGAIN),
I am taken with a sudden desire to hunt down a Neti Pot during lunch,
and go to town.
…But maybe after work would be wiser…
Think of me as I take my impacted sinuses to handbalancing class tonight!
oooh – I’m guessing handbalancing class did NOT go well with effed up sinuses! Owoww! And yes, def. do not take the neti pot on it’s inaugural voyage in your office bathroom. But when you do I want to hear all about it!!
As a music major in college, you can imagine that being plagued with chronic sinus issues would be a problem. My voice teacher suggested that I try a neti pot. However, he called it a “nasal douche.” He informed me that I simply had to go to a pharmacist & ask for one. I refused to ask anyone for something called a “douche,”& I would certainly not go putting one up my nose. Now that I know what it’s really called? Still haven’t tried it. I’m afraid I’ll choke.
Nasal douche!!!! Oh I’m dying! I don’t blame you a bit.
If you love to exercise. Basic basketball. Try to read it.
like others before me, i also have the squeeze bottle. my doctor recommended it a couple years back. i finally got one last year about this time and was using it a lot during a cold i had … that turned into a sinus infection that turned into bronchitis. i think partially the reason why that simple cold developed into so much more was because of overusing the sinus rinse. so, now i rarely use it unless i’m already sick and even then, only a little.
Thanks for the tip – it def. seems to be one of those things best used in moderation. Sorry about the bronchitis though!
I tried the neti pot and had the oddest reaction. The first time I used it I felt better. Then I used it again the next day and I felt HORRIBLE – I had a headache and less energy, and just basically groggy and like I had a lot of sinus pressure. UGH. I’m sure I was doing it wrong but I’m not sure I’m willing to experiment enough to get it right! I read that while you are supposed to blow out your other nostril while using it, you’re not supposed to blow TOO hard or you can injure yourself (like I apparently did.)
I am interested in trying the spray bottle though. It sounds more fool-proof!
My huspand has sinus issues and uses it regularly. I jus use it if I feel like I am starting to get a cold. The trick is to be sure to use warm water. Cold water will make you choke, like getting water up your nose when you’re swimming. Warm water doesn’t do that.
NeilMed sinus rinse in the squeeze bottle with warmed distilled water (only–no tap water!) and for bad allergy days and sinus infections. And despite a septoplasty to alleviate chronic sinusitis and infections 14 years ago. Sigh…. Still, the rinses help when I need them.
I prefer a dropper that I regulate the amount that goes into the dropper and the nostril. This has been the saviour of many a client I’ve recommended it to. That said the best overall ever solution is FarInfrared Heat Therapy. This is the solution that really gets the internal crevices of the sinus cavity fully stimulated so it can release the toxins and to dry out the area.
Are boys allowed here?!
Chris Kresser (.com) had a piece on chronic sinus infections in his last podcast. Seems the cure is 1% Johnson’s baby shampoo up the schnoz, or something called xclear. Breaks down the bio films holding in the nasty bugs, apparently.
It’s your nose…
I use it with the Johnsons No Tears baby shampoo. Feels wonderful flushing out the nasal passage and has a soft nice baby scent.
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i used the quezz bottle one and now i have a sinuse infection from using it the last time i had one it shot water way up in my sinuses and it stayed there now when i breath in all i can smell and taste is the salt water it burns and my whole left side on my face nose and neck is swollen because of it i now have to go in and have it all sucked out becuase it is causeing damage to my passages so i say no to any form of nasel wash at all..
To Charlotte from Charlotte,
I agree, the Neti pot does make you feel like you are drowning.
After suffering 8 months and 30 days of antibiotics I still have a sinus infection. I had two cultures, one came back ecoli, and the other Serratia.
Nothing is helping. Here’s the newest addition to the Neti pot.
Add a couple drops of baby shampoo. Check it out online. It’s supposed to wash the biofilm off the hairs in your nose which are not working to push the bacteria out.
I’m still new at this, getting over bubbles coming out my nostrils. I’ll have to tell you how it goes.
I am 12 1/2 weeks prego with my first ever sinus infection. It has been rough to say the least. I have been on antibiotics for a week, using my neti pot and I have a prescription strength nasal spray and I am not getting much relief. the neti pot gives me relieve for maybe 30 minutes which is the best 30 minutes ever. I am starting to wonder what the heck is going on, is this normal? I have been dealing with it for about 2 weeks total, the sinus pain and pressue is what bothers me more than anything. My teeth have been hurting so I thought it was just maybe my tooth being sensitive but then I read somewhere that your teeth can hurt during a sinus infection. I am starting to get desperate, since this is now interfering with my job, any advice. Should I keep waiting or go back to the doctor?
I frequently compete with canines in horse barns with dirt arenas and almost regularly have issues afterward, though am consistently healthy otherwise. Last year, I got a sinus infection along with the flu after a 3 day event. Horrible! The least of the usual effecst is a major headache. Will the neti pot help prevent this? I have no experience with them.
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I used a neti pot a few times in attempt to regain my ability to breathe. I get the most horrible sinus infections. I was pregnant the first time I used it. It delivered sweet relief and I was so stoked to see the nasty stuff come out my nostril and into the sink. I got neti pot happy and irrigated waaaay too many times. I ended up feeling horrible. My ears hurt like crazy from it. Ok, I said. No more neti pot. end scene. Now I take you to this January 2013. I got a sinus infection yet again and lo and behold, I was pregnant again. Neti pot came back for round 2. I was also trying to leer away from medications. My face was SOLID. After 1 use of the neti pot, my ears completely plugged. I felt like I could not breathe. I felt like I was underwater and I had an all out panic attack. I had bronchitis on top of the lovely sinus infection, so I was just a mess. I started crying and hyperventilating and went outside to see if I could breathe in some cool air to calm me down. Needless to say, I threw away my neti pot. For whatever reasons, it kills my ears. I’m currently breastfeeding my son and I have yet again a sinus infection. I am trying to blow the sinus boogie from hell in my nose. It’s stuck in my sinus and I’m miserable. I did squirt some saline solution (the baby kind haha, it’s all I had on hand) up my nose. Sudafed has been my buddy and I pray my milk doesn’t suffer for it.
I’ve successfully used my Neti Pot 3-4 times when my sinuses feel like they are clogged up with sticky glue. I can’t even swallow my own saliva, definitely can’t blow it out,have hit the jackpot and managed to suck it back in and cough this thick strong glue like substance a couple of times.I’ve stuck Q-tips & Bobby pins up my nose to dig stuff out. The Neti Pot worked perfectly until 2days ago and now I WILL NEVER USE IT AGAIN! I used it as directed, mucus came out, I had the salt water in my nose and my ears so I blew my nose and I immediately felt like the inside of my ear busted.My guy bought the most expensive ear drops that stated RELIEVES PAIN FAST.I spoke with the pharmacist who said I may have busted my eardrum SO,IF my pain doesn’t subside by today (the 3rd day) I need to go to the Dr. I’ve taken everything I can to help me sleep through it and cried my eyes out.It’s the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my whole life. I’ll post an update after my hospital visit.
I use a neti bubble and as commonly known you have to keep it cleaned. I wash it out with warm water and vinegar and then with warm water and witchhazel. I have a hard time understanding why the way you look using the bubble or the pot should bother you. You don’t do this in front of the whole neighborhood. I use a brita water pitcher to filter the water that I use and I don’t use the microwave. I put this in a glass dish and place a piece of wax paper over it and slip it in the oven. I have used a neti bubble most of my life. I am old now and every time I get a sinus attack I go for the bubble. If you do not like the way you look using the bubble or pot for whatever reason there is another solution. Add water to a glass pot , add 3 tbsp. sea salt and 2 tbsp. arm and hammer baking soda bring to a boil and remove from heat. Place a towel over your head and breath. This will open and empty your sinuses.
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I woke up early Saturday morning with horrible vertigo, like nothing I’ve ever had. After trip to clinic and then to ER, CT scan, bloodwork, etc. I was diagnosed with sinus infection. No fever, just pressure and vertigo when I tilted my head. They gave me steroids, antibiotics, anti-nause drug, and Valium. When I got home I noticed on orders to not rinse my sinuses, because it might spread infection. This is my third round of antibiotics in Aric weeks, so apparently antibiotics are clearing these out. No runny nose, very little postnatal drip. That stuff is like gorilla glue! By God, I’m rinsing!!!
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Hey, Neti Pots can be the BOMB! But, yeah, do not EVER use tap water without boiling it first!!! Even though we have an R.O. unit, I still boil the water before loading it into the Neti Pot!!! I also stick 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda in there. When I ran out of the salt packets that come with it, I started using UN-iodized sea salt, or RealSalt. It is kind of a gruesome activity, but it really cleanses the old sinuses out. In my family, we seem to have deeper than usual sinus pockets. This was confirmed when our daughter had a CT scan on her head. What I am saying is that if your sinuses are normal/shallow, maybe blowing alone will do it, it not, a Neti Pot makes sense.
Another thing I do is when my sinuses are pretty clean and ‘aired-out’, I take some high-quality ‘Tropical Traditions’ brand, for instance, coconut oil and place it in a clean dry dropper. I heat it by placing it in a cup of hot water, lie on the bed and drip it into my nose. I can’t TELL you how soothing and wonderful it feels in my sinuses. Also, look up “Oil Pulling” for help with sore throat and sinus problems. Happy breathing!
Omg I’m laughing so hard from this. I’m sorry it came out your eye but that is just freaking hysterical to me for some reason.
Charolett your awesome, love the way you tell a good story eh. Lol im from northern wi soooo i knoow wjat ya mean on health care and telling storys and worrieing about captions or spelling, lol your pretty cool, mama of three myself. Star.
I used the neti spray bottle with distilled water and the saline solution mix – it gave relief almost instantly but four hours later I developed a bruised and swollen eye area… prescribed a steriod shot, strong antibiotics, and progesterone pack. Looks I am allergic to something or the water or solution mix were comprised. My entire face is swollen and hurts….I used a new clean bottle….Hoping that the swelling will go down and that my body absorbs the solution…..
I use neti pot sometimes 3 times a day or sometime 1 in a week.
mix 1 spoon salt with tap water. and squeeze the bottle hard to clean well.
but, now I got to know that it is harmful to use tap water. I will not use it again and should I do anything to recover this?
another problem is I squeezed the bottle last time about one hour before from now I squeezed the bottle hard as a result now i am feeling jam in my rare head.
please urgent solution!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am scaring.
Use a neti pot with caution and for gosh sakes, clean it out each time with boiling water.
Zinc nasal sprays were linked to a permanent loss of smell, so I hope your friend discontinues putting zinc into their neti pot.
I can use a neti pot or bottle. Every time at the start of a cold it makes me feel worse. I tried it when I had post nasal drip and it made me feel more congested then ever. I recently threw out my Neil med bottle as it just made me sick everytime I used it.
I started skimming and didn’t read EVERY comment so maybe I missed it – but I came here to see if anyone else experiences blinding sinus pain when using the Neti pot. I use it only occasionally, and usually it’s fine and does help but when the water hits my sinuses and I see stars I just can’t force myself to finish the pot. I’ve looked on lots of websites and don’t see warnings or explanations about this. Maybe my head position is wrong? Maybe the saline strength is wrong? ??? Thx.
I have the same experience. I used neti pot before with saline and distilled for post nasal drip, it felt fine. A week ago my ENT doctor prescribed Pulmicort drops with destined water in net pot. This time the procedure was so painful I never finished the whole pot, pain was going up to my inner ear, I guess. I see my doctor in couple of days so I ask her and let you know what causes the pain, OK?
I have pretty bad allergies where my nose is practically clogged up everyday. I’ve been keeping an eye out for this Neti Pot that were supposed to clear it out. I tried it for the first time and it was not at all what I was expecting. Did it make anyone cry? Not from stinging or anything, simply because it tickles my nose once it runs down. It does feeling you’re drowning for a little bit. I feel like it clears my nose out for two seconds till I drain the other side and I’m “crying” again and when you cry your nose gets stuffed up again. I thought maybe I’m just stupid and doing it wrong. But after watching all the tutorials I seem to be doing it right. A comment was right. If your nose is completely blocked it doesn’t really work. I tried 3 other times with the same ending.
Hi I have had Pnd for 8 years now iam using Nasodren nose spray it hits the spot making me blow for 2hours I had my Netipot today and used it with sea salt amazing but some got in my mouth not nice but will use again tonight