See, this is a confession I can believe. Me too, buddy, me too.
In the confessional age we live in, it’s not rare to hear a celeb start a sentence with “I have a confession” and then follow it with something really bland. I have a confession: I picked out all the green jelly beans and ate them first! (Actually I really did. Hoo boy am I enjoying jelly bean season!) But a true confession, at least in my mind, should involve some semblance of shame – else why go to the bother of unburdening one’s soul? So here goes. I have a confession: I know way more about celebrities than I wish I did. No, nobody is force-feeding me tabloids. I’m drawn to them like a moth to the light in the Bachelor’s eye when he finds endless self-promotion, er, true love. I don’t want to care. But I do. And the things that always draw me in the quickest? Celebrity confessions! Duh!
So this month when I got assigned to write “Refreshingly Honest Celebrity Body Confessions” I might have had a couple already in mind. Like memorized. My personal fave from the piece (talk about honest!):
“I still battle with my deeply boring diet of, essentially, yogurt and breakfast cereal and granola bars. I hate dieting. I hate having to do it to be the ‘right’ size. I’m hungry all the time. I think I’m a slender person, but the industry apparently doesn’t. All actresses are hungry all the time, I think.” – Julianne Moore
And my least favorite of the confessions. I love Emma Stone but this… confuses me. Maybe it’s because I enjoy getting my emotions out through exercise? (And a part of me thinks “Well that’s just ’cause she hasn’t lifted weights with ME!”) If you read the whole quote, she admits she hasn’t exercised in months (but has that gorgeous body anyhow sigh) and then trashes running and weight lifting in the same breath. Which is both awesome and awful. But hey, she’s definitely honest!
” I had a trainer during Spider Manand I discovered I have deep-seated rage when I’m holding heavy weights over my head. Whatever dormant anger I have in me, that’s where it comes out. That’s not the kind of working out I want to do. I would much rather sleep at night than want to throw a weight across a room at someone. I’m usually a pretty peaceful person, but for some reason when I get in the gym something bubbles up in me.” – Emma Stone
To read the rest, check out my slideshow: Refreshingly Honest Celeb Body Confessions
Other stuff I wrote this week…
28 New Exercises Using Only a Jumprope
9 Ways to Use Your Smart Phone to Stay Motivated
Quirky Weight Loss Strategies – Backed by Science
Why You Should Skip Your Workout… Sometimes
Try This Trend: Online Personal Training
People thought January Jones was a little nuts for admitting to popping pills made from her placenta (recycling is… good?) but that was eclipsed by Alicia feeding her son Bear, mama-bird style. I have to admit that was a first for me. While my kids have occasionally pried open my mouth and either took food out of it and ate it or tried to stuff their chewed up food in my mouth, I’ve never considered that as a viable feeding option. First, watch this video (but not while you’re eating) and then read the rest of my post: Alicia Silverstone, the “Ewwww!” Heard ‘Round the World!
Was I Happier Before or After Kids?
Infant Ear Piercing: Cute or Mutilation?
Moms Confess: My craziest worry when my first kid was born
Publicly Shaming Your Kid Into Losing Weight
The Cupcake Wars: the fight over school fundraisers
What do you think of celebrity “confessions”? What do you think about Alicia Silverstone’s unique method of baby feeding? Clueless or cute? (Sorry, had to go there. I used to freaking love that movie. Probably saw it 30 times. Had the whole thing memorized. “That’s Ren & Stimpy. They’re like way existential.” Okay, I’m done now.)
I didn’t do the baby-bird thing, but it doesn’t gross me out. Babies playing with their poop grosses me out.
What industrial-strength jump-ropes do you have at your gym? If I tried those exercises with the gym ropes or my own jump-rope, most of them would rip the handles right out of the sockets.
I can’t help it -I giggles as I read those quirky weight loss strategies. Pinching my nose shut while I eat? And only 1 meal a day? What happened to 6 a day? I think the quest for new diet ideas is getting desperate…I can see the future:
“eat while standing on your head…less food will make it to your stomach!”
At first I thought it said “picking your nose while you eat.” I bet that would work, too.
Nice slide show

I actually like to exercise, but only certain sports and on my own time! I try not to put pressure on myself and it did take some work to get there.
But I’m not in front of the cameras all the time. I exercise for myself, not because I have to look a certain way. I can’t imagine the pressure these ladies face everyday! I could not be on a permanent diet either. Life is to be enjoyed, and food is part of it
Thank you for another thought provoking blog post
After reading Emma Stone’s quote, I had two thoughts. 1) She shouldn’t run if she doesn’t enjoy it, but that doesn’t mean others don’t. 2) Maybe she needs therapy if weight training makes her so angry.
I really like her, but considering she’s a redhead most of the time (by the way, I WANT her hair color), it’s expected that she’s a little crazy. (I kid, I kid, but I had to go there.)
Man, some celebrities are weird!
Of course, I knew this…
But seriously, placenta pills? There’s a reason our bodies expel that stuff after we give birth, ladies!
And the feeding thing, while I understand the principle (yet sill find it kinda gross), is MAYBE something you’d want to keep private? Then again, it’s 2012. NOTHING is private.
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