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It’s a known fact that I don’t like to drink my calories – so known actually that at a recent dinner date my friend’s husband announced loudly “Every time I drink, I think about Charlotte! And feel guilty!” (Downsides to having a very public blog: At another dinner party a different friend’s husband said upon meeting me, “Ah, Charlotte! You’re the one who’s weird about food!” That’s me: facilitating awkward dinner conversations one overshare at a time!) But my neuroses aside, there are times when I don’t want to drink just plain water and it turns out that certain drinks have amazing nutritional benefits!
Tart Cherry Juice
When Cheribundi first contacted me about their juice, I jumped on it because – and this is super scientific – the last time I was shopping at the expensive fancy-pants grocery store across town they had 1-liter bottles of tart cherry juice on sale… for $17.99. And I figured anything that expensive had to be awesome. Well that and I’ve been hearing about the wonders of tart cherries for some time now.
According to the Cheribundi site, tart cherries “have more powerful phytonutrients than other superfruits. That includes the trendy pomegranate, the imported acai berry, or grapes and blueberries.” Who knew? (Well the birds certainly did since we have a tart cherry tree in our backyard and every year they pick it clean before we can get any. Sigh.) In addition, they’ve been shown in research to help you sleep better, reduce joint pain, reduce inflammation and decrease incidence of heart disease. But the benefit I was most interested in? Tart cherry juice has been shown to help you recover from your workout faster and decrease muscles soreness. Considering we’re just finishing up the final phase of P90X 2 (review coming soon!), there is a lot of muscle soreness going on.
But how do they taste? Cheribundi set me a sampler of all their juices to try out (disclosure: I got the juice for free) and it’s been an adventure! Me being the girl who loves anything tart or sour, the straight-up regular flavor (with 50 cherries/bottle!) was my favorite. I also liked the “skinny” cherry because instead of using artificial sweeteners, which some research has shown may actually make you eat more calories than if you’d just gone for the full-sugar variety, they lighten up the calories with Stevia. Stevia is the one no-cal sweetener I’m not deathly afraid of and will actually let my children drink so that was awesome and tasty. Speaking of the kids, they thought this stuff was fan-freaking-tastic. My sons’ favorite flavor was the chocolate cherry (which I personally did not much like). But there was one flavor that was, well, an acquired taste: the ginger cherry. If a picture is worth a thousand words…
My husband trying the ginger cherry flavor. I didn’t correct his red-eye in the last picture because seriously how hilarious is this pic?
As a post-workout drink, I found them to be too sweet to just chug but I did like adding a few ounces to my protein smoothie (smoothie if you’re a girl, shake if you’re a guy) for a delish tang. And while my muscle soreness and post-workout recovery depends on a lot of different variables, I do think it helped with the DOMS (delayed-onset muscle soreness) the following day. I loved this juice not only because it was so yummy (by the end, the ginger cherry became my personal favorite although that first taste was…intense) but because it’s so natural. No weird ingredients or chemicals or fillers, just juice! You may ask why I don’t just eat the 50 cherries and get the fiber and other stuff too but if you are asking that then you have never eaten a tart cherry. Regular cherries are amazing on their own – holla Ranier cherries!! – but tart cherries are the ones with all the antioxidant powers and they are very tart. Drinking them is much preferable in my book. So take that, birds!
Ruby Grapefruit
A year ago I reviewed True Lemon’s dehydrated citrus sprinkles and fell in love with them. While they sound kinda weird, these are one of the few products that I’ve reviewed that I can say I use literally every day (the Vita-mix and my Mizuno running shoes being the others). I got so attached to them that I signed up for their coupons just so I could stock up on sales. They’re not even giving me free stuff and I still adore them! I use the individual packets to add flavor to plain hot water or herbal tea. And I use the bottles to sprinkle the lemon, lime or orange on fish, in cookies (in place of grated peel), in fresh whipped cream, on steamed veggies and a million other places. My absolute favorite though is to pop a bunch of anti-oxidant rich popcorn in coconut oil and then sprinkle it with curry powder and lime crystals. Ah crunchy heaven!
The awesome thing about True Lemon’s stuff is the crystals are just dehydrated citrus fruit and so they taste like the real thing but without the spoilage factor. And now they’ve come out with a new flavor: grapefruit! So of course I begged them to let me try it and they sent me eight boxes. Fortunately this one may be my fave so far! It’s sour and citrus-y but it also has a little bit of natural sweetness to it. I’ve been adding a couple of packets to my water in the morning and I like it so much I don’t add anything else. Jelly Bean, in all her two-year-old-ness, thought they were sugar packets and opened up about 20 while I was in the shower. When I came downstairs, she had it in a bowl (and in her hair, clothes and diaper) and was licking every last crystal up. So you know it’s amazing if a picky toddler vacuums it up! Sadly I didn’t get a pic of her sticky highness.
The red (or ruby) grapefruit is one of the most powerful and also underestimated fruits out there. Not only is it known for being rich in vitamin C and lycopene but “a study published in March 2006 in the “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry” suggest that diets that include fresh red grapefruit help lower cholesterol levels, particularly levels of triglycerides, or blood fat.” The grapefruits not only lowered cholesterol and triglycerides as well as the medication but in cases where the people weren’t responding to the meds, the daily dose of grapefruit still worked! Plus it’s yummy.
Honestly I haven’t been doing many giveaways/contests lately because they are a lot of work but I love these two things too much to not share them with you! Enjoy!! Cheribundi is offering one GFE reader their own sampler pack to try (caveat: if you win, you must write and tell me what your first sip of the ginger flavor was like!!). True Lemon is offering one GFE reader their own deluxe gift pack. All you have to do is leave a comment telling me what your favorite healthy drink is below! Contest is open until midnight on Saturday April 21, 2012.
So do you have a go-to health drink? Do you love sour stuff too? Anyone else get a kick out of making people drink crazy stuff and then taking their picture while they do it?
Not so sure it’s a real “health” drink, but I LOVE Diet Lipton Citrus Green Tea, Diet Snapple (the best stuff on earth), and Sobe Life water. I used to really like pure lemon juice and I would suck on lemon slices, but I’m not so into it anymore since I used to drink a lot of it since I heard it worked as a diuretic (it worked!)
I loved.your hubby’s expression. I’m a fraidy cat when something is ginger flavored…I like ginger, but prefer it to be a mystery ingredient…like on falafel.
As for healthy drinks…I usually do water, or water with some lemon in them…lots of lemon, sour, face puckering amount of lemon. Or carrot, ginger, celery, apple juice. Or banana, milk, and cardamom smoothie….so a girl. It depends on my mood.
I’ve never tried banana/milk/cardamom but it sounds amazing! Will add it to my list of things to try! I only have whole cardamom pods though – can I just throw one of those in my blender with the other ingredients?
You’d have to grate it on a microplane or in a spice grinder first. We bought them in the pods, but the first thing we do is grind it first. Keep it in an air tight container in the fridge, and it’ll last for years and remain fragrant. You also only have to use a little. For a personal serving, it’s about a quarter to half of a teaspoon. I think of it as a substitute for vanilla in some recipes.
That sounds good! I just ordered some cardamom, and will have to try adding it to my green smoothie once it arrives… Thanks for the idea!
My husband and I love flavored water, so we take whatever we have fresh (mint, berries, ginger, cucumbers, shiso, grapes, watermelon) and either zest it or muddle it & then freeze it into ice cubes. That way we can just reach for whatever flavor of ice we want, pop it into our water bottle and go.
Okay what does “muddle” mean?? I see things like “muddle sticks” and I honestly have no idea what to do with them, lol! Does it just mean stir? And fab idea with the ice cubes!!!
“Muddle” just means to gently smash something to release the flavors
Muddle sticks have a small blunt end to kinda mash things up a bit!
Ha, when I think of “muddle” I think of mojitos (they involve smooshing up mint). I think Charlotte, you might not know much about mixed drinks.
I love water – does that count?! if not i would say I really enjoy vanilla silk
also, if i win i will be sure my husband snaps a photo of the first drink haha!
This is beside the point but holy crap do I love the dress in your profile pic! SO ADORABLE.
haha you are so funny, i actually just changed my picture! It is a photo shot by a guy named John Black – so talented!
These both sound awesome and am going to try if I can find them locally! My favorite ‘healthy’ drink: Trader Joe’s Green Plant Juice. YUMMMY!
I love anything TJ’s! But I’ve never tried the green plant juice – will def. check it out!
I drink a lot of water, so I’ll have to go with that, though I do love my smoothies. I generally like sour foods and I do like to eat tart cherries plain, but these drinks sound great. I think I would like the ginger-flavored one, too. This is making me hungry-guess I should go eat breakfast now!
Yum! I generally do water, but definitely prefer it with some flavor- lemon or lime or melon or whatever. Although for post- hard workouts, coconut water is pretty good too.
Obviously, the ginger shoots the cherry juice straight up to your eyeballs, imparting x-ray vision. Load me up!
Poor anthropomorphized fruit.
“Poor anthropomorphized fruit.” Buwhahahah! I love you.
Oh, I forgot to mention my favorite healthy drink…I’m quite fond of a blend of frozen strawberries with almond milk and a hunk of banana.
mmmh, cherry, i think thats the one i would like! best (the tru cherry)! and i’m pretty sure i would let my fiancé try the ginger and snap a pic for you
Love the looks of your husband in that photo. The cherry drink people need to use that in their advertising.
My favorite healthy drink is just plain water. I’m not into drinking my calories either. I’d rather get them from chocolate and cookies.
I don’t like to drink my calories either, and I’m not sure if these are health drinks, but I really like Sobe’s Lifewater drinks. But plain old water is probably the healthiest drink I drink! The citrus sprinkles sound interesting; I love anything lemon/lime-y!
The tart cherry juice sounds like something I would like – will have to keep my eyes open for it to show up around here (probably about 3 years from now). Can’t stand stevia though, so I would just have to go for the straight up cherry juice.
I did find the True Lemon crystals here a few months ago and my husband and I really like them. I love Tropicana Ruby Red Grapefruit juice, so I will watch for the True Grapefruit crystals.
I feel your pain – we are usually one of the last places to get “new” health foods too. I’ve gone on more than one crazy hunt through the cities looking for some elusive thing like “Arctic Zero” or “Coconut water” lol!
I love how healthy kefir is!
I realize this isn’t the healthiest, but when I was training for my triathlons my coach (an uber distance athlete) told me to drink chocolate milk after our brick workouts. I complied. Does it help that I used skim or 1% milk?
I love green smoothies! My secret: I put in an apple or pear each time and I use frozen peas. Weird, but I love them. I started eating frozen peas straight when I was little and they’re so satisfying.
My favorite healthy drink is V8 Splash! Sooo good and you get a serving of vegetables and fruit!
I usually just drink water or hot tea (black or herbal). I love kombucha, but my wallet doesn’t! Sometimes I have coconut water post-workout…my wallet doesn’t love that, either. I’ve heard good things about tart cherry juice helping with recovery but I haven’t tried it yet.
Me and water are best buds…If I am drinking something else, everyone gasps and drops to the floor. Really, water is the best!
If it wasn’t so expensive, I’d drink kombucha every day. Right now it is a one time of week treat. I’d love to try the cherry juice!
I LOOOOOOVE sour, so I would probably enjoy the cherries drink! We used to have a sour cherry tree outside my home when I grew up, and I can remember my mother and I battling flocks of birds to gather up enough to make sour pies… sour cherry pie with vanilla ice cream is right up there with rhubarb pie in its deliciousness, sugar content not withstanding.
My favorite go-to drink is my “Creamsicle” smoothie, made with orange juice, frozen strawberries (for fiber and volume) and vanilla greek yogurt. I’m a big fan of Cabot Greek yogurt for this if you can get it, since it has actual chunks of vanilla bean in it.
When I’m trying to cut down on my sodas but think that water isn’t cutting it, flavor-wise, I usually turn to Crystal Light Pink Lemonade. While it does have artificial sweeteners, I’m really okay with that. Besides, I don’t like the taste of lemonade made with actual sugar.
When I’m treating myself, though, I really like Jamba Juice’s All-Fruit Pomegranite Paradise smoothie.
I love adding crystallized ginger to my hot tea! When the heartburn is really bad, I will actually nibble on a piece of crystallized ginger to ease the burn. I don’t drink many of my calories either, just lots of water. True Lemon’s stuff sounds like it would be awesome to add to my water. I love grapefruit, unfortunately can no longer imbibe as it interferes with my Reynauds med ;-( If I had to choose a favorite juice it would be the traditional V8 juice…or tomato if the V8 isn’t available.
I like sour drinks- lemon, lime grapefuit etc. They feel more refreshing to me!
I am a water girl….would love to try the True Lemon!
I usually stick with water, but have recently started mixing up an Apple Cider Vinegar drink everyday.
I’m not sure if it counts as a health drink, but the only thing I really drink besides water (and the occasional Pepsi, which is definitely not a health drink) is milk. I probably drink too much of it.
My favorite healthy drink is kombucha, by far. The fermenting gives so many benefits and really helps my sensitive stomach. Plus I love the fizz now that I’m staying away from soda.
My favorite healthy drink is tart cherry juice. It took some getting used to. I drink it daily to help my arthritis and to help me sleep.
Haha! That’s funny! I love your hubby’s reaction. LOL
Aside from water (which is my main drink–I’m like you and hate drinking my calories) I LOVE milk.
Hmm I’m like you, I don’t like to drink my calories much either. I occasionally drink diet pop, but the artificial sweetener stuff is kind of freaking my out so I’m quitting. I don’t know if this is considered a health drink, but my favorite is probably coffee!! It has antioxidants and stuff doesn’t it? I’ve heard it’s actually pretty good for you. . . I’d be super interested in trying cherry juice, especially since it’s supposed to help you sleep!
Diet Coke! Oh wait, you said healthy. Seriously, I’ve read all the bad press about artificial sweetners but I haven’t managed to kick the habit. I really like plain water (through my Camelbak filter naturally) though. And I basically don’t drink my calories ever either. Freaks me out.
I usually just drink water. I’m also vigilant about not drinking my calories (aside from milk, because I do think its filling). I love love love grapefruit flavors – bet I’d like both these products!
Hmmm. The only health drink I have tried is a more natural (and lower sugar) gatorade-like drink. I think it is called EmergenC? Something like that? My dad uses it when he bikes, to keep from getting cramps. All natural ingredients, and sweetened with Stevia. I might have got the name wrong though.
I’m not into sweet stuff so I would probably love the sour cherry drinks. I don’t drink a lot of juice, since I’d rather either have a smoothie or eat the actual fruit. My unfortunate beverage of choice (hello grad school!) is coffee or tea.
I look forward to a brave new world of other beverages once I am running on more sleep
I love my green-smoothies (kale, berries, banana, coconut manna, cinnamon, stevia, water)!
I doubt this is open to Canadians, since we never get the good contests, BUT, I would love to try the Cheribundi tart cherry drinks, they could totally be the new unsweetened pomegranate juice!
Our office actually stocks the True Lime/Lemon packets, which is super convenient (and cheap..) for me. One of the benefits of working in a big law firm is the very well stocked kitchens (we also have soups, and crackers, and fruit bowls, and teas, and k-cups,etc.).
My number one healthy drink is green tea and/or matcha. I love that stuff, unsweetened. It’s so good, and apparently good for you. I also like coconut water sometimes, but I think it’s because I’ve been doing a ton of hot yoga recently, and afterward, some of the ladies get together and drink coconut water, and I don’t want to feel left out. I’m being peer-pressured into coconut water, but I guess that’s better than many other peer-pressure situations (right?).
(p.s. Your last post made me happy! I’m glad you’re feeling back on track!).
I guess the healthiest drink I enjoy is water with lemon, lime, orange or strawberries added. Refreshing and delicious.
The Cheribundi sounds interesting. I’d love to give it a try.
That sounds delish! I guess my favorite “healthy” drink is Shakeology. I love having a shake a day to make sure I’m getting all sorts of different vitamins and nutrients!
Thanks for suggesting this, Charlotte–I’m going to have to try it!
I typically drink water…sometimes I’ll add lime or lemon slices. That’s about as exciting as it gets around here. Curious to try the ginger flavour!
Lately I’ve been hooked on Synergy Ginger Kombucha!
Favorite drink is water w/ a dash of cranberry/tart cherry juice (usually cranberry as the cherry juice is expensive) w/ some stevia thrown in, totally changes the water, which helps me load up on my water since I can’t stand drinking “plain” water. Also love coconut water, but not the calories so only use when I’m doing yoga.
Would love the cheribundi juices but can’t get them locally.
My hubs and I love chlorophyll water, coconut water, an we have been drinking cheribundi for years – but then it was called Cherry Pharm!
I usually just drink water, but I’m also a HUGE fan of chocolate soy milk!
I love organic green tea, hot or cold, with a squeeze of lemon. I drink it every day. I also like a “green smoothie” made by a local coffee shop. It is made with avacado, pineapple, greek yogurt and coconut milk….YUM
Ok, I can’t really get behind the “healthy drinks” because I have yet to find one that really helps me recover. Currently I am drinking V8 (I know, right?? gross!), but the high sodium seems to help replenish something! Speaking of recovery…have you found a replacement for the simple sugar? I keep coming back to it. I tell myself I don’t “need it”, but my body sure seems to scream out for it. Is it possible we do need it? On some level?? Help!!
Healthy drink? Tea, without a doubt. Herbal, green, black, white, hot, iced, whatever. I haven’t yet met a tea I don’t love.
I usually stick with water to drink. However, I do like chocolate coconut water after a hard workout or long run, and I just tried water kefir (I think I would like to try and make my own).
Water and unsweetened green tea (hot, cold, lukewarm, etc.) for me!
I love La Croix sparkling water! The coconut and grapefruit flavors are super! But I’ll also drink a plain one over ice with a few orange wedges squeezed into it! Tasty!
I’m thinking a tart cherry/grapefruit drink would be great. With vodka.
Red wine has antioxidants, right? WINNER WINNER, CHICKEN DINNER!
I am going to try the crystals. I need something to spice up water. I get sick of plain water, and then sometimes I find myself drinking Diet Coke just to have a little something exciting on my tongue. And I know it’s so unhealthful.
My favorite healthy drink is actually the tru cherry cheribundi… But I haven’t had the opportunity to try the other favors yet. Those citrus crystals sound awesome though, and I’d love to try those.
just plain old WATER! tastes great, is everywhere, and does a body great!
Green Juice is my fav! My juicer broke and I am endlessly sad!
My favorite healthy drink is a protein shake with Aria protein powder. 2 scoops is 80 calories and it’s so good and filling!
Freshly juiced carrot-orange-orange pepper-ginger. Utterly, shockingly, gulpably delicious!
Water! Boring, but it gets the job done. Brazilian lemonade (limeade) is my favorite drink overall, but has sweetened condensed milk in it so, yeaaaah. Not so much with the “healthy”.
If we’re going for healthy, I’d have to say herbal tea (Stash Sweet Orange in particular); I drink far too much diet soda, so these look like interesting alternatives (particularly the grapefruit option!).
I usually just stick with water. Because I am skeptical of any drinks that are flavored and claim to have amazing health benefits (ie vitamin water–what the heck is that stuff!?). But. These both sound yummy. I adore grapefruit and other sour/tangy things. So I want to try!
I LOVE SMOOTHIES! They’re my go-to. I actually just wrote a blog post about them not long ago, haha. I’m not a huge fan of sour things, but I’m always willing to try, especially if I can possibly trick someone else into trying it and taking their picture. Bwahaha….
Probably the only really healthy thing I drink is water, my iced tea, hot tea, coffee & other drinks are usually filled with artificial sweetners. I’ve tried to give them up but I just really, really like them.
My favorite healthy drink is whatever fruits+veg are around to throw into the blender :D.
Favorite drink, that I actually drink, and would be considered healthy is tea. Hot, black, green, flavored, peppermint, chamomile, or Indian chai with spices and milk.
thanks for hosting!
I’m not a fan of diet drinks either – I usually chug water, and add a little lemon or cucumber slices if I want a change. (I use a Brita pitcher and will add the slices to that – it’s great!). I love grapefruit… gonna have to try that one I think, whether I win or not!
I love hot water with lime and cilantro!!! It’s like a little vacation in a cup!
I mostly just drink water or black coffee. I’ve had the regular cherry juice (and skinny one), but I’d love to make a try at that ginger one!
Water, water, and more water! Seriously, I used to be hooked on Diet Dr. Pepper and Coke Zero; for years it’s all I drank. Then I started paying attention to nutrition, and working out using Lou Schuler’s New Rules of Lifting series, and I. . . .gasp. . . .gave up soda!!!!! Now I don’t even crave it anymore. But my go-to postworkout drink is whey protein, skim milk, greek yogurt, and fresh fruit, mixed up in my VitaMix (Hooray for the VitaMix!)
Hansen’s Natural Fruit Stix! I actually carry an assortment of flavors in my purse. Oh, and in my car. They’re also in my desk at work. They’re pretty good. When it comes to water flavor packets, these ones are especially good just because they’re sweetened with Truvia. I recommend!
I love water and also green smoothies with banana,spinach and coconut milk.
Good thing you post such useful information like this. It could help us, It looks much better. I think I am going to give this a try! Thanks for the nice idea.
So many great drink ideas in the comments! And those products sound amazing.
My fave healthy drinks:
-rooibos with almond milk (or without, depending on the rooibos blend)
-green smoothie (usually Silk original coconut milk, frozen banana, vanilla whey powder, chia seeds, and a ton of frozen baby spinach)
-plain coconut water
I *love* just plain cold tap water. lol. we did a detox once and had to put lime in our water…that was really good too!
I would love to win those products – especially as I don’t think they are even available in Canada
They sound delish! My favorite drink is a strong Irish breakfast black tea with a spot of milk and a smidge of honey. In my opinion it qualifies as a healthy drink because it has only a few calories, lots of flavour, and it completely brightens my morning. Also a good cuppa tea relaxes me when I’m stressed like nothing else! I think that is as good a justification for health benefits as any fancy smoothie out there!
It’s unsweetened iced green tea for me.
Ha! Love the facial expressions. I usually just drink water with electrolytes after a long run, I like to avoid drinking my calories as well. I have been wanting to try tart cherry juice though! I love tart things
Both of these products sound fantastic. I have three go-to healthy drinks:
iced green tea (unsweetened)
TJ’s Tart Cherry Juice (mixed with Pellegrino)
low sodium V8 juice
Favorite health drinks: Crosstrainer smoothie from our local Juice Stop or the Mango smoothie from Odwalla!
Grapefruit sounds fantastic-LOVE grapefruit! My fav healthy drink is a mixed berry protein smoothie that I make: ice, 2/3 cup almond milk, 2/3 c Tart Cherry juice(organic, not from concentrate), 1 tbsp ground flaxseed, 1.5 scoops vanilla protein powder, 1/4 c each: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, pineapple – all frozen, 1/2 c Low-fat Cherry Kefir. Makes 3 servings–REALLY good and filling–not hungry for hours, as this is usually my post-workout lunch meal.
Love your posts–as a group fitness instructor, I love to read your take on different workouts, and your hilarious antics with the Gym Buddies!
I am always up to try something new! Sign me up, please! I recently got into making morning smoothies w/ frozen berries & banana, Greek yogurt, spinach and vanilla almond milk. Om nom nom! Such a good way to start my day!
My go to “health drink” is water all the way! And I feel okay saying that because I do drink over a gallon… Every day
when I’m not in the mood for plain water I make a homemade Italian soda with sparkling water and a splash of sugar free syrup or half an ocean spray powdered drink packet, yum!!!
I never knew difference between shake and smoothie before, good to know. I really only drink water, unless coffee counts??
I would love to try the True Lemon. I put lemon juice on just about every veggie and this would be more convenient. I have tried tart cherry juice and it isn’t my cup of tea. I have to mix it in smoothies to get it down.
Coffee keeps me AND my children alive each day, and they aren’t even drinking it! How could it get more healthy than that? Oh, antioxidants? I rest my case.
I made my first green monster smoothie this morning & I’m officially hooked! I have a feeling it will become my go to morning drink to survive the crazy GA heat this summer.
Love your blog & would love to try these products!
This might not really qualify, but my wife turned me on to (aka forced me to start drinking) organic milk instead of the discount store brand milk. Turns out it still tastes delicious…and it’s much better for me, too!
Lately I have really been enjoying sun tea. I add one herbal peach tea bag and once it is done soaking in the sun, I cheat a little and add some frozen apple juice concentrate. Maybe not that healthy but considering I use to dehydrate a couple times a summer, anything that I will actually drink is a good thing.
Drinking my calories is a huge problem for me. I have no sweet tooth to speak of except when it comes to drinks. I try to limit myself from indulging sometimes and lately have been better about stopping once I feel full or even better, feel like I have indulged enough.
I love kombucha! and coconut water is way up there too
I love water (boring!) and blueberry green tea.. yum!
The healthy drink for me is Bottled Water or Bottled Water with just a touch of flavoring in it. For me very refreshing.
My favorite healthy drink is water, of course! But that’s followed not far behind by a smoothie made from whatever came in the CSA box this week (kolrhabi, no kidding) and some frozen berries/bananas/mango/pineapple/whatever. I’ve never actually used a recipe, what with having a ton cof veg and fruit just hanging around all the time.
I also love ginger, a lot,so I’m highly curious.
Just plain old water. Sometimes I add a couple of frozen green grapes. It doesn’t really add any flavor, but it makes it seem a little more exciting when I get to eat the grapes at the end!
The best health drink is drinking water. There are lot of benefits as:
Lose weight: Drinking water helps you lose weight because it flushes down the by-products of fat breakdown.
Natural Remedy for Headache: Helps to relieve headache and back pains due to dehydration.
Look Younger with Healthier Skin:Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin and increases skin elasticity.
Better Productivity at Work: Your brain is mostly made up of water, thus drinking water helps you think better, be more alert and more concentrated etc.
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