Just… wow.
Best night ever: Watching all the aMAYzing female gymnasts doing their Olympic acrobatics and randomly perusing the dress sale on ModCloth during commercials. Sorry, can’t form enough coherent thoughts beyond WOW! to write a decent blog post. Plus I just needed a night to unwind, look at pretty things I can’t afford and not have any anxiety attacks (Which, by the way, I am SO GRATEFUL to all of you who chimed in with empathy, advice and even warnings for me in regards to going gluten free. You are all as smart as you are kind – a rare combo on the Internet! And no, I still haven’t decided yet what I’m going to do. I am discussing my options with my doc, therapist and nutritionist…)
Highlights: Watching Jordyn Wieber NAIL her floor routine, Gabby Douglas OWN the beam and getting to see Aly Raisman’s face mid-leap when she realized she’d just clinched the gold for the U.S. team.
And I’m going to say it was doubly fun because I’d already heard they’d won this morning on the news so I didn’t have to bite my nails and try to mentally tally tenths of a point until my brain exploded. Apparently I like spoilers.
Watching Michael Phelps win gold and become the most decorated Olympic athlete ever was also pretty cool.
And seriously, how Jackie O is this dress?? Love.
I’m loving the Olympics this year! Are you watching it? What’s been your fave moment?
Squee! Yesterday was kind of the best Olympics day ever. I rewatched all of the evening coverage, even though I watched gymnastics and swimming live during the day (yay for live streaming at work!) Man, I love the Olympics
I watched the Olympics last night, too, and LOVED watching the women’s gymnastics team win gold! I wanted to jump up and down and cry with them!
It was heartbreaking, though, watching that last Russian gymnast miss part of her floor routine. No matter what, she’s just a young girl under a TON of pressure who feels like she failed. Poor kid!
Watching the women’s synchronized diving the other night was pretty neat, too. However, I’m patiently waiting to get to watch some of the equestrian events.
I haven’t seen any yet, but hope to watch come gymnastics tonight. Canada has been doing really well so far.
And yes, that dress is gorgeous.
Off topic: I have to say this, and don’t mean to be rude, but the starting the post off with an overt ad is not cool to me. I come here for you, not to be blatantly sold things. Reviews and comments are one thing, but that is just an ad right in your post, with no relevance or discussion. I really love your blog, and what you have to say, but I do not like being overtly sold things like that. Maybe I assume too much in that your blog is yours and you can do what you like with it, but if I’d come upon your blog for the first time today I wouldn’t have read it because of it. Take it as you will…
I don’t think this is off-topic at all and I’m glad you brought it up! I totally understand your reaction to the ad – it is very off-putting. It was a one-time deal and I wasn’t sure what it would look like until it was live and it ended up being a lot more disruptive than I’d expected. I’ve deleted the code and told BlogHer that I won’t be hosting any more of these types of ads. I’m so so sorry! As a blogger, it’s a really fine line between just doing what you love and making enough money so you can keep doing what you love;) I appreciate your honesty! (And like I said, ad is gone now and won’t be back!)
I’m a gymnastics fiend, and I don’t have cable!!! It totally sucks to hear about the competition and not get to watch it. Sigh.
ModCloth is the BEST place to buy dresses or anything cool. I love the free shipping and the free shipping returns! I’ve definitely taken full advantage of both.
I was also happy to be spoiled. It definitely made watching a lot more relaxed. I could concentrate on trying to keep myself from throwing things at the screen when Tim and Elfie made some moronic comment!
We loved the Mens Gymnastics.
Our UK guys actually won a medal for the first time since 1912
Michael phelps is a fantastic swimmer ,we saw him win gold on TV yesterday .
I knew Phelps was a great athlete, but I didn’t know exactly how great until last night. Congrats to him. What an amazing accomplishment for such a young man. And the women’s gymnastics reduced my vocabulary to that of a grunting caveman. All I could do was say over and over, WOW! Then I had to get up and exercise because I felt like a lazy oaf compared to these young achievers.
Love love love the Olympics! You’re right, that moment when Aly Raisman realized that she had done well enough to clinch the gold was fantastic! And that 4 x 200 relay was awesome!
A friend of mine inadvertently spoiled the gymnastics results in the middle of the day yesterday, but, like you, I think I actually enjoyed it more knowing they were going to win. Who knew?
My second favourite thing about the Olympics so far has been the way it forced me to learn how to operate the television. Turns out I had no clue how to make pictures appear on the screen because I’d never, apparently, felt the need to do so before.
The very best favourite thing is the way I’m going to go and watch some of it! In person! This weekend! Squee! No need for TV-wrangling!
I LOVE the Olympics! I have some friends who are in London right now and I’m SOOOOO jealous! I don’t think they’re actually able to see any of the events, but still…
(Plus, it’s one of my favorite cities in the world.)
That dress is gorgeous, and would look FAB on you!!!!! <3
very nice Olympic 2012 article and photos here.
thanks and greetings from cologne (germany)
I’m a New Zealander by birth and we’re not exactly ripping up the medal table but we’re playing hard and I enjoyed seeing the men’s rowing doubles knock off the former world record by 6 seconds.
The Olympics this year is beyond gripping. I particularly enjoyed the female gymnastics team, Gabby Douglas is such an amazing girl. And that dress is pretty chic, does it come with any other color?
I love watching Olympic gymnastics. They are so amazing flying above. It seems they have wings and their body are so flexible.
It is really hard to be an Olympic gymnastics. If you indulge on this sort of activity, I think you must need to undergo very hard training. This girl is so amazing. I can’t do this and I can fly on the air.