I’m taking this long weekend to hang with my family, read a lot of books and eat some (okay, a lot) of my mom’s famous raspberry pretzel Jell-O salad (don’t knock it ’till you’ve tried it!). I hope that wherever you are you are having a glorious Thanksgiving or at least an exceptional Thursday:) Because I am SO thankful for you guys! I’ve said it before but I have the smartest, kindest, most helpful commenters/readers on the Internet. You guys do more good – both for me and for each other – than you know and I feel privileged to know you! I take it as a great compliment that you take your valuable time to read my stuff and every day I pray that I can live up to that!
In the meantime, here’s a taste of what’s coming next week!
FLASHING! in the gym! (Thank you Gym Buddy Jeni for the idea!)
Actually it’s a list (with hilariously awful photos like these) of the most embarrassing workout moves that will make your muscles burn as much as your cheeks!

And not only do you get to do the whole circus-elephant-on-a-ball trick but it’s a killer workout – with moves I PROMISE you’ve never seen before! SO FUN!!!
Love you guys!!
Ahhh I LOVE THE PRETZEL SALAD. we use strawberries though. And a ton of cool whip. Nothing better.
Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your time with the fam, the pretzel jello salad thingy :), and th e weekend.
We’re gonna have us a Thanksgiving BBQ!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend & enjoyed all the time with loved ones!!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait for December with those pics! That stability ball stuff you are doing scares me!!!!!
Scares me too;)
It’s a Friday where I am- but thank you for the well wishes! Enjoy your thanksgiving- and thanks for writing an amazing blog as always
“Flashing” is a great name for an exercise. I’m pretty sure I know exactly what you’re doing just from the title, even though I’ve never seen it.
No shopping for me; I’m off to work in half an hour, then I’ll be diving into turkey leftovers for lunch.
Have a great weekend!
Have a great Thanksgiving Charlotte! And my Thursday was pretty good!
Happy Thanksgiving. I’m greatful that I have 2 happy healthy little boys who got to celebrate with their nieces. My 5 year old is thankful for “lollies” !
Hope your thanksgiving was wonderful! We discovered a great new invention: the restaurant. No toiling, no oversized portions and multiple plate refilling, no dishes, and no leftovers, which is either good or bad depending on self-restrating. (Me, I got none).
Looks like you have some GREAT stuff coming up and I can’t wait!!
Buwhaha – this totally made me LOL. Reading your book now:)
I LOVE that workout top! Where is it from? I must have it!
JC Penney, baby!
oohhh…I haven’t had that salad in ages. Now I need some
Happy thanksgiving Charlotte. Hope you have a nice weekend with the family
Happy Thanksgiving! Love reading your blog! ((hugs))
Happy thanksgiving! Enjoy your pretzel, jello salad!!
I’m looking forward to reading about the Proprioceptive exercises. Proprioception is one of my fave words (yes, I realize how weird I am).
Hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving with your family!
Not weird in my book! I love that word too:) Even more since spell check doesn’t recognize it…
Sadly, I ruined my strawberry-pretzel salad by forgetting to add sugar to the crust. It still tasted good, but was just not quite the same goodness. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I really enjoy your blog.
is that a bump-it in your hair??
Nope! I’m actually just really really good at fluffing:) I have this mattifying powder called “dust in” – it’s a miracle for girls with fine hair like me! That and a back comb…
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