Last week was a tough one for me and I want to tell you all again how much every single comment, note, tweet and email helped me and, more importantly, Steve’s family and friends. You are amazing and I’m deeply grateful to every one of you who took the time to reach out. I read every single one as did many of Steve’s family. His wife Ashley even mentioned how touched she was by your outpouring of love, empathy and support on this site in her brilliant eulogy at the funeral. (Plus you guys crashed my site – I’ve never had so many hits in one day! – although I know you only did it out of love.)
I also got a little bit of sweet serendipity in the form of a package from Puma that arrived the day before the funeral. I’d agreed weeks ago to do this review/giveaway (seriously you guys are going to LOVE this one) but their timing couldn’t have been more perfect. See, one of Steve’s great loves was really loud, really bright, really flashy athletic shoes. Since he had to wear his “black Lifetime jammies” uniform every day, his one sartorial way to express his huge personality was with his crazy shoes. He was at the forefront of the penguin feet trend! At the viewing they had all of his many pairs of shoes on display (with matching flower arrangements!) and in between sobbing until I was sick, avoiding looking at the casket and hugging every random person that crossed my path, I got to admire them. (The man put my shoe collection to shame and you all know how I love me my shoes!) Then one of his trainers had a great idea: What if we all wore neon athletic shoes to the funeral? It would be a salute of bright color in a sea of black. Steve would have loved it.
And then like a gift from above (what? the UPS truck is way taller than me) this showed up at my house:
Clever, indeed! How awesome is this cute little reusable shoe bag? Solves the problem of cardboard waste and slimy shoes contaminating your gym duds in one recyclable move!
But when I saw the shoes they’d chosen to send me, as part of their Sweat Pretty campaign, I couldn’t stop smiling. Somewhere Steve was fist bumping an angel.
The first time I put these on I was so surprised – they look like your average running shoes but they are incredibly lightweight. Yet still really cushy.
Off to the funeral I went, wearing a somber black and white dress and black tights with a black wool coat, accessorized with… neon blue and pink Puma kicks. At first my friends and I felt like mall-walking grannies in our skirts and sneaks (albeit grannies with excellent taste) but as the church filled up and more and more neon peeked through, it was a beautiful experience. One of many that day. (Example: When Ashley told us that if Steve could see all of us now he’d tell us to stop crossing our legs, it’s bad for our hips. And then the sound of 400 people sheepishly uncrossing their legs.)
But once the business of the viewing/crying, funeral/crying, and memorial/laughing was done, it was time to return to the business of life. Which meant I had to face the gym. It was wrenching walking into that building that held the memory of Steve in every office, weight bench and cafe chair (oh he loved the Life Cafe!) and yet knowing he wasn’t going to pop around the corner, yank my favorite red hood off my head and make fun of me for looking like a garden gnome. (Why did he always go for the gnome?? Little Red Riding Hood is way cuter! So what if I’m not blonde? And have a beard.)
Yet Puma managed to even make that a little easier for me. Sometimes I have a problem getting dressed. The more anxious I am the more I change my clothes and the more nothing seems to fit right. But thanks to their little gift box, I just pulled on whatever they sent me and didn’t have to even think about matching stuff or whatever. (Although I did add a pair of my own leggings underneath. First it was cold out. Second, those shorts put the “short” in shorts.) It was a small mercy. Another small mercy: my friends agreed to meet me there so I wouldn’t have to go alone.
And yeah, we cried. But we also worked out. We even did Steve’s favorite black booty band (of pain) moves. There’s a metaphor in here somewhere about life and living it even when it ties you around the ankles with black rubber and makes you lunge until you spasm in pain and all that being good for you. Or something.
Wow. Worst roundhouse form ever. OR it’s the awesomest ballet move ever from the Nutcracker. Ahem.
But Puma wasn’t quite done with me yet. One more thing to make me smile: New Puma spokeswoman and two-time Golden Gloves champ Cara Castronuova (you may also know her as one of the trainers on The Biggest Loser) is a girl of my own heart. She’s currently on a mission to try out the most extreme workouts out there and videotape herself screaming and falling in at least 7 different ways. (SO FUN!!) Check out this one of her Trapeze Workout. Yep, just added this one to my bucket list!
So to help you have all of the fun too Puma would like to give one of you a complete outfit from their new Sweat Pretty line: A top, pair of bottoms, jacket and shoes! (Funeral sold separately.) To enter, just leave me a comment here about a pair of shoes that has a special meaning for you. Or, if you’re not a shoe person, tell me about an extreme workout you’d like to see Cara try!
Contest closes 11/11/2012. FTC disclaimer: I received my outfit for free from Puma (or heaven, whatevs). I was not paid to write this review. Opinions are all my own. As are jokes in bad taste.
I have a pair of silver high heels that I love because I got them as an extravagance to wear to a friend’s wedding and have since worn them to several balls (in New Orleans for Mardi Gras) and even my own wedding. I’ve worn them so much I’ve had the leather repaired twice. They were a special treat for myself that has become an absolute staple in my dressy wardrobe. Don’t you love it when that happens?
(And I’m terribly sorry about your friend. Condolences!)
duuude. such rad gear! we are a puma house. my husband has a puma tattoo and we had custom pumas for the guys at our wedding-ha! special shoes? probably those ones at the wedding
I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend… *hugs*
I have a pair of tan wedges that I love! I’ve had them for years and they always make my legs look great no matter how much I weigh. I’ve worn them clubing in vegas, while I was pregnant (all 3 times) and to the first birthday parties of my son and daughter.
Shoes. I still have the first pair of real running shoes I ever bought. They were the most expensive pair of shoes I owned, but they took me from being a half-assed runner to a full-assed runner, and I can’t bring myself to part with them, even if I don’t run in them anymore.
I have a pair of black converse with pink cherries on them. I’m usually pretty conservative, but they were on sale for $8 and so comfy. They are my go to shoes, I have worn them probably way too much and have had so many odd, positive, negative and random comments about them. Usually I’d shy away and never wear shoes after some of the comments ive had, but they put a smile on my face and give me confidence.
So many shoes. I think my most special pair of shoes would have to be the silver Converse that I’ve worn through until you can literally stick your finger through the shoe. They’ve gone many miles over many years with me.
Love my ballet flats. Especially in leopard print.
I bought my first pair of knee high boots last December, appropriate now that I live in the Midwest where the winter pretty cold. Those Puma shoes look awesome! I would wear them everywhere.
Totally cliche but my wedding shoes. I still have them 7 years later even though I will never wear them again. They take up space but I can’t bear to part with them.
You are doing a great job of staying afloat, blogging, and still smiling (at least on the outside).
Shoes with special meaning to me? That would HAVE to be my neon yellow and green racing shoes that I wore ALL season that said “I may be a 45-year-old mom, but watch out ’cause these bright yellow shoes are going to come kick your young butts!” I won the first triathlon of the year and went on to additional wins and the best race season I have ever had with swim, bike, and run PRs and a top-10 finish at Age Group World Championships!! They have ceased to be shoes and instead are my trophies!
My favourite pair of shoes aren’t mine, they belong to my youngest son. He’s 2 and has been doing ballet with a group of little girls who all wear pretty tutus and proper ballet shoes and last week he pointed to their feet and said “mommy shoes”. So we went to the shops and bought him a pair – his foot is so small he had to get shoes from the toddler range (which meant there was no black in his size) so we ended up with a tiny pair of white ballet shoes.
The joy on his face was so pure and innocent, to him these 2 tiny ballet shoes (that still have to be carried around in their box and have their paper stuffed back into their toes after wearing) are the best thing in the world ! This morning before class we showed them to everyone from big brother’s kindergarten teacher to friends met on the way to class. He beamed when he showed them to his teacher and he was just so proud – definetly my favourite shoes too !
I have learned not to get emotionally attached to shoes – because I am The Wrecker of Shoes, heh. Maybe it is because of my gait, I don’t know – but I ruin shoes with an astounding speed. I grind them to dust, or at least unrecognizable shadows of themselves. I love shoes, but they don’t last long around here. My running shoes are actually the only ones that last just about as many miles as they should!
The shoes I wore to my high school graduation in, let’s just say, the 70’s. The early 70’s. I wear tailored, classic, Talbot’s-like clothes but love, love, love apparel that David Bowie would have worn for the Ziggy Stardust tour. The shoes were patent leather, huge platforms with stripes of red, blue, yellow, orange, etc. I needed something to brighten up the black gown.
My ballroom dancing shoes. I bought them to wear to my wedding and to dance in. They remind me of hours spent with my wonderful husband dancing in his arms. We did tango at our wedding. It was amazing. ^_^
I recently bought a pair of shoes on Amazon- Asics just to start my new walking routine. They are so comfortable and I have been walking 7-10 miles a week, since buying them in August. The only thing that has managed to stop me so far is the hurricane!
No special shoes for me. Carla should try slack line workout
My mom and I both bought pairs of Vibrams five finger shoes at the same time, so every time I wear mine, I think of her, so many miles away.
Not one pair of shoes, but my multi-color collection of Converse: Black, grey, purple, turquoise, tan, lime green, sky blue and bright orange. I’m sort of famous at the Y for my feet of many colors. I pimp them out with various accessories, too, like wild colored shoe-laces and charms. My very favorite, though, are the turquoise Schwings I have on my turquoise shoes:
I entered my first mud race – Tough Mudder – on a whim right after a soul-crushing breakup. I was so shocked, so crushed, that I needed to do something to set myself on a trajectory. So, to keep myself running, I signed up for Tough Mudder, a twelve-mile grueling terrain race lined with military obstacles.
The day after I got my heart stomped, I went for a run to make myself feel better. I remember waiting at a stoplight, feeling like I’d gotten punch everywhere, and looking down at my shoes. Nike Frees. For some reason, knowing I could run made it seem less painful. As if having my shoes on said, “You can run away from this, toward something better.”
And did I ever! His less-than-stellar character was slowly revealed as I trained more and more, showing me that our breakup was the right thing. I kept running and felt my heart and body getting stronger every day. On my bad days, those shoes – did I mention they were neon? – got me out the door, running off my heartbreak, homesickness, stress, bad roommate woes, etc.
Seven months later, with The Ex a distant memory, I was standing at the start line for Tough Mudder, thinking, “Am I an idiot?! Why did I sign up for this?” Serendipitously, like God rolled his eyes and shoved my head forward, I looked down at my neon shoes, all laced up for their last hurrah. I thought, “You guys got me through the roughest part of my college years. We can get through this together.”
I did it. It was incredible.
The neon shoes were donated that day. I hope they give another girl as much strength as they gave me.
Love this. After my soul-crushing breakup I ate a lot of food and hid out in my room watching sci-fi shows for about four months. Then I rediscovered my love for kickboxing and hiking and left my room.
I love my teel heals. Reminds me of many good date nights with my boyfriend.
My favorite shoes were the 3″ wedged, stacked, blue and white striped heel sneakers with Cougar written on the side. I bought them in Calgary cuz I LOVE stripes and they went with my new blue and white striped t-shirt. I proudly wore them to the first day of school at BYU. I sat on the front row in my Health class – the professor saw them and (naturally) assumed Cougar and the blue and white color theme was in honor of the BYU Cougars. (I didn’t even know the school HAD a football team, let alone their name was Cougar…) But I’m pretty sure those shoes got me that A…
So cute! My favorite workout shoes are the Vibram 5 fingers that my husband bought me as a surprise gift when I was miserably morning sick with baby #2. I could use a new pair of shoes though…that was a while ago!
My NB 860’s were a very special pair of shoes to me. They helped me get past the pain of plantar fasciitis and through 4 races. I just surrendered that old pair after wearing them through a Dirty Girl mud run. I didn’t capture any pictures the day of that race, other than before and after pictures of those special shoes.
I am sorry for your loss; your tribute to Steve was touching. And thumbs up to the funeral shoe tribute. I am sure Steve was smiling down on your sea of neon kicks.
I love my wedding shoes. They are bright pink kitten heels that my cat has chewed on so I never wear them. They are so cute and I’ll probably keep them forever.
I have a pair of sandals that always bring back great memories
I have a pair of DC’s that I keep around as I was wearing them when I met hubby 8 years ago.. That’s not the only reason I keep them around, but it does make it harder to throw them out!!
I’ve never tried Puma shoes and boy, they are cute!!
My first pair of hot pink Kinvara’s are pretty special to me-it was my first foray into a lightweight racing/training shoe and they were SOOO pretty. They have been retired from Running but I still wear them banging around…I can’t part with them
My favorite pair of shoes was a black ballet flat, with small neon polka dots…pink, blue, green, yellow….they were so comfy and went with everything! Perfect for a person that was still in the throes of “I have nothing to wear”!
We had a housefire in May and have been living in a hotel ever since and I realized that I don’t miss any of my shoes. Not one. I now realize that I had TOO much stuff and need to buy less frequently but better quality. I am blessed that I didn’t lose anything that mattered.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend. I’m sure you will cherish your memories of him.
I have a pair of leather sandals that I got in Greece that always remind me of my trip there.
My Danskin clogs are SOOOOO comfy. They might not win any fashion awards, but I just love wearing them around town. I wear an 11 and finding good shoes that fit well can be tricky, but these just worked from the moment I tired them on.
Also so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend
My thoughts are definitely with you.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
I have a weird attachment to my college cheerleading shoes. I’ve had them for 10 years and I love them (even though I no longer regularly wear ’em). They were “minimalist” shoes before minimalist shoes were cool.
I ran the bottoms off my first pair of running shoes in less than a year! Talk about frustrating. They were great shoes, but $100 for a pair of shoes every year is a little steep for a poor college student.
This is just the sweetest. I didn’t even know Steve but here I am laughing/sobbing into my morning coffee over the thought of all y’all wearing neon shoes to his funeral.
My first pair of “real” athletic shoes was a pair of pink and green ROOS. I still have them, though they’re super raggedy due to the Hike from Hell in Colorado a couple of years ago.
Thank you for hosting this giveaway!
I’m an Irish dancer, so my dance shoes are my favorite shoes! They are definitely uncomfortable and horrible for my feet, but they make a lot of noise
I’m sorry to hear about your loss. What a wonderful way to pay tribute to him though–neon!!! I’m sure he could see it!
I have two pairs of special shoes.
One is a pair of black heels that I doubt I will be able to get rid of. I bought them for my high school boyfriends funeral. I have only worn them once but they sit in my closet as a silent reminder to live life to the fullest and to never fear love. You get one shot at this life and I learned that reality at 16.
The other is a pair of cranberry heels I bought and loved so much I wore them to my wedding. They were so comfortable and cute. I have worn them on days that I just want a pick-me-up and they make me feel beautiful!
Two pairs of heels that mean completely different things but both are reminders of important days in my life!
I have two pairs of special shoes.
One is a pair of black heels that I doubt I will be able to get rid of. I bought them for my high school boyfriends funeral. I have only worn them once but they sit in my closet as a silent reminder to live life to the fullest and to never fear love. You get one shot at this life and I learned that reality at 16.
The other is a pair of cranberry heels I bought and loved so much I wore them to my wedding. They were so comfortable and cute. I have worn them on days that I just want a pick-me-up and they make me feel beautiful!
Two pairs of heels that mean completely different things but both are reminders of important days in my life!
I have a pair of purple crocs that look like purple rubber boat shows and they are my most favorite shoes ever. And I swore I’d never by crocs…but they look like little purple loafers…so cute!
I have a pair of Mizuno Wave Enigmas that I have seen you wear on this site – they were the first running shoes I wore that did not land me with shin splints! I love them and credit them with allowing me to love running.
My trail runners hold one of my best memories: running with my best friends through the woods!
I have a pair of Saddle Oxfords that were part of my high school uniform. For four years, I wore them every day. It took all of freshman year to break them in, then three more to almost wear them into the ground. I graduated almost seven years ago, but I still wear them around occassionally. Kind of like a security blanket, I feel more confident when I’m in them… and it doesn’t hurt that they’re perfect for swing dance.
I have a pair of silver Tstrap very high heels that I bought for a weddding I was in. They are not the most comfortable shoes that I own but they feel so very ‘Dirty Dancing’ that I just love them. I don’t get that attached to my work out shoes but maybe that is because I buy one pair break them down and then buy another. I need to try roating through more than one pair at a time. Yeah, that is what I need to do.
Favourite pair of shoes at the moment – my dark purple Dr. Marten boots. Make me feel funky and bada$$ while in the lab…if I have to wear “safe” shoes in the lab, they’re gonna be these ones!
I have a pair of running shoes that have holes on the heels from being worn too much and are now only suitable for mowing the lawn. I should throw them out. The catch? I did my first and only half marathon in them . I can’t walk around wearing my finishers medal but I can wear the shoes.
Was so sorry to hear about your loss, and I know pretty workout clothes don’t go very far in dealing with grief, but gotta say, you look so cute in them!!!
Shoes that have been places are my favorite, so mine are my soft suede boots that walked me all over Germany when I was pregnant. I was being kind of moody (pregnancy–you don’t say) and all that walking and seeing new things helped put me back in the mental place that I needed to be.
Charlotte, your posts about Steve have been so moving, I find myself mourning a man I never knew. The way you’ve honored his life is amazing.
My favorite pair of shoes is probably my first pair of Saucony Hurricane 14s. They were my first pair of “real” running shoes, and got me through PR after PR, IT band issues, running with Dick & Rick Hoyt (amazingly inspirational!), my first triathlon, and my first half marathon. They were my shoes that brought me to the realization that I’m a runner and an athlete, a term I never thought I’d use for myself. They’re the shoes that showed me I can push myself harder and faster and further than I’d ever thought possible.
And my second pair of them will get me started on marathon training.
I do love any pair of bright and pretty running shoes. Somehow it motivates me to go faster, longer, harder. Other than that, I love my Merrells at work-I work in an OR so the shoes are my only accessory.
Well, I don’t know if they have “special meaning”, but I do have a favorite pair of flats that I got as a gift about 4 years ago. I still wear them all the time and have never been able to find another pair that comes close to offering the versatility and quality they have given me. I do not want to give them up yet, even though they are getting pretty worn.
I will always love my first pair of Brooks Trance – my favorite marathon running shoe!!!
I adore my dark purple nikes with a neon yellow swoosh. I have had them for 3 years or more at this point, and they barely show any wear thanks to the colors despite the pounding they have taken over the years.
I have a pair of bright orange reeboks that have been around since i was in 7th grade. So about 12 years now! I got them because this was when everyone was wearing those white adidas with the three stripes on the side. I mean EVERYONE. I decided i had to be different and instead of following the crowd, stand out. So screaming orange reeboks for me it was. It was one of the first times i really embraced that i was different and unique and not afraid of being that way! I’ve never been able to get rid of them even tho they are now brown than orange
I am having a hard time giving up the nike sneakers I ran my first half marathon in, even though they are far past the point where they need to be retired…. sigh.
We had a similar idea for our wedding. In the wedding invitations we included an insert that asked our guests to wear their sneakers to the reception. You should have seen the look on the audience’s faces when our great aunt, Mom & Dad and the whole wedding party came out in our colorful sneakers! It was a wonderful event and everyone was comfortable enough to dance the afternoon away!!!
I am such a shoe person! My favorite are boots though. I have to admit anytime it gets below 80 i use it as an excuse to wear my boots. =)
My favorite pair of shoes are black Merrells that are so old and worn out they have no tread left on the bottom of them, so Im constantly slipping on wet surfaces. My kids are really embarrassed to be seen with me when I wear them so they beg me not to. Honestly they are the most comfortable shoes Ive ever owned.
I love my slippers in a big way. I feel like a bit of a little old lady padding around in them but they keep my feet safe from dog drool AND the cold.
My favorite shoes are a pair of black knee high boots, they go with everything my comfy sneakers don’t
Sorry for your loss, my husband and I dealt with a death last year and a godly friend told me ” as water washes the face, so tears cleanse the soul.” Its okay to cry …*hugs*
So very sorry for your loss.
I don’t have a special pair of shoes (I really don’t like buying shoes). However, I would love to have a pair of Vibrams. So, can lusting after a pair of shoes count?!!
I took my very first ballet class last year (at the age of 30) and got to buy my very first pair of ballet shoes! They make me feel like a dancer!
I have a pair of black wedges that I just love to wear with everything. they can be dressed down or up. My friends call them my leprechaun shoes. I just think they are the best. walking in them is a different story.
The shoes I just wore to run my first 10K are pretty darn special. While the shoes didn’t run the 10K for me, the fact they supported my feet (and my body) while I mentally and physically pushed myself in a way that I wasn’t sure was possible, cements their “specialness.” Especially for a “non-runner” like me
I still have my shoes that I wore from my senior high school volleyball team. And I graduated 19 years ago! That was the year that we made it to the state semi-finals only to be killed by a girl on the other team with a billion inch vertical. I think some of us still have the imprint of that volleyball on our faces. That was one week after I broke my ankle in practice. We tapped it up and I limped onto the court. Good memories.
Yesterday morning at church, I couldn’t stop crying when Pastor Rob Ketterling spoke about Steve and his funeral. Then again, when Pastor Justin Mack spoke about Ashley praising God at his casket. Still makes me teary-eyed and I didn’t know either of them! So, so sad.
The mourning of Steve’s friends and family, coupled with the devastation from Sandy makes me so very thankful right now for all that I have.
Anyway, my favorite pair of shoes ever was a pair of wine-colored Justin lacers. I had them for YEARS because they were my first pair of horseback riding boots. I had them resoled when they wore out and then held onto them for a few more years, even when the leather wore holes on the sides. I just couldn’t bring myself to part with them even when I had two new pairs of boots. I FINALLY threw them away when I was in high school because I wore them just one more time and my feet were drenched from walking in mud puddles at the barn (and we all know that’s not JUST water)! But, those boots still hold so many fond memories for me!
The pair of Nikes I ran my first half marathon in hold a special place in my heart. I bought them because they were bright pink – not because they were running specific or even the correct fit for my feet. But somehow I made it through an entire training cycle + race in them without injury. (And after the race, I went out and got fitted for a pair of real running shoes)
I wish I still had my cheer shoes from high school. They were my favorite and fit me perfectly but I was still wearing them four years after high school and that was TERRIBLE for me! I’ve had my current sneakers for at least three years and they need to go too but I can’t afford new walking shoes. My favorite shoes? Probably my nude heels. They make my legs look long and accentuate all the right calf muscles!
I have a pair of running shoes that I bought about 8 years ago when I first decided to start running… They were $100!! I thought I had lost my mind spending that much on shoes. I ran for one spring in them before I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that keeps me from running much but I just can’t get rid of them, even though they are sooo worn out. They remind me of that moment where I thought I was gonna get super fit and be a runner and transform my body. My body DID transform, but not in the way I expected… but that is life, no?
I had a pair of boots in high school that I was so in love with. I kept them for years but finally donated them.
I have a pair of beautiful Via Spiga’s that my in-laws bought me for my 40th birthday. Weird gift, but they are the nicest shoes I will ever own.
I must say (and I’ll apologize in advance for the pun) that I’m quite keen on my Keens. They’re 7 years old, have practically no treads left, and yet I just cannot part with them, even to get a new pair. It took a little while to break them in, and now they are SO comfy! I wear them to teach my theater classes. I can run in them if need be, and they’re breathable. I can stand for hours.
I’m amazed at the messages sent to us by our loved ones when they cross over. I think it’s their way of telling us that they’re OK. On the night of my dad’s memorial I had the sudden urge to run around the house and make sure all the windows were closed and the doors were locked, just like he did every night. And my niece went one better: She got up to use the bathroom 5 times that night, just like he did, every night!
Definitely a pair of multicolored Asics Noosa Tri that glow in the dark. They make me smile every time I put them on!
I’m not a shoe girl at all (and I like my sneakers to be white with colored accents – so old school!). But as for Cara, I’d love to see her reaction to that T-Tapp thing you tried a few months back. I would be curious to see her take on it too
My favorite pair of shoes are my Nike Shocks. I ran my first 5k in those, so they will forever hold a special meaning for me. Awesome Giveaway, I love me some Puma!
It would have to be my bright blue horseback riding boots. When I was a kid, I had a small horse named Sugar Baby (so named by her former owner), who was the most sprightly thing you’ve ever seen. I always called her a Siamese Horse, because she had the Siamese-cat color pattern: white/light tan body, dark brown nose, tail, ears, and feet. (And mane, for her, not the cats.) She looked little and unassuming, but she was a tiny fireball once someone was in the saddle. Faster and with better acceleration than horses much larger than her, I honestly wish I had taken her barrel racing when I had the chance. She could have cut those corner so sharp they’d put your eye out. (Sorry, horrible joke.)
Still, for riding, you want boots so your shoes don’t end up stuck through the stirrups. When I was eight years old, I saw the perfect pair: a pair of brilliant robin’s-egg-blue leather boots. My dad thought I was nuts, because really, who wears bright blue leather boots? Well, I did, I told him. And thus they were mine.
I wore those boots until my feet grew too large for them, and I still have them in my closet to this day. I was so proud of my bright blue boots, and Sugar Baby and I kicked my dad’s butt when we raced. (He rode a neighbor’s horse.) I won’t go so far as to say those boots were a major part of my childhood, but I was so proud of them, and they rode many a mile with me.
I have a pair a raspberry and rhinestone shoes that I wore the first time I went to Vegas ~ and my first trip with my husband~8 years ago. I have kept them all this time and worn them only 2 times. They remind me of how much fun we had there!
I have a pair of black ballet flats that I just love to run around in. Too bad they don’t go with all of my outfits.
I have monster calves, and it took me forever to find a pair of boots that would lace around them. So my favorite pair of shoes are giant knee-high goth stompers — that I can lace around my calves!
I don’t have any “nice” shoes with special meaning to me, it my hiking boots are special. Everything about them (including the way they smell- which is more like grass and pine trees than sweaty feet at the moment) reminds me of being outdoors and in the mountains. I can walk through fields of thistle and stinging nettle unscathed wearin them! They are also super Comfy- they got me through 6 days of swamp feet when I did the (very damp) West Coast Trail
I don’t have any “nice” shoes with special meaning to me, it my hiking boots are special. Everything about them (including the way they smell- which is more like grass and pine trees than sweaty feet at the moment) reminds me of being in the mountains. I can walk through fields of thistle and stinging nettle unscathed wearin them! They are also super Comfy- they got me through 6 days of swamp feet when I did the (very damp) West Coast Trail
I don’t have any “nice” shoes with special meaning to me, it my hiking boots are special. Everything about them (including the way they smell- which is more like grass and pine trees than sweaty feet at the moment) reminds me of being in the mountains. I can walk through fields of thistle and stinging nettle unscathed wearin them!
I have a pair of black, strappy, nothing special black heels that I wear EVERY weekend to go salsa dancing! Dancing is a way for me to enjoy myself, feel confident, and have fun and these shoes are the MOST comfortable. When they no longer serve me well, I don’t know what I will do!
I love my tall black hunter rain boots. I know it’s crazy….rain boots…but I love them! I just moved to Florida, so unfortunately they won’t get much use this fall and winter. : (
I have the cutest little grey, faux croc pumps that are my go-to work shoe; but are a teensy bit ridiculous for making the trek between building locations. I’ve also been a long-time (read: forever) fan of Saucony running shoes. However, as cute as those Puma’s are? I would for sure wear them!
I still have the shoes I got married in, cute white Seychelles flats, even though they don’t fit anymore. (Thanks pregnancy!)
My first pair of running shoes… can’t get rid of them yet!
I was definitely sitting here with my legs crossed and uncrossed them when I got to that part! I love the shoe story-that’s awesome!
As much as I love my shoes (and man do I), I don’t think any of them have special significance (other than some are cuter, some are comfier, etc). Maybe that’s because I tend to wear the good ones out so quick!
My first pair of five finger shoes are pretty special to me. I wear them really selectively now because they are getting so old. I love bright wild colors and they are a bright blue. Love them!!
Last March, my apartment building in downtown Minneapolis caught fire and burned for 12 hours. I lost everything I owned in that fire and was (understandably) devastated. My fiance (then boyfriend!) and I were in a long distance relationship and his mom just happened to be in town visiting him when I called him to tell him about the fire. His mom immediately jumped into action and put together a care package for him to bring up to me. Inside the bag was a brand new pair of Asics, done up in a variety of pinks & oranges, along with a whole bunch of new workout clothes. She’d written me a little note to the effect that she knew I would feel better if I were able to go for a run. To be honest, replacing my running gear was the last thing on my mind, but as soon as I read her note, I realized she was completely right. And every time I lace up those shoes, I’m reminded of her generosity and her kindness and her thoughtfulness.
My oldest pair of running shoes have special meaning. I wear them hiking and trail running which is a newfound fitness hobbie. I wore them to paint houses in Mexico and to move into my apartment. They have more memories than any other pairs of shoes.
15 years ago I borrowed (forever) a pair of Saucony Jazz Fades from my sister. I never looked back! Every time my sneaks wear out I order an identical pair. I plan to be 100 and wearing these same shoes.
I am very, very sorry for your loss. It’s an agonizing pain, and I’m sorry you have to experience it. I’m glad you could find a way to bring a slice of cheer to the day.
My fav shoes are my glittery converse with lavender shoe laces. They make me feel casual and dressy all at the same time. And really, who doesn’t love a little glitter?! They have gone on many a first date, and just seem to pump up my confidence a little every time I wear them.
My favorite pair of shoes are my Adidas Copa soccer cleats that I wore in college. They remind of tough, demanding practices, teamwork, goals, assists, wins, losses, blood, sweat, tears, and my love of the beautiful game. They are falling apart from use, but I still keep them, even through 3 interstate moves in 10 years. I just can’t bear to part with them. They remind me of how tough and strong I am even in the face of adversity.
Favorite shoes are my slippers…I put them on as soon as I get home from work. I need sneakers that are as comfortable as those! THAT would make me happy.
Hey Charlotte! To start off, my favorite pair of shoes are a gorgeous pair of Carlos Santana Romantica sling backs that I got at a thrift store in brand new condition for only $8!!!!!! I wish I could say I knew that Carlos actually made shoes, but since I hardly ever spend money on clothes (mostly because I’m broke) I typically try to ignore name brands so I will not know what I am missing. I wore those shoes to a wedding and to several other events (even church!) and then, one day while dogsitting, the dog CHEWED OFF ONE OF THE HEELS. I have been heartbroken ever since.
And I would like to tell you how much I love your blog. Your book made me laugh out loud at work and people gave me strange looks, and I generally laugh out loud at most of the things you write. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Steve’s family. That was the blog that made me cry at work, but I smiled at the thought of everyone wearing neon shoes to the funeral. What a cool idea!
Keep up the good work!
I got my very first pair of “real” running shoes yesterday, and with them, ran 4 miles for the first time ever. My passion is in weightlifting, but these super shoes had me running like there was no tomorrow!
I have a pair of Adidas running shoes that I ran my first marathon in years ago!
I’m totally known for my love of bright sneakers. Not just workout shoes (though my most recent of those is bright red and neon purple) but even the tennis shoes I wear to work. I have half a dozen pairs in a variety of colors. It’s been my thing forever. I’m so excited more people are getting into in because now I have so many more choices!
Love them. Love all loud shoes
Just today I told my mom that I wanted a new pair of black Teva sandals. I took my last pair with me when I lived in Tanzania and walked in them everywhere – so much that I wore a hole in the bottom. At that point it didn’t make sense to bring them home, so they got trashed. I haven’t bought another pair, but I think it’s time – and maybe this pair will make it to Tanzania too!
I practiced for two weeks in order to wear some heels that I bought for a wedding. I much prefer my tennis shoes, but they just weren’t appropriate!
My favorite pair of workout shoes are gray with neon pink stripes down the side. Oh, and they’re mesh – something about being breathable?? Anywho, I wore these favorite shoes to bootcamp twice per week all summer and into the fall. Twice per week in the soggy, soggy grass because the maintenance people could never remember to turn off the sprinklers. Soggy grass and mesh shoes equal a big squeaky mess. But I had a blast and became stronger than I’ve ever been!
I don’t think that kick was bad at all. I kinda wish my form was that good, and I’ve been working on it for 25 years.
Maybe you have a future as a kick boxer yes?
I still have the shoes I ran my first half marathon in. I obviously can’t continue to wear them but I also can’t get rid of them. They symbolize a goal I thought I would never meet. After getting injured in high school after 13 years of dance, I was told running would never be a part of my life. But ten years later, I made it a goal to try and I did. The shoes mean more to me than the medal ever will because they helped me get to my goal.
The pair of shoes that was the most special to me was my very first pair of “real” running shoes, the kind that you know, you go to a running specialty store and they make you roll up your pants and watch you walk. Six years ago I had signed up to train for a half marathon with Team in Training, to honor my father who was dying of a rare form of Lymphoma. We went to the running shoe store to buy proper shoes after our first training session. About three weeks into my training, my father passed away. I made sure to wear my new running shoes to his funeral. As I kept training for the half marathon, in my mind, I still had the dirt from his grave on my running shoes. I wore those shoes to walk my first half marathon, and I kept training and eventually learned to run. Now, six years later, I’ve used up a lot of different running shoes. But I have kept those first shoes.
(I know, I have tied together running shoes and another funeral…. sorry for that & sorry for your loss.)
That is an outstanding outfit! My special shoes are the ones I ran my first marathon in =)
My favorite shoes were adidas incision tr I have wore them out and they have been discontinued, so I am on the prowl for some new favorites!
For me, it’s a pair of sneakers I wore to run my first 5k, which happened to be around the time that my grandma passed away. I was hurting & missing her, so to help me keep running, I put a small pin she’d given me onto one of my running shoes. It was a teeny tiny cat with my birthstone in it. It helped me feel like she was with me, throughout my training and all the way to the finish line. She was such a lovely, supportive lady, and every time I got tired I’d look down at my sneaker and see the pin, reminding me that she’d want me to keep going until I reached my goal.
My roommates and I in college used to have a contest to see who could find and buy and own the loudest, gaudiest running shoes. It was and still is an ongoing competition. You should see my closet! I’ve got two more on the way to me right now and you are so right – a girl can never have too many shoes. These Pumas have my name all over them!
I have to say though that the shoes that have the most meaning to me are my green Soloman Trail Runners. I got them before hiking into the Grand Canyon for four days and they still have that red clay dust all over them. I smile every time I wear them.
The brand new Nikes I just bought for reaching my very first fitness goal! So proud of myself! I look at those shoes and I beam with pride. Finally, a commitment to myself, a promise I plan to keep. For the first time in my life I am making myself a priority. Those shoes are like a very good girl friend giving me a high five saying “You got this girl! Kick some @ss! You’re worth it!”.
I’m not really a shoe person. I prefer to be bare footed if I can help it. Tennis shoes are generally the exception to the rule. I love the look of those ones though! I love clothes that make a statement!
i love my gym shoes, i’ve gone so many miles, crossed the line of a half marathon and reached my pr…:) I praise God for providing me with an able body and with shoes to go on my feet. Sign me up for this new pair, I’m ready to take on new feats!!
I’d love a new pair of shoes because my current ones (less than 6 months old!) are wearing thin. It might be from the all the step classes I teach or the gym I’ve been doing but. Or if I were to get all deep and meaningful on it, I could say I am wearing myself thin (not in terms of weight) but in terms of stress, tired-ness and busy-ness. I am a fantastic multi-tasker and a sucky I need to work on that. My shoes are being worn down, and I’m wearing myself new down. Maybe new shows could signify a new me- full of life, a clean smell (ha!) and ready to start again!
When I was in 6th grade I had the privilege of my aunt and uncle flying me out to Chicago for a vacation. We were poor. They were not. They took their poor little small town niece on a big shopping spree and I came home fully outfitted in Esprit and Guess, a DREAM for a young gal in the late 80s! The pie de resistance was a pair of ruby red, faux alligator, oxford shoes that made me feel like the coolest kid in school. I loved those shoes….
I really would love to win this contest – I adore every single thing that you are wearing. And you look great, btw! So fit!
I have two pairs of shoes that have meaning for me. The first is a pair of strappy sandals I bought the day I found out my grandfather died. While my boyfriend (now husband) and I was visiting me in town, we decided to do a little shopping because I needed a new pair of dressy sandals for work. My grandfather had been sick and my dad was three hours away, visiting with him. It was to the point where there was nothing that could b done but wait. When I got home with my great shoe find, my mom broke the news to me that PawPaw had died that afternoon. Now whenever I wear those shoes, it’s a weird feeling. I’ll never be able to get rid of them.
Also, on a lighter note, I have a pair of bright red stack-heeled boots that I call my Ziggy Stardust boots. They make me feel like a bad mofo whenever I wear them.
I am really sorry to hear of your loss.
I love to go barefoot, especially if there is a carpet of lush green grass to walk on. My favourite shoes are my old ballet shoes, for the memories.
My favorite shoes are my Chaco sandals. They’ve been with me to Europe, Hawaii and several other trips and were the most comfy shoes to wear following my 3 day walk for breast cancer!
I bought Newton running shoes in part because my last name is Newton. Unfortunately the shoes gave me tendonitis (my fault – I didn’t take it slow enough when transitioning to them) but I still like them. Plus they’re neon pink.
I love my Newtons! Since getting them I cut 30min (!!!) Off my marathon time; 5min off my half, 2min off my 10k ! I love love love them and they are BRIGHT also!
I’ve never been much of a shoe person. I always had only one or two pairs and would wear them until I couldn’t anymore. Now I have multiple pairs of shoes, and they’re all running/training shoes! I love all of my running shoes and they’re a little reminder of how my life has changed for the better since getting into fitness.
I love pink and I have a closet full of pink shoes. Every shade and style you can imagine! My favorite are a pair of pink flip flops I got when I was in Hawaii. They are probably the cheapest shoes in my closet, but they remind me of paradise
I admit, your posts about loss are so moving and hard to read bacause of the emotions they evoke…yet, I keep reading and let the tears roll down (embarrassingly, in my office) I am sorry for your loss.
On a lighter note, I started reading your blog after stumbling around the one on peeing while working out. hahaha, gotta love a girl who is honest about those things!
As for my favorite shoes, currently my faves are my cowboy boots, I like to wear boots during the season transitions. But i do need new shoes, it is sad that my husbands has more pairs than I do (he has Birkenstocks of almost every color!)
Husband, only one lol
My favorite pair of shoes are my 6-year old BORN sandals… although I cannot wear them in the summer, and my puppy recently destroyed them! I love a good pair of sneakers though, and definitely need to invest in a new pair. My feet hurt from walking on the treadmill lately and I’m afraid that means it’s time to invest!
fav shoes is difficult – but the pair that I remember the most as a highlight was a pair of stacked heel aviator boots that I got from Express way back in highschool – they were amazing and the first pair of heels that I had ever worn – they were beautiful and I loved the feeling of height without the craziness of trying to walk in the stiletto type heels – I wore those until they completely fell apart.
fav workout shows however were my pumas that i got last year – first time I ever got fitted for a running shoe and they got me through my first ever triathlon (which was also the first time I ever ran a 5k without walking!)
Hmm, well the most FUN shoes I own are some over the knee high heeled boots I bought for Halloween one year and ended up wearing them ALL THE TIME. Or at least way more often than I thought, and I get lots of compliments, from guys and girls. Worth every penny. Oh, and if Cara wants to try out one of those Pole Dancing striptease workouts….she can borrow my boots! ;p
Love my Birkenstocks because they are so comfy and remind me of home (which would be Portlandia – and yes, on occasion I do wear them with socks. shut up – I totally rock that look). BUT the shoes that have a special memory are my Chucks. I own 4 pair. My Arkansas-born dad recently turned 80 and has been wearing them since he was 15 and played on his HS’s JV basketball team in California. Back then, they called him (not too kindly) ‘Lil Abner after the comic strip. They shut up when he played so well, the coach wanted him on the Varsity team. He later became a college B-Ball coach and inspiration to many of his players not only because he’s a great guy (bias!) but also because he would actually practice with the team instead of yelling from the sidelines. Three years ago, he almost died from a “cardiac event” and had to have emergency open heart surgery. The thing that saved him? According to the Dr., he has “the heart of a 25-year-old.” He’s slowed down a bit but still loves to show my nephew some moves at his court on the patio. I wear my Chucks and think of him – still kicking after all these years.
My favorite shoes right now are a pair of neon Reeboks that are the same as gym buddy Jeni! I like them (1) because my hubby found them online for a great deal and thought to tell me about it
and (2) because I shared the deal with my gym friends and this is proof that working out for me is 90% social 10% exercise!!
The shoes represent how important it is to form relationships that revolve around supporting each other on being our best selves possible!! 
I bought my first pair of cowboy boots when my husband and I were vacationing out west. I wear the heck out of those things, 5 years later. Love.
Rather than one pair of shoes, I am going with the Mizuno Wave Inspire series. They just work really well for me and have gotten me through many races. I am currently looking to try out some barefoot runners… hopefully they will be nice and bright and fun!
For my wedding last year, I wanted to wear bright orange peep toe heels. I couldn’t find what I was looking for anywhere, and the shoe dye store told me that they couldn’t color the white pair I found. So, I painted them myself! I love how they turned out, and have worn them for pretty much every special occasion since then.
I’ll also always have a soft spot for my first pair of Brooks running shoes. Their purchase was the first time I chose comfort over cuteness (I had something of a complex about white sneakers), and I made great progress while wearing those shoes.
I’ll never forget my first pair of running shoes from back in the day (high school)… Asics Gels. My parents bought me my first pair in the early 90’s and it changed everything for me!
my favorite pair of shoes….my first pair of running shoes. i’ve only been running 2 years; my sister convinced me training for a half marathon might be a good idea after the sudden death of my husband. and how right she was! those shoes saw me through pain, tears, joy, anger, and eventually; a successful half. i ran from, into, and through grief in those shoes. and i will NEVER forget those miles. many other pairs of running shoes have since come and gone…but i dont think those original nikes will ever leave my closet! time to try some new pumas maybe?
I have this pair of wedges I bought at Nordstrom about 6 years ago that I refuse to part with. They are so comfortable and they never seem to go out of style. Plus I have so many great stories from when I wore them, like when we were in Cancun and thought the downtown bars were super close to our hotel. I think we walked 5 miles that night, but I was still able to have a great night dancing and walk back to the hotel in them!
My black peeptoe heels are my all time favorite shoes~ even though I am not really a ‘heel girl’ they are my go to shoe when getting dressed up because they go with everything! Thanks so much for the giveaway and I LOVE your poses and your post~ made me smile!
I’d have to say my current running/exercise shoes. I was always unable to do certain physical things because I thought that I couldn’t do them. Total mental block…I wasn’t strong enough, didn’t have the endurance, whatever. But then I got laid off. And then I got pi$$ed off and started channelling all my anger and hurt into exercising. Mainly boot camp, spinning, and vinyasa yoga. But I literally had never run a mile without stopping in my life. Not even in 7th grade. I will be 35 next month, and in my 34th year, ran two consecutive miles without stopping. Well, it was more of a jog, but you get my point!
And it was in these running shoes….which are starting to have seen too many miles, so as soon as I get a job offer, I am replacing them!
wolverina401 at gmail dot com
My favorite shoes are my vibrams because I use them as my lifting shoes, and I never feel as awesome as I do lifting. I still love all my heels though!
I love those neon shoes! I would probably never take them off if I had a pair that flashy.
Most of my shoes are either comfort designed (Keens ftw) or bought out of necessity. However, right after I left my husband I went to the show store and bought these cute brown and rose shoes that I thought were adorable. (Hard to find adorable in a size 11 shoe.) These reason they are my favorite? They are my first pair of shoes I didn’t have to have “Ok’d” by my ex–and I knew that he would have hated them. Every time I wear those shoes I feel happy.
I think my son’s first pair of shoes has very special meaning because they are tiny and his very very first. I keep EVERYthing (working on not being SUCH a packrat though). Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I am still sending HUGE HUGS your way!!!!!
For me, right now my Hoka shoes because without them, I might not be exercising right now & I love my workouts!!! They saved me!
Saying that, they worked so well that I can wear other shoes now for non cardio things like weights & just out & about. I WOULD LOVE this adorable outfit. Like you, I am so a What not to Wear. I need help with it all coming in a nice package for me!
HUGS again!
I have a pair of strappy, patent red heels in my closet. Every time my 4 year old goes into my closet with me she tells me that they are SOOO pretty and says that they look FABULOUS on me and she is sure that if I’d let her try them on they would look FABULOUS on her too
I think I have only worn them once, but I smile every time I see them.
I have a pair of cowboy boots that I wore in my best friends wedding, they will always remind me of that special day!
I have one pair of sneakers that are so comfortable that I always wear them on my busiest days. My 2 yr old loves going to the child care at the gym and always gets dang excited when I put them on
“gym mommy, a pway wif da cheacher” anyway I love them because they are neon, comfy, and stop my feet from going numb when I work out, which all seem like major bonuses 
Charlotte~ Condolences on your friend Steve, I am so glad you have supportive friends to be by your side….
I love my chaco sandals~ I wear them almost everyday in this texas heat! Thanks for the giveaway.
my first pair of heels when I was a teenager 3 inches black loved them
Love my Brooks running shoes just because I never would have thought I had a pair of shoes just for running…and that I would actually use them!
I love my burgundy pumps. I wore them to my wedding, and they always bring back memories.
My special shoes are actually boots. They are the first heels of any kind I could wear in years. Thank you Kate, my physical therapist!
My hiking boots mean the most to me. I first got them for a spelunking trip withe my dad and brother and have worn them on many family hiking trips since.
I have a pair of sparkly pink flip-flops that my mom bought me. They always remind me of her when I wear them.
I especially love my skechers biker shoes. I wear them to work everyday – they are extremely comfortable and very stylish at the same time.
Thanks for the cool giveaway!
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com
Honestly? I’d like to see you doing… yoga! Sounds easy? I meant extreme yoga of course. With all those handstanding poses and stretching. I love yoga myself but I wish I could start running too. Having only concrete paths to run I the only thing I need now is a pair of those perfect puma shoes. Pick me and you’ll be sure that this will be the most loved outfit in the world!
Well they aren’t (a pair) but I have a thing for my 20 something pair of sandals I just can’t get enough of them I think I’m obsessed to an extent I’m the crazy person who wears sandals even if there’s snow outside but I’d rock these shoes!
My little red open toed pumps that I got in NYC on a girls weekend. They are the only fun and fashionable shoes that I own, the rest are all Mommy shoes. I always feel good wearing them
I don’t have a particular piece of workout clothing that I’m more attached to, but I do have a very hard time letting go of race shirts. It seems like I can always find a reason why each particular race was important enough to hang onto the shirt. Any race where I set a PR, or where I just had a particularly good time, or heck, just one where the weather was beautiful, or one where I really believed in the cause the money was being donated to…there seems to be a reason to hold onto EVERY SINGLE RACE SHIRT. Haha!
I have a pair of bright orange Nike Skoxs that I keep even though they are 7 years old they remind me of the day I first joined a gym. They always cheer me up when I see them in my closet.
My husband and I had a “Wedding Day 5K” the day of our wedding. Both being runners, it was important to us that we worked in a run on our big day. I ran across the finish line hand in hand with my husband to be in some bright green new balances. I still wear those shoes every anniversary
I love, love, love my new boots. They’re comfy & cute, and I feel good about how I look when I wear them.
Try Bar Method, it rocks, way harder than it looks
I have an old pair of boots that have seen me through a lot. They’re hardly wearable at this point but I love them too much to part!
I really like Puma workout shoes though, I think they look so good.
I would say my ratty converse. I bought them while living in spain almost four years ago and they are still going strong.
My wedding shoes are my faves. I only wore them for about 20 minutes on my wedding day and have not worn them since, but they are really special to me.
I love my strappy wedge sandals in bright blue that make me feel more like a woman and less like a mom.
While I have a lovely collection of heels, I would say that the shoes that mean the most to me are my New Balance trail shoes. They represent my starting to run again, and my re-learning how to run, and my first road races. I haven’t been running in a while, sadly, but I keep them where I see them frequently and hope to start again soon.
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