I swear I did not do this to her. Totally Jelly Bean’s idea! You can’t hear but she’s giggling. She has no idea what a dunce cap is anyhow. But this is the ending!
This is how it all started:
When a mysterious pink package showed up on our doorstep, the kids pounced on it. Despite my protestations that it was “just for Mommy’s blog” and was only going to be clothes, the kids were convinced that it was a magical gift sent from Santa himself. (I swear my kids are magpies: Shiny! Shiny! Where? Oooh shiny!)
It turns out they were partially right. But it had nothing to do with what was in the package:
Wheee! While mommy was super excited to get her PV Body gift box, the kids chucked them in a heap and got to the business of playing with the REAL present. The envelope itself. People think it’s a silly cliche that kids are more happy with the wrapping than what’s in it but I offer this to you as evidence of it’s veracity:
Yay! It’s Garden Gnome in my Home! To heck with Elf on a Shelf – that guy is too much work. Garden Gnome makes all his own mischief himself, no parental midnight shenanigans required! (Oh and he’s holding our other surprise: we got a cat! Her name is Luna and she’s perfect for our family in every way. We got her from a local shelter and in the couple of weeks she’s lived with us, we’ve been mouse-free and overjoyed with our new kitty! A big thanks to all of you for your advice and help in figuring out my pet dilemma!)
To show you how much they adored the PV Body package, this happened immediately:
Yes. My brilliant, beautiful children are fighting over an envelope. I’m already writing their wedding toast with this anecdote. You can’t tell from the pic but blood was drawn and there were many tears. I had to put the pink sparkly PAPER BAG in time out. I know.
Cut to a gratuitous shot of my newly redecorated living room for my sister Laura who’s been begging to see it ever since I called her at 10 o’clock at night to cry that I painted my walls toothpaste because I found a can of reject paint at Wal-Mart for $6 when I was really supposed to be shopping for mud to patch up the hole the kids put in the wall which I instead covered up with wallpaper because wallpaper at midnight is always a good idea. ANYHOW I must say I’m quite happy with the finished result now! And see how peaceful the kids are when they have nothing to play with, er, fight over??
The shiny envelope was so popular in fact that it even came to church with us. No lie. Although once we were inside I made them set it on the bench instead of their heads. People at our church love us. We’re like the weekly circus.
BUT! Enough about the packaging! Back to what is actually in it! PV Body is a new company designed to please our inner magpie, er, fitness fashionista. You know, the ADD one? The site is simple: You sign up, take a brief quiz about your workout style and needs, and then for a monthly fee you get a fun package every month with two or three new items picked for you. They select the brands and the styles but you’re guaranteed top-notch designer duds for a bargain-basement price.
So what did I get? First up, a pair of grey Nux leggings (so soft I’m actually wearing them as PJs right this very second) and an Electric Yoga tank. Lately I’ve been really into layering in the gym and so I topped it with my own cropped tee. I figure since I wasn’t really old enough to remember the 80’s much less dress the 80’s, I get a free pass to relive it now.
There is a big downside to the baggy tops though. This happens a lot:
Oops! Blinded by my own wardrobe! Quick, what would Jane Fonda do?! Leg lifts? Hamstring curls? But hey my flash means you get to see the whole top with it’s super flattering lines!
The tank was fun but my real fave was the long-sleeved patterned tee from Colosseum. So soft! So flattering! So warm! It may never make it to the gym! (Oh and I did not grow a third nipple in case you were wondering what that bump under my armpit is. I was so excited to play Fitness Fashion Show that I didn’t both taking off the tags. I didn’t think they’d show up in the pics. Of course they did.)
Thank you Victoria’s Secret for teaching me how to stick my butt and my boobs out in a picture! Of course it would help if I had any butt or boobs. Ah well, I guess I won’t get that supermodel contract after all. (Although if you do want real tips on how to look good in pics, check out my article for Shape 10 Tips to Look Great in Every Photo! And don’t worry – they’re not my tips (obv. I have none – I just gave myself a third nipple) but I interviewed real experts and everything!)
Of course Jelly Bean and I had to road test the clothes. She went and put on her favorite outfit for you too, complete with penguin hat. Gotta say this is my fave way to meditate! Look at her sweet little self with her legs kinda crossed in lotus and her eyes shut like mommy’s!
Last up was the PV Body brand tank. I didn’t expect to love it as I don’t really like wearing shirts with words or with advertisements for the company website on them. (Yes I know that means I hate every race tee I own. It’s true. I never wear them.) But love it I did!
I really loved it! (Notice Jelly Bean’s wardrobe change as well? Every time I came out in something new, so did she! )
Who wants to BE EPIC?!
(bronze pattern leggings are my own, Nike Legend Capris if you’re curious!)
Interested in trying out the service yourself? PV Body is offering you 20% off the normal price of $49.99 a month to try it out (so that would be 39.99 a month. Now you don’t have to bust out your 5th grade math skills. You’re welcome.) when you sign up with this link*. At first, I balked at the price. $39,99 sounds like a lot to me. But when I considered that the blue tank alone is $68, I began to see the genius in their business plan.
And this is the point where I confess that I was so entertained by the whole thing (and so love the idea of getting a little fun gift every month! Shiny!) that I went and signed up myself. Like paid actual money to do this! So I’m not trying to sell you on anything, just trying to share something I love and get you a good deal if you’re interested too!
How would you describe your fitness clothing style? Anyone else really particular about tops with words on them? Do you actually wear any of your race shirts after race day??
*Affiliate link: I do get a small credit if you sign up through my site. That’s not the reason I’m sharing this with you but I did want you to know! If you do decide to try it – whether through my site or theirs – please tell me what you think!!
I would describe my fitness clothing style as “colorful bag lady.”
Which is entirely awesome.
Great review on the PV stuff! I have seen a lot about it and haven’t decided if I want to sign up or not. That’s a lot of stuff for $40!!! Do you get that much every month?
Love the pictures of you and Jelly Bean – she is a cutie!!!
Now you can save a lot of money buying presents – just get lots of shiny envelopes and stuff!!!
I think you’re only guaranteed two things per box. I think the free Be Epic tank is a promo thing? And thanks – I love those kids!!
I love all of the pictures of your kids playing with the bag! What a bunch of cutie pies. I signed up. I thought I would give it a shot. I am always in need of new workout clothing. My only concern is that they only go up to a large, and some workout clothing runs small and I need an xlarge. I figured I could always return stuff if it doesn’t fit.
Def. keep me posted on how it goes! Judging from the other comments, your concern is shared by a lot of women.
Sounds like a cool idea! I tend to be pretty particular about workout clothes (as in I find 1 thing I like and buy 10 in every color) so I don’t know how I’d feel about it. Like what if the pants didn’t have a high enough rise or something? In any case the point’s pretty much moot. Last month I brought home another giant bag of workout gear and swore to my fiance that it would actually save money in the long run by decreasing how often I need to do laundry. Don’t think he’ll go for that same reasoning every month
Also, your kids are hilarious and adorable! And yup on the non-toys as toys. As kids a favorite toy of ours was the broken hose from an old vacuum cleaner.
Also also, is your new kitty a black and white? It looks like that from the picture. In my experience they have the best personalities! We have one and he is a hoot.
You know, I’m really particular too. I really like crazy stuff so I actually e-mailed them and was like “please send me the most outlandish clothing you have”. Don’t know if that impacted what I got but so far I’m digging it. Also, I’m totally going to use your argument with my husband, lol!!!
And yes, our kitty is a black and white. She def. has a great personality. Mellow enough to be good with the kids (never hissed or scratched or anything) and yet spunky enough to be fun.
Sigh – I would be ALL over this if they carried my size. Boo.
You look really cute in all the stuff though. Jelly Bean is my kinda girl though – knows how to rock a wardrobe change!
Same here. I already get pretty new lingerie each month through Adore Me, but my awesome hips just cannot be contained by high-end workout clothes. Ah well, cheapo Athletic Works still loves me.
Yup, me too.
Ah well!
This is a great point. I forwarded your concerns to their PR rep because if they haven’t considered expanding their sizing they really should. Tons of great brands carry cute stuff in a wide range of styles and sizes so it shouldn’t be hard to find cute stuff to fit your needs!
Thank you – it’d be interesting to hear what they say. I’m always telling my students when they complain about not being able to find yoga clothes in their size to come have a look at the enormous pile of yoga clothes in my bedroom
This has to be one of my favorite posts. A bunch of cute pictures and overloaded with your lovely personality! Love!! I also like the “toothpaste” paint, though I was actually thinking “Tiffany & Co.” rather than toothpaste ….
Congrats on the new family member!!
Aw thanks Sylvie!! And after you said “Tiffany…” now I can totally see it! So thank you! It’s officially not toothpaste anymore:)
You guys are so completely adorable!
My workout gear style says, basically, “Help!”
I kid. I’m lucky enough to get instructor discounts at Lucy, Lululemon, and Athleta. And they carry stuff in my size, which is always nice. I tend to keep it simple (solid colors), since I have no sense of style. Seriously: Remember Garanimals? Clothes that helped kids match by placing animals on the tags? You match the tags and you knew your clothes matched, too. I wish they had them for adults!
The kitty is so cute! And I love her name. Luna was also the name of our beloved dog who passed away in September after a good, long life. So I think the name is lucky!
Um you had me at “get instructor discounts at Lucy, Lululemon, and Athleta.” This almost makes me want to become an instructor for this reason alone! And I love that we share a Luna pet now:)
Oh I’m glad you got a kitty and that its working out well
Me too! She’s a riot! And the kids adore her.
Congrats on adding Luna to your family. I think you’ll find that tuxedo cats (black and white) have such awesome personalities. My soulmate cats (yes, I’ve been lucky enough to have two) were/are (one living, one gone) both black and white. Best pets EVER!
Also, I’m very, very tempted to try PV Body….cute stuff!
Lastly, Jelly Bean is just SO adorable!
Aw – so glad you had/have two black-and-whites! We are so happy with her so far. She has a great personality and temperment. And let me know if do end up trying it!
I’m too smiley from cute overload to even think about workout clothes. You and your kids are just adorable. I know that is such an over-used word, but I just spent 5 minutes trying to think of another one, and none suffice!
Now I’m all smiley! Thank you Katie!!
This sounds like a great idea, don’t suppose they do it in the UK? Also wanted to say – you look AMAZING in all your workout clothes!
Thank you Alex! And I don’t know about their overseas policy… I’ll check their site.
Haha…I did their quiz and it told me I am a cardio queen and naturally extroverted.
I lift heavy and hate to run or do almost any cardio. Basically my cardio is CrossFit…lift weights fast! And I’m a total introvert – I love it when I’m the only one at the box. But they got me on the bright colors! I always wear brights. Maybe that’s why I’m supposed to be social?
Also I am not sure my husband will let me read your blog anymore if I sign up for this…lol.
That’s hilarious! I’m all about the brights too! Meh, basics. And hey, Crossfit peeps love their brights too so I bet you fit right in! Do you have any crazy knee socks yet? If I didn’t already love CF, I would just for the socks alone!
Of course! Got hot pink argyle, blue and grey stripes, purple and grey argyle, and neon yellow. Love me some knee high madness!
Wow! That’s almost $500 per year for workout gear.
True!! I thought of that. In case you’re wondering how I rationalized it to myself I told myself that I’d only stay signed up for a month or two until I’d restocked my basics;) I don’t think even I could use that many new pieces of workout gear! (Although I’d sure have fun trying)
I took the PV body quiz, and I am the epic athlete. The whole PV body concept is cute, but it does seem a little pricey. All those outfits would expand my closet very quickly!
I am a little particular about my workout bottoms because I like pockets to hold cellphone, keys, etc. when I’m out on a run, which isn’t really the style anymore. I use all my race shirts. I love the different designs, and they remind me of the good times running those races. I rarely buy tshirts anymore because I have so many running shirts. The fitted ones are especially cute for just wearing around town.
Agreed about the price. Like I said to a previous commenter I only plan on staying signed up for a month or two until I restock my basics;) I definitely don’t want a year – I don’t think even I could use that many new pieces of workout gear! (Although I’d sure have fun trying)
Everybody’s had their reviews of PVBody up, so I ordered mine back on Nov 21…and still haven’t received it! I’m super bummed =(
Steph – I ordered around the same time as you. The other day I emailed them and they said the November orders were really delayed. I got mine today! I bet yours will get to you soon!
I got a tank like Charlotte’s (but orange) and some black Nux leggings (which are too sheer to wear while doing squats, but nice to wear as leggings!). I loved the pink envelope and it’s fun to get a surprise in the mail, but I’m picky too (long torso and no hips makes it hard to fit both tops and bottoms) and I’m guessing the novelty will wear off in a couple of months. Plus, I already have lots of workout gear.
Oh no! I’m so sorry! I’ll email my contact there and ask them what that’s all about. Hopefully you’ll be like Cindy’s friend and get your stuff asap!
I have been approached by them for months & finally said OK.. I am very particular so we shall see PLUS I am a hard fit with being short yet my back is wide & bottom smaller size than the upper back.
I LOVE the kiddo pics!!!!
Let me know what you think of them Jody!
I keep seeing lots of reviews about this company and everybody seems to be satisfied with it, so I signed up! Seems like a good deal, and my workout clothes are in need of an update, most of them are getting too big…totally not complaining about that one!
Definitely a good problem to have! Let me know what you think!
Thanks for the info about PV.Body. Love the pics. The picture with all your kids and one has the pink envelope on his head- that pic looks like the poster for some hilarious high brow comedy show. Outfits look awesome!
Haha thanks! My life kinda is a comedy show most days…
This is awesome! Hmm, maybe I should try it.
Love how obsessed your kids got with the pink envelope.
I hadn’t heard of PV Body but signed up immediately, being a sucker for workout clothes and all. Like you, I thought about just doing a month or 2 – one at my current Cardio Queen profile (not how I’d describe myself, as a heavy lifter, but whatev), then maybe I’ll switch to running stuff. Anyway, much appreciate your share!
I love your blog and how much personality comes through. I started a blog about fibromyalgia, physical activity, and behavior a few months ago and this is one bit of feedback I’ve gotten – I don’t show enough personality in my posts. I’m working on it but thought of you instantly as a great example of personality galore in a blog. It’s part of what keeps me coming back! Thank you!
Ahahahaha! I love the pic of your kids in their Sunday best! That’s exactly what my boys look like every Sunday too: ties all wonky, shirts untucked, socks mismatched. I love it. Little boys being little boys.
Thanks for the coupon! I was just thinking that a lot of my workout stuff is lookin’ kinda raggedy. My favorite workout pants are the sweats I bought for $2 at the thrift store. Clearly I need help.
xo cf
Love the stuff, went through all the steps, but I need XL bottoms and they aren’t offered. A L for a top is fine, but I can’t justify spending this money for pants that won’t even fit. =(
My boyfriend runs a gym and I think he’d LOVE something like this! Anybody know of a similar program for menswear?
Darnit! Now you’ve got me opening up my wallet
Also, your family is really cute
I kind of want to play with a shiny pink bag now!!! They look like they’re having so much fun!
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