Got some bad news tonight. Of course I can’t talk about it (I don’t tell other people’s problems on this blog unless they ask me to!). And of course it’s driving me nuts. They’re hurting. A lot. I’m hurting for them. There’s nothing I can do to help. (Ha! I’m vague-booking! I’m even annoying myself.) So I expend all my helpful energy worrying. In the past my coping technique would have been to go for a long run but the dark combined with -30 temps convinced me to stick with my resolution of finding other ways to deal besides sweating.
Here’s what I did.
1. Cried a little. Sometimes it helps but today it just made me feel sorry for myself. Plus I have to explain to the kids why mommy is broken and that gets messy.
2. Ate a lot. Pancakes, popcorn and – I promise you I’m not making this up – 4 grapefruits. Oh and I musn’t forget every angsty gal’s solace – chocolate*. Carbs: it happens. I’m not beating myself up over it though. Part of Intuitive Eating is, actually, using food for emotional support. It can’t be your primary coping mechanism but we call it comfort food for a reason – it’s comforting. And that’s okay. Still obsessing over the bad news though.
3. Decided I was done thinking about it so proceeded to vigorously clean my kitchen. Couldn’t stop thinking about it. Felt more sorry for myself. And starting to get angry. Lectured person severely in my head.
4. Found some loud, ridiculous music on the radio (Thrift store by Macklemore – my new anthem – I’ve embedded it below, it entertains me that much), cranked it, and had a dance party. My sons did Gangnam Style, you know, like they do to everything. It’s this generation’s head-bob. I did the white girl tornado, teeth and all. Stopped thinking about it.
5. Ordered pizza so I wouldn’t have to cook. NEVER do this. Kids thought it was an international holiday. Until they saw it was dad’s favorite pineapple and ham.
6. Vigorously cleaned my living room.
7. Cleaned Jelly Bean’s room while I sang her lullabies and she “helped” by putting on every item of clothing she owns – at the same time.
8. Reorganized and sorted all my off-season clothes and dreamed about weather that didn’t have “negative windchill” in front of it.
9. Cleaned out my closet. Had second thoughts about half the stuff I took out. Put it back in.
10. Cleaned the bathroom. Not vigorously though. Because I detest cleaning bathrooms. I begrudgingly cleaned it. (It’s not that clean.)
11. Browsed for cute vintages dresses online (but didn’t buy any!) while avoiding working because every time I try to concentrate, all I can think about is…
But seriously how smoking hot would I look in this? [Update: Lots of people in the comments are asking for the links to the dresses – you all have impeccable taste! I actually found these dresses on ebay. Just searched for “vintage dress” BUT since you asked, I found a link for you I LOOOVE Modcloth! But once you see the price, you’ll see why I was ebay-ing it;) ]
Or this? With a little puff-sleeved cardi? Lemon pumps and a belt?
12. Obsessively applied lip balm every five minutes to ameliorate chewing my lower lip and sighing all evening.
13. Couldn’t think of anything useful to blog. Felt bad about that. But hey at least I wasn’t feeling bad about the bad news! This is lame. I’m sorry. Hitting publish anyhow just so I can show you funny pictures, cute dresses and hilarious videos.
14. Wrote down 5 things in my journal that are great in my life and that I’m happy for. This helped. (In case you’re curious: 1. Kids that have not gotten the flu *knockonwood* even though all their friends have. 2. Getting to donate all our unused diapers since we’ll never need another one again! 3. A jalapeno goat cheese dip that is to die for on mini peppers. 4. A husband who goes and picks up pizza when I’m too stressed to cook. 5. The combination of texting and camera phones in the hands of my hilarious friends.)
I’m smiling now. Probably should have skipped straight to step 14. But hey, my kitchen’s clean!
*15. Decide I need to do something nice for someone else. But it’s 1 a.m. And then I remember the delicious chocolate I ate earlier – who doesn’t love chocolate? I was nomming a giant Costco bag of Brookside dark-chocolate covered pomegranate seeds. They were delish and the flavanoids from the dark chocolate and anti-oxidants from the pomegranates made me feel like I picked a quality indulgence. And, in a bit of gifting serendipity, Brookside offered to give one of their tasting kits – all 3 new flavors, a Crate & Barrel cheeseboard, knife and glasses – to one of you guys. So it’s not much – I’m not saving the world, or even saving my loved one – but it makes me happy that I could send a little bit of happiness someone’s way! Chocolate-covered goji and raspberries! Yay!
What do you guys do when you’re upset/worried/angry and there isn’t a thing you can do to resolve or help it? Eat? Clean? Have sex? Do crossword puzzles? All of the above at the same time? (No??) I need ideas! Leave me a comment and you’ll be entered to win the chocolate kit.
(And hey, if you feel like praying for someone you’ve never met for reasons you don’t know then I’ll take that too!)
Macklemore Thrift Store Daddy Parody below. I ended up pulling the original video for all the language (sorry about that, when I posted it last night apparently my brain was just in laughing mode and missed all the f-bombs.) If you want to see the original (hilarious but serious warning for language, bad fashion and Slurpee abuse check it out on the youtubes)
I definitely try to do some mind numbing activities such as crosswords, word searches, and playing some computer games to get my mind off the problem.
I have to say, I went to check out that absolutely frigging awesome song and completely forgot about the rest of your post. Thanks for the link!
I have no comments on the bad news. I always work whenever bad happens (I’m a translator, so work takes up all my thoughts but does not need the level of concentration that writing articles takes, so that works for me,)
But one thing that caught my eye was this:
“Getting to donate all our unused diapers since we’ll never need another one again!”
Is this about Jelly Bean or in general? Have you said those words a couple of times before only to find a need for a new supply some time later? Are you sure you’re done? You said it yourself – you’re a breeder. I’m aware it’s a VERY personal question but it kinda seems you asked for it.
Those dresses are “f***ing awesome”, like the guy says!
Haha – glad you liked it as much as I did! Can’t stop listening to it. As for the kids, feel free to ask away because: We are done. This uterus is closed. Mostly it’s because my mental health deteriorates so much after each kid and it only gets worse as I get older…:) Plus, I only have 4 kids living but I’ve been preggo 7 times and that’s plenty for this girl!
I do cardio, usually the elliptical as I’m less likely to fall off it then the treadmill when my mind starts getting obsessive. Or I play Farmville. Both help
It really depends on what’s stressing me out (which probably doesn’t help much!) sometimes I do yoga, sometimes I have ice cream and wine for dinner, sometimes I google whatever is going on obsessively (which I do not recommend), sometimes I watch mindless tv until I go brain dead… And since you threw it out there, sex DOES release endorphins!
“sometimes I google whatever is going on obsessively (which I do not recommend)” Buwhahah! ME TOO. I love you for saying this.
Pretty much the same as others…cleaning, exercise, mindless TV…there was one time when I was creative and went to an animal shelter and played with kittens. That was about it.
Aw I love kittens!!
I was in the same situation yesterday. Totally bummed out about not getting the successful bid on a house we really wanted. Went to the Y and discovered that the new pull-up/dip bar/captain’s chair combo had arrived. Had so much fun using it that I forgot my housing woes for at least an hour.
Captain’s chairs make everything better! Wish I could have played along with you!
I like, if I can actually find the time and force myself to, to do something creative: paint, make candles, draw etc. Some how for me the creative process when I really let go is all consuming. That or just sit and hug my kids, fortunately they are both cuddlers !
Ooh I love this suggestion! I totally should have busted out my paints! Cuddlers are the best;)
I make matters worse by being unproductive: Internet search my worry & playing Mahjong most of the day…then I get the kitchen cleaning bug, but rarely the cooking bug when feeling down. Chocolate and popcorn are usually involved too. Love the video. Wish I were confident to wear dresses with prints like those or even a place to wear them to. They look fabulous! I stick with boring solids….
Oh I don’t have anywhere to wear them either! Sigh… We must make our own occassion:)
Yeaaah, I pretty much obsess mentally over whatever the problem is until I’m either a) completely mentally exhausted or b) eating everything in my kitchen. And then I sleep for 15 hours. I should probably just go straight for the sleeping.
I need to sleep for 15 hours straight… that sounds awesome. I could totally Sleeping-Beauty my way through anything major:)
I am confused: are you not giving us the link to the Awesome Dress Website because you want to shield us from the dangers of ALSO wasting many hours of time doing fantasy shopping? Or is there a link and I just haven’t spotted it? I want to focus on the rest of the post but all I can do is ogle and lust over that magnificent blue print dress.
Buwhahah! I found that lil’ number on ebay! (Just searched for “vintage dress” BUT since you asked, I found a link for you
I LOOOVE Modcloth! But once you see the price, you’ll see why I was ebay-ing it;)
I journal, pray, and sometimes go for a walk/run if the weather allows it.
Unfortunately, eat a lot of carbs and drink too much wine.
A few things:
1. Thrift Shop is a glorious song. Kudos to you.
2. I’m also one of those “run it off” types. Not usually to a fault… but sometimes. Also I cook insanely complicated recipes and give them to people. “THEY’RE RAGE COOKIES. JUST EAT THEM.”
3. WHERE are those dresses from?! I want them!
4. Praying for you. Truly. <3
Like I replied above, I found that those dresses on ebay! (Just searched for “vintage dress” BUT since you asked, I found a link for you I LOOOVE Modcloth! But once you see the price, you’ll see why I was ebay-ing it;)
And this: ” Also I cook insanely complicated recipes and give them to people. “THEY’RE RAGE COOKIES. JUST EAT THEM.”” Made me laugh so hard I had tears. Oh I needed that. Rage cookies. TOtally stealing that one!
I vigorously clean and reorganize, then when I have expended some nervous energy, I’ll meditate for a bit. If I still can’t quiet the monkeys chattering in my head, I pull out the Wii and play one of the Lego games
(currently playing the Lego LOTR – was great for when I was down with the flu and pneumonia last week) – Nothing like busting up things made out of Legos and collecting the coins to burn off some nervous energy!
And yes, you’d be styling in either of those dresses! I especially like the first one!
And please, please, please pick me for the dark chocolate giveaway. I have reached the point that if it isn’t dark chocolate, I can walk away…you know, if it isn’t a bite of exactly what you want, then don’t even try….what a happy feeling!
Ooh me too! You can’t pay me to eat wax, er, milk chocolate. I only like the good stuff!
I eat popcorn, have some scotch and get jiggy with my husband when I’m stressed…in no particular order. Sometimes after that I’ll crank the loud dance music (usually psytrance) and workout or clean, but most times a combination of the first 3. It doesn’t always help, but I’ve never known a time when getting jiggy was not my favourite thing…
Oops. TMI?
Hope things are better today Charlotte…and yes – that first dress is to die for.
Thanks! And I’m sure your hubby is a happy man;’)
I do different things, depending on the situation. Sometimes I google videos of puppies, more often, I assemble furniture (which is why I have 80 million bookcases). During my last breakup, I would sit at work memorizing digits of pi (which sounds super lame, but does the trick).
Assembling furniture! I dig it. My bedroom totally needs a re-do!
i really loved it! it was funny to read it because i’m 5’7 too and my weight is 140 pounds, my waist is 23 inches. i love AH to and i would give so much to be her size
Unfortunately my weigh is too much… i can’t really speak so good english but i try, english is not my native language but i hope u understand!!(: it was nice to find your block and maybe i will be lost here again one day!(:
I just found your block and I’m really glad i did! i googled for size of audrey hepburn and i found your writing from nearly 4 years ago
Thanks Hanna! So glad you enjoy my writing – us Audrey fans need to stick together! Although I’ve given up trying to look like her;)
Aw I hope all is better with your friend, or at least getting there.
Oh gosh, what do I do when stressed about something out of my hands. THat depends on exactly what. Some things make me cry, but only if it directly affects me in a personal way. Usually when I’m super aggrevated I vent to someone in a way that usually cracks them up. Sometimes I’ll throw back a drink. Other times I just need to get out for a run to clear my head and move on. The biggest thing is that I just keep myself active instead of moping and lingering. That’s always been my coping mechanism for things from breakups to minor disappointments. Relish in my friends, go out on my own if no one is around, etc. Enjoy life.
Haha I think your profile pic says it all!
Oh and I totally agree about saying active!
MMM Dark Chocolate. As for stress, taking a brisk walk would be #1, and eating #2 (kinda counterproductive there but its stress).
I cry in the shower or bathtub and then try to scrubb all the hurt off of me. If that tires me out I have a nap and that always makes things a little better.
I tend to clean (as in picking things up, not actually scrubbing) or take a nap. I clean more when I want people to leave me alone. I nap more when I want to lay on the couch and cuddle with my kid. I guess it depends on if I need alone time or comfort.
Ummm…cry? Or try to read a book/watch a movie. Reading works the best, as I get completely absorbed, but it also means that I probably won’t get to bed on time or do any cleaning. I can tell the times when I am SUPER stressed or worries because my house is a disaster and I’m staying up 2 hours past my bedtime reading books that aren’t even that good!
Ooh yes, books! They are the best distraction ever!
Definitely pray, talk to my husband endlessly about every angle of it, and snuggle on the couch with a bottle of wine. Wine bottles can be surprisingly snuggly.
In the past, I used some pretty destructive coping techniques. Now, I take a bath, have a glass of wine, or read a smut novel.
Good for you for finding healthy ways to deal!
I’m a talker, so I talk it to death. If I can’t talk to the person I’m actually worried about (best option!) I talk to whoever will listen. Hopefully someone who is also worried so we can simultaneously vent and commiserate. Sometimes it’s helpful, sometimes not. But I can’t help it!
I’m a talker too! Unfortunately last night I couldn’t find anyone to listen, lol.
I eat, and mope around while my husband asks me 54123846 times “what’s wrong?”. Then I usually blow up, have a good cry-fest and feel much better after
Mmmm, chocolate. Thanks for the giveaway, Charlotte!
When I’m upset or worried I research like crazy what I’m upset or worried about. It doesn’t help, but I like to wallow in self pitty apparently.
I’m also a worrier and being unable to help whatever it is that worries you can feel like torture (not that it takes much to make me worry). I like to take a long walk, sometimes to take my mind off of it, sometimes to help me sort out my thoughts on the issue (including why I should not worry because it won’t help, anyway). I also love to do something with my hands when I’m stressed like bake something or cook something a little complicated or knit. Anything with a small amount of challenge and a fair amount of repetitive steps will do. I wish I cleaned when I worried– my house would be spotless!
Ooh crafting is a fab idea! I’m not much of a knitter but crocheting is an awesome distraction.
I eat generally, but I’m trying to lose weight so I’ve been trying to focus on cleaning instead.
I eat, which of course doesn’t solve a thing. Mostly I think I just don’t cope at all, I just go in circles worrying and stressing. If the time of day is right a long run can help clear it out of my mind.
I’ve had a bit of a terrible worry problem in the past that almost became a real anxiety issue. Luckily, and I take no credit because I have no clue how, I mostly overcame it and now i’m just a normal worrier. When I do feel it coming on, I really have to consciously remind myself that there’s nothing I can do about it, worrying is pointless. Then I take a bubble bath with a beer and a magazine.
Good luck to you with what’s weighing on your heart.
Wine (and whine) along with a funny movie. I should try the cleaning thing next time – I hate to clean!
Hope things get better in your world (and your friend’s world!).
Love the dresses!
I turn to comfort foods…mashed potatoes with lots of butter and gravy, followed by a brownie with ice cream. Then after eating all of that, I’m ready to sleep!
I think you should’ve made dinner because cooking & baking is the best therapy for me! I would also play on the Wii/computer, read, have some tea and of course, pray.
I talk a walk or go talk to someone
I clean, clean and clean some more. And while I’m cleaning I vent/argue with whatever I’m cleaning or cleaning with. I generally do this into the wee hours of the morning.
Cute animal pictures, a crazy hard workout, or sometimes having a drink or two and chatting with my hubbs. (Also, that looks like some delicious bike fuel for a nice long ride!!!)
Those awesome dresses are by Bernie Dexter and she is the model too. I rock that style to the grocery store and yes I do get asked ” Where’s the party?”. I just ‘discovered’ Macklemore and have been listening to Thrift Shop nonstop for days. When I’m stressed out, dark chocolate and a good long walk work for me. I hope things look up for you and your friend.
I’m so sorry that you’re stressed over the bad news!
That giveaway looks awesome but I’ve gotta tell you–if you’re getting rid of cloth diapers I would die of joy if I could inherit them! I’m 5 months gone and I’ve been slaving away with PUL, and I’m starting to think that maybe I should start checking craigslist, or network with friends with just-trained toddlers, or something. Unless you’ve given them away already, in which case, no worries.
When I used to smoke I would’ve chain smoked. Thank goodness that’s been behind me for a number of years. Especially since around this time last my, then, 18 year old daughter’s best friend slipped into a coma while staying overnight. It was from a complication with her type 1 diabetes (ketoacidosis She was hospitalized for about a month. Sadly she passed away. Everyday was filled with worry; worry for my daughter’s friend, her family, my daughter’s mental well-being. If I hadn’t had my “less than ideal” choices under control, I surely would have spun out. Perhaps because my daughter, my husband and I all had each other were we able to get through it. Nowadays, I mope. Like total hang-dog moping. maybe drink a bit too much wine. But eventually I take many deep breaths and take it moment by moment. Oh, and prayers to God, that’s probably my most reliable raft.
You would look smashing in any of those dresses!
“Thrift Shop” is the boss! I just videotaped a dance fitness routine to it that I will be posting tomorrow. And its to the “clean” version. it on youtube
Prayers to your friend.
I take at least 10 really slow calming breaths, think of at least one thing I am really grateful for, go upstairs to my chin-up bar in my studio door jam and do at least one pull-up so I can claim a did a minimum workout for the day. That always helps me feel more successful and a tiny bit more in charge lol! Then I remind myself of all the really crazy, bad-news situations I’ve been able to overcome in the past (oh, yes, baby!). I have been known to lock myself in the bathroom and shout affirmations into the mirror until I at least halfway believe them. Somewhere along the line, I get very calm and focused about getting through and past the crisis, which helps me find actual solutions.
I always, always clean when I’m upset. And when things are really bad, cry or sleep.
Aww, hope everything turns out ok, and 4 grapefruits? I’m truly impressed!
I’ve been obsessed with Thrift Shop for days now – so glad I’m not the only one! And I knit when I’m worried. There’s something about creating something and keeping your hands busy that really helps (and I’m not even a very good knitter!). Hope everything improves – thanks for the giveaway!
I’m also a fan of cleaning, but I do a lot of zoning out to mindless tv.
Mind-numbing television can’t hurt, that’s my motto.
One-read my bible. Two-exercise. Three-bubble bath. Thoae are my go-to’s for those situations.
Love the song!
When I’m stressed/unhappy I hug the dog. Or maybe he hugs me… Back when I had a cat she would come and sit on my lap. Animals just seem to have a 6th sense that way.
Hope all is better soon!
Pretty much all bad things drive me to my bath. A book I’ve already read so it won’t matter that I pay no attention, a glass of something (water, wine, or bourbon depending on how bad the thing is,) and the hottest water I can stand. It makes me calm down, which generally helps.
Hope that it’s not as bad as you fear, and it resolves itself pleasantly.
I go for a drive. There is something comforting about a toasty warm car, my iPod plugged in, and no where in particular to go. I have no destination in mind, and I just take in my surroundings (pretty New England woods) and I think. By the time I get home, I actually feel like my trip to nowhere helped me get somewhere.
When I an consumed and completely agitated only popcorn will do. Orville Redenbacher popped in grape seed oil with butter and a generous shake of salt. After that it is just being with those thoughts until I can fall asleep. Peace to you as you process what has happened.
When im upset/worried/angry I try to hang out with my friends and go to the gym
When I’m at the end of my rope I go to goodwill. Nothing like digging to take your mind off all your troubles. If they are not open – Pinterest helps me turn off the mind hamsters.
Chocolate helps as long as it lasts
OMG – writing about emotional eating on the blog tomorrow! I talk to myself about why I feel this way & why I want to eat & most of the times it is about someone or something else & why ruin all my hard work… 1% of the time I eat.. I OWN IT & MOVE ON!
OK – those Brookside yummies look good! I have seen them at Costco!
Dark chocolate and Criminal Minds re-runs after my kids go to bed
Holy smexy dresses Batman! I love those!
Consequent, I clean my house and rearrange all of our rooms like a mad woman when I’m just.
Occasionally I might dye my hair instead though.
I certainly hope that you and your loved one find the peace you are seeking soon. You certainly deserve it.
Wow… Tablets are not very effective when leaving comments. Sorry about my nonsensical post.
I was trying to say that I clean and rearrange furniture like a mad woman when I’m upset. I have to be productive.
Wow… Tablets are not very effective when leaving comments. Sorry about my nonsensical post.
I was trying to say that I clean and rearrange furniture like a mad woman when I’m upset. I have to be productive. Otherwise I will just sit and dwell on the problem.
Chocolate! Please send them my way, I’d love dark chocolate with blueberries, yum!
Naw hope you’re okay. Put on some dancing music and dance! Play a family game. Eat more chocolate. Get kissed, hugged and massaged. Watch mind-numbing, trashy tv.
When I am dealing with stress (or worrying about anything) I usually try to give my self a short time to worry and then I think about how I might want to deal with it (all withing about a 10 min time limit I give myself, so that I don’t make things worse ). Once that is done, I try to tell myeslf that worrying won’t change things. I have thought of what I can do, and unless I am doing it, there is no point thinking about it. This works best because I tend to worry most at night, so I can say: Ok, you have five minutes to think about this, make a to do list or a game plan and then you have to go to sleep because you can’t fix it tonight.
Some days just watching a good sitcom will help me hit reset (typically while inhaling a pint of anything from Sebastian Joe’s!). Other days I have to cram in a power yoga class even if I hadn’t planned it. Nothing clears my head better than sweating buckets while my quads are on fire.
Good luck with your friend’s situation – I hope it works out for the best!
Just realized I submitted the wrong e-mail addy the first time! Oops!
When I’m stressed about something I find that going for a run or taking a hot bath usually help me. Even better, go for a run then soak in the tub for an hour.
I hope you feel better!!! I usually eat, exercise, clean, totally do the ole’ sort through the wardrobe and put it all back AND shop! Shopping is a universal solution.
I cry, cry in the shower, ask friends for hugs and sleep. I’ll drink herbal tea, or just hold the tea and stare out the window. Meditation helps, even if it doesn’t stop me from thinking about the situation, at least I think about it more calmly and begin to accept.
When I’m angry or upset I go on a long bike ride to blowoff some steam. The endorphins help out for stress relief!
I try and focus on a problem that I know I can solve, or at least make some progress on. If that isn’t an option, then I’ll workout or go for a walk, so I can think about something else for a while.
Depending on the situation, I deal with stress by a)cuddling with the dog, b)going for a run by myself (weather dependent – the gym doesn’t work as well for this kind of thing), c)pouring myself a glass of wine and working on a knitting project, or d)crying while curled up in a ball on the floor of the shower. And then realizing the shower needs to be cleaned and scrubbing it while I’m down there.
This is all in an effort to avoid e)hitting the wall and hurting myself (sadly, this has happened).
Good vibes going out to your hurting friend!
What do I do when I’m upset and feeling powerless? I try to do *something* productive/distracting to pass the time – especially the super-emotional times until I can think of an action plan to solve the problem or think of other strategies. My go-to methods include: going for a run and listen to fun podcasts, calling up old friends to catch up (and not to talk about the problem I’m dealing), put on upbeat music and dance or paint, scrub the bathtub and tiles, organize a part of the house, or read something uplifting and engaging. Hope that helps!
I’ve said it before Charlotte but our lives seems to be intertwined. Last week we lost my mother-in-law (heartattack) then Tuesday one of our dogs (cancer). I was inconsolable tues-thurs. Didn’t know who or why I was crying anymore. Friday was better, and each day has gotten easier after that. however Wednesday we have to leave for the funeral (2 weeks we will be gone) and I have to leave our other dog without us or her playmate
I know I’m going to be a mess again Weds. But she is with my friend which makes it a little easier.
Well, after obsessing about the problem and brainstorming all possible options, I turn to yoga. During an hour-long yoga class, I focus solely on the instructor’s words and moving my body, and it makes me feel at least a little calmer afterwards.
That really sucks…feeling a loved one’s pain and being helpless to ease it or fix it. Sometimes non-action is the way of things though…you just gotta ride it out.
I do that “clean vigorously too! And yes, I do actually do crossword puzzles, the hardest ones I can find, to wrap my brain around something else. Mostly I doodle, in my little sketchbook or on anything. Just draw or write whatever comes into my head and color it too. Always helps!
When I am worried/stressed I bake for other people and prep a lot of food for the week ahead. I try to avoid the cleaning binge as its just not my thing.
I go to the gym and lift heavy things when stuff bothers/stresses me. And I LOVE MODCLOTH TOO! I spend too much money on their dresses. I need to be invited to more parties!
When I get stressed or worried I tend to knit. A LOT. I alternate the knitting with cleaning the house, all while drinking tea and eating chocolate. I race around the house scrubbing the tops of the doorframes or some other such nonsense cleaning until I’m exhausted, then sit and knit with my tea and chocolate, and invariably I am joined by at least one cat, sometimes several, who curl up in my lap and purr and remind me that life is good, even if this moment isn’t.
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