This is my kind of street photography!
“I’m 86 pounds! Does this look fat to you?” The petite blond hiked her shirt up so I could admire her visible ribs and taut tummy. “I mean, look at it! There’s not a speck of fat anywhere!” It was one of the few moments I have considered actually using any of my kickboxing skills on another human being. But then she added, “And they benched me! For three games! Until I lost two pounds!” And I’ll admit it, I felt kinda bad for her. The girl was a professional cheerleader and she was complaining about the popular but seldom acknowledged (at least by the teams themselves) stringent standards for body shape and size for the girls who choose to be the ones dancing every Sunday on TV.
Strangely a lot of cheerleaders have been talking to me lately. (My high school self just had a heart attack and died.) And not just your run-of-the-mill cheerleaders but your paid, seasoned pros. In the past year or so I’ve interviewed girls from three NFL teams and one NBA team. I hung out with a girl who was a professional cheerleader and then got kicked off the squad. (They said she wasn’t a team player, she said it’s because she gained weight.) I watched another one struggle to find her new identity as “just” a girl after ageing out of the career. (At 30, by the way.) I met an actual honest-to-goodness male cheerleader. (They’re like Yetis – I kept hearing about them but it took years to finally see one in the wild!) And then there was this one, standing right in front of me, and daring me to find fault with her body. It was almost a challenge, the way she threw it out to me. I dare you to find an imperfection!
I couldn’t blame her; it’s a known hazard of the job. And one that was brought into sharp focus this past week when a Houston radio station took the liberty of critiquing an Oklahoma City Thunder dancer’s body, calling her “pudgy” and “chunky” before polling all their listeners to get their take on whether the poor girl was a hottie or a nottie. (One of my great TV shames is that I remember that show. Regretality TV at its finest!) They (who at first was anonymous but later turned out to be a woman – egads, we can be cruel to each other!) wrote, “We’re not trying to be ugly. We’re just discussing what men like in women. Particularly in NBA cheerleaders.”
They added, “Either way, I just wish she had a little more up on top, if you know what I mean…”
Oh yes, we know what you mean. You just said she’s fat with small boobs. Got it! (In case you missed the memo: Women are supposed to be preternaturally skinny everywhere except with two extra large fat deposits on the chest. Just like God intended… for flamingos.)
But this cheerleader brings up an interesting point: In a job where she was admittedly hired for her body is it unfair to then get mad when people talk about it? And if so, what other places legitimize open body commentary – the beach? A beauty pageant? A PTA meeting?
It’s a legit question. For myself the answer is still – and always – that people are people first, before any position they may hold, looks they may have or abilities they may possess. Kindness first. And while this is not surprising, this was definitely not kind. But while this may be the most recent egregious example of our penchant for red-circling other people’s bodies, it’s certainly not the only one. Celebrities have long been targets of long-range lenses zoomed up on their cellulite but the scrutiny has been settling down to the rest of us as well.This general lack of seeing people as people but rather as objects for our scrutiny is no more apparent than in the phenomenon of “street fashion.” It used to be you’d have to buy a copy of glamour to read their “Do’s and Don’ts” list every month with the black bars over the fashion criminals’ eyes. But now every city sidewalk can be a runway. And you don’t even know you’re on it.
Remember this from The Sarorialist a couple of years ago?
The Sartorialist proved that even when it’s meant to be complimentary – and he is very clear that he fines the Italian woman to be beautiful – it can still be cruel. Can you imagine having thousands of people on the Internet debating whether or not your legs are fat? Or if you’re too chunky to be a cheerleader? I shudder.
It feels unsafe to me. By far most of the subjects of the “street fashion” pictures are women, many unaware they are even being photographed. Some bloggers ask permission before they take a picture but many don’t. I’m pretty sure that 90% of the People of Wal-Mart got up there without their knowledge. So when does it become inappropriate to comment on a woman’s body if we are fair game even picking up a package of cold medicine in our jammies at 10 o’clock at night? Do we need to pull a Dita Von Teese (side note: I covet her closet) and glam up to shop for lettuce?
The “pudgy” cheerleader looks healthy to me, I’d love to be that pudgy
I find it really sad in our society that so much emphasis is placed on looks. We have a woman Prime Minister and people talk about her clothes, hair, shoes etc as though that’s important. They don’t discuss those for male politicians so why do so just because she’s a woman ? I’m glad she isn’t overweight – the press would be vicious.
Taking photo’s of people on the street – I had my own dilemma with this about a month ago. I was standing in line at the supermarket and noticed the guy in front of me had really hairy arms, it was like fur (no exaggeration !) I snapped a quick pic with my phone and was going to post it on FB when I got home. I had never seen anything like it. I was thinking about it and thought about how I’d feel if it went viral, or if that happened to me. I deleted the pic. I felt really bad about even considering it.
This: “We have a woman Prime Minister and people talk about her clothes, hair, shoes etc as though that’s important.” YES. It happens here all the time too. I remember all the manufactured hysteria over the fact that Hillary Clinton looked to “masculine’ in her pantsuits and minimal makeup and that Sarah Palin looked too Barbie in her skirt suits and face full of makeup. Of course the important part was their politics… #cantwin
There was a big controversy a couple years ago over something similar with a Hooters waitress-I think she was fired for gaining weight and then sued or something. I’m torn on the subject, when it’s something like that. They were hired based on looks/body to do a job based on a certain look/body type. I’m not surprised when they’re fired/benched when their looks or body change, and I don’t know why they are. But that doesn’t mean the system’s right in the first place-I mean when a pro athlete is injured, typically he retires and lives well (unless he spent all of that money instead of saving it). And benching a girl for gaining two pounds seems rather excessive-as does the tv bit. Obviously that cheerleader could still do her job, and calling her out on tv just… Is petty.
Yeah, I blogged about that one. If I remember correctly she lost her her lawsuit. And this: ” I’m not surprised when they’re fired/benched when their looks or body change, and I don’t know why they are.” made me giggle.
The photo of the “pudgy” cheerleader makes me crazy. I’m willing to bet the only reason she looks “pudgy” is because of the way her body is bent. Take the skinniest person alive and have them do a side bend and see if you don’t get a little roll. It’s the SKIN rolling on itself because your’e pinching your body together. Good grief.
And for the cheerleader who had to lose 2 pounds to get off the bench, that’s crazy, too. You can’t tell me 2 pounds was even visibly noticeable unless she was holding a 2 pound dumbell in one hand.
*sigh* I won’t even get into “fashion”. They don’t want to make clothing for human beings, the want human beings to be hangers.
You are absolutely right about the OKC cheerleader. I live in OKC and have had floor tickets, and every single one of them is super tiny. We all think Houston didn’t have anything else to write about since they were beaten so horribly. Charlotte didn’t post this part (and the article was taken down the day after it was posted), but the lady said something about people in OKC thinking this about our own cheerleaders, and THIS IS NOT THE CASE! Just so everyone knows
Haha – thank you for clarifying this Jordanne! And you’re probably correct in her motivations for writing it….
Im firmly in the WILL THINGS EVER CHANGE camp today…
Yes:) And I saw your FB post about Bob Harper… sixes of one, half a dozen of the other. SIGH.
Yeah, I think I have to go with never, ever appropriate to make derogatory comments or judgements about people’s looks. It gives me hives just thinking about it! I can see where the temptation comes in when it’s people who make money based on how they look though. It’s easy to think that they put themselves out there first. So I’d be completely okay with getting rid of the entire cheerleading, modeling, etc industries. I don’t really feel like these things make the world a better place or are necessary at all. Wishful thinking so I guess I’ll keep settling for tuning them out entirely so as not to feel worse about my own self.
Good point – I don’t think they make the world a better place either!
Great post Charlotte (as usual!) Commenting on people’s bodies when they haven’t invited you to just seems so wrong, and it makes me angry to read about this cheerleaders, or actresses being called to skinny or too fat, or heck even Kim Kardashian’s pregnant body. Of course, now I feel like a hypocrite because I think that Walmart blog is funny so clearly there is a disconnect in some of us where is it okay to judge and where isn’t it. Got me thinking, for sure.
My favorite fashion blog is Ain’t No Mom Jeans!
Ooh I’ll have to check that one out! And yeah, it’s hard to completely avoid it. I think there’s a part of people-watching that’s just natural.
I’m of two minds. On the one hand, this kind of scrutiny is a means of social control. I know it’s an old story, but I really think it’s something that needs to be said. Keeping women open to the constant judgment of others (no matter what they are doing!) is a means of keeping them down and keeping them subordinate. I also think the ideal of skinniness itself is a class issue: fat is bad because fat is easy. The beauty ideal is an impossible goal, but to even approximate it you generally need copious amounts of leisure time and money–something those of us who are not so well off cannot afford. Just as heaviness used to be a sign of wealth, it is now a thin body which shows to everyone your high social status. I think that a lot of the moralism that goes along with being thin (and the mocking that goes along with being fat or out of the social norm–such as on “people of Wal-Mart”) is just a thin (ha) veil for contempt for poor people. It’s not really about being healthy a lot of the time, it’s about elevating yourself above other (lazy, stupid, fat, lower class) people. And that I find disgusting.
I’d like to point out that there’s an interesting dichotomy going on here: the social obsession with women’s looks functions as a means of social control, of keeping women subordinate and “in their place;” yet the thin body is also a sign of wealth and social status. I think this basically means that the thin ideal keeps women clawing for social status via the perfect body, and yet, that very endeavor is part of what makes it impossible for women to ever win. Until we find other channels for achievement for women (without beauty being a pre-requisite or always in the conversation), women cannot achieve as highly as men can simply because women are playing at a game that never wins. This is why I think we should drop the beauty conversation altogether–we should NOT be saying “every body type/every woman is beautiful” because that is still an obsession with beauty, and it reinforces the idea that every woman MUST be beautiful first and foremost, or something is very, very wrong. I think we should get to a place where women are not responsible for being beautiful. Beauty should be like the ability to play the piano–a nice thing if you have it, but ultimately just another quality of many that a human being might have; in some special contexts (concerts) or to some people (musicians) it might be really, centrally important, but not to everyone.
And this brings me to the other hand. If we could somehow make beauty something like playing the piano, then I don’t think there’d be anything particularly problematic about commenting on bodies, etc. in contexts where it matters. Just like you might critique the technical precision of a pianist, we might judge the form of a beauty pageant contestant or cheerleader. We already do it for male body builders, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that either. My point is: it’s not impossible to imagine a world where someone’s body is the central focus of their particular career, and where it is legitimate, yes, to criticize their body. In the world we live in now, some men have professions built around appearance, and any criticisms directed at those men do not then spiral out into the world and apply to men en masse (although I guess not everyone would agree with me here). So I do think the profession matters, and I don’t think there need be any universal bar on commenting on appearance. The problem is, all women are signed up to the profession-built-around-appearance: it’s called being born female. Hence, we are all compared to the cheerleader, the beauty pageant contestant, the actress, and we can’t opt out, even if we want to.
So here’s my opinion: it’s not that it should be anathema to comment on appearance. The problem here is choice. Women should be given a genuine choice about whether they want to be scrutinized according to their appearance and, if they do, when, where, and how. It shouldn’t even be an opting out, but an opting _in_. Going back to my original comments about social control, however, I’m not sure this could ever really be achieved.. And in that case, we are all stuck as the “pudgy cheerleader,” forever knowing everyone is drawing big red arrows in their minds whenever we pass by. In that case, it makes sense to draw a uniform ban on appearance-based comments, however problematic that might be in the case of appearance-based professions, because I’d rather be inconsistent and maybe a little wrong than ogled like a piece of meat.
Wow. I love this whole comment Elizabeth! You really gave me a lot to think about (your comment could be a post in its own right!). I love your take on the social contract. And this: “I think this basically means that the thin ideal keeps women clawing for social status via the perfect body, and yet, that very endeavor is part of what makes it impossible for women to ever win. ” is both brilliant and sadly true. I’ll be thinking on this one for a long time. Thank you!
I found this post really interesting. Thanks for taking the time to write it!
Oops, I meant “comment” (by Elizabeth) not post (though that was good too
Er, most of my comments directly addressed the cheerleader issue, but indirectly I meant to say that the Sartorialist stuff is not cool because that woman did not opt-in to a profession centrally focused on her personal appearance.
I honestly think as a nation we need to just stop critiquing people’s bodies, what does it matter what someone looks like? Shouldn’t we focus more on what the contribute? That cheerleader looks healthy to me and she’s probably a very good dancer and does a good job entertaining the crowd. There’s also more than one body type that appeals to men, most men actually say they prefer a little more weight on women, so why would it be any different in a cheerleader? Focusing on women’s skills instead of their body would also prevent people like Kim Kardashian from gaining any media attention since she contributes nothing to society other than her looks.
“Focusing on women’s skills instead of their body would also prevent people like Kim Kardashian from gaining any media attention since she contributes nothing to society other than her looks.” This is an excellent point. It always amuses me how much I know about KK even though I’ve never seen a so much as a second of her show.
True, I suppose she did choose a body-focused career, but it just seems mean to me.
This stuff gets me so furious I can barely comment coherently.
The fact that all of the women pictured look, to me, healthy and attractive is just the start of a long rant that I should probably omit because Charlotte, you and the other commenters have made the same points brilliantly.
And yeah, my post today could seem to play into the whole dynamic but I sure as hell hope not…
I’m not a fan anyone being criticized for their body shape/size no matter what their chosen profession. I think it just leads to a lot of the body image problems out there.
Her job description includes looking a certain way and criticizing her for failing to meet the requirements of her job is no different from my boss criticizing me for messing up the numbers or implementing a bad strategy. On another note – question for you: when a woman is on the Stairmaster at the gym and her pants are falling down so I can see her you know what, should I tell her?!!
Buwhaha – I love questions like this!! (Probably because I have had my pants fall down in the gym.) First, I would think she’d feel the breeze? But if a well-ventilated crack doesn’t wake her up then she might be oblivious to a whole lot more. The problem is that you don’t know if she’s doing it on purpose, doing it by accident or is simply spacey. If you are on a friendly basis with her, I’d probably say something. But if she’s a stranger then this is where the gym staff comes in! Alert them of the issue and let them tell her:)
I honestly hate the way we talk about women’s bodies because there are a bazillion standards of beauty out there. I also hate the fact that so many women have to do unhealthy things to get down to a weight that isn’t really healthy.
BUT at the same time, if we choose a profession where we are putting our body on show, we have to understand that some people will like it and others will critique it. In a way it is a “skill” like anything else. If you look a certain way, know a certain thing, can do a certain thing, you are going to get the job.
And it isn’t only bodies that other people critique. Let’s face it, we judge EVERYTHING about people in the spotlight. That is why tabloid magazines continue to sell!
True! And honestly the body is the easiest thing to judge because it’s the most apparent…
That cheerleader looks great to me! What a horrific story…a chance to celebrate beauty in different shapes and sizes that was totally botched.
I say it’s NEVER appropriate to comment on someone’s body, in any circumstance, ever. Not out loud, not publicly (whatever a person says in the privacy of their own brain or their own living room is their own business).
And I’m not buying into the they-were-hired-for-their-looks rationale either. You don’t need a certain body type to lead cheers and promote a sports team. You don’t need big boobs to be able to serve wings and beer efficiently. Just because OTHER people are crass enough to hire/judge based on looks doesn’t mean *I* have to sink to that level. That’s what I like about your “people are people first, before any position they may hold” sentiment.
LOVE this: “Just because OTHER people are crass enough to hire/judge based on looks doesn’t mean *I* have to sink to that level. ” I totally agree. And I would add that even if the woman herself signs herself up for this scrutiny it still doesn’t mean I have to sink to that level.
Look, we judge ourselves harshly enough without the help of anyone else. I know that I am WELL aware of my imperfections….I don’t need to have anybody comment about them.
haha – SO TRUE. We are our own worst critics.
First of all, if THAT’S pudgy (either the cheerleader or the Italian blogger), then sign me up! Secondly, it may well be that the Texas blogger is, in fact, a local reporter who had tried out for the cheerleading squad and din’t make it, which, if true, brings her motives into question.
These cheerleaders work their butts off, but they don’t get paid. So they work full time, rehearse in the evenings, work all the home games, and STILL have to put up with this BS?!?!?! I can understand criticism is they’re not moving as well as they need to, or if their performance is off. But it seems to me that no one other than this blogger had any major issues with how the cheerleader looks until this stupid “poll.”
Leave her alone. Leave other people’s bodies alone. Let’s just all get on with our own lives and stop obsessing. We’ll all be a lot happier, I promise!
I’m not sure about the OCT cheerleaders but all the pro cheerleaders I’ve interviewed do get paid. It’s not at all on par with what the athletes get but they do get a salary! And good point about this saying way more about the woman writing the article than the cheerleader herself.
Oh good! They DO get paid. I’m glad my info was wrong, ’cause they work hard!
I don’t feel like it is every appropriate to comment on someone’s body, but then again I have a crazy brain that hears “you are so tiny!” as “you should lose more weight” and “you are curvy” as “you are fat!”. There are certain comments on my body from people that know me that I do like, and they actually make me feel good, but I think it is only in rare instances that anything good can come out of body commentary (i.e. when you specifically ask for comment and when the person knows you well enough to know what to say).
Side note about hipster jeans: when I first started dating my husband, one day we were walking down the street behind a group of normal sized women wearing tight jeans. James was like, “Why do women where those pants that make them look like an ice cream cone?” I died laughing because it was such an honest question, and because he loves the female form, so he couldn’t understand why women wore clothing that was so unflattering. Good thing I am not fashionable, so I don’t wear those jeans!
Girl I have the same crazy brain you do. There really is no “right” thing anyone can say to me about my body. Sigh. And I love your husband so much!! (In a totally platonic way of course). Because hipster jeans do make women look like ice cream cones (or Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum).
What happened to the old saying, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”? I think discussing something like whether they should be fired for their physique is okay, but when you start just bashing someone on their weight it crosses that line. As for the Sartorialist’s comment, it could have been better phrased without directly calling the photographer fat (or “bigger”). Making general statements (like without referring to the blogger directly) could have been a better idea. The anonymity of the Internet certainly does get out of hand with body snarking sometimes.
Dear Charlotte,
Your thighs are not big in this universe or in any other. I read your blogs every day and whenever I read that, I feel terrible, horrible, and rotten about my thighs (my own hang up, but I’d love to look like you in exercise pants. I haven’t even worn jeans in years). You have an incredible figure. Please don’t bash yourself.
An avid reader
Thank you Marilyn, both for the compliment and the reminder:) My thighs are definitely my hang-up too and while I try to remind myself not to voice those concerns (much), it squeaks out sometimes. Although I’d like to point out that in this particular post I was saying that it’s those ridic skinny jeans that make my thighs look “big” – I was trying to make the point that it’s the pants, not the girl, that’s the problem;) Although I’ve totally been guilty of body snarking myself in the past so your point is well taken! ((hugs))
I look at that cheerleader and think, Whoa, she’s hot! And she could probably lift somebody’s couch over her head. XD Granted, I’m biased, because I have a similar body type — the solid, strong-looking, no-waisted type. Since when are long skinny waists required for girls to look nice?
Still, I think if you can rock a pair of underwear-short shorts, no one has any right to call you out on being “fat.” Also, cheerleaders are incredibly athletic — no matter what her body looks like, fat or not, she’s probably more in shape than almost every single person on the Internet who is trying to call her names!
I am so stired of this sh*t for women.. I don’t see them talking this smack about men in certain fields… So much said already!
That cheerleader is stunning. If that is “pudgy” then sign me up! So you can’t see her ribs and she doesn’t have a 6-pack – um, she is probably still on the low end of body fat percentage and she looks really healthy. She can keep up with the routines and obviously takes care of herself. So she might be 5-10 lbs heavier than the other girls – still healthy. I don’t see fat rolls or anything of the sort. She just has a bit of a thicker waist. She looks awesome.
It seems like the media can’t understand what is healthy and what is “fat” or “pudgy.” She is a real example of health – clearly normal sized and very active! This is part of the reason I always get discouraged when I lose weight. Even when I lose 30 lbs and am in the (upper) healthy range, I’m still considered bigger or plus size by “general” standards – so if I’m still considered fat at 140 lbs, just like I was at 170 lbs. . . why not just be fat and eat my cake at 170? Very, very discouraging.
Heya this is kind of of off topic but I was wondering if blogs use WYSIWYG editors or
if you have to manually code with HTML. I’m starting a blog soon but have no coding knowledge so I wanted to get advice from someone with experience. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Great article. I’m experiencing some of these issues as well..