Birthdays are supposed to be festive affairs and so when Son #3 recently had one we decided to party it up by going to a local Italian all-you-can-eat buffet. It was insanely delicious and we all had a great time. Until. On the way out my son looked up at me with glowing eyes and said, “Mom you got me the bestest birthday present ever!”
“Oh you’re welcome sweetie,” I cooed, thinking that he was talking about the sweet race track we got him (which he demolished the next day with a screwdriver to “make it work better” making me wonder why I even bother with real toys instead of just taking them to a junk yard and letting them go nuts).
But no. He had something else in mind. He reached his tiny hand up and patted my stomach and said, “You got me a new baby! I always wanted another brother!” At least Jelly Bean had the decency to look offended. Although that might have been because he kinda just dissed her. (He’s still not over being de-throned.)
My newly minted 7-year-old learned a life lesson right there: You never ask a woman if she’s pregnant. The only two exceptions are if she’s waving a pregnancy test in your face (which: ew) or you see a baby coming out between her knees (which: ah). This mama’s festive spirit was extinguished. I wish it didn’t have that effect on me but we all know I’m a leeetle sensitive on that front these days, so yeah.
Although I probably shouldn’t have been surprised – it’s not the first time one of my kids has mistaken a food baby for an actual baby. Because here’s a fun fact about Charlotte: Every evening, almost without exception, I bloat up like a balloon. Or a 5-months-pregnant lady. It’s super annoying and not just because that means I have to time any full-body pictures to only be taken in the early morning, preferably before breakfast. (So much for candids!) But really it sucks because it’s uncomfortable. My stomach gets all tight, I feel overly full (even if I didn’t eat that much), my pants dig in and sometimes the balloon is a hot air balloon, complete with gas fuel.
So what’s up with my stomach? Google “tummy bloat” and you’ll quickly discover I’m not alone. After reading through dozens of articles about what makes bellies go big, it seems there are about 5 main causes:
Cause: Undigested carbs
Apparently some people have a hard time digesting certain types of carbohydrates, generally referred to as FODMAPS (which stands for Fermentable, Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides And Polyols). These certain types of carbs – including some fruits and veggies, fructose, artificial sweeteners, inulin fiber, wheat and dairy – are harder to break down and if they make their way undigested or partially undigested through your digestive tract then they can cause a whole bunch of problems including pain and bloating. It’s even been found in some recent studies to help 70% of patients suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) which, as a girl who has struggled with that forever, is kinda huge.
Cure: Avoid those foods, obvs. Which is easier said than done since the FODMAPS elimination diet is pretty restrictive and also not very intuitive (for instance, artichokes are a no-no but celery is fine). Also, take a probiotic. These are good for lots of things but having a healthy balance of gut bacteria is critical for proper digestion.
Cause: Celiac’s disease
If you have Celiac’s and don’t know it (or do know it but choose to ignore it), bloating is par for the course when you eat gluten.
Cure: There’s a blood test that can be an indicator for Celiac’s so you can ask for that (I was tested and I don’t have it) or you can try eliminating gluten and see if that helps.
Cause: You overate/carry your weight in your stomach area
I am kind of surprised how many lists include this since you’d think it would be obvious but when you overeat your tummy swells (also known as the Thanksgiving Effect). Also, if you carry excess fat on your stomach it can make your tummy look bigger. Because science.
Cure: Don’t overeat (or just realize the bloat is temporary and enjoy the heck out of that meal if it’s not a common occurrence). And if you figure out the cure for tummy chub then you’ll be a millionaire and I hope that you are least tell me about it!
Cause: Constipation
I don’t know why but I feel compelled to repeat all the times someone has said to me “You’re so full of crap your eyes are brown!” Which really isn’t funny. Or pertinent. So PSA: My eyes are hazel. So apparently I’m full of algae! And blue-eyed folks are full of Curaçao! Erm. Anyhow, I don’t think you need me to explain to you how unpooped out poop makes you fill with poop and poop takes up room which makes you feel pretty poopy. (I live with a preschooler. I’m sorry.)
Cure: Check out my list of constipation remedies! I love that post so hard! Harder even than those marble poops that fall out of diapers and leave a bunny trail after your toddler in public places.
Cause: Weird breathing stuff
Mouth breather? You’ve got bigger problems than bloat, frankly, but feel free to join the pretend-preggo party. Other culprits include gum chewing (which is super annoying anyhow so just stop), drinking through a straw, drinking carbonated drinks, gulping, talking while eating (which is also super annoying) and trying not to hyperventilate when One Direction comes on the today show because by golly you are a grown woman.
Cure: Get nasal surgery if you can’t breathe through your nose. And just stop doing the other stuff. Although One Direction does have some super catchy tunes.
Cause: Hormone stuff
Man, hormones mess with everything. They’re basically the terrorists of the body. You screw with them even a little bit and they will BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN. One of the things that bugged me about the Mirena IUD was the persistent lower-tummy bloat. Birth control pills make me gain weight around my waist. And one of the symptoms of PCOS is bloating. I hate hormones. (And yes I’ve read “What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Peri-Menopause. It’s a great book. Super interesting read. Disastrous results for this girl. But I’m sure I was doing it wrong.)
Cure: I have no clue on this one. There are a slew of herbs, conventional meds and everything in between promising to level you out. I think this one is definitely doctor territory.
There’s also some pretty serious medical conditions – like tape worms!! – that can cause bloating so I feel compelled to add the obligatory I’m-not-a-doctor-go-haunt-their-office warning.
Back to my tummy troubles (me, me, me!)
After looking through all the possible causes I’m thinking my daily bloat is likely food related because when I wake up it’s flat (well as much as it can after birthing five babies) but by night time I’m the proud mama of a food baby. I haven’t been able to link it to a certain food – for instance, abstaining from gluten made no difference. But according to the FODMAPS theory that’s because I didn’t eliminate enough things for a long enough time. I’m not sure what to do about that though. After reading through the list I kind of think that the tummy bloat is a small price to pay for getting to eat Brussels sprouts, cabbage and apples. (MMMM.)
So I have come to not much of a conclusion. Tummy bloating is as common as it is irritating.
Anyone have any other suggestions for reducing bloat? Should I give FODMAPS a try? I know some of you have tried it – did it make a significant difference to you? Anyone else bloat up like a rapper’s ego in a grill store? Lastly – anyone else ever been asked if they are pregnant when they’re not?
P.S. I’ve often heard salt blamed for overall bloating but I’ve never seemed to see that effect in myself. Is there something I’m missing?
I always bloat during my PMS, enough to make me look pregnant sometimes. I have decided to not worry about it anymore. A couple of days a month, I round up and weigh more? Who cares.
Yeah, I’m not really counting PMS – although heaven KNOWS I bloat like crazy then. I can handle it a few days a month but every night?? Pthhbbbb.
My wife spent thousands and suffered for months with pregnant bloating and flu-like symptoms after every meal. Tried everything, including FODMAP, colonoscopy, endoscopy, spit test, breath test, stool test, thyroid meds, hundreds of diets, gluten free, lactose free, you name it she tried it. Here’s what she found from a friend: DICYCLONINE. started in 1950 it is the oldest IBS med on market with virtually no side effects. RESULT: two years of heartache GONE!
for me it was an indicator of GLUTEN SENSITIVITY (since Im not celiacs).
In your shoes Id check out sarah kay hoffmans site and info—could help!!!
Ooh thanks for the reminder! Will do!
As long as I stay away from grains (primarily wheat) and dairy, I’m flat and gas free. Thank goodness I don’t have to resort to FODMAPS; I don’t think I could live without cabbage.
Out of curiosity – when you do eat grains/dairy, how long do you stay bloated? Like does it take a few days to work it out or does it resolve within a day? Do you get any other symptoms like congestion?
I recuperate from the bloating within 24 hours. The dairy definitely gives me congestion, and also gives me zits that take a few days to clear up.
Well this morning I had a dairy bomb – milk and cookies! And about 10 minutes after I got SOOOO congested. I mean, I already know I’m lactose intolerant so I shouldn’t had milk in the first place but it made me wonder if it also makes me snotty, lol. I’ll let you know about the zits;)
Sounds like you are exactly the same as me. It’s horrible to live wit,h,,, wth is happening to so many of us? It takes me almost a week to tame the tummy to something respectable after being ‘bad’ with dairy and or wheat and or too much fruit and or alcohol. I wish I knew why’s becoming epidemic!
Naomi, by “grains” do you also mean old-fashioned oatmeal?
I’ve had the same problems for years. However, over the last year it was accompanied by seemingly random but frequent miserable “bathroom” nights. I had every test under the sun, finally getting my gall bladder removed. It didn’t really work. Finally I went FODMAP-free. It absolutely made a huge difference! It’s meant to be temporary, just eliminating long enough to figure out how much of which foods are an issue. I’m now able to work out again and don’t suffer “flashbacks” and “paranoia” every time I sit down to eat. I would try it… if you feel like the trade-off would be worth it.
I’m so glad you found what works for you! Did you work with a nutritionist or just try and figure it out on your own? I’m interested but I’m a little worried that level of restriction would be too much for me.
Charlotte, I did not work with a nutritionist. I was worried about the restriction, too. I’ve gone months without eating meat but not WHEAT and DAIRY! Surprisingly, it was easier than I expected. Though, to be honest, I still eat onions, garlic, and sometimes honey and bell peppers. Onions and garlic are supposed to be big offenders but I don’t seem affected by them.
The thing is, there’s still a lot I can eat. Meat, most fruits and veggies, quinoa, rice among other things leave a lot of options. I make FODMAP-friendly desserts, supplement those with chocolate Rice Chex (big sweet tooth), eat Tinkyada pasta when I’m craving pasta. It works. Good luck if you decide to try it. I’d be happy to share recipes with you!
Interesting. Onions and garlic don’t seem to bother me either. Thanks for the offer!
I have stomach issues and have been searching the internet and found that you do the FODMAP diet. Do you feel that it really works? how long do you do it to feel some relief? I appreciate any info you have on this diet. Thanks so much!
Water water water is the cure for me. If I feel bloaty and gross, I just drink a ton of water. I also try to move around. Go for a walk, stand at my desk for a little bit, maybe bust out a few sun salutations. Dehydration and not moving are almost always the cause of tummy discomfort for me.
Very good suggestions! Perhaps I get all bloaty after dinner because I tend to sit around a lot after? I can definitely do these!
Hi Charlotte-
lots of ideas- I specialize in working with my clients with gut problems. I have been through the ringer of food sensitivities, celiac, colitis, IBS, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth- (you should be tested for this- a super easy breath test. Sounds like many of your symptoms mimic this). I also wrote an article on some tips to help. Not sure if it ok to put the link, so you can take this down if you need to.
Let me know if you have questions!
Links (that aren’t spam) are always cool with me! I love it when people point me to cool stuff they’ve done:) I’ll go check it out now! What is the name of the breath test so I know what to ask for?
Yay! Hydrogen lactulose breath test. Any md can order it. There is a specific protocol to follow if you do have it, but it is loosely fodmaps with a few other restrictions. Sugar and fermentable carbs are totally off limits for a while. Now that I have healed, I have reintroduced a bunch of foods that used to make me look full terms pregnant! Lol. Def worth this insurance covered test!
Thank you!!
Dear, Charlotte-
Hope you found a cure because I suffer from the exact same symptons and I get this ” are you pregnant? ” question all the time I am so embarrassed . You would think people would be more tactful but they are not. I get this for coworkers, friends and even my family. All the attention goes to my stomach. I want to scream and ask them if they were ever tood not to ask a woman this question, unkess she volunteers the informatin that she is indeed pregnant!!!!!!! I m not big anywhere else but my tummy bloats. I am in my mid 30’s and stil haven’t had any kids , which is so frightening. The thought of getting pregnant literally freaks me out. If I look oregnant when I’m not what’s going to happen if I do get pregnant?
Any guidance or advise would be greatly appreciated.
Dear, Charlotte-
Hope you found a cure because I suffer from the exact same symptons and I get this ” are you pregnant? ” question all the time I am so embarrassed . You would think people would be more tactful but they are not. I get this from coworkers, friends and even my family. All the attention goes to my stomach. I want to scream and ask them if they were ever told not to ask a woman this question, unless she volunteers the informatin that she is indeed pregnant!!!!!!! I m not big anywhere else but my tummy bloats. I am in my mid 30’s and still haven’t had any kids , which is so frightening. The thought of getting pregnant literally freaks me out for obvious reasons.
Any guidance or advise would be greatly appreciated.
I feel the same way but I am only 25! Please help…
Also, one other thought. Low FODMAPS is found to be one of the most effective things for IBS and bloating. Def. worth a try. Also, some of us lack the digestive enzymes needed to properly absorb foods. I use NOW super enzymes every time before I eat. Some people also do well with Betaine HCl before foods. Worth a google.
Googling now! Thank you!
I take enzymes, too. I had HORRIBLE bloating- sometimes gaining 11 inches in my waist after just one regular meal! I started taking Schiff’s Enzymall because it was conveniently being sold in the grocery store, but now I have a Naturopathic doctor who prescribes me PanPlex 2 Phase and Bio Gest (both are also available on the internet).
So interesting! I’d never even considered enzyme supps before – I will definitely look into these!
I’ve taken digestive enzymes for years with meals because I don’t seem to be able to digest food properly. After thirty five the pancreas does not make enough digestive enzymes.
A word of warning about Now Super Enzymes: I believe they burned my esophagus because they are so strong. They seemed all right if I took them before eating, but often I forget to take my enzymes and take them at the end or a bit after a meal. Many other brands are fine to take after meals but the Now gave me terrible heartburn that lasted quite a while. I think my esophagus has healed but I don’t take the Now brand anymore because I think it’s too strong.
I also avoid Enzymedica because they are expensive and the capsules are so tiny I would have to take three or four or more for them to be effective. I like Nature’s Answer (from iherb), but disappointingly, the price has risen dramatically, making them rather expensive to take two with each meal. I’ve been taking Trophic most recently because they’re locally available and don’t have stearates or other fillers, but they don’t seem to work as well as the Nature’s Answer brand.
I did buy some Green Vibrance for my son and I’ve been taking that after meals (it contains enzymes as well as many, many other things) and it seems to be helping with my digestion a lot.
By the way, I practically can’t eat anything anymore, based on what a naturopath told me and past experience. I’ve been off meat since childhood, I never intended to go vegan again until a naturopath told me I was allergic to dairy, not just lactose intolerant, and I’ve discovered that my skin looks a lot better when I avoid eggs and all grains, not just gluten, and I have to be really careful with any kind of sugar, even honey. If anyone needs a coupon for iherb, PEY561 works.
Did you go to Cinzetti’s? That place is pretty good and definitely worth a little bloat every now and again!
Hahaha you KNOW I did! I love that you could ID it just based on my level of food baby.
Besides: KIDS EAT FREE. Sold.
Well, I live in Denver and I don’t know of any other all-you-can-eat Italian buffets around here, so I figured that had to be the one! And, if you had found another all-you-can-eat Italian place in Denver (besides Cinzetti’s), I was dying to know about it! Also, while we’re on the topic of kid-friendly places in Denver that cause bloat (and gastric upset) I want to warn you, if you don’t already know, that under no circumstances should you eat the food at Casa Bonita. Repeat: DO NOT eat anything at Casa Bonita. The kids will love it, but it’s just plain awful. I was sick for days after going there. Anyway – glad you seem to be getting into the swing of things in Denver!
Ooh thank you for the tip! Someone was just telling me about Casa Bonita but now I’ll stay far, far away! While we’re on the subject, is there a really good, authentic Mexican restaurant in the area? I love posole. Or Peruvian or Chilean or Argentinian? (Except please don’t suggest Fogo de Chao because that is delish but I always feel ripped off because I simply cannot eat enough to feel like I got my money’s worth there lol!)
You wouldn’t think it would be so hard to find really good mexican food in Denver, but after 5 years here, I’m actually still looking for my favorite spot! But I am a vegetarian which makes it just a little bit trickier (and I admit to a love affair with Qdoba, which is in no way authentic, but I just can’t stay away). As for posole, a few of my friends love El Nopalito – I haven’t been there, but if you go and love it, let me know!!
I’m sorry, you HAVE TO go to Casa Bonita. It’s epic. It’s up to you whether you eat the food or not
I dunno – if your health is OK if it were me I’d just keep on with life. But then for me, forgoing food I like simply over a bit of bloat is not something I’d be willing to do. A friend and his wife are on the FODMAPS diet because it made all the difference int he world for their son and it was easier if they all just went on it together, but it seems like a hard way to eat and live if you don’t need to…
PS- the “Because science.” made me spit my coffee out laughing
If I can make just one person spit coffee then my work here is done:)) And good point about the heavy restrictions. Some other commenters have offered some other good suggestions that I’ll try first. Glad it’s helping your friends so much!
I have no advice to offer, but lots of sympathy to give. And hormones, seriously the worst. Yeah, I guess they have some good things too, but honestly, mostly horrible.
Yeah there’s that whole “necessary for life” thing;) But I do think our modern environment is not very good for us hormone wise… Hard to stay balanced
I always thought it’s jsut food accumulating and muscle tone (core) getting lazier throughout the day. I always expand by night, no matter how much or little or waht I eat. Has been more pronounced since having kids hence my muscle tone thepry, those abs have been stretched out more… But I could be wrong. I just can’t blame food or oterh diseases when everyone I know has that problem…
Good point. Maybe I need to start doing my Tupler ab exercises again!
I have the same problem and it drives me crazy. I think it’s probably food related but haven’t been able to figure out what the culprit is.
Misery loves company!
I went over to your other post and laughed my “rump pump” off.
Nicely done.
I feel the same way – I’ve often felt a little bloated and while I’m sure being super strict on food would help that, I just can’t bring myself to give up a lot of food that I enjoy at this point in my life. I’ve actually found I feel better a little lighter on the meat, and I am absolutely living proof that you can OD on the fiber (since my diet is extremely fibrous carb heavy, sometimes that can cause gut problems too).
Oh yes, I’ve OD’d on fiber too! Not pretty;)
If you think it’s fodmaps there are a few things to consider. There are 5 groupings and its unlikely they all affect you. Since you’re only bloated and not super sick you could probably pick the most likely cause or just lower the amount you’re eating. Everything is pretty dose dependent. For example instead of a lots of Brussels sprouts, have a few and then supplement with low fodmap veggies like carrots, peppers, zucchini.
I think the elimination can be tough but once you know which ones bother you and your approximate tolerance it gets easier. I do miss apples though…
All good tips – thank you! I didn’t realize it was dose dependent. So yeah, maybe I’ll just try taking out a few of those things at a time and seeing if it helps.
The Montash University App (this is the Australian university doing all the research) is very helpful. It also has low and high level amounts for all the foods.
It might sound pretty obvious but I’ve recently stopped drinking as much water and my bloat has gone right down. I used to drink A LOT, and finally figured out the two were related. Loads of sites tell you to drink more water to beat the bloat, but it’s been the opposite for me.
I also find it really annoying how all women bloat, and so none of us should have the ‘is she pregnant or just bloated?’ thought, but we still judge each other!
Haha – good point! It’s like cellulite – if we all have it then it can’t be a “flaw”!
You could just get fatter! Heavier girls don’t notice bloat as much under the extra padding. Speaking from experience.
I tried everything before trying FODMAPs, and nothing brought me much relief. I highly recommend giving FODMAPs elimination a try. It sucks, but you have to do it right for a couple of weeks, and then you can test foods and loosen the restrictions. You’ll discover new ways to make things that you love…though you will miss apples
Don’t trust the lists of FODMAPs on the internet. They are wrong. If you want to try it, email me and I will send you the real list and the elimination diet recommendations.
Can u send me fodmap list thnku
Send me foodmap diet plz
Please send me fodmaps too. Bloated all day long and worse after eating. I’m 55 and skinny so it looks awful.
Please send fodmaps.
Thank you
Since this post has been written, a few accurate lists have been posted online. This is the most up to date, accurate source:
Please send me the Food Map list you talked about. I’ve ran out of options so I would like to give it a try.
Thank you so much!!
Since this post has been written, a few accurate lists have been posted online. This is the most up to date, accurate source:
Can u please send me food map.
Since this post has been written, a few accurate lists have been posted online. This is the most up to date, accurate source:
please send me the real list – thanks
Can you please email me the list for the FODMAP diet.
I found out I don’t digest fructose well. I had to find out because part of the reason you bloat is your small intestine get inflamed and you don’t absorb nutrients well. I was so malnourished that my hair was falling out by the time they figured it out. I was told it is like lactose intolerance except with nothing you can take for it.
BTW high fructose corn syrup is practically instant death for fructose intolerant people. It should be obvious why that is, but some people still ask me.
I have had this my whole life. I got rid of the dairy stuff but I am not going to get rid of cruciferous veggies which do it to me. I try to eat in small amounts & that helps.. same with nuts – well, we have to portion control anyway.
Like you, depending, by end of day or a few hours after something, it can happen – even apples & really healthy foods so I live thru it but I should try some of those beano things & have not.
The one thing people do not realize & I did YOUNG was sugar free gum & the sugar alcohols. Some get diarrhea but others bloat & I bloat. Have not chewed cum for years & I have to keep sugar alcohols to a minimum at a time…
I second the gum chewing thing – I was a gum addict and got terrible bloat and stomache pains from it. Gave it up cold turkey and it is night and day. I do still get bloated at night, but I know it is because I eat such a heavy vegetable-loaded diet. I’m not willing to change it though.
I only bloat after dinner and then I sleep it off.
Oh, I also take digestive enzymes. But there are SO many different enzymes, each that digest a particular vitamin or nutrient, so you need to read the labels. I have trouble (like most humans) digesting plant matter (cullulose), so I take an ezyme for that. Others have trouble digesting fats, so they take a lipidase, etc. etc. Here’s a good starter article –
Stress. It always comes back to that…
Just have to say I struggle with this too, and my haphazard experimentation with eliminating fodmaps or other foods or trying enzymes, probiotics, acids etc have never been rigorous and long enough to yield anything conclusive. Things will get kinda better then kinda worse, and never seem to correlate very well with any particular intervention. I probably need to be locked up by some smart dietitian and put on a strict elimination diet as I can’t seem to make any headway myself and always give up in frustration.
Plus SO many of the potential offenders are either tasty or healthy! If you find an answer that works for you, I’ll be very interested in hearing it.
Me too. I hoped that it might disappear with my no wheat/no dairy experiment, but it made no difference. It was hard enough eliminating those things – not sure I could handle the whole FODMAPS diet. Would love an answer to this one.
I can relate to this! I think mine is just food-related (not specific, problem foods, just food in there) and the occasional, er, sluggish digestion. Off to read your post about helping that, thanks!
What a timely post! I recently went to the doctor because sometimes, after eating, my stomach gets painfully bloated to the point that I have to take off my pants (hah!). The doctor told me to eliminate wheat (I already can’t eat wheat), beans (so much for my for my forays into vegetarianism), dairy (though I told her that I’ve tried eliminating and reintroducing it before), any fibrous veggies (what?), and most fruits. And then she told me that some people also bloat up after eating any type of carb and that I should avoid grains, too.
I kind of looked at her like she was crazy, cuz that left me with meat and candy.
I actually figured out that the thing that kills my stomach is actually raw onions! Who’d have thunk? I was adding them to dinner salads.
Actually, I’m surprised she didn’t mention anything about IBS. I wonder if that’s related? I tend to have issues digesting many things, and tend to (tmi alert) cycle between constipation and diarrhea and normal poop. Anyways, I’m gonna keep this bookmarked for reference. Super helpful!
Oh No! That would upset me too! This reminds me though of a recent shopping trip where my girls LOUDLY declared “Look Mum that Lady has a baby in her tummy and it is really BIG, do you think it is a boy or a girl?” And the lady was pushing 70… and not too happy! Oh so embarrassing!
Hopping over from Janetha’s blog! I loved your post about doing well! Anyway, I suffered from this same problem and realized it was artificial colors and sugars. I’m not sure what you eat and don’t eat, but I cannot chew sugar free gum anymore at all. My husband heard on the radio one morning, “sugar free gum causes smelly gas” (tmi?) so he called me up to tell me. Of course I was devastated, but eventually I was able to give it up because it made me feel SO terrible! I can’t even have powerade zero. I try and avoid anything with artificial colors or flavors because they bloat me like a balloon! Hope this helps!
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Hi! I have actually been having similar issues for the past few years and was wondering if you had made any progress and have any advice!
I feel like I have tried so many things…Dairy free for 2 years (with the occasional indulgence and lactaid pill), Citrucel, Prune Juice, Smooth Moves Tea, and now Gluten Free for the past month and a half. Everything seemed to help…for the first few days…and then I was back to my normal bloated self. And now, my bloating isn’t just at night, I seem to wake up that way already more often than not! I run at least 4 times a week, drink lots of water and eat plenty of fruits and veggies.
Hi there, You’ve done an incredible job. I will definitely digg it and personally recommend to my friends.
I am sure they will be benefited from this website.
I found that I blotted most of the time don’t no if it’s blotting. That is coursing my problem or if it’s waght gain I’ve always bein of a slim build but since I reached my late 40 ys menopause. I carnt find any nice cloths to wear. Because they fit perfect around my arms and legs and when comes to my stomach I look as though I’m pregnant. My hips are big to this all relates to my stomach aria. I’m finding this very depressing. as I only feel comfortable wearing leggings and lose top. If anyone could suggest what sort of cloths to wear I would appreciate it. I no there is something not right can you help me please. Bought New cloths today was really happy until I got home and tried them on and I looked as if I was, about 6 7 months pregnant I feel so low as I have to take them all back now. What can I do xx
I’ve been dealing with this for 3 years, have seen 4 different doctors, took all kinds of tests and am still undiagnosed. For me, the 5-month pregnancy look started happening right before ovulation and right before my period. It would last 2-3 days then go away. But then it started increasing to 5 days, 7 days, 10 days and now instead of 5 days a month where I look pregnant there are a 5 days a month when I don’t look pregnant.
It’s terrible, clothes don’t fit, everything is so compressed it hurts to move, I feel stuffed even when I’m hungry, and it’s been a killer on my self esteem. My diet is the healthiest it’s ever been and that doesn’t seem to help either. I was skinnier when I was eating pints of ice cream and fast food every week just a couple of years ago. Now it’s cooking at home with lots of fresh organic vegetables, no sugar or artificial sweeteners, even have up gluten, and only eat GMO whole foods and I still feel like a big water balloon. What is this?!
Hi. The same pregnant effect happens to me. It all started the day after my wedding, it’s unexplainable. I had no food issues, I was always thin and active, I don’t overeat. I thought it was food related, I know use lactose free milk, no difference. And now that it’s Ramadaan n we only eat 3am and then 5.30pm I still get food pregnant throughout the day. So what is it? Doctors think I’m crazy and denial about being fat as does everyone else. Even one sip of water does the trick.
I suffer from the same thing… Only eat organic, but it doesn’t matter what I eat, or how much, I bloat every night. I take probiotics and digestive enzymes throughout the day. I also just started drinking a probiotic drink with every meal: kifer, kombacha etc. it didn’t heal anything, but it’s helping. Just figured if pass it along! Goodluck.
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I have suffered thru pregnant belly since my son was born. I had gained 70lbs, 115 to 185, with him and dropped the weight within six months. The stretched skin has been my ultimate demise.
Over the next few years, I discovered one sip of any carbonated drink and within an hour span I had “five month pregnancy belly.” Embarrassing when my husband reminds family members that “No, she’s not pregnant, she’s bloated.”
I do have a few gastrointestinal issues that I monitor. I try to stay away from most processed food, to include homemade bread made with local honey, home raised meats / eggs (no extra hormones), garden grown fruits/veggies (canned for winter!), and no artificial sweetners. It’s a lot of extra work to find little improvement.
I do suffer from severe PMS. And even with all diet changes, the PMS will cause the bloat w/ or w/out the soda.
I doubt I’ll ever find the perfect diet to stop the pregnancy belly. I wish you the best of luck!
So happy to find this site I have been to my MD, my gastroenterologist, I’ve had all sorts of tests run, I even sat for 7 hours in the ER one night. I think I have found my answer here. My MD has been urging me for years to go on a low carb diet for weight loss and to help keep my sugar low (I don’t have diabetes) and I believe that will solve my problem. I don’t think probiotics will hurt either. Thanks so much for your informative page.
I have daily bloat now and whats worse is I have a really really achy upper back with it. Sound familiar anyone?? This started slowly last month and has gotten worse….
Hi there. Did you finally find a solution-please share. Am in that situation and my!….it’s killing me!!
I found the below link to a book which seems to have the solution that many of us have been looking for. However, I am wondering if any of you has heard/used it- I intend to buy it but I want to be sure that it’s not some funny material that will take away my money for nothing…see below.
So I loved reading these threads. But I do have to say, I’m lactose intolerant and have a gluten intolerance. And I have taken wheat/barley out of my consumption (99.9% of the time) and the only dairy I consume is greek yogurt. I have been pretty stinking strict on my diet and wound up last Thanksgiving with the worst case of self inflicted food poisoning I’ve ever been privy to. So bad I had to have a colonoscopy at 37 years old to be told I needed to be stricter with my food lifestyle and up my probiotic and enzymes. The probiotic have helped a ton. I don’t think I’ve found the right enzyme yet though because I still have terrible bloat. I know most, if not all of my bloat is from not being able to digest the carbs. Despite being gluten free, I still consume quinoa, rice, gluten free pasta and old fashioned gluten free oats..and man, because the fiber…oh the fiber too! I eat a lot of veggies and I’m pretty sure that’s where most of my bloat comes from. The pains that come from the gas build up by the end of the day can be pretty debilitating and has hindered my going to the gym because I’m more afraid of passing gas in public than the bloat itself. I’m sure as soon as I can find a great digestive enzyme I’ll be much better but in the mean time, food baby is a staple in my night time look. My amazing boyfriend doesn’t mind it but it can be very depressing at times. Especially when you wake up with a moderately flat stomach. I hope you have found your relief! I will continue to find mine.
I’ve had the same problem for many years, mostly after I had my two kids. A couple of years ago I decided to try Dukan Diet. I lost 25 pounds in 3 months and noticed that eliminating carbs and sugar made a huge difference in the bloating. After I had gone through the second stage I had no more bloating. As soon as I went back to eating carbs and sugar the bloating came back. I also discovered that I’m lactose intolerant and don’t eat any dairy products anymore. When I do I develop terrible sinus problems and migraines. This week I’ve decided to eliminate carbs and sugars from my diet once again because I can’t deal with the bloating anymore and because I miss my small waist and flat stomach. Don’t think I’ll ever go back to eating like I do now again.
Google “gastroparesis” people who have this chronic illness suffer from bloating and it can be so painful. Still working on managing.
I’m so glad I came upon this site… knowing I’m not alone is helpful. I’ve had this issue for years and do have IBS. I lost 8 lbs recently and in the morning like how I look and feel. That being said, when I go to bed I look 12 months pregnant! Okay maybe not 10 but I look just as big as when I really WAS pregnant. I dread evening functions because of this and most times I avoid eating if I know I need to go out. Not the way to spend your life for sure!
I forgot to mention… I eat onions daily – LOVE them and no issues. Give me one small piece of a RED onion and I pay for it!
i am only 14 years old and have had stomach issues for as long as i can remember, in the morning i love my body and i love my stomach ! but as soon as i eat i get bloated and by the evning i am massive, all day i get stomach acs. i have had a few blood test over the years and they never found anything wrong. intill recently my doctor gave me the FODMAP diet. i know some people think being big should not be a reason to cut out all those foods but its completly worth because i don’t only feel better physically but also emotionaly and i am much more happy.
ps. i poo better too
Well, I’m obviously reading this article for a reason (food baby some nights, only at night, only some nights), but here’s what I’ve found about me.
I’m a whole food, gluten-free, Vegan. That narrows down a lot of the culprits. I’m 50, and haven’t had a uterus since I was 27.
Last month I had a weird situation in life. We live in a very remote area, several times we were snowed in, and I had a case of bananas, a freezer of spinach, and a 5-gallon bucket of brown rice. I’m not advocating this “diet,” it just sort of happened.
What I learned was, I had no food baby! I felt great!
This month has been back to eating normal, and my baby’s back, at times, but when it is, it’s always at night.
I made some tofu the other day. I take the dried bean, separate out the fiber (okara), and separate the curds (the tofu) from the whey.
I ate the okara and felt fine. I ate the tofu and felt fine. A half cup of cooked soybeans kills me, I’m packing twins by bed time! I can do a cup or so of homemade soymilk in the morning with no effect.
Last night I made some croquettes from okara and black beans, just some leftovers I had in the fridge. Boom! The baby was back.
Going Vegan wasn’t a big deal for me because I never could digest meat. Then after being lacto-ovo for several years, I couldn’t eat eggs. Then I started having issues with gluten. It’s like the more I narrowed my diet, the more sensitive I became to things. Things that are known issues for a lot of people. Weird.
I’ve had some horrible experiences with doctors, so I’m piecing this together on my own.
I’m thinking, menopause (hormones) can’t be overlooked, although I don’t know what effect it’s having, and I can’t tell where I am in this cycle of life.
There’s something with the breaking apart of the protein (as in beans) that works or doesn’t work with me. The link to Kate Scarlata has a lot of hints to this in the comments (great link!).
The comments here on enzymes, which I do not currently take, is where I’m headed now.
So thank you Charlotte, for a great article. You’re writing is like a conversation that begs to be responded to (even now, over 2 years after publishing). And thank you to all the commenters for sparking thoughts and ideas of what might be of help to me.
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Have you considered diastasis recti? Abdominal muscles get weak and dysfunctional from “sucking in” which distorts the use of your core muscles, poor posture, and lack of proper use. The two sides of the abdominal muscles separate more as the day goes on due to ANY INTERNAL PRESSURE whatsoever. Because abs are weak. Tummy gets “bigger” throughout the day, is really muscle separation throughout the day. So much to learn here. But TOTALLY FIXABLE!
Drinking 2 glasses of warm water with lemon in the morning helps to hydrate your organs. We also enjoy drinking raw apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach. It is good for cleaning your body from the inside, alkalizing it and also building stomach acid.
Then we sometimes take digestive enzymes with meals if we eat something thats difficult to digest.
Eating kimchi with meals, it contains healthy bacterial that aids in the digestion and fight off various infections in your body.
We make coconut yogurt, very delicious and creamy and super easy to make (all you need is coconut flesh, probiotic capsule, coconut water). The live bacterial cultures in yogurt can help replenish the intestines with helpful bacteria before the harmful ones take over.
This is the recipe if you want to check out:
Maybe you can try doing some acupuncture, it can help to create balance within your body and go to a holistic doctor who can help you to determine the root cause of your problem.