A couple weeks ago, Jelly Bean and I got to do a little shopping and photoshoot with Athleta as part of their #ShareYourOm month! All photobombs courtesy of my cat, Luna. Seriously cats must think we are SO WEIRD.
This week is going to be AWESOME here at the GFE! I’ve got 5 amazing giveaways for you – one for each day, starting today! I’m super excited to share all this stuff with you guys! But more on that in a minute.
First, I want to wish all my American friends a wonderful Labor Day and I hope the rest of you are enjoying the sunshine today! I will be partying with my family – and by “partying” I mean walking around in a cold medicine-induced haze and trying to stay away from any grilling as I cannot be trusted with fire right now while my children run in circles and scream. I finally went to the doctor this weekend and the verdict: Double ear infection, sinus infection and bronchitis. They gave me antibiotics and Mucinex-D which I discovered has pseudoephedrine in it – which means I haven’t slept in 40 hours now! Fun!! Speed of any sort is not my friend. (This will hopefully explain the disjointed nature of this post…) ANYHOW.
T25 Alpha Phase Review
The girls and I have finished the Alpha phase of Shaun T’s new Focus T25 workout! Since there are two phases, I’ll post a more detailed review when we finish the whole program but I wanted to give you guys an update. (Note: I did not do the diet portion. It does come with a booklet of meal plans and recipes. It’s a very sensible whole-foods diet focused on lean protein, whole carbs and fats.)
There are five of us doing the program and we all agree that it’s a great “get ‘er done” workout. If you’re the type who is all business when it comes to getting your sweat on then you’ll love this program! It’s short (25 minutes, hence the name) and intense so there’s no time for any funny business. It’s a get in, get it done, get on with your day kind of gig. And hey, who doesn’t have 25 minutes to spend with Shaun T??
Each DVD has a different workout – Cardio, speed, lower body focus, stretch, total body circuit and abs – but other than abs and stretching, the other workouts are pretty interchangeable as they basically all use the same moves (some combination of jumping and squatting with some push-ups mixed in). Me being me, I got bored of this pretty quickly. I swear I have workout ADD! Let’s not forget that one of my top 3 workouts of all time was Circus Camp. But T25 is definitely a solid workout. Don’t plan on being entertained but do plan on sweating buckets and sucking wind. It’s basically 25 minutes of plyometrics. Double-bag the sports bra, ladies, and if you’ve had kids break out the adult diapers! (I jest… kinda.)
All of us feel like we’ve gotten stronger and one of my fave things is that it doesn’t require any equipment! All the exercises just use your body weight as resistance (although that might change in the next phase?).
Here’s what the other girls have to say so far:
“Definitely intense and challenging… I feel like I’m training for the Olympics or some professional sport team! It is definitely harder on my joints [than some other workouts] with all the jumping and up and down but I LOVE that I can get a good workout in 25 minutes!” – Angie
“Not very unique moves, but it is nice to be done in less than 30 minutes.” – Lisa
“I liked the countdown timer in the corner and how everything kept moving. There was never a stand still moment! I don’t like how many weeks you’re supposed to do it though because it does get a little boring.” – Makenzie
Jelly Bean and I went undercover as a mom and daughter shopping for athletic clothing (we’re so subtle!) at the nearby Athleta store to check out their new fall line and try out some of the goodies. We then got to snap some pics of different ways we get our ohm on as part of Athleta’s #ShareYourOm campaign!
First we found some stuff to try on. Jelly Bean went right for the bras! And who can blame her – they look super comfy!
Myself, I gravitated towards this hot little dress. (Can you picture it with colored leggings, boots and a funky scarf? ‘Cause I sure could! Mannequins need more imagination. Although that might be difficult when you have no head.)
We took the dress plus a whole bunch of other tees, leggings, skirts and capris into the dressing room for some trying on action. I let Jelly Bean hold my camera. We got lots of snaps of feet.
And of my boobs. I ultimately decided on the gray one and took it home to test drive it doing something relaxing like reading one of my fave books ever (My Antonia! Loooove!)
Of course it quickly devolved to this: (And yeah, I do actually read like this. I really enjoy being upside down for some reason. Feels good on my back!)
And then this…
Because we all know how well I sit still.
Next I tried out some yoga gear during which my cat Luna decided she must be a part of every picture. It was kind of hilarious – she’s worse than my kids! Look at her little paws crossed – she’s even posing.
You’ve never done wheel pose until you’ve tried to hold it while having your nostrils licked clean by a cat!
Back to the important stuff: GIVEAWAYS!
This week I’ll be doing a giveaway every single day! (I actually didn’t plan it this way, it was just a weird confluence of the fit-o-sphere!) And I’ve got some really great stuff for you guys. No crappy water bottles emblazoned with some random business so that you turn into free advertising every time you go to the gym – promise!
The giveaway today is one copy of T25 of your very own for one GFE reader! Leave me a comment below about what your personal workout style is to enter. Do you like ’em short and sweet? Or do you need to be entertained to make it through? …Or you can tell my why my cat’s favorite activity is to watch me shower. It’s a little creepy.
Contest ends 9/8/2013 at midnight. FTC disclosure: I was not paid for this post or compensated in any way other than that I did receive one free copy of T25 to try out.
Okay, I’m so into the get ‘er done sort of workout these days. I seem to have so much on the go that I either don’t have time for a long workout or I don’t have the brain space to do more than sit on the couch! Something I can get through in 25 minutes AND is a good workout? Sorted!
I like short, intense workouts that I can do quickly and still feel like I’ve accomplished a lot. Really, who has time for an hour long workout every day? I love that you said you have workout ADD. I just told my sister the same thing about me last week. I like interesting. And if I’m going to do Cardio, I want it in short bursts so that I’m on to something else by the time I realize how much the burpees are killing me.
With two little boys I need something short & sweet meaning something I can do during nap time & squeeze in a shower if I’m lucky!
I generally like short, intense workouts – the Jillian Michaels DVDs are some of my favorites – but sometimes I enjoy longer, more creative workouts, such as a Zumba or Yoga class.
I like my workouts short & at home. If I have to travel, change clothes in the locker room, etc… then it’s not going to happen for me. Have to knock them out at home in the morn!
My cat likes to watch me while I sleep. And then I wake up to him staring into my face. It was only terrifying the first hundred times or so….. The best I can figure out is either A) our cats are in a secret network that is planning to take over the world & must observe all of our behavior until that time or B) our cats just love us that deeply and are hopelessly infatuated. Let’s hope for B, no?
I live in complete chaos, single parenting, working, trying to finish a degree… My life is kind of a work out! I do ballroom dance, bikram yoga and walk our beautiful seattle parks whenever I get the opportunity. I think I’m like you, I get workout ADD really easily, and am not really sure what I want in a workout, or in life, truth be told!
I prefer to run far and long (which I can’t do at the moment due to a stupid achilles heel..), or cycle (road and MTB). And I like to mix my endurance training with short resistance training, like the Jilian Michaels DVDs.
Like you, I have some sort of work out ADD, so when I do a DVD, I have to do a different one each time (which is how I explain my too large DVD collection to my husband…)
Definitely short and sweet, but with kids, that is usually the ONLY way i get them!
Cats do not possess the “weird” concept. To a cat you are simply either interesting, or boring.
As for the idea that cats might be plotting to take over the world, relax. Their 10,000 year quest for that end was accomplished about 400 years ago.
Be interesting, or else.
I need an effective short-n-sweet for at home! Not sure my knees can handle the jumping, but I know how to modify.
Sounds like you’re getting settled in?
The photobombs are great! Don’t have cats of my own, I live through the stories of family members with multiple cats. They are wonderful but crazy creatures!
My workout style is straight to the point and simple. Give me the treadmill, elliptical, spinning. Moving around doing multiple different exercises in 30 or 60 minutes confuses me as choreography and me do not get along!
My favorite workout is definitely short, sweet, and intense. My cat follows me into the bathroom and stares at me as well! Kinda creepy!
I like my strength training short and sweet. I would rather do a long slow run though.
I love short and intense workouts. I was doing crossfit until I moved last month to go back to school. Now I’m looking for some great options for working out at home.
I love boring! It’s comforting. And short is all I have time for. Thanks for your honest reviews, Charlotte.
While short and sweet is good, my workouts have yo entertain me or I’m super bored and find reasons not to do it.
Short and sweet, with aside of sweaty! I’ve been struggling to find an hour to dedicate to working out.
I tend toward long workouts, actually. I have to set limits on how much time I can allow myself to spend at the gym…it’s a carryover from the ED days. My eating is under control, but the impulse to overexercise persists. In fact, I’ve been tossing around the idea of short but extremely intense workouts as a possible alternative–maybe the intensity would satisfy my compulsion for exercise, but I could actually get it down to a healthier time frame? And I’m certainly not joining a Crossfit gym without robbing a bank first, so T25 could be a wonderful thing for me to try!
I’m all about short and challenging workouts. I figure I have no excuse that will let me out of a 30-minute workout. Anyone can fit that in, right? That’s what I tell myself, anyway!
I’m a newbie to workouts (other than basic cardio), so am still learning what I like and don’t like. Am always up for something new!
(PS – when my allergies go nutso, I use generic Mucinex without the decongenstant. It’s the only thing that helps. I like the CVS extended release version the best. I just take it for a few weeks in the spring and fall, along with my Rx allergy meds.)
I love your blog! Your honesty is great. I am trying to get back into working out and short and sweet sounds good.
I like it intense and varied…like boxing fitness! the hour class just flies by and you are so whooped and sweaty at the end- feels great!
I’ve been exploring the workout possibilities of my new home. There’s room enough for me to jump rope and do somersaults in my large, high-ceiling living room. I’ve discovered that my wrists do not appreciate hand-standing on the back deck; padding needed. Nor is it a good idea to do 12-lb medicine ball slams anywhere near the tomato plants; disaster was narrowly averted.
I love short and intense so this sounds perfect! I’ve done insanity and loved it but the 2nd phase was a bit too long… Would love another Shaun t workout :). (And you look great!)
I’m new to working out, so I’m not sure what I like. So far it’s anything I can do at home. A consistent favorite is Zumba Wii. When I was a teenager I loved step aerobics and the Gilaad workouts. Now….I’m having a real hard time overcoming my intense laziness.
I like short and intense workouts. I dont feel like I got a good workout unless I feel dead afterwards. Yoga is not for me. I also have 3 kids so short workouts leave me with no excuses. I can do 25 minutes even with them hangin off me.
I prefer the short and sweet kind of workout. I get bored easily, and sometimes with a busy schedule have a hard time regularly committing an hour and a half to a weight training workout. I’ve had trouble following You Are Your Own Gym for that reason. Longish and repetitive workouts = torture.
As for the cat, our theory is that cats are so mystified as to why we would routinely want to immerse ourselves in water. Ours gets baths occasionally, and though the bathtub is the scene of his indignity, he will still wander around the edge of the tub and watch a bath in progress.
I love the Athleta dress on you, Charlotte! Very cute and stylish.
My personal workout style is a lot of variability to keep me entertained, and it always ensures that I’m working on different fitness skills. So I almost do a different activity each day. I love bootcamp style workouts, challenging ashtanga classes, or long runs. –“spice of life” as they say!
I have too many workout DVDs to count but I love them! Before I got married I lost 15 lbs by doing “the firm” workouts which I still love but like you I get bored. I have p90x but the instructor creeped me out- so we got insanity and a ton of Jillian michaels workouts… Oh and I have the Brazilian butt lift too. Currently I am doing the 30 day shred- done in 20 minutes. I like that its short but I don’t feel like my body is changing quickly enough.
I would LOVE a copy of this! I’m right in the middle of Insanity and while I LOVE it, I would like something a little shorter and obviously this fits the bill!
I like a fitted capri and depending on my mood, either a fitted tank or my husbands loose tee!
I love short, sweet, and intense, especially since having kids. But sometimes those intense workouts are the hardest to get motivated for, especially if I’m just making it up on my own. The structure of videos would be great on those days–I’d love to try T25!
I also have workout ADD, so I like to vary my workouts
undo them all at home, so not taking up a ton of room is a priority for me 
While I like longer workouts, my lifestyle doesn’t. So for now it’s short and sweetf, with long runs thrown in when I can fit them.
I love a long run/walk but prefer a short and ‘to the point’ anything else
I love trying new workouts to see what is out there! Typically I am game for just about anything! Oh, my cat totally watches my husband daily in the shower. It is totally creepy!
I prefer short intense workouts.
I used to do these long 10 mile runs that were actually really ineffective for toning and weight loss, of course. I cut my miles down and lifted weights, but I’d love to try t25! I’d love to be done in 25 minutes, and I think I could actually get my husband to do it too.
I live the quick and dirty workout DVDs. I recently compressed Ripped in Thirty and loved it. I have been looking for a high intensity workout DVD that my husband and I can do together. Our workout styles are quite different so we end up doing our own workout thing a lot of nights. I think t25 would finally bring out workouts together!
I definitely need to be entertained! Some of my fav workout days are the heavy lifting ones at home in front of whatever show I’m watching on Netflix.
I like any workout that makes me sweat a ridiculous amount!
Why does your cat stare at you in the shower?
She’s judging you. It’s true, cats are judgemental. Dogs look at you with love. Cats look at you and think, “I’ve seen better.”
That said, I’ll take a cat over a dog any day. I like the brutal honesty. And purring.
I like ’em short and sweet, but more importantly: effective!
I enjoy longer interesting workouts, but with kids short and sweet is easier on me right now.
I need endorphins like most people need water. So I like my workouts intense, but also long enough for me to “get in the zone” and clear my head from day-to-day worries. Running is perfect for me, although I’m battling a foot injury and have found that strength training is actually way better than alternative cardio (ellipital, bike) at getting my heartrate up so I feel the “rush.”
I don’t really fit neatly into any of these categories. If the workout isn’t boring, I can go for hours, but if it isn’t entertaining, it better be short and INTENSE. My only requirement is that I feel like I’ve worked out hard when I’m done, so long and steady state or short and intense both work for me.
(Shaun T could just stand there immobile and mute and that would count as entertaining, by the way.)
Short, sweet and intense is how I roll. Anything longer than 60 minutes and I get bored. I like to mix up cardio and strength too.
I’m definitely a fan of short and sweet because I never leave enough time in my week for longer workouts (or I suppose these days it’s that I am not quite motivated enough for a long workout) not to mention it feels awesome to know you can kick your own butt in under 30 minutes. Also, my guess about your cat is that she can’t figure out why you would willingly douse yourself with water for more than like 10 seconds. That or she thinks you’re cute…you should really start to worry if you wake up in the middle of the night with her next to your face attempting to write you poetry.
With a I one year old I need my workouts short and sweet so I can get it done during nap time.
Looooong and slow/easy for me! I don’t mind working out for hours on end (40 mile bike ride, followed by 30 min abs class, then lower body lifting? Sure.) But I don’t like pushing too hard. Slow and steady wins the race. Ironman Wisconsin 2015 here I come! I hope.
I need to be entertained! But if it’s not entertaining, it needs to be short. I think T25 would be good for those days when you don’t have a lot of time but I’m not sure I would do it every day. It would be great for my husband though.
Depends what I’m in the mood for. I love short and intense, but sometimes when I have a good podcast I want to listen to, I really enjoy my long, slow runs. I would love to try out a DVD for the days I can’t make it to the gym…might give me some extra motivation.
A quick focused workout is exactly what I need! I do much better when I’m busy– so I “schedule” the workout in my planner.
Random workout= being lazy and not doing anything!
I’d love to win this! I usually like workouts that are fun, but lately I’m trying to do just 20 mins or so in the morning so that I can relax the rest of the day and not have to squeeze my workout in somewhere. (And if I get to take a fun class at night, that’s a bonus instead of an obligation.) I know the great results I got from Insanity, so T25 sounds perfect!
For me the length/ intensity of the workout totally depends on how I’m feeling. I have “extreme time saver” by Jackie Warner than seriously kicks my ass for 25 min and leaves me sore the next day that I love but I also dig a good 6-10 mile run. Different mentalities I guess. May need to check out the T25 though!
I like them short and action packed. I like to get bang for my buck. I’m totally an impatient person and want the results without the effort, so I’d rather have a short super intense workout than a long calm one.
I love a good sweat! If I’m not dripping buckets, I don’t feel like I’m getting a good work out.
I like an intermediate, yet fast paced, type of workout. T25 looks interesting but I may need a modifier since I can’t exactly do push-ups! I loved Turbo Jam and think Beachbody products are overall pretty good (except for the push to buy their supplements!) I hate exercises that require coordination (jumping rope, step aerobics) because I am a klutz!
Okay, have to enter cause I love this!
My workout style is anything high energy. Boot camp? Yes please. Kick boxing? You know it! Bodypump? Absolutely. Spin classes? I might die but I will die happy… and deaf. I love fast paced, heavy lifting. Anything but slow cardio, it kills my soul.
Also (and this is in no way related) I know how much you have been worried about gaining a few pounds lately and being sick and stressed, etc. But when I opened my browser to this page I had to stop for a moment and just take in how fit and strong you look. Fat? No. Pudgy? No. Thin? Nope. Strong! Fit! Healthy! I really love the photos (okay, maybe not the feet, or the blurry boobs, sorry), but these are great. Be proud of what you have put into yourself because you look well, in every sense of the word.
I love long tanks with any kind of bottoms.
Short and sweet is the way to go! Unless it was am exceptionally rough day at the office and then a nice long walk does wonders.
“Short and sweet” was what originally attracted me to CrossFit but I’ve found that I miss my longer workouts! So I think a combination of short and long is best for me.
I like intense workouts and am intrigued by the 25 minute model. And, I hear Shaun T is a hottie.
If I am working out alone it has to be fast and intense or I lose interest and quit from boredom. I like longer circuits, running or classes if I have someone to talk to. I can work for a long time if I have company.
I strictly workout at home and already own both P90X and Insanity (I prefer P90). I am all about getting the most for my time, so I would love to give this one a try.
I do love the short intense workouts. but then (later in the day) feel like I want to do more because they are so short!!
I like taking classes at my gym. I like getting my sweat on while singing along with the music with my gym buddies. The bigger the audience, the better! I also like the elliptical. Your cat might not actual be a voyeur. He may just be waiting for you to get out of the shower so he can get in & lick the water. Equally as weird, yes.
I need to be entertained while working out. Especially if I’m doing it at home by myself. I hate being bored!
Honestly, beyond walking, I haven’t worked out in ages, but come Nov (after baby arrives), I’d really like to tone up again. Yoga usually works wonders for me, but I need a studio. Not a good at-home yogini, and there will be little to no time for a studio class. So, some short get ‘er done DVD’s would be great. Thanks Charlotte!
I like to switch it up a lot. I run, do a few different classes, and lift weights regularly but will throw in swimming and outdoor activities whenever I can.
I like longer workouts, but usually don’t have time… And 25 minutes would leave me (most days) with 20-35 minutes for some lower key, stress busting yoga…
I love a short workout, as long as it’s intense enough that I don’t feel like I skipped something when it’s over. Left to my own devices, however, I tend toward longer, less-intense cardio, so I need the motivation of something like T25 to help me take it up a notch.
I need short & sweet workouts, thanks to my two kids and full time teaching job, I’m kinda pressed for time. But I love Zumba, Ujam, yoga, Body Pump, step, and kickboxing too. One of these days I’m going to try Body Attack or Body Combat at my gym. And those pics with your cat are too funny!
I like to be in a class to work out, because I need the peer pressure to counteract my natural laziness and tendency toward taking shortcuts.
I have always loved cardio! And I love to mix up my workout! I don’t love strength training but I need it, so I like the idea of getting it done in 25 minutes. And Shaun t is not bad to look at either!
I enjoy weight training and am currently doing the Female Body Breakthrough. For cardio, I prefer Zumba, Step, or a Kick class at the gym. I work out much harder in a group than I do at home, and they’re fun so the time passes quickly and I burn a ton of calories.
I love group fitness!
And rollerblading all over town.
And also biking. but if I’m going to ride my bike, it’s generally a mode of transportation, which keeps it fun for me.
I either like them short and brutal (insanity or tabatas) or superfun (aerial or acroyoga). Nothing in between.
I love Shawn T! I do insanity in loops, so I guess I don’t get too bored with workouts. However, I do get annoyed with working out longer than 45 minutes when I’m at home. 25 minutes sounds awesome! Excited to hear if the beta phase gets any better.
I like a combination of both. I really love going to classes that are typically about an hour like Turbokick, but sometimes the get-in, get-out workout is more enjoyable too
I love short and sweet workouts at home on videos and when doing strength training. I don’t run, so when I have time for a long workout I like a fast paced, hilly walk!
I love group workouts to keep me motivated. I need to keep my brain from thinking about the workout, so Zumba works well for me. I have to concentrate hard enough on doing the moves that I don’t think about how much longer I have left to go.
I do generally enjoy short-and-sweet workouts. Rarely do I exceed the 45-minute mark (except at the yoga studio)! It’s one of the reasons I love kettlebells. T45 sounds right up my alley!
PS: so does that Athleta dress. SO cute!!!
I like ’em short and sweet BUT I also need to be motivated. I’ve been dragging myself to do workout DVDs and gym over the years and had a lot of trouble to not get bored, even though I was trying very hard to change them frequently. And then I discovered Cassey Ho (Blogilates) on youtube. She’s so infectious and motivating and now I’m actually looking forward to do my 1-hr workout everyday!
I am not in a good shape right now, so now my workout consists of back recovery exercise and posture exercise, done slowly, the only intense part is warm up to some youtube video
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Short workouts is all I seem to have time for.
By the way, the deep massage you had a couple of weeks ago most likely contributed to you getting sick. I sure got sick after my 2 hour foot zone. I think that too hard massages can lower your immunity. But on the other hand, I think you might feel a lot better than you have in months, once you fully recuperate. I think we tend to bury our illnesses until a stress buster, like massages, release it out.
Um, first of all, CATS ARE CREEPY. PERIOD. They watch you shower because they are little soulless beings with an internal monologue that predicts and hopes to witness their owner’s demise. I swear.
Next, You and Jelly Bean are SO. FREAKING. KEEEYYYYOOOOT!
Third, the workout sounds like it gets the job done. I’m a fan of ‘GIT YO’ SHIZNIT DONE, SON!” style workouts, since I tend to get distracted, too. I bore easily, so I tend to mix it up with working out, then busting my lady humps in the yard (Hot DAMN, I love me some dirty yard work) and moving furniture and other heavy items around the house and/or garage.
You might also remember that I’m big on the Derby of the Roller style, so “Rollin’ with my homies “while simultaneously throwing hip checks around on my friends (think hardcore “doing the bump” while on wheels and traveling at “balls to the wall” speeds with your friends) tends to be a super fun workout without feeling like working out.
I also like to swim, which, while a great workout and is very calming, doesn’t totally feed my hardcore (borderline violent) destructive streak.
Did you ever get that Rainbow Brite shirt that I sent you? <3
I used to “run solo” until I started attending a few local group runs. Now I prefer to run with at least one person. It’s always nice to have someone to talk to or to help motivate you to keep going.
Love workouts that keep me entertained and challenged. Usually I just enjoy running out doors, but with winter coming I’ll be kept inside more and relying on my various Beachbody challenges.
I prefer to be entertained, lately that means good music or a talk with a friend. Even really good people watching will suffice.
Heeeeeey! Long time no comment, I’ve been reading religiously but decided I had to comment on your adorable kitty!! I have two tuxedo cats, and cats in general just seem to be highly nosy. Michael and I marvel at how our cats don’t miss anything. In fact, if we get a package in the mail, they are in the box before we even get it completely open.
That dress looks great on you! And Jelly Bean is so cuuuuuute!
I like my workouts varied, but I really enjoyed insanity and would love to try T25. My favorite thing lately has been running in different neighborhoods all around town, but when the time changes that might not be a viable option after work.
I used to be all about hour long total body circuits, but now I’d take a short intense workout any day!
I used to like the short, intense, at-home workouts, but lately I’ve been super into actually going to the gym and lifting! I also really like to run but haven’t been doing it so much lately since it’s still been up in the 90’s where I live. Not fun to run in that sort of heat…
Short, sweet and tough! Sounds like T25 would be right up my alley. Also, I Luke any excuse to spend time with Shaun T.
I usually try to do outdoor sports- hiking, biking skiing etc, so when I work out indoors I definitely wants something intense and compact. Get more bang for your buck!
I love quick effective workouts when I’m working out by myself. But if I’m with the husband (favorite workout partner) or in a class I don’t mind if it’s a longer workout. Especially if it involves sitting on the floor with lots of stretching after.
I go back and forth on my workout style. Sometimes, I like more interesting and fun workouts (hence why I love going to Jazzercise!), but if I’m doing them at home, I usually like the short and sweet variety.
And I have no idea why cats like to watch people shower, but my cat (Professor Catface Meowmers) always follows me into the bathroom, too. It creeps me out, so I always have to trick her into thinking I’m leaving, then shut the door, and deal with her meowing and sticking her paws under the door until I finish showering or whatever and let her in. It’s super cute.
Love the short and sweet workouts! With toddlers “helping” me at every move, I need it to be effective, but short! Thanks for reviewing this…I might have to get a copy.
I have a serious case of workout ADD, but so far I’ve managed to be hooked on CrossFit for a little under a year. Plus you’re in and out in an hour.
Oh my gosh, i LOVE the cat photo bombs! She’s so cute!
For cardio, I can go forever. I can easily run upwards of 10 miles outside sans iPod with no problems (if I’m on a treadmill, though… my iPod is my One True Love). Same with yoga. Two hours? No problem! Weight training, however… yeah, I like it quick. Get it over with, man. I’d rather do ten minutes every day than half an hour twice a week.
I would love to try this! My primary requirement of a workout is that it be over with quickly. Otherwise I WILL NOT stick with it. I tried Insanity and those were WAY too long. 25 minutes is perfect!
Normally, I love to spend a good chunk of time working out but definitely not the same thing everyday. However, I have 1 year old twins so right now my workout consists of cramming in a workout either outside while they are in the stroller or in my home gym. Oh, and btw, welcome to Colorado! We moved here from the Midwest 12 years ago and I love it here.
I always work out at home, and I do a lot of yoga, circuit style workouts, and weight lifting. Occasionally I run or ride my bike.
Depends on the type of workout – right now I am jogging outside and I like a long jogging workout because some days, it’s the only time I get to spend outside. However, it’s been pretty humid this summer so must confess that my jogs have been getting slower and shorter. Strength training workouts – I like them shorter because I get bored.
Cats are just creepy. I love mine anyway and yours is so cute!
I love the photogenic cat!
My favourite workouts are ones that are entertaining!
Short, intense workouts work best with my schedule. I’ve been doing the Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 dvds recently. I would love to try a Shaun T workout!
The length of the workout isn’t as important to me as the intensity … so I usually end up doing longer workouts, just so I can get more of a sweat on! My favorite is doing back-to-back Jillian Michaels DVD’s. I would live to win this to see how Shaun T’s workouts compare!
I am a cardio junkie
so i like lengthy and HIIT too!
I like anything I can do in under half an hour. More than 30 minutes and I never seem to get around to doing it.
DEFINITELY into the git ‘er done workouts these days. I think once the kids come along, the days of 2 hour workouts come to an end, lol!
LOOOOOOVE the photos! (Luna’s so cute!)
I tend toward quick & dirty unless I’m running because I don’t have the patience for a long workout. The more fun, the longer I’m willing to do it, ie Zumba. But strength training? Get me in & out & done!
My workout style totally depends on what I’m doing. For most things (weights, running), I’m a swallow down the bad medicine and get it over with kind of girl. Having been a competitive dancer & cheerleader most of life, I could do those things all day long without complaint, while sweating my butt off :). Depends on the fun level, I guess.
I used to be able to do long workouts… I did a program last year that ended up being about 2 hours in the gym, 6 days a week. But lately, I find myself blowing off long workouts, which means no workouts at all, which means squishbelly. So I’m reevaluating my workout schedule and trying to fit in more classes and activities that are 45 minutes or under, and if they’re less than thirty, I’m a happy bunny!
I like my workouts short and sweet, which is why I tend to gravitate toward Jillian Michaels DVDs, 5Ks and any Beachbody workout shorter than 45 minutes!
Also, my cat likes watching me shower, too. I’ve determined that “tuxedo cats” like my Bud and your Luna are awesome, but a little quirky. My previous black and white cat was the same way, too. Silly kitties!
I love short and quick (but worth it) workouts I can do during lunch. I work out of my house and it is nice to be able to do a workout and manage to make something to eat and still be within my lunch hour.
After way too many years of ineffective cardio solo jams, I’ve become devoted to group exercise classes. I thrive on the community aspect and am so grateful I found a studio where the instructors and the other women in the classes are all supportive, welcoming, and pleasant. As this studio isn’t the most conveniently located option, I tend to maximize my time there by signing up for at least 2 classes in a row. I hate schlepping there and then turning right around after a lone 40 minute session!
That said, I also travel all the time and would love to win these DVDs to have an on-the-road option when I’m away for work or pleasure, and the 25 minute structure means I wouldn’t be missing too much in order to stick to my exercise schedule!
Depends on what I’m doing–I’m doing stronglifts 5×5 at the gym (pretty standard compound lifting program) and with that, I feel like I can do it forever cuz I’m usually the only lady hanging with the dudebros at the gym. It takes me about 45min-1hr. I think it’s a weird thing, cuz once I get into it, I usually prefer 1 hour long workouts! But sometimes it’s hard to get started because it feels like forever.
Anyways, I LOVE YOUR CAT. She’s adorable. My cat also photobombs everything–and she usually hangs out on my mat if I’m trying to do yoga. I think they see us trying to be all bendy and they get excited because they think we’re trying to be cat-like.
I’m all about variation…I’m fickle and some days I adore short, intense workouts and other days I love long, moderate workouts. I have to admit…I’m not much for efficiency…I love working out (at times obsessively) so I’ll do it for a ridiculously long time, multiple times a day if possible. I try to keep that in check though. My favorite workouts are weightlifting and hot yoga classes.
My personal work out style is hard and quick, I love incorporating HIIT and sprints into my routine!
I’m less about the length of the workout and more about the engagement. I love Zumba and group fitness when I need to lose myself in the crowd; and I love working out with my pilates instructor because she makes me do things right (she is wearing the nametag after all!). But reality is I can’t do those longer classes at the gym every day, and I need to crank through something at home. If it isn’t short and sweet at home, I will be distracted by all of the stuff that I need to do.
And I think we all agree, cat photo bombing is THE BEST. So cute.
Short and sweet works better for me these days-I tend to get bored after about 30 min for some reason!
Short and sweet for sure. I occasionally like longer, more involved workouts but usually like to get in and get it done!
I need to be entertained. Competition works well for me too. My boyfriend and I make bets when we play squash or some sort of points-based game. We both end up playing longer than we would’ve without the competition.
Love the yoga poses! I am working on getting up into the wheel position myself. If that makes any sense. I can’t get all the way up yet but I’m gonna keep trying!
My workout style is hardcore. I like to sweat! And I like like my booty has been sufficiently kicked. lol
I definitely like them short and sweet. I love Shaun T.! He’s so motivating!
I’m a git-‘er-done kind of workout girl. I’m no-nonsense about it. I love to workout, don’t get me wrong, but I have other things to do with my day!
I am all about short, intense, non-boring workouts with the exception of yoga. I can do yoga for 2 hours and not be bored at all!
I like my workouts short and sweet, makes it harder to find an excuse! I also prefer workouts that require little to no equipment, you can take it anywhere.
I like to be in and out of the gym in under an hour, and lift heavy weights!
I like short and to the point… this one sounds great!
Short and sweet! I enjoy my time at the gym but it’s hard to fit long workouts into my schedule.
My favorite workouts are on the weekend when I do 45m or so of cardio followed by yoga or long stretch. During the work week I’m all about quick and dirty. I workout in the wee hours before work in order to stay consistent.
I like the long, hard heavy and painful workouts. Feels like im getting more done and my muscles are growing as im going! Id prefer some sweat too, but im not one to sweat to easily! My dogs have the fascination for shower viewing to so your not alone!
Definitely a get it done kind of workout person! I do boot camp classes that are 30 minutesand tthat’s perfect for me!
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I like short, sweet and intense workout. I get bored really easy. About your cat, she is so cute and a little weird. If my cat follow me into the bathroom, he would hide in the corner afraid of getting wet. But sometimes I caught him staring at me while I was sleeping. When I opened my eyes, I saw him sitting there staring at me.
My workout style is weights & bike when at work = efficiency in an hour! When at home or on the weekend, I would rather slow down and reconnect with yoga or take a class.
I used to lilke to go for long runs / walks and do hour long weight lifting just taking my time. Now that I have 6 kiddos and work part-time, I am short and sweet baby!!!
I love it short and sweet and love to sweat. Boot camp style hiit workouts are my favourite at the moment. Turns out I like functional movement sweaty workouts with minimal gear so I can do them anywhere…bonus if there’s good music
Hi Charlotte
I have to say I prefer a short work out although if I get up early enough while the kids are sleeping I can squeeze in 45 min before they hear my grunts and cries or exhaustion and they immediately take a seat the couch with a bowl of cereal to finish watching the “show” :-/. I love ShaunT and tried P90x but sad to say I didn’t complete it. Im ready to get back in shape especially and make 25 minutes for me a priority!
I need to be entertained…either it’s a fun workout or my own imagination
Short and intense rules for me. I want to workout and move on to something else.
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I really need a workout that keeps my attention. I don’t mind doing a longer workout if I’m entertained.
Short and sweet workouts are the best!
I need a no non-sense workout, especially if it’s a short workout. Light, longer workouts where I barely break a sweat just don’t cut it for me.
Definitely love shorter, intense workouts. My ADD kicks in after 30 minutes of any workout :).
I like a consistent length of time for my workouts. Sometimes intense & entertaining things happen within that time, sometimes its more mellow. But I know that time is mine to sweat during.
I like a longer workout….45-60 minutes. I just don’t feel like I’ve done enough when they’re shorter than that. The exception is Turbo Fire HIIT workouts. Even the 15 minute Turbo Fire HIIT feels like plenty for the day.
usually short