I shoved the quarters in (FOUR DOLLARS a load – pretty sure it’s laundromats that pushed Robin Hood into a life of petty crime), got ready to press start and… no soap. I had brought no laundry soap. Hadn’t even bought any actually. And there was none to be found anywhere in the laundry room. A garbage can might have been kicked. And then I headed back down the stairs to the front desk where the night clerk said dryly, “Have you ever done laundry before?” before handing me a sample pack of two Tide detergent Pods. Yay! Exactly what I needed for my two loads!
As I walked back down the hall I realized that a task that normally took me two minutes at home had now sucked up more than 45 minutes. I decided to give myself a break and take the elevator up the three flights. Just as the doors were closing, a woman carrying her own very large laundry basket wiggled in. “Are you Paris Hilton on vacay or just moving in permanently?” I joked, eyeing her Matterhorn of wash .
She gave me a look of pure exhaustion and answered, “We were just evacuated because of the forest fires. This is everything we could grab.” Did I mention she was heavily pregnant? And towing a toddler?
Then she eyed the laundry detergent in my hand and I saw her sigh. “I didn’t think to grab any soap.” (And who would? That definitely wouldn’t be on the top of my evac checklist.)
I held out my precious pacs. “Here take mine.” I muttered under my breath, “I’ll just run back to the lobby and grab some more.”
“You sure?” she said, already reaching out.
“Yeah. And feel free to just dump my stuff in the basket by the washer,” I smiled as I let her off on the third floor and punched the down button.
See? Disaster. Of the best kind. For something so mundane, it suddenly seemed like a privilege to be able to do laundry. Even if I did have to face that clerk again. (He must have felt really sorry for this clearly idiotic lady because he gave me 6 samples. Or maybe he was just hoping to not see me anymore that night?)
So: Laundry. Chances are if you’re anything like me you are a) doing it all the time and b) probably doing it wrong. At least that’s what I discovered after reading this handy primer called, oh yes, “Laundry: you’re doing it wrong.” The author washes laundry for a living and so is an expert in all thing whites, brights and too-tights (from too hot drying – #7 on the list of things you’re doing wrong). She even has you branch out from the standard three-pile sort into five piles! It was at this point where I realized that I may be doing my laundry wrong but I’m going to be doing it wrong forever because when you workout as much as I do, have a husband with very specific dress code requirements and kids who do this:
then there is no time for deciding what is a “color” and what is a “bright.” I’m going to admit it: I just throw everything in the washer. Together. Then I push some buttons on my machine and away we go. Thus far the laundry gods have smiled on me because I have only dyed a load of whites pink once and everyone seemed to think pink undies were an improvement. Everything else seems to come out relatively clean, even my sweat-soaked gym clothes. So when I was contacted about reviewing Tide Pods, I was instantly down with their whole low-maintenance mojo. (Plus, I still had fond feelings for them from my Gift of the Magi moment in the elevator. Oh and coupons – I still had those too!)
How does my already lazy laundry routine get even easier? Now I don’t even have to measure stuff!
Even better, Tide Pods go with my fashion sense too. Even though I can’t be bothered to sort my clothes, I do care quite a bit about them being clean and living long, healthy, pill-free lives. Especially my workout stuff. I have kind of quirky style and so I’m willing to spend a bit more to get high-quality stuff that stands out.
Gotta protect this awesomeness! (I miss you like Crayola misses burnt sienna, Gym Buddy Allison!!)
I’m definitely not a “basics” kind of girl when it comes to workout wear so a lot of my stuff is irreplaceable and I need it to last, well, forever. But while I love to look funky I don’t want to smell funky and one of my biggest laundry issues has been getting that sweat stank out of my clothes. And since the pacs have built-in stain fighters and odor releasers they’re like doing triple duty. (If you still have lingering sweat-smell issues, check out this awesome post about how to use vinegar and other household stuff to get it out!) Plus (shhh!) I love my workout gear so much I often wear it in real life too. For instance, this top is actually an Athleta wicking running top but it also happens to look super cute with my high-waisted floral skirt (the 90’s are coming back, yo!)
Jelly Bean’s rocking her florals too! And yeah, I just did a dressing-room selfie. I’m 13.
The best part however is that the Tide Pods are so easy even my kids can use them – no measuring, no spilling, no fussing. (The downside though is that the cute lil’ pacs look like candy so I have to be really careful that only my older kids can reach them.) Tide Pods saved the day again! And I didn’t even have to give them away this time! But I’d love to share with you – Leave me a comment telling me about your worst laundry disaster to be entered to win a $100 Visa gift card from Tide to keep your gym fashions awesome!
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My worst laundry disaster is when I tried to wash a down comforter and it broke open, spilling feathers all over.
My worst disaster was (and still is) not checking pockets. I have had ink and kleenex tissues on everything!! (Separate occasions!)
I tweeted
Well, I hope this is PG enough, and it may or may not qualify as a laundry disaster, but many years ago my now ex-husband brought home a couple of jackets and a pair of jeans from a car that had been abandoned. Try not to judge…we were poor and he needed the jeans. So I put them in the washer with some other work jeans of his and then into the dryer. The drama happened when I opened the dryer and out popped several condoms, still in their packets!! I was really pissed but he reminded me that those clothes from the abandoned car were in the load and the condoms surely must have come from there. I bought the story but nearly 18 years later and a divorce, I still wonder whose condoms those were!!
I think all of my laundry disasters have been the fault of poorly maintained apartment building laundry facilities. The worst was when I went to switch my load of laundry to the dryer to find that the washing machine hadn’t worked correctly and had finished whatever cycle it had done with three inches of dirty, soapy water left in the machine. There was only one washing machine in the building, so I had to haul my wet, soapy, and still dirty load of laundry (talk about heavy!) back to my apartment and try to finish cleaning them in my bathtub. I then hauled the soaking wet load back to the laundry room to dump it into the dryer. It took a couple of cycles in the dryer to dry the sopping load and I’m not sure how clean the clothes really were in the end.
The kicker was that after the apartment company “fixed” the machine, the same thing happened to me again a few weeks later. After that I gave up on the “convenience” of the apartment building laundry facilities and hauled my laundry to the laundromat.
With 4 boys my worst laundry disasters are almost always the result of not checking pockets. You’d think with my oldest 13, that I would be diligent about pocket checking by now but alas, with laundry for 6 I just go with the fastest route and then curse my laziness when I am scrubbing pen out of clothing.
I don’t recall any major disasters, usually just the sort of washing and drying my kids clothes without realizing there is a big stain on them and thus setting it in forever.
The worst laundry disaster for me was when I tried the laundry “sheets” that were popular for a while. In theory they stayed with the clothes and released detergent in the wash and acted as a dryer sheet in the dryer. In reality they made all of my clothes look like they had grease stains and I spent the weekend rewashing everything we own.
I haven’t had too many disasters, even if all of my whites are now the lightest shade of pink imaginable (which is okay, because it’s so light that no one notices unless I’m standing next to something that is actually white). My friend, however, managed to put an entire book through the wash recently, though… a large, hardcover book. Apparently, he didn’t notice it when he was dumping his clothes into the washing machine, but when the load was done, there were bits of paper covering everything. The worst part was that it was a book he had borrowed from another friend (don’t worry, he replaced it).
Worst laundry disaster was a washing machine that broke down in the middle of cycle and the DOOR WOULDN’T UNLOCK. I was staring at wet, soaking-wet clothes I couldn’t rescue. Thank goodness for Google
My biggest laundry disaster was letting my laundry go for about 4 months while I was nursing a back injury. I’d just wash it and dump it on the floor b/c I couldn’t sit to fold it. When I finally gave in and had surgery, my mom came to spend the following week with me to help take care of me. Poor woman spent about 75% of that week folding a mountain of laundry. It literally covered the living room floor, up to about the knees.
Anytime my husband does laundry it’s a disaster.
My laundry isn’t the same since I changed to the newfangled washer/dryers.
I miss my old fashioned top-loading regular old washer. I used to be a laundry goddess.
Now? Not so much.
Every couple of weeks the whites need a good soak in hot water and some good rinsing. These new machines just do not cut it.
Hmmmm where do I start…. First lets say I used to do laundry for about 20 people on a private yacht. That being said… Once there was a whole pack of cigarettes in someones pockets that I didn’t notice until the load was finished in the dryer. Then when I dyed a bunch of the girls’ faded black clothes black again. The washer decided to overflow so black dye water went all over the laundry room. Then the time I had to dye some towels blue to differentiate them from other towels, and a draining pipe on the washer was clogged so all the blue water drained into a cleaning closet. The time a sunscreen stick was zipped into a pocket so the whole load of whites came out with “grease” splotches all over them. And I shrunk my very expensive knit (a gift) into something so small a doll couldn’t fit into it.
I think I’ve learned that checking pockets is REALLY important! I haven’t had any disasters lately though!
I used to do laundry for a hotel, but nothing eventful happened thankfully! However, I decided to help clean my husbands lightweight khaki pants because it had grease spots and a pen mark, so I put some cleaner on it and then forgot them. :S He loved the pants, but now that they have a few too many holes, he’s not so keen.
While on tour, it was my turn to to the laundry. The cast’s costumes needed to be washed, and wash them I did. However, we needed to leave in a hurry in order to get to the theater on time, and I removed the clothes from the dryer before they were quite ready. Needless to say, the performance that day was a bit…damp.
My nickname for the rest of the tour was “Becky Home Ecky”, usually accompanied by an eye roll. Needless to say, I was never allowed to touch the costumes again (except for my own, and only to put them on/take them off).
I’ve gotten MUCH better, thankfully. But these days, with one washer & dryer in a house with 9 people, including 3 young kids, laundry time can become like the OK Corral.
My worst laundry disaster was either washing the striped woven blanket from mexico or the time one of my pillows burst open. The woven blanket was made of two different fibers: cotton and wool. The wool shrank; the cotton did not. It was….sort of wobbly. The pillow episode screwed up the drainage for the entire laundry room for that apartment building (6 units). Since they had sold the building to turn into condos and we all had to move…I didn’t feel too bad. Never admitted anything though. Nothing I could have done about it anyway.
My oldest son has left a pen in his pocket which was a disaster and ended up all over his clothes and the dryer. I thought that was bad until her left a pack of gum in his side pocket of cargo pants. I did not check that pocket and yep you guessed it, gum all over the dryer and clothes!!! Yikes.
Worst laundry disaster wasn’t really a disaster for me (and my sister) but for the laundromat. She needed do wash horse blankets and saddle pads (yes, used on an actual horse). We needed a heavy duty machine.
I have never seen so much hair in one washer in my life. I would have thought it would all have washed away but the inside was coated in tiny little horse hairs. We stuffed the wet items into our trash bag and beat feet.
I have this amazing skill for shrinking (even seemingly non-shrinkable items). This extends to everything, such that now my 8 year old niece has a super stylish wardrobe complete with a DVF wrap dress.
I’m Canadian so I’m out of the contest but my best laundry event was when I had a container of glitter in my pocket (don’t ask) and it washed with a load…and then all our laundry for weeks after was sparkly clean
Silver glittery lipstick left in a pants pocket. As you might imagine, the clothes one wears while also carrying silver lipstick are FANCY clothes. Clothes that were very much missed when glittery grease stains refused to come out.
Worst laundry disaster? Easy. It was in our pre-cloth diapering days, when my second was being potty trained and wore disposable pull-ups during the day. I was in the process of pulling a load of my boys’ laundry out of the washer when I found a strange blob of clear-ish goo rolled up in some clothes. Then another blob. Then another. I was just starting to really wonder WHAT in the world it could be when I pulled out a pair of my potty training son’s pants – with a tattered pull-up still in them. All that goo was SAP gel that had exploded out of the pull-up after the washer water saturated it. I was so disgusted. Thankfully after scooping out all that I could and re-washing the whole load, it was gone. But that was a pretty nasty surprise.
I totally just did that! What a mess. In my new front loader, too of course. Try, just try to get down on the floor (we don’t have the bins you stack them on) at 37 weeks pregnant and lean in to the washer to scoop all that goop out. I was so ticked. Ticked and exhausted. From one load of laundry. Ah well, if I’ve only done it once in 8 years I should count myself lucky I guess. And what a funny process to go from “Hunh!?” to “Is that pull-up gel?” to “%$&#(@)? YES IT”S GEL FROM A %^$@$#^ PULL-UP! GAHHH!” Glad to hear I’m not the only one who’s done that.
Just washed my sons pull-up in my new HE front loader. Did it cause any damage to your washer? I am running the self-clean cycle now and hoping for the best.
I’ve had a few! The worst was when I let my husband wash and dry our king sized down duvet. It made it through the washer just fine but the dryer… not so much. I had to use the vaccum to get all those feathers out. Then the latch on the washer in one of our old places was not great and it was prone to popping open mid-cycle to flood my kitchen. The most unique was when I was living in Scotland. The university had this machine that you put your clothes into between the washer and dryer that spun things really hard. I managed to, on the same day, get first the draw string of some pajama pants and then a pair of my favorite undies caught in the lid of this macine which then ripped them to shreds as I watched in horror. The laundry ladies were impressed. I was apparently the first person to do that.
Honestly, my policy is to wash everything in cold and dry on low so I don’t have to read labels. And I wash towels and sheets with normal clothes all the time. With only 2 of us I’m always trying to fill up my loads since those front load washers don’t have fill levels and I don’t want to waste water.
My worst laundry disaster happened twice – my then 3 year old daughter managed to open the dryer door, throw in an orange crayon and shut it in time to NOT stop it! Yes, a whole load of clothes became orange streaked painting/play clothes! We had a talk about why she would do this – she just wanted to see what would happen…a week later she did the same thing again with a red crayon…to see if the same thing happened. It did! She is 29 now and has 2 BS in Biology and Environmental Studies! I count my worst laundry disaster as her first experiments! Make it a positive!
I once spilled a whole plate of spaghetti on a white couch…luckily it was a cover, and I did manage to get the stain out!
Many moons ago, my new roommate decided to “do me a favor” by washing my new bamboo-print towels with her new red jeans. I think you can figure out the results.
Mine would have to be when I was in college and accidentally washed a few (expensive) dry clean only sweaters… Oops! Too bad they only fit my dog after that :/
My worst laundry disaster is when I washed my mom’s night gown. I didn’t know she had a paper towel inside the pocket. There was paper everywhere.
Tweet- https://twitter.com/amyorvin/status/386101625263099904
I have luckily never had a huge disaster. Whew. I have done the occassional leave a kleenex or paper in the pocket, or the accidently left a load in the wash and it smelled musty so I had to wash it all over again. Whew!
I am a wet blanket here (pun with the laundry ). But I am an ER nurse, and those pods are pretty toxic if little kids eat them. Poison control sent out some alerts a while back. They are so colorful they look like toys. Your kids eat them and it is your worst laundry disaster, guaranteed.
True that! A toddler in our area has been in the hospital for almost a week after just biting into one of those pods. He didn’t even eat the whole thing. Be careful with them, please. Treat them like any other toxic household cleaner…lock them away up high if you have little ones.
The worst laundry story I can remember is when an orange crayon was left in someone’s pocket. I still wear my white workout shirt with orange polka dots.
This story didn’t happen to me, but a good friend of our family. She had spent all summer hand sewing her first quilt. She used the little embroidery hoop and everything, just like old fashioned ladies who did quilting bees. She finished it, threw it in the wash for the first time and pulled out what looked like what can only be described as cloth shredded wheat. It was horrifying.
I’ve had many laundry disasters. My latest one included me shrinking my shirt down to a babydoll’s size :-/
I don’t actually have to do my laundry much anymore. I delegated the task to my hubby three years back since his army uniform needs special prep and ironing, which he doesn’t expect me to do right. It’s cool, he just takes care of all the laundry when he’s home, and I focus on making detergent for him to use. Downside – sometimes he gets distracted and forgets to pull up the laundry before we go to bed Sunday night and my clothes are all wrinkly in the morning for work.
No major disasters yet. It’s still early in the game though. I totally get throwing all things in the wash and hoping for the best. Sorting is for the birds.
My worst laundry disaster was when I washed a wool sweater with some other dark laundry and forgot to take it out of the load before putting in the dryer. I ended up with a doll-sized wool sweater that I had only worn a few times
I put my yoga towel in the wash with a bunch of workout clothes not thinking about the black rubbery stuff on the bottom of the yoga towel. Yep, now all of my pretty bright workout clothes are tinted black and look dingy : /
I once upon realizing that I had no clean clothes and was completely out of laundry detergent, thought it would be a brilliant idea to use dishwasher soap instead. BAD IDEA! My clothes were not only just as dirty,but they smelled like palmolive for months afterward….
My laundry disaster is thinking I can get away with putting my slips in the washer and dryer and not expect the straps to not twist off….super annoying!
I had a really cute wool sweater that I ended up throwing in the washer and dryer…now my daughter has a really cute wool sweater:)
My worst disaster occurred my freshman year of undergrad when I attempted to wash my duvet in the small dormitory washer. The drum stopped spinning because it was too full and started spewing out bubbles. I was forever known as the girl on 7 west that couldn’t do a load of laundry:(
Last year I unthinkly washed one of those super cheap tree skirts (one that is supposed to look like snow) with my whites. It totally disintigrated, leaving me with a washer full of clothes covered in lint and glitter.
Then I stuck all the clothes in the dryer, thinking “that’s what lint traps are for” and ended up with a really full lint trap and a dryer full of lint….and glitter.
Most of my laundry disasters involve putting things in the dryer that then shrink A LOT, or else not checking my pockets for Kleenex.
My worst laundry disaster? We lived in an old house with a septic system. And it was terrible, but we had not been warned. It backed up into the basement, where we did our laundry. All the dirty clothes had been sorted into piles on the floor. It was awful.
This summer, I failed to realize the dryer in my new apartment actually considered the “delicate” cycle to be “HOT AS EVERYTHING” and shrunk every single one of my summer dresses, which I had just pulled out of storage. I was not pleased!
I love those little pods. I got the little bounce dryer bar too – no more measuring or trying to get my husband to remember to use a dryer sheet!
My worst laundry disaster was the loss of some good (and expensive!) bras (multiple times no less). Between dumping them in the washer and the arm hole ringing the agitator (the straps got really stretched out) and thr hooks getting caught in the dryer holes (seriously???) I have started using those special lingerie laundry mesh bag things..sometimes…lol
The worst disaster was washing my cashmere sweater that became four sizes smaller after washing
A couple of years ago my son was sick and he vomited and had diarrhea overnight in his bed. That was such a horrible sight (and smell) that I have yet to recover. It was a laundry disaster for sure.
my worst laundry disaster is when I had a full load in and the machine decided to break down, i had to finish washing the clothes by hand, ringing them out and hanging everything to dry.
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
tweet – https://twitter.com/LuLu_Brown24/status/386528462514573312
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
My worst laundry disaster is when my son got sick on his sheets in the middle of the night. I thought I could wait until the morning to wash them but had to do them in the middle of the night.
I bought my husband some fancy silk boxers with red hearts. Somehow the they got in the wrong basket and bleed all over a load of whites. A real romantic surprise!
My disasters have pretty much all been a result of not checking all my husband’s pant pockets and having pens explode all over our clothes. Thankfully he now has a job where he doesn’t carry 4+ pens on his person at all times.
Trying to remove a stubborn stain I used both bleach and peroxide…leaving me with holes.
Tried to wash tie dye shirts and they tie dyed the dryer inside!
I somehow dropped a quarter down the lint catch in the dryer and didn’t notice…I turned the dryer on and heard a smoking rumbling sound…then it started like the hounds of hell were wailing in the dryer…it took me over a week to call someone to help me fix it (procrastinator)…so I had to hang everything around the tiny house :/ my house was like a clothes christmas tree
washing $200 that was in a pocket that got completey destroyed!
I washed my husbands nike shirt and the red nike sign bled all over all of our white clothes. so now he has pink underwear and undershirts and socks.
My worst laundry disasters are always garden related (yes, I am the worst offender) – grass stains, mud. compost “tea” (yike!)
Plus I posted a tweet too : https://twitter.com/AnnaZed/status/387037906402955264
When I was in my early 20s I moved into this apt complex that used to be senior citizens only but had recently been told they weren’t allowed to discriminate based on age. I had no idea this had happened. Some of the elderly folks were outright hostile to me even though I was in graduate school and working full time so I was totally quiet and didn’t bother them at all. One time I go down to the laundry to see if my load is done and I see my neighbor pouring bleach into my load of black clothes. I say, “Hey! That’s my load!” and she says, I swear it, “That’ll teach you young people to move into OUR building!”. A bunch of my stuff was totally ruined and the manager would not believe that the “sweet little old lady” would do that, it must have been me, the irresponsible 20-something who accidentally put bleach in my load and then tried to pin it on someone. It was surreal.
I am guilty of assuming my pockets were empty when they really contained lip gloss or lip balm. I also never, ever seperated my colors so I stopped buying white clothes so I would never have to worry about grey whites. THAT’S how you beat the system!
Miss you Charlotte!
My worst laundry disaster was when my youngest son kindly added a bunch of tissues to the wash along with a diaper.
I don’t know that I’ve had one specific laundry disaster that stood out… my husband is a runner though, and he bikes to work, so his workout clothes can get NASTY! I mean wash in hot water with bleach and try like heck to get those sweat stains out kind of nasty.
Tweet: https://twitter.com/OneFrugalGirl/status/388342176603574272
onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
Putting a red shirt in with some of my favorite white clothes! Everything came out a preppy pink. Not a good look
Put my beloved and expensive silk dress into the washer with kids colorful shirts is the worst laundry disaster of mine.
Paper in pockets alllll the time
My worst laundry disaster was when my husband had left a pen in his pocket and ended up all over the clothes and the dryer. I now make sure I check all pockets before they clothes go into the wash.
My worst laundry disaster was when a jacket went into the washer with several used tissues in the pockets. The tissues shredded into thousands of pieces that did not dissolve, (must be those super strong Kleenex) but the tiny shreds stuck to every clothing item that was in the washer. I had to hand pick each tissue piece off. It was quite the job.
I tweeted! https://twitter.com/carrotrunr/status/389542397102653440
I guess that would have to be the time I was in a hurry and didn’t check my husbands jeans pockets. I washed his wallet and keys. Oops.
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I tweeted
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I was still in high school and left a red shirt in a load of whites and dyed everything pink…including my dad’s underwear. He was not happy. lol
i washed my red tee with my hubby’s WHITEE shirts. They all turned pink!!
Worst idea was washing the blankets my cat lays on in her chair, which are thoroughly covered in cat hair. Cat hair does not go down with the water in the washing machine, it sticks in the washing machine. I put in a load of clothing after washing her blankets and everything got covered in cat hair. Kept the Scotch lint rollers in business for quite awhile!
haha these stories are great
My lastest fiasco happened with our W/D that we bought second hand last year. First off we live in an old house with uneven floors so spin cycle is always noisey…. 2 weeks ago the Washer decided to not stop spewing out water and I thought it’d be a good idea to check inside. BAD IDEA. Water went everywhere and took LOTS of towels to soak it up. It is fixed now but not so fun at the time.
I washed one of my husband’s uniforms, and bleached it, yikes.
I threw my kids clothes in the wash without checking their pockets (big No-No) and when I pulled them out after they were done there was Ink from several busted pens everywhere. Not my finest moment and not my happiest either.
Turning everything a sweet shade of pink because a red sweater made it into the washer
water overflowed from the washer when I tried to wash my gigantic comforter.
My worst laundry disaster was when my son had a major blowout…in the middle of the night, while he was in bed. So gross!
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
Probably anything that involves my kids and food.
chambanachik at gmail dot com
forgetting to put clothes at the dryer and realizing after 1 day
My worst disaster was my daughter leaving a black pen in her work apron. I had a load of clothes, some brand new and never worn, covered in ink marks.
when i was a teen my mom mess up my fave hood lie i cried
My worst was when I tossed a hand wash sweater in the washer and it basically came out as a pile of yarn.
My worst was lip gloss in the wash, I had greasy glitter stains everywhere
tweet https://twitter.com/hburmeister/status/394464428961185793
Ink on everything in the wash.
washing my sons red fleece blanket with another load; it left fuzzies everywhere!
My worst laundry disaster was leaving the washed load in the washer one summer hot day….of course, I have to re-wash the same load the next day, a few more times before that awful spoil smell went away
amy [at] utry [dot] it
amy [at] utry [dot] it
Laundry disaster was when kids were younger and they left crayons in their pockets and the mess when I dried their clothes.
I spilled laundry detergent all over my carpet, chairs, and my wool coat. The bottle just feel completely out of my hand.
not catching a pen hooked to my husbands shirt – an inky mess
i posted a tweet:
I am forever getting Indian food on my shirts. My “shelf” as I call it catches everything! LOL Well, Indian food can be greasy and grease stains are the WORST! I once had to wash and treat a shirt SIX times before the stain came out!
I tweeted here: https://twitter.com/MsTofuFairy/status/397052462357438464
set-in stains are my worst laundry disasters pryfamily5@gmail.com
tweeted https://twitter.com/pryfamily5/status/397085059762900992 pryfamily5@gmail.com
My worst laundry disaster is when I left my cell phone in my pants pocket and it got wrecked in the wash.
My worst laundry disaster is my 5 yr old daughter lol–she is constantly getting grass and grease stains on EVERYTHING!
tweeted https://twitter.com/pittsy82/status/397115310047633409
Probably spilling a pot of grease on my outfit when frying a turkey
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I flooded my washing machine before
It seems like I always miss things left in pockets no matter how carefully I try to check. I recently ended up with a machine full of tissue chunks because I missed a pocket.
Tweet – https://twitter.com/willitara/status/397140509212176384
I’d like to try them. Right now the toughest stains are from the green makeup from Halloween.
Thanks for the contest.
My second time ever doing laundry a red sports bra got mixed in with all my whites…and let’s just say the end result was not bright and sparkling clean. :/
tweeted https://twitter.com/DeeGee13/status/397181535083692032
My worst laundry disaster was using a cleaner with bleach in it and then washing the clothes I had worn in a set of other good shirts. Stained them all in the process.
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