I know it’s the weekend. Still. Stop whatever you’re doing and watch this now:
(sorry, you may have to click through to see the vid. It’s not showing up in readers for some reason. But I promise it’s worth it!)
These guys put together one of the funniest and yet also most accurate lists of “that guy” at the gym. (Although to be fair, 90% of them could also be “that girl”!) I laughed so hard.
“Dude, where’s your towel?!”
“It’s right here!!!!” (waves a hanky)
Also, I’m totally the “sprinting on the treadmill” person. And I’m NOT SORRY.
Ahhhh this will be the best 5 minutes of your day, promise.
“Dude where’s your towel?” is your favorite quote?
I run to the gym, work out, run home and THEN shower.
(Also means I then don’t sprint on the treadmill because I TOTALLY would if that was my only running option for the day!)
I accidentally charmed a girl at the gym. All the guys were hitting on her. She asked me a question, thanked me for my response then told me her name was Katherine.
Jokingly, I asked her if her boyfriend’s name was Petruchio. (As in TAMING OF THE SHREW)
Or Vincent (like in Beauty and the Beast – TV series 80’s and now)
She said that was more impressive than all of the guys who hitting on her.
And she smiled at me.
I’m like…”But I didn’t…I mean…that wasn’t…Bye!”
I feel sorry for ladies at the gym. The things you have to put up with!
Funny video though!
Are you perchance bored tonight?)
Wait… what’s wrong with sprinting on the treadmill? When it’s this snowy outside, where else am I gonna do it? I actually see plenty of people treadmill sprinting, and don’t judge them nearly as much as I do those who walk on the thing at a steep incline… while clinging desperately to the handrails or display screen, effectively dragging themselves along.
I am SO guilty of the “Selfie” and the “Singing” stereotypes. I just can’t help it . . . I’m me!!!!
I’m the singing out loud one. Luckily, for everyone else, I almost never go to the gym. Lol
He hee…I’m totally the Singer
I’ve sat in the corner of my gym whilst eating a pickle, what of it? (No I haven’t). I’m the singer.
Haha, they needed one lifting super light weights with that guy and the huge arms… Then that would have been me. Definitely the only girl lifting my awesome 5 kgs with the gigantic guys.
That was hilarious! Thanks, Charlotte.
Funny video, hahahhaa…cool with you dude of that lifting…
They were all hilarious, but they missed one: Guys Who Wear Ballcaps in the Gym! All the guys making the video were doing it, apparently without any self consciousness at all. Seriously, why does anyone hear a HAT during a workout?
Truth be told, my attitude is that everyone can wear whatever they want, because it has zero effect on me
but I couldn’t help noticing the hat thing.