Ah, I wasn’t going to do this. I already make enough lists. My life revolves around lists. But then Leslie at the Weighting Game asked for resolutions and I resolved to resolve. So here they are:
I resolve to stop writing in shorthand. I’m so ADHD that by the time I get to the store all I can remember is that I’ve forgotten to remember that I can’t read my own notes.
I resolve to learn to read upside down. That way I can practice Yoga inversions and be literary at the same time – two multitasking birds with one stone! Although I might be missing a point somewhere…hmmm…ah, well, must not be that important.
I resolve to hide my curiousity better, at least to the point where I stop asking people embarrassing questions. In public, anyhow (gotta start small).
I resolve to give out more funny socks this year. It’s my motto: if your feet aren’t happy, nobody’s happy! After all, what if your toes revolt? Nobody wants revolting toes!
I also resolve to climb a 5.11 rock wall, master Scorpion pose, increase my spirituality and make a concerted effort to let those whom I love know how much I love and appreciate them (and I won’t write it in shorthand!).
Lastly, I resolve to get something (anything!) published. This year’s my year:)
Thanks Leslie!
So, if any of you need an inspiration to write your own resolutions – check out the discussion at the Weighting Game or post your here! Or post them on your own blog and post the link here! Or telepathically communicate them to me and I’ll post them for you. Hey, it’s worth a shot. In fifth grade, I was 100% convinced I was telepathic.
I wasn’t up to doing this too… And I didn’t. Well, maybe I resolve not to put my resolutions in writing… 😀
I love New Year’s Resolutions! I can’t believe so many people are grouchy about them. I have resolved (among other things) to read one book a week. We’ll see how it goes. Oh, and since my children have been sick for about eight weeks now, I also resolve to wash their hands more–heaven knows they won’t do it themselves!
Thanks for the shout-out, Char! There’s no way you could possibly know this but I am known for wearing ridiculous socks (currently I’m sporting a pair of white footies dotted with multicolored flowers from the Gap, circa – no joke – 1990). So I definitely like the sock resolution.
Also, how excited am I that you have a reader named Lala? That’s one of my nicknames!
Hey lala, maybe put a water jug and basin in their rooms within reach and have them develop a habit of using it before starting any new task. Hope they don’t develop hand-washing OCD like me though. Yes, I’ve got a mild OCD trait that used to be worse.
I resolve to read your posts every day for a good laugh and interesting tidbits.
(I got cozy socks from a great friend and I have very merry feet!!)