A Quick Note About Friending Me on Facebook


If we’re FB friends you get to read lots of stuff like this! Which will either entertain you or drive you nuts, depending on how you feel about people who FB about their kids.

So I’ve been getting a ton of friend requests on Facebook – lest you think I’m super popular (hair flip implied), the VAST majority are spam/phishing accounts. However, as I sorted through them this weekend I found a couple that I THINK are from readers of this blog? I’m happy to be FB friendies with any of you that want to – especially since I don’t have a FB page for this blog (too lazy, couldn’t maintain it).

There are two ways to do this:

1. You can sign up to “follow me” which will just mean you can see my public updates (which are all of them, basically). This does not require my approval. I won’t see your stuff and we won’t be official “FB friends” but you can see random quotes from my kids and weird invasive questions for articles I”m working on and what I’m having for dinner… scintillating stuff like that.

2. Or you can send me a Facebook friend request. Then you still get to read all that stuff but I can see your stuff and you can comment on whatever. (Just be warned there’s a lot of gynecology talk going on… for whatever reason Shape has designated me their go-to girl for all things lady business.) But if you send me a friend request, include a note with your request telling me you’re from this blog or you read my book or whatever. I will not accept your FR without a note! I’m sorry I just don’t have time to sort through everyone’s stuff and try and decide who’s legit and who’s trying to farm my info for nefarious purposes.

Thank you!!!

P.S. I will in no way be offended if you don’t want to be my FB friend!


  1. I guess I should Facebook friend you. I mean I already did the official BFF thing with the gel pens and the diary entry, so Facebook is just bonus.

    By the way, people who don’t constantly post about their lady business are just hiding the real them.

  2. I’m dying to know….
    What did he say ?

    • Hahah – he just kind of chuckled. He was part of a group waiting to go into the exhibit (we had just come out) and when she said it the whole group just busted out laughing. He smiled though so I think he was cool with it.

  3. Haha, if your posts are anything like that screenshot, your facebook sounds awesome! 🙂

  4. It good fitness Informed

  5. I sent you a friend request on FB but there was no option to send a msg with it. So, I sent a PM but it goes into some separate box, because we’re not yet friends. 🙂