Simple Fitness Tools to Amp Up Your Workout [Giveaway!]

Rainbow-striped sweat towel? Check. Hair pulled back? Check. Sports bra adjusted to move armpit skin inward so I can pretend it belongs on my chest? Double check! Dumbbells, Harbinger weighted jump rope, and My Trainer 100-Calorie Workout cards? Check! After a set-up routine that would make a shuttle launch jealous, the Gym Buddies and I …

When Workouts Go Bad [Turning sandbags into a healthy snack]

Wardrobe malfunction. Three injured Gym Buddies. Lame exercises. And two broken nails! Monday’s workout – and I do not use this term lightly – sucked eggs. Oh and the best part: See the Gym Buddies all diligently picking up grains of wheat while I pose for pictures like a pageant princess? But you see that …

Gifts to Get Your Fit Valentine [Because I know you procrastinated too]

Patron saint of affianced couples (naturally), happy marriages (yay!), bee keepers (wait, wha..?), against fainting (isn’t everyone?), epileptics (that’s nice, I guess), the plague (the plague has a patron saint? It’s THE PLAGUE.) and l-o-v-e (awww!), Saint Valentine, “whose name is revered among men but his acts known only to God”, is one interesting guy. …

How (Not) To Use a Sandbag [Gym Buddy Workout Videos!]

Daria and I model our sandbags. Hers is leaking black coal dust down her back and yet she’s still smiling. What a trouper! Ever had your butt handed to you by a piece of fitness equipment? Well I sure did. Our very first day of the Sandbag Experiment ended with sandbag: 20, Charlotte: 0. One …

February’s Great Fitness Experiment: Sandbags! [Plus Creatine Experiment results]

This pic amuses me because I found it on a site under the heading of “preschool crafts”. It’s titled “Build a sand castle with tin cans.” Uh-huh, sure. You’re going to write your kid’s college admissions essay too aren’t you? “Why are you buying play sand in the middle of a blizzard?” The cashier at …

Top Ten Gym Buddy Approved Gift Ideas for Fitness Fanatics

Prediction: those drinks are about to go flying right out of their hands! I try out a lot of things for this site and I’m not just talking workouts. Part of the fun of doing this site is that I also get to try out lots of new cool fitness stuff and – in the …

Budget Friendly Tips For Exercising in Cold Weather

Ummm… this would be the advanced section of outdoor exercise. I do not like being cold. Also, I am cold all the time. Knowing these two facts will tell you pretty much everything you need to know about me. It why I hate swimming (also known as controlled drowning). It’s why big fuzzy socks are …