The Grossest Thing That Has Ever Happened to Me at the Gym [Badly Illustrated]

No Gym Buddies, no classes, no Experiments (we do NROLFW on M, W, F) – this morning at the gym I was left to my own devices. This happens to me so rarely that when it does I get a little giddy. What would I do if I could workout any way I wanted to? …

Should You Workout With Those You Work With? 5 Tips for Exercising With Coworkers

This would be an example of what not to wear. Naked is not good but Hannibal Lecter couture is way worse.  Judging from advice columnists and The Apprentice, working with your coworkers is tricky enough (Who knew clipping your toenails in your cube is the modern-day equivalent of lancing your Black Plague boils over the …

The “Impossible Push-Up” – A Personal Challenge From Tony Horton [Plus: Lots & lots of gym shenanigans!]

As you may recall, I got to interview Tony Horton, founder of P90X and P90X 2 (due out in December). (How many times can I name-drop this before it just starts looking pathetic? I don’t care. I talked to Tony! And he said I could call him “Tony”! Or “Friend”! Whatever that means! Squeee!) Near the …

The No-Laps Pool Workout [Plus more workout tips, parenting articles and photoshoot outtakes!]

Some of you saw this pic when I Facebook/Tweeted it and were wondering what the Gym Buddies and I were doing at the bottom of the pool (and some of you also wondered how I have lived this long and not learned how to be underwater without plugging my nose – in my defense, in …

Great Hula Hooping Experiment Results! [Pics! VIDEO!!]

YOU GUYS. HULA HOOPING IS RIDICULOUSLY FUN! See? It’s making me all scream-y and caps-y. But I cannot tell you enough how much fun we had this month. Not only that but this has got to be one of the most commented-on Experiments we’ve ever done (and we’re used to getting a lot of comments/stares/crazy …

Gym Etiquette: The Sweaty Hug [Do you or don’t you?]

No butt-smacking with these gents – they are fully committed to the sweaty hug! As if being in a gym setting isn’t opportunity enough for physical awkwardness – I have walked into the men’s locker room by accident twice, thanks – but add in some camaraderie and post-workout endorphins and things can get downright… touchy. You’d think …

Simple Fitness Tools to Amp Up Your Workout [Giveaway!]

Rainbow-striped sweat towel? Check. Hair pulled back? Check. Sports bra adjusted to move armpit skin inward so I can pretend it belongs on my chest? Double check! Dumbbells, Harbinger weighted jump rope, and My Trainer 100-Calorie Workout cards? Check! After a set-up routine that would make a shuttle launch jealous, the Gym Buddies and I …

25 Deceptively Simple Exercises [We made the front page of!]

Why yes that is Gym Buddy Allison’s adorable grin gracing the front page of! One-legged squats. Push-ups. Plank. Burpees. We’ve all seen them done so many times that, admit it, sometimes we write them off as too easy or boring. But in an article I wrote for Shape, I discovered that while these humble …

Doing Things I’m Totally Unqualified For [Plus: How To Find A Gym Buddy of Your Very Own]

Think fast: It’s two minutes until your favorite group fitness class is supposed to start, the room is packed with people ready to get their sweat on and all of a sudden you get the message: the teacher – a rockstar so beloved that people routinely drive a half hour past other perfectly decent gyms …