Jillian Michaels’ Master Your Metabolism (Giveaway!)

I read the whole thing in one day. I fell asleep reading it. And then I even dreamed about it. (In my dream I was interrogating Jillian about all the questions she left unanswered.) I posted yesterday that I think Master Your Metabolism by Jillian Michaels is the best health/nutrition book I’ve read in the …

The Weird Fitness Equipment Workout

“What is it?” Gym Buddy Allison kicked the nubbly, hot pink, semi-inflated disk. “Breast implant!” Gym Buddy Lisseth held it up to her chest. “It’s lumpy so it feel more realistic.” “You stand on it,” I instructed, grabbing it from her (blind-leading-the-blind concerns duly noted.) “One under each foot? That seems a bit unstable,” Gym …

The Diet Wars: Learning to Listen

You can thank Reader Forest for this little gem. Hope you weren’t eating! Welcome to Dueling Diets! I’m your host, Crazy Charlotte. Today I’ll be pitting the Primal Blueprint a la Mark Sisson against the Engine 2 Diet a la Rip Esselstyn, all as part of my “Striving for Perfection” Experiment this month. I’m going …

Eat Like a Firefighter (Giveaway!)

What do you suppose that a burly, buffed-out Superman in a helmet and oxygen tank eats? If your answer has anything to do with a 16-oz porterhouse in the firehouse then you don’t know the firefighters from Engine 2. Rip Esselstyn, a former elite triathlete turned firefighter, is on a mission to educate you on …

The Strength Training Wars: Pilates vs. Kettlebells

Branching out beyond the adorable-yet-small-thinking tiny tots with their eyes all aglow crowd, Santa Claus made a pit stop at the YMCA this year. In an effort to reach an older and more lucrative crowd, while coal was not on the agenda – although I’m sure the resourceful and charitable Y folk would have found …

A Weight Workout To Make a Grown Man Cry. Or Give Birth.

Some days are easy workout days. Which is fine. I have learned – many times over as I am a remarkably slow learner – that you don’t have to hammer yourself on every workout. Last week was one of those weeks where I had blood-sweat-and-tears workouts on six out of six days. (More on that …

Experiment Results Shocker: I Did Not Lose 10 Pounds In One Month

Although this elephant probably just lost 10 pounds in 10 seconds. There’s just something about doing handstand push-ups on the weight floor that brings it out in people. Brings what out, you ask? Eye rolls, high fives, stares, giggles… wedgies – trust me, we got it all today! But before we get to our crazy …

Mini-Experiment: Community Supported Agriculture

Pop quiz: what do stinging nettles, horseradish whips and burdock clubs all have in common? They may all sound like instruments of torture but actually they are foods my CSA (community supported agriculture) farm considers edible. I, on the other hand, consider them… instruments of torture. Did you even know that you can eat stinging …

When Religion and Exercise Collide

Scenario 1: At my oldest son’s swimming lesson recently the teacher, par for the first day, had all the kids line up next to the pool. It became apparent that one little girl, a devout Muslim as indicated by her abaya (a long black robe that covered her to her wrists and ankles) and hijab …

Dance Cardio is the Fitness Trend of 2009

Yep, that’s a wee me being leap-frogged by one of my hyperactive dance partners from the Lindy Hop team. Good times. Attention all nether rock dwellers: You might not have heard but we’re in a recession. And the long arm of the recession has been particularly tough on the fitness industry. Gym memberships are down, …