When Spandex Attacks: The Top 5 Worst Wardrobe Malfunctions in the Gym

It’s the part they never show you in the glossy magazine pictures and peppy fitness videos: what happens when gym clothes attack. From small things like wedgies, camel toe, and muffin top, to big things like split pants, nip slips, and moonings to weird things like sweat stains in places people like to pretend they …

Your Ideal Time of Day to Workout

Got Milk? Ahem. It’s one of the most hotly debated and simultaneously inane topics in fitness: What time of day is the best time to workout? For most people existing in the normal sphere, the answer aligns with Columbia University’s ask-me-your-most-embarrassing-questions provocateur Go Ask Alice. In addition to having her to thank for filling in …

Mini-Experiment: Using Vibrations to Intensify Your Workout

I have a disgusting confession to make. I went 54 hours without a shower. But wait, it gets worse – I did five workouts during that time period. So in addition to leg stubble that could cut a brotha and armpit hair that would have made me the envy of the Lillith Fair, I had …

One Year of Great Fitness Experiments

It’s official! September 2008 was experiment number 12, concluding an entire year of treating myself like a lab rat! It’s been quite the ride. I’ve been in more compromising positions than a Hooter’s waitress, tweaked my diet so much I got a new-fangled eating disorder, and typed so many blog posts (300 exactly!) that I …

Failed Experiment: The Every Other Day Diet

Doing what I do here at The Great Fitness Experiment, one of the questions I get asked the most is “So which diet/exercise program is the best?” closely followed by the inevitable “And which one is the worst?” My answer is generally not what people are looking for: “Um, all of them.” See, the thing …

Mini-Experiment: Eat Candy to Reduce Sugar Cravings?

Photo Credit: XKCD Last week, a guest poster over at MizFit’s had an interesting diet tip. As I consider myself somewhat of a connoisseur of weird diet tips, this one fascinated me simply for it’s sheer incongruity. Sue, a bodybuilder who promotes clean eating, suggested: 15 minutes before lunch and dinner suck on a sucking …

Mini-Experiment: Sweating Like Matthew Mcconaughey

Except my (pilfered) vest was way tougher than this wussy one! Yeah I eat nails for breakfast. When I say “sweating like Matthew Mcconaughey” I do not mean in the way that he does not wear deodorant. I’m a big fan of deodorant. In fact, with the way I sweat I should just roll Secret …

Experimenting on Other People: Fugu, Fat, and The Worst Steroid Acne You’ve Ever Seen

I can’t try everything. I am only one person after all. And so it is with great delight that I present to you three experiments lovingly conducted for your pleasure/shock/horror by other people. Puffer Fish and Real Life ZombiesYou may remember me asking if you would try eating a puffer fish – called “fugu” in …