Hilarious Gym Stereotypes – Now in Handy Video Format!

I know it’s the weekend. Still. Stop whatever you’re doing and watch this now: Post by Robert Piotrowicz Fitness. (sorry, you may have to click through to see the vid. It’s not showing up in readers for some reason. But I promise it’s worth it!) These guys put together one of the funniest and yet …

True Story: I Got Catcalled At the Gym And I Got All Upset… Because I Thought They Were Making Fun of Me

Late for Zumba the other day, I sprinted into the gym with my shoes in one hand, my hair tie in my teeth (hair tornado-ing around my head) and checking my e-mail one last time on my phone with my other hand. I looked up just in time to miss colliding with a group of …

Craggy Pits: The #1 Downside to Lifting Weights [All I want for Christmas is laser hair removal]

This will be my next option. As I get older I’ll just call it Bride of Frankenstein. Weight lifting builds bone density. Weight lifting increases strength and power. Weight lifting burns fat all day long. Weight lifting makes you look tougher than Chuck Norris at Comic Con. Oh sure, everyone always talks about the benefits …

How I Screwed Up at the Gym, Lied About It, and Got Busted [Have you ever been caught in a lie?]

I’m sick, right? (P.S. Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions on clearing my sinuses! Not only did you guys come up with some great tips – Oil of Oregano seems to be helping but boy howdy the bread-stick burps are hard to get used to – but you made me laugh myself into a …

How Old Is Too Old For a Boy to Be in the Ladies’ Locker Room/Bathroom? [The Zoo Incident]

  Well this would solve my problem, I guess. Good thing they specified it’s the men’s toilet though – just as I was dreaming about standing and peeing… The Zoo Incident started out innocently enough with my kids and I deciding to enjoy a beautiful Colorado day by checking out the new baby zebra at …

The Perks of Tourist Season in the Gym [My happy accident…that only partially involved head injuries!]

All the cars parked up on snowbanks should have been my first clue that something was amiss at the gym this morning. But I was fortunate to have a parking spot open up right in front of me and so I paid no attention to the fact that my spot was the only open one …

Trying Too Hard, Fitness Edition: From A Metal-Studded Sports Bra to A Book Proposal For Celebrating Thin People

My hair doesn’t do “casual dreadlocks” a la the kind Angelina Jolie sported in the movie Gone in 60 Seconds (also known as movie #284 where Nicholas Cage is supposed to be the romantic lead but instead comes off as a total creeper). I found that out the hard way in high school when I spent two …