A Baby Named Hope: How a Child I Never Had Helped Me Love the Ones I Did [Operation Give a Little: Give a listening ear and Give a public accolade]

“I almost lost my son, once,” she tossed it out, as if she were saying something as casual as how’s the weather out there or socks are buy-one-get-one-free today. But the way she looked at me, darting glances away from her cash register, made me realize that it was meaningful to her. And how could it not be? As …

This Season Give a Little Gift to an Animal: Operation Give a Little Day 6! [What’s your favorite pet story?]

My kids are obsessed with this commercial! They think it’s hilarious. (Click through to see video) “Luna! Luuuunnna! Here, pretty kitty!” I crooned, shaking a bag of cat treats as I circled the tiny hotel room for the 50th time. “Are you sure she was, ah, here?” The hotel manager asked as his assistant lifted …

That Time I Tried To Help Someone And Ended Up Totally Insulting Them [Operation Give a Little Days 3 and 4: Give a helping hand, give up your parking spot or place in line!]

This little guy in the middle would be me: Trying hard but getting it all mixed up – but still throwing some stellar JAZZ HANDS! Jazz hands make everything better.  “Aiieeee!” There was a shout and loud clatter as a woman nearby us in the parking lot of the hardware store watched all of her …

A Candy Bar and a Dollar Bill: The Best Gift I’ve Ever Given [Day 2 of Operation Give a Little: Giving the Benefit of the Doubt]

 This my Aunt Barbara “mid-roar with a dollar bill in one hand and three musketeers in the other” as noted by my dad. Seriously have you ever seen ANYONE love any present this much?? Gift-giving ninja, I am not. I’m well intended and I try hard but I’m not one of those people who just …