I Have a Heart Defect: Me and My Myocardial Bridge (Bring on the crushing chest pain)

Andersen Family – April 2015 photo courtesy of Still Memories photography UPDATE 9/15/17: For everyone looking to discuss their Myocardial Bridges, Ben (you’ll recognize him from the comments) has set up a site specifically for this purpose. Join the conversation at the Myocardial Bridge Community forum. Thanks Ben! Vomiting at a finish line isn’t exactly …

Designer Poop: What’s the Deal With Prebiotics and Probiotics? [What they are, how to eat them and why you should]

Unicorns obviously have very healthy gut bacteria. Hospitals with their life, death, and strange-smell zeitgeist have been the setting for several major revelations in my life (not the least of which is that nutritionists consider Malt-o-Meal a “solid food” but Jell-O is a “liquid”) and this time it was no different. My 3rd son, just …