Gym Smackdown: The Fight Over the Floor Fan [A Day in the Life of an HSP]

See?? I told you it was a superpower! Setting down my gym bag in preparation to “shake and shimmy, baby”, “get my strut on” and “shake what my mama [obviously forgot to] gave me” in Zumba the other day, I noticed one of the floor fans in the studio was turned in my direction. So …

Six Ways to Soup Up Your Soup [What’s Your Cold Weather Comfort Food?]

Moving from Seattle to Minnesota has changed me in so many ways. Some are for the good: I no longer think any stranger who says “Hi” to me on the street is a homeless person who is half a second from asking me for money. Some are not as good: I’ve gotten lazy about opening …

4 Tips for Preventing the Stomach Flu (And what to do when you get it anyhow)

  I wish. Crouched low over the bathtub, I laid my head against the cool wall as I switched the blowdryer to my other hand, careful to keep the hot air trained on a small, nubby, once-blue, now-damp baby blanket. “Are you done yet?” I heard my husband call over the sound of our son …