Weight loss might make you healthier but it probably won’t make you happier, according to a new study

Getting skinny will solve all our problems, right? We will be unconditionally loved by all, be able to run marathons in under three hours and, of course, be able to wear bikinis and heels to any occasion, including black tie events. As one does. At least that’s what all the diet ads say. But a new study …

Dear Kirstie Alley: Why Fat Shaming Doesn’t Work, Even on Yourself [“I’m fat but at least I’m not circus fat”]

Dear Kirstie Alley, I got your press release about how you’re going back to your first diet love, Jenny Craig. (I really appreciated the personal touch of including the pictures of all your diet products. Apparently JC will now be carrying your line of diet drinks in their stores so, um, way to play it …

What the Controversy Over the “Skeletal” Winner of The Biggest Loser Says About Her – And Even More About Us

Early this morning whilst my children were whizzing all over the floor in the area of the toilet and I was still snuggled under the covers checking the weather (-7! It’s like Minnesota misses me and followed me all the way here! Aw!), the internets were all atwitter with shock surrounding The Biggest Loser’s latest …

The Freaky Amazing Science Behind Fecal Transplants for Weight Loss… And a Whole Bunch of Other Stuff [Poop: The Other Brown Meat]

If only all poop looked this delish, this research would be a lot easier to take seriously! (P.S. These are real cookies. There’s a recipe and everything! They’re way too complicated for me to attempt but my birthday’s in June so y’all have some time to sort it out;)) Poop: It’s what’s for dinner! Oh, …

Icy Showers, Shiver Walks and Sleeping Nude: The New Cold Therapies to Help You Lose Weight [The Fitness Experiment I Would Never Try. Would you do it??]

And yes, you can own this shower curtain! They sell everything on Etsy! Indoor plumbing may be the single best advancement in the history of mankind. In the past, unless you were lucky enough to live in a bathwater climate like Hawaii, bathing, washing or drinking often meant hacking a hole in the ice first. …

Brace Yourselves Ladies: The Girdle is Making a Comeback… Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Eating, sitting and pooping are generally considered life skills and yet I spent a portion of today – Easter Sunday, one of the High Food Holidays, no less – unable to do any of the above. The problem started, as it often does with me, with a mystery package dropped on my doorstep by the …

Night Carbs, Night Waking, Night Fasting: New Research Covers Everything About Bedtime Except Night Swimming*

Hey kids! Do you like number crunching? Manipulating other people like marionettes? Watching people do intimate things when they think they’re alone and recording them? And then telling the whole world about it? If so, then human research is the job for you! But seriously, this new crop of health research is all about what …

Advice for Losing the Freshman 15, Without Losing Your Mind: My Love Affair With (er, Review Of) Carla Birnberg’s new book!

College is a gauntlet of growing up in so many ways – the day I discovered the horror of the overdraft fee stands out in vivid memory – but for many it’s also a time of growing, er, out. As in the Freshman 15. Over the holidays I had a chance to chat with a …

How Smell Influences Taste (And how to use that to your advantage)

Fact: 70-75% of how you experience flavor is due to your sense of smell. Anecdote: A friend told me about a friend (isn’t this how all good anecdotes start?) who had lost his sense of smell in an accident and consequently lost 20 pounds easy-peasey because, in my friend’s words, “Everything pretty much tasted the …